.htaccess 转成 NGINX URL 规则,需要自己手动写规则, 网络上的转换工具我都试了,不成功
本团队长期承接外包兼职项目...Native,uni-app,移动端H5,混合开发,跨平台开发; 2,微信平台:小程序,公众号,服务号,企业微信; 3,阿里平台:钉钉开发,支付宝小程序,支付宝生活号; 4,前端开发:企业官网,Node.js,Vue.js,Html5,CSS,JavaScript; 5,其他开发:爬虫,物联网IoT(Lora,NB-IoT,蓝牙),嵌入式开发,大数据,云计算,微服务,项目集成; 6,数据库:Oracle,MySQL,MongoDB,Redis,InfluxDB; 7,UI设计:Sketch,PS,Ai,3D建模(3d Max,Maya),墨刀,Axure,Mockplus,蓝湖; 8,开发语言:Java,Kotin,Objective-C,Swift,Dart,Golang,Python,PHP,C,C++,.NET; 9,服务器运维:Linux,Windows,Docker,Jenkins,Nginx,集群,分布式;
参考网站 现已用django做了首页和商品的详情页面, 。服务器租的阿里ecs,部署服务器用了nginx+uwsgi。数据库用了mysql。使用git。 现在要做的是: 1、外贸托管模块功能开发和行业信息新闻模块的开发。 (外贸托管模块是一个用户录入信息的模板页面,新闻模块就一个新闻加广告的静态页面) 2、优化服务器端的部署和日志管理 3、版面美观大方,会要求调整版面样式
开发一款WEB在线编辑MG(Motion Graphic )动画的工具(是显示中文字幕) 普通用户将自己的照片或用摄像机、手机拍摄的视频通过在线或下载软件(下载自动把我们网站生成在桌面上)导入,然后可以自己加字幕、音乐、片头片尾,选择现有MG视频作为模版(模版是开源代码) 管理者可上传已经制作好的模版 生成MP4格式的视频文件,并保存 网页后端语言是PHP,服务器是NGINX 注:视频编码为H264, 720P,需要源代码归我司,同时需要有保密及不能对其他公司同类型软件。 可参考如下网站 视频效果如这条链接
开发一款流媒体视频直播加速程序,或现成的程序也可以 了解evostream rtmp-server或可以看懂并且开发这类源代码熟悉nginx和red5 本人做视频直播加速!有能力的大牛欢迎投标!寻求长期合作,只限中文竞标! 菜鸟请绕道!资深大牛在竞标! 待遇2w/月起步,后期待遇可增加,可海外就业!
招OP, 运维人员一名,可长期跟项目 要求是能有充足的时间来维护, 有nginx运维经验 每天在线时间8小时以上,能够快速响应,有运维的经验作过服务器管理和配置; 熟悉linux系统的各种环境和配置, 比如性能调优, 网络配置, 自动化部署, 操作及安全配置, 包括iptables, 环境变量, yum/apt; 熟悉shell脚本, 能写一些自动化安装配置的脚本, 外加一些监控系统, 如果对网络方面熟悉python;会搭建更佳 竞标时详细说明以上的技术和程序您会使用几个已经使用的熟练程度!不说明不采纳! 月薪万元CNY起,只限中文竞标,竞标的时候尽量介绍清楚您的在线时间,是否在职,工作经验,个人简历等等。
职位描述: 1、后端开发及维护 2、支持多终端业务运行 3、单元测试 任职资格: 1. 熟悉HTML/CSS/JS,可以独立开发前端页面。 2. 熟悉/了解web开发语言/框架,如Ruby/Ruby on Rails,PHP/Yii,Python/Django,会一种即可。 3. 熟悉/了解MySQL的基本使用。 4. 熟悉/了解web服务器的基本部署、使用。如apache/nginx/lighttpd。或者像xampp这种集成环境也可以。 5. 快速适应上岗,最近2个月或更长有充足的时间投入项目 关于我们: 我们是Paiiiir,美国硅谷优秀孵化器入驻团队,成立以来备受资本关注,目前正处在高速发展时期,诚恳邀请有才华有志向有共同的梦想基因的你加入我们,一起创造下一个奇迹!
招聘一个会配置crtmpserver的技术员和开发的人员各一名 或者非常熟悉nginx和red5 的技术员也可以 本人做视频直播加速!有能力的大牛欢迎投标! 招标费用为每月的月薪,寻求长期合作!
