...Requirements Frontend Development Requirements Menu Click Limitation Copy and Debugging Protection Multilingual Support Membership Plan Selection Interface Agent Page Backend Development Requirements Software Update System Invitation System Membership Pricing and Plan Modification Agent Membership Functionality Enterprise Functionality (Management Center) Card Code Redemption System Exclusive Membership Line Settings Email Configuration FAQs and Banners Management Copywriting Management Admin Panel Requirements Multilingual Switching Login Security Enhancement Order Management User Management Online Status Display Data Statistics and Reports Task Center (Planning Center) Development Notes Details to Discuss Overview This development document has been updated according to the lat...
...er和NFT等新潮的元素在網站設計裡面,請務必有兩個報價: 第一就是光是設計,需要給設計稿AI和preview我們先過目的,且不能顯示有任何貴公司的名字或者資料在上面,首頁我們預算最多一頁HKD$300以內,內容頁最多預算HKD$50每頁。 第二是設計連網站一齊製作的總費用,請另外報價,其中要求如下: 1. 必須懂廣東話, 用中文溝通 2. 能用whatsapp與香港時間同步溝通 3. 工作耐心認真負責 4. 建設wordpress網站,按給予的模板仿製 5. 中英兩種語言 6. woo-commerce購物車及會員系統 7. 設計首頁的時間為最多1-2天,整個網站設計不超過4天 8. 網站必須包含電腦版與手機版 9. 支付方式是銀行轉賬(直接展示銀行號碼)及展示payme 二維碼,及paypal 10. 如客人有需要後台training ,需要教客人使用簡單後台及培訓(on line) 11. 包含整套網站遷移、服務器設置(客人自行購買服務器)、域名指向等全套服務
创启咨询关注早期创业者,帮助初创团队在海外市场发展并取得成功。致力于为创业者提供定制化、针对性的规划与实操指导,服务包括不限于商业计划、市场调研、运营规划、财务规划、融资指导等。 创启全力支持所有敢想敢做的创业者,从想法到落地,从问题需求到解决方案。目标成为全球华人的首选咨询公司。
...program),它的核心功能有:注册登录,用户信息展示和真实身份认证,有趣的活动发布及报名,创新创意idea发布,加好友即时聊天,推荐转发。 It includes 4 main pages: list: all the registered entrepreneurs listed here, according to their credit, latest log-in time,and etc. when clicked, other users can browse this entrepreneur’s detail info, and follow him/her, and chat with each other(registered users only). list:display the startup ideas and projects clicked,other users can see what's about,and know what this user needs, for example, a CTO, CMO...also,any user can give feedback to this idea or project. page:display some interesting activities, user stories and etc.. page:personal information, including id, contact, education and job certification, ideas and projects, favorites.
1. 必須懂廣東話 2. 能用whatsapp與香港時間同步溝通 3. 工作耐心認真負責 4. 建設wordpress網站,按給予的模板仿製 5. 中英兩種語言 6. woo-commerce購物車及會員系統 7. 預計工作時間為3-4日 8. 必須包含電腦版與手機版 9. 支付方式是銀行轉賬(直接展示銀行號碼)及展示payme 二維碼,及paypal 10. 如客人有需要後台training ,需要教客人使用簡單後台及培訓(on line) 11. 包含網站遷移、服務器設置(客人自行購買服務器)、域名指向等全套服務 12. 內頁會找類似樣板,請模仿並建議更漂亮的形式進行製作,而不會提供首頁設計 13. 首頁已經設計好,並會提供AI文檔 14. 提供購買服務器建議及協助版面設置等 15. 整個項目完成預算大約HKD 1800
我们是 ,主要运营“自由浏览” “自由微信“ ”自由微博“等项目。 目前需要一位精通Chromium的开发者,帮助我们进行“自由浏览”的开发,具体需求如下: 我们的目的: 开发新版架构的自由浏览 对您的要求: 1.精通C、Android开发 2.熟悉Chromium编译流程、整体架构和网络模块。 3.对网络安全的要求。 4.使用汉语。 5.有同类项目的经验。 小测试: 1. 给Chromium增加 --max-sockets-per-group 命令行参数支持(可以限制取值范围,例如6 ~ 255),需要完成Desktop以及Android平台。其中Android平台往CommandLine单例中添加参数即可,或者可以添加到文件 /data/local/tmp/chrome-command-line 。在各个平台以命令行运行 (可选)2. 使用epoll,异步库 或者Chromium本身的ThreadPool 扫描N个CIDR内可达的IP(443端口返回状态码为200/400/401/403/404),类似 ,测试时可以使用少量IP,实际项目CIDR里可能会包含万级别IP。 测试不必要提交二进制包,提交关键patch的解决思路和代码亦可。 另外特别强调,由于我们组织的特殊性(来自政府的审查风险),我们对项目的保密性要求较高,工作环境也需要保持在匿名且安全的环境下,请应聘者确保自身有能力做到这些安全要求。
