I require a highly skilled professional who can adeptly handle vtiger systems. The task at hand will entail some specific customizations to my vtiger system, which includes: - Customizing fields and layouts: I need someone capable of adding new fields and rearranging field placement. Also, a new condition to trigger on auto status should be added to the field. - Customizing workflows: The focus here is on modifying existing workflow rules and adding conditions to trigger these workflow rules. The person should possess strong problem-solving skills and substantial experience in handling similar vtiger customization tasks. Time-management and diligence in task execution are valuable for this role as it will require careful adjustments while maintaining minimal disrupti...
I'm in need of a skilled Vtiger developer to handle a couple of tasks on my platform. Primary Tasks: - Customize my Vtiger CRM to meet my unique business needs - Develop a unique Vtiger module focused on project management Design Expectations: I have specific design and branding requirements that need to be adhered to. Therefore, proficiency in UI/UX design will be a major advantage. Ideal Candidate: The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in Vtiger CRM customization and module development. They should also have a deep understanding of project management systems. It's essential that the developer is attentive to details, particularly branding specifics as per the design requirement.
Hello We have a new Production Vending Maschin with a.i. ! For that We Need a futuristic Vending Snack, Drink maschin Design. The Vending Maschine have: * Coin akzept Modul * Bill akzept Modul QR Modul * Touchscreen Display with a.i. * Biz Promo Display * The Vending Funktion with Lift System * LED System
Successful candidate will later get upgrading and customizing job which will be with a large budget. I'm seeking a skilled Vtiger developer to expertly install Vtiger within a shared hosting environment. My project doesn't involve migrating data from existing systems, enabling a focus purely on a clean, efficient Vtiger setup. Here’s what I’ll need you to do:
Hola, tenemos nuestra web informativa al momento, y queremos integrarla con una pasarela de pagos de aquí del Peru, su marca es Niubiz. Nuestra web, está desarrollada en PHP (su nucleo es wordpress) tiene un desarrollo a medida para nuestro negocio, queremos que la integración mantenga la línea gráfica así como que esté desarrollada con buenas prácticas de UI/UX. La pasarella, debe...USD para paises diferentes a Perú. Prevío al momento que alguien pague, debe de registrar algunos datos básicos en un formulario y de allí proceder con la pasarela de pago. Al registrarse, y confirmarse el pago, debe de envíar un correo a una lista de destinatarios, así mismo debe de crear un prospecto en nuest...
We are seeking an expert in vTiger CRM for an upgrade from version 6.5 to version 8.0. The targeted system mainly utilizes Sales, Marketing, and Support modules, among others. A key point to note is that the tool is not heavily customized, and we aim to maintain the existing functionalities as they are post-upgrade, without any new feature additions or significant changes. Ideal skills and experience for this project include: - Extensive experience in working with vTiger CRM, specifically in upgrading between major versions. - Familiarity with PDFMaker and other modules in use. - Moving comments about organization and contacts are important. - Ability to perform the upgrade without introducing new features or making significant changes to the tool. Might be needed late...
The task is to check the code in the MSP430 to check the accuracy of data which comes from the GNSS Modul (Ublox) which is connected to the MSP430 via I2C. There is probably an error in the code which leads to false position values. Therefore the code has to be checked and to be corrected. It seems like the error is somewhere between the interface I2C and the Board.
... Name Firma 1, Ansprechpartner, Funktion, Kontaktdaten, Adresse. Er kann innerhalb eines Mandanten Händler-Teilnehmer anlegen: Der Adminstrator kann jeweils eine Liste anzeigen lassen. Der Adminstrator kann Teilnehmer löschen. FRONDEND: Im Frontend können Industrie-Teilnehmer Kampagnen einstellen: Kampagnenname, Vorschaubild (jpg), Text zur Kampagne, Medienträger (Kundenstopper, LED-Modul, Socialmedia, Sonstige), Startdatum, Endedatum. Ab Endedatum ist der Download gesperrt. Dazu kann er eine ZIP-Datei hochladen. Gleichzeitig wird eine Kampagne als Link auf der Startseite als „neue Kampagne“ angezeigt. Der Industrie-Teilnehmer kann sich eine Liste alle seiner Kampagnen anzeigen lasssen. In dieser Liste soll jeweils angezeigt werden...
