Task Objectives Create an extensive course on overseas social media operations, covering TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and other relevant platforms. Deliver the course in the form of documents and videos, structured systematically. Cover platform introductions, account setup, operational strategies, monetization methods, content creation, traffic acquisition, paid promotions, and adv...MP4, 1080p resolution minimum. Clear explanations, well-structured scripts, and subtitles are mandatory. Submission Deadlines: The project should be completed within 30 days of acceptance. Evaluation Criteria for Proposals Content depth and richness. Practicality and relevance of the strategies. Use of real-world examples and detailed case studies. Creativity in addressing different platform dyn...
Task Objectives Create an extensive course on overseas social media operations, covering TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and other relevant platforms. Deliver the course in the form of documents and videos, structured systematically. Cover platform introductions, account setup, operational strategies, monetization methods, content creation, traffic acquisition, paid promotions, and adv...MP4, 1080p resolution minimum. Clear explanations, well-structured scripts, and subtitles are mandatory. Submission Deadlines: The project should be completed within 30 days of acceptance. Evaluation Criteria for Proposals Content depth and richness. Practicality and relevance of the strategies. Use of real-world examples and detailed case studies. Creativity in addressing different platform dyn...
加拿执教品育旗下不二佳教在线教育品牌,总部位于加拿大多多伦,不受双减响影,全球190多个家国均可购买,此职位面向中国市场,公司在泰国、日本、国内天津、大连、合肥、武汉都有分部 有菲教和欧美两种外教 ️有1V1和1V2两种班型 ️可定固老师(不必每天盯着抢老师,也避免频繁换老师影响学习效果) ️可定固上课时间(免去天天盯着抢课约的课烦扰) ️无强制固定课消(但我旧依建议尽量持保每周2节以的上上课频率,不间要断,这样才更能快地掌一握门语言) ️全年365天均可上课(周末、寒暑假) 不管你是宝妈还是有稳定的工作,都可以尝试加入我们。如果是幼儿园学校或者机构,也欢迎合作。
...02、满足客户的需求並及时推介公司最新活动; 03、对老客户进行维护,掌握客户需求,快速妥善处理客户各种问题; 04、积极主动服务每一位客户,使之与公司保持良好的合作关系 岗位要求: 1、年龄:21-30周岁; 2、能熟练的操作电脑及办公软件,一分钟打字60左右; 3、具有良好的沟通协调能力与高度的工作责任心; 4、吃苦耐劳,能耐心真诚对待每一位客户。 薪酬及福利: 1、试用期2个月,每月工资8000RMB,转正10000RMB,转正后月绩效奖金1千-3千人民币,工作表现优异可适当给于额外奖励。 2、上班时间12小时,月休4天,上满2627天给于全勤奖500RMB,1.5倍加班工资。做满两年一次发放两年忠诚奖两万 3、年底13薪,生日当月发放礼金4500P,中秋、元旦和春节等重大节日都有节日补贴或奖金。《十三薪:阳历12月31日为结算截止日,将根据员工实际出勤天数(即在岗天数)为基准核算(即13薪=实际工作日 /365*底薪)》 4、公司自带正规牌照。