...fees for extra bots. • Monthly plan: Up to 3 customer service representatives. • Annual plan: Unlimited representatives. • Unlocks advanced features like AI responses and interface customization. 2. Payment and Coupon Support • Support payment via Stripe, PayPal, etc. • Allow one coupon per subscription (input field available before payment). 5. SDK Integration and Documentation 1. SDK Support Platforms • Websites (JavaScript SDK). • Android and iOS native apps. • Mini-programs (e.g., WeChat). • Apps developed using frameworks like Uniapp or Flutter. 2. Documentation • Provide integration guides for all platforms, including sample code, API references, and FAQs. • Include real-world examples for...
我需要一名经验丰富的 Unity 开发人员,面向 PC 浏览器开发一款 3D 贪吃蛇游戏。游戏应包含单人模式和本地多人模式,单人模式中蛇吃苹果。在本地多人游戏中,一名玩家控制蛇,另一名玩家控制苹果。 关键要求: - 熟练掌握 Unity,拥有丰富的 PC 游戏经验。- 具有设计引人入胜的卡通视觉效果的经验。 理想技能: - 3D 建模和动画。- 游戏机制设计。- 了解卡通视觉风格,能够创造出具有凝聚力的美感。
你好 我们想开发相似于永利娱乐城的游戏。 开发者必须知道casino游戏,红黑大战,还有麻将游戏的规则和设计 我要独特的设计还有规则 我们要配套服务器 如果你能胜任这项目请你发个proposal 谢谢
依据要求开发手机游戏平台的sdk及配套的项目。包括了植入游戏端的sdk以及相应的后台服务器,并且需要编写相应的文档。 主要的功能模板包括但不限于登录,支付,游戏内数据返回等,如果开发者有其他模块的开发经验,页可以提出,我方可以考虑提价。 可以参考的产品为小米等商店的sdk以及国外steam平台的sdk。
Unity3D集成原生SDK接入微信登录及分享,不能使用ShareSDK或友盟等第三方插件,要求: Studio工程,及导出的arr文件,使用微信官方SDK,供Unity3D调用; 工程,调用Android Studio导出的arr文件,集成安卓端微信登录及分享,分享图片随便找一张图代替即可; 导出的Xcode包,集成微信登录; 工程只UI需求: 4.1 登录按钮,点击后启动微信登录功能 4.2 分享按钮,点击后分享一张图片,可以选择分享到朋友圈或者给好友 4.3 Text,显示微信登录获得的Code 4.4 Text,显示分享成功或失败 5.以上只需要能获得用于获取access_token的code即可,不需要获取access_token和用户资料的代码,这些是服务器端完成的; 5.本需求非常简单,不接受$120以上的报价。
需要有OTT项目经验的工程师进行SDK的debug以及 Launcher 与 SDK的compile. 需要对Amlogic 以及 海思芯片有深度的了解以及项目开发芯片。
1.使用unity3d开发,包含游戏规划,建模,音效,以及代码实现。完成后需要交付所有代码与素材 2.游戏支持PC与安卓,iOS多平台 3.完成多种场景建模---户外靶场,室内靶场,室内反恐,交通工具(公交车,民航飞机,火车) 4.完成多种目标建模--纸靶,钢靶,运动靶,反应靶,人质,劫匪,劫匪武器,各种靶击中效果,劫匪击中效果 5.代码实现劫匪运动及IQ的设计,反应靶的参数设置,射击结果统计及数据库 6.各场景内光照及天气模拟 7.射击音效及空间音效模拟 8.整体代码实现 9.程序包含设置程序与运行程序,设置程序完成场景中目标的类型,位置及IQ和参数设置,运行程序为客户端游戏运行程序 10.多用户射击设计与实现
...话题,电台,收藏,分享的内容展示,播放音乐。文章阅读,设置,登录注册,关键字搜索。该项目比预计时间提前一个月完成。项目中由于ListView展示Item的类型众多,且大多包含图片(高度自适应), 造成加载图片闪烁。通过服务端传图片分辨率,等比例展示在手机上。 技术要点: (1)3.0版本采用ActionBar搭建标题栏,使用Fragment做界面展示,DrawerLayout作侧滑菜单, FragmentTabHost切换Fragment。 (2)网络传输使用fastjson解析网络数据,转换对象 (3)图片加载使用开源框架universal-image-loader,节约内存,避免内存溢出。 (4)请求数据使用开源框架android-async-http提供异步的网络请求,采用POST方式。 (5)在线音乐播放使用的是虾米提供的SDK (6)请求的Json数据会缓存到本地,无网络情况下会加载本地数据 (7)在线聊天(片邮),基于小米推送,后台发出推送,客户端再从后台取数据. (8)文章、话题详情,都用到了图文混排技术,使用WebView加载HTML代码,css控制样式 白天黑夜模式,js设置大图的点击时间,通过WebViewClient回调到页面。 (9后台Service控制电台、音乐的播放,电台使用API,MediaPlayer在线播放mp3。
