需要搭建稳定的金融跟单社区 copy trading 类似:zulu trade,etoro,followme 需要有经验和有开发过这类项目的团队负责搭建及后期的维护
最近在建一个外卖送餐的网站,需要接入Xunhupay的(微信和支付宝)支付模块。 网站使用的是foodomaa的整站代码: 需要的技能有: Software Version: PHP 7.x Software Framework: Laravel File Types Included: JavaScript JSJavaScript JSON HTML CSS PHP SQL Layered PNG 如果您感兴趣,可以写信给我,价格好商量。 另外网站还有其它的一些改版工作要做,我们可以具体讨论一下能不能一并做。 等您回复哦……
货物管理,人员管理。货物管理分库存和包装。人员管理分每天的工作时间和采摘量 Managing the employee working time, and takes they have done in one day. The inventory management, in stock number, and package number.
...光,感觉自己的会被看穿,秘密会被别人发现。这就需要我们放平心态,真诚面对。 5.独立承担责任 有位哲人这样说过:“一个人的幸福程度取决与他能够在多大程度上独立于这个世界”。这句话包含着深刻的智慧。很多的时候,独立意味着完整地承担必要的责任;能够运用自己的能力承担必要责任的人必然相对更加自信。别人能帮你一时,不会帮你一世的,谁都不喜欢和没有独立承担能力的人相处。别人有的能力是别人的,自己要有,让自己有价值,才会让自己有自信。 6.坚持微笑 微笑是对生活的一种态度,对自己的一种肯定鼓励。有时候不是说谁有多坚强,而是因为懂得,唯有微笑着坚持,如同一盏明灯,能驱散人心中的黑暗,微笑,是粒神奇的种子,撒在哪里,就在哪里生根发芽。当你微笑的时候,整个世界都在微笑。,从平成拖到令和 日本民企火箭发射终获成功,灾邑裳凸沂,<img src="">,诩直负毓蓉,快准狠!华润又对东莞动手了!,叹由夯灸褪,完美伪装!猫头鹰栖身树洞口颜色与树干一致,赋汕善窗捣,22罚!字母哥借了谁的技能包 轰32+13+8大,媳巧悔劳巴,我们该不该旗帜鲜明地反对李彦宏当选院士?,谑氨浩勾侍https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-design/project-19493903/ https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-design/project-19493905/ https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-design/project-19493913/ https://www.freelancer.com/projects/websi
程序是: 首先 第一步: 随机抽取5个phome_ecms_news里面的id和classid 第二步: 读取phome_ecms_news的id和classid,作为函数使用 第3步: 插入phome_enewspl_1新的内容到数据库 例子:$sql = "insert into phome_enewspl_1(plid, pubid, username, sayip, saytime,id,checked,classid,zcnum, fdnum, userid,isgood,saytext,eipport) values (NULL, '1000310000019701', '', '', unix_timestamp(), '$id', '0', '$classid', '50', '1', '0', '0', '评论内容', '48010')"; 第四步: 更新phome_ecms_news的字段plnum+1并且对应第一步读取的id值 例子:UPDATE phome_ecms_news SET plnum =plnum+1 WHERE id = 20488;
Here I have several trading ideas that need to be written into pine script and do the strategy test. Hence, I want someone can fully understand the pine script language and be able to communicate with me about my strategy by Chinese or English at least. 我目前手上有一些交易策略需要用Trading view 自带的pine script 录入进行回测。希望有熟悉Trading view 的朋友帮忙。 2 weeks
To develop OTD KPI reports on JobBOSS: Calculate OTD archive rate by daily, weekly, monthly, there are two conditions need to be fulfilled, one is quantity delivery fulfillment, the delivered qty should equal to requested qty, another condition is delivered date, the delivered date should equal or be earlier than promised day. Scope: all closed SO which closed on curren...qty, another condition is delivered date, the delivered date should equal or be earlier than promised day. Scope: all closed SO which closed on current day, current week and current month. Set the OTD target If SO was delivered earlier on last month , then the OTD need to be included in last Month’s OTD KPI. by SO + Project number Use Chart display the OTD by day,week and month. Data source: ERP SQL DB Tool: ...