Cursos de ventas on line de español para el mercado chino
Basic knowledge about startup business in China, will be preferred. 最好对手机应用有兴趣和有关中国启动行业有基本知识。
我需要一个新网站 设计并搭建 网上商店 woman clothing online shopping website
...CSS3創建網站佈局/用戶界面。 - 從各種後端服務和數據庫集成數據。 - 負責維持於擴展我們的網站。 - 保持使用新技術,並將其應用到業務和活動。 - 優化網站保持最快網速。 申請者要求: - 擁有使用PHP ,MySQL和JavaScript編碼經驗。 - 擁有集成API(Google)的經驗。 - 了解搜索引擎優化的原則,並確保該網站將堅持他們的理解。 - 強大的組織能力可兼顧時間表和預算約束範圍內多個任務。 - 精通中文(台灣) 與英文,溝通能力強。 福利: - 分配公司股份,擁有獨特,快速成長機會的行業。 - 可遠程操控工作,在家中或如你喜好,在沙灘上。 - 時間自由,自行分配行程。 - 本公司將捐獻百分之5 的利潤,也將投入時間致力於台灣環境的教育與進步,您成為一員可為社會做出貢獻。 Web Developer Required for Startup - Equity Stake Company Introduction We are a fun and innovative start-up company in the surf industry, based in Taipei. We are a laid-back group of surfers who are passionate about surfing, Taiwan’s surf community, and Taiwan’s environment. Our mission is to be the authoritative source of free surfing content in Taiwan, to inspire a better surf culture and li...
I'm a chinese I don't speak english. So , I will introduce the project in chinese language.I'm sorry! 现在,很多中国人开始创业。也有很多人在从事风险投资。创业者在寻找投资资金,投资家在寻找具有开创性的项目。重要的是,对很多创业者,尤其是对那些朝气蓬勃、斗志昂扬的年轻的创业者来说,最缺乏的恐怕还不是钱,不是资金,而是经验。成功的企业家,不是培养出来的,成功的创业者,也不是训练出来的,正如伟大的爱因斯坦、比尔.盖茨等人类精英一样,谁还记得他们的老师是谁呢——他们不是训练出来的,不是教育出来的。可是,他们也一样需要相关的经验的传授。创业也不例外。第一、线下进行创业的相关经验、知识的分享、交流;第二、帮助那些极富创造性的创业意向,能够切实可行;第三、向那些具有丰富经验的投资家推荐靠谱的创业项目;第四、创造更广阔、灵活的创业、投资交流平台,让创业者与创业者之间,创业者与投资者之间的交流,都变得更加方便;第五、跨越行业、地区、国界、种族、文化的创业与投资交流平台。 我们可以设想一下,如果,美国纽约的世贸大厦,也有阿拉伯人的股份,而海豹突击队员也有投资伊拉克的某个小型公司,这个世界,也许会更加美好。我相信,这种可能性,是肯定存在的。可以说,跨越行业、地域、国界、种族、文化的分享交流、利益共享、责任共担,是人类社会未来发展方向。作为这个世界的一份子,我们每个人,都可以为此努力!我们每个人,都可以为此做出自己应有的贡献! 你需要我,你们需要我;我需要你,我们需要你。这个世界上,每个人都需要别人的帮助,而每个人都可以帮助到别人——更为可喜的是,我们可以用一种经济的方式来推动人类社会文明的进步。 请把你的手...
...video can be specifically available to the students of a particular class. While, the students in other classes will not be able to decrypt the videos even if they have softdog and download the encrypted source files of the videos. 6, The video encryption software should realize background control. It should be able to display the students of a particular class as well as the videos they watch on line and in real time. Moreover, if one softdog is used to play videos in two computers, we should be able to directly freeze its permission and terminate the playing. 7, The encryption dog can not be copied and cracked. Besides, it should have certain space for the later internal software upgrade so that we can add new function according to our demands. If it is cracked, it wil...
