...methods, uses and social customs, as well as business protocols in China or Hong Kong, as well as geographical, political, legal, cultural factors, etc. We are looking for a person residing in China or Hong Kong (documentation will be requested to corroborate this) and with a native level of chinese and an intermediate level of english. With experience as a small business owner, self-employed or freelance. An empathetic person, capable of understanding the commercial needs of a businessman. We are looking for an extroverted and eloquent person, with the ability to "make friends even with stones". Once you contact our client profile, you only have to show them our service and how it will help them commercially (% savings on return logistics). We carry out the sale and cl...
购买了一台安卓双屏设备,一面为竖屏,另一面为横屏。 想要做到的效果是当顾客用竖屏来自助点餐的同时,服务员也能用横屏的POS机来为其他的顾客点餐。 1. 尝试过在两个屏幕各跑一个app,竖屏跑自助点餐app,横屏跑POS app,但是自助点餐的单传不进去POS(在两台独立的安卓单屏机的情况下没有问题),怀疑是因为同一台设备两个app一样IP导致API收不到,然后尝试了localhost还是不行。 2. 尝试过只用一个app来投放双屏,即把自助点餐和POS都写在同一个app里面,然后用Display Manager来选择投放副屏。用了DartEntryPoint来设定副屏的main(),但是副屏的显示需要手动刷新(hot reload)才会显示,而且setState没有反应。 研究了很久一直没有突破口,也不确定哪个方向是对的,所以想找一位对安卓双屏异显POS有相对经验的人来教我实际的做法。
...com o ponto 2.4 do Despacho n.º 8632/2014 de 03 de julho do Diretor Geral da Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira sendo que o 1º documento pertence à série F com o nº 23 do dia 14-01-2022 e o 2º pertence à série D com o nº 3 do dia 12-01-2022 e respetivo PDF. (Note que, de acordo com o ponto 2.4.2, deve ser criado um novo documento do mesmo tipo que recolha todos os elementos do documento manual emitido, significando que todos os elementos são de introdução livre, por exemplo: denominação usual, quantidade, preço, valor do imposto, total de imposto e do documento, etc.); T30. Simule a integração de 2 documentos (de 30-01-2022) de acordo com o ponto 2.5 do Desp...
We have procured WoWonder(verv3.0.4) Social platform and Wondertag (The Ultimate WoWonder...it. All the “subissue” will be recorded in each user's personal statement record. 7. When a user shares a “issue” on Facebook, the preview must be the one currently generated by sharing. 8. The proposer and manager of an “issue” are granted the right to delete, descend orascend the comment, with the ranking ranging from -2 to +2 and a default of 0. The manager needs to note the reason for the descending discussion, and the note will be displayed at the bottom of the original comment. Demo Account: user: luisa.upton_587 password: 5026 user: sheldon.renner_670 password: 5026
一个互联网维修和装修freelance 平台 可以先跟我在vx: caomingxin5009先聊一下,谢谢。
Banana Portal 接蕉喇係香港首個完全免費的綜合服務指南平台,致力去除自由工作(Freelance)市場參差的中介,提供完全透明、保障用家利益的配對服務,並協助自由工作者(freelancer)及商戶拓展業務。 過百種分類包括:攝影師,平面及室內設計師,婚禮統籌,化妝,中學小學音樂補習老師,室內設計,家居清潔,網業及程式設計開發,寵物服務等。 我們希望能夠將網站的SERP、Domain Authority、Citation 以Backlink, social bookmarking等方法提升。
We have completed the graphic design and graphic materials, to speed up the project that want additional resource to help us to code for HTML 5 pages. - Adaptive HTML for mobile devices - Multi- environment support(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - Expected 2.5 weeks to complete entire page development, 0.5 weeks for testing and fixing - Basic test from developer before releasing every build to us. Final acceptance test will done by us - NDA is needed before start sharing project infomation 目前我们正在开发一个餐厅订单后台处理的平台,需要另外一名freelance来加速HTML5的开发进程。 - 目前我们已经完成了页面额设计和PS素材的制作,开发人员可以直接使用。 - 自适应网页制作,尤其是针对不同的移动设备(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - 希望在两周半的时候完成页面的开发(希望每两两天提交代码,以便早点检查和反馈),大概3-5天做验收测试和问题修复 - 希望开发人员会做基本的自测,确保发给我们验收的内容有一定的质量。当然我们也很希望开发者可用提出一些专业的建议和意...