...in Zukunft selbst lösen können. Dafür bräuchte ich deine Unterstützung mir zu zeigen wie das geht und auf was ich achten muss. Zu den kleinen Änderungen: 1. Im Header der Website soll ein Language Switsch eingebaut werden. Den LS gibt es schon, allerdings scheint der Header nicht sehr flexibel zu sein und der LS steht nun rechts daneben anstatt dass er Teil vom Header ist. 2. Ein Blog-Listing Modul muss angepasst werden, dabei geht es um etwa 3 kleine Textänderungen und ein Designelement das entfernt werden soll. 3. Das Menü wird beim ranzommen zweizeilig anstatt dass es zu einem Burgermenü wird. +++English+++ The project consists of two parts: Firstly, there are several minor changes that need to be made to the website. The we...
Vedi allegato per dettagli progetto. Richiesta conoscenza nello sviluppo di integrazioni WP su sistemi terzi. Il core del progetto è la scrittura di moduli per il collegamento tra WP e vTiger tramite chiamate Web API.
Hi We need to set up CRON jobs in the Task Scheduler on the Synology NAS. Specifically for importing, and scheduling sending emails from the vtiger CRM application on the NAS. If you can help please place a bid and contact me.
In my project I need a modul to upload a file to a new/existing notes document using API inside xpages. I only want to use xpages and javascript. So the file will be uploaded from xpages A and will send POST request to xpages B that will handle the request and attach the file to a specific document in notes. I need to insert a file to specific document using POST request from xsp A to xsp B, the request will send the targeted document unique id as a request header/parameter/payload idk. So xsp B will receive the request from xsp A and handle it to insert the file to a targeted document. If any unique id sent, it means the target is existing document otherwise it is a new document. The xsp A use a traditional html <input type="file"... instead of fileUpload built in ...
Ich suche einen Freelancer, der mir ein Tool entwickelt, welches regelmäßig (mindestens einmal die Woche) alle Förderprogramme der Webseite scraped und in ein passendes Modul in Zoho CRM überträgt. Dabei müssen alle Inhalte sauber übertragen werden und in die passenden Bereiche ins Modul bei Zoho übertragen werden. Damit ich weiß, dass Du die Beschreibung wirklich gelesen hast, beginne Dein Angebot mit dem Ergebnis folgender Aufgabe: 51+49 Bitte biete mir einen Festpreis für das Projekt an, der sich gewährleistet, dass der Prozess funktioniert. Es soll gerne alles immzoho Universum abgebildet werden.
Salutare, vreau sa dezvolt un modul pentru PerfexCRM care sa genereze e-factura (exista deja modul si poate fi folosit) insa as vrea sa si faca transmisie prin api catre anaf direct din perfex crm si sa avem buton de logare la SPV.
Beschreibung: Entwickle ein interaktives E-Learning-Modul, das Anfängern die Grundlagen der Programmierung vermittelt. Der Kurs sollte sowohl informativ als auch interaktiv sein, um das Engagement der Lernenden zu fördern. Modulinhalte: Einführung in die Programmierung: Überblick über die Bedeutung und Grundlagen der Programmierung. Vorstellung verschiedener Programmiersprachen und ihrer Anwendungen. Grundlegende Konzepte: Variablen, Datentypen und Operatoren. Kontrollstrukturen (Schleifen, Bedingungen). Objektorientierte Programmierung: Verständnis von Klassen und Objekten. Einführung in Vererbung und Polymorphismus. Praktische Übungen: Coding-Übungen am Ende jedes Moduls. Verwendung von Online-IDEs für praxisnahe Erfahrungen....
We want to work with people experienced in FusionPBX and Elastix Integration with Vtiger CRM. We request solutions with both PBXs. If you can only make one of these, please do not hesitate to bid. The integration we want is not limited to just one CRM; we want to offer and use this CRM to multiple customers. Apart from the integration fee paid for the first integration, we want to move forward with a reasonable hourly support fee for the others. We need people who have had at least one or two project experiences on these issues to submit proposals. Below you can find what we want to do regarding integration. 1. Ensuring that the customer card or customer information is displayed via a pop-up that opens during an incoming call, 2. Registered numbers under any module in CRM can be ...
...looking for a UI developer to work on a CRM application specifically designed for vtiger CRM. The main focus of this project is to implement Sales Pipeline Management functionality. Key Features and Functionalities: - Contact Management: The application should allow users to store and manage contact information efficiently. - Sales Pipeline Management: Users should be able to track and manage their sales pipeline, including leads, opportunities, and deals. - Task and Activity Tracking: The application should provide a way for users to track and manage tasks and activities related to their sales process. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong experience in UI development for CRM applications, preferably with vtiger CRM. - Proficiency in front-end technologies such as HTML...