(机票自理,入职满月报销),工签公司负责,入职办理临时工作签证,转正办理 9G 工作签证。 5、免费提供全装全配酒店公寓;或者每月12500P的住宿补贴员工自行租房。每月免费提供生活用品(拖鞋,被子,牙刷,卫生纸,洗发露等等)。 6、公司免费提供食堂(国内精选厨师,营养、美味,每天10美金伙食标准)。 7、培训及成长:完善的培训体系(新人岗前培训、师徒传帮带培训、转正培训、岗中培训、晋升培训),帮助员工快速成长。 8、工作满半年享15天带薪假期(未休假上班者奖励7000人民币)满一年可以再休15天带薪假期(未休假上班者奖励7000人民币),公司报销机票。 9、公司每月组织聚餐活动/K歌活动等团队建设活动(1000P/人);例如K歌,聚餐,海岛游
...有位哲人这样说过:“一个人的幸福程度取决与他能够在多大程度上独立于这个世界”。这句话包含着深刻的智慧。很多的时候,独立意味着完整地承担必要的责任;能够运用自己的能力承担必要责任的人必然相对更加自信。别人能帮你一时,不会帮你一世的,谁都不喜欢和没有独立承担能力的人相处。别人有的能力是别人的,自己要有,让自己有价值,才会让自己有自信。 6.坚持微笑 微笑是对生活的一种态度,对自己的一种肯定鼓励。有时候不是说谁有多坚强,而是因为懂得,唯有微笑着坚持,如同一盏明灯,能驱散人心中的黑暗,微笑,是粒神奇的种子,撒在哪里,就在哪里生根发芽。当你微笑的时候,整个世界都在微笑。,云南玉龙雪山疑似山体崩塌 震撼视频画面曝光,芯桌试骄侵,才不要给Hebe移篮板 这样的田馥甄我只想嫁!,艺桶阶蛋辜,二手房每平5.4万新房销量大增4成 深圳楼市又火,诒葡渡膊固,世界最糟糕工作:印度清污工10年死亡近600人,涌少锰谧蛋,365体育美貌与实力并存,圆你跑车梦,持哦用殉倭,深圳住房改革3大配套文件:未来60%都是保障住房,富站八雍融https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-design/project-19493849/ https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-design/project-19493853/ https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-design/project-19493859/ https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-design/project-19493855/ https://www.freelancer.com/projects/we...
职位信息 该职位是兼职/自由职业者,可以远程完成。 岗位职责: -协助建立当地分支机构 -市场调查 -积极探索相关的合作机会 -协调和管理与投资合作伙伴的关系 -在香港和中国积极探索新的业务机会 -负责建立与新客户的关系并跟进 -与高层管理人员密切合作,筹集当地分支机构 -重视团队合作及交流, 并提出建议 -不定时需要出差 任职资格: -大专及以上学历要求 -良好英语者 -有相关在中国市场拓展的工作经验,精通商业或投资或项目管理可优先考虑 -交流沟通能力强,能够和客户保持良好的关系 -有团队管理的能力 -有一定的抗压能力, 能够高效率完成工作 -积极向上,有自发性 -有在外资公司工作者优先 -曾经或者现在有自己经营生意者可优先考虑 福利待遇: 丰厚的薪金和福利 公司信息 Invictus Investments Limited创立超过10年,公司总部在欧洲,是一家享誉全球的国际投资管理公司。我们的卓越与注于技术初创公司和电子元件公司有关。我们也是涉及电子元件公司的资本投资专家。我们有丰富处理电子公司的资本管理的经验。我们的客户来自全球各地, 我们致力于为我们的投资者和客户服务,并尽力为他们提供最好的服务。 了解更多: 欢迎有识之士加盟我们的团队,公司将提供适时的发展机遇以及具有竞争力的工资福利待遇!
职位信息 该职位是兼职/自由职业者,可以远程完成。 岗位职责: -协助建立当地分支机构 -市场调查 -积极探索相关的合作机会 -协调和管理与投资合作伙伴的关系 -在香港和中国积极探索新的业务机会 -负责建立与新客户的关系并跟进 -与高层管理人员密切合作,筹集当地分支机构 -重视团队合作及交流, 并提出建议 -不定时需要出差 任职资格: -大专及以上学历要求 -良好英语者 -有相关在中国市场拓展的工作经验,精通商业或投资或项目管理可优先考虑 -交流沟通能力强,能够和客户保持良好的关系 -有团队管理的能力 -有一定的抗压能力, 能够高效率完成工作 -积极向上,有自发性 -有在外资公司工作者优先 -曾经或者现在有自己经营生意者可优先考虑 福利待遇: 丰厚的薪金和福利 公司信息 Invictus Investments Limited创立超过10年,公司总部在欧洲,是一家享誉全球的国际投资管理公司。我们的卓越与注于技术初创公司和电子元件公司有关。我们也是涉及电子元件公司的资本投资专家。我们有丰富处理电子公司的资本管理的经验。我们的客户来自全球各地, 我们致力于为我们的投资者和客户服务,并尽力为他们提供最好的服务。 了解更多: 欢迎有识之士加盟我们的团队,公司将提供适时的发展机遇以及具有竞争力的工资福利待遇!