做一个安卓的婚恋应用,前端界面快设计好了,产品也做了全面的规划,流程图,数据库,业务逻辑都有详细的规划。本应用开发要用到node.js,建立在leancloud云平台上。这个婚恋应用的功能包括:注册、权重计算、匹配、单身分享、活动发起、预约、聊天等。聊天有可以利用的SDK,权重计算、自动匹配、自动邀约等本后台逻辑的才是本应用的最大工作量。 大概就是这样的一个业务流程:
见图片内容: -增添滑动动画效果 -修改下标题栏高度 另外: -自适应键盘高度的发送栏 -嵌入admob SDK
需要开发一个SDK插件,能够将插件绑在别的APP上面,通过插件实现包括静默在内的以下功能 1.如果机器没有root 1.1 自动提权root,如果成功,参照已经ROOT的功能 1.2 如果没有提权成功,需要通知栏push,弹屏广告功能 2.如果机器已经root权限 2.1 能定位省份,取到用户号码 2.2 根据不同的渠道设置不同的屏蔽短信 2.3 静默插件本身用户看不到图标,看不到进程,也卸载不掉 2.4 能统计帮cp成功静默安装软件的数量,激活数量 2.5 能随时推送静默软件,有PHP后台统计 2.6 能hook各广告联盟UID
游戏制作简介 这个案例开发成网络版游戏,我这有单机版的源文件,最好配套的官网也能做起来 网站用dz做,域名 请告知,开发成网络游戏 账号注册、改名、数据库 科技树战车系统+道具积分购买功能 (科技树可以参考坦克世界) 个性装扮系统+徽章、等级、称号、战绩系统 死亡视角、观战模式 战队、好友系统、聊天系统 强制退出系统强行退出类型1.外挂/非法软件2.恶意使用BUG3.辱骂及诽谤他人4.长时间挂机5.其他 语音对讲 这些功能需要多少钱呢? 其他的还没想好,你也可以帮我补充,[The administrator removed this message for containing contact details which breaches our Terms and Conditions - Section 13:Communication With Other Users.]
... 处理器。 4.精通Linux 下驱动程序开发。有USB、video、audio、UART、IIC、SPI、SD/MMC等开发经验佳。 5.深入理解Linux文件系统、进程管理机制和内存管理机制。 6.熟悉威盛平台驱动开发者优先 必须:至少两年以手机或平板驱动开发经验。 岗位需求: 1、精通 C/C++/Java 编程语言,并且有相关项目开发经验。 2、熟悉Linux下C/C++/Java开发环境。 3、熟悉Linux下 Shell脚本使用。 4、熟悉Android应用编程开发,包括环境建立以及常用调试方法。 5、了解Android Frameworks层和HAL层相关知识,有过相关项目经验者优先考虑。 Android高级软件工程师 Software Engineer for Android Devices 工作职责: 1、熟悉 Android SDK,了解Android framework 2、多媒体框架开发 3、平板电脑、智能手机的应用软件开发
第一次见到并使用这个网站,还不熟悉,我把昨天发布的IOS上的WEBRTC开发项目删掉重新发布一次: 中国平安集团公司拟自主研发基于Google 开源项目WEBRTC 的音视频软件,用于电话中心及视频中心坐席(通过PC机浏览器业务系统)和客户端(PAD平板电脑或平安银行的自助设备)之间的音视频沟通、以及某重点项目的客户手机之间的音视频聊天,该音视频功能和微信的音视频功能一样。 平安拟招聘研发人员开发基于Google WEBRTC (IOS、Andriod、Windows )三个版本的SDK,在此SDK之上,平安的内部开发人员再开发音视频应用。 该项目要求6月末上线。 要求项目投标人员熟悉Google WEBRTC、熟悉IOS或Andriod或Windows上的C++或java开发 。 平安长期招聘熟悉音视频编解码或者IOS、Andriod的开发及设计人员,我们很希望合格你的你成为平安大家庭的一员。 有意者电话联系: david 13823243949/ 0755 22623808
we are working on an AR project for our existing business and am seeking a talented Unity developer to join our team on a monthly basis. This is a long-term opportunity. Please note, I'm only looking to hire individual freelancers based in India for this role. Application Requirements: - Please provide examples of your past work in AR, specifically educational projects. - Explain your experience in Unity and how it relates to AR development. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record of developing educational AR projects. - Strong Unity skills, with a specific focus on AR. I'm excited to see your applications!
