无须进行平面设计与3D设计,只需要进行主题推导,开场视频脚本,预热环节,现场互动等环节的创意,截止时间为4月18日 16:00之前
你好,我想做个游戏赌博网站。 请你参考以下链接 [Removed for encouraging offsite communication which is against our Terms and Conditions -Section 13:Communication With Other Users]
汽车及企业品牌logo design,在已有过提案的基础上修改,以及设计新的logo
招华人拍摄纽约两个活动现场照片 第一个:地点:纽约时代广场 时间: 6月3日晚上21:00 第二个:地点: 中国驻纽约领事馆旁公园 时间:6月4日下午18:00
A games live streaming website like twitch (handling large amount of video data? ) with user registration and account information, upload video, leave comments on real time living videos. Need experienced developer who can be able to build up the front end, back end, database and server for efficiently storing and retrieving videos data. If you think the price is below your expectation, please leave the price works for you, we can negotiate it.
... 职位描述: 一:男女公-关(可兼职) 1:男女不限,无须经验,18-35岁 2:上班时间:晚上8点-12点左右;可以兼职或全职!可安排住宿! 3;工资日结1600--4800起/天 二:V、I、P、高级服务员(兼/全职高级服务员) 2、男女不限,无须经验,18-35岁 3:个人形象和综合气质兼备,主要在酒店俱乐部为客人做VIP服务 4:上班时间:晚上8点-晚上1点左右;可以兼职或全职!可安排住宿! 三:K、T、V、服、务、生 1:日薪200--800元以上,男女不限,无经验可培训!? 2:18-35岁,形象好,有一定服务意识,有亲和力。 3:上班时间:晚上8点-晚上2点;可兼职、可安排合住! 四:(商、务、司、机) 1、负责为客人开车,提供商务,旅游,购物,休闲等陪同,服务。 2、女性身高在160cm以上,男性身高在170cm以上。 3、年龄18-30岁,形象好,气质佳。 4、驾驶经验1年以上。保底6000+提成;月工资可达万元以上。 五:保、安、内、保? 1、18—35周岁,身高170CM以上,身体健康,容貌端正; 2、熟悉安全制度;有较强的工作责任心; 3、有良好的仪表形象,反应灵敏,洞察力强, 4、有酒店相关工作经验优先! 招聘专线132.62767118 韩经理 ———————————————————&mdas...
Opencart二次開發、編寫多個opencart 模塊、優化、包括: 1. 结算 改为一页結算及 簡化會員註冊信息及購買要填的信息 2.. 发货方式自提时可以选择 自取的地址 ,就像 3.3. 根据ip 判断 显示货币或語言 5. 订单打印 和发货单打印的按钮 点击后就变灰或其他圖案,以便配單員知道自己已查看或已打印 7.第三方 login 8.贈品插件, 就是如果購買超過某金額有贈品選擇, 再超某金額又有贈品, 或打折優惠 12.有積分及對換現劵功能 -積分可在購買時使用,直接扣減金額(我們後台設置扣減比例) -用積分對換商品或現金劵 18. GEO 廣告 詳細文檔往後再發
食品盒存储管理 (IOS & Android) 1. 首次安装及打开APPS会要求用户注册或登入. 1.1. 用我司CRM API 2. APPS布局 2.1. APPS上面有主TOOLBAR(Home icon, Apps name, Search icon) 2.2. APPS主题Storage icon, Chart icon, Buying task icon, Setting icon 2.3. APPS左侧有滑出食物种类菜单 2.3.1. 大约2/7屏幕宽度, 颜色方块显示 2.3.2. 方块中上行大字显示该种类已存数量 2.3.3. 方块中下行小字显示该种类名称 2.3.4. 可自定颜色及增加食物种类 2.4. Storage 2.4.1. 左面食物种类菜单自动出现 2.4.2. 扫描我司食物盒上QRCODE(‘FS’+18位流水号)及扫描外购回来食物上BARCODE. 2.4.3. 用我司的API可查食物盒大小及颜色. 2.4.4. 用UPC API查出食物名称及细节. 如找不到就提示要用户输入. 2.4.5. 区块显示食物盒颜色大小及食物名称 2.4.6. 用户自己输入EXPIRE DAY. 2.4.7. 用户把该区块拖拉到左面的种类方块存入该种类. (该种类已存数量加1) 2.4.8. 单按种类方块可显示该种类存入名称, 日期及过期日等明细 2.4.9. 点明细可修改/删除, 或加入Buying Task 2.5. Chart 2.5.1. BarChart及PieChart图显示已存食物种类分布 (可选按年, 月, 全期) 2.6. Buying Task (购买任务) 2.6.1. 从2.4.9.加入 2.6.2. 显示要购买东西清单(名称及checkbo...
