C#搭建一个框架,该框架是给手机端页面提供REST接口。需要实现 1:Oauth2.0鉴权 2:TOKEN验证 3:REST接口(已提供MOCK) 4:支持短信验证 5:环境(IIS7)
嗨 SATNAM WEBTECH, 我想要邀请您来完成我的项目。更多细节我们可以稍后通过聊天交流。
I am looking for a student or junior UI/UX designer to create an engaging user interface for a SaaS website, greeting a seamless experience for our users. Key Responsibilities: * Use UI design kit out in the market to speed up the design. Design Preferences: * Incorporate a modern and minimalist design approach to make the website look contemporary without creating clutter. * Use vibrant colors thoughtfully to enhance the user experience while keeping a professional and corporate feel throughout. Ideal Skills (Optional): * Strong proficiency in website UI/UX design * Previous experience with SaaS platform design * Familiarity with modern, minimalist, and professional design approaches * Good understanding of color theories and user interface trends The applicant should d...
新项目急招岗位:数值策划,Golang,PHP,安卓,iOS,Java,Flutter,前端,C++,测试, Cocos,运维,产品经理,项目经理,数据分析,UX/UI/UE,DBA,架构师,.net,策划,原画/动效设计师,SEO/SEM,人资经理,HRBP,总裁助理,财务经理,行政主管,技术总监,运营操盘总监,招商代理总监,市场推广总监,品牌策划总监,渠道流量总监。薪资美丽、欢迎投递简历(月薪3-6万/RMB) telegram: @HR5688 QQ:1992861221 9h单/双休(薪资:30000-60000RMB/月) 单/双人间,吃住全包,安全办公不禁足 发薪准时,不压薪不扣薪,来去自由 薪资美丽反馈及时、欢迎投递简历 telegram: @HR5688 QQ:1992861221
LiteHTTP是一个 HTTP 机器人,正在 C# 中编程,基于 .NET 2.0 依赖项。 需要重新基于.net4.0依赖项。
...业务范围: 1,App开发:Android,iOS,Flutter,Reactive Native,uni-app,移动端H5,混合开发,跨平台开发; 2,微信平台:小程序,公众号,服务号,企业微信; 3,阿里平台:钉钉开发,支付宝小程序,支付宝生活号; 4,前端开发:企业官网,Node.js,Vue.js,Html5,CSS,JavaScript; 5,其他开发:爬虫,物联网IoT(Lora,NB-IoT,蓝牙),嵌入式开发,大数据,云计算,微服务,项目集成; 6,数据库:Oracle,MySQL,MongoDB,Redis,InfluxDB; 7,UI设计:Sketch,PS,Ai,3D建模(3d Max,Maya),墨刀,Axure,Mockplus,蓝湖; 8,开发语言:Java,Kotin,Objective-C,Swift,Dart,Golang,Python,PHP,C,C++,.NET; 9,服务器运维:Linux,Windows,Docker,Jenkins,Nginx,集群,分布式;
网站关键词是;,9951026贵宾会登录,99贵宾会点击网址,www.9951026.net,99贵宾会网站,小勐拉九九贵宾会,18469420432, 99贵宾会企业邮箱,缅甸99厅,缅甸九九厅网站 搜索引擎排名到第一,就算完成任务
...触别人的目光,感觉自己的会被看穿,秘密会被别人发现。这就需要我们放平心态,真诚面对。 5.独立承担责任 有位哲人这样说过:“一个人的幸福程度取决与他能够在多大程度上独立于这个世界”。这句话包含着深刻的智慧。很多的时候,独立意味着完整地承担必要的责任;能够运用自己的能力承担必要责任的人必然相对更加自信。别人能帮你一时,不会帮你一世的,谁都不喜欢和没有独立承担能力的人相处。别人有的能力是别人的,自己要有,让自己有价值,才会让自己有自信。 6.坚持微笑 微笑是对生活的一种态度,对自己的一种肯定鼓励。有时候不是说谁有多坚强,而是因为懂得,唯有微笑着坚持,如同一盏明灯,能驱散人心中的黑暗,微笑,是粒神奇的种子,撒在哪里,就在哪里生根发芽。当你微笑的时候,整个世界都在微笑。,从平成拖到令和 日本民企火箭发射终获成功,灾邑裳凸沂,<img src="http://static.ws.126.net/stock/2016/5/3/">,诩直负毓蓉,快准狠!华润又对东莞动手了!,叹由夯灸褪,完美伪装!猫头鹰栖身树洞口颜色与树干一致,赋汕善窗捣,22罚!字母哥借了谁的技能包 轰32+13+8大,媳巧悔劳巴,我们该不该旗帜鲜明地反对李彦宏当选院士?,谑氨浩勾侍https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-design/project-19493903/ https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-design/project-19493905/ https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-design/project-19493913/ https://www.freelance...