Hi Sunil K., ich habe Ihr Profil gesehen und würde Ihnen gerne mein Projekt anbieten. Wir können alle Details über den Chat besprechen.
Hi Sunil K., ich habe Ihr Profil gesehen und würde Ihnen gerne mein Projekt anbieten. Wir können alle Details über den Chat besprechen.
On the vtiger 6.4 dashboard when we are adding existing preset widgets from the "Add Widget" drop down section, few widgets are not fetching the expected data. This is happening only with the widgets related to Tickets and Potentials modules. We have customized these two modules and maybe in the process something might have got disturbed.
...coded. We have been looking at Mautic for the email solution- Our objective is to automate the email tasks. This can be done by creating cron jobs based upon marketing campaigns, to land in inboxes and meet email protocols for proper B2B compliance. Or possibly by utilizing Task Scheduler in Windows. We need the freedom to easily schedule and automate email. We have been looking at Odoo or Vtiger for a CRM solution. Our objective is that the CRM can manage the incoming email responses , send SMS SMM, and help manage the sales campaigns, provide some analytics of for each campaign and help the sales team improve their performance. As a Developer, you have read the proposal, can offer viable solutions, have actual experience with this type of project and are not relying ...
Date picker selections for 'agreements' are not saving data in the admin dashboard of this older vTiger CRM. This issue has just come up since we transitioned the hosting from one server to another. Requires experienced MySQL, PHP developer to troubleshoot and resolve.
I need someone to help me configure the following image for a Raspberry pi 4b 5" lcd touch display () Need to add a NFC reader to it (guide , the reader/ writer is PN5180 NFC RFID ISO15693) I need this working on an android OS on the Raspberry This should be a relatively simple process for someone with the right competences, so dont bid on this unless you did a simulare task before. Point is we make it work on one device, then we make an image containing the things for easy install on future devices. Its quite important that
Salut, Am un modul in nuxt3 facut cu nuxt-kit si am urmatoarea problema: - nu pot sa accesez o ruta de backend . Multumesc. Nota: Doar pentru romani
I am looking for a freelancer who can develop a Nuxt3 module for my project. The module should support both server-side rendering and static site generation. Specific requirements for this module include implementing a detailed list of features and functionalities. The deadline for this project is within one week. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in Nuxt3 and nuxt/kit - Experience with server-side rendering and static site generation - Ability to develop and implement detailed feature lists within tight deadlines.
Looking for an ios and android app to link with our vtiger crm open source system to pull and update data with some other features Admin, staff login To see and update data Upload class videos Students login Only their info and notes for them Videos section to watch their video Please send your apps you developed in past
Instalar, configurar y hacer un flujo de llamadas salientes, la intención es que mediante el ivr se llame a los clientes que presenten mora...de pago por parte del cliente para una fecha que le diga. Es algo asi lo que deseo hacer, importante poder tener estadísticas de esas llamadas, informes etc. Ya se tiene hecho el flujo que debe realizar la llamada. Se debe poder grabar las llamadas y generar informes y estadísticas. Alternativa1: se puede implementar el IVR Issabel integrándolo con Ivrflows En Issabel y algún CRM gratuito. Vtiger CRM, Oddo o MySql o postgrestEtc Si conoces una mejor alternativa para realizarlo, es bienvenida. NOTA: por favor no ofertas sobrevaloradas ya que es un emprendimiento de pequeña empresa. Gracias. Si e...
...any relevant certifications or qualifications. our budget? we do not disclose our budget, so place your best hourly rate to get considered =================== the environment LAN - a LAN network with multiple VLANs - multiple WiFi Networks - windows clients - linux clients - scanners - printers multiple datacenters - with multiple VLANs - mostly linux - proxmox - vmware - opnsense - redmine - vtiger - znuny - moodle - docker - windows servers multiple cloud only datacenters - like in datacenter -------------------- IAM Prio 1 (highest): - SSO for ... - a set of applications (mostly Open Source Software) ... - Windows clients ... - Windows servers ... - Linux servers ... - Linux clients - on windows client access management - delegated permissions per application and role...
Aplikasi Android untuk pelaporan Kondisi Lampu PJU berbasis Android, minimal Modul 1. Maps Lokasi PJU 2. Pelaporan Kondisi PJU dari Masyarakat 3. Dasboard
We want to sell VTiger as saas. For this we would like people to signup for free demo where the Vtiger is automaticly installed/created user company etc. And we need easy access to keep control of each VTiger user company from a master admin. It might be some available software for this allready. But we need a turnkey Vtiger selling system. The ones we want to cooperate with should have high level Vtiger skills and expirience. We want long term cooperation for building our Vtiger clients portfolio.