...灯置于地面时,它形成V型,这样更加稳定起固定作用。 超强吸力的磁性底座----可帮助您牢固地粘在任何金属表面,轻松的将光线安装在免提操作的地方。 360度可旋转挂钩----给您在悬空的工作情况下提供方便,可以轻松的挂到任何地方。 用途广----便携式使我们的工作灯非常适合家庭,户外露营,汽车修理,园艺工作,电子工作,紧急,野生应用等。 我们的优势: 采用符合FCC,CE证书的环保材料制成,确保安全。 产品信息: 名称:COB LED work light 品牌:wekine 灯珠: 1XPE+1COB work lights 规格尺寸:21*6.5*3.2cm 包装:彩盒 重量:202g 特点: 适合家庭,户外露营,钓鱼,汽车修理,园艺工作,电子工作,紧急,野生应用等。 我们的服务:: 我们相信我们的产品。Wekineg COB LED 工作灯享有60天退换货和365天的保修
... 优秀的形状和加大的尺寸。【270*240*0.35~2.3cm】为办公或游戏提供了更充足的可移动空间,你可以轻松地移动鼠标,并加强边缘防止变形和损坏,以确保长时间使用。 环境材料和优质的售后。采用符合ROHS证书的环保材料制成,使用环保,无毒且安全。这款腕托鼠标垫享有90天退换货和365天的保修 产品描述 颜色:黑色 产品信息: 名称:硅胶护腕鼠标垫 品牌:LVNENG 材料:丝绸布面+硅胶护腕+PU底 材质:环保、无毒、安全 规格尺寸:270*240*0.35~2.3cm 护腕高度:2.3cm 包装:吸塑 重量:249g 颜色:黑色 特点:舒适、抗疲劳、稳定 适合:办公、学习、娱乐 我们的优势:: LVNENG硅胶护腕鼠标垫为您的手腕提供人体工程学支持,拥有特殊的设计和优质的材料。The cushion creates a Comfort Zone that contours to your wrist's natural curves and movements and helps reduce hand and wrist stress. 独特、舒适的凝胶填充手腕。 丝绸处理的布面。 橡胶防滑抛光底部。 设计具有最佳的形状和足够大的尺寸 采用符合ROHS证书的环保材料制成,确保安全。 我们的服务:: 在LVNENG,我们相信我们的产品。这款腕托鼠标垫享有90天退换货和365天的保修
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我需要ERP软件供应商如Microsoft Dynamics,SAP Business One,Netsuite,Acumatica,Epicor和Infor在中国的所有合作伙伴的excel报告。 我需要excel报告包含以下信息: - 公司名 - 地址 - 网址 - 与其合作的供应商(每个竞争对手的单独列)。 一些公司可能与多个供应商合作 - 每个供应商的合作层级或级别。 - 姓名,电子邮件地址和Linkedin公司首席执行官/创始人/董事总经理从每个合作伙伴。 我只是一个名字。
我需要ERP软件供应商如Microsoft Dynamics,SAP Business One,Netsuite,Acumatica,Epicor和Infor在中国的所有合作伙伴的excel报告。 我需要excel报告包含以下信息: - 公司名 - 地址 - 网址 - 与其合作的供应商(每个竞争对手的单独列)。 一些公司可能与多个供应商合作 - 每个供应商的合作层级或级别。 - 姓名,电子邮件地址和Linkedin公司首席执行官/创始人/董事总经理从每个合作伙伴。 我只是一个名字。
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Auto Spare Parts Manufacturing and Trading company website, mainly for engine parts. 1. PHP website, english and spanish languages. 2. Need html 5 special performance. 3. High requirements of webdesign. 4. Email notice once get inquiry. 't use wordpress. Write code. Gente hispanohablante es mejor.
