I need a private address that can receive Google platform envelopes. This address needs to be in any of the following countries: UK, US, Indonesia, Hong Kong, New Zealand. My needs are very simple. You only need to help me receive letters, wait for the letters, take photos and send them to me. There are no other complicated tasks. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Reliability and honesty - Good communication skills - A certain sense of privacy protection - Can be checked on large platforms, transparent use
...buttons may cause the app to loop or redirect continuously. Sometimes, after switching to another language, it automatically reverts back to English and doesn't retain the user's chosen language. Publishing to Google Play Internal Testing: After fixing the above issues, I need assistance in publishing the app to Google Play's internal testing track for further testing and validation. I need a developer to: Identify and fix these issues, ensuring the app runs smoothly on Android 14 while maintaining compatibility with lower Android versions. Assist in publishing the fixed app to Google Play's internal testing, ensuring the upload and configuration processes are completed successfully. Specific Requirements: Familiarity with Android Developme...
正在寻找一名Android 应用测试员,在Google Play Store上对我们的应用进行封闭测试。理想的候选人将可以使用至少20种不同的物理 Android 设备,以及 20 个可参与封闭测试的 Google 账号, 并负责测试应用2周(间歇性)并提供反馈。要求:在20 台不同的物理Android 设备上测试应用。确保每台设备都选择加入封闭测试并连续14天保持选择加入状态。在测试应用时对设备进行屏幕录制,并访问Android的“设置”页面,并每5天提交一次演示测试过程的视频(共提交3次)。就应用性能、可用性以及遇到的任何问题提供详细的反馈。(可选但有益)付款条件:总付款将分为三部分:前5天测试后释放30%。第二个5天测试后释放30%。最后4天测试并提交所有必需的反馈和视频后释放40%。项目时间表:测试期将持续14天,每5天需要提交一次视频。申请方式:简要描述您在 Android应用测试方面的经验。列出您可用于测试的Android 设备。确认您能够满足测试要求和时间表。附加信息:该应用将在Google Play商店中提供封闭测试。选择后将提供详细说明和应用访问权限。谢谢
正在寻找一名Android 应用测试员,在Google Play Store上对我们的应用进行封闭测试。理想的候选人将可以使用至少20种不同的物理 Android 设备,以及 20 个可参与封闭测试的 Google 账号, 并负责测试应用2周(间歇性)并提供反馈。要求:在20 台不同的物理Android 设备上测试应用。确保每台设备都选择加入封闭测试并连续14天保持选择加入状态。在测试应用时对设备进行屏幕录制,并访问Android的“设置”页面,并每5天提交一次演示测试过程的视频(共提交3次)。就应用性能、可用性以及遇到的任何问题提供详细的反馈。(可选但有益)付款条件:总付款将分为三部分:前5天测试后释放30%。第二个5天测试后释放30%。最后4天测试并提交所有必需的反馈和视频后释放40%。项目时间表:测试期将持续14天,每5天需要提交一次视频。申请方式:简要描述您在 Android应用测试方面的经验。列出您可用于测试的Android 设备。确认您能够满足测试要求和时间表。附加信息:该应用将在Google Play商店中提供封闭测试。选择后将提供详细说明和应用访问权限。谢谢
我们研发了一款休闲类的消除游戏,需要完成20人连续14天封闭性测试 We have developed a casual elimination game that requires 20 people to complete 14 consecutive days of closed testing
你好First Page SEO,我注意到你的个人资料并想把我的项目给你。我们可以通过交流来讨论任何细节。
所谓LANDING page 就是用一个WEB页面描述网站的全部内容,包括产品介绍下单公司业务简介公司联系方式等等. 必须用JOOMLA技术制作该页面,因为我们的网站是JOOMla制作的;见www.yadaworks.com. 该页面的风格,也就是颜色,.LOGO, 字体等和网站一致. 该页面的布局分为头部,尾部,图片区,文字区,下单区;其中图片区的图片被点击后跳出页面显示大图覆盖原来页面,整个部分的功能和AIRBNB网站一致,如有疑问请询问; 文字区的文字我会另外提供; 除了WEB版本外,要提供手机版本; 我们有一个服务网站,可以用于测试,
针对欧洲市场创建一个网站,网站的产品为手机充电器 要求 1 能做为landing page 使用 2 网站可以进行促销活动,并且通过促销活动能收集到客户邮箱
网站地址 1.提高网站整体排名 2.提供内部优化 3.大量增加外部链接 4.提高网站相应速度 5.整体SEO,关键词排名提升 I want the SEO expert for my website. Details will be shared with winning bidder. Please bid if you are expert.