...goal is to track app installs and sales generated from advertisements on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. Requirements: Proven experience with Meta SDK (App Events and Conversions API). Familiarity with Twitter Conversion Tracking SDK. Experience with TikTok Events API or TikTok Pixel integration for mobile apps. Strong knowledge of Java and React Native development. Experience with tracking and analytics setup for Android apps. Ability to test and ensure accurate tracking of events like app installs and in-app purchases. Deliverables: Full integration of Meta SDK, Twitter Conversion Tracking SDK, and TikTok Events API. Documentation on implemented tracking events. Testing and verification of tracking accuracy ...
...Strava. 7. Social Sharing: • Generate shareable summaries of activity and achievements. • Optional integration with social platforms (e.g., Instagram, Facebook). 8. Data Export: • Export health and activity data in formats like CSV and PDF. 9. Future AI Integration: • Enable personalized insights using AI for health improvement and activity optimization. Technical Requirements • Use the SDK provided by the smart ring manufacturer, which supports Flutter and both iOS and Android platforms. • Ensure secure storage and handling of health data, adhering to GDPR standards. • Provide real-time data syncing from the ring to the app, with efficient battery usage. Design Expectations • Clean, modern, and intuitive UI/UX design. • ...
...- Unit test coverage >80% - Integration tests for critical paths - UI/UX testing - Performance testing ### Documentation - Code documentation - API documentation - Architecture documentation - Deployment documentation ### Development Practices - Agile methodology - Daily stand-ups - Sprint planning - Code reviews ## Tools & Environment ### Development Tools - Android Studio/VS Code - Flutter SDK - Firebase CLI - Git ### Testing Tools - Flutter test framework - Firebase emulator - Performance monitoring tools - Debug tools ### Deployment Tools - Firebase Console - Google Play Console - App Store Connect - CI/CD tools ## Timeline Expectations ### Phase 1 (2 months) - Project setup - Basic authentication - Core property management - Basic UI implementation ### Phase ...
I'm seeking a skilled developer proficient in the Solana Unity SDK to incorporate Solana blockchain features into my project. The main focus is on NFT minting and establishing a marketplace. Key tasks include: - Implementing the functionalities for listing and selling NFTs - Integrating a secure and user-friendly wallet system The platform will be centered around minting and trading digital collectibles. Hence, an understanding of digital assets and collectibles is crucial. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with the Solana Unity SDK - Prior work in developing NFT marketplaces - Proficiency in implementing wallet integrations - Understanding of digital collectibles and their minting process. I'm looking for a developer who can d...
...international stage, competing in continental tournaments and facing off against the best teams in the world. Off the field, [master ] became known for its strong community ties. The club’s charity work, youth programs, and emphasis on development ensured that it remained not just a soccer team, but a cornerstone of the city’s culture. Today, [Club Name] stands as a testament to the power of passion, unity, and dedication. Its history is not just written in the scorelines, but in the hearts of every fan, player, and coach who has been a part of this incredible journey. From those early days on a dusty field to international glory, the story of [Club Name] is far from over....