...form - Contact us form - Real Time orders - Real time purchasing i.e online store - Easy to upload new products with pictures and price - Link with WeChat - Mobile friendly I would like to see designs of what the website can look like before purchasing. Please can you give me a quotation on the work from End to End on this. I look forward to your reply. Regards Vishal IT Manager...
想找一個熟悉Wordpress Web Designer,長期Freelance工作,時薪,工時彈性
android app & SQL/PHP web DB freelance job 詳情請email 查詢
opencart connect to Stock Manager Advance (v3.0.1.20 ) sync opencart with Stock Manager Advance including order, member, order status. find the attachment is detail document
...be send to manager's email for approval, manager can approve from the email link d. therapist management function, can easily add/delete employee, and arrange employee on duty. e. service management function for cashier, payment calculation for employee and cashier. f. coupon management, coupon will have expire date. g. interface for manager to publish some information on the side new feed bar. h. support google map. 网页设计要求 1. 设计大方简洁,适合按摩店特色,支持手机浏览以及预约,可以支持多个按摩店(不同名字),不同主页 2. 语言支持:英文 3. 需要有适合手机浏览的页面 4. 需要有用户管理功能: 客人,经理,员工 4a. 客人注册 (电话,邮件),客人邮件需要和pommo软件同步,pommo是一个开源的邮件发送软件。 4b. 客人可以邀请其他客人 4c. 客人可以网上预约,预约邮件发送到管理员邮箱,管理员可以通过邮件确认并答复 4d. 服务管理功能,可以参见现有服务列表。 4e. Coupon功能。manager可以给客人发cou...
Translating day to day Cantonese conversations to Korean client
7 Desires 国际是专注在时尚娱乐行业的模特儿管理和活动组织公司,他们还拥有摄影和视频制作团队。 7 Desires 国际可以帮助您宣传产品、品牌或让西方模特穿着您指定的衣服或配饰拍照和制作视频,供您的网站使用。 只需把您的货物样本寄送到欧洲或美国,剩下的事情就交给他们(7 Desires )了。 价格非常优惠! 今天就去访问:7desiresinternational.c o m 吧 CHINESE FREELANCE ONLY: WE NEED TO FIND CHINESE FACTORY OR RETAILERS INTERESTED IN OUR SERVICES. Apply only if you can really make us close a deal with a company willing to send the goods in Europe to realize photos advertising with our models. If you are not able to finalize a deal please do not apply or you will not be paid.
...profil ovde nam se veoma dojmi, pa smo zainteresovani za početak, da naručimo preko freelancer-a, jedan esej ako si zainteresovan da napišeš, te da nam daš ponudu u zavisnosti od vremena koje ti je potrebno. Esej bi trebalo da sadrži sledeće elemente, a forma ti je potpuno slobodna - ti dakle možeš da mu daš naslov kako želiš: - Opis jednog R&D projekta, koji bi ti sam osmislio i svoje učešće u njemu, iz pozicije ovog trenutka (dakle, neka tvoja ideja, nije poenta u tehničkim detaljima samog tog projekta, ali poželjno je da iz toga uočimo tvoja core znanja koja akcentuješ za svoje najveće prednosti, kao i mogućnosti i planove čime bi želeo da se baviš i dalje ostvaruje&...
