1. Order不能重复生成过一次之后就不再生成 2. Order Number的范围我可以指定 3. 我可以控制此次需要生成多少个order number 比如我输入了100就生成100个
...management panel and add new functions. Our situation: At present, our software has a web version front-end (the front-end has source code, written in Vue3+Gin); The back-end (the management panel obtained by purchasing a license, all functions are encrypted). We need to develop an management panel that is exactly the same as it. And add some new functions to make it more suitable for mobile phone display effects. Optimize AI functions: Add new functions and optimize AI functions: including: the original AI Chat function (add canvas function, search function, memory function, multimodal function, export document function, real-time voice interaction function, voice to text function, memory function), AI drawing function (add editable pictures, expand picture function, select r...
...statistics on total user visits. Add regional access ratio: Display the percentage of users visiting from different regions. Add user source ratio: Show user acquisition channels, such as organic search, social media, advertising, etc. Add order count: Track and display the total number of orders and their status. Add revenue data: Display total revenue and monthly revenue changes. Add total user count: Show the total number of registered users and new user growth. Add risk control count: Track and display the total number of risk control incidents handled. 2.3 Blog Function Add a Blog publishing module: Add SEO settings feature: Provide editing options for custom SEO metadata (title, keywords, description, etc.) to enhance the page's search engine visibility....
We are searching for a remote online customer service representative to join our esteemed boutique guesthouse located in Japan. This opportunity is ideal for a foreign individual proficient in Chinese, eager to be immersed in a multicultural work environment while providing superior service to our guests. Key Responsibilities: Address customer inquiries through email, phone, and online platforms promptly and professionally. Assist with booking and reservation queries, offering information regarding availability, rates, and amenities. Manage complaints, providing suitable solutions and alternatives within a set timeframe; ensure resolution through follow-ups. Collaborate with the on-site team to guarantee a seamless guest experience. Maintain a positive, empathetic, and professiona...
对类似boss直聘,猎聘,58同城的网站app的数据监控和采集,需要爬取会员的手机号码(在目标网站上是公开的信息)、城市、时间、招聘主体、岗位类型等信息,并导出表格。最好留有采集历史和导出历史等,价格可谈。 For the data monitoring and collection of website apps like boss direct Pin, Liepin and 58 cities, it is necessary to crawl the member's mobile phone number (which is open information on the target website), city, time, recruitment subject, post type and other information, and export the form. It is best to leave collection history and export history, etc., the price can be talked about.
工作要求: 1. 每天工作8小时,上班时间为北京时间14:00-20:00 2. 上班期间需中文(能说会写),项目沟通我们会使用中文沟通。 注意:需要会说会写,非翻译软件。 3.可以长期合作的人。 工作内容: 1.民宿平台客服对应(在客人提出问题后5分钟内进行回复) 2.民宿平台新增订单整理以及汇报 3.接客人的电话(我方会提供日本IP电话) 4.电商平台的客服对应 工作时间以及薪资: 工作按天计算,每天...individuals interested in long-term collaboration. Job Responsibilities: 1:Respond to inquiries from guests on the guesthouse platform within 5 minutes after receiving the question.: 2:Organize and report new orders on the guesthouse platform. 3:Answer phone calls from customers (we will provide a Japan IP phone).: 4:Provide customer service for the e-commerce platform. Working Hours and Salary: Work from Monday to Friday. If you are able to work on Saturdays and Sundays, overtime pay will be provided accordingly. Payment will be based on the number of hours ...
...url. RoomID will be put in the same room and they start streaming video and audio. But it's too insecure and I need to generate a diffie hellman key pair on each peer (both desktop and mobile) and exchange the public keys. But I could not figure out how DH key exchange works. And where the keys are stored in mobile and how I can access them from the mobile phone so that I can encrypt the audio with the phones public key and then on the phone i can decrypt it using the key. (需要做的是为我在webrtc服务器上直播视频和音频的现有项目增加DH密钥交换算法的功能。 我原来的项目代码是录音web端和手机端的音频,并将它们进行比较延迟,作为两个端是否是在同一环境的双因素身份验证。我要改进的是使用webrtc直播音频来比较它们,把录音这一步替换掉。 我已经做好了的是部署webrtc信号服务器和可以直播视频和音频的url链接。现在连接的运作方式是,我用一个roomID创建一个房间,然后用户群用url里的roomID向服务器发出请求。RoomID会被放在同一个房间里开始直播视频和音频。但为了安全原因,我现在还需要在每个用户群(手机端和web端)上生成一个DH密钥对然后交换公...
