What is an ada compliant website工作


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I need to develop an app and web version of adult content sharing.

$518 Average bid
$518 平均报价
45 个竞标

Due to the business needs of the company, we are now looking for part-time interpreters in Japanese, Russian, Spanish and French related to medicine Requirements: 1. At least 3 years translation experience in related industry; 2. The daily translation volume is stable at more than 3000 words; 3. Proficient in using CAT tools such as Trados/MemoQ and Xbench; 4. Take a test translation of about 300 words.

$121 Average bid
$121 平均报价
10 个竞标

因为我不是很清楚代码, 但是我有程序能提供给你方便查看了解,下手 更多详情请直接联系我,方便沟通,方便联系,内容不复杂。请DDD我

$2416 Average bid
$2416 平均报价
3 个竞标

您好,Customer Is M.。我留意到了你的简历,想让您参与我的项目。我们可以讨论一下项目的细节。

$2 / hr Average bid
$2 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标


$1500 Average bid
$1500 平均报价
1 个竞标
Project for An T.
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您好,An T.。我留意到了你的简历,想让您参与我的项目。我们可以讨论一下项目的细节。

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标
it is a good projects
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$142 Average bid
$142 平均报价
4 个竞标

你好,Ha An Duy Cao C.。我留意到了你的简历,想让你参与我的项目。我们可以讨论一下项目的细节。

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标
Trophy icon Design an MMA course poster
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Design poster including the following info ONLY (copy and paste or if chinese can type yourself) Put the fitness Australia logo in bottom right corner. The content is below. MMA教练课程 你将会学习: •如何正确并安全的进行击打运动 •如何指导拳,肘膝和踢的出击方式 •如何指出不正确的技巧并改正它 •明白MMA培训的优势 •如何建立手靶的系统性训练 价格-$399/位 欲报从速-仅限15位 今日开放预订!

$11 Average bid
6 项参赛作品

两个项目: 第一个项目参观拍摄主要拍摄菜品 第二个项目公寓拍摄主要拍摄空间 _____ Two projects: The first project visit to shoot the main shooting dishes The second project apartment shoots the main shooting space

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

两个项目: 第一个拍摄一家餐厅大概12张/小时的频率出片 第二个是拍摄一所公寓以12张/一个半小时出片率 _____ Two projects: The first filming of a restaurant is about 12 frames per hour. The second is to shoot an apartment with 12 sheets / one and a half hours.

$6 - $12 / hr
$6 - $12 / hr
0 个竞标

两个项目: 第一个拍摄一家餐厅大概12张/小时的频率出片 第二个是拍摄一所公寓以12张/一个半小时出片率 _____ Two projects: The first filming of a restaurant is about 12 frames per hour. The second is to shoot an apartment with 12 sheets / one and a half hours.

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

两个项目: 第一个拍摄一家餐厅大概12张/小时的频率出片 第二个是拍摄一所公寓以12张/一个半小时出片率 ____ Two projects: The first filming of a restaurant is about 12 frames per hour. The second is to shoot an apartment with 12 sheets / one and a half hours.

$24 / hr Average bid
$24 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

According to attachment (draft), output 2 pics fancy and 3D effect graphic design for advertisement. 根据附件中的概念稿,完成两张产品效果图,产品呈3d构造。 项目需求比较着急,希望设计师在1月11号之前完稿交付。

$926 Average bid
$926 平均报价
18 个竞标
perfect an app
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We currently own an app which has basic function realized, but there're some other problems existing, including flashbacks, mis-matches between images and audios. We now need these problems to be solved.

$493 Average bid
$493 平均报价
16 个竞标
i need an engineer
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$2366 Average bid
$2366 平均报价
10 个竞标


$175 Average bid
$175 平均报价
12 个竞标


$935 Average bid
$935 平均报价
49 个竞标
Hire an HTML5 Developer
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HTML 5 游戏开发,微信端牌类游戏,支持多人在线娱乐,微信分享可进入。

$3795 Average bid
$3795 平均报价
15 个竞标

3年IOS开发经验,7款不同类型的APP:教育类,物联网类,流媒体类,新闻类,金融类,电商类,快递类. MVP,MVVM响应式编程为你后期维护保驾护航. 外包项目丢过来,保证质量与效率个人接单制作非中转,有意向加QQ:329879327查看作品,白菜价接单,(烂白菜的价格就算了).

