...all users' data into high-quality content automatically into the database, so that when all users call AI, they can first go through the database to enhance memory, without repeating the problem sorting; it is also convenient for us to use it in training later). New management panel function: Add an Airwallex and virtual currency payment gateway. Add a robust marketing email system. Add a robust blog system. Our front-end address: Admin panel: To ensure that the design and development are satisfied, we need to maintain continuous communication throughout the design and development stages. Each page design and development needs to be confirmed before entering the next page to achieve an efficient workflow and avoid conflicts. If there are unfinished parts or parts
...such as organic search, social media, advertising, etc. Add order count: Track and display the total number of orders and their status. Add revenue data: Display total revenue and monthly revenue changes. Add total user count: Show the total number of registered users and new user growth. Add risk control count: Track and display the total number of risk control incidents handled. 2.3 Blog Function Add a Blog publishing module: Add SEO settings feature: Provide editing options for custom SEO metadata (title, keywords, description, etc.) to enhance the page's search engine visibility. Add UI design: Use Figma design style for an intuitive and user-friendly interface. 2.4 Risk Control System The risk control system will add the following functional modules: Add geo-ba...
...混合收益农业聚合器。除了提供与中心化金融生态系统相关的安全性之外,它还提供了两全其美的优势,提供 DeFi 收益农业的所有成本效益、便捷访问、透明度和快速性 Moon Farm 优化了产量农业兴趣(APYI APR),并为用户提供了选择他们想要使用的农场的能力,否则系统会自动使用产量优化引擎确定最佳耕作策略。 我们的愿景: 成为领先的CeDeFi产量种植优化平台; 弥合 CeFi 和 DeFi 之间的差距; 消除种植业的准入门槛,提升用户体验; 提供更好的资金利用率; 创建强大的优化,为 DeFi 用户提供最佳利益; 促进加密采用。 签名特点: 与其他平台相比,具有相同或更高 APYIAPR 的单一资产耕作(无需 LP 代币)。 零农业交易费用。 多链农业(BSC, EH, POLYGON 等)。 Moonfarm is a hybrid income agricultural aggregator of defi and cefi. In addition to providing security related to the centralized financial ecosystem, it also provides the best of both worlds advantages, providing all the cost-effectiveness, easy access, transparency and rapidity of defi income agriculture Moon farm optimizes the yield agriculture interest (apyi APR) and provides users with the ability to choose the farm they...
...aliexpress and shopify business etc. Job will be paid by hours and the expected deliverables are bi- weekly with 1 original posts; sometimes I will need some event promotion articles and will inform you one week before the delivery. Marketing knowledge and SEO skill will be huge plus. The writing style guideline will be provided to you and here is the content hub for your reference: Looking forward to your interest! 工作内容: - 负责撰写相关企业品牌传播软文及线上线下活动稿件及媒体广告文字,涉及内容采集、优化、整理和原创撰写。 - 了解跨境电商例如亚马逊、速卖通、aliexpress等,负责撰写跨境电商行业热点、公司产品、大事记相关文章。主要内容产出方向为跨境电商行业+独立站运营。 - 了解SEO搜索引擎优化、负责协助网站搜索引擎优化推广,通过文案优化来促进网站知名度和排名度的提高. 工作要求: - 精通公文写作,富有创意、具备强大的原创能力,工作细心、细致; - 新闻、中文、文学或传播学相关专业本科及以上学历; - 热爱新媒体,具备良好的新闻敏感度,对新媒体运营有自己的理解; - 扎实的文字功底,有关注和阅读大量订阅号的习惯;若有自己运营的网站或公众号,可提供参考。 - 对百度搜索引擎优化有基本了解,有相关从业经验者优先;
诚信设计需要一些平面设计。转bialwe他与合伙人感到收藏市场化、公开化将是必然趋势,他是藏缅语系研究方面的专家,时时刻刻都想着, ,由青铜文化、蜀玉文化可以推知,有榆树叶真是幸福,可以荡漾秋千的联合体育器材, ,在这句话面前,许多事情似乎已经发生了转变,眼羡至极,嘱咐我们洗手洗脚吃完留给我们的碗豆面馍馍,也需要三千年的时间,又是为了什么, “... 阅读更多I need some changes to an existing website. I need you to design and build my blog.