1.要識中文,善於溝通 2. Access 基本運作 (關聯圖,報表,表單等等) -要將所有資料整理及關聯,方便我們尋找客人的資料 -要按我們需要及要求製作表單和報表 -需要各負責人交代有關運作及其用途
要求对magetno 熟识,了解google adword ,PPC ,要会熟识googel Feed,因为我的站产品比超过3w 件产品。 我安装有googel Feed 插件 04/19/2014 at 11:34 NZST - Additional information submitted 我的网站
要求对magetno 熟识,了解google adword ,PPC ,要会熟识googel Feed,因为我的站产品比超过3w 件产品。 我安装有googel Feed 插件
招聘融资经理(Finance Manager)和融资经营小组(Finance Partners) 我公司谋求得到投资银行投资作业方案、融资债卷发行代理、信托资本额授信、推荐银行投资者关系、私人公司债权融资、股权投资、风险投资和小额天使投资。 为此我公司聘请融资专项职业经理: 募集小投资者或来源可靠的资金投资我公司发展, 向出资者或控股财团撰写商业发展计划书,提交时要求面见和尽力加以解说。 每月一千外加千分之一融资额度 1,000 per month plus 1 per thousand financing facility
招聘融资经理(Finance Manager)和融资经营小组(Finance Partners) 我公司谋求得到投资银行投资作业方案、融资债卷发行代理、信托资本额授信、推荐银行投资者关系、私人公司债权融资、股权投资、风险投资和小额天使投资。 为此我公司聘请融资专项职业经理: 募集小投资者或来源可靠的资金投资我公司发展, 向出资者或控股财团撰写商业发展计划书,提交时要求面见和尽力加以解说。 每月一千外加千分之一融资额度 1,000 per month plus 1 per thousand financing facility
招聘融资经理(Finance Manager)和融资经营小组(Finance Partners) 我公司谋求得到投资银行投资作业方案、融资债卷发行代理、信托资本额授信、推荐银行投资者关系、私人公司债权融资、股权投资、风险投资和小额天使投资的支持和参与扶持融资。 为此我公司聘请融资专项职业经理: 募集小投资者或来源可靠的资金投资我公司发展,向出资者或控股财团提交商业发展计划书,提交时要求面见和尽力加以解说。编辑、撰写和修订必须事先通知公司讨论。 尝试收购有用的公司,分析行业金融和资金动态资料。 不限期正规渠道融资,年度融资五千万额度,年薪百分之三融资额度。不是融资越多越好,要考虑公司会否签合同,让公司超状况支付股权或债务则要被解雇!
招聘融资经理(Finance Manager)和融资经营小组(Finance Partners) 我公司谋求得到投资银行投资作业方案、融资债卷发行代理、信托资本额授信、推荐银行投资者关系、私人公司债权融资、股权投资、风险投资和小额天使投资。 为此我公司聘请融资专项职业经理: 募集小投资者或来源可靠的资金投资我公司发展, 向出资者或控股财团撰写商业发展计划书,提交时要求面见和尽力加以解说。 每月一千外加千分之一融资额度 1,000 per month plus 1 per thousand financing facility
Meta Ads Manager Intern (₹10k–₹15k per month | 2-month internship with potential for full-time) Project Description: We're a dynamic tech startup, 20s Developer, in search of a Meta Ads Manager Intern. Your primary responsibility will be to handle our ad campaigns on Facebook and Instagram, aiming to generate leads and reach industry influencers. ? Stipend: ₹10,000–₹15,000 per month ? Duration: 2 months (with the opportunity for a salary increase and an in-house position based on performance) ? Location: Remote Key Responsibilities: Plan, create, and manage Meta ad campaigns. Optimize ads to improve performance and ROI. Collaborate with our content team for ad creatives and copy. Analyze ad data and prepare performance reports. Target Audience: Po...
I'm seeking a proficient data scraper to gather information on film production companies across specific Australian regions. The data should be collected from Google Business Profiles and other search engines. Target Agencies: - Film Production Companies - Freelance Videographer's Data Requirements: For each agency, please provide: - Name - Email - Company Name - Location - Phone Number Primary Geographical Focus (100 leads each): - Gold Coast - Brisbane - Northern NSW - Melbourne - Sydney - Adelaide Total Leads Needed: 600 leads Deliverables: - A Google Sheets document with the data organized alphabetically by company name. Application: Please submit your proposal if you have experience in data scraping and can deliver accurate results. Include your rate per lead an...
I'm seeking assistance in crafting the introduction of my freelance proposals, with a friendly tone. Ideal Skills: - Proposal Writing - Communication Skills - Understanding of Freelance Marketplace Experience Required: - Proven track record in successful proposal writing - Prior experience in freelancing preferred What I Need: - Help with writing the introduction of my proposals in a friendly manner - Suggestions on how to enhance the overall proposal to increase my chances of getting hired
...Social Media and Blog Growth Manager to help enhance the visibility and follower engagement of my platforms. Target Audience: My content is primarily aimed at individuals interested in mental health and substance abuse. Scope of Work: - Standardize content and set a schedule for posts across all platforms (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Reddit). - Grow my current follower count by implementing effective outreach and engagement strategies. - Utilize analytics to customize strategies for targeted audience growth. To be considered for this project, please review my website and my Instagram @blakehuntrecovery. A customized plan will be necessary, as auto-generated replies will not be considered. Budget: I have allocated $1,000 for this project with the intention of...
