RESTful ASP.Net Core Web API application SQL Server 2017 or 2019 for LONG TERM PROJECT
$10-30 USD
IF you can complete this assignment, we will hire you for very long term contract. We have great clients and ready to hire top .NET talent! SEE WORD Attachment FOR MORE INFORMATION
Coding Assignment
Candidate should have the appropriate IDE installed.
• Visual Studio 2019 or later (Windows), Visual Studio for Mac 2019 or later (MacOS)
Assignment - 1
Develop a very simple RESTful application that demonstrates the ability to
• Add a new Task
• Update Tasks that already exist.
Overall Requirements
• Visual Studio 2019 or Visual Studio 2022 should be used to build the application
• The application should be written as an ASP.Net Core Web API application (ASP.Net Core 6)
• If a database is used, please use SQL Server 2017 or 2019
• Use stored procedures not an ORM such as entity framework.
• Unit tests should be used to run the application (create or update)
Task Requirements
• When creating a Task, the Due Date cannot be in the past
• The due date cannot be on a Holiday or weekend.
• The system should not have more than 100 High Priority tasks which have the same due date and are not finished
• The domain should include the following:
o Id
o Name
o Description
o Due Date
o Start Date
o End Date
o Sni
o Priority (High, Medium, Low)
o Status (New, In Progress, Finished)
Concepts to Consider
• Test Driven Development (TDD)
• Dependency Injection (DI)
• Domain Driven Design (DDD)
Submitting the Application
• Within 48 hours, please send me the zip file which should contain the source code. Please do not include object or bin folders.
• Please include a README file with the application that explains how to compile, configure, and run the application – including how to initialize the DB with SQL scripts if used.
• Once we receive the zip file and unzip, we should be able to open the solution with Visual Studio, compile and run the unit tests.
项目ID: #35890806
I am a Professional Full Stack Software Developer. As per my past experience, I have the ability to work on web application development using .NET MVC, .NET Core and SQL Server. I am self-motivated, diligent and confid 更多
Hello, there? This is Eduardo from Australia. I am happy to bid to the proposal. I can do the work of .NET Web Restful API project. I hope you give me a chance to work with you. Regards.
Hello I understood your requirement as i have done similar projects before ,text me so that we can discuss more in details . Thanks
Dear Client, I am writing to express my interest in your assignment to develop a RESTful application using ASP.Net Core Web API and SQL Server. With 6 Years of experience in .NET development, I am confident that I hav 更多
Hi, Just read over your posting, sounds like you are looking for an experienced ✔ASP.NET / ✔React / ✔Angular expert. As a web development engineer, who has 7+ years of rich experience, I am confident that I can comple 更多
Hello, Team, VN Tech Solution, an IT Service and Product-based Start-up. We already have great exposure and a good team of experienced Full Stack Developers. Our team developed solutions for different domains like Bank 更多
Hello sir I have 8+yr experienced full stack asp.net developers team so I can solve your task easily and I can provide best quality work before project deadline I'm waiting for your positive response