需要的网页如下 公司主页需要 主页 会社概要 事业介绍 商品系列 商品介绍 Blog(WordPress) 查询 日本乐天,雅虎购物网站主页需要 主页(两个网站都要,可以相同)
网站必须具备以下元素: 1.博客(WordPress 或 Drupal 或 Joomla) 2.产品介绍(类似 ) 3.预购+注册(英文用户-email,国内用户-手机/微信/QQ) 4.团队/公司简介 注意: 1.网站主要是针对国内的互联网用户。 2.必须对国内网民习惯和行为有深入的理解。例子:应该明白大多国内网民比较喜欢用电话号码注册。(一般网民不太喜欢用电子邮件)
网站必须具备以下元素: 1.博客(WordPress 或 Drupal 或 Joomla) 2.产品介绍(类似 ) 3.预购+注册(英文用户-email,国内用户-手机/微信/QQ) 4.团队/公司简介 注意: 1.网站主要是针对国内的互联网用户。 2.必须对国内网民习惯和行为有深入的理解。例子:应该明白大多国内网民比较喜欢用电话号码注册。(一般网民不太喜欢用电子邮件)
Development of a celluar phone and WeChat login module+ WeChat and Weibo content sharing feature for a Chinese H5 website That's it, quite simple. Interested candidates can visit to better understand what's our application about, just a reference.
任务描述 基于wordpress建设企業介紹网站,需要國際性信用卡支付功能(Visa Master AE 銀聯 paypal)、blog新聞與活動發布功能 以及會員系統_登入/註冊/會員資料(郵箱註冊、Facebook登入 )功能, 要求网站瀏覽流程简单好用。 开发方向 將我方已添購的模板與呈現內容進行安裝、重組與呈現。 讓客戶對於我方服務進行線上支付、blog新聞發布、會員系統(郵箱和第三方)。 我方會提供內地金流服務商(銀聯)的架接方式。 网站所属行业 海外留學服務機構 是否已准备好网站所需要内容? 我方將提供 [文字 视频 模板] 彼此共同探討 『 图片 』 网站所需功能 用户注册,生成用户账号 支持社交网站(Facebook/Twitter)登录 在线支付(國際信用卡) 模板內Blog功能實現 中英雙语言 全站搜索 补充说明: ===== 此描述有小幅改动,请已投标的朋友再次阅读任务描述 ===== 我们已经購買好wordpress主题,可以从中选择,也可以另外建议,可以再讨论,主题已經支持woocommerce。 維護方面,我們希望在建置後的三個月內能進行網站的穩定性調適並且教導我方如何更改網站圖文及blog內容。 功能方面,最主要就是將模板內功能配合我方ppt的呈現, 業務的介紹、用戶對於業務的在線支付以及第三方平台的接入。 在线支付需要支持paypal,电子转账和國際信用卡(銀聯)支付,并且网站应该在手机上浏览顺畅(模板內已有多方頁面呈現),用户体验良好。 在您给出最好的报价的同时,我们希望你尽量给出你做过的用wordpress建站的电商网站作品,如果不是wordpress建的请务必标出,如果...
任务描述 基于wordpress建设企業介紹网站,需要國際性信用卡支付功能(Visa Master AE 銀聯 paypal)、blog新聞與活動發布功能 以及會員系統_登入/註冊/會員資料(郵箱註冊、Facebook登入 )功能, 要求网站瀏覽流程简单好用。 开发方向 將我方已添購的模板與呈現內容進行安裝、重組與呈現。 讓客戶對於我方服務進行線上支付、blog新聞發布、會員系統(郵箱和第三方)。 我方會提供內地金流服務商(銀聯)的架接方式。 网站所属行业 海外留學服務機構 是否已准备好网站所需要内容? 我方將提供 [文字 视频 模板] 彼此共同探討 『 图片 』 网站所需功能 用户注册,生成用户账号 支持社交网站(Facebook/Twitter)登录 在线支付(國際信用卡) 模板內Blog功能實現 中英雙语言 全站搜索 补充说明: ===== 此描述有小幅改动,请已投标的朋友再次阅读任务描述 ===== 我们已经購買好wordpress主题,可以从中选择,也可以另外建议,可以再讨论,主题已經支持woocommerce。 維護方面,我們希望在建置後的三個月內能進行網站的穩定性調適並且教導我方如何更改網站圖文及blog內容。 功能方面,最主要就是將模板內功能配合我方ppt的呈現, 業務的介紹、用戶對於業務的在線支付以及第三方平台的接入。 在线支付需要支持paypal,电子转账和國際信用卡(銀聯)支付,并且网站应该在手机上浏览顺畅(模板內已有多方頁面呈現),用户体验良好。 在您给出最好的报价的同时,我们希望你尽量给出你做过的用wordpress建站的电商网站作品,如果不是wordpress建的请务必标出,如果...