1、初步设想是1个到2个页面,5张图 2、第一页是介绍页,如何开启你的工程师之旅 2.1、之后是一页四个滑动图,包括安装驱动、连接硬件、学习软件、开始应用 3、与客户沟通创意 4、制作demo/草稿 for free 5、选定稿件后给内容,开始制作 6、检视交付 作品风格: 1)大底图海报风 2)Metro Icon风 3)Metro海报风 4)Apple官网风
你好,各位。 最近我买了一台内地的酷派Y76手机,想在其上安装google play及商店内的应用,但俱不行。 我想有相关经验及专业的人帮我解决这问题。 本人可以安装team viewer或把整个系统重新安装,以协助这个工作。 本人提供3美金给受聘者。 谢
你好,各位。 最近我买了一台内地的酷派Y76手机,想在其上安装google play及商店内的应用,但俱不行。 我想有相关经验及专业的人帮我解决这问题。 本人可以安装team viewer或把整个系统重新安装,以协助这个工作。 本人提供3美金给受聘者。 谢
已有现成APK 做好, 帮我上传到GOOGLE PLAY 给人人下载。 这APK 我自己安装没问题 但是我自己上传到google play,然後我自己试着下载,显示"签名校验失败"
重新为我司建设网站,做Google搜索引擎优化,需要把Custom Banner, banner printing, vinyl banners, vinyl banner printing, custom signs等词语做到Google的首页。
Need redesign for about 12 pages on wechat. 总需要12个微信公众号页面设计版(PSD和PNG格式),只需要适用于手机上 具体包括一下的页面: -管理后台 需重新设计 -青视角 微信公众号的所有文章内容,发布之后,都会进行分类,用户可以通过这个版块,回顾所有的信息。 -青学堂 目前以九宫格的形式展现,但可以进行进一步的简化,除了“课程报名”“讲师报名”“活动发布”“调查问卷” 这4个模块的名字要保留,其他可以重组 -创新 1.简介 -介绍信息 2.团队介绍 -入驻团队的介绍 3.入驻申请 -申请入驻通道,需要提交的资料,可参考这个连接 4.活动回顾 -做过的活动 5.活动发布 -发布信息线上平台,可参考青学堂-活动发布 6.创新资讯 -将会把政策、高校孵化基地信息,社会孵化基地信息进行收集并发布 参考附件是给以参考而已
1.会使用网络编程语言(Python,Java,Google script etc.)在制定的地方收集相应的数据 2.会数据库编程,并且有能力架设服务器,将收集到的数据存放 3.可以实施编程对数据库内的数据实施图形化展示 附件中是其中一个需求模型
针对给出的10余个中文关键字,制定推广计划,推广我们的网站,只需要做google推广。1个月左右,推广至 自然排名前两页,在第一页会有额外奖励。
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Google Adwords - open to bidding'
开发一个google提交软件工具, 这个软件要自己可以注册google邮箱,可以自带解决手机验证google 邮箱功能, 然后 自己的提交 网址 到google站长工具。
2º Month SEO Google Spain
VoIP Video IM等即时通讯功能。 支持Android,IPhone,Window Phone等客户端应用。 熟识SIP Webrtc XMPP。 提供Demo。
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Google Adwords - open to bidding'
GOOGLE ADWORD ,GOOGLE shopping. 关键字推广,主要针对美国市场。
...带动海外流量访问。由于业务需要,征集优秀的海外推广人员和方案进行有偿服务。 您可能提供的服务:1,为ECVV编写原创营销性质软文,中英文皆可。要求结合热点话题,与网站本身紧密相关,无语法错误。$5-10 2,在贸易相关性论坛留下ECVV的链接和有关内容,保证不被删除。$1-5 3, 如果你有自己的网站,特别是有数量较多的运营正常的网站,你可以在首页添加一条链接到ECVV首页。我们将评估你的网站质量,按月付最高$100 4,在facebook和twitter上加ECVV官方账号为好友并转推一条。$1 目标网站: As a successful Manufacturers marketplace, ECVV (target-) quickly open the door of the overseas to bring China's greatest products to the world's buyers. To better introduce ECVV Brand, we want talented guys to join us marketing Ecvv online marketplace through SNS (FACEBOOK, TWITTER), industry products wholesales forum and other internet marketing methods. We will give you payment according to values of what you've done.
