Android App Example: You can check the current Android version here: Magicter VPN on Google Play: Project Description: We are seeking an experienced Flutter developer to develop an iOS VPN application from scratch, synchronized with our well-functioning Android version. The developer must complete the project within 25 days. If the project is not completed within the deadline, we reserve the right to request a full refund without any reason. Project Goals: Feature Synchronization: Use Flutter to synchronize all features and logic from the Android VPN version to the iOS version, ensuring a consistent user experience across platforms. UI Update: Develop a new iOS user interface that matches the flow and design of the Android
Development Document: Frontend, Backend, and Admin Panel Table of Contents Overview General Requirements Frontend Development Requirements Menu Click Limitation Copy and Debugging Protection Multilingual Support Membership Plan Selection Interface Agent Page Backend Development Requirements Software Update System Invitation System Membership Pricing and Plan Modification Agent Membership Functionality Enterprise Functionality (Management Center) Card Code Redemption System Exclusive Membership Line Settings Email Configuration FAQs and Banners Management Copywriting Management Admin Panel Requirements Multilingual Switching Login Security Enhancement Order Management User Management Online Status Display Data Statistics and Reports Task Center (Planning Center) Development Notes Det...
负责与联合国等国际组织建立链接;负责与联合国论坛及会议相关部门对接,推动项目执行落地。 In charge of getting connected with an organization of UN, making effort for the program to be done well. In detail, Help participants join the UN conference or forum 2023 as an audience.
嗨 Jadez Isobella R., 我想要邀请您来完成我的项目。更多细节我们可以稍后通过聊天交流。
【办证原版】美国UNC毕业证成绩单 〔Q微信770882133〕北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校毕业证成绩单学历认证使馆认证学历学位认证留信网认证 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
【招校园代理】Q/微308057815办澳洲毕业证成绩单澳洲文凭留信网认证澳洲学历证书、UNSW MQ UTS RMIT UQ ANU CQU 毕业证成绩单认证|澳洲本科硕士文凭毕业证|澳洲diploma|澳洲大学文凭|国外文凭公证|澳洲文凭认证|美国文凭|美国毕业证成绩单|美国学历|加拿大文凭|加拿大毕业证成绩单|温哥华文凭毕业证 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 一.面向世界各国的留学生提供以下服务: 1.毕业证成绩单/留信网认证/使馆认证/雅思托福成绩单/学生卡。 2.留信网认证(留学生入职、提干、定岗、加薪、升职、评定等级是使用) 3.真实使馆认证(即留学回国人员证明,不成功不收费) 4.办理各国各大学文凭,从防伪到印刷,从水印到钢印烫金,与学校100%相同。 5.一对一专业服务,可全程监控跟踪进度。 资深顾问老师:justin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二.如果您是以下情况,我们都能竭诚为您服务: 1、挂科学分不够而拿不到官方毕业证书 2、提前拿到,给父母一个交代 3、回国时间很长,忘记办理 4、回国发展,需要提供给单位 澳洲各大高校均可办理,样板齐全,价格优惠 ----------------...
咨询顾问:Daniel QQ/微信:1688 99991 degree|diploma|学位证|毕业证|成绩单|文凭|使馆认证|Graduation|Graduation ceremony|使馆证明|毕业典礼|毕业照|假毕业证|假文凭|假成绩单|高仿毕业证|高仿文凭|能办真实学历认证吗?使馆公证|留学回国人员证明|留学生认证|学历认证|文凭认证|学位认证|留学生学历认证|留学生学位认证|中国教育部留学服务中心认证|留服认证|留信网认证|英国学历认证|美国学历认证|加拿大学历认证|新西兰学历认证等 为英国、加拿大、澳洲、新西兰、美国、法国、德国、新加坡 荷兰等国留学生提供以下服务: ★真实教育部认证,教育部存档,中国教育部留学服务中心认证(即教育部留服认证)网站100%可查. ★真实使馆认证(即留学人员回国证明),使馆存档可通过大使馆查询确认. ★毕业证、成绩单等材料,从防伪到印刷,从水印到钢印烫金,高精仿度跟学校原版100%相同. 如果您是以下情况,我们都能竭诚为您解决实际问题: 1、在校期间,因各种原因未能顺利毕业,拿不到官方毕业证; 2、面对父母的压力,希望尽快拿到; 3、不清楚流程以及材料该如何准备; 4、回国时间很长,忘记办理; 5、回国马上就要找工作,办给用人单位看; 6、企事业单位必须要求办理的; ◆为什么您的学位需要到使馆进行公证? 使馆教育处开具的《留学回国人员证明》是留学人员在国内证明留学身份、联系工作、创办企业、落转户口、申请国内各类基金等必备的材料。留学人员持有此证明还可以享受购买国产汽车免税等多项优惠政策。 ◆为什么您的学位需要在国内进一步认证? 如果您计划在国内发展,那么办理国内教育部认证是必不可少的。一般企事业用人单位在您应聘时都会需要您提供这个认证。办理教育部认证所需资料众多且烦琐,所有材料您都必须提供...
