...使用30次即需要更换,否则就会因为刀片变钝而达不到理想的剃须效果,还会给客户造成不适感。 实用新型内容 [0003] 本实用新型的目的在于针对上述现有技术的不足,提供一种结构简单、使用方便且效果好的刀片刀具磨屑器。 [0004] 本实用新型的技术方案是这样实现的:一种刀片刀具磨屑器,包括底座,其中所述的底座上表面设有软质TPE层。 [0005] 上述的刀片刀具磨屑器中,所述软质TPE层的厚度为2〜4mm。 [0006] 上述的刀片刀具磨屑器中,所述的软质TPE层上设有磨屑槽。 [0007] 上述的刀片刀具磨屑器中,所述的底座上表面为平面,所述的软质TPE层包裹在该平面外围。 [0008] 本实用新型采用上述结构后,通过邵氏硬度的TPE材料制成的软质TPE层,可有效去除刀片上的毛发、皮屑、肥皂等残留物,通过磨屑处理,可以使普通刀片的使用次数达到150-200次左右,并且保持原有的锋利效果,大大节省购买刀片的数量,经济又环保;进一步地,通过设置磨屑槽,可以对一些小刀具,例如修眉剪、指甲挫刀等进行有效的打磨去屑。使用灵活方便。 附图说明 [0009] 下面结合附图中的实施例对本实用新型作进一步的详细说明,但并不构成对本实用新型的任何限制。 [0010] 图I是本实用新型的结构示意图。 [0011] 图中底座I、软质TPE层2、磨屑槽3。 具体实施方式 [0012] 参阅图I所示,本实用新型的一种刀片刀具磨屑器,包括底座1,底座I采用ABS工程材料制成,该底座I上表面为平面,在底座I上表面包裹有软质TPE层2,TPE即热塑性弹性体TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer)是一种具有橡胶的高弹性,高强度,高回弹性,又具有可注塑加工的特征的材料。具有环保无毒安全,硬度范围广,有优...
因网站需要,我需要一批高质量的反向外链和高质量的文章。反向链接的类型包括:guest blogging, forum, article, directory等; 如果有做content marketing(类似Infograph),有一定SEO Strategy的优先考虑,价格可以再谈。
Hey how are you? I’m Kate and just wondering if you could take a precious moment to help me translate this Simplified Chinese article in Australian English in regards to Arts. This is fairly important to me as it is mainly for my little private business’s art project description. I need it as soon as possible (within a couple of days). Thank you for your cooperation!
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'200 words summary( From patrick)'
网络爬虫,爬取谷歌 的搜索结果 发布到帝国cms。帝国cms二次我来。采集搜索结果的20个内容, 标题+简介+链接 发布到帝国。需要有个代理池,或者谷歌api也可以。不要出现谷歌拒绝服务器和限制即可,每天需要处理 5-10万个搜索请求。这只是第一步。第一步做好后第二步开发可以继续交给你。人民币或者美元付款都可以。另外搜索请求抓取 的内容。、 第二步外包价格约为 200美元 第一步做的可以再继续第二步。 下面两张图一个是请求搜索数据的搜索词。一个是请求抓取内容。 另外一个项目接受合作。要有实际的技术。有一个比较好的思路开发起来也简单。国内市场很好。利润也很好。
我想要做一個特定運動項目的"課程搜尋網站" 第一階段只要有三個項目: 1.新聞發布 2.課程蒐尋 3.電子商務購物車 1和3應該都和一般網站大同小異,我特別講一下2 課程蒐尋是一個課程的DB,我需要自己能夠建立DB的內容 例如課程內容,課程地點,課程時間,課程費用...等條件 使用者在使用網站時,只要用下拉選單設定好上述搜尋條件 網站便會列出合乎他設定條件的各項課程 (ex.台灣, 台北市, 大安區, 每周六下午5點, 每小時不超過200元, 足球課程) 所以當然也需要會員系統,讓他可以創立會員帳號 或者用fb會員帳號登入網站需要有後台讓網站主人自行上下架新聞,需要有商城購物車系統讓網站主上下架產品,需要有資料庫搜尋功能,讓使用者選定條件去搜尋合乎使用者條件的內容,也需要讓網站主能自行上架資料庫內容 發案者會一點英文,但是最好採用中文溝通會比較保險,避免發生溝通上的誤解
We have a site built using NodeJS as a demo. Now we want to convert into a Drupal template with Bootstrap 3 capacities. We need to make sure all the URL structures are exactly the same such as and category-tid.html. Need to get done very quickly. Chinese speakers are preferred because the site is in Chinese.