我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作New Startup "Prestige" Logo Design '
新創品牌其首席設計師尋找有設計針織服裝經驗之人才。歡迎對繪圖設計有興趣和清楚如何測量尺寸大小及規格的服裝設計師假如我們。你必須能夠與工廠溝通,實現高品質的設計。 Upcoming brand. Head designer requires someone with experience in designing knitted garments. Must have ability to draw designs and understand sizing, measurements and specs for the clothing line and must be able to communicate with factories to achieve top quality designs. Preferable: speaks mandarin
... 4. Click the 'statistics' button and view the page. 5. Look either at the top row of 5 numbers or the bar graph and look for a 'zero' above any red, black or the green zero. The top five numbers will read 'Never Hit' and show the number(s) if any that have not been hit in the last 300 spins. 6. If no numbers show, then move cursor up to 'Game Options' and a drop down line will show 'table games' then follow back to the euroroulette table and that will reset spin count/history and start the spin process again. 7. If there is 'one' number, not 'two' (two numbers 'never hit' will void further action). We only want 'one' number that shows 'never-hit...
Zdravo Ognjene, Mi smo startup firma na relaciji Niš-Beograd i bavimo se primarno R&D-em medical devices-a i wearable devices-a koji izlaze iz tih znanja u skladu sa najstrožim međunarodnim regulativama uz multidisciplinarni rad u malom core timu, uz dodatni outsourcing pojedincima i grupama sa kojima dugo sarađujemo za jednodimene subsystem-e i module. Radimo sa ino biznis partnerima koji su aktivni na market-u. Trenutno imamo 2 ozbiljna projekta, više godina unazad neformalno radimo, a zbog realnih potreba, u toku je naša zvanična registracija. Tvoj profil ovde nam se veoma dojmi, pa smo zainteresovani za početak, da naručimo preko freelancer-a, jedan esej ako si zainteresovan da napišeš, te da nam daš ponudu u zavisnosti od vremena...
...10 days to make sure that every thing is okay. All Likes are permanent and staying on our Page. Likes should not disappear automatically. However 1% to 2 % likes plus minus is acceptable. When bidding please remember the following Point: • Please provide what techniques you will use to generate LIKES • You are bidding on my payment terms As my Facebook page is regarding Online Shopping (clothing & Accessories), so I shall prefer maximum number of likes should come from Pakistan E-commerce buyers. Note: I have more work which I shall give on successful completion of this project....
I am looking for someone close to Hanoi who can travel to Hanoi/the surrounding areas to visit second hand clothing markets such as flea markets and second hand shops. I am interested in purchasing second hand women's Japanese clothing as most of it gets shipped to Asia and resold at your flea markets. I would ideally need you to travel to these markets, find women's clothes with Japanese labels, and send me pictures so I can tell you which ones to purchase.
I am looking for someone close to Bangkok who can travel to Bangkok/the surrounding areas to visit second hand clothing markets such as flea markets and second hand shops. I am interested in purchasing second hand women's Japanese clothing as most of it gets shipped to Asia and resold at your flea markets. I would ideally need you to travel to these markets, find women's clothes with Japanese labels, and send me pictures so I can tell you which ones to purchase. The pay is $2-$3 an hour with all travel and purchasing fees paid for.
I am looking for someone close to Manila who can travel to Manila/the surrounding areas to visit second hand clothing markets such as flea markets and second hand shops. I am interested in purchasing second hand women's Japanese clothing as most of it gets shipped to Asia and resold at your flea markets. I would ideally need you to travel to these markets, find women's clothes with Japanese labels, and send me pictures so I can tell you which ones to purchase. Please message for me for more details. The pay is $2-$3 dollars per hour with travel and purchasing fees paid for.
I'm seeking an experienced CEO for my AI startup. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in the USA and European markets, with a proven track record of revenue generation. Key Responsibilities: - Prioritize revenue generation from scratch - Develop sales personnel - Collaborate with business heads like CEO,purchase manager,product manager - Collaborate with high-net-worth individuals (HNIs) - have the caliber to generate 10 millions USD revenue without spend. Expected Strategies: - Implement zero dollar marketing - Build strategic partnerships - Expand market presence in USA - Utilize a readymade database of HNIs Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of the USA and European markets - Proven experience in a CEO role - Strong network of HNIs - Proficient i...
I'm looking for an experienced performance marketer specializing in casual clothing brands. The primary focus of this campaign will be on converting sales via social media and search engines. Key Requirements: - Expertise in performance marketing from social media and search engines - Proven track record of boosting sales conversion - Experience with casual wear brands - Strong analytical skills to measure and optimize campaign performance The ideal freelancer will understand the nuances of targeting casual wear enthusiasts and crafting campaigns that resonate with them.