了解CDN的一般架构和相关开源项目知识。会shell脚本和linux常用命令 熟悉DNS流程及机制,能通过iptables实现一些常用的安全规则 熟悉HAProxy的特性,会制定一些安全策略,并通过HAProxy的配置实现出来。 熟悉Nginx,会编译各种Module,了解常用的module(CDN方面) 可熟练地配置nginx以满足不同的业务需求。熟悉Apache Traffic Server也可。 熟悉linux,shell, python, lua 有3年以上的工作经验! 有这方便的经验的大牛可以联系!待遇优厚!具体细节详谈!
了解CDN的一般架构和相关开源项目知识。会shell脚本和linux常用命令 熟悉DNS流程及机制,能通过iptables实现一些常用的安全规则 熟悉HAProxy的特性,会制定一些安全策略,并通过HAProxy的配置实现出来。 熟悉Nginx,会编译各种Module,了解常用的module(CDN方面) 可熟练地配置nginx以满足不同的业务需求。熟悉Apache Traffic Server也可。 熟悉linux,shell, python, lua 有3年以上的工作经验! 有这方便的经验的大牛可以联系!待遇优厚!具体细节详谈!
我的服务器采用nginx+php-fpm 结构 (8CPU 16GB内存),网站使用wordpress构建!整个服务器只有1个网站,目前没有安装任何缓存插件。当同时在线人数超过1000的时候,CPU使用率超过90% ,网站负载超过50,响应缓慢。 因此,我想请您出手帮我设置最适合我网站的缓存功能。(内存充足,希望设置充分利用内存的缓存) 我不知道什么缓存插件是最适合的,或者您觉得安装缓存插件不是最好的,也可以参考此文章在服务器端设置: 我的QQ号码:331466122 谢谢!
网站: PHP+Mysql 系统: Linux系统 服务器: nginx+ PHP+Mysql 1,现这套网站需要代码优化,CSS,JS,等页面优化加载速度...以及部分框架的模块更改调用... 2,网站源码安全性优化 3,网站框架的优化
Laravel TALL Stack developer needed Position Overview We are seeking a skilled Laravel TALL Stack Developer to build and maintain modern web applications. You should have expertise in the TALL stack (Tailwind CSS, , Laravel, and Livewire) and be comfortable working across both the front-end and back-end. Key Responsibilities ✅ Develop and maintain Laravel-based web applications ✅ Build dynamic user interfaces using Tailwind CSS and ✅ Implement Livewire for real-time, reactive front-end experiences ✅ Design and optimize MySQL databases for performance and scalability ✅ Ensure clean, maintainable, and well-documented code ✅ Debug and resolve issues across the full stack ✅ Integrate third-party APIs and services ✅ Implement security best practices and data protection ✅ Collaborate
I need a developer to help me fix my landing page, which is currently loading plain HTML, instead of my desired content. I have a subdirectory filled with WordPress files, but the URL needs to be hidden when accessing these files. Should be familiar with editing htaccess file Key tasks: - Troubleshoot and fix my landing page. - Configure WordPress URL masking so that the subdirectory name is hidden when accessing the site. - Ensure seamless functionality and user experience. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with WordPress and web development. - Strong troubleshooting skills. - Prior experience with URL masking or similar tasks. Please note, the purpose of my landing page has yet to be defined. However, it is crucial that...
I need help installing my DV (Domain Validated) SSL certificate on to our host server. I already have the certificate, so this is purely an installation task. It needs to be installed using Command lines and on UBNTU Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient with Ubuntu server - Experience with Apache/Nginx/IIS - SSL certificate installation expertise - Knowledge of DV (Domain Validated) SSL certificates
This is a fized budget task: 17USD. Your task, in short, will be to fix some misconfiguration happening with my two main websites. You’ll need to access my server via Sudo SSH, identify, and fix the issue causing my server to serve the wrong page. By the end of this task, I expect to be able to access my two websites: and Explaining in detail: While making adjustments on my VPS running Ubuntu with HestiaCP, hosted on a Hostinger VPS, my websites were working normally. However, after trying to install N8N and following ChatGPT’s guidance to modify some Nginx configurations, my sites lost their proper routing. Even though the site files are in the correct location, when I access the corresponding domain through the bro...
