Working with clients who aspire to become enthusiastic, broad-minded, and positive is very nice. Such people long to focus on one project at a time. Full of mutual respect and cultured communication. Let's get free of fruitless habits & become successful. We constantly balance self-performance.
5 weeks delay is Unacceptable.Plagiarism was main problem. I gave many time extensions and death lines but each time delivery was delayed. She didn't know how to remove plagiarism and couldn't deliver. I could cancel the project and not pay her due to not delivered project but still I payed .
Neema S.
23 天前
Life coach
4月, 2024 -现在
9 个月, 5 天
Master Coach Baladev
4月, 2024 - 现在
9 个月, 5 天
Inspiration & meditation are a huge benefit. Each unique person likes to discover the hidden power inside of a true self. This can be experienced through life coaching. The client is honest & introspective. The coach is supportive & a trustful friend. We regularly apply theory to living. It increases our health, joy, and wisdom. This process is to reconnect to our essence within. Each individual has already been perfect, full of knowledge & content. Coaching unfolds this treasure of humans.
Ljubljana, Slovenia
4月, 2024 -现在
9 个月, 5 天
A pedagogical Counselor (Education)
5月, 2018 - 10月, 2021
3 年, 5 个月
Kinderfreunde Steiermark UMF FIB Austria
5月, 2018 - 10月, 2021
3 年, 5 个月
My flexible work involved adaptation to diverse personalities& families from different foreign backgrounds. I got to know cultural diversity& inspired people with full understanding. Clients received my support, encouragement& empowerment. As an active team contributor with serious questions, I've engaged everybody in exchanges. I implemented new professional methods& specialist paths. This enriched the team atmosphere & relationships. My small gestures& kindness made our team relaxed& humorous.
Klagenfurt, Austria
5月, 2018 - 10月, 2021
3 年, 5 个月
A pedagogical consultant & counselor
3月, 2003 - 11月, 2017
14 年, 7 个月
3月, 2003 - 11月, 2017
14 年, 7 个月
I supported clients' essential needs through compassion, human affection & constructive communication. I could feel their challenges, gave them relief techniques & redirected them to seek positive solutions. I was attentive & caring to them. To empower & encourage their self-trust. I inspired colleagues with my proactivity, experiences, professional discussions, broadminded methods & innovative results, and respectful communication. We regularly executed team intervision & supervision meetings.
Ljubljana, Slovenia
3月, 2003 - 11月, 2017
14 年, 7 个月
Univerza v Ljubljani
1996 - 2002
6 年
Master of Social pedagogy, Faculty of Education Ljubljana, University of Ljubljana
1996 - 2002
6 年
Basic transcribing in five languages
HKC Ljubljana Slovenia EU
As a group of volunteers, we started transcribing simple lectures in five languages: English, German, Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian. Topics included Yoga, Cooking, (Life) Wisdom, Psychology, Spirituality, Reincarnation, The Four Vedas, Existence, Pedagogy, and Education. We've just transcribed recordings into Word documents. I've transcribed about 35 transcriptions.
Digital marketing
Masterbox Serbia
We applied basic knowledge in making our blog, and website. Seminars on Canva, Fiverr, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Semrush, and freelancer programs. How to approach customers in their real needs. How to assist clients in their requests. Looking for customers's solutions very actively. Most important is sharing useful tips for the benefit of a client & assisting them in solving their issues, and concerns.
Mediation training
Institute Rakmo Slovenija
Zavod Centre of mediation & conflict management. We practiced the mediation process as fresh practitioners. Including two parties to search for a satisfying solution, which is acceptable for both. As mediators, we were learning to conduct the process. We encouraged participants how to reveal expectations & desires constructively. Mediating means being neutral, without taking sides. Instead, we developed more understanding for clients. In meeting their needs, resolving issues& supporting them.