I have extensive experience in Android app development and have successfully worked on projects requiring customizations like yours. I've implemented changes to app icons, modified loading screens, and integrated secure login systems using various authentication methods.
For your project, here’s how I would approach the modifications:
Progress Bar as Loading Screen: I will design a custom loading screen with a progress bar, ensuring smooth transitions between app launch and main activity. This will be implemented using Android's ProgressBar widget, and I will use background threads or coroutines to load data asynchronously for a smooth user experience.
Password Prompt: To implement the password prompt within a set time frame, I'll use Handler or CountDownTimer to trigger the prompt after a defined interval.
Login System: For secure login, I will integrate an email/password authentication system using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for secure token-based authentication. The login screen will capture email and password, and once validated, the system will store the JWT in SharedPreferences or a secure storage solution
TV Compatibility: I will ensure all UI components, especially navigation and buttons, are optimized for TV interfaces by implementing TV-specific layouts and using D-pad navigation.