第一次见到并使用这个网站,还不熟悉,我把昨天发布的IOS上的WEBRTC开发项目删掉重新发布一次: 中国平安集团公司拟自主研发基于Google 开源项目WEBRTC 的音视频软件,用于电话中心及视频中心坐席(通过PC机浏览器业务系统)和客户端(PAD平板电脑或平安银行的自助设备)之间的音视频沟通、以及某重点项目的客户手机之间的音视频聊天,该音视频功能和微信的音视频功能一样。 平安拟招聘研发人员开发基于Google WEBRTC (IOS、Andriod、Windows )三个版本的SDK,在此SDK之上,平安的内部开发人员再开发音视频应用。 该项目要求6月末上线。 要求项目投标人员熟悉Google WEBRTC、熟悉IOS或Andriod或Windows上的C++或java开发 。 平安长期招聘熟悉音视频编解码或者IOS、Andriod的开发及设计人员,我们很希望合格你的你成为平安大家庭的一员。 有意者电话联系: david 13823243949/ 0755 22623808
制作shopping feed,可以具体联系邮箱,大概有20个产品,报酬另算。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
I want 100% real facebook 50,000 users to like my Facebook Fan Page. I want people to be from PAKISTAN ONLY no World Wide. No Time Waters Please ! Project Description: 50,000 Facebook Likes from ONLY Pakistani Facebook users. (NO world wide Likes) • All LIKES must be real people with active account Facebook accounts (no fake accounts or accounts at risk of being suspended.) • NO bots, NO Blackhat techniques, NO Farmville or any other game. • Must be achieved by NO means of Illegal activity • No fake fans that will risk my page deleted. • Fans and Followers must be active. • No spammers or distasteful, illegal or plain sick profile pictures • You must use good practices when gathering LIKES. ^^Facebook account must not be...
I'm seeking a freelancer with extensive Google Sheets experience. You'll be tasked with: - Analyzing and visualizing various types of data: sales and marketing, financial and accounting, as well as user and customer data. - Utilizing all of Google Sheets' collaboration and sharing features. - Implementing automated data entry and updates. Additionally, you may need to develop software to assist with managing financial and accounting data, which should include: - Automated financial reporting - Budget tracking and allocation - Expense management and tracking Ideal candidates should have a strong background in data analysis and software development, with proven experience in using Google Sheets for complex tasks.
I'm seeking a freelancer with extensive Google Sheets experience. You'll be tasked with: - Analyzing and visualizing various types of data: sales and marketing, financial and accounting, as well as user and customer data. - Utilizing all of Google Sheets' collaboration and sharing features. - Implementing automated data entry and updates. Additionally, you may need to develop software to assist with managing financial and accounting data, which should include: - Automated financial reporting - Budget tracking and allocation - Expense management and tracking Ideal candidates should have a strong background in data analysis and software development, with proven experience in using Google Sheets for complex tasks.
...Company website: Commission-Based Income Potential: Up to 20L in six months, 50L in one year, no earning cap Role: Drive traffic and player acquisition through affiliate partnerships in the online gaming industry. Manage affiliate relationships, optimize campaigns, and report on KPIs. Ideal Candidate: Sales experience with strong communication skills Knowledge of online gambling a plus Self-motivated, results-driven, and comfortable with commission-based income Open to any background, part-time acceptable. Perks: Work from home Unlimited earnings Growth in a booming industry The position offers two key business directions: Developing Sub-Agency Lines: Earn a 45% revenue share by recruiting distributors who bring players to
I require expert assistance with my Google Search Console. Some of my pages are not being indexed and I need help pinpointing the issue. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in SEO and Google Search Console - Experience in troubleshooting indexing issues - Knowledgeable about sitemaps and their impact on indexing Please, I would appreciate a professional who can walk me through fixing the issues and ensuring my pages get indexed.
...social media outreach, specifically on Facebook and LinkedIn. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and Attract potential leads on Facebook and LinkedIn who wants to get a web host or buy a domain. - Engage with these leads to generate interest in our services, one-to-one. - Proficiency in one-one marketing, social media marketing, and Content marketing Pay- 2 USD per acquired and paying customer you bring Target- 5 customers a day Duration: 1 month - Your unique affiliate link will be shared to you - Pay will be released on reaching daily targets/ milestones - No upfront or no campaigns fee or other charges will be provided, - No ads allowed, only organic traffic required. - No leads will be given No email marketing. - No invalid email ids/ bots or fake users allowed - Each cust...
I want a web developer to develop a wordpress website with only elementor pro plugin. It's a software training institute business. is the reference website. 5k is the budget. 15 page website with home, about us, courses page, blog page, contact us page, pop up form, enquiry form, resume update page. 4 categories and 2 courses each per category.