Here I have several trading ideas that need to be written into pine script and do the strategy test. Hence, I want someone can fully understand the pine script language and be able to communicate with me about my strategy by Chinese or English at least. 我目前手上有一些交易策略需要用Trading view 自带的pine script 录入进行回测。希望有熟悉Trading view 的朋友帮忙。 2 weeks
专业要求:商科(数据分析,金融工程,统计方向优先)、法律、计算机 (python,编程代码类优先)、数学,编程,历史,艺术,地理等以及能够写综合专业类的,要求英文功底强。 态度要求:热爱英文写作,具有认真负责的工作态度,有手机联系方式;良好的个人诚信,责任心强;有充足的空闲时间写作,拥有可供自已支配的电脑并且上网方便。 工作内容及职责: 1.长期从事英文写作文章,且全英文写作能力强,能独立查找文献资料,能独立完成文章写作(英语六级550以上,雅思写作单科6.5,以上,专八良好及以上) 2.主要负责国外大学的essay,paper需了解国外大学的论文格式,文献格式,以及注释;有写留学生原创Report、Essay经验。 3.学历要求硕士及以上,国内优秀的大学毕业也可,欢迎海外归来的优秀留学生。 4.有诚信,准时完成任务,保证稿件质量; 具备良好的职业道德,没有抄袭成分; 5.不是翻译,是写作工作,没有经验的或是只会翻译的我们将不给与答复。)初始酬劳优厚,长期合作人员薪酬将逐步提高。 优势: 工作时间和地点都是不限的,任务由你选择接与不接,我们会推送单子和任务给你,但是不接不影响下一次接单,工资 结算在稿件截稿日之日完成,特殊情况两日之内结清。如果你有数据分析、法律、计算机、数学,编程,历史,艺术,地理等方面的留学经历。对自己的ESSAY颇有心得,具有敏锐的直觉,有比较强的责任心,有充足的时间,欢迎投递简历给我们。 微信:tianxun1 QQ:2942613125
...Institute of Technology 麻省理工学院 Stanford University 斯坦福大学毕业证文凭 California Institute of Technology 加州理工学院 University of Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚大学毕业证文凭 Columbia University,The School of General Studies 哥伦比亚大学毕业证文凭Duke University 杜克大学毕业证文凭 The University of Chicago芝加哥大学毕业证文凭 Dartmouth College达特茅斯学院 Northwestern University西北大学毕业证文凭 Washington University in St Louis 圣路易斯华盛顿大学毕业证文凭 Cornell University康奈尔大学毕业证文凭 Johns Hopkins University约翰霍普金斯大学毕业证文凭 Brown University布朗大学毕业证文凭 Rice University莱斯大学毕业证文凭 Emory University埃默里大学毕业证文凭 University of Notre Dame圣母大学毕业证文凭 Vanderbilt University 范德堡大学毕业证文凭 University of California Berkeley加州大学毕业证文凭伯克利分校 Carnegie Mellon University卡内基梅隆大学毕业证文凭Georgetown University乔治城大学毕业证文凭 University of Virginia弗吉尼亚大学毕业证文凭 Univ...