$864 Average bid
$864 平均报价
9 个竞标

English Version of the Ad is below ! 诚聘APP开发程序员/团队,负责开发一款提供特定服务的APP(类似滴滴快车但非打车服务),用户群暂时以上海当地用户为主。APP界面的设计将由我们具体负责,因此不会有太多APP界面的设计工作。 关于APP: 简单而言我们想实现让用户通过APP找到其所在地点附近的愿意提供服务的“服务提供方”,并可以在线支付相关服务,支付完成后部分费用归服务提供方部分归我们。具体而言APP应有以下特点: 1、即时服务:需求方可以实时找到附件1-3千米内的有意提供服务的服务提供方。选定服务时APP应显示费用和里程; 2、预约服务:需求方可通过APP预约服务,APP将显示费用和里程; 3、定位及跟踪:用户可在APP的地图上对服务提供方位置进行跟踪; 4、发布特定服务需求:用户可在特定板块发布服务需求(包括服务内容、费用、地点、上传图片),在收到需求回复时用户可收到相应通知; 5、评价系统:需求方和服务提供方的评价系统; 我们希望你: 1、熟悉支付宝、微信支付、银行卡支付嵌入相关技术 2、熟悉地图和定位服务嵌入相关技术 3、熟悉用户评价系统的相关编程 4、熟悉编程技术及相关法律法规 5、能够在5个月内完成APP的开发 6、有创业精神的年轻人优先! 价格: 我们愿意支付合理的市场价格,支付方式可以是固定费用或按小时计费,具体面议。 We are looking for an app developer/coder, for a social service app based in Shanghai China. The app first feature is in some way similar to 滴...

$5123 Average bid
$5123 平均报价
9 个竞标


$48 Average bid
$48 平均报价
9 个竞标


$636 Average bid
$636 平均报价
12 个竞标

你好: 我要開發一套門禁系統與監控系統,人員不須到現場協助客戶看屋。 請參考以下網站 開發類似這套系統。 與開發 的網站做應用 請問您可以開發嗎? I want to develop a set of access control systems and monitoring systems, personnel do not have to go to the scene to help customers see the house.

$2789 Average bid
$2789 平均报价
2 个竞标

Produce a English version for a chinese website, which is developed by chinese developer and provides cloud based screenshot service. 我们开发了一个截图工具网站。这个网站包括网站本身,一个APP,以及一个chrome浏览器的扩展插件。 我们面向的用户群主要是海外的互联网从业人员(如产品经理/设计师等),因此,我们急需一个熟悉了解海外互联网,经常使用海外尤其是美国互联网产品/社交媒体,同时精通中文的网站文案写作及营销人员,来为我们进行网站的文案写作(大约10个页面)。并且我们希望后续也能够把社会化媒体的营销推广,广告的投放,甚至于SEO的相关工作一并交付。 这个工作大致可分为两部分,一部分是网站初期的整体文案写作工作。这个大概需要在3~5天内完成。 这个工作完成后,我们会再探讨后续的长期的营销推广工作的合作方式。

$105 Average bid
$105 平均报价
2 个竞标

Hi, Would like to hire a freelancer to write an unique chinese love story/novel with 150000 words in total. Good in simplified chinese 聘请爱写作的人写一篇中文爱情故事/小说。 故事长度: 150,000 个字 内容主角由你定。 有兴趣的话可以PM我你的构思。 谢谢。

$224 Average bid
$224 平均报价
5 个竞标

android app & SQL/PHP web DB freelance job 詳情請email 查詢

$156 Average bid
$156 平均报价
6 个竞标

eeeeeeeeet rfgjllkk sdg3yrg r4j4ti4irj efyfu4 w tejjjrj meorkk4

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 个竞标

我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作proofreading for an English website'

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

装修淘宝代购店。 1. 设计店面风格。 2. 更新店面旗帜, 其他有关,支持页面 3. Photoshop + 上传图片,文字等将货品上架 4. 150 个产品 5. 图片来源互联网和我提供的实物图 6. 文字内容来源互联网 7. 必须在10天内完成 (农历新年) 参考店如: 小小木瓜高 芝妈代购

$589 Average bid
$589 平均报价
10 个竞标
Build an Online Store
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need to build a membership website, where the articles are "locked", partial is shown on website, and free members read only partial article, but paid members the article is open up for him to read with login and password. similar to this website (sorry it's in Chinese)

$519 Average bid
$519 平均报价
16 个竞标

Beauty app, which is matching the customers and therapists

$208 Average bid
$208 平均报价
12 个竞标
Write an iPad application
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Your description must be at least 30 characters.

$122 Average bid
$122 平均报价
1 个竞标

具体加微信商量 The creature should be designed so that it can be instantiated as an object. You should be able to create instances of the creature with varying sizes through a single float argument passed into the constructor. The location of the object should vary each time the constructor is called. In addition to the constructor, make sure that the class implements all of the methods of the AnimatedObject Interface (and i have the required codes)

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 个竞标

Familiar with android application development and framework development.

$419 Average bid
$419 平均报价
6 个竞标

我们要做一个以国外名牌商品信息为主题的社交应用。 用户可以分享商品照片,在照片上添加商品信息标签,或者填写别人照片上的标签来帮他人完善商品信息。 如果你有使用“Nice”或“小红书”的经验,会更容易理解我们的应用。

$34 / hr Average bid
$34 / hr 平均报价
3 个竞标

查看威客个人信息和反馈,然后立即与他们聊天! 仅需要3%的佣金,您便可 查看威客个人信息和反馈,然后立即与他们聊天! 仅需要3%的佣金,您便可

$158 - $473
$158 - $473
0 个竞标
Build an Online Store
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自营B2C商城, 微信和PC两个商城共用一个后台。须链接微信提醒功能,微信认证以及绑定商城账号。 后台可切换中英文版本。 后台需接入ERP系统,和EDM 系统. 如果您感兴趣,请私信了解更多细节。 谢谢