该项目需要开发人员,主要技术为: ASP.net/CS/MVC/WCF框架, DIV+CSS,JS(easyui/jquery/native JS/Ajax/Json). 熟悉Oracle数据库, 精通SQL及PL/SQL. 该项目周期大概两个月,之后会有不定期项目需要开发人员 人员需驻场,地点深圳或者天津。
1、需要.NET SCATTER图形控件(WPF优先,实在不行可以用WINFORM) ,不限制是自己写的还是第三方的。 2、基本效果如图。 3、控件数据源是不超过20组数组,都是画点。点的信息包含:X(double),Y(double),TAG(object) 4、点的大小可以设置。 5、每组数据源画的点颜色可以设置。 6、数据源是可以动态追加、删除的,并且会直接反映了图形改变。如数据源添加5个点,图形就会多5个点。 7、图形的宽度(指的是X范围)、左边界可以设置。如宽2000,,左150,右就是2149就是说可以显示,X>=150<=2149的点。 8、Y范围也可以设置。 9、每组数据源缓存10000点,超过自动丢弃。 10、黄色竖线为最后点画的位置。 11、其他的横线为参考线,做成可以动态设置的。 1)横线的Y可以设置,宽带就是满屏不需要改。 2)横线的颜色,是否为虚线要能设置。 12、需要源代码,如用到第3方控件 ,需要没有使用限制。
我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作a C#/.NET console parser program'
预算:1万元可议价 1、网站用途:人才储备、发布招聘、求职信息。 2、项目阶段:无,需要从零开始 3、开发时间:45天周期,最后期限8月31日 4、是否有需求文档:有 5、网站类别:招聘类 6、功能参考网站:(拉勾网) 7、核心功能:信誉评分系统 8、网站风格:前端javascript/jquery/ajax 参考网站:(拉勾网) 9、运行平台:LINUX 10、技术要求: 开发语言:.net/java 是否有制定后台管理:必须要有,且是全站控制管理 开发环境:自定义 数据库:自定义 运行环境:LINUX 服务器:双方商议决定 11、对服务商的要求: 地域:不限 服务商规模:5人以上团队 是否需要网站维护:视双方前期合作情况决定。 个性化要求:希望服务商能够以自身拥有从业经验为项目提供宝贵的建议。 PS:项目主管是处女座...所以不够耐心、不够细心、手头活太多、太繁忙的、联系沟通不方便的、完任务拿点小钱儿的团队。。。请不要浪费时间。。。
website enhancement project, needs to have excellent network knowledge and databases
项目: - 一个牙医软件模块; - 部分功能基于开源控件实现; - 开发环境为C#, MSSQL Server, MS Access (MDB); - 1.1 版本已经完成并在使用; - 现按照用户要求有所改动; - 改动分为2个阶段,1.2版本和2.0版本; - 1.2版本预计一个月内完成; - 2.0版本预计二个月; 要求: - 熟识C#,.NET, MSSQL,MS ACCESS; - 使用第三方控件经验; - 懂看简单英文需求; 项目本身是加拿大外包的,我人在东莞,可以到我这里开会,也可以到深圳开会,让你了解该程序和其需求以便报价。 有兴趣的,请QQ 1073158942 联系,或电 15820998667 (何生)
SQL注入/代码审计/数据库权限/渗透测试技术 接渗透单子高手,联系电子邮箱:aqcp#(#改成@)语言要求:中文 熟练掌握各种内网渗透测试工具与相关知识,精通常见安全攻防技术:sql注入、xss、文件上传、文件包含、命令执行等漏洞 熟悉linux、unix、Windows、oracle、J2EE等各种环境下WEB的安全配置与安全检查及WEB漏洞防范; 熟悉各种脚本语言(asp,php,jsp,java,net、perl、python等)具备独立挖掘web安全漏洞与入侵手段 具备一定的网络安全知识,对网络安全结构、系统漏洞、入侵检测、病毒防护等有深入理论基础和实践经验; 熟悉渗透测试黑客攻防的步骤、方法、流程、熟练掌握各种渗透测试攻防工具有实际渗透经验者优先; 求大虾接单,脱裤,要求,电话,手机,姓名,邮箱,其他的一概不要。每笔单1000美金起步,根据站的难度而定价格,具体可以详谈,寻找长期合作. 态度认真、中介勿扰,请技术实力说话。