食品盒存储管理 (IOS & Android) 1. 首次安装及打开APPS会要求用户注册或登入. 1.1. 用我司CRM API 2. APPS布局 2.1. APPS上面有主TOOLBAR(Home icon, Apps name, Search icon) 2.2. APPS主题Storage icon, Chart icon, Buying task icon, Setting icon 2.3. APPS左侧有滑出食物种类菜单 2.3.1. 大约2/7屏幕宽度, 颜色方块显示 2.3.2. 方块中上行大字显示该种类已存数量 2.3.3. 方块中下行小字显示该种类名称 2.3.4. 可自定颜色及增加食物种类 2.4. Storage 2.4.1. 左面食物种类菜单自动出现 2.4.2. 扫描我司食物盒上QRCODE(‘FS’+18位流水号)及扫描外购回来食物上BARCODE. 2.4.3. 用我司的API可查食物盒大小及颜色. 2.4.4. 用UPC API查出食物名称及细节. 如找不到就提示要用户输入. 2.4.5. 区块显示食物盒颜色大小及食物名称 2.4.6. 用户自己输入EXPIRE DAY. 2.4.7. 用户把该区块拖拉到左面的种类方块存入该种类. (该种类已存数量加1) 2.4.8. 单按种类方块可显示该种类存入名称, 日期及过期日等明细 2.4.9. 点明细可修改/删除, 或加入Buying Task 2.5. Chart 2.5.1. BarChart及PieChart图显示已存食物种类分布 (可选按年, 月, 全期) 2.6. Buying Task (购买任务) 2.6.1. 从2.4.9.加入 2.6.2. 显示要购买东西清单(名称及checkbo...
我们寻找有志愿的人,您只要是18-28岁都不是问题,有梦想才有动力,有动力才有光亮。那么Edufly学院给了您一个希望,那就是能让您慢慢的接触更多有关空姐空少的故事以及全部知识,除此之外还能够让您接触全世界的文化与美景。不但这样,对于空姐空少的薪水必定在3500-10000千之间。 Edufly学院将会带给您一个很美好的学习环境,加上我们有40年以上的专业航空空中教导,他们是Malaysia Airlines, Jet Airways (India) and Oman Air (Sultanate of Oman) 最专业空中教练 Cabin Crew Trainer (CCT) SPM/STPM 以上的您,有兴趣,不妨试试联络我哦~ 010-2727967/ whatsapp / wechat
...科学投资决策,规划实体战略,整合人脉资源,集团将在三年内整合旗下注资公司实现数据对接,实现完美企业重组运作达到上市评估要求,实现三年内集团上市的目标 。 6. 我们永不满足现状,我们事事追求卓越,不仅体现在我们的人才,商品,服务和枝术,而且体现在我们的业绩和声誉上,我们相互尊重与信任,以正直,开放和诚信的原则处理各种关系,无论在何处经营,我们都按照职业道德和指导原则行事.向客户提供安全可靠的商品和服务。 7. 楠迪国际风情庄园地处南昌市安义县以西8公里,中国娃娃鱼之乡靖安县境内的仁首镇金田村(国家级生态文明村),江西省唯一公园 景区东南山脚下,东边安义,南靠奉新,北接佛家圣地江西著名的千年古刹宝峰禅寺,环境优美,气候宜人。距投资60亿元建设中的国家 AAAAA级武侠文化世界旅游区4公里;距中国首座以梦幻元素为特色、按照国家AAAAA级标准打造的高级休闲度假旅游区--中部梦幻城18公里 ;靖安县城15公里;距安义县城8公里;距南昌63公里。交通便利,占地面积3000余亩,其中水面面积80余亩,属红丘陵地带,是典型亚热 带气候。这里盛产的优质秀谷大米、油光板栗、枇杷、江南李、早熟梨、万柿、猕猴桃、花卉苗木等优良地方品种闻名省内外。 楠迪国际风情庄园将建设成为全国独具风格的、集欧美、东南亚、俄罗斯、伊斯兰、澳洲等数条国际风情街景和2600套异域异族风格别 墅、复制建设世界各国著名的景观性地标建筑以及异域异族饮食文化、商业文化、娱乐文化于一体的包括食宿、旅游、休闲、娱乐、婚庆、 会议等项目在内的江西省乃至全国新地标。 8. 瑞金红军长征主题公园简介 瑞金是一个红色旅游圣地,是中国红色政权的摇篮,是许多老一辈无产阶级革命家曾经生活和战斗过的地方,是"五次反围剿"的战略要地,是长征的发源地,红军长征于...