上次的手机App是你设计的,我现在需要一个人帮我设计同款式的网址,你愿意吗?一些细节: 模拟竞猜网站主要界面设计,参考附件。这些图片是我找了相近的网站截图自己修改的,你i可以拿它作为参考。方块是我删除的不要的东西。 这个网站是模拟竞猜北京快乐8彩票 网站用积分投注 积分主要用bitcoin兑换,或活动赠送 中奖后的积分可以兑换bitcoin 请又用Photoshop设计界面.我的预算$200-400之间。如果愿意请回复,谢谢
首先你要是中国人长居海外、或在英语系国家留学、或者懂中文的英语系外国人,翻译中文亦可。 我们有一个新产品,Epica 2,即将上线,我们需要一个吸引用户的产品描述。我拟好了一段中文,需要翻译成地道的美式英语。 翻译内容很简单,就只有不到200个字。 这是我们的Epica 1的产品介绍,和这个类似,只是这次继续说续集的事。翻译预计半小时左右完成。 如果你只是在国内混,玩过4、6级的请勿扰。
任务描述 仿站 - 1.多用户卖家 2.积分 支付 (支持国际信用卡和国际银行卡) 4.支付宝免签支付 5.多国语言(中英) 6.商品价格同时双显示人民币及美元 7.支付时,可选择特殊日子送货 8.支付时,可选项填写贺卡片祝福语(200字) 9.商城模板PC+手机+微信三合一 如需要请参考 " ShopNC " 及 " ECmall " 前台及后台演示 参考网站: 网站所需功能: 用户注册,生成用户账号 支持社交网站(Facebook/Twitter)登录 在线支付 用户发表评论及反馈 用户可填写表格 用户论坛 多语言 全站搜索 用户博客/空间 搜索引擎优化(SEO) 需要 需要技能: MySQL, PayPal, PHP
...articles to local English Forums(or blog,websites,SNS) in order to introduce our website or products. The articles should contain our website address or URL Link. - The websites you are going to post should be in high rank with Google,Yahoo,Bing. - You should post the articles under category of accounting servicesserviced officeincorporation services or related. - You cannot post the same article under one channel or forum. - The websites should be accounting servicesserviced officeincorporation servicesrelated. - The post should not be deleted within 7 days,and forbidden to use machine. - You should know how to follow the website rules and regulations. 英文外国网站SEO推广销售 任务对个人要求: 本网站需要在国外的网站上(论坛,网站,博客,SNS等)发帖推广我们的网站或产品 网址请留言。 合格的每一帖2.5元,若发的帖质量高,数量多者可长期合作。 具体要求如下: - 发帖...
模仿一个彩票网站,暂时只仿造里面的十一运夺金、双色球、大乐透三个彩种。,用PHP开发,能使用thinkphp框架最好,能兼容PC端跟移动端,20天(含周末节假日),如时间能提前,每提前1天追加200元。具体功能清单见附件,或可以加QQ:172.617-707详谈。 注意:如果你要接此任务,请事先了解要模仿的目标网站及里面的功能,并且所有款项都只托管在平台上,在开发验收完成后,才会付款。
开发一款安卓版预约应用打车,具体需求见附件,预算$1800,20天完成(含周末节假日),如能按期完成并验收合格,额外加$200,最好能懂中文的人士接单,这样方便沟通,或可以加QQ:详谈,注明:freelancer接单。如能合作愉快,后续还有IOS版等 ================================= 一、 乘客端 主要功能: a) 拼车:乘客输入出发地、目的地、出发时间、人数后,系统自动根据排班顺序推送 给司机。在被接单后,显示司机信息。乘客可电话直拨联系司机。完成接送后,用户点击完成接送,并可以评价。车费可以直接用积分支付或线下现金支付。 b) 包车:乘客输入出发地、目的地、出发时间,系统自动根据排班顺序推送给司机。 