安全测试、漏洞发掘、漏洞渗透测试、安全审核、安全风险、服务器安全漏洞渗透测试评估与分析及加固; 联系QQ:840555737 2、对产品代码进行审视,找出安全漏洞并提出修改建议; 3、研究各种安全技术,编写和维护用于安全测试的攻击工具、防御工具和分析工具; 4、负责公司Web产品涉及到的安全性研究; 5、负责响应公司的安全事件; 6、为公司员工提供信息安全教育及培训。 岗位要求: 1、熟悉渗透测试的各类技术及方法,熟练掌握各种渗透测试工具;熟练操作各类操作系统、应用平台; 2、精通或熟练掌握php/perl/python/javascript/shell等多种脚本语言; 3、熟悉asp,php、jsp等主流的Web安全技术,包括SQL注入、XSS、CSRF等常见的安全漏洞利用; 4、熟悉国内外主流安全产品、工具,如:AppScan扫描器、wvs等; 5、对Web安全测试有自己的理解; 6、熟悉常见攻击和防御办法,熟悉web安全和渗透技术,能自行进行web渗透测试,恶意代码监测和分析; 7、熟悉ddos攻击类型和原理有一定的ddos攻防经验,能有效防御黑客挂马和恶意流量攻击,会熟练搭建负载均衡系统。
聘请中国黑客/骇客/渗透/入侵技术人员 网站攻防技术人员,网站检测,漏洞修补,漏洞挖掘,数据库修补 1、精通web攻击、渗透技术,精通asp/php/java/gov/MD5解密/服务器 入侵目标:中国gov,政府站,教育网,网站数据库,提取数据,渗透/入侵网站数据库获取数据即可,说明白一点就是拿站,需要收定金,不支持验证的,不支持担保的,请绕道. 诚聘渗透经验丰富者,做事态度认真、敬业者;中介勿扰,者勿扰,自大狂傲者勿扰.请以技术实力说话。非诚心者请走.skype:dujiaoxi2014 @
...-定期重新评估这关键词,以确保其依旧有效且适用。 -开展详细的范文链接分析,设计创新链接建设活动。 -不断更新自己的搜索引擎营销及相关知识。 -启动和运用的客观的测试工具、资源及技术。 管理与操作层面: -有效地管理你的工作,并使用Outlook准确地记录所耗工作时长。 -有效地管理可用资源。 -进行基本的风险评估。 -自由地分享知识、见地、实践方法、战术及想法。 -为同事及客户提供持续的指导及帮助。 -帮助推动SEO团队及Qumin其他部门的发展。 技能与经验: -精通中文及英语,流利的英语至关重要。 -三至五年的SEO从业经验,及在数字营销领域的广泛经验。 -拥有对新兴平台和有效的搜索引擎优化策略的完整而广泛的知识与技术。 -透彻了解百度、谷歌和其他搜索引擎的排名页面。 -熟悉HTML,CSS和WEB标准。 -掌握并善于运用如PHP、ASP等编程知识和技术。 -丰富的搜索引擎优化经验。 -能够解析大量熟悉、信息,并迅速作出清晰判断及明智决策。 -高超的数据处理及书面报告呈现能力。 -丰富的博客运作经验。 -掌握中国主要社会化媒体渠道信息,包括微博和人人网。 -善用百度分析工具、搜索引擎优化、社交工具和其他主要的第三方分析平台,例如百度统计和CNZZ。 -具有较强的时间管理和计划能力。 -能够在紧迫的期限和压力下保持冷静,并开展高水准的工作。 -渴望成功,关注细节,追求卓越。 -自信,具有良好的沟通及表达能力,思路清晰,富有创意。
你好, 我们是一家纽约IT人才输送公司。 我们的员工在项目上需要一些技术支持, 主要是在oracle 数据库, .net方向上。我们可以签订长期合作计划。 有兴趣, 请给我们提供你们的电话联系方式。 我们的邮箱是info@。 电话 +1 609-759-1559。 谢谢! 祝好! Frank
...100%满意,才会给自由职业者付款 *minimum fees may apply. Learn More 项目名: 您需要什么工作? 查看自由职业者的个人信息和反馈,然后与他们即时聊天! 选择最棒的自由职业者,您将只支付3%* 的项目预算。 一旦您 100%满意,才会给自由职业者付款 *minimum fees may apply. Learn More 项目名: 您需要什么工作? 查看自由职业者的个人信息和反馈,然后与他们即时聊天! 选择最棒的自由职业者,您将只支付3%* 的项目预算。 一旦您 100%满意,才会给自由职业者付款 *minimum fees may apply. Learn More 项目名: 您需要什么工作? 查看自由职业者的个人信息和反馈,然后与他们即时聊天! 选择最棒的自由职业者,您将只支付3%* 的项目预算。 一旦您 100%满意,才会给自由职业者付款 *minimum fees may apply. Learn More 项目名: 您需要什么工作? 查看自由职业者的个人信息和反馈,然后与他们即时聊天! 选择最棒的自由职业者,您将只支付3%* 的项目预算。 一旦您 100%满意,才会给自由职业者付款 *minimum fees may apply. Learn More 项目名: 您需要什么工作? 查看自由职业者的个人信息和反馈,然后与他们即时聊天! 选择最棒的自由职业者,您将只支付3%* 的项目预算。 一旦您 100%满意,才会给自由职业者付款 *minimum fe...
