$250-750 USD
Dibutuhkan untuk pembuatan API unofficial DANA
Auto Login
Refresh Token
User Profile (wallet,kyc status,username,dll)
Mutasi/Histori Transaksi
QR Payment
Transfer Antar Bank
Transfer Antar Nomor
Backend Development Node.js, Python, PHP
Framework Node.js, Python or Laravel.
Developers must be able to deploy APIs on servers. Knowledge of hosting, server management.
example like this website api
[login to view URL]
I want the API to be accessible from the website
项目ID: #38584885
Hi Good evening , How are you? I just saw your job posting . I see you have been looking for someone experience with these technologies PHP, Android, Mobile App Development, Software Architecture and C# Programming. 更多
I am a Node.js and Python developer with expertise in backend API development. I can create an unofficial DANA API with features such as auto login, user profile, transaction history, QR payment, and bank transfers. Us 更多
With an extensive background in software development, particularly in Android and C# Programming, combined with my more recent specialization in PHP and Software Architecture, I am the ideal candidate to create your un 更多
Di era transformasi digital ini, aplikasi seluler telah menjadi bagian integral dari kehidupan kita sehari-hari dan agar bisnis tetap kompetitif, memiliki platform yang kuat dan aman seperti DANA sangatlah penting. Seb 更多
Hello Leonarzie, With my extensive experience in C# programming and software architecture, I am confident in my ability to develop the DANA UNOFICIAL API as per your requirements. The requested features such as Auto L 更多
Hi there, I can develop an unofficial DANA API for you with features such as Auto Login, Refresh Token, User Profile, Transaction History, QR Payment, Interbank Transfer, Number Transfer, and Logout. Looking forward 更多
Hi , Good evening! ⚡⚡⚡I HAVE READ ALL YOUR REQUIREMENTS VERY CAREFULLY AND UNDERSTOOD WHAT YOU WANT.⚡⚡⚡ As a top developer with extensive experience in Android, Software Architecture, PHP, C# Programming and Mobile A 更多
Hello Dear! Good Day! Hope you are doing fine. This is Ruhul Ajom Sagor. I am an expert "Web Developer" with 10+ years of working experience in PHP, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, MySql and different Fra 更多
Hello, there. I understand you need an unofficial API for the DANA platform with features such as Auto Login, Refresh Token, User Profile, Transaction History, QR Payment, Bank Transfers, Phone Number Transfers, and Lo 更多
Hi Leonarzie, I have carefully reviewed the project requirements for creating an unofficial DANA API. With over 7 years of experience in PHP, software architecture, and mobile app development, I am well-equipped to ha 更多
Dear Leonarzie, I am thrilled to submit a proposal for your project regarding the creation of an unofficial DANA API for the Indonesia eWallet payment app. With my expertise in Mobile App Development, PHP, Android, C# 更多
Hi there! This is not a Generic bid so please review this in detail. As an expert in software development and API integration, I have a few technical questions: - Are there any specific security requirements for hand 更多
Hello Dear! Good Day! Hope you are doing fine. This is Maria Islam Mim. I am a software Engineer. I am expert in Web design, Web development, Mobile app development, Software development. I have more than 10 years’ ex 更多