...unveiling Faablux, a luxury wellness and lifestyle brand rooted in inclusivity. I am in need of a talented Social Media Manager to craft a compelling narrative and a strong presence for the brand on Instagram and TikTok. Key Responsibilities: - Strategizing, creating, and scheduling captivating posts across images, videos, and Stories/Reels - Cultivating community engagement and monitoring growth - Identifying and leveraging trending hashtags and audio - Compiling and providing insightful weekly performance reports Requirements: - Proven experience in managing Instagram and TikTok accounts for lifestyle or luxury brands - A knack for creating visually stunning content that resonates with the brand’s vision - A deep understanding and appreciation for inclusivity an...
I'm looking for a detailed list of all the restaurants, cafes, and bakeries in Tuggeranong, ACT. This list should be as comprehensive as possible. Key Requirements: - Types of establishments: Restaurants, Cafes, Bakeries - All types of cuisine: From local to international - Contact details: Email addresses, Phone numbers, Contact person (like owner or manager) - Online presence: Websites, Facebook pages, Instagram Handles, TikTok Profiles, YouTube Channels - Location: Restaurant address - Additional info: If a restaurant has more than one location, and the opening and closing times This is a temporary gig for now, with only about 10 hours of work per week. However, I anticipate needing more comprehensive lists in the near future, which could potentially turn this into...
I'm in need of an experienced product sourcer to help me find Valentine's gifts, as well as ladies' and men's jewelry and watches. The products will need to be listed on multiple platforms, including Shopify, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and eBay. Key Responsibilities: - Product Sourcing: Find high-quality, trending Valentine's gifts, jewellery, and watches. Products with minimum 4.8 stars reviews, products that can be delivered to the UK within 7 days and from reliable suppliers. Suppliers should have more than 500 of same product in stock. - 15 categories and 10 products per sub-subcategories - Minor Editing: I will provide existing product descriptions, but you'll need to make minor edits for clarity and SEO optimization. - Product Listing: Create e...
I'm looking for a dedicated professional with expertise in both TikTok and Instagram. Key Responsibilities: - Create engaging TikTok content focusing on videos and stories - Develop captivating Instagram Reels - Cold outreach to potential followers and brand collaborators Ideal Skills: - Proven track record in social media marketing - Excellent understanding of TikTok and Instagram algorithms - Creativity in content creation - Effective communication skills for outreach - Experience with influencer partnerships is a plus Experience with video editing and content scheduling tools is highly desirable.
I'm an 18-year-old looking to establish a profitable YouTube content creation business. I'm seeking a freelancer with experience in the industry who can help me kickstart this venture. Key Responsibilities: - Assist in conceptualizing lucrative video content ideas. - Help with the creation and editing of engaging videos. - Provide strategies for optimizing video reach and monetization. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in content creation, particularly on YouTube. - Strong video editing skills. - Understanding of SEO and YouTube's algorithm. - Creative thinking and ability to generate engaging content ideas.
I'm in need of a detailed and comprehensive list of all the restaurants, cafes, and bakeries in Tuggeranong, ACT. The list should be inc...inclusive of both local and international cuisine. The ideal freelancer for this project should: - Have excellent research skills - Be proficient in data organization - Have experience in compiling similar databases This project requires the following details for each establishment: - Type of cuisine - Email addresses - Phone numbers - Websites - Social media profiles (Facebook, Instagram, X, TikTok, YouTube) - Contact person (Owner or Manager) - Restaurant address - If the restaurant has one or more locations Ultimately, I want a comprehensive database that covers not just the basic details, but also the social media presence of these ...