...for a seasoned Pure PHP full stack developer to help maintain my custom-built website. This site has been built from scratch with no programming framework, so in-depth knowledge of PHP and web development is crucial. The tasks will primarily involve ensuring code integrity and performance. Key Responsibilities: - Regular maintenance and updates of the existing code base - Debugging and fixing issues as they arise - Optimizing performance to ensure a smooth user experience - Implementing security updates to safeguard the site Skills and Experience Required: - Strong background in PHP and web development - Prior experience with custom-built websites - Familiarity with LetsEncrypt for SSL management - Experience with Nginx is a plus - Ability to work w...
...looking for a skilled developer to help me with containerizing my Go API application and setting up secure HTTPS access. Key Tasks: - Containerizing the existing Go API using Docker and Docker Compose. - Configuring Nginx as a reverse proxy for the API service. - Implementing automatic HTTPS with Let's Encrypt/Certbot. - Creating an automated deployment script for easy setup. - Ensuring proper volume management for uploads and logs. - Setting up auto-renewal for SSL certificates. Technical Skills Required: - Proficiency in Docker and Docker Compose. - Expertise in Nginx configuration. - Experience with Let's Encrypt certificate automation. - Shell scripting skills for automation. - Strong understanding of secure TLS configurations. The final solution sh...
I'm seeking a LAMP expert to optimize my server, which currently hosts an E-commerce site and is also acting as a database server. Key areas for optimization include: - Optimising Nginx, Apache, Mariadb, Apache - Database performance: Improving the speed and efficiency of data retrieval and storage. - Server response time: Reducing latency to enhance user experience and boost sales. Only experienced person can do this soon should bid. please send me message.
I'm looking for an experienced server administrator to help with the setup and configuration of a new Ubuntu server (SRV5) that mirrors an old one (SRV4). The project involves: it will take only a few hours of work, but we want to work only with experienced admin linux TASKS: - Installing Nginx with pre-existing configuration files from the old server - Setting up Certbot for all domains with automatic renewal - Deploying and configuring two PHP websites (Wikioo and Securepayment) using provided files - Restoring MySQL from backup and importing new data from two provided CSV files - Configuring three Django websites (Artapi, Wabot, Museum) with their virtual environments using provided configurations and systemd services - Installing four HTML static websites wi...
I'm encountering a "Permission Denied" error when trying to access audio and video files in my Django project, which is hosted on a Hostinger VPS. While image files in the same directory are accessible, these particular file types are not due to permission-related issues. Key Tasks: - Diagnose the root cause of the problem - Fix file permission or server configuration issues - Ensure secure access to all file types without compromising the application's security The ideal freelancer should have: - Expertise in Django - Proficient in Linux server management - Experience with Hostinger VPS - Familiarity with file permissions and web servers like Nginx Deliverables: - A working solution where audio and video files can be accessed without err...
I'm seeking a seasoned DevOps engineer with expertise in Docker and wildcard SSL setup, particularly with Nginx. Key Responsibilities: - Set up and configure Docker containers in a Production environment. - Implement wildcard SSL certificates for use with Nginx. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Docker in a Production setting. - Proficient in configuring and managing Nginx servers. - Proven track record of implementing wildcard SSL certificates. - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
I need a new server set up with Ubuntu and Nginx, and configured to host multiple websites and services. On the source server we have backup the previous configurations. Your tasks will include: - Installing Nginx with the provided configuration - installing certbot on the domains - Setting up one PHP website with the provided files - Installing MySQL and importing data from 2 provided CSV files - Configuring 2 Django websites with their VENV using the provided configurations - install 3 HTML static websites with the provided HTML files Ideal candidates should have extensive experience with server setup and configuration, particularly with Ubuntu, Nginx, Django, and PHP.
...deployment - Unable to get firestore / another database in the architecture. Happy Path: Frontend takes user input, and then calls the backend / api-gateway (we are flexible and would be happy to listen to what you propose). The backend needs to call third-party APIs and serve the results to the frontend. The API Gateway should wrap the backend APIs and serve them from our custom domain for our clients who do not use frontend but our api. Firestore / another DB should be in the architecture, so we store all results there. Since we have 3 api's, each result needs to go in their own collection (this needs to designed - provided by you on how to do it). Also, once done, the api should looks in the db first for result , and t...