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7 Desires 国际是专注在时尚娱乐行业的模特儿管理和活动组织公司,他们还拥有摄影和视频制作团队。 7 Desires 国际可以帮助您宣传产品、品牌或让西方模特穿着您指定的衣服或配饰拍照和制作视频,供您的网站使用。 只需把您的货物样本寄送到欧洲或美国,剩下的事情就交给他们(7 Desires )了。 价格非常优惠! 今天就去访问:7desiresinternational.c o m 吧 CHINESE FREELANCE ONLY: WE NEED TO FIND CHINESE FACTORY OR RETAILERS INTERESTED IN OUR SERVICES. Apply only if you can really make us close a deal with a company willing to send the goods in Europe to realize photos advertising with our models. If you are not able to finalize a deal please do not apply or you will not be paid.
We are very pleased to welcome all! Our team is passionate about design and visualisation. At Demvision our central purpose is to make the finest designs possible. The Demvision's advantage is achieved by merging our mastery in design with the best quality, highest expertiese and assembling them in the most innova
...and CNAS 17025 ,we are hiring freelancer: Responsibility: -Identify,contact and prospect potential clients and turn them into customers; -Follow up your clients,develop the revence brought by your clients,pushing them to use our services more frequently,Maintain clients’satisfaction. Requirements: -Direct knowledge/experience of the inspection industry or of the trade/manufacturing; -Have Local buyers resources、Local retailers Resources or Local traders Resources. Our philosophy is Achieve Win-Win by Integration of Resources. If you are interested in our cooperation relationship, or have any idea about how we work together in some way, please feel free to contact us by: for more information: 中国检验认证(集团
...锶Sr ≧0.019 锌Zn ≧ 0.003 硒Se ﹤0.002 纳Na+ ≧5.00 锂Li﹤0.01 可溶性总固体≧55.11 PH值 7.2±0.5 水质介绍:天波优质天然矿泉水水源处于赣西九龄山脉地层深处,富含多种人体必需的微量元素,,属低钠低矿化度偏硅酸型矿泉水,可帮助调节人体PH值及内部微循环。 专家建议:健康饮水,首选偏硅酸型天然矿泉水。偏硅酸对人体皮肤骨骼、心脑血管有良好的保健作用,能促进骨骼和牙齿生长发育,防止骨质疏松,被誉为人体“软黄金”。 注意事项:开盖后请在12个小时内饮用完 国家标准号:GB8537-1995 鉴定文号:国土资矿水发[1998]05号 卫生许可号:奉卫食字(2003)第396号 食品标签备案认可号:360921-232 深圳市网通电子商务有限公司出品 厂址(水源地):江西奉新上富白源 客服电话:400 8825 365 生产日期:见瓶身(盖) 保质期:十二个月 其它元素:条形码,食品生产许可证标签
...help set up a ROS2-based simulation environment for autonomous vehicles, specifically for integration with a JetRacer ROS AI platform. The goal is to create a realistic simulation in Gazebo that mirrors the dynamics and movement properties of the real-world JetRacer system. This includes sensor integration, vehicle dynamics modeling, and MATLAB-based controller implementation for testing and validation. Key Objectives: 1 Gazebo Simulation Setup: Configure a Gazebo simulation environment for autonomous vehicles using ROS2. Ensure the simulation accurately mimics the real-world dynamics and motion characteristics of the JetRacer platform. Integrate sensors, cameras, and other hardware components into the simulation, replicating the physical JetRacer setup. 2 JetRace...
I need a PCB designed and laid out for a medium-sized consumer electronics product. The PCB should be as small as possible - ideally ~50mm x 50mm. Key Requirements: - Design a PCB suitable for consumer electronics - Layout the PCB and produce a Gerber file for manufacturing Ideal Skills: - Experienced PCB designer - Proficient with PCB layout software - Able to produce high-quality Gerber files I have prototyped with a breadboard and am now doing the same with a prototype PCB but want to get a proper PCB layout sorted with a gerber so I can get a professionally made up PCB for testing. I have a drawing of all the components and connections (see attached) but no experience of laying out a board. Not entirely sure how many layers I need/etc. Board includes: 1x Arduino Nano ESP32 1...