Welcome to the Inqdex project. We are developing a mobile application that will revolutionize the way investors buy shares in private companies. This app will also facilitate meetings betw...to buy shares in private companies. - A robust KYC (Know Your Customer) process for user verification before share purchase. This process will include collecting Government ID and Address Proof, Financial Statements, and Employment Details. Ideal Skills: - Mobile App Development - Understanding of KYC processes - Experience in creating investment platforms We are looking for someone who can bring this vision to life. Your experience and skills will be crucial in building a secure, user-friendly, and efficient application. Something similar to the attached logo black text and a green icon wit...
restyle of a page with input texts and textareas (and menuselects) to make it more pretty and usable. i provide ftp access
I'm seeking a freelancer proficient in Google Sheets to design a personalized expense manager for me. Key Requirements: - The first sheet will be where I input my data and it should automatically populate the second sheet. - The second sheet needs to summarize my expenses by category. - The third sheet needs to provide graphical interpretations of my expenses as Pie charts, Bar graphs, and Line charts. - The expense manager needs to track specific categories: Food and groceries, Transportation, and Utilities and bills. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Google Sheets with advanced skills in formulas and data automation. - Experienced in creating visually appealing and easy-to-understand data presentations. - Knowledgeable about personal finance management an...
I need a detailed, metal or plastic Angel halo that can pop up for easy wear and able to dance in. This halo is specifically intended as a costume accessory, so it needs to be lightweight enough for comfortable wear yet sturdy sufficient to withstand dancing with it on a child's head. If the halo lights up, that would a...plastic, providing durability and a premium feel. - The pop-up feature is crucial, allowing for quick and easy assembly and disassembly and activated remotely from offstage. Ideal Skills: - Experience in costume design and creation. - Proficiency in working with metal, plastic and electrical remote control a. - Understanding of ornate design styles. I'm looking for a freelancer who can bring this vision to life with attention to detail and a co...
I need a highly skilled web developer with experience in Wix to assist with the technical setup of a program landing page. The site is almost complete, but requires some crucial integrations. Key Responsibilities: - Integrating forms: I have all the content ready, but need someone to set up the forms correctly. - Setting up payment options: The site needs to support Credit/Debit Card, PayPal, and NDIS Invoice. - Email automation: This is critical for user registration and program updates. The ideal freelancer for this project would have: - Proven experience with Wix - Prior experience in setting up e-commerce and program registration pages - Strong skills in email automation tools Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your bid. Thank you!
...to get this done within 7 days. Open to discussing deadlines based on project complexity. Budget: I am open to fixed-price or hourly rates. Please provide your estimated cost and time for completion. How to Apply: Please share: Your experience with similar projects Links to past projects or portfolio Your estimated timeline and cost Looking forward to working with a talented developer who can bring this project to life!...
...approximately 65 to 75 pages. I need assistance in reformatting it in Google Docs. The content should remain unchanged; the focus should be on enhancing the document's visual appeal. Key Requirements: - Design Elements: The entire document needs to be reformatted. This includes the incorporation of headers and footers, the use of bullet points and numbered lists, as well as the application of custom fonts and colors. - Layout: The layout of the document should follow a policy manual standard. This means a single-column layout with some sections possibly requiring a two-column layout. - Table of Contents: A table of contents is necessary and should be included in the document. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Google Docs - Strong attention to detail - ...
...writer to create high-quality, original blog articles for two websites: The focus will be on personal injury law and related legal topics, targeting audiences in Florida, Georgia, and Texas. The content must be SEO-optimized, engaging, and traffic-driven to improve our rankings and online visibility. Key Requirements: Topic Research: Research and write on relevant, high-traffic legal topics that bring value to readers. SEO Expertise: Use effective keywords and formatting for better search rankings. Original Content: All work must be 100% human-written—NO AI usage allowed. Content will be tested for originality using AI detection and plagiarism tools. High-Quality Writing: Informative, engaging, and professional tone while keeping it conversational and easy to understand. ...
My Google Ads account has been suspended for allegedly violating the Circumventing Systems policy. I appealed once but was unsuccessful and didn't get clear details from Google. I'm looking for a seasoned Google AdWords professional who can help me understand the issue and reinstate my account.
I am seeking a skilled designer to create a chic and professional landing page for my limousine service website. The landing page should incorporate all the necessary information about our services. Key Requirements: - Integrate service details and a booking form on the landing page. - Utilize a sophisticated Black, Gold and gold tone theme. - Source and incorporate high-quality professional images related to the luxury vehicle industry. - Write persuasive, formal and elegant copy for the page. - Require a Booking Form - Require designer to source images for the site related to this industry Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web design with a focus on landing pages. - Experience in sourcing professional images. - Excellent copywriting skills, with a knack ...
I'm looking for a professional to help boost my sales through a Google Ads campaign. My business revolves around selling physical products aimed at general consumers. Key Requirements: - Proven experience with Google Ads, preferably in e-commerce. - Demonstrated ability to generate leads and convert them into sales. - Skills in targeting and reaching general consumer market effectively. - Capability to create engaging ads that promote my physical products. Your primary goal will be to generate more sales or leads through this campaign. Please share examples of successful campaigns you've managed in the past.