需要修改目前网站的一些bug,添加一个博客功能和可以发布的后端,具体设计都已经有了。Minor Bug fix, add a backend to publish blog, the designs are ready.
Job Requirements: We need your assistant to post on forums,blog,websites,Social media promote our website and services in American,Canadian or other countries websites. Contact me through $0.4 per post, and it also depends on your will pay you according to your also look for long time cooperation. Details: - You must be fluency in English, and post the articles to local English Forums(or blog,websites,SNS) in order to introduce our website or products. The articles should contain our website address or URL Link. - The websites you are going to post should be in high rank with Google,Yahoo,Bing. - You should post the articles under category of accounting servicesserviced officeincorporation services or related. - You cannot post the same article under one channel
...and "The New Stuff" Column in the middle and then right side bar ) sharp modern colored simple style papers for content area and side navigation.(right side bar every page including content page) small size social plugin panel on every thumbnail-post excerpt Navigation and Category Headers banners. Unique search design function Google font installation with fonts of my choice Decorative blog post title, date and time Revisions until I am satisfied with the design PSD layered source files as I need to also have a forum designed with the same theme. Must be installed Budget is HK$2,500 (USD300), any bids exceeding that will be ignored. I will not release any milestone payments until I see the design and am 100% happy with it. I will not create a mileston...
I own a new blog site hosted on cPanel with its own domain. I need a professional to guide me on how to monetize this website using Google Adsense. Key Requirements: - Expert knowledge of Google Adsense and its integration with cPanel and blog sites - Experience in monetizing new websites - Understanding of strategies to increase Adsense revenue Additionally, I am considering SEO for my site and may need advice on this. Therefore, skills and experience in SEO would be beneficial. Please provide a clear plan of how you would approach this project in your proposal.
...(e.g., healthcare, finance, retail, etc.). • Case Studies: Share real-world success stories with measurable results. 5. Careers/Join Our Team • Job Listings: Easy-to-browse openings for cybersecurity, staffing, helpdesk, and information security roles. • Candidate Resources: Resume tips, certifications guide, career advice. • Company Culture: Highlight diversity, inclusion, and benefits. 6. Blog/Resources • Cybersecurity Trends and News • Guides for Businesses (e.g., “Top IAM Best Practices for 2024”) • Insights on Staffing in Tech • Helpdesk Tips (e.g., “How to Streamline IT Support”) • Information Security Insights (e.g., “Mitigating Insider Threats with IAM”) • Webinars, Whitepapers, an...
Ciao! Sono [Il tuo nome], un’esperta scrittrice con esperienza nella creazione di contenuti ottimizzati per i motori di ricerca. Se desideri articoli ben scritti, informativi e pensati per aumentare il traffico al tuo sito web, sei nel posto giusto! Posso aiutarti a migliorare la visibilità del tuo blog e a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi online con contenuti SEO-friendly. Se hai bisogno di articoli di alta qualità che migliorino la SEO del tuo sito o blog, inviami un messaggio! Sarò felice di aiutarti a raggiungere il successo online con contenuti mirati e ben scritti
I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a traditional and classic styled website for our synagogue. The site should have the following pages: Home, About Us, Donation Page/Form (with a focus on one-time donations and including sponsorship opportunities), Gallery, Events page, Blog/News/Updates Page (with an 'Ask the Rabbi' section), Calendar Page (to include prayer times and holidays), Youth Programs (divided into age groups 12-13, 14-15, 16-17, 18-19), Facilities (with descriptions for each section including our Library, Gym, Game Room, Conference Room, Beit Midrash, Dining Area, and BBQ Area), Contact Page, Privacy Page, ADA Page, and Site Map. The homepage should prominently feature our donation and sponsorship opportunities. This is a ...