I am in need of a vTiger expert to assist me with custom module development and modification. What I want to do is some complex things and need someone with this knowledge. The ideal candidate will have experience in creating and modifying existing modules within vTiger. This project is urgent and needs to be completed within 1 day.
I am looking for a freelancer to build a new module for PerfexCRM. Specific Functionality: - github api - sync data Design Requirements: - I have a detailed design specification Integration: - The new module is a standalone module but it needs integration with existing system. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience in developing modules for PerfexCRM - Strong understanding of sales automation, marketing automation, and customer support functionalities - Ability to follow detailed design specifications - Attention to detail and ability to deliver high-quality work within the specified timeframe
IMPORTANT: ONLY APPLY IF YOU HAVE EXPERIENCE WITH VTIGER. Send your proposal with demos and url of your previos vtiger works. I DONT HAVE AN INSTANCE. I NEED A VTIGER MODULE TO CHANGE THE LOOK OF SCREENS. I need to create a new vtiger layout (boopstrap, css and another elements) similar to Magento Admin Panel. Specially Menu, Colors and Sales Entry. I need this layout to install via vtiger module manager Compatible with vtiger 8 using php 8.1. I need someone with experience working with vtiger open source customization.
I need to create a new vtiger layout (boopstrap, css and another elements) similar to Magento Admin Panel. Specially Menu, Colors and Sales Entry. I need this layout to install via vtiger module manager Compatible with vtiger 8 using php 8.1. I need someone with experience working with vtiger open source customization.
We are seeking a skilled developer who specializes in Dolibarr, ERPNext, Vtiger, or similar ERP systems. The ideal candidate should have experience in creating completely custom solutions. Requirements: - Expertise in Dolibarr, ERPNext, Vtiger, odoo or similar ERP systems - Ability to create a completely custom solution - Strong understanding of ERP system functionalities and requirements - Experience in customizing and tweaking ERP systems - Knowledge of database management and integration - Ability to work closely with clients to understand their specific requirements and provide tailored solutions.
Animated Graphics (Maybe .gif)? Read from this section: Umfassende Informationen I want for every graphic animated explained graphic/video about the modul on our website.
We are looking for a freelancer to integrate Alfresco DMS and VTiger CRM. The project requires the following specific features: - Content collaboration: We need the ability to collaborate on documents and files within the integrated systems. - Sales force automation: We require automation of our sales processes, including lead tracking, opportunity management, and sales forecasting. - Customer support: The integrated systems should provide customer support functionalities, such as ticketing system and knowledge base. We need moderate customization for the integrated systems to meet our specific business requirements. Additionally, we require regular support and maintenance after the integration is complete to ensure smooth operation and address any issues that may ar...
We search for a vtiger expert developer who can consult on automation tasks (workflows) along being able to do clean programming like: - adding additional buttons for triggering new functionality (beside of workflows) - implementing new functionality like calling external rest endpoints to provide data from CRM - implementing new functionality like calling external rest endpoints and fetching data for the CRM (e.g. creating contacts, companies, leads, ...) - of course you are not a hacker which changes original vtiger code , but a clean coder and you will deliver your changes as clean extensions/plugins so it is done cleanly by extensions you/your team has at least 3 years FULL-TIME development experience in vtiger? you/your team has helped at least 25 clients to auto...
We search for a vtiger expert developer who can consult on automation tasks (workflows) along being able to do clean programming like: - adding additional buttons for triggering new functionality (beside of workflows) - implementing new functionality like calling external rest endpoints to provide data from CRM - implementing new functionality like calling external rest endpoints and fetching data for the CRM (e.g. creating contacts, companies, leads, ...) - of course you are not a hacker which changes original vtiger code , but a clean coder and you will deliver your changes as clean extensions/plugins so it is done cleanly by extensions you/your team has at least 3 years FULL-TIME development experience in vtiger? you/your team has helped at least 25 clients to auto...