web developer,if you are good at it ……网校招聘大牛渗透/入侵检测网站数据库/服务器,信息安全技术,菜鸟回避! 对技术的要求: 年龄不限 专业且经验丰富者,做事态度认真、敬业者,中介勿扰,倒单者勿扰。 会者不难,难者不会,对于专业的人来说这个非常简单.请以技术实力说话。 渗透/入侵网站测试 精通数据库/服务器 0、熟悉网络安全体系,了解最新网络安全漏洞,熟悉各种渗透入侵技术;1、熟悉以及擅长于脚本渗透,能独立分析各种脚本寻找以及发现问题;2、熟悉ASP语言;3、工作经验不限,有耐力,有毅力。 招揽反入侵方面的专业人士 检测内容:安全性较高的服务器 可通过各种途径,检测指定服务器或网站的漏洞,加以利用. 非诚心者请走,骗子请绕道. 只要你有实力-长期有单 这个只是广告.有能力接单的请联系邮箱:(年薪16万美元)
web developer,if you are good at it ……网校招聘大牛渗透/入侵检测网站数据库/服务器,信息安全技术,菜鸟回避! 对技术的要求: 年龄不限 专业且经验丰富者,做事态度认真、敬业者,中介勿扰,倒单者勿扰。 会者不难,难者不会,对于专业的人来说这个非常简单.请以技术实力说话。 渗透/入侵网站测试 精通数据库/服务器 0、熟悉网络安全体系,了解最新网络安全漏洞,熟悉各种渗透入侵技术;1、熟悉以及擅长于脚本渗透,能独立分析各种脚本寻找以及发现问题;2、熟悉ASP语言;3、工作经验不限,有耐力,有毅力。 招揽反入侵方面的专业人士 检测内容:安全性较高的服务器 可通过各种途径,检测指定服务器或网站的漏洞,加以利用. 非诚心者请走,骗子请绕道. 只要你有实力-长期有单 这个只是广告.有能力接单的请联系邮箱:qqdujiaoxi@(年薪16万美元) if you want to have this work ,please leave your QQ or telephone
web developer,if you are good at it ……网校招聘大牛渗透/入侵检测网站数据库/服务器,信息安全技术,菜鸟回避! 对技术的要求: 年龄不限 专业且经验丰富者,做事态度认真、敬业者,中介勿扰,倒单者勿扰。 会者不难,难者不会,对于专业的人来说这个非常简单.请以技术实力说话。 渗透/入侵网站测试 精通数据库/服务器 0、熟悉网络安全体系,了解最新网络安全漏洞,熟悉各种渗透入侵技术;1、熟悉以及擅长于脚本渗透,能独立分析各种脚本寻找以及发现问题;2、熟悉ASP语言;3、工作经验不限,有耐力,有毅力。 招揽反入侵方面的专业人士 检测内容:安全性较高的服务器 可通过各种途径,检测指定服务器或网站的漏洞,加以利用. 非诚心者请走,骗子请绕道. 只要你有实力-长期有单 这个只是广告.有能力接单的请联系邮箱:(年薪16万美元)
Partnership Opportunity I’m seeking a dynamic partner to join me in maximizing the potential of my online ventures. I currently own about 40 domains and have established partnerships with various hosting services, website builders, and platforms like Vistaprint, Amazon, eBay, and Etsy. My recent affiliations with and Paper Stack further enhance our potential. What I Offer: • A diverse portfolio of domains ready for development. • Existing affiliate partnerships that can drive revenue. • Experience in web hosting and building websites. What I Need: • A creative collaborator who can help design and optimize websites to ensure they are visually appealing and highly functional. • Someone who can assist in brand bui...