该项目需要开发人员,主要技术为: ASP.net/CS/MVC/WCF框架, DIV+CSS,JS(easyui/jquery/native JS/Ajax/Json). 熟悉Oracle数据库, 精通SQL及PL/SQL. 该项目周期大概两个月,之后会有不定期项目需要开发人员 人员需驻场,地点深圳或者天津。
1、精通VB.net,使用以上语言独立开发或深度参与过项目; 2、掌握SQL数据库的使用,能实现复杂查询语句,具备编写存储过程、触发器和函数的编写能力; 3、熟悉ERP、BOM或者MRP。 联系人:陈经理 联系方式:[REMOVED BY FREELANCER.COM ADMIN]
This web site shou...set name + ElasticSearch URL). 管理员可以查看和修改,所有的(data set name + ElasticSearch URL) 数据记录, 也可以删除单个的数据记录 用户可以在网站注册。注册成功后, 会收到确认(confirmation)电子邮件. 用户需要点击确认链接去确认账户建立。 用户可以保存自己的search criteria 在数据库. 用户登录网站后, 可以选择已经保存的的search criteria, 再按“FIND”按钮, 搜索结果以列表的形式显示出来。 ElasticSearch is an open source data search product. URL for reference: The end product will looks like yahoo stock screener (). Please see the attached word document for requirement details.
find the agent to sell my product ,china trading company as well,找中間商代理商卖我司産品,找到100間中国的贸易公国更好
需要开发一套库存及订单管理系统,要求基于数据库(mysql或sql server均可)开发。 库存管理部分,要求对商品的入库出库有良好的输入及确认界面; 订单管理系统,因为是从客户的服务器上下载txt文件(内容为订单),需要将订单纳入数据库,然后根据库存情况判断能否发货,并在最终确定发货日期及发货数量后生成txt文件并上传回客户的服务器。下载及上传txt文件,有客户提供的软件,只要以命令行方式调用即可。 需要按照客户指定格式打印交货单。
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我们目前有一个基于Windos Access 的一个内部应用软件, 我们希望能将其用WINDEV 来重新开发 以便于我们之后的应用。指定使用WINDEV 开发软件。在我们公司坐班工作,直到项目完成。
opencart connect to Stock Manager Advance (v3.0.1.20 ) sync opencart with Stock Manager Advance including order, member, order status. find the attachment is detail document
Auto Spare Parts Manufacturing and Trading company website, mainly for engine parts. 1. PHP website, english and spanish languages. 2. Need html 5 special performance. 3. High requirements of webdesign. 4. Email notice once get inquiry. 't use wordpress. Write code. Gente hispanohablante es mejor.
需要 接过IB(interactive brokers)的case 用VBA建立过足以交易的程式 懂中文 将别人未完成的项目给完成 需要看得懂别人已写好的程式码 和我的需求之间的关係 具备编写IB 软件的能力 目前我需要的功能是 部位管理 和 部位显示 以 及交易过程纪录 修復已写好 但不能运作的资料输出功能 我希望能先讨论内容 我会尽量说明现有的文件与我的要求等等 再来讨论价格 付费机制 以及我能拿到的时间
SQL注入/代码审计/数据库权限/渗透测试技术 接渗透单子高手,联系电子邮箱:aqcp#(#改成@)语言要求:中文 熟练掌握各种内网渗透测试工具与相关知识,精通常见安全攻防技术:sql注入、xss、文件上传、文件包含、命令执行等漏洞 熟悉linux、unix、Windows、oracle、J2EE等各种环境下WEB的安全配置与安全检查及WEB漏洞防范; 熟悉各种脚本语言(asp,php,jsp,java,net、perl、python等)具备独立挖掘web安全漏洞与入侵手段 具备一定的网络安全知识,对网络安全结构、系统漏洞、入侵检测、病毒防护等有深入理论基础和实践经验; 熟悉渗透测试黑客攻防的步骤、方法、流程、熟练掌握各种渗透测试攻防工具有实际渗透经验者优先; 求大虾接单,脱裤,要求,电话,手机,姓名,邮箱,其他的一概不要。每笔单1000美金起步,根据站的难度而定价格,具体可以详谈,寻找长期合作. 态度认真、中介勿扰,请技术实力说话。
This project is to develop the prototype 3d model of a transformer-like plastic robot toy product. We have done the concept design and need experienced designer to help on completing the final assembling 3d model for prototype production (using 3d printing). The final 3d model needs to be ready for real production use. 诚邀有玩具工程设计相关经验的设计师参与完成一部变形金刚机器人塑料玩具的手板三维模型制作项目。本项目概念设计已经完成,现准备制作手板,需要解决关节机构、零件分件、卡扣卡位等日后生产所需技术问题。整个玩具大约设计有100个左右的零件。本次制作的模型将用于3d打印制作手板。
安全测试、漏洞发掘、漏洞渗透测试、安全审核、安全风险、服务器安全漏洞渗透测试评估与分析及加固; 联系QQ:840555737 2、对产品代码进行审视,找出安全漏洞并提出修改建议; 3、研究各种安全技术,编写和维护用于安全测试的攻击工具、防御工具和分析工具; 4、负责公司Web产品涉及到的安全性研究; 5、负责响应公司的安全事件; 6、为公司员工提供信息安全教育及培训。 岗位要求: 1、熟悉渗透测试的各类技术及方法,熟练掌握各种渗透测试工具;熟练操作各类操作系统、应用平台; 2、精通或熟练掌握php/perl/python/javascript/shell等多种脚本语言; 3、熟悉asp,php、jsp等主流的Web安全技术,包括SQL注入、XSS、CSRF等常见的安全漏洞利用; 4、熟悉国内外主流安全产品、工具,如:AppScan扫描器、wvs等; 5、对Web安全测试有自己的理解; 6、熟悉常见攻击和防御办法,熟悉web安全和渗透技术,能自行进行web渗透测试,恶意代码监测和分析; 7、熟悉ddos攻击类型和原理有一定的ddos攻防经验,能有效防御黑客挂马和恶意流量攻击,会熟练搭建负载均衡系统。
网站用途:园区展示官网 开发语言:php 参考网站: 具体要求: 需要设计的页面数量和网站功能参考附件。 代码要求: 无SQL INJECTION, XSS等漏洞;前端通过HTML和CSS有效验证,class和id等命名符合语义化规范;代码逻辑清晰有注释,方便后期修改升级。 网站维护: 服务商需要提供后期维护支持 其他要求: 服务商最好是成都公司,要有对公账号,可开发票。 请报价格、工期、设计师的portfolio以及在什么开源程序的基础上开发。 熟悉prestashop的优先。