...、、、、、、、、、、、、、、 多伦多大学毕业证文凭 University of Toronto 多伦多大学毕业证文凭国际预科课程 University of Toronto IFPProgram多伦多大学毕业证文凭绿色通道(士嘉堡校区)Green Path Program 西安大略大University of WesternOntario 滑铁卢大学毕业证文凭 University of Waterloo 卡尔顿大学毕业证文凭 Carleton University 约克大学毕业证文凭 York University 圭尔夫大学毕业证文凭 University of Guelph 温莎大学毕业证文凭 University of Windsor皇后大学毕业证文凭 Queen’s University 麦克马斯特大学毕业证文凭 McMaster University 布鲁克大学毕业证文凭 Brock University 渥太华大学毕业证文凭 UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA 威尔弗里德?劳里埃大学毕业证文凭 Wilfrid Laurier University 阿尔格玛大学毕业证文凭 Algoma University 川特大学毕业证文凭 Trent University 瑞尔森大学毕业证文凭 Ryerson University 劳伦森大学毕业证文凭 Laurentian University 安大略理工大学毕业证文凭 University of Ontario Insititute湖首大学毕业证文凭 Lakehead University、 尼皮辛大学毕业证文凭 Nipissing University ...
I have a short chinese ancient article which I need help translate into english 虞溥字允源,高平昌邑人也。父秘,为偏将军,镇陇西。溥从父之官,专心坟籍。郡察孝廉,除郎中,补尚书都令史。 稍迁公车司马令,除鄱阳内史。大修庠序,广招学徒,移告属县日:“学所以定情理性而积众善者也。请定于内而行成于外,积善于心而名显于教,故中人之性随教而移,善积则习与性成。唐虞之对,皆比屋而可封,及其废也,而云可诛,岂非化以成俗,教移人心者哉!自汉氏失御,天下分崩,江表寇隔,久替王教,庠序之训,废而莫修。今四海一统,万里同轨,熙熙兆庶,成体息乎太和之中,宜崇尚道素,广开学业,以赞协时雍,光扬盛化。”乃具为条制。于是至者七百余人。溥乃作诰以奖训之,日:文学诸生皆冠带之流,年盎志美,始涉学庭,讲修典训,此大成之业,立德之基也。夫圣人之道淡而寡味,故始学者不好也。及至期月,所观弥博,所习弥多,日闻所不闻,日见所不见,然后心开意朗,敬业乐群,忽然不觉大化之陶己,至道之入神也。故学之染人,甚于丹青。丹青吾见其久而渝矣,未见久学而渝者也。 夫工人之染,先修其质,后事其色,质修色积,而染工毕矣。学亦有质,孝悌忠信是也。君子内正其心,外修其行,行有余力,则以学文,文质彬彬,然后为德。夫学者不患才不及:而患志不立,故日希骥之马,亦骥之乘,希颜之徒,亦颜之伦也。又日锲而舍之,朽木不知;锲而不舍,金石可亏。斯非其效乎! 今诸生口诵圣人之典,体闲庠序之训,比及三年,可以小成。而令名宣流,雅誉日新,朋友钦而乐之,朝士敬而叹之。于是州府交命,择官而仕,不亦关乎!若乃含章舒藻,挥翰流离,称述世务,探赜究奇,使杨、班韬笔,仲舒结舌,亦惟才所居,固无常人也。然积一勺以成江河,累微尘以崇...
Translating a spreadsheet list of terminologies (roughly 5,053 lines of file descriptions) from Chinese to English. Our request turnaround time is early this week. See below for an example of the project: File Description Pages 1 华英物回记账凭证2010年8月 1-24 第1册共1册 105 2 华英再生利用有限公司记账凭证2010年3月 1-20 第1册共1册 79 3 华英物回记账凭证2011年3月 1-23 第1册共1册 155 4 江苏利华铜业有限公司年产10万吨再生优质铜杆项目节能评估报告 60 5 漆包机说明书 549 6 利华铜业增值税发票扣税凭证2014年4月份 195 7 合格证明书 ...