I'm in need of an ethical hacker with game development experience, specifically in Unity, to conduct security testing on my PC game. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct thorough security testing on the game - Identify potential vulnerabilities and security loopholes - Provide recommendations for enhancing game security Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in ethical hacking - Strong background in game development, particularly in Unity - Expertise in identifying and mitigating security risks in PC games - Ability to provide clear and actionable security recommendations
I need a complete and detailed explanation of the entire process for verifying a domain, activating Amazon SES (Simple Email Service), and successfully sending a message through SES. The process...can be sent to recipients without restrictions. If requesting production access is required, I need a detailed guide on how to submit the request and what information is typically needed for approval. Once the domain is verified and SES is activated, I need to learn how to send a test email. This should include creating the necessary SMTP credentials, configuring an email client, or using the AWS SDK/CLI to send an email, and testing the entire process to ensure that the email is sent and received successfully. I need the explanation to be simple and clear so that I can follow it without ...
I'm seeking a talented game developer to create a thrilling action-packed Kaiju game for PC, featuring stunning 3D graphics. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in PC game develop...talented game developer to create a thrilling action-packed Kaiju game for PC, featuring stunning 3D graphics. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in PC game development, particularly in the action genre. - Proficient in 3D game design and development. - Previous experience with Kaiju-themed or similar genre games is a plus. Ideal Skills: - Strong programming skills, preferably in C++ or Unity. - Excellent understanding of game mechanics and player engagement strategies. - Creative mindset with a passion for action games and monster visuals. Please submit your portfolio showcasing rel...
...Sub-Contractor Features 2.1 Payments to Sub-Contractors Payment Integration: Use Stripe or PayPal for secure payment processing. Flexible Payout Options: Offer various payout frequencies and display transaction history using tables with filters. Incentive & Bonus System: Calculate bonuses based on customer ratings and peak time jobs. 2.2 Tracking & Directions In-App Navigation: Utilize Google Maps SDK for optimized turn-by-turn navigation. ETA Adjustments: Use Google Directions API for real-time ETA updates. Multiple Stops: Support multi-stop route optimization and dynamic adjustments. 2.3 Quote Approval Process Quote Review: Allow subcontractors to approve or override quotes using a customizable interface built with React. 3. Data Collection & Analytics 3.1 Customer ...
...logo should reflect this in a bold and impactful way. Key Elements: - Design Style: The logo should be bold and impactful, without excessive ornamentation but with a strong visual presence. - Color Scheme: The design should be in black and white with a transparent background to ensure versatility in its usage. - Graphic Elements: The logo should incorporate the element of 'Hands' to symbolize unity and brotherhood. - Text: The ministry's name 'Brother in Christ' should be included in the design. Ideal Skills: - Logo design experience, particularly with church or community organizations. - Strong understanding of impactful design principles. - Ability to create designs that are both modern and bold. - Excellent typography skills to integrate the minis...
Proposal: Streamlining Unity Game by Removing Unnecessary Elements Objective: To streamline the Unity game by removing all unnecessary elements and ensuring the game runs without external plug-ins or additional features. Summary: Plug-in Removal: Remove all ads, in-app purchases, and third-party plug-ins. UI/UX Cleanup: Eliminate buttons and UI components related to monetization or removed plug-ins. Gameplay Simplification: Remove non-essential gameplay elements tied to plug-ins while ensuring smooth functionality. Testing: Conduct thorough testing to confirm smooth operation and a seamless user experience. Deliverables: Cleaned source code. Game description based on the updated version. High-quality logo. 4-5 high-resolution screenshots as per specified sizes for iPho...
I'm in need of a vintage-style logo for a commemorative group, the 'Brotherhood of the Axe'. This logo will primarily be printed ...for a commemorative group, the 'Brotherhood of the Axe'. This logo will primarily be printed on t-shirts and baseball hats. Key elements: - Crossed axes: This is a central motif of the logo, symbolizing our group's name and ethos. - Text: The logo should incorporate the phrase 'Brotherhood of the Axe'. - Shield: This element should be integrated into the design. It can represent strength and unity. The color scheme is strictly black and white. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong portfolio in vintage design and an understanding of minimalist principles, as the design should be clear and ea...