...Key Requirements: - The design should primarily convey a vintage style. - It should use a bold color scheme. - Key elements to highlight include: - The warm sensation provided by the patch - The roots of capsicum in traditional Chinese medicine - The application of the patch on acupoints Target Audience: The design should appeal to the local Malay market, specifically males and females aged 18-40. Ideal Skills: - Graphic design with an understanding of vintage aesthetics - Experience in product design or packaging design - Knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine would be a plus - Ability to create designs appealing to the Malay market - Designer can use Roihi Tsuboko from Japan and Tai Yi Yuan Essential Patch from Taiwan as reference The goal is to create an engaging...
...make them good to upload (remove background, etc). Total of 18 products. - can tidy up the look and feel of website if you are designer as well. - check mobile view of the website is good. In the end you want to launch the site. There is more scope for ongoing maintenance depending on how you go with the job. The ideal candidate will have: - Extensive experience with WooCommerce - Experience in elementor - ideally you are designer background with strong skills in WordPress - Strong understanding of e-commerce best practices - Ability to create engaging website content - Familiarity with PayPal integration for e-commerce sites Please note, the site must be fully prepared and content ready for launch. Extra info: It's just 18 products. Need to remove backgrou...
I'm looking for an expert to assist me in setting up and managing a TikTok Live stream using two different phones. One device will be used for the live stream and the other for the camera. Both perspectives will be utilized during the stream, so flexibility and adaptability are key. - Potential Use of Features: While I'm currently undecided on which TikTok feature to use, the dual camera feature and multi-guest feature are both possibilities. Your expertise in TikTok's functionalities will be highly valuable. - Stream Focus: The primary content of the stream is still to be determined, so creativity and input on engaging content will be appreciated. - Handling Different Perspectives: The stream will involve showing both different perspectives and the same viewp...
I am an aspiring musician looking for a professional to set up an optimal live stream configuration. I want to broadcast my music across all major platforms, specifically YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, all at once from my phone. Key Requirements: - Multistreaming: The ability to reach all platforms simultaneously with a seamless and synchronized stream. - High-Quality Audio: I need a sound system that maintains superior audio quality throughout the live stream. - Chat Integration: A setup that allows for real-time interaction with my audience across all platforms. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in live streaming technology and software. - Experience in setting up high-quality audio systems for live broadcasts. - Familiarity with major social media platforms and their live ...
...Compilations: Craft dynamic compilations showcasing different reactors enjoying and commenting on my tracks. Focus on positive feedback and highlight those awesome moments! Visual Enhancements: Add eye-catching special effects, text overlays, graphics, transitions, and any other visual elements you think will make the videos pop. Short and Long Form: Create both short, attention-grabbing videos (think TikTok/Reels) and longer-form content suitable for YouTube. Fresh Ideas: I'm open to your creative input! Surprise me with unique ways to present this reaction footage and make my music stand out. Skills Required: Video Editing Expertise: Proficiency in video editing software (Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, DaVinci Resolve, etc.) Creative Vision: A strong eye for ...
I'm looking for a developer who can implement two key functionalities for my project: - Connect any website to TikTok: This feature will enable the addition of licensed music to TikTok videos. The integration should be seamless, allowing easy access to a wide variety of songs. - Play music from a webpage: This functionality involves playing music from a website webpage while recording a TikTok video. The goal is to have a synchronized, high-quality audio experience for the user. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Expertise in web development, particularly in creating interactive music players and working with static HTML pages and web applications. - Prior experience with TikTok's API and website API would be a significant advantage. - A ...
Presupuesto 18 dólares Estoy buscando quien pueda editar un video lo más pronto posible con algunos supers y otros elementos que lo hagan divertido. Duración 2:30 minutos.
We are looking for an experienced and proactive assistant to support a designer during Milan Fashion Week in March 2025. The role includes assisting with fittings before the event and coordinating backstage over Milan Fashion Week, including managing models, liaising with guests, capturing BTS content, and running errands. Key Responsibilities: • Assist the designer with backstage needs over the event days • Assist with fittings before the event • Capture short BTS videos and photos during the event for social media content (no specialized equipment required; a smartphone is sufficient) • Coordinate backstage activities with models > attend VIP guests during Milan Fashion Week • Run errands and provide general support as needed Requirements: • Previous ex...