SEO网站需要一名自由职业者来完成所有中国本土搜索引擎的注册。 完成支付宝和微信支付的跨境支付方式以及支付网关,这样就能支持由支付宝产生任何方式的支付形式,包括移动手机支付方式。 需要对优酷发布的视频提供一些意见,并且将这些意见反馈链接到网站 SEO网站还需要开放并写一些有关中国社交媒体网站的内容。刚开始SEO以50美元p/m的速度来收费,之后可能会根据通信量来进行适当增加 网站是一个需要几个中国搜索引擎支持的配置插件。当然你的建议也会被采纳。 所有信息都是以英语形式出现的,因此需要对英语有较强的理解力
{毕业证成绩单+认证}Q微171922772办理美国弗吉尼亚大学毕业证成绩单学历认证使馆认证文凭学生卡驾照 University of Virginia {毕业证成绩单+认证}Q微171922772办理美国弗吉尼亚大学毕业证成绩单学历认证使馆认证文凭学生卡驾照 University of Virginia {毕业证成绩单+认证}Q微171922772办理美国弗吉尼亚大学毕业证成绩单学历认证使馆认证文凭学生卡驾照 University of Virginia {毕业证成绩单+认证}Q微171922772办理美国弗吉尼亚大学毕业证成绩单学历认证使馆认证文凭学生卡驾照 University of Virginia {毕业证成绩单+认证}Q微171922772办理美国弗吉尼亚大学毕业证成绩单学历认证使馆认证文凭学生卡驾照 University of Virginia {毕业证成绩单+认证}Q微171922772办理美国弗吉尼亚大学毕业证成绩单学历认证使馆认证文凭学生卡驾照 University of Virginia
寻一名精通葡萄牙语的中国人做韩语校对; 1. 精通韩语,英语的中国人 2.熟悉App 程序语言的翻译规则 3. 500字以内 我们做的是一款相机App, 已经找韩语翻译了,但是翻译是参照英文翻译的,我们担心有的翻译者理解有偏差,翻译内容不准确,希望你能参考中英文 来校对印尼语,保证翻译内容的地道和准确性,翻译内容参看截图,选中你后会给你密码进我们的系统做,满意的话可保持长期合作,一个月至少又一次这样的任务
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Poster design for a speech of Natural Farming'
Looking for someone to create and manage a wechat group. Scope includes coming up with attention grabbing ideas to drive "Likes", writing/refreshing content, uploading content (words, gif, videos, images) manage Q&A etc for a year
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'modify some symbol of wordpress template'
中文聽寫一段87分鐘的以廣東話進行的會議錄音。 Transcribe a 87-min meeting in Chinese. The meeting is carried in Cantonese.
Need to build a program ( can be a standalone program running on a PC, or a web based program for a youth centre. Major features required is membership system, course registration system, billing and invoicing system, month-end summary. ( Needs to be in Chinese / Traditional preferred )
现有一个翻译文件,字数在223字,需从英语翻译成捷克语,主要是用在电子商务的网站上,所以质量要求比较高,不能出现一些低级的错误,不然会取消付款,在翻译中需将英语替换成捷克语。 We have a translation project for a document (223 words) that needs to be translated from English to Czech. It will be used on an online business website, hence we need the quality to be high, and free of errors. We will not release payment if there are errors in translation.
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'fix a conflict of theme'
The task is to create a compiler that translates code written in a simple imperative language into virtual machine instructions. The language is characterized by a grammar that includes variable declarations, conditional statements, loops, procedure calls, arithmetic operations, and array operations. Requirements: Compilation and error handling: The compiler should detect errors such as: Duplicate variable declarations, Usage of undeclared variables, Errors related to procedures (e.g., unknown procedures). If there are no errors, the compiler should generate the virtual machine code. Code optimization: The resulting machine code should be optimized for size and speed. Special attention should be given to arithmetic operations, especially multiplication and di...
I'm in need of an extensive search and collection of contacts - both service providers and community organizers - primarily within the UK, South africa, Portugal, Brasil and Germany, austria, swiss Example table: For service providers, I require: - Their contact details - A comprehensive list and description of their service offerings in a structered table format to be able to import this into a database. For community organizers, I need: - Their contact details - Information on their events and activities - An overview of their membership benefits in a structered table format to be able to import this into a database. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Strong research skills
Project Description: I am looking for a skilled freelancer to create a professional and innovative website for a company entering the U.S. market. The site must be responsive, SEO-optimized, and feature a modern design aimed at attracting and engaging American clients. Requirements: Advanced experience in website design and front-end development. Proficiency in SEO for content optimization and improving visibility on Google. Experience creating user-friendly interfaces and responsive designs. Fluency in English (for communication with the team and understanding the U.S. market). Ability to deliver fast results without compromising quality. Project Goals: Create an easy-to-navigate and visually appealing online platform. Incorporate modern...