1. Can import 500 ip proxy addresses at the same time 2. Can upload picture folder 3. You can upload text files 4. Each different ip address corresponds to a different facebook registration entry 5. Each ip address can be replaced or deleted at any time 6...replaced or deleted at any time 6. After successful registration, the avatar will be randomly selected from the picture folder, and the name will be randomly selected from the text file 7. Automatically apply through friends, and the time interval for applying through friends can be set by yourself 8. Integrated management of all account messages and comments 9. Real-time update statistics of the number of all friends, like, share, and comment 10. You can clear all accounts and all information with one key, and then start again, ...
1、Format:PNG 2、Size:432*291(mm) 3、Resolution:300DPI 4、Show Txt:IG帝国游戏(Imperial Games)- 业内知名B2B企业.与众多欧美、东南亚游戏厂商深度的业务合作,是目前东南亚最大的博彩游戏接口服务经销商之一; IG秉承着"多元化产品、超一流团队、一站式服务、贵宾式体验"的服务宗旨,伴随着十多年博彩行业运营经验为客户提供最专业的产品导向与技术支持,为诸位商界精英打造属于自己的事业; IG帝国游戏-行业最佳合作伙伴 ! 5、Show Contact:Telegram:ig_sales& “微信扫码”+QR code、Phone Number:+639171755651 6、Show IG Logo: 7、Show Little Gold Colour &More Cool color Style。
...group will automatically retreat, must be seconds back Details: If the QQ of the login protocol is bound to the security device, you need to pop up the phone verification or QQ security center verification to ensure that you can log in and use normally. After the login is successful, the current status is displayed next to it, and then you can start and stop the button. After starting the run, the list of historical messages below shows that you have quit a discussion group. The software needs to be a sharing mechanism: It needs to be shared with 2 people to use the software for free for 3 days (this can record MAC, hard disk number, QQ number can be). During free use, the user needs to share it with 2 users to use normally. Otherwise, every 3 hours, the software ...
A calendar applet with multiple features, including time booking, team collaboration, shared calendars, online subscriptions, and more. Requirements: 1. Must have a deep understanding of the booking 2. Must be familiar with the common calendar application 3. Must have a deep understanding of teamwork and access control 4. Must be familiar with WeChat / applet / public number 一 个具有多种功能的日历小程序,包括时间预订,团队协作,共享日历,在线订阅等。 要求: 1. 必须对预订有深刻理解 2. 必须熟悉常见日历应用 3. 必须对团队协作,权限控制有深刻理解 4. 必须熟悉微信/小程序/公众号
Hi, I need a person located in China to have 20 friends fill up this questionnaire (phone number and name required, and will be randomly verified for validity). Details are listed below in Chinese. Thanks for bidding! 这是一份关于国内健康风险的市场调查问卷,总共需要完成20份,可以使用经自己朋友同意的信息,只要求真实性。 注意事项:(1)每份问卷的姓名和联系电话要真实有效,提交后会抽查核实(2)参与调查人员的年龄分布要大致均衡(3)受调查人员只限居住在中国境内(4)问卷是电子版本,问卷结果以电子文档形式提交(pdf.、doc.)
Long term TaiWan native customer phone call service 长期合作,招一个有责任心和耐心的台湾本地人做兼职电话客服,待遇详谈
Long term TaiWan native customer phone call service 长期合作,招一个有责任心和耐心的台湾本地人做兼职电话客服,待遇详谈
mannchung,您好,我看了您的个人资料,想与您进行项目合作。我们可以通过聊天对话进一步地细节讨论。I'd like to discuss further in a phone conversation of a meeting.