网站建设要求是 网站程序语言是PHP 数据库为SQL Server 不需要做到也下几点: 1、网站界面大气大方 2、网站语言必须为 中午--英文 两种语言 根据访问者的IP来主动换语言 3、一般的交友网站的功能都要做到 4、网站主要功能有一下几点 1、在线聊天 2、在线动态 3、介绍好友 4、相册密码功能 5、在线音乐 6、签到 7、等级功能 8、举报-敏感词 5、这里有几个网站可以拿来参考 这是我的QQ号 929471701
I'm looking for a professional web developer with WooCommerce expertise for creating and maintaining my E-commerce website. The site will need to have: - Product Reviews: A section for customer feedback on purchased items. - Payment Gateways Integration: Secure and varied options for customer transactions. - Inventory Management: A system for tracking stock levels, orders, sales, and deliveries. Experience in E-commerce website development is a must, with a strong understanding of WooCommerce and its capabilities. You should also be comfortable with ongoing maintenance tasks to ensure the website runs smoothly.
I'm seeking a proficient Python developer to create a trading bot tailored to my unique scalping strategy. This bot should be compatible with several specific platforms, namely Angel One, Zerodha, Groww, and Upstox. Key requirements: - Extensive experience in Python and trading bot development - In-depth understanding of scalping strategies - Familiarity with the platforms mentioned above - Ability to translate my trading strategy into a functional bot Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed in your proposal. Thank you.
I'm looking for a proficient developer who can create a customizable Trading View stock screener. Key Features: - It should scan Nifty 50 stocks using the RSI divergence indicator. - It should also scan Nifty 50 stocks using the Orderflow Delta divergence. - The results from both indicators should be displayed in an on-screen table. - The screener should allow me to customize the list of stocks to scan. - The time frame for scanning should also be customizable. - Finally, the screener should be able to scan a custom list of stock exchanges. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in developing stock screeners or similar tools. - Proficiency in using Trading View and understanding its indicators. - Ability to create interactive and cust...
...company) to support efforts to improve data quality, accuracy, and reliability. A strong understanding of data quality principles and data cleansing techniques is required. You will be leveraging your expertise in data management, as well as your understanding of the bank's systems and data models, to identify and resolve data inconsistencies. The role requires proficiency in SQL and Python, as well as experience with SQL-based data manipulation and analysis. We are planning to sign a contract with a starting date of February with a multi-month engagement, up to 12 months - it will not be a permanent hiring contract. The project will be during working hours. Key responsibilities include: - Enhancing data quality and reducing deficiencies. ...
...Management Simple user registration (email/password or social login). Profile management (update personal information, payment methods). Account verification (email verification or KYC if needed). 2. Broker Integration Integration with a limited number of forex brokers for cashback tracking. Option for users to link their trading accounts to brokers. Display broker-specific information (commission structure, cashback rates). 3. Cashback Tracking Basic system to track trading activity from linked broker accounts. Automated calculation of cashback based on broker data. Real-time or periodic updates of cashback earnings. 4. User Dashboard Display of cashback earnings (pending, approved, and paid). Basic transaction history (dates, amounts, broker details). Withdraw button wit...
