Hey? Thank you for viewing my profile. As a certified journalist, I am a quality driven writer who goes an extra mile to deliver high-quality content within the timeline allocated to me.
Further, I have undergone trainings which have equipped me with skills and expertise to deliver top-notch articles.
I am a talented writer ever since childhood and having worked with various companies and clients gives me the experience to take your business to the next level with my writing skills.
I always research and submit my work on time and my mantra is always to deliver pure gold. I deliver high-quality articles that are informative, plagiarism-free and 100% grammatical error free.
I am a high-value asset and you will never regret hiring me. My motive is to build strong long-term relationships with you.
I can deliver top-notch articles on the following :
Resumes and CV
Journalistic articles
Product Reviews and Description
Article Rewriting
SEO content writing
Website and blogs content
Data Entry Work
And many more.
I worked in the Department of Information Services in the County Assembly.
Main Duties Performed:
Transcription of Assembly Recordings.
Photography - both indoor and outdoor.
Magazine Production
Writing News Articles
Editing and Proofreading Articles
3月, 2021 - 7月, 2021
4 个月
Maseno University
2017 - 2021
4 年
Journalism and Mass Communication
2017 - 2021
4 年
Certificate of Completion
United States Institute of Peace
Community Based Dialogue Course Completion.
United States Institute of Peace
Completion of certificate course in Media Arts for Peace