...OpenAI/ChatGPT and developing new APIs in .NET to support data communication between our mobile and VR applications. Project Requirements: React Native Integration: Integrate OpenAI/ChatGPT into the existing React Native app. Ensure seamless performance and a user-friendly interface. Backend Development: Create new APIs using .NET to handle app features. Implement webhooks for real-time data communication between the React Native app and our VR application. Ensure secure and efficient data handling. Collaboration and Deployment: Collaborate with the existing team to align on integration requirements. Test and debug functionalities to ensure smooth deployment. Skills Required: Strong experience with React Native and mobile app development. Expertise in .NET f...
Looking for an Airbnb Property Manager to help me optimize my property listings and pricing. The ideal candidate should be experienced in managing listings for 1-2 properties and able to handle daily guest inquiries and issues. Services required include listing optimization and pricing. You will work 1 hour a day at $4/hour for training and hours will increase as you learn! I have 20 other positions available as well, from event planning to travel blogging!
Website design ### Website Structure #### 1. Home Page - **Hero Section**: - Large logo at the center, featuring the gold shield and blue data. - Tagline beneath the logo: "Protecting Your Data, Securing Your Future." - Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons: "Get Started" and "Learn More." - **Overview Section**: - Brief introduction about MYDATASHIELD and the importance of data protection. - High-quality background image or subtle pattern related to data security. #### 2. About Us - **Mission Statement**: - Clear overview of the company's mission focusing on data protection. - **Team Section**: - Photos of team members with brief bios highlighting their expertise in data protection. #### 3. Services - **Service Offerings**: ...
I'm seeking an entry-level Customer Service Advisor for my e-commerce brand. Your main responsibility will be to handle customer inquiries, primarily through Email and Live Chat. Ideal Skills: - Excellent communication skills - Familiarity with e-commerce - Basic computer skills - Problem solving at...communication skills - Familiarity with e-commerce - Basic computer skills - Problem solving attitude Your tasks will involve: - Answering customer inquiries in a timely and professional manner - Utilizing email and live chat to provide top-notch customer service Experience: - This is an entry-level position, so no prior experience is necessary, but a positive attitude and willingness to learn are essential. Please only apply if you are comfortable with this scope of w...
Looking for .NET developer to work on a small application. Application is using , MVC, and 3-tire project structure with MS SQL Server. You should have experience in writing complex quires and stored procedures Contact me if you are interested.
...with other automation tools (Zapier, Integromat, Make). Experience in working with databases (e.g., SQL, MongoDB). Knowledge of business operations in industries like advertising or SaaS. Previous experience in startups or fast-paced environments. What We Offer: Flexible work arrangements (remote or hybrid). Opportunities for professional growth and upskilling. A chance to work on cutting-edge projects with a dynamic team. Competitive compensation based on experience and skill set. Ideal Candidate Traits: Curious and Adaptive: Always eager to learn and explore new tools or features. Analytical Thinker: Enjoys breaking down problems and finding logical solutions. Team-Oriented: Works well in collaborative environments and communicates effectively. Proactive: Takes initiativ...
I'm seeking a Project Manager with API sales expertise to represent and sell our backend API to healthcare clients. Your role will involve pitching to developers, highlighting key features like interoperability, and documenting client feedback for potential enhancements. Key Responsibilities: - Delivering a persuasive pitch about our API's features, focusing on its interoperability within the healthcare sector. - Engaging with client developers, explaining our API's functionalities, and addressing their queries. - Documenting client requests for potential API enhancements. - Attending video meetings in US timings. Ideal Skills: - Fluency in English with excellent communication skills. - Prior experience in selling technology APIs. - Understanding of REST APIs. - Background...