...help set up a ROS2-based simulation environment for autonomous vehicles, specifically for integration with a JetRacer ROS AI platform. The goal is to create a realistic simulation in Gazebo that mirrors the dynamics and movement properties of the real-world JetRacer system. This includes sensor integration, vehicle dynamics modeling, and MATLAB-based controller implementation for testing and validation. Key Objectives: 1 Gazebo Simulation Setup: Configure a Gazebo simulation environment for autonomous vehicles using ROS2. Ensure the simulation accurately mimics the real-world dynamics and motion characteristics of the JetRacer platform. Integrate sensors, cameras, and other hardware components into the simulation, replicating the physical JetRacer setup. 2 JetRace...
I'm looking for an experienced web developer to assist with multiple small business website projects. My business model consists of reaching out to small business owners and designing tailored websites for them. You would be responsible for developing and managing 3-4 websites concurrently. Types of Websites: - E-commerce: Occasionally, we build online stores. - Portfolio: Typically includes a contact form, project showcase, client testimonials, and any positive credentials of the portfolio owner. - Informational: Usually consists of a contact form and service descriptions. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and manage multiple websites simultaneously. - Implement specific features as per website type and client needs. - Ensure timely delivery and maintain high qua...
...help set up a ROS2-based simulation environment for autonomous vehicles, specifically for integration with a JetRacer ROS AI platform. The goal is to create a realistic simulation in Gazebo that mirrors the dynamics and movement properties of the real-world JetRacer system. This includes sensor integration, vehicle dynamics modeling, and MATLAB-based controller implementation for testing and validation. Key Objectives: 1 Gazebo Simulation Setup: Configure a Gazebo simulation environment for autonomous vehicles using ROS2. Ensure the simulation accurately mimics the real-world dynamics and motion characteristics of the JetRacer platform. Integrate sensors, cameras, and other hardware components into the simulation, replicating the physical JetRacer setup. 2 JetRace...
Looking for a full stake of developer to complete the project . 1. The landing page ( 6landing pages will be given once you are awarded) should have a corporate and professional aesthetic...Zoom session. • Functionality should include: • Bulk messaging from the Excel data. • Management and re-blasting Allow grouping of database list. scheduling options for reminders. Option for allowing unsubscrible Allow mutiple user to do blasting Admin allow which user to to which grouping database Completed and running in the hosting server. Resourses : Website is using wordpress . Microsoft 365 suite , hosting ( hostgator - Cpanel ) . Send me the Video ( similar project you have done before ) , Scope & delievery and method on how you will use to complete the above p...
I require a 3D design for a thin-wall object that resembles a rock. This object should have a flat bottom and a flat/circular opening/door on one side, and be slightly larger than an egg. The design will be used for a prototype intended for manufacturing. Key Requirements: - The model needs to be solid-modeled/sculpted in a CAD software that can export STEP, IGES, SAT or X_T solid models (not STL, OBJ, mesh file formats). - The design should have no negative drafts to ensure manufacturability. - The main part of the object can be designed as more than one part (e.g. a top half with a bottom tray). - The door will be attached with small flexible straps for hinges; no need to design hinges, but need to keep in mind that they need to exist. - We are mainly looking for the sculping wor...
I'm looking for a WordPress expert to install WordPress on an Ubuntu local VM, along with a specific business theme that I have. Requirements: - Install WordPress on a local Ubuntu VM - Install a specific theme that I will provide - Ensure the theme is installed correctly and functions as expected - Ensure wordpress and ubunto getting all needed update. Please note, I do not need any specific plugins installed, only the theme with the required plugins
My business website is currently down and I need it restored to its previous functionality. The primary purpose of this website is to provide information about the services we offer. Ideal skills for this project include: - Web development and maintenance - Knowledge of business website structure - Ability to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues effectively Please bid only if you have experience in restoring business websites and can ensure the site is fully functional and informative about our services.
I'm seeking a marketing and advertising expert to help generate leads and sales for my drone business, specifically targeting government agencies. The ideal candidate should be proficient in strategizing and executing campaigns across various platforms including social media, search engines, and email campaigns. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a comprehensive marketing plan aimed at government agencies, highlighting the unique selling propositions of our drone services. - Conduct market research to understand the needs and preferences of our target audience. - Create compelling content for social media, search engines, and email campaigns that engages our target audience and drives sales. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in B2G all areas marketi...