...opportunities—many members have gone from zero to earning $10,000+ per month in record time. 2. Target the Right Audience Focus on individuals who: - Dream of breaking free from financial stress. - Are intrigued by cutting-edge solutions like crypto, AI, and online education. - Have the drive to change their lives and achieve financial freedom. **3. Create Engaging Content** Inspire your audience with: - Blog posts about the power of crypto and passive income. - Eye-catching social media posts showcasing your success. - Videos that demonstrate the life-transforming benefits of TrillionCoin’s educational packages. **4. Use Urgency and Scarcity** Push your prospects to act now: - “Spots are filling up fast—don’t miss out on this life-changing ...
Full Website Development including 10 Pages: Page Us Us (1 service page which will be copied for several services) Areas Page(1 city page which will be copied for several cities) 10.Blog(should be customized) Business Name: Monster Grass South Florida Phone Number: Will be provided soon Address: 1145 S 28 Ave, Hollywood, Florida, 33020, United States Email: abel @
I'm seeking a talented content creator to develop engaging blog articles for a travel-focused website. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in content creation, specifically blog articles - Deep understanding and passion for travel - Ability to write captivating and SEO-friendly content - Experience in content creation for travel blogs will be a plus
I'm seeking an SEO expert to enhance my blog's visibility on Google. The primary focus is on improving the search engine ranking of my website, , which is primarily a blog about flaxseeds. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in SEO, particularly for blog content - In-depth knowledge of Google's ranking algorithms - Ability to create and implement effective SEO strategies - Skills in keyword research and content optimization
I'm looking to increase traffic to my website through strategic backlink generation. The primary focus will be on getting these backlinks from blogs and articles. Ideal Skills: - SEO expertise - Content creation - Digital marketing - Blog outreach - Guest post writing Your main task will be crafting compelling guest posts that not only serve as a means to create backlinks but also resonate with the target blog's audience, driving up traffic to my site.
...opportunities—many members have gone from zero to earning $10,000+ per month in record time. 2. Target the Right Audience Focus on individuals who: - Dream of breaking free from financial stress. - Are intrigued by cutting-edge solutions like crypto, AI, and online education. - Have the drive to change their lives and achieve financial freedom. **3. Create Engaging Content** Inspire your audience with: - Blog posts about the power of crypto and passive income. - Eye-catching social media posts showcasing your success. - Videos that demonstrate the life-transforming benefits of TrillionCoin’s educational packages. **4. Use Urgency and Scarcity** Push your prospects to act now: - “Spots are filling up fast—don’t miss out on this life-changing ...
I need a professional and corporate style website for my IT services and staffing company. The main goal of the website is to effectively showcase our range of services. Key Features: - Essential pages include: Home, About Us, Services, Contact Us, Our Team, Blog Post Page - A design style that is modern, yet professional and corporate - A focus on clear, concise presentation of our services Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficient in web design with a portfolio of similar corporate websites - Strong understanding of UI/UX principles for professional audiences - Ability to create engaging, easy-to-navigate websites Technical Requirements: - Website must be in HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript/JQuery(Additional JS libraries can be used)
I'm seeking a skille...developer to build a professional business website. The site should be user-friendly, visually appealing, and responsive across all devices. Key Features: - A Blog Section: The website will need to incorporate a blog section where I can post updates, news, and articles related to my business and industry. The ideal candidate should have experience working with content management systems (CMS) and can set up an easy-to-use backend. Skills & Experience: - Proficient in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Previous experience creating business websites - Knowledge of SEO best practices - Familiarity with setting up blog sections on websites - Strong attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines. Please provide a...
I'm seeking a skilled Frontend Developer to convert my Figma designs into a fully responsive website. The scope of the project is not limited to a specific type of website, as it could range from an e-commerce platform to a portfolio or a blog. However, the main goal is to ensure the website is visually accurate and functionally seamless across all devices. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and relevant frameworks. - Extensive experience with Figma. - Strong understanding of responsive and adaptive design. - Ability to implement visually accurate designs. - Experience in debugging and optimizing web applications for speed and performance. Please note, specific functionalities, device responsiveness, and project type will be discussed...
