## BIO
? Operating Systems ? GNU/Linux (multiple distributions including kernel) Redhat Linux from 3.0 to 9.0 Mandrake Linux from 7.0 to 10.0 Beta 2 Gentoo from 0.8.9 to 0.11.30 LFS (linux from scratch) from 5.0 to 5.1-PRE 1 ? Microsoft Windows NT,2000, XP, 2003 ? Solaris from 2.6 to 9.0 ? System Operations ? Windows and Linux server administration and maintenance – Hardware/Software ? Linux tools and scripting - (Perl, sh, bash, TCL, TK, sed, awk…) ? Clusters HPC (Beowulf) and HTC (Condor) ? Programming Languages ? Perl (Linux, WIN32) ? C (Linux, WIN32, Solaris) (OpenGL, GTK) ? Java (Linux, WIN32, Solaris) ? JSP (Linux, WIN32, Solaris) ? C++ (Visual Studio 6.0, .Net, Borland) ? C# (Visual Studio 6.0, .Net) ? Visual Basic (Visual Studio 6.0, .Net) ? ASP (Visual Studio 6.0, .Net) ? ActionScript (Flash 5.0 to Flash MX) ? VBScript (IE 5.0, Netscape 4.0 to 7.0) ? JavaScript. (IE 5.0, Netscape 4.0 to 7.0) ? HTML, DHTML ? XML, XSLT ? Development Environments ? Visual Studio 5.0 to .Net ? GNU software tools (autoconf, gcc, gdb, ….) ? Eclipse 2.0.1, JCOP Ant ? 3DSMAX 5.0, MAYA 4.0, Bryce, Poser, Plasma 3d, Swish, Autocad, Adobe LiveMotion ? Flash 5.0 to MX ? Photoshop 6.0 ? Databases ? MySQL and postGres (open source databases) ? MSSQL and Access DB ? Oracle 8i ? Application Servers ? Oracle 9i & Oracle 11i (e business suite) ? Apache Tomcat server (Apache http server integrated with Tomcat 4.0) ? Software Engineering ? Understanding of network administration structure and related procedures ? Understanding of High performance and high throughput computing ? Understanding of Operating System architecture ? Understanding of File System structure ? Understanding of Compiler Designs ? Understanding of Neural Networks ? Software Technologies ? J2EE JRules, JMS, Java Com, struts, VBSF, Web Services ? .Net Framework ? Embedded Systems ? Terminals and POS systems o Schlumberger Magic 6000 V1 & V2, 6100, 9000, 5100 o Hypercom ICE Series, T7Plus o Ingenico, Omni and Tranz terminals o Xiring POS Terminals o Magic Management System ? Smart Cards o Java cards (JCOP) o Payflex PCSC compliant cards, WatchData timeCos PCSC compliant cards ? Mobile Devices o J2ME o Smartphone SDK o Nokia FBUS V2 and MBUS