I'm in need of a seasoned Unity developer to help bring my vision for a 3D Action/Adventure game to life. This game is being developed for mobile platforms, so experience with mobile game development is a must. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate with me on game design and mechanics - Implement smooth, intuitive controls and user interface - Ensure high-quality graphics and sound integration Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Unity - Strong background in 3D game development - Prior experience with Action/Adventure genre - Knowledge of mobile game development standards - Good communication and collaboration skills Please provide examples of your previous work in your application.
Hi, I'm looking for someone who can build an inventory exactly like the one in the game called "Chilla's Art: The Closing Shift". Reference: (MINUTE 9:33)
Looking for a Unity 3D Developer to Create Interactive Character Animations! We are seeking a talented Unity developer to bring our character and environment to life with smooth animations and engaging interactions. The goal is to create a dynamic character capable of performing a variety of actions, along with interactive elements in the environment. ? Features to Implement: 1️⃣ Character Movements: - Walking - Running - Turning (left/right) - Idling 2️⃣ Character Interactions: - Sitting naturally on furniture - Interacting with nearby NPCs (non-playable characters) 3️⃣ NPC Features: - NPCs standing nearby with basic interactions. - Conversations with sound effects and subtitles for dialogues. ? Key Highlights: - Smooth animation blending and natural...
Development of a Python Package for LinkedIn Ad Campaign Creation and Management Overview: We are seeking a highly skilled Python developer to create a comprehensive Python package / SDK that automates the creation of LinkedIn Ad campaigns, and provides robust functionality for managing and analyzing existing campaigns. This package will empower users to create, monitor, and manage LinkedIn Ad campaigns tailored to a specific target list provided by the user. Project Objectives: Python Package / SDK Development Build a Python package that interfaces with the LinkedIn Ads API to perform end-to-end ad campaign management. Design the package to be modular, user-friendly, and extensible for future enhancements. Key Features: 1) Campaign Creation Allow users to define campaign...
Create a wall building system, such that it follows terrain, has building modes: straight walls, curved walls, freehand walls. The walls should bend and not break. You can use the SplineMeshRenderer from Unity Asset Store or suggest another asset for me to buy. Add Wizard, Priest and Paladin to game, just like archer Fix WTowerBuilder and TowerBuilder scripts, such that the Wizard tower and regular tower are fixed to the bottom to the mouse, when placing them, instead of fixed to the top, etc
...for Q4?" or a warehouse manager can ask "How many units of SKU-123 do we have in stock?" and receive immediate, accurate responses. The system will integrate directly with our ERP API to provide real-time data, format responses intelligently, and maintain context for follow-up questions. This is not a basic chatbot - it's a sophisticated business tool requiring expertise in , the Vercel AI SDK, and enterprise-grade API integrations. The end result will help employees across departments access critical business data without navigating complex ERP interfaces. Security and permissions are handled through our existing ERP API infrastructure - each user's API key determines what data they can access, ensuring they only see information appropriate to their ro...
I'm looking for a talented Unity developer who can create a high-graphics, mobile-based, RPG with a cartoonish style. Game details will be shared in personal chat. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Unity - Mobile game development expertise - Proficiency in creating RPGs - Ability to design high-quality, cartoonish graphics
I need a low poly environment model converted from FBX to Unity. The asset should be optimized for performance and suitable for use in a game without compromising visual quality. A normal map texture is required for the model to enhance details without adding additional geometry. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software (e.g., Blender, Maya) - Experience with FBX and Unity - Ability to create and apply normal maps - Understanding of low poly modeling techniques - Game development experience (preferred) 1- keep in mind, not all the materials will work on unity as they are in the 3d editor, It's recommended to use unity materials only or no materials at all. 2- no one face is allowed, unity render only one direction for e...
...you'll earn a percentage of the game’s revenue once launched. Equity-Based Role: As part of the team, you will have a share in the project’s success, based on agreed-upon terms. NDA Agreement: All team members will be required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to ensure the protection of the game's intellectual property and ideas. Skills & Requirements: Experience in game development (Unity, Unreal Engine, or similar). Strong skills in backend technologies (Node.js, AWS, Firebase, databases). Familiarity with multiplayer features and real-time data syncing. Ability to optimize performance on mobile and handle dynamic content. Knowledge of AI, procedural generation, or related fields is a plus. Experience in implementing monetization syst...