? URGENT: Website Hacked - Need a Web Security Expert for Cleanup & Long-Term Protection ? Hello, My WordPress website has been hacked with a Japanese SEO spam attack, leading to 287,000+ fake pages indexed on Google. These pages do not appear in my WordPress dashboard but are visible in Google search results. Issue Details: ✔ Thousands of fake .htm pages indexed on Google ✔ Potential malware in .htaccess, database, or theme files ✔ Cloaking technique used to show different content to Google and users ✔ High risk of SEO penalties if not resolved quickly What I Need: ? Complete malware removal and site cleanup ? Block and delete spam pages from Google’s index ? Secure my site against future attacks (firewall, login security, database protection) ? L...
My "webdev" website version is experiencing problems with loading Bootstrap CSS and JS, which I suspect is due to an issue with the .htaccess file. The .htaccess file has not been modified recently, and no changes have been made to it at all. Please, start your answer with "Validation Stable MARK" to prove you read the description. Quotes without validation won't be accepted. I need a skilled professional to troubleshoot this issue and get my site back up and running smoothly. On the production server the same files works perfectly. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in .htaccess file configuration - Strong understanding of Bootstrap CSS and JS - Web development background - Excellent troublesh...
Task: Install & setup extensions Setup Elastic search Setup Amasty pagespeed Extension Configure Nginx using gzip, cache Varnish (make Varnish listen on port 80 and accept incoming requests) Varnish (set varnish as full page cache in magento backend) Redis (default cache, session storage & page cache) Disable unused modules Configure CDN
Please use the Win Acme to install a SSL Cert on this machine for NGINX
I need a skilled professional to migrate my Laravel application from shared hosting to a Linux-based VPS within 1 day. Required Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Laravel - Proficient in Linux server management - Knowledgeable in Apache/Nginx, MySQL/PostgreSQL, and various PHP extensions - Excellent troubleshooting and problem-solving skills - Ability to meet tight deadlines Details: - I have full SSH access to my VPS - The server requires configuration for Apache/Nginx, MySQL/PostgreSQL and several PHP extensions - The migration must be completed within a 24-hour period Please ensure you have the necessary skills and experience before bidding. Thank you.
...Full-Stack Developer to help me deploy a application on my Ubuntu server. I will provide the source code and server access. The application uses MongoDB, which must be set up in replica set mode for high availability. Your responsibilities include: - Setting up and configuring the app on the server. - Installing and configuring MongoDB with a replica set. - Ensuring proper environment variable setup for the app. - Setting up PM2 to keep the app running. - Configuring Nginx or another reverse proxy for domain routing (if needed). - Providing deployment documentation or basic guidance for future updates. Ideal candidates should have experience with Ubuntu server management, MongoDB replica sets, deployment, and DevOps best practices. I look forward to wor...
I'm seeking a seasoned web developer to construct a sleek, modern and minimalist website for my company. The website will consist of 5 sections: Home, About, Services, Contact, and FAQ. It will also require a logo and a toggle for dark mode/light mode. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Laravel 11 for backend development, implementing jobs/queues. - Expertise in React.js for the frontend. - Ability to write clean, well-organized code. - Experience with Linux administration for project deployment. - Familiarity with GitHub, web server setup, and Nginx. The ideal candidate will have a keen eye for modern and minimalist design, translating this aesthetic into a functional and appealing website. Please ensure your bid reflects your relevant skills and experience.
I am looking for an experienced DevOps / SysAdmin to help me set up a multi-server infrastructure to run script. Each major component should run on a separate server to ensure optimal performance, stability, and scalability Scope of Work: ✅ Setup & Configure Multi-Server Infrastructure, including: - Load Balancer Server → Efficiently distribute traffic - Frontend Server → Run the UI (React/ or similar) - Backend Server → Handle API & business logic - Database Server → Manage data storage (PostgreSQL/MySQL) - Redis Server → Handle caching & queue management - Backup Server → Automate backups & disaster recovery ✅ Optimization & Scaling → Ensure smooth performance as traffic grows ✅ Security Har...