I'm looking for an expert in Burp Suite to assist with a betting project that involves opening multiple tabs for simultaneous monitoring. The primary focus is to analyze betting odds and optimize strategies, while also identifying issues related to bet rejection. Key Tasks: - Multi-tab setup for Burp Suite to facilitate real-time betting data analysis. - Identification and troubleshooting of issues impacting the betting process, particularly bet rejections. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency with Burp Suite for automated testing and user session simulation. - Strong background in betting odds analysis and strategy optimization. - Experience in troubleshooting system glitches during betting sessions. Your expertise will help me understand the betting l...
*PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION CAREFULLY, STANDARD COPY&PASTE MESSAGES WILL BE IGNORED* We are looking for a talented web designer to revamp three specific pages on our existing website, , where clients can either upload their insurance policy documents or manually input insurance details. These updates aim to enhance user experience and professionalism without altering the current backend functionality. Pages to Redesign: 1. Contact Information Page (Screenshot: ): - Currently, this page collects basic contact details like email, phone, and date of birth. - Task: Introduce two options for users - one to upload documents and another to manually enter insurance details, replacing the current "Gå videre" (Continue) button. 2. Document Upload
...Get My Hardcover Book Approved on Amazon KDP. Do not bid unless you have read these guidelines carefully. The MAIN goal of this assignment is to get my hardcover book approved on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). Once the book is approved, I will release the funds. If you are not experienced in setting up books on KDP, please do not bid. Your Task: • Adjust the PDF and cover as needed to meet Amazon KDP’s publishing standards. Book information: The book is a KOP standard Hardcover book, 7x10 (178 mm x 254 mm), 76 pages, Color, I cant attach the PDF file here because it is to big. I can only attach the cover with and without text as an example. Once I have found a skilled freelancer, I will share all necessary links to Canva and MY KOP a...
...want to work with experienced developers for a long term. Our first MVP should have the following features MVP Initial Release Features List : 1. Core AI-Powered Chat Interface Basic Functionality: Answer blockchain-related questions (e.g., transaction details, token queries). Solscan website data. Supported APIs: OpenAI for AI-powered chat responses. Helius for wallet and transaction data. 2. Wallet Management Features: Connect Phantom Wallet connection and authentication via Privy. View wallet balance, token holdings, and recent transaction history. Option to add multiple wallets (if feasible). Supported APIs: Privy for authentication. Helius for wallet data. 3. Token Swap Features: Token swapping Buy token, paste contract address, enter amount of sol to buy, press en...
...looking for a comprehensive mobile and web application that facilitates a unique judgment campaign. The app needs to gather opinions on various subjects from its users and display the results live. Key Requirements: - The app should integrate with WhatsApp and Telegram for communication. - User registration should be both manual and automatic. - The app needs to collect both positive and negative votes, as well as neutral votes and written feedback. - Campaigns can run for extended periods, even years, and multiple campaigns can occur simultaneously. For example, a campaign could seek to gauge the public's opinion on historical figures like Hitler. The system should calculate the votes in real-time. This is a long-term project, and I nee...
...looking for a software application to be developed in Python and PyQt5 for the Indian share and stock market, specifically targeting indices like Bank Nifty and Nifty. The application will consist of three main modules: - **Module 1**: This module will take real-time data from a data feed provider via their API. For initial testing, the Yahoo API can be used temporarily. - **Module 2**: This is the 'Buy Sell Hold Logic' module. It needs to support automated trading signals, user-configurable trading strategies, risk management features, and orders based on certain calculations over various time periods. We will provide code for the strategies, for example buy sell depends on super trend , then we provide code for super trend, the user shall be abl...
...Extraction Project overview Extraction of trading data for sovereign bonds from specified countries over the last 30 trading days, replicating the structure of an example Excel file. Data needs - Data extraction for last 30 trading days of sovereign bonds from Kenya, Burkina Faso, Sao Tome and Principe (São Tomé-et-Príncipe), Ghana, Liberia, Zimbabwe, Peru, El Salvador, Sierra Leone, and Namibia. - Platforms that may be used include Cbonds, Bloomberg, Refinitiv Eikon, or Market Axess, etc... - Specific data columns required: issue (bond name and detail), date, time of last trade, stock exchange, bid, ask, bid ask spread, min, high, close, indicative and indicative type, volume of transactions in monetary units at p...
I'm looking for a designer to create a minimalist, futuristic logo without text for my hosting company. The ideal candidate should have a strong portfolio in logo design, particularly in the hosting or tech industry. A keen understanding of modern design trends will be key to this project. I have included an example of the type of image / logo I am looking for. Please create an logo that has a transparent background and at least part of the logo includes the color #fe00ff I have a number of icons that I will also need to be created that if the right person gets this image/logo correct I am thinking about passing the other work to the same person. The designer should be able to: - Produce...