...and update in future. no need register to post but if use an email to register an account can manage the ads. when posting need fill title ,location,descraption, all in chinese please cookie remembers the ads were read show in red colour. when user browse different ads, go back to ads list page cookie remember where were read. use id search ,not the whole website. fit in smart phone thanks for reading ,please contact me ,...
zhengguang04,您好,我看了您帮人制作“Ios client for shadowsocks”https://www.freelancer.com/projects/Mobile-Phone/Ios-client-for-shadowsocks/ 的项目,我对这个蛮感兴趣,想找你做一个。请问该怎么联系你?这个预算我是随便填的。
I am searching a Vietnamese boy buy 2 Java Software, Software is divided into IMessage data detection (batch detection of mobile phone number is activated IMessage) and mass software into the text after the two modules But it is tragic,….the software can not be normal operation, the data detection module error, sending module does not report errors, but can not be sent... Then he ignored me, it was very sad,,, I want please help me to modify these 2 procedures, so that they normally run….. Or, if the 2 Software all joke … Then please you make it..again addition:I want to add a apple to send account timing switch function…. Please contact me, thank you, I wish you a happy life Please don't hurt me..
现有的网站是一个登记员工和借还电脑的系统。PHP 添加多人的借贷 1. Step, Select user from usertype Student/teacher/accounting. Show only Users how are not assigned, and with status ACTIVE. Should implement with search function which I had made. 2. Multi select students by checkbox, with footer number and those students will be repeated in next page 3, Show date range picker, preview those students you have chosen, and then chosen start date and end date 4. Click button to send, then the data add to database, can cancel seletion anytime
We are looking for a video competition content site which it can be voted either on the website or the mobile version as well. It can be showed up like a chart on the smart phone to see the total numbers each one, maybe something like this: I am not sure if it is still working and YES this project ideally will be operated in Simplified Chinese
Massage Business Design Requirement 1. Page need to be simple and pretty, can be configured and deploy for multiple business 2. Support Language: English 3. Mailing list functions to send out coupons and promotions. We are using POMMO, it is good for our site where number of emails are limited. 4. The user table need to integrate with the mailing list software, such as POMMO. 5. Some functionalities a. customer registration, email validation b. customer to invite other customers, and get referral discount. (Invite another customer, both get a coupon) c. online appointment, appointment will be send to manager's email for approval, manager can approve from the email link d. therapist management function, can easily add/delete employee, and arrange em...
...need to encrypt videos every day with the encrpytion software. The students can obtain the encrypted videos through online or offline copy. 2, The students plug the "softdog (usb)" we give them in their computers. 3, The computers should be pre-installed with our special player. After plugging in the "softdog", the player will show the student's identity information including name, gender, phone number, class and term. 4, After completing the authentication process, the videos can be freely played in the special player. The students can select the styles of the player in the interface of the player and we also can show our brand in the player. The definition of the videos will not be affected. The videos can be freely sped or rewound. Besides, 0...
Development of a celluar phone and WeChat login module+ WeChat and Weibo content sharing feature for a Chinese H5 website That's it, quite simple. Interested candidates can visit to better understand what's our application about, just a reference.
大家好,我叫‘马克’,我是一个英国人 I would like to gather information about 100 companies in Dongguan, Guangdong, China, including:...locate details of an employee (company profile) 2. Complete the company profile columns B - M 3. Include any links to profiles on the job site (the source) 4. List the number of vacancies the employer is currently listing, if available 5. Make sure all links are live and clickable NOTES: 1. All phone, fax and cell-phone numbers must start with the international dialling code - Hong Kong: +852 - China: +86 2. All email and weblinks must be made a live link. The easiest way to do this is to edit the cell, then press enter and it automatically changes to a blue link that you can click 3. Column P (招聘职位) is the number of visib...
...Hit' and show the number(s) if any that have not been hit in the last 300 spins. 6. If no numbers show, then move cursor up to 'Game Options' and a drop down line will show 'table games' then follow back to the euroroulette table and that will reset spin count/history and start the spin process again. 7. If there is 'one' number, not 'two' (two numbers 'never hit' will void further action). We only want 'one' number that shows 'never-hit'. Then note the number and move cursor to 'Back to Game' button and when the table page opens, cursor will click the 'target number' and the wager/chip amount will be placed according to what has been inpu...