c) 寄货:乘客输入寄出地、接收地、寄货时间,接收人,接收人联系方式,系统自动根据排班顺序推送给司机。(该规则不同拼车、包车,推送给当前接单司机) 其他功能: 1.个人中心:用户信息、积分、乘车记录、消息(主要是系统消息及积分变化消息等) 2.推广中心:乘客通过推广,向QQ、短信、微信、朋友圈等常规推广,每发展一个获得积分奖励,以完成一次乘车任务为准。 3.设置:消息提醒(有无声、震动、),版本、软件升级等 二、 司机端 司机收到系统推送订单,有150秒接单时间。超时自动推送下一个司机。接单前只显示出发地点,人数。接单后扣除相应积分后,显示完整信息,并能直接拨打乘客电话。司机可以跟乘客协商取消订单,如果单方面取消,收到投诉并成立,司机违约扣除积分,并对乘客补偿,乘客违约则停止使用。 其他功能: 1.积分充值:在线充值,最好能用信用卡充值。 2.个人中心:司机信息,积分,接单记录,消息 3.推广中心:有乘客推广跟司机推广2种。乘客
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Spanish word recording'
Check out: You see the following phrases: 缘分是前世感情的延续, 缘分是今世的擦肩而过。 缘分是前世不变的誓言, 缘分是今生痛苦的约定。 缘分是一次机遇的把握, 缘分是一种爱慕的流逝。 缘分是相遇时美好梦想, 缘分是别离后苦涩回忆 I need 500 10-12 word phrases on 缘分.
需要一位热衷 Arduino、电子设计的玩家创客帮忙介绍一个拇指般大小 32 位 Arduino 兼容开发板给中国的玩家. 这小小 38mmx18mm 的开发板功能含: 100MHz 32bit RISC / FPU + 1MByte Flash + 212KByte RAM + 2 UART + 2 SPI + 1 PWM + 17 GPIO + GPS 接收器. 售价 $12 (不含 GPS 有源天线). 性价比远超越在群众募资网站 Kickstart上能看到的任何 Arduino 相关开发板 (Digispark, Microduino, Tinyduino, Galago, Teensy 3.0...). 目标是 10 天内帮 NavSpark 活动增加 250 位中国区的支持赞助者, $500 做酬劳, 超过或不及都照比例计算. 例如: 增加 200 位中国区支持赞助者则以 US$400 做酬劳, 1000 位则以 US$2000 做酬劳. NavSpark 活动网址:
A: 职位要求: 1、对中国文化有较深了解,知道胡同、京剧等中国特色文化; 2、语言基本功扎实,精通该中文与英文的转换; 3、对翻译行业有认同感,有高度的责任感和敬业精神; 4、有3年以上的翻译经验或担任过多年兼职翻译者优先; 5、薪资范围:10000-15000元/月;兼职薪资150-200元/千字中文; 6、工作地点:武汉、上海、广州、成都任选一城市均可;
天波矿泉水设计效果及元素要求 要求设计的内容包含: 1.天波纯净水瓶子造型设计(可做3D效果或者平面效果) 2.外观包装(标签,要求至少平面图一张,结合瓶子造型效果图一张) 一、设计要求: 1、作品风格、形式不限,但必须原创。 2、必须是彩色原稿,能以不同的 比例尺寸清晰显示。 3、标识应为平面形式,可用于各类广告、宣传品及办公用品的印刷。 二、投稿要求: 1、投稿人应提供设计的JPG或PSD格式电子文档,应著名标准 比例、标准色、字体和尺寸。 2、设计稿件应该附带100-200字左右的文字说明。说明设计 意图、创作理念。 知识产权说明: 1、 所设计的作品为原创,为第一次发布。未侵犯他人的著作权。 如有侵犯他人著作权,由设计者承担所有法律责任。 2、 中标的设计作品,我方支付设计制作费。即拥有该作品的知识产权,包括著作权、使用权和发布权等,并有权对设计作品进行修改、组合和应用,设计者不得再向其他任何地方使用该设计作品 效果要求: 1、 图片背景有深意,能体现水源好,突显滴滴珍藏的理念 2、 画面别具一格,赏心悦目,吸引人的眼球 3、 颜色搭配专业,考虑印刷工艺,在后期印刷可以达到最优效果。 4、 产品定位中高端,忌过于花哨,简单大气,整体可以体现水中贵族 5、 设计风格能在众多矿泉水凸显而出 辨识度强 具体内容可以参照,但不限全部包含: 瓶子:蓝色瓶子,配合蓝色瓶盖 水标尺寸:我司为套标工艺,PVC材质(较硬,手感不太好),净含量350ML 品牌名称:天波 LOGO:不限,有创意 广告语:(不限以下广告语,有更好创意更佳) 参照广告语:天波矿泉水,健康每一刻 深山矿泉,滴滴珍藏 好水不多,我喝天波 矿泉水概要:纯天然有机偏硅酸型矿泉水, 天然弱碱性水 水质主要成分(毫克/升)...