...looking for a software application to be developed in Python and PyQt5 for the Indian share and stock market, specifically targeting indices like Bank Nifty and Nifty. The application will consist of three main modules: - **Module 1**: This module will take real-time data from a data feed provider via their API. For initial testing, the Yahoo API can be used temporarily. - **Module 2**: This is the 'Buy Sell Hold Logic' module. It needs to support automated trading signals, user-configurable trading strategies, risk management features, and orders based on certain calculations over various time periods. We will provide code for the strategies, for example buy sell depends on super trend , then we provide code for super trend, the user shall be abl...
I'm looking for a freelancer to create a stylised, cartoonish, digital drawing of three pugs and a German shepherd. The final piece will be intended for framing. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficient in digital illustration - Strong understanding of cartoonish drawing style - Experience creating pet portraits - Able to deliver high-quality, print-ready artwork
I'm looking for a CAD expert to create a detailed, fully functional model of machinery for an industrial structure. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in CAD software - Experience with industrial machinery design - Ability to create detailed, functional models - to be a registered mechanical professional engineer Requirements: - Deliver a comprehensive CAD drawing of the machinery - The drawing should allow for a full understanding of the machinery's operation and components Please only apply if you have relevant experience and can deliver high-quality, precise work.
Abstract and Background of the Invention based on blockchain Technology
Here’s a universal framework to create the perfect brief for a writing project in any language. The more details you include, the easier it is for the writer to deliver high-quality work. --- 1. Project Overview Provide a summary of what the project is about and the purpose of the content. Purpose: Why is this content being created? (Marketing, education, storytelling, etc.) Objective: What is the desired outcome? Example: "Create a 1000-word persuasive article in Nepali to promote local tourism in Pokhara, encouraging visitors to explore lesser-known attractions." --- 2. Target Language & Audience Clearly define the language and audience: Language: Specify the language, dialect, and any ...
I need an urgent redesign of a section of our website. We are using AI to generated personalised reports for students that sit our question bank platform. Please see current attached screenshots of the design. I need this to be redesigned so the page looks better. To see how it looks, please visit: Username: tyrone (at the rate of)@ Pass: Password01! Then go to: Exaks> Click on the first 1 and click on Result. I need this to be done within the next 2-3 hours. Budget $30.
...exciting project to create high-quality audio samples as we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing 1 hour (up to 5 hours) of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely free from background noise or music. 4. Clipping...
I need an experienced creator for a 5-minute 4K 3D animation video of the Airbus A350. This video should include scenes of passenger boarding, takeoff, and landing. Key Requirements: - High level of detail and accurate engineering representation. - Inclusion of a modern/contemporary background score. - Seamless integration of sound effects and a professional voiceover. Deliverables: - A 5-minute 4K video. - Source files. - A draft for review. - Step-by-step documentation of the generative AI process used. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in 3D engineering animation. - Strong understanding of the Airbus A350. - Excellent audio-visual integration skills. - Experience with creating detailed source files and docu...
...exciting project to create high-quality audio samples as we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing 1 hour (up to 5 hours) of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely free from background noise or music. 4. Clipping:...
...exciting project to create high-quality audio samples as we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing1 hour (up to 5 hours) of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely free from background noise or music. 4. Clipping: N...
...exciting project to create high-quality audio samples as we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing 1 hour (up to 5 hours) of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely free from background noise or music. 4. Clipping: ...
I'm looking for a talented artist who can create a cartoonish style oil painting of a symbolic grocery store. This portrait will be a special gift, so the artist should have a good understanding of creating a piece that is both unique and appealing. The address is 455 Bd Greber in Gatineau, Quebec (see image for inspiration). Key aspects of the project include: - The painting should capture the storefront exterior of the grocery store in a whimsical, cartoonish style. - The artist should have experience with oil painting, as this is the preferred medium for the portrait. - The final piece should be of high quality, suitable for gifting. Ideal skills and experience: - A strong portfolio ...
...exciting project to create high-quality audio samples as we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing 1 hour (up to 5 hours) of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely free from background noise or music. 4. Clipping: ...