I'm preparing for a move and need help with organizing my kitchen, garage and closets, labeling household goods and clothing, and prepping boxes/bins for storage. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Prior experience in prepping for move - Proficiency in labeling and packing - Excellent work ethic - Good physical condition to handle moving tasks - Must have attention to detail and well-organized Time frame: Jan 9 to 15 3-4 hours a day $20/hr
Freelance Graphic Designer Needed – Logo & Branding Design for PrimeCuro Job Title: Freelance Graphic Designer – Logo, Branding, and Website Design Company: PrimeCuro LLC Location: Remote Job Type: Freelance/Contract About Us: PrimeCuro LLC is a startup specializing in manufacturing eco-friendly and sustainable wipes, including disinfecting wipes, makeup removal wipes, baby wipes, pet grooming wipes, and heavy-duty cleaning wipes. We are committed to high-quality products that promote sustainability and environmental responsibility. Job Description: We’re looking for a creative and experienced Graphic Designer to develop: 1. Logo Designs: Create high-definition, modern, and eye-catching logos for our company and sub-brands, including PrimeCare Wipes (focus...
More details: What is the primary purpose of the app/website? Under NDA What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Experience How soon do you need your project completed? ASAP
...sync to USER Access and the admin is Able to Assign Custom role. - Email Notification – any user email define here should receive email notification for expiration mention date. With owner filter 2. Dashboard This Contain list of asset, 30 Days Expiration, 60 Days Expiration and 90 days Expiration. First Line Inventory – Hardware Count, Software Count and License & Subscription Second Line OEM 3 Month Before expiration, 6 Month Before Expiration – 1 Year Before Expiration. 3rd And 4th line is the same contain of OEM Hardware and License 3. Inventory • Hardware Owner – Vendor – Model – Serial Number – Description -Purpose – OEM Support End Date – EOL DATE – OEM Renewal – Support Level- E...
My existing Python script requires a skilled developer to optimize its performance, particularly its user interface response time. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Python programming - Experience with performance optimization - Proficient in enhancing command-line interface scripts The script is currently running with a command-line interface and the primary performance issues are noticeable in the user interface response time. The goal of this project is to improve the overall efficiency of the script, ensuring a smoother user experience.
I'm seeking a creative scriptwriter with a knack for trendy and modern content, to help me showcase products for my women's clothing store specializing in sarees and suits. The primary goal of the reels will be to highlight our products in a stylish and appealing way, perfect for our target audience on Instagram. Key Requirements: - Expertise in scriptwriting for product showcase reels - Experience in creating trendy and modern content - Understanding of Instagram's audience and trends - Prior work with clothing brands is a plus Please submit examples of your previous work that align with this project.
I'm looking for a professional freelancer to create an animated GIF image for me. This will serve as a pre-loader for my website. The dimensions should be 300 x 169 px. - **Style**: The overall feel of the animation should be elegant and sophisticated, in line with my brand's identity. - **Color Scheme**: The GIF should match the color scheme of my logo. - **Animation**: The transition effects don't have to be identical to the original GIF, but it should run a nice animation of my logo. Here is the original GIF for reference: [Original GIF]() And here is my logo: [My Logo]() I can export my logo in any format and dimension
Flutter based marketplace of Yantras (Hindu Religion items).
I'm seeking a skilled front-end developer with proficiency in either Angular or React for the creation of a Business Analysis (BA) tool. The tool will need to display various data visualizations (charts, graphs), and incorporate tables and reports. Key Requirements: - Development of visual elements including bar charts, line graphs, and pie charts. - Creation of various report types: tabular reports, summary reports, and interactive dashboards. - Implementation of security features, roles/permissions, and connection with APIs and databases. - Mapping of tables and columns. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Angular and/or React. - Experience in developing interactive front-end tools. - Ability to implement security and permission features. - Knowledge of API integration and data...
I'm seeking a creative and skilled font designer to develop a distinct font for our brand's shorts. The font should be suitable for clothing, visually appealing, and resonate with our brand's identity. 1. We want the font to be gothic, medievil or graffiti style fonts styles ( sample attached) 2. Position of the font for the shorts something similar to the below example 3. So we know you've read the brief the name of what we want you to use for the design it attached. Thank you :)
I'm in need of a skilled...detailed, professional-level touch-up on these images. - Emphasis on specific elements: The restoration should particularly enhance facial features and clothing textures. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Expert knowledge of photo editing software, particularly Photoshop - Proven experience in high-quality photo restoration - Ability to enhance specific elements of an image without compromising the overall quality - Strong attention to detail and a passion for preserving personal history through photography. The names of these masters are Kanryo Higaonna Sensei Chojun Miyagi Sensei Anichi Miyagi Sensei For reference points as to their clothing from other pics online. Keep the A3 size format ideally but make these images as high d...