I'm looking for a proficient WordPress developer to import a specific WordPress template for a business website. The template needs to be customized to include several key features and plugins. Key Features & Specific Needs: - Contact Form: A simple and functional contact form is a must. - Scheduler & Calendar - Service Pages: The website should include multiple pages detailing the services we offer. - Portfolio or Gallery: There should be a section showcasing our portfolio or gallery of past works. - Communication SMS/Email - Payment Method - Subscription Windows - Estimates/Invoices/Work Orders - Accounting ….and more! Specific Needs: - Multiple Plugins: The website needs to be integrated with various plugins for different features. I've identified spec...
I'm seeking someone to write a few organic reviews for my E-commerce website. The reviews need to be focused on electronics. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience in E-commerce and electronics - Ability to create believable, organic sounding reviews - Understanding of product review dynamics I need 1-10 reviews written.
I'm a professional WordPress developer, looking to create a custom, responsive business website. This site will primarily function to provide customer support. Key Features: - User-friendly, intuitive layout - Optimized for seamless customer interaction - Quality design with timely delivery Skills Required: - Extensive WordPress experience - E-commerce knowledge for future expansion - Website optimization expertise - Quality design and timely delivery focus
I'm looking for a logo for my business. It should be bright and vibrant in color. A modern, minimalist approach would be ideal. Please note that I haven't decided on a specific icon, symbol or style yet.
I'm seeking a professional who can meticulously edit and amend a business contract for me. The amendments pertain to the terms and conditions, payment clauses, and confidentiality agreements. Key Responsibilities: - Thoroughly read and understand the contract - Make small changes as necessary - Provide effective solutions for the required modifications and commitments Requirements: - Experience with business contracts - Strong editing and proofreading skills - Ability to follow a specific template Please note that I have a template for these amendments, and your task will involve implementing the changes within this format.
I'm looking for a professional who can design and develop a vibrant and engaging business promotion website on JouwWeb. The site will primarily be used for promoting our business and services. Key Responsibilities: - Creation of a 'Services Offered' section that clearly outlines what we provide - Development of a 'Client Testimonials' section to build trust and credibility with our visitors - Implementation of a 'Contact Form' to facilitate easy communication with potential clients Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in JouwWeb - Experience in designing colorful and creative websites - Strong understanding of business promotion needs on digital platforms - Excellent communication skills to understand our requirements and deliver accordingly...
Dont post low ball offers and then change the price, your bids will be rejected. I'm seeking a professional who can create high-quality 3D renderings for a new outdoor sign for my business. Perhaps place the rendering on a picture i have of the site The primary function of this sign is to advertise my business, so it needs to be visually appealing and effective in grabbing attention. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software - Strong understanding of design principles - Experience with creating commercial signage designs. A brief about the project: - The sign will be located outdoors, so the design must consider durability and visibility. - The sign's design needs to reflect my brand and be appealing to my target audience. ...
Looking for a full stake of developer to complete the project before 1 Jan 2025 . 1. The landing page ( 6landing pages will be given once you are awarded) should have a corporate and prof...Zoom session. • Functionality should include: • Bulk messaging from the Excel data. • Management and re-blasting Allow grouping of database list. scheduling options for reminders. Option for allowing unsubscrible Allow mutiple user to do blasting Admin allow which user to to which grouping database Completed and running in the hosting server. Resourses : Website is using wordpress . Microsoft 365 suite , hosting ( hostgator - Cpanel ) . Send me the Video ( similar project you have done before ) , Scope & delievery and method on how you will use to complete the above p...
I'm looking for an expert in Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 and Oracle SSO to implement user authentication and Single Sign-On (SSO) for internal employees across the entire EBS system and provide regular maintenance support for my Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2.. Key requirements: - Experience with Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 - Integration of Oracle SSO with Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2, specifically for user authentication and Single Sign-On. Ideal skills and experience: - Good communication skills for providing updates and reports. - Extensive knowledge and experience with Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 and Oracle SSO. - Proven track record of implementing SSO in large-scale systems. - Strong understanding of user authentication and security protoco...