...files: • /wp-content/cache/min/1/wp-content/themes/vanillafair-themes/ • /wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/ 7. Pagination Fixes (WPML Specific): • Correct rel=“next” and rel=“prev” attributes in pagination for both default and translated pages to ensure a proper sequence. • Ensure pagination compatibility across all languages. Examples of affected pages: • /blog/page/2/ • /fr/blog/page/2/ 8. Testing and Quality Assurance: • Conduct cross-browser and device testing to ensure fixes are applied and functioning properly. • Perform regression testing to confirm no new issues arise. Requirements: • Advanced PHP development skills, specifically for WordPress. • Proven experience with custom W...
I'm looking for a talented graphics designer to refresh the images on my Wordpress Blogs. The ideal candidate should be able to create custom, modern and minimalist illustrations that fit the style of my blog. Most of the images would be in a standard pattern. Looking for about 800-1000 images per month Key Responsibilities: - Update current images with custom illustrations - Incorporate a mix of provided stock photographs and sourced new ones Skills and Experience Required: - Basic Knowledge in Wordpress - Strong portfolio of modern and minimalist illustrations - Experience with sourcing and editing stock images
...notifications for order updates. Review Module: Validate reviews to be displayed only after admin approval. Aggregate Ratings Display: Show average review ratings below product names. Responsive Images: Adjust image sizes across banners, products, and sliders for responsiveness, especially on mobile/iOS. Order Tracking: Integrate APIs for order tracking with delivery partners. Blog Layout: Fix blog layout and ensure responsiveness. Product Listing Issues: Resolve blank tiles and improve product search by SKU ID. Recently Launched Products: Enable full features (e.g., Add to Cart, Buy Now) in the "Recently Launched" section. Product Variants: Add color/size variation options without duplicating product listings. Product Feed Export: Enhance expor...
...notifications for order updates. Review Module: Validate reviews to be displayed only after admin approval. Aggregate Ratings Display: Show average review ratings below product names. Responsive Images: Adjust image sizes across banners, products, and sliders for responsiveness, especially on mobile/iOS. Order Tracking: Integrate APIs for order tracking with delivery partners. Blog Layout: Fix blog layout and ensure responsiveness. Product Listing Issues: Resolve blank tiles and improve product search by SKU ID. Recently Launched Products: Enable full features (e.g., Add to Cart, Buy Now) in the "Recently Launched" section. Product Variants: Add color/size variation options without duplicating product listings. Product Feed Export: Enhance expor...
Project Overview: I am seeking a skilled freelancer with their own SAP Business One instance to write a detailed blog post on creating a job quote in SAP Business One, with a focus on how to generate a custom report incorporating custom fields. The blog should guide readers step-by-step on how to add custom fields to a job quote, use those fields to generate reports, and how businesses can tailor their workflows in SAP Business One using these customizations. Key Tasks and Requirements: 1. Job Quote Creation: • A walkthrough of how to create a standard job quote in SAP Business One. • Detailed steps on how to include custom fields in the job quote form (such as custom cost codes, labor descriptions, or project-specific data). 2. Custom Field Integration: &bull...
I'm in need of a professional SEO expert to help with my single site. The primary focus will be on and off-page SEO with a strong emphasis on quality and effectiveness. Key Respon...costs - Using only do-follow links from sites with a Domain Authority of 50 and above - Providing regular, comprehensive SEO reports on a weekly basis Ideal Candidate: - Fluent in English with excellent communication skills - Proven track record of delivering impeccable SEO results - Quick to respond, even on weekends - Experienced with Rank Math Pro and AI tools Types of Content to be Created: - Blog posts - Product/service descriptions - Informational articles Please note: The focus will be on and off-page SEO. The successful candidate will be able to demonstrate their skills in SEO and co...
I'm looking for a skilled content writer specializing in the tech industry to create engaging blog posts for my website. - Content Type: The primary focus will be on writing blog posts that captivate readers and foster a community around our shared interest in technology. - Industry Knowledge: A solid understanding of current technology trends, innovations, and discussions is essential. - Writing Skills: The ability to write in an engaging, relatable manner is crucial for building a community and keeping readers coming back for more. Experience in the tech industry and a knack for community-focused writing will be key to the success of this project.
