We need a PHP function that can take 2 variables.
Scope: Cutting stock problem, examples:
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Cutting-stock problem is the problem of cutting standard-sized pieces of stock material, such as metal pipes, into pieces of specified sizes while minimising material wasted. It is an optimisation problem in mathematics that arises from applications in industry.
function optimisation($material,$requirements) { ... }
We provide $material and $requirements as 2 dimensions array.
in $material we provide number of pipes and length for each one. eg:
in $requirements we provide number of pipes that we want to cut from $material and length for each one. eg:
Function should:
1) return the best way we can cut into pipes provided in $material minimising material wasted and getting $requirements pipes.
2) return each pipe from $material and what cut pipes resulted after cutting it and what waste was generated after the cut
3) if $material is not enough for $requirements specify what pipes from $requirements were not cut
4) if $material is more than enough for $requirements specify what pipes from $material were not cut
5) if no cut is possible, return message "no cut is possible"
One single milestone, no partial delivery. In order to confirm delivery you need to provide a working environment/webpage/phpfiddle where I can run tests on the script.
Hello there
I have seen and read your project "PHP function for cutting matterial" and I am very much interested to help.
The skill guiding ,me to handle this work are : Mathematics, Matlab and Mathematica, Algorithm and PHP
Hire me direct incase project is deleted by by c;licking this link https://www.freelancer.com/u/errandssolution
I'm an expert devop and have more than 10 years of experience programming in multiple languages.
I'm interested in your project.
Looking forward to speaking with you