以Android NDK开发如roamingfix 的APP,可以NDK来让android手机进行不同AP间的roaming(同样SSID, WPA2 Enterprise加密) Please refer to the pdf file in the attachment. Using Android NDK to develop an APP for wifi roaming, a roa...NDK开发如roamingfix 的APP,可以NDK来让android手机进行不同AP间的roaming(同样SSID, WPA2 Enterprise加密) Please refer to the pdf file in the attachment. Using Android NDK to develop an APP for wifi roaming, a roamingfix like APP. Using NDK to make android mobile phone roaming among APs ( the same SSID, WPA2 Enterprise encryption)
以Android NDK开发如roamingfix 的APP,可以NDK来让android手机进行不同AP间的roaming(同样SSID, WPA2 Enterprise加密) Using Android NDK to develop an APP for wifi roaming, a roamingfix like APP. Using NDK to make android mobile phone roaming among APs ( the same SSID, WPA2 Enterprise encryption)
I have a list of English company names (156 names), I will need to find their name in Chinese, also their phone number. 我有一份英文公司名单(156个),需要找出他们的中文名,联系方式等信息
VoIP Video IM等即时通讯功能。 支持Android,IPhone,Window Phone等客户端应用。 熟识SIP Webrtc XMPP。 提供Demo。
编写一个能修改高通平台android手机串号的应用。 Qualcomm Platform Android mobile phone change imei 1.手机有root权限(phone has root) to msm8226,msm8626,msm8926 3.必须是在手机端上运行(非电脑端的软件)
主要指导elastix asterisk 的安装配置工作,熟悉Asterisk的模块(包括体系结构,配置文件,Log日志,History),能重新打包ISO文件
需要一个熟悉PHONGGAP的开发的人员进行设计开发一个动画应用APP,可打包到android、ios、win phone三个系统里
IPTV portal,适用于pc/tv/pad/phone平台,主要由jshtml5编写。现需要对portal的UI和功能进行改造。 需要精通javascript、html5、css技术,并对java、tomcat/jboss等有所了解。
My Google My Business profile is still active and accessible. I've already made unsuccessful attempts to recover it with my email ID. I lost my phone number and moved out of my office premises. All I have now is my email ID. I can access this email, but it's not easy. I need a professional who can help me delete this GMB account permanently. Payment will be made only after the successful deletion of the account. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience with Google My Business - Strong problem-solving skills - Ability to communicate effectively - Reliability and commitment to the task
Accurately enters numeric data into specified systems. - Ensure high attention to detail to maintain data integrity. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience with data entry, especially with financial data, is an added value. - Proficiency in working with databases. - Excellent attention to detail. My Feed back Dear Mr...financial data, is an added value. - Proficiency in working with databases. - Excellent attention to detail. My Feed back Dear Mr/Mrs. Employee, You are looking to hire a freelancer who can deliver a well-structured, impactful PowerPoint presentation specifically prospective clients. I entri data financial for input cost financial.I send you sample project after contract payment my telegram number or WA number : 081389883227/ 081289509897...
...high-resolution displays. • I agree with having dedicated tabs for Movies, Games, Marketplace, and other features. • Would love to see a wireframe concept from you to visualize how the navigation will work. - Offline & Online Content Management: • Offline Users: • Can access preloaded content only (movies, games, music). • Limited to basic information such as taxi services, restaurant details, and nightclub phone numbers & addresses. • Marketplace listings will be available but without real-time updates (only weekly updates). • All updates will be done manually by a technician using a USB flash drive or external hard drive. • Online Users: • Receive remote updates and have access to real-time content. • Can browse more det...
I'm looking for someone to take the photos off my phone, put them into an external hard drive (supplied) and ensure they’re in folders by year only (eg 2020 is one dump of photos, 2021 is another dump of photos, and so on). I’d like the photos in each folder to be arranged by the date it was taken. I have 125GB of photos across 7 years.
...0), train them, choose languages, and generate a widget for embedding. The system should support TTS/STT (Azure, Google), voice selection (Kokoro, Speechma), and payment integration (Stripe, PayPal). 2. LunaraFlow () – A call and SMS automation system linked to Lunara. It should integrate with Twilio for incoming/outgoing calls and SMS, allowing AI agents to handle phone conversations. Includes a user dashboard, analytics, and automated campaign management. Key Tasks: ✅ API integrations: DeepSeek, ChatGPT, Gemini 2.0, Azure Speech, Google Cloud, Twilio. ✅ Develop an AI training interface and widget embedding system. ✅ Set up a user-friendly dashboard for AI configuration and call management. ✅ Implement automated payment and access control. ✅ Ensure a scalable
Looking for someone to help to troubleshooting and upgrade an App to Android 14 (API level 34) or higher. Also testing and publishing it. This is a small app. (No Phone Call)
...a callback. Press 2 to start a WhatsApp conversation with a virtual agent. Trigger a webhook with the caller’s number and the selected option (1 or 2). Call Drop: If a call is not connected to an agent within 5 minutes, drop the call with an IVR message informing the caller that they will be contacted back. 3. Agent Functionality: Agent Management: Create agents and assign direct dialing numbers from the DIDs. Create agents for internal calling with SIP-based outgoing calls. Restrict international dialing to specific agents. Click-to-Call API: Provide an API to enable Click-to-Call functionality. Support parameter-based configuration to specify whether the agent or customer number is dialed first. Remote Agent Support: Allow agents to connect remotely via a dialer a...