$10 - $30
$10 - $30
0 个竞标

Would like to write a mobile application similar to this site

$925 Average bid
$925 平均报价
7 个竞标

Respond to me now!you hear me?jdkdjjfjcjxjfjdjdjdjdjdjfjfjfjjfjfjrjrjdjfujdjdjdjdjrhrjdjfucjvuvigjgjfjtnrbbrbrjfifigigjvjrnrbrjrjrjrjfjfjfjrjrjrjrjrjrjrjrhrhrjrjridifif

$150 Average bid
$150 平均报价
1 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'FIN567 - Class Project - My Budget is around $100'

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标
Build an Online Store
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微信公众平台:把网站现有内容翻译成中文做成微信公众平台,可以比较容易的推广。 手机网站中文版: 做一个中文版手机网站,把手机网站和微信里面的内容版式做一样。通过手机浏览器输入网址可以进入网站。 可与中文版手机网站切换语言。 手机网站英文版: 做一个英文版手机网站,把手机网站和微信里面的内容版式做一样。通过手机浏览器输入网址可以进入网站。可与英文版手机网站切换语言。 后台管理: 可以同步管理添加编辑微信平台和中英文手机网站里面的内容。 Only those with English speaking candidates who can understand mandarin will be considered Project specification is in mandarin.

$364 Average bid
$364 平均报价
3 个竞标

An OpenVPN charging program, iOS & Andarid & Website (or use the Hostbill billing system) OpenVPN charge recharge based procedures, similar to VPNExpress , The implementation of user registration, recharge (Alipay & Paypal), VPN account settings, password changes. The user account, close to expiration reminder, enterprise information submitted invoices, invoice mailing address submitted. The OpenVPN function to read, including account surplus time, monthly bandwidth query, history of bandwidth usage information. The interface is succinct, professional, similar to Bootstrap. We have a billing system Hostbill, so if you can develop Hostbill Api, you can not have the development of Web. 一个OpenVPN收费程序, iOS & Andarid & Website(或者使用Hostbil...

$27 / hr Average bid
$27 / hr 平均报价
2 个竞标

...amount will be added $5. after submit, the value becomes 0. but if the order is cancelled, the value in coupon account should be restored. what's the issues: 1. when choose paypal for payment, the value of coupon account is not counted in. It looks fine when choose the other payment methods. 2. After submit the purchase, the order is appeared in my order list. But the price there is not correct. Main problem is that the value of coupon account is not counted in. 3. 2 prices of display need to be adjusted. It is for display only. 4. After submit the purchase, the value of coupon account should become 0. However if the order is cancelled. The value should be restored in coupon account because the purchase/order is...

$194 Average bid
$194 平均报价
6 个竞标

...amount will be added $5. after submit, the value becomes 0. but if the order is cancelled, the value in coupon account should be restored. what's the issues: 1. when choose paypal for payment, the value of coupon account is not counted in. It looks fine when choose the other payment methods. 2. After submit the purchase, the order is appeared in my order list. But the price there is not correct. Main problem is that the value of coupon account is not counted in. 3. 2 prices of display need to be adjusted. It is for display only. 4. After submit the purchase, the value of coupon account should become 0. However if the order is cancelled. The value should be restored in coupon account because the purchase/order is...

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 个竞标

...amount will be added $5. after submit, the value becomes 0. but if the order is cancelled, the value in coupon account should be restored. what's the issues: 1. when choose paypal for payment, the value of coupon account is not counted in. It looks fine when choose the other payment methods. 2. After submit the purchase, the order is appeared in my order list. But the price there is not correct. Main problem is that the value of coupon account is not counted in. 3. 2 prices of display need to be adjusted. It is for display only. 4. After submit the purchase, the value of coupon account should become 0. However if the order is cancelled. The value should be restored in coupon account because the purchase/order is...

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
4 个竞标

我们需要写一个iOS的app,专门用于复习语文考试的第一题字音题。我们会提供3000个词和其汉语拼音(unicode txt文件)。 第一版只需要实现两个功能,第一个是字音的显示,第二个字音的输入(当然还包括数据的搜集)。 如果第一版合作成功,我们会继续合作。 合格的申请人应该要应该提交一份项目计划书,大致说明需要的时间。此外,请提交一份程序代码的样品。

$2132 Average bid
$2132 平均报价
6 个竞标

我们需要写一个iOS的app,专门用于复习语文考试的第一题字音题。我们会提供3000个词和其汉语拼音(unicode txt文件)。 第一版只需要实现两个功能,第一个是字音的显示,第二个字音的输入(当然还包括数据的搜集)。 如果第一版合作成功,我们会继续合作。 合格的申请人应该要应该提交一份项目计划书,大致说明需要的时间。此外,请提交一份程序代码的样品。

$527 Average bid
$527 平均报价
4 个竞标


$10 - $30
$10 - $30
0 个竞标


$10 - $30
$10 - $30
0 个竞标