I need some photo editing done on a picture of a male wearing a tee shirt. The edits will require smoothing out a specific area on the shirt/chest region, alongside replacing the smile on the subject with a different one. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in photo editing software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop) - Attention to detail - Ability to follow specific instructions - Experience in facial editing and clothing smoothing
As a Site Verifier, you will verify a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) Neenah, Wisconsin 54956, United States • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must ...
Good day, I have a MS word file that needs to be converted into Fillable/ Interactive PDF with all fields accurately. Need the task done within 12 hours or less. Please bid only if you can start working now. ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Adobe Acrobat and form creation I have attached a copy of the forms to be worked on. Please start your answer with "Pdf Filler Expert" Please refrain from including any special features such as digital signatures, calculations, or security options, as these are not needed for this project.
As a Site Verifier, you will verify a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) CHAO'S COMMERCIAL BUILDING, BONHAM STRAND, SHEUNG WAN, HONG KONG • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a came...
Objetivo del Proyecto Desarrollar una solución automatizada en Python que procese archivos Excel mensuales con múltiples tablas no estructuradas, extrayendo y organizando la información en un formato estructurado y agregando control temporal a los datos. Alcance del Proyecto Desarrollo completo del script en Python usando Jupyter Notebook Documentación del código Manual de usuario para la ejecución del script Requisitos Técnicos Tecnologías Requeridas Python 3.8+ Pandas Openpyxl/XlsxWriter Jupyter Notebook Funcionalidades Principales Procesamiento de Archivos Lectura de archivos Excel (.xlsx) Capacidad de procesar múltiples hojas Manejo de archivos de gran tamaño Control de errores y validaciones Detecció...
...motivated telemarketer to contact our existing customer base and offer our Fall Heating Service. This is a commission-based role with $10 earned for every successfully booked appointment. - This is not traditional cold calling; you will be reaching out to 25,000 warm leads — customers we have worked with in the past, though some may not have been serviced recently. We will provide a daily call list of 200 contacts and a basic call script. You’ll need to build rapport, navigate objections, and ensure customers feel comfortable and valued. - To be successful in this role, you must possess excellent English communication skills, demonstrate a neutral American accent, and have basic knowledge of HVAC systems (or be willing to research and learn). - Your role is vital to...
I am in need of a skilled medical writer with a strong background in cardiology. Your task will be to write research articles focused on this specific field. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge in cardiology - Experienced in medical writing, specifically research articles - Excellent writing and communication skills - Ability to conduct thorough research and present complex information in an understandable way Please provide samples of your previous work in the field of cardiology. Looking forward to collaborating with you.
Scope of Work Translation of approximately 700 words from English to Polish. Maintaining clarity and formatting (English sentences clearly paired with Polish translation). Delivery of final document by 10 Jan 2025 Deliverables A Word (docx) or PDF file with English text alongside the Polish translation. Assurance that the text is localized appropriately for Polish readers (natural-sounding, no direct-literal translations). Minor adjustments for style and readability, if needed. Payment & Terms Total fee: 15 EUR Payment via Freelancer Escrow system to ensure both parties are protected. Please confirm via chat before I begin.
I'm looking for a professional translator who can translate a set of technical documents from English to Egyptian Arabic. The documents are in Word format. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in English and Egyptian Arabic - Experience in translating technical documents - High attention to detail - Excellent understanding of technical terminology - Skilled in translating Word documents
As a Site Verifier, you will verify a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) DON YOM- MAHAWITAYALAI MAHA SARAKHAM ROAD THA 44150 KANTHARAWICHAI THAILAND • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality ...
As a Site Verifier, you will verify a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) CORREGGIO (RE) VIA DEL PROGRESSO CAP 42015 • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • M...