I'm looking for a seasoned social media marketer to help promote my programming school in Egypt. The focus will be on creating and distributing engaging video content across YouTube and TikTok. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a comprehensive social media marketing strategy focused on video content - Create engaging and educational programming-related videos - Optimize video content for target platforms (YouTube, TikTok) - Monitor, analyze and report on the performance of video content Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in social media marketing, particularly on YouTube and TikTok - Skills in video production and editing - Ability to create engaging, educational content - Strong analytical skills to assess content performance Please provide examples of previou...
Job Description: We’re looking for a talented TikTok Content Creator (in-house influencer) to help grow our brand’s presence and engagement on TikTok. Finchi is a platform that helps people optimize their portfolios and invest smarter. We need someone who can craft compelling short-form videos, jump on trending topics in the finance/investing space, and connect with potential Finchi users in a fun and relatable way. Responsibilities: Create and post engaging TikTok videos that showcase Finchi’s value in an entertaining manner. Conduct research on trending finance/investing content and adapt it to Finchi’s brand voice. Collaborate with our marketing team to develop a content calendar and align TikTok campaigns with overall marketing goal...
Need done with 48 Hours. I'm looking for a cohesive design set for an upcoming baby shower. The central theme of the designs is a pink bow, with the color scheme primarily featuring pink tones. The design set should include: 1. A Welcome Board: This board should be 12 inches wide x 18 inches high and say "Welcome to Marina's Baby Shower." The design must feature a pink bow as the central theme. 2. An 11oz Mug: This will serve as a baby shower favor. The mug design should match the welcome board and banner, using pink tones and incorporating the pink bow theme. 3. A Retractable Banner: This banner should be 47 inches wide x 80 inches high. It will be used as a backdrop for the baby shower event. The design must align with the overall pink bow-themed design o...
...for my raw vlog clips to be transformed into narrative-driven, humorous & light-hearted TikTok and YouTube shorts. Key Requirements: - Editing longer raw video clips into engaging vlog formats and short formats suitable for TikTok and YouTube. -being able to edit longer unboxing and product videos into reels, TikTok’s, & YouTube shorts as well. - Crafting a narrative and storytelling style that keeps viewers hooked. - Incorporating specific elements such as text overlays, transitions, and background music - all enhancing the storytelling. - Conveying a humorous and light-hearted tone throughout the videos. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in editing vlogs and creating content for TikTok and YouTube. - Exceptional storytelling and nar...
...put them in to get them to you. I am unable to transfer them with my dropbox account, as they are too large. I would like a short intro to be added, maybe some transitions between them, and an end slide with our information on it. This is the description you will be getting to put the video together: (Video 1 STriaght) Intro 1:03-1:34 (Video 1 Straight) ST summary 2:03-2:17 (Video 1 Straight) Googles rule 2:19-3:50 (Video 1 Straight) Dawn websites 4:30-4:36 (Video 2 R Side) 5:25-5:40, (Video 2 R Side) 5:41-5:50, (Video 2 R Side) 7:02-7:05 (Video 1 Straight) 7:07-7:19 (Video 1 Straight) 7:29-8:16 (Video 2 R Side) SEO 17:29-17-41 (Video 1 Straight) Google ads 17:43-18:51 (Video 1 Straight) Email marketing 19:45 – 20:43 (Video 2 R Side) Recap: 28:04 -28:40 (Vi...
I'm a nurse entrepreneur with a passion for helping others on their fi...for helping others on their financial journey. My business focuses on saving and budgeting ideas and tools. I'm seeking a Social Media Marketing and Content Creator expert to help me connect with my audience on Instagram, TikTok, and Etsy. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a social media marketing strategy aimed at generating leads and sales - Create engaging educational posts and promotional videos - Help build a strong online presence for my brand Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in social media marketing, particularly on Instagram and TikTok - Proficiency in content creation, specifically educational posts and promotional videos - Experience working with budge...
I'm seeking a highly influential social media personality, with a significant following and high engagement rates, to promote my digital products targeted at teenagers. The platforms of focus will be TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Key Requirements: - Must have a minimum of 10,000 followers - Consistently high views and engagement - Strong presence on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook - Primarily targeting Everyone of all ages The ideal candidate will be able to effectively reach and resonate with the intended audience, driving product awareness and sales.