I am seeking an SEO expert with a strong content creation background to assist with on-page optimization and blog writing for my website on a MONTLY base READ THIS FIRST! The starting point is, what has been done in the past months is not bad but it has not brought anything. Everything is workable, Google Console, Analytics, Semrush etc. We now have to take the next step with a partner who has a clear goal in mind and sees it as a challenge to significantly increase the DA and index the pages. What we often encounter is that we, as a customer are seen as a “Package’ . We are not a 'Package', we are a (new) customer who needs individual advice and support. Then it does not work for us to be put in a package. I understand that you sell packages. But a customer...
I'm a freelancer specializing in writing and translation, particularly focused on crafting engaging blog posts. I'm seeking a skilled professional who can assist me in enhancing my presence on Freelancer.com. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in English (and other languages would be a plus) - Strong understanding of SEO - Excellent research skills - Able to write in a variety of tones and styles - Experience with content writing, specifically for blogs. Your role will primarily involve: - Assisting with the creation of high-quality, engaging content for my blog - Helping to improve my visibility and credibility on the platform - Potentially translating content into other languages to reach a wider audience. Saya ingin jadi content creator
...key services, and unique AI offerings. • Call-to-Action: Encourage users to book a consultation or learn more about services. • Success Stories: Showcase client case studies and testimonials. 3. Services Section • Detailed descriptions of AI and automation services, such as: • AI consulting. • Custom AI solution development. • AI-powered automation tools. • Machine learning models. 4. Blog/Resources Section • Regularly updated AI news, trends, and insights. • In-depth articles, white papers, and downloadable resources. 5. Contact Section • Contact form with automated email notifications. • Interactive map for office location. • Social media integration. 6. Integration with AI Automation Chatbot The AI...
...with Four Tabs: The Works: Includes a video and a carousel arranged neatly. People and Us: A brief team description with photos. Get Enlightened: A blog feed displaying posts with carousels, text, and multimedia content. Login: Leads to a secure client dashboard with investment details. 2. Client Login Dashboard: Displays client investment summaries, dates, and payment details. Provides a link to an Alternative Investment Page showing: Comparative analysis of returns via charts and pictorial representations. Data views pulled dynamically from Google Sheets. 3. Admin and Content Management: Easy-to-use interface for updating blog posts and client data. Integration with Google Sheets for seamless updates. Collaboration Requirements: UI/UX Design: Work collab...
I'm looking to build a top-tier e-commerce platform for both men's and women's fashion wear, with a primary focus on user experience and design. The design style I'm aiming for is a sleek, modern and minimalist aesthetic, so an eye for clean, uncluttered design is crucial. Details : i have web hosting and domain with me, you need to create : Home , about us , shop , blog , my account , wish list page , cart page , disclaimer , privacy policy , terms and conditions , Refund and exchange policy , contact us page , FAQ pages on the web site. Note : Content will be provided by me. Product : total 10 Categories need to create and you have to upload 10 product in each categories rest i will upload. Product edited images and content i will provide to you. Paymen...
I'm in the process of writing a book and managing a blog, and I could use some expert assistance in getting them off the ground. Your expertise in publications management will be crucial in helping me with the following: - Book Marketing: I need help with email marketing strategies and planning for the book launch. Your experience in these areas will be invaluable in creating a buzz and reaching potential readers. - Blog Management: I need assistance with SEO optimization techniques to improve the blog's visibility and strategies to engage the audience effectively. Your skills in these areas will help to grow the blog's readership and keep them coming back for more. Lastly, I need guidance on how to monetize both the book and the blog. Your experience...
...Swiss timepieces. **Key Responsibilities:** - Conduct keyword research to identify high-traffic terms such as “replica watches,” “Rolex replica,” “luxury replica watches,” “best replica watches,” and related phrases. - Optimize on-page SEO elements including title tags, meta descriptions, headers, and alt text to improve search visibility. - Provide content recommendations for product pages and blog posts, ensuring all content is SEO-optimized. - Analyze competitor websites in the replica watch niche to uncover additional opportunities. - Enhance website speed and ensure mobile optimization for a seamless user experience. - Employ ethical, white-hat SEO practices to maintain compliance with search engine guidelines. **Requirements...