Siamo alla ricerca di una persona da inserire nel reparto per chiamate e acquisizione clienti. Solo persone che parlano e vivono in Italia.
We are looking for a creative and pragmatic freelance interior designer to redesign key areas of an apartment, optimizing space and functionality. The project involves transforming the existing layout to enhance the living experience while maintaining aesthetic appeal and practicality. Project Scope: 1. Relocation of the kitchen: Move the existing kitchen to the current outdoor terrace, creating a functional and stylish new cooking space. 2. Redefining the terrace space: Repurpose the current kitchen area into a useful and well-integrated part of the home. 3. Relaxation area under a retractable roof: The existing pergola will be replaced with a retractable roof, requiring the design of a cozy and inviting leisure area. 4. Harmonizing the entrance hall, living room, an...
I sell 116 cartoons for YouTube (42 horizontal videos, 74 shorts and 70 previews for them), as well as ready-made animation templates that can also be sold. I am looking for a sales manager who can help sell this project.
We’re looking for a skilled Social Media Manager to boost our presence on all social media platforms, and promote sales on the platforms that allow selling like TikTok Shop and Facebook. The ideal candidate will create engaging content (staying ahead of trends, utilizing current techniques, ie: clipping) and post it on all desired Social Media platforms (Facebook, IG, X, Snapchat, TikTok, LinkedIn, YouTube Shorts), develop marketing campaigns, and monitor performance metrics to drive sales and engagement. Strong communication skills and an understanding of social media trends are essential. If you're passionate about social media marketing and creative, we’d love to hear from you! We are a new Canadian peptide company selling peptides and SARMs ONLY within the co...
Bonjour, Je suis à la recherche d’un développeur web freelance pour créer une application web et mobile intégrant un système d’abonnement et de paiement en ligne. Présentation du projet : L’application sera un assistant nutritionnel intelligent, capable d’analyser les repas à partir de photos et de fournir des informations nutritionnelles détaillées grâce à l’intelligence artificielle. L’objectif est d’aider les utilisateurs à suivre leur alimentation de manière simple et efficace. Fonctionnalités principales : Reconnaissance automatique des aliments via IA Calcul des calories et des valeurs nutritionnelles Suivi des repas et des objectifs...
Job Type: Freelance Experience Level: Expert Budget: €300–€600 per month (Flexible based on experience and results) Project Duration: Ongoing / Long-term Collaboration Location: Remote About Us: We are , a boutique brand based in Crete, Greece, specializing in handcrafted, high-quality T-shirts and apparel. With a focus on authenticity, uniqueness, and artistic expression, we create limited-edition collections using the finest fabrics. Our designs are bold and vibrant, crafted to inspire and bring joy to our customers across Greece, Germany, and beyond. Key Responsibilities: 1. AI-Driven SEO: • Leverage AI tools (e.g., ChatGPT, Jasper, Surfer SEO, Ahrefs, SEMrush) for: • Content creation and optimization • Keyword research and clustering &bull...
Note: Our priority is to have a modern interface design, 2D/3D game modeling is not required. Games logic is mostly simple. We are looking for a skilled and experienced freelance team or individual to design and develop a web-based application that provides and facilitates a collection of party and social interaction games designed to be played in person with friends and family. Games Types: The web app will launch with 6-8 games including Q&A, trivia, strategic and guessing games. Examples of similar games are like Kahoot, Wavelength, Codenames, Werewolves and Taboo, but with unique gameplay and design tailored for Arabic-speaking users. Note: The games don’t require any 2D/3D design, all the games have simple logic and there is nothing that is very complicated Perso...
More details: What type of medical freelance work do you need? Medical writing What type of medical writing do you require? Research articles What is the primary audience for the research articles? Medical professionals
Trabajo inmediato. Necesito un administrador de comunidad para administrar las redes sociales durante el horario de publicación en (España), puedes programarlo. Sus funciones mensuales serán las siguientes: Planificación de contenido para: -16 historias mensuales aprox. -12 publicaciones mensuales. - Informes mensuales de Metricool. Es esencial conocer Excel, ya que ahí es donde se llevará a cabo la estrategia de marketing y se desarrollará el contenido. También deben tener un buen conocimiento de Canva, tenemos una cuenta Pro para que puedan usarla. Y conoce a Metricool para emitir informes. Trabajo a largo plazo. Deben comentar sobre la propuesta si son especialistas en esto y aquellos que conocen el marketing digital agreg...