De predat 3 zile, online pe platforma Zoom, 17.30 – 20.30, perioada 21-23.11.2023 1. Venituri din salarii, asimilitate salariilor, neimpozabile (salariul minim, sporuri, tichete de masa, diurna, etc) 2. Contributiile salariatului (calcule ...) 3. Impozitul pe venitul din salarii (deducerea personala, calcule…) 4. Contributiile angajatorului (calcule ...)5. Concedii si indemnizatii (odihna, medical, incapacitate temporara, accidente de munca, risc maternal, de maternitate, ingrijirea copilului bolnav, paternal, formare profesionala, fara plata, pentru cresterea copilului). Recuperare sume de la FNUASS. 6. Retineri din salarii 7. Venituri ale angajatilor din constructii, IT, din contracte de administrare, din drepturi de autor, zilieri 8. Calcul de mana stat de plata si concedii...
We are seeking a skilled developer who specializes in Dolibarr, ERPNext, Vtiger, or similar ERP systems. The ideal candidate should have experience in creating completely custom solutions. Requirements: - Expertise in Dolibarr, ERPNext, Vtiger, or similar ERP systems - Ability to create a completely custom solution - Strong understanding of ERP system functionalities and requirements - Experience in customizing and tweaking ERP systems - Knowledge of database management and integration - Ability to work closely with clients to understand their specific requirements and provide tailored solutions.
...sample of mapping this API to a as proof of expertise. The openAPI definition shall be used for generating API clients from the definition. you will need this to be able to run the api calls: You have to have a installed vtiger on your local environment to be able to use it properly and to test it properly! you can run locally via: the relevant API endpoints can be found on your local vtiger here: / Later we want to have generated java classes which each represent one vtiger module with all CRUD operations (for that specific module) as methods. your part, help us understand openapi on complex configurations MANDATORY: you are a master of openapi definitions openapi beginner? => you will fail on this project
...opensource variant of vtiger 7.4.0/7.5.0 The openAPI definition shall be used for generating API clients from the definition. E.g. we will use maven openapi-generator-maven-plugin 7.0.1 We require an expert on vtiger API along an even better expert on openAPI definition creation. Postman collection is available: you will need this to be able to run the api calls: You have to have a installed vtiger on your local environment to be able to use it properly and to test it properly! you can run locally via: the relevant API endpoints can be found on your local vtiger here: / Later we want to have generated java classes which each represent one vtiger module with all
I am looking for a freelancer who can help me with my Vtiger CRM project. I need to automate the calculation of a custom field, specifically a currency field that requires summation. The custom field is located in Organization module. The custom field should sum the total value of related invoices with various status values. Please note: This custom work needs to be implemented on two different vtiger instances. The invoice status values will not be the same on the two instances, so a small amount of tweaking to the customazation needs to be made, to reuse the customization ond the 2nd vtiger instance.
Opencart modül yaptırılacak örnek Yapılacak modul giriş yap kayıt ol sayfası
Making Vtiger mail convertor to work with exchange through EWS. This includes below steps. It is possible to use Negotiate Auth, but there are no PHP libraries to support. So we assume EWS (Exchange Web Service) should be available and can be used 1. Authenticate with EWS: With an assumption that the current exchange server supports EWS and configured as expected. 2. Fetch emails using EWS - We can use an existing EWS/PHP Library. Example - Example : 3. Modifying vtiger Mail convertor script (core) to read and update tickets Note, the changes in Point 3 will need core customization of vtiger code. If the vtiger current version will be upgraded to latest, this core change will be over written, then we will have to add it again
Making Vtiger mail convertor to work with exchange through EWS. This includes below steps. It is possible to use Negotiate Auth, but there are no PHP libraries to support. So we assume EWS (Exchange Web Service) should be available and can be used 1. Authenticate with EWS: With an assumption that the current exchange server supports EWS and configured as expected. 2. Fetch emails using EWS - We can use an existing EWS/PHP Library. Example - Example: ews/tree/master 3. Modifying vtiger Mail convertor script (core) to read and update tickets Note, the changes in Point 3 will need core customization of vtiger code. If the vtiger current version will be upgraded to latest, this core change will be over written, then we will have to add it again.
Project Description: Vtiger SMS Gateway Integration Skills Required: - Excellent knowledge of Vtiger CRM - Proficiency in PHP, MySQL, and API integration - Familiarity with Twilio, Nexmo, or Plivo SMS gateways Overview: We are looking for a skilled developer to integrate an SMS gateway into our Vtiger CRM system. The integration will allow us to send outbound messages to our customers. Requirements: 1. SMS Gateway Integration: - Utilize the client's existing SMS gateway provider account to integrate with Vtiger CRM - Develop an API to seamlessly send outbound messages from Vtiger CRM 2. Outbound Messages: - Configure the integration to only support outbound messages - Ensure that all outbound messages are delivered accurately and effi...