...purchase 3 Squarespace .com or .net domains (2-year term) and a 2-year subscription to HostPapa’s Pro Hosting Plan (100GB NVMe SSD, supports up to 8 websites). Total Cost: Only $39 USD Cashback Bonus: Get 10-30 AUD cashback after the order. ________________________________________ What’s Included: • 3 premium domains with a 2-year term. • Reliable hosting for up to 8 websites with robust performance. • Unbeatable value for a fraction of the original $150+ cost. ________________________________________ Why Choose This Service? • Incredible savings on high-quality domains and hosting. • Perfect for anyone seeking a budget-friendly and reliable solution. • A hassle-free process with guaranteed value for your money. __________________________...
...both with and without AI tools (AI-supported work is fine, but non-AI skills are essential). • Learn our brand’s tone and style to produce consistent and creative content. • Share ideas for new content we can produce weekly. • Manage deadlines and deliver work on time. Requirements: • Ability to create 10-65 second videos quickly (if it takes hours for one video, this isn’t the role for you). • Experience designing graphics efficiently. • Show a portfolio featuring both AI-generated and non-AI work. • Must be a creative thinker who can take initiative and contribute ideas. • Maintain affordability for ongoing, high-volume work. Additional Questions (to include in your application): 1. What applications and tool...
I'm seeking a professional with expertise in acquiring, managing, and building relationships with high net worth individuals (HNIs). Key Responsibilities: - Client Acquisition: Primarily focusing on HNIs through various strategies including digital marketing, networking events, and referral programs. - Client Management: Overseeing existing clients and their financial goals. - Support Provision: Assisting clients with trading, opening demat accounts, and accessing other financial services. - Product Recommendation: Advising clients on an array of financial products such as mutual funds, stocks, and bonds. - Portfolio Planning: Creating and managing bespoke investment portfolios. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in digital marketing strategies targeted towards HNIs. - Excellent ne...
...campaigns. Familiarity with WordPress, Google Analytics, and digital advertising tools. Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Highly organized with strong follow-through and project management skills. Strong work ethic, attention to detail, and ability to work independently and collaboratively. Ability to multitask and prioritize tasks in a fast-paced environment. Eagerness to learn and adapt to new marketing trends and technologies. Preferred Qualifications: Bachelor’s or Master’s degree from a reputable university in Marketing, Communications, or a related field. Demand generation experience with proven success in driving business growth. Why Join Us? Work remotely for a leading US-based SaaS company. Collaborate with a global team of profes...
I'm seeking a skilled .NET developer to create a local application that enhances accessibility to Generative AI. This application should have robust speech-to-text capabilities and facilitate seamless conversation flows. Key features should include: - Speech to Text: The application must accurately transcribe spoken words into text. - Conversation: The application should be able to carry on a conversation, utilizing natural language processing to understand and respond appropriately. - Integrations: The application needs to be able to interface with various third-party APIs. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience in .NET application development. - Strong understanding and experience with natural language pro...
...content creation, eager to grow and develop their skills. Since the content type, industries/topics, and article length are not yet defined, flexibility and a willingness to learn are essential for this role. Compensation: ₹10,000 per month Ideal Skills: - Basic adaptability in writing styles for different audiences - General awareness of a variety of topics - Willingness to learn and improve task management - Familiarity with grammar basics to produce error-free content - Eagerness to develop technical and social media writing skills - Basic editing skills with attention to clarity and coherence - Enthusiasm to learn time management and audience analysis - Openness to multitask and handle multiple assignments Experience: - No prior experience is necessary, though...
...largest community for designers and design enthusiasts in the world. At Interaction Design Foundation (IxDF), we’ve already helped over 165,000 graduates to improve their skill sets and careers—but we’re just getting started! Our ever-growing community now needs a passionate community who will drive, shape, and grow the conversation around great design everywhere. *** What you will be doing *** Our community is at the heart of what we do, and we put a colossal effort behind serving them as best we can. That’s why we’re looking for a Community Manager with an eye for detail, an empathic nature to help people and a natural drive for perfection to help us achieve our vision to become the best and most recognized design school on the planet. Yo...
...and typical expense percentages. Data Sources: - You will be provided with brochures from sellers, personal notes and research, as well as country-specific information including taxes and other relevant factors. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience in Excel financial modeling. - Familiarity with commercial real estate assets preferred but not mandatory. - Ability to learn quickly and understand new assets. - Strong analytical skills and attention to detail. This project requires someone who can not only crunch numbers but also develop a good understanding of the assets being evaluated. Your expertise will be key in determining the most suitable financing route for each investment opportunity....