I need an article written about a recycling company in India. The article should focus on the company's initiatives and impact in the Old Automotive recycling sector, recycling used engines and old auto parts. The tone of the article needs to be formal and informative, targeting business professionals and investors primarily. The article will need to be distributed on Google News and free press release platforms like PRlog, OpenPR, 1888 Press Release and other free press release websites in India. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Strong writing skills, with the ability to adopt a formal and informative tone - Understanding of the recycling industry - Experience with press release distribution - Ability to write content that appeals to ...
I need a freelancer who can read and summarize news articles for me. Your job will be to highlight the most important points of these articles, focusing primarily on the key events. Ideal skills for this project include: - Strong comprehension and analytical skills - Ability to distill complex information into concise summaries - Excellent written communication skills - Familiarity with news articles and their structures Prior experience in journalism, report writing, or similar fields would be advantageous.
I'm looking for an extremely talented graphic designer to create engaging banners focused on showcasing our products. The banners will primarily be used for promoting our products on social media and physical display stands. Sizes are as below: Social Media: LinkedIn: 1200 x 627 pixels Instagram: 1080 x 1080 pixels Email: 600 x 200 pixels Display Banner: - 728 x 90 ad for desktop view - 300 x 100 ad for mobile view - 300 x 250 ad Ideal skills and experience: - Proven graphic design experience, specifically with social media content - Strong understanding of visual aesthetics - Experience in designing product showcase banners - Ability to create visually appealing and engaging content - Knowledge of current design trends
I need a Word document modified to enable text editing. or Type again . The task is simple and I am willing to pay 10 CAD for it.
I'm seeking a skilled web developer to create a comprehensive, interactive website for paid online quizzes aimed at students in grades 1-12. The quizzes will span various subject lessons, covering a mix of all core subjects, from Math and Science to Language Arts and History. Key features of the website will include: - A variety of educational quizzes tailored for different subjects and grade levels - Interactive elements such as True&False questions, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), and connect two groups tasks - A user-friendly interface to facilitate ease of use for students The ideal candidate for this project should: - Possess extensive experience in web development, ideally with a focus on educational platforms - Have a good understanding of core subjects taught in ...
...allocated time, with a visible countdown timer. • Display instant results: o Green tick for correct answers. o Red cross for incorrect answers. • Allow clickable question numbers to display correct answers and detailed explanations after test completion. C. Subscription Tiers • Trial Access: Free access to one set of question papers. • 1-Month Subscription: Access 15 question sets per subject. • 12-Month Subscription: Full access to all 100 question sets. • Include options for discounts and promotional offers. D. Admin Controls • Enable customization of question availability for each subscription tier. • Allow activation or deactivation of specific questions as needed. E. User Interface (UI) • Design a visua...
...most disruptive innovations of the 21st century, transforming the financial industry and sparking debates across economic, technological, and regulatory domains. From Bitcoin’s inception in 2009 to the emergence of thousands of alternative cryptocurrencies, the crypto space has grown into a multi-trillion-dollar market, reshaping our understanding of money, investment, and decentralization. This article explores the history, technology, applications, and challenges of cryptocurrency, while also discussing its potential to redefine global finance. A Brief History of Cryptocurrency The journey of cryptocurrency began with the publication of the Bitcoin whitepaper by the pseudonymous creator Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. Titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash Sys...
...DATA (first revised availability date) II° REVISIONE DATA (second revised availability date) III° REVISIONE DATA (third revised availability date) QTY (quantity) STATO (status) I would need a button for each row, next to the column STATO. The button, powered by a macro, when pushed should trigger an email to be sent to a list of internal recipients, with subject and text filled in with the values of the specific columns, as follows. Subject "Variazione piano di disponibilità DESCRIZIONE" Text: "Vi comunico la variazione del piano di disponibilità relativo a DESCRIZIONE, codice ARTICOLO, come segue: Data prevista inizialmente: DATA PREVISTA Prima revisione: I° REVISIONE DATA Seconda revisione: II° REVISIONE DATA Terza...
Description: I need a efficient methode that can send desktop notifications whenever a new article is posted on specified websites. The solution should be user-friendly, reliable, and capable of monitoring multiple websites.