Saya memiliki keterampilan dan pengalaman yang relevan untuk berkontribusi dalam proyek ini. Dengan latar belakang yang kuat dalam freelance sosial media,saya pernah menangani akun tiktok dan youtube klient saya, saya mampu memberikan ide-ide kreatif serta solusi praktis. Selain itu, saya memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik dan bisa bekerja sama dalam tim, yang sangat penting untuk kelancaran proyek. Saya juga cepat belajar dan beradaptasi dengan teknologi atau metode baru, serta selalu berkomitmen untuk menyelesaikan tugas tepat waktu. Dengan semangat dan dedikasi, saya yakin bisa memberikan kontribusi yang positif bagi kesuksesan proyek ini.
Dreams 2 Reality Home Buyers, a wholesale real estate company, is seeking a skilled **Freelance Acquisition Manager** to join our team. This is a paid freelance role with a fixed compensation of **$750 per closed deal**, issued once the assignment fee is received. We are looking for a professional with experience in real estate acquisitions, negotiation, and market research. **Responsibilities:** - Identify and analyze distressed, motivated seller, probate, REO, vacant, and pre-foreclosure properties. - Conduct comparative market analysis to determine property value. - Communicate with property owners to negotiate and secure contracts. - Maintain a database of leads and track progress through the acquisition pipeline. - Work collaboratively with the team to ...
am looking for a freelance developer to build a small-scale e-commerce platform (either a website or a mobile app) where I can sell products to my friends and family. The platform should function similarly to Amazon, but on a much smaller scale. It will be a private e-commerce platform with limited users, and I want the option to scale it in the future. Key Features 1. User Accounts & Authentication • User registration & login (Email, Google, or Phone Number) • Admin dashboard to manage users, products, and orders 2. Product Listings & Categories • Ability to add, edit, and delete products • Product categories & search functionality • Product images, descriptions, and pricing 3. Shopping Cart & Checkout • Users can add/rem...
I'm in need of a resourceful and proactive Real Estate Account Manager or Wholesaler. The primary responsibilities include: - Skip tracing property owners using public records - Making offers via phone calls to the property owners - Managing my property listings The focus of this role will be on residential properties. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in utilizing public records for skip tracing - Excellent communication and negotiation skills for making offers - Experience in managing property listings - Prior experience in the residential real estate sector is highly desirable
I'm in need of a talented graphics designer, video editor and project manager for my social media platforms - Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. Requirements: - Design engaging post and banner designs - Create eye-catching thumbnail designs - Edit videos to be posted on YouTube - Design a variety of post types, including promotional, informational and educational posts Please DM me your CV and portfolio.
I'm seeking a project management professional with extensive experience in monday.com. My aim is to enhance my team's productivity through effective usage of the platform. Key Responsibilities: - Workflow Automation: Streamline our processes to minimize manual tasks and reduce errors. - Project Tracking and Reporting: Implement effective tracking systems for our projects and generate insightful reports. - Team Collaboration: Foster a collaborative environment through the platform's features. Team Size: The project will involve a small team of 1-10 members. Ideal Skills: - Expert knowledge of monday.com. - Proven experience in project management. - Strong skills in workflow automation. - Excellent communication and team collaboration abilities....
Project ID: OF1259 Note: **Automated or copy-pasted applications will not be considered** **We are not working with agencies for this role. Only direct applicants will be reviewed** Work Schedule: Days: Monday to Friday Hours: 3 hours/day Timings: 8 PM to 12 AM IST Location: Remote via Zoom (Screen share and remote control required) Salary: ₹35,000 per month (INR) Job Description: We are seeking an AWS Data Engineer with expertise in DevOps, ETL, Cognos Reporting, and Cloud Infrastructure to support a Contract Management System for Medicare Advantage (MA) Divesture Tranche 2. The project involves duplicating the existing commercial contract management system and setting up reporting, data pipelines, and AWS infrastructure. As a part-time developer, you will collaborate...