PROJET STREAMING ///////////////////////// How to create a video streaming service I want to create a private personal streaming service (connection with ip) on dedicated ovh server: For streaming on your SERVER, we recommend installing FFmpeg as it offers high performance and comprehensive features. This tool allows you to modify various video parameters, such as bitrate, codecs and resolutions, in order to compress your media files without losing quality. Fine-tuning the video quality is essential to ensure the responsiveness of the stream and an optimal viewing experience. In addition to an encoder, you need to set up a streaming protocol to allow data transmission with clients. Real-time Streaming Protocol (RTMP) is a widely us...
Scope of Work: Nginx Configuration: Set up Nginx as a reverse proxy to host multiple websites. Configure server blocks (virtual hosts) for different domains/subdomains. Enable SSL (Let's Encrypt or custom SSL certificate) for secure connections. Optimize Nginx performance settings. MySQL & PHP Setup: Install and configure MySQL server for database management. Install PHP (latest version) and necessary extensions for PHP websites. Optimize MySQL performance for better database handling. Node.js Setup: Install Node.js (latest stable version) and npm/yarn. Set up PM2 for managing Node.js applications. Configure Nginx reverse proxy for Node.js applications. Security & Optimization: Configure firewall settings (UFW/IPTables) for secure acc...
...Setup Project Description: We are seeking an experienced freelancer to set up a robust server monitoring system for our web-based GPS tracking software. The ideal candidate should have expertise in configuring monitoring tools like Datadog to track system performance, identify bugs, and notify us of server outages in real-time. The monitoring setup should provide comprehensive insights into server health, application errors, database performance, and other critical metrics. Key Requirements: 1. Monitoring Setup with Datadog (or equivalent tool): o Configure real-time monitoring for servers, applications, and databases. o Set up customizable dashboards to visualize key performance indicators (KPIs). o Implement alerting rules to notify us via email, Slack, ...
I'm seeking a skilled professional to set up an UnrealIRCd IRC server for me. The project entails: - Installation of KiwiIRC with Cloudflare and Nginx for DDoS protection. This is crucial as users will connect to the server via the website. - Customization of KiwiIRC to reflect a light theme. A good eye for design and attention to detail will be beneficial. - No specific functionalities or plugins are required at this stage, but you should be able to implement user authentication, channel moderation, and logging and reporting if needed in the future. - The domain name for the IRC server is already registered, so you won't need to assist with that. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Extensive knowledge of setting u...
...Compresión de imágenes sin pérdida de calidad y carga diferida. Seguridad y Estabilidad: Proteger contra ataques y mejorar la resiliencia del sitio. Hosting y CDN: Evaluación y recomendación de mejoras en infraestructura de hosting y uso de CDN (Cloudflare, BunnyCDN, etc.). Habilidades Deseadas: Experiencia comprobada en optimización de sitios WordPress. Conocimientos en servidores web (Apache, Nginx, LiteSpeed). Manejo de bases de datos MySQL/MariaDB. Experiencia en optimización con herramientas como Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, Pingdom. Habilidades en PHP, HTML, CSS y JavaScript para ajustes técnicos si es necesario. Entrega y Resultados Esperados: Reducción significativa de tiempos de carga (por debajo de...
...of NGINX, DOCKER, and Hetzner servers for a small job. I have a new, more powerful Hetzner server that I need configured to replace our old main server. Key Tasks: - Assign our existing floating IP address to this new server for seamless server transitions without DNS changes - Configure the new server to use our dedicated port for the web server - Provide clear, easy-to-follow instructions on how to reassign the floating IP to a different server - Test and migrate 2 DNS entries from the old server to the new main server using the floating IP address The operating system of the server is CentOS, and the floating IP has already been allocated to my account with Hetzner. If you're familiar with Hetzner servers, this sh...
We have a complete FTP and database backup of an older WordPress site . The site was previously hosted on IONOS, the domain has been moved to Contabo, and is now managed via Plesk. Currently, the site only partially works: the homepage loads, but subpages and images are not accessible. We are looking for an experienced WordPress freelancer who can:" ✅ Analyze and correctly import the backup (files + database) ✅ Troubleshoot & fix issues (permissions, .htaccess, permalinks, connection problems) ✅ Fix any errors (permissions issues, incorrect paths) ✅ Make the website fully functional under our new domain ✅ Ensure that all plugins, media, themes, and pages function correctly ✅ If necessary: review SSL/HTTPS, redirects, or DNS settings Requirements: ⚠️ Strong experti...