...help set up a ROS2-based simulation environment for autonomous vehicles, specifically for integration with a JetRacer ROS AI platform. The goal is to create a realistic simulation in Gazebo that mirrors the dynamics and movement properties of the real-world JetRacer system. This includes sensor integration, vehicle dynamics modeling, and MATLAB-based controller implementation for testing and validation. Key Objectives: 1 Gazebo Simulation Setup: Configure a Gazebo simulation environment for autonomous vehicles using ROS2. Ensure the simulation accurately mimics the real-world dynamics and motion characteristics of the JetRacer platform. Integrate sensors, cameras, and other hardware components into the simulation, replicating the physical JetRacer setup. 2 JetRace...
...original slides. The content is primarily textual, with no images or charts to consider. The translated presentation will be used for a client meeting, so accuracy and professionalism are paramount. 2. Translating the text within an existing business plan from English to Hebrew. This will involve working with an Excel file, to which the completed translation should be delivered. Again, maintaining the original formatting is essential. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Fluency in both English and Hebrew - Proven experience in translating business and client-facing documents - Excellent attention to detail - Ability to maintain the original layout and formatting of source materials - Proficiency with PowerPoint and Excel Please note that the content is most...
Looking for a full stake of developer to complete the project before 1 Jan 2025 . 1. The landing page ( 6landing pages will be given once you are awarded) should have a corporate and professional aesth...added to the sign up database • Create and schedule to Trigger *Unlimited* bulk messages (email and WhatsApp) from the dashboard to remind/invite them to a Zoom session. • Functionality should include: • Bulk messaging from the Excel data. • Management and re-blasting scheduling options for reminders. Completed and running in the hosting server. Recourses : Website is using wordpress . Microsoft 365 suite , hosting ( hostgator - Cpanel ) . Send me the Video ( similar project you have done before ) , Scope & delievery and method on how you will use to c...
I am seeking a CAD professional to convert a provided 2D CAD file into a 3D CAD drawing. This 3D model will primarily be used for manufacturing purposes and must be delivered in STL or DWG or SLDPRT format.
Create a new business card design for Ben Hobbs and will provide the files.
...Android and iOS app for recording business trips. The primary purpose of the app is to keep track of the number of days for each business trip, which can span more than a week. The app should also have additional features such as: - Report generation - Notifications and reminders - Integration with calendar Furthermore, the app should allow entries for city, employee name, site name, audit type, and have the capability for image attachment. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in mobile app development, particularly with creating similar tracking apps. Experience with integrating calendar features and developing for both Android and iOS platforms is essential. Please include examples of your previous work, particularly any related to tracking or business...
...detailed **tech packs**, including sketches, measurements, fabric details, and construction notes for manufacturing. - Collaborate with the team to ensure designs are practical, innovative, and production-ready. - Provide input on fabric selection, color schemes, and embellishments. - Revise designs and tech packs based on feedback to ensure final deliverables meet expectations. --- **Requirements:** - Proven experience in costume design, apparel design, and tech pack development (portfolio required). - Strong proficiency in design tools such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or similar software. - Excellent understanding of garment construction, fabric types, and manufacturing processes. - Ability to work independently and deliver high-quality work within...
I am seeking a proficient Python developer with a strong background in aerospace engineering and numerical methods, specifically the Unste...provided upon project commencement. The ideal freelancer will be able to not only develop the code, but also provide insights based on the analysis of the results. References: 1. Verstraete, M. L., Roccia, B. A., Mook, D. T., & Preidikman, S. (2019). A co-simulation methodology to simulate the nonlinear aeroelastic behavior of a folding-wing concept in different flight configurations. Nonlinear Dynamics, 98, 907-927. 2. Verstraete, M. L., Preidikman, S., Roccia, B. A., & Mook, D. T. (2015). A numerical model to study the nonlinear and unsteady aerodynamics of bioinspired morphing-wing concepts. International Journal of Micro Air Vehicl...