Dear Team, We are a construction sub-contract company based out of Dubai. We have a requirement for Steel Fixers. We need 10 nos., Skilled Workers from India. Candidates should be Gulf Experienced. Salary: AED.1200-/- Basic (8 Hrs Duty) + AED.200-/- Attendance Bonus + OT (AED.5-/- per Hour) + Accomodation, Transport and Kitchen. Weekly once off. 2 Years contract (Renewable). Return Ticket at end of the contract. Interview Process: CV Selection and Online Interview. Trade Test Preferred. Note: Direct Employment Visa provided within 15 Days from the date of shortlist and gulf medical fitness. Warm Regards Kaushik Chandran New Al Taj Technical Service LLC
I'm in need of a skilled writer who can produce an informative article centered around a technology topic. The ideal candidate would have: - Proficient understanding and experience in writing about technology. - Ability to conduct thorough research to present accurate information. - Skill in crafting engaging, clear, and coherent content.
✅ On-Page SEO Services - Our on-page SEO services are designed to opt...✔️ Google Search Console Setup ✔️ Creation ✔️ Sitemap Creation ✔️ Broken Link Fixing ✔️ Favicon Icon Setup ✔️ Open Graph Protocol ✔️ Canonical Tag ✔️ Resolving On-Site SEO Issues ✅ Off-Page SEO Services - Our off-page SEO efforts strengthen your domain authority and expand your digital footprint with strategic backlinking: ✔️ Classified Submissions ✔️ Directory Listings ✔️ Blog & Article Submission ✔️ PDF & Document Sharing ✔️ Image Sharing ✔️ Social Media Submission ✔️ Social Bookmarking ✔️ Forum Engagement ✔️ Guest Blogging ✔️ Web 2.0 Submissions ✔️ Business Listings ✔️ PPT Sharing ✔️ Q&A Submissions ✔️ Blog Commenting
I'm in need of a service that...English to international military students. These words will be provided by me in sections. I have attached an PowerPoint example for section 7.1. Key Requirements: - Ability to source or create suitable images for each word. Any type of image is acceptable (stock images, custom illustrations, etc.) just as long as it appropriately represents the word. Preferably realistic. ChatGPT works. - Strong understanding of language to craft clear, concise definitions and example sentences. - Creativity and resourcefulness in finding or creating engaging and relevant images for each word. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in English with a strong grasp of vocabulary. - Experience in sourcing images or creating visual content. - Able to meet dead...
...Gamemaker v2024.8.1 and is currently about 50% complete. Key Tasks: - Code Optimization: The primary focus of this project will be cleaning up the code to ensure the game runs smoothly and efficiently. - User Interface Design: I need you to enhance the user interface. The goal is to make it more intuitive for players. All game assets and resources will be provided. The budget for this project is SG$200 and the completion deadline is January 2025. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Gamemaker v2024.8.1 is a must. - Previous experience in game programming and code optimization. - A creative mindset with a focus on user interface design. - Ability to meet deadlines and work within budget constraints. If you're ready to contribute to this engaging project, I woul...
I need an expert to help me with a Wikipedia article I've written. It needs immediate proofreading and editing within 4-5 hours. Please bid only if you can start right away. I plan to publish it myself. Tasks: - Stylistic editing (tone and clarity): I require help to enhance the article's readability and coherence. - Adjustments for notability and neutrality: The article does not fully adhere to Wikipedia's notability and neutrality guidelines, so I need your expertise to make the necessary adjustments. The article is written in English and should take no longer than an hour to complete. Your prompt response and delivery are greatly appreciated.
I'm seeking a talented writer to help me with both a romance novel and some articles. The novel revolves a complex love triangle, presenting a great opportunity for a writer with a knack for creating tension and drama. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in writing Romance novels - Experience in crafting engaging articles - Strong understanding of the 'Love Triangle' theme - Ability to create tension and drama - Excellent storytelling skills
...create 4000 entirely new, unique, and plagiarism-free articles for publication on our website. The rewritten content must maintain the original meaning and factual accuracy of the source material while sounding natural, engaging, and human-written. We want to avoid any robotic or AI-generated tone. Project Scope: Content Volume: 4000 articles Source Material: Provided in CSV format (containing article titles and content). Deliverables: 4000 rewritten articles in a specified format (e.g., .docx, .txt, or directly into a WordPress staging environment – to be discussed). Content Requirements: Uniqueness: 100% original content, free from plagiarism (verified using plagiarism detection tools). Accuracy: Maintain the factual accuracy and core message of the original articles. N...