The purpose of this task is to create a reverse proxy to OpenAI LLM service. The proxy will be able to monitor all prompts and responses, and also block prompts and responses. Step 1. Setup an environment and write a simple python script to send a prompt to OpenAI and print a response. Step 2. Write an mitmproxy module () to intercept and modify the calls to OpenAI from the script you make in step (1). Everything should be encrypted with SSL, so configure NGINX to terminate SSL for the proxy. That is, the script contacts nginx first, which forwards the requests and replies through mitmproxy. Make sure the certificate is fully verified. You can modify the script in step (1) to connect to the NGINX ser...
ok, i am on the lookout for a dev team to assist me in creating and combining our current codebase into a cohersive platform. our goal is to simplify and automate product data trough agents and create API endpoints for data collecting, that will be used for our own listingsplattform. aswell as be able to feed data to endusers. Here is a project brief. A modern, secure, and scalable multi-tenant platform for managing products across multiple organizations. Built with , Supabase, and Tailwind CSS. Features ? Multi-tenant Architecture Organization-based data isolation Role-based access control Secure file storage per organization Subdomain-based tenant routing Isolated authentication realms ? Product Management Full CRUD operations Advanced search and filterin...
I need assistance with configuring the container on AWS. Initially, I encountered SSL errors, which hindered my setup. As a teacher, my goal is to allow my students access to a PostgreSQL database through Chromebooks. Unfortunately, due to district restrictions, I cannot install a SQL client on these devices, hence the need for dbgate. Key Requirements: - Expertise in AWS configuration and management. - Proficient in troubleshooting SSL and Nginx issues. - Experience with PostgreSQL. - Familiarity with dbgate.org. Please note, my previous setup was taken down due to persistent '502 Bad Gateway' errors during HTTPS requests. I would appreciate a professional who can swiftly resolve these issues and set up a reliable environment for my students...
I'm looking for a seasoned developer to create a bespoke WordPress cache plugin for me. The plugin should be optimized for performance and work effortlessly with both LiteSpeed Web Server and NGINX. Key Requirements: - Creation of a custom WordPress speed plugin that encompasses comprehensive caching strategies including page, object and database caching. - Expertise in enhancing page load time specifically, though overall site speed is also a consideration. Ideal Skills: - Deep understanding of WordPress and its caching mechanisms. - Proven experience with LiteSpeed Web Server and NGINX. - Ability to develop performance-optimized plugins. Please note that the specifics of the speed optimizations (like image compression, CSS/JavaScript minification, or ...
...and Node.js) to help us create a public e-commerce website integrated with our existing admin panel. Our current admin panel already includes product, order, and user management along with other key features. Your task will be to build a modern and responsive public-facing e-shop that communicates with our existing backend through a REST API. The goal is to develop an e-shop where customers can browse products, add them to the cart, place orders, and ensure that all orders are linked and displayed in the admin panel. ? Main Requirements: ✅ Develop a public-facing e-commerce website using React.js with a modern UI (Tailwind CSS or another framework) ✅ Implement the following pages: Home page with product listings and filtering options Product detail page w...
...streaming server on a cloud service (such as AWS or Azure) to handle DashCam streaming. The server should also have an API for live stream videos that can be accessed on a website and a mobile app. Key Requirements: - Deployment of a cost-effective streaming server on a cloud service - Handling of DashCam streaming - Creation of an API for live stream videos - Integration of live streams into a website and a mobile app Ideal Skills: - Experience with media server deployment - Knowledge of cost-effective streaming servers - Proficiency in cloud services like AWS and Azure - API development skills - Experience with live stream integration on websites and mobile apps Please note that the choice of the specific streaming server (Wowza, Red5, Nginx with RTMP) is flexible, as...
We require an expert to help us configure our in-house servers for a cloud storage service. Currently, our website and data storage are hosted on a single server, but we want to separate this. The front-facing server should host the website, while the rest of the servers store the data. Currently, we are using XAMPP for server management, and Cloudflare for security. Your task will include: - Configuring NGINX for our servers - Implementing a highly scalable and completely secure solution - Setting up load balancing and fault tolerance - Ensuring all configurations are Windows 10 compatible Security: Currently, we only have a firewall setup. We are open to recommendations for additional measures you may deem necessary. Load Balancing: We are flexible on the...
Or similar solution to avoid swagger error