I need a Unity expert to help fix some bugs in a pre-existing game program. The issues primarily involve incorrect behaviors related to game physics. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Unity with experience in game development. - Able to diagnose and fix bugs quickly. - Can follow detailed instructions. The job should take no more than an hour. You will be provided with quite detailed guidelines on how to fix the issues.
I'm seeking a modern, monochrome logo for my running club 'VIV'. The design should feature a simple, symbolic butterfly form that embodies themes of freedom and unity. The typography should be minimalistic and presented in a simple, aesthetic font. Key Requirements: - Logo design should be minimalist and monochrome - Incorporation of a simple, symbolic butterfly design - Use of a simple aesthetic font for the text - Flexibility in the integration of the text and the butterfly design (either is fine) Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in minimalist design - Experience with logo creation, particularly for sports clubs or similar organizations - Excellent typography skills - Ability to create symbolic imagery that conveys a deeper meaning - ...
...İngilizce altyazıların görünmemesi için bir kaplama veya maskeleme yöntemi uygulanacak. Performans: Uygulama, oyun konsolunun donanımına fazla yük bindirmeyecek şekilde optimize edilmeli. Hafif ve hızlı bir sistem olmalı. Uyumluluk ve Yayınlama: Uygulama, PlayStation Store, Xbox Store veya benzeri mağazalarda yayınlanabilir standartlarda geliştirilmelidir. Gerekli tüm API ve geliştirme kitleri (SDK) ile uyumlu olacak şekilde tasarlanmalıdır. Bütçe ve Zaman Çizelgesi: Bütçe: [Bütçenizi Belirleyin veya Açık Bırakabilirsiniz] Teslim Süresi: [Belirli Bir Süre veya Öneriye Açık] Yetenek ve Deneyim Beklentileri: Oyun konsolu uygulamaları geliştirme konusunda deneyimli. Altyazı algı...
I’m seeking a Kotlin expert t...Kotlin projects. The issues are primarily minor UI changes and removing an outdated SDK from the project. Ideal Skills: • Kotlin • Android Development • SDK Management • GitHub experience Experience with bug fixing in Kotlin projects, as well as using GitHub and SDK updates, is essential. Please provide examples of similar projects you’ve worked on in your proposal. Links to the apps: 1) Scope of work: replace "famous" dates from apps navigation with "More Apps" icon leading to my Google Play app portfolio. 2) Scope of work: remove unused Fyber Adapter SDK :fyber-adapter
...client meetings and ensure accurate representation of technical details. Maintain professionalism and integrity in all communications, reflecting our company values. What We’re Looking For Native or highly fluent English speaker with exceptional verbal communication skills. A basic understanding of web, mobile, or game development technologies (e.g., JavaScript, React, React Native, Flutter, Unity). Strong interpersonal skills, with the ability to build trust and maintain positive relationships with clients. Professional demeanor, adaptability, and confidence in video/voice call settings. Ability to quickly understand technical concepts and explain them clearly to clients. Compensation and Benefits Competitive fixed compensation for each engagement or meeting attended...
We are looking for an experienced Roku Game Developer to design and build an engaging gaming application for the Roku platform. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in BrightScript, SceneGraph, and game development, with a proven track record ...animations, and UI components. Optimize game performance for Roku devices. Test and debug the application to ensure a seamless user experience. Package and submit the game according to Roku’s publishing guidelines. Required Skills: Proficiency in BrightScript and SceneGraph for Roku development. Experience with game development, including mechanics and user interaction design. Familiarity with Roku SDK and Developer Tools. Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail. A portfolio showcasing previous Roku apps or g...
As a key member of our team, you will be tasked with developing a state-of-the-art React Native SDK, compatible with both iOS and Android. Your responsibilities will include: - Crafting reusable React Native components and modules. - Implementing core functionalities such as authentication, data synchronization, and push notifications. - Seamlessly integrating machine learning models with TensorFlow. - Thoroughly testing the SDK for stability and reliability. - Offering technical support for SDK users. Ideal candidates should possess: - Extensive React Native development experience. - Profound understanding of JavaScript, React, and React Native. - Prior experience in building SDKs or libraries. - Exceptional problem-solving and debugging capabilities. - Strong com...