I am looking for a skilled professional to assist me in listing clothing products on my Shopify store. I have between 1-50 items that need to be listed. Key Responsibilities: - Product listing: Accurately input product details, images, and pricing - Description refinement: Help improve partially written product descriptions - SEO: Implement basic SEO strategies to enhance product visibility Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience with Shopify - Background in e-commerce, preferably in clothing - Excellent writing and editing skills - Basic understanding of SEO
Fix incorrect captcha on contact us page Remove information on 3xm page below line shown in screenshot Magento admin peter_dev Hamish03?/#^$
I require a skilled illustrator to seamlessly integrate the attached T-shirt onto a the attached girl character in a stylish illustration. The T-shirt needs to look natural and fit in with the overall illustration. Key Details: - The primary color scheme of the illustration is pastel and soft colors, so the T-shirt should...pastel and soft colors, so the T-shirt should be adjusted to fit within this palette. - The girl in the illustration is standing still, so the T-shirt should be positioned appropriately for this pose. - Experience in cartoonish style illustration is critical for this project. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in cartoonish style illustration - Ability to match color schemes - Experience with character clothing integration - Attention to detail to ensure natural fit ...
As a Site Verifier, you will verify a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) Valencia, Spain • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during business h...
As a Site Verifier, you will verify a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) U-Thai Sub-District, U-Thai District, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, 13210 • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, inte...
Dear Sirs, We are factory specialized on manufacture mining machines like rock drill machines and air compressors which is widely application. We are top rank in our own country. And we believe that the market in African and South America are huge in this line because they will develop fast like China. One of our top distributor import over 43million every year. they use 3 years to make such achivement. Now we are looking for distributors overseas. Once you signed the contract with us and show Us your ability, we will share with you our oders there with you and protect your market that no others to sell the same brand at your place. If you meet following requirement, please contact me for more information. 1. used to work for similar industrial,know how to maintenance 2. have ...
I'm looking for an experienced professional to set up a Wix-based online store with a dropshipping function. The store will feature a variety of product categories, including but not limited to clothing, electronics, and home goods. Key Requirements: - The store's product categories will be frequently updated, so I need someone who can set up the store to accommodate these regular changes. - The ideal candidate will have experience with Wix and dropshipping, and ideally will have set up stores in multiple product categories before. - Knowledge of SEO, UX/UI design and eCommerce best practices will be highly appreciated. - I will require someone who can provide ongoing support and maintenance for the store. Please provide examples of previous stores you've set up...
I need a professional graphic designer who can create a modern, minimalist logo based off an amateur version I've created for a potential motorcycle startup. Key requirements: - Design a modern logo with a either a bright and vibrant colour scheme or the orginal colours in the logo. - Provide additional design ideas beyond the initial concept. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven track record in modern design. - Strong creative thinking and logo design skills. - Able to create social media friendly logo's
I'm looking for a designer to create bold and graphic designs for a streetwear/activewear brand, specifically focusing on hoodies. The brand revolves around clothing suitable for fitness and weed enthusiasts. Key Requirements: - Design should be minimalistic, bold and graphic - Understanding of streetwear and activewear aesthetics - Ability to create designs that are fitness-friendly and appealing to weed enthusiasts
I'm looking for a modern style place card template, created in a Word Document. The template should be: - Modern: Keeping in line with contemporary design trends, it should have a clean, minimalist aesthetic, with bold lines and clear typography. - Word Document Format: The template must be compatible with Microsoft Word, allowing for easy editing and printing. - Standard Template: The design should be a standard place card layout, without any specific custom text, colors, layouts or graphics. Ideal skills for this project include a strong background in graphic design and expertise in creating Word Document templates. Experience with modern design trends will be particularly beneficial.
I'm looking for a Shopify expert to finalize and optimize my online store focused on sports clothing and accessories. The store is already created but needs final tweaks before launching. Key Responsibilities: 1. Design & Customization: - Create an attractive homepage (banner, featured products). - Design key pages: About Us, Contact, and Policies. 2. Product Management: - Organizing categories and collections. 3. Technical Setup: - Configure payment methods (Credit/Debit Card, PayPal) and shipping. - Ensure the store is responsive and functional. 4. Optimization: - Apply good SEO practices. - Style reference: If you're interested, please share your portfolio, experience with similar projects, and an estimated cost. I'm ready to start wo...