...customers to purchase eSIMs with a simple, user-friendly shopping experience. Customers should be able to: ✔ Browse eSIM plans and select one ✔ Add to cart and proceed to checkout ✔ Enter their email and phone number (mandatory) ✔ Pay using a secure payment gateway (accepting all major forms of payment) ✔ Receive an email confirmation upon purchase Key Requirements: ✔ WordPress setup with an e-commerce store (WooCommerce or similar) ✔ Mobile-friendly, modern, and professional design ✔ Secure payment gateway integration (Stripe, PayPal, etc.) ✔ Mandatory fields for valid email and phone number at checkout ✔ Backend admin panel for order management ✔ Basic SEO optimization ✔ Speed-optimized and user-friendly UI/UX Order Fulfillment Process: ✔ Orders will be m...
I'm looking for a professional to design a corporate HTML email signature for me. The signature needs to be compatible with Office 365 both on desktop and web version. Key requirements include: - Incorporation of our company logo, social media icons and a compliance disclaimer into the signature - A clean, corporate design style - Inclusion of my phone number, email address and office address Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in HTML coding and email signature design, with a keen eye for corporate branding. Social media icons should be designed in a uniform style, in line with our company branding. Compliance disclaimer should be seamlessly integrated into the design. Previous samples of corporate email signatures will be highly regarded.
Project Description: We are looking for an experienced SEO freelancer to build high-quality backlinks for our website. Our goal is to improve our search engine ranking and increase organic traffic through white-hat link-building strategies. Scope of Work: 1. Backlink T...Qualifications: * Proven experience in white-hat link building * Portfolio or case studies of previous successful projects * Ability to acquire backlinks from finance, crypto, or fintech-related sites * Strong communication and reporting skills How to Apply: * Share your past link-building work and results * Provide a short strategy on how you would approach backlink building for our site * Estimate the number of backlinks you can provide within our budget range Looking forward to working with an experienced SEO f...
... - Existing models should be selectable and have their data (such as address, DOB, ID copies, etc.) auto-filled once a model record is created. - All data should be placed into all forms after being provided a single time. - after all form data is provided a PDF should be generated and placed into a completed directory organized by document type. - ideally signatures can be captured via mobile phone camera or being signed on screen Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in creating Docker compatible web applications. - Experience in developing record management systems or similar applications. - Knowledge of creating systems with admin roles and full access features. Please note, the technology stack is flexible as I have not specified a preference. The key requirement is a functional, us...
I'm in need of a data scraping expert to help me build a comprehensive dat...The focus is on decision makers, specifically CEO’s/founders, senior leadership, people managers/training managers in healthcare, care homes, gyms/leisure centres/hotels. This data will be used for B2B marketing and networking for apprenticeships, online training and other similar projects. Requirements: - Target: decision makers in the above named sectors - Information Needed: Email addresses, Phone numbers, LinkedIn profiles Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data scraping - Experience in B2B marketing - Familiarity with the Healthcare industry - Ability to source and verify contact information of decision makers -Ability to compile collected, verified and accurate data into an easy to read spre...
...renewals. Account Management: Help ensure clients remain satisfied, encouraging long-term use and maximum commission for you. Ideal Candidate Sales Experience: Comfort with B2B or SaaS solutions; proven track record of hitting quotas. Golf Knowledge: Familiar with golf tournaments, scoring formats, or at least eager to learn. Strong Communicator: Capable of building trust via phone, email, Zoom, or in-person visits. Self-Motivated: You enjoy setting goals, tracking metrics, and consistently following up with leads. Ready to Tee Off? Apply now with your sales background and a brief note on how you’d approach golf clubs. We’ll follow up with two quick questions to ensure we’re the right fit for each other. Let’s revolutionize the way c...