...support spot trading, margin trading, and futures trading. Additionally, it should include a market-making facility to ensure liquidity. Key requirements: - The exchange should be built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js). - Implementation of essential security feature: Two-factor Authentication (2FA) for user accounts to enhance security. - The exchange should be scalable and robust to handle a high volume of transactions. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in developing cryptocurrency exchanges. - Strong knowledge and experience in using the MERN stack. - Familiarity with implementing market-making facilities in exchanges. - Experience with implementing security features, specifically Two-factor Authentication. - Understanding o...
¿Qué estamos buscando? Un asistente virtual con al menos uno de los siguientes conocimientos: Trading: manejo de plataformas, análisis de mercado y estrategias básicas o avanzadas. Telegram: configuración y administración de canales o bots, moderación de comunidades, y automatización de tareas. Inteligencia Artificial: conocimiento en el uso de herramientas basadas en IA (como ChatGPT, MidJourney, etc.) o experiencia en el diseño y gestión de procesos con IA. Responsabilidades principales: Soporte en la gestión de proyectos relacionados con trading, Telegram o IA. Creación y automatización de tareas usando herramientas tecnológicas. Gestión de canales y/o comunida...
¿Qué estamos buscando? Un asistente virtual con al menos uno de los siguientes conocimientos: Trading: manejo de plataformas, análisis de mercado y estrategias básicas o avanzadas. Telegram: configuración y administración de canales o bots, moderación de comunidades, y automatización de tareas. Inteligencia Artificial: conocimiento en el uso de herramientas basadas en IA (como ChatGPT, MidJourney, etc.) o experiencia en el diseño y gestión de procesos con IA. Responsabilidades principales: Soporte en la gestión de proyectos relacionados con trading, Telegram o IA. Creación y automatización de tareas usando herramientas tecnológicas. Gestión de canales y/o comunidades en...
Building a Share Market Portfolio Develop tools or features to create, manage, and analyze stock portfolios efficiently. Include real-time tracking and performance monitoring of the portfolio. Live Data Capture to Database Set up a robust system for capturing live share market data and storing it securely in a database. Ensure data accuracy, scalability, and minimal latency for live updates. Backtesting Page Development Create a user-friendly interface for backtesting trading strategies on historical data. Provide detailed reports and analytics for performance evaluation. Chart Development Design and implement interactive and visually appealing charts for data visualization. Support various chart types like candlestick, line, and bar charts, with options for customization...
I'm looking for a ready-made SMC TradingView indicator that incorporates SCOB, IFC, IDM...looking for a ready-made SMC TradingView indicator that incorporates SCOB, IFC, IDM, Decisional OB, SMT OB, and Extreme OB markings. This indicator will primarily be used for day trading. Key Requirements: - The indicator should have backtesting capabilities. This will allow me to assess its performance over historical data and refine my strategies accordingly. - The indicator will be used on TradingView. Hence, it should be fully compatible with this platform. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience with developing or customizing TradingView indicators. - A comprehensive understanding of the SMC trading methodology. - Demonstrated ability to create indicators with bac...
I'm seeking a skilled professional to enhance our software solutions firm's reach and client base, particularly targeting medium & large-sized businesses. Key Responsibilities: - Cold calling potential cli...professional to enhance our software solutions firm's reach and client base, particularly targeting medium & large-sized businesses. Key Responsibilities: - Cold calling potential clients - Engaging in business communication with leads - Developing new business opportunities Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in cold calling and business communication - Previous experience in the energy trading and financial services sector is a plus - Familiarity with software solutions and understanding of the industry - Proven track record in business develo...
I'm looking for a talented video editor to help me create clean and professional Instagram reels focused on the stock market. Your responsibilities will include: - Editing stock market content into engaging Instagram reels - Incorporating finance-related charts and graphs seamlessly into the videos - Adding text overlays, captions and background music in a professional manner Ideal skills for this project: - Proficient in video editing software (e.g. Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro) - Experience with creating content for Instagram - Ability to understand and interpret stock market data visually - Experience with finance-related content is a plus
I am in need of a low-cost and affordable bookkeeping service using Zipbooks. The service provider must be able to assist me over a...me over a period of 2 to 3 years. Key Requirements: - Transaction Categorization: Sorting and categorizing all business transactions accurately and in a timely manner. - Financial Statement Preparation: Creating comprehensive financial statements to help me understand the financial health of my service-based and stock trading business. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Zipbooks and other bookkeeping software. - Experience in working with service-based and stock trading businesses. - Ability to provide low-cost, affordable services over an extended period. - Knowledge of different accounting methods, with the ability ...
...homes building sector and maintence sector. Our department is engineering, mechanical and automarion. We are looking at about 15-20 pages. These will include landing page with a video playing in the background. Tabs will be about us, our services, contact us, industry blogs with sub tabs from some of these pages. We have our businesses logos and will supply images and videos. We do nkt want stock images to be used, dont mind if AI is used for the info but we will supply the key points we want included. DO NOT CONTACT ME OUTSIDE OF freelancer. I NEED an quotation on what you think it will cost before proceedings so i can discuss with my business partner. Please supply links to websites younhave already done, if not i will automatically skip past your offer. Ideal Skills: ...
¡Hola! Somos una empresa innovadora de inteligencia artificial aplicada a apuestas deportivas y trading, buscamos un/a profesional o agencia que cree e impulse nuestra presencia en redes sociales de manera constante y creativa. ¿Qué necesitamos? Gestión continua y activa: Publicar contenido diario (imágenes, vídeos, y publicaciones atractivas). Responder mensajes, comentarios y mantener la interacción con nuestra comunidad. Creación de contenido creativo: Vídeos con inteligencia artificial: Contenido dinámico que capte la atención y explique nuestros servicios. Edición profesional de imágenes para publicaciones. Estrategia personalizada: Creación de un calendario de contenido mensual...
...in our Google sheet then be dumped into SQL, eventually going to be presented into our new website. Therefore, the Python developer needs to be familiar with Google sheet API, Django framework API, and scrapping for our data processing. Data synchronization should occur in real-time. Our budget is $3/hour for maintaining the codes and website $5/fix rate for replicating or making a new code, but for a specific code if it's not that easy since you need to crawl from third party API etc, you can negotiate it. You can also negotiate after our website is finished and when we eventually we start earning customers then we will be able to have more money to increase our budget. --- Our project is to have as many people as possible to win money in stock market....
...Data Scientists - **Overview**: As a fresher data scientist, you’ll be expected to contribute effectively to data-driven decision-making. This presentation will outline the key expectations that employers have when hiring fresh talent in data science. --- #### **Slide 2: Core Skills Expected from Freshers** - **Technical Skills**: - **Programming Languages**: Proficiency in Python, R, SQL. - **Data Analysis**: Ability to manipulate and clean data (using Pandas, NumPy, etc.). - **Statistical Analysis**: Understanding of core statistical concepts and techniques (e.g., hypothesis testing, distributions, A/B testing). - **Machine Learning**: Basic understanding of common algorithms (linear regression, decision trees, clustering, etc.). - **Data Visualiz...
Estoy buscando un afiliado con experiencia en tráfico digital o cualquier persona con habilidades para dirigir tráfico de calidad a un canal de Telegram completamente configurado. Este canal está enfocado en señales de trading de acciones, con un sistema listo para monetizar. ¿Qué ofrecemos? Canal de Telegram completamente configurado: Incluye un canal gratuito para atraer y educar a los usuarios con contenido valioso y estrategias de marketing ya implementadas. Canal VIP exclusivo: Donde solo se publican las señales de trading para usuarios de pago. Las señales han demostrado una media de 13.7% mensual en rendimiento. Herramientas y soporte incluidos: Herramientas de scraping enfocadas principalmente en Telegram para c...
I'm looking for an expert in TradingView's Pinescript to develop an automated trading strategy for cryptocurrency. The script is likely to be relatively simple based on some manual inputs and involves the trading engine opening orders and corresponding hedges as the market price changes.
...products are visible in Catalog > Products in the Magento Admin Panel. The catalog_category_product_index and related indexing tables are not being updated properly. There might be database integrity issues preventing proper indexing and schema creation. What I Have Tried: Recreating missing tables manually using expected structures and constraints. Manually populating missing index tables using SQL queries. Running Magento reindexing commands (indexer:reset, indexer:reindex), but they do not resolve the issue. Checking database integrity by verifying related tables (catalog_category_product, catalog_category_entity, catalog_product_entity, catalog_product_entity_int). Reviewing Magento logs (var/log/, var/log/) for errors, but nothing significant was found. Ensuring
I'm seeking a seasoned Windows developer with robust SQL Server expertise to assist in data updates on a Windows server database. Key Responsibilities: - Execute updates on existing records within the SQL Server database. - Ensure data integrity and consistency during the update process. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Windows development and SQL Server management. - Excellent problem-solving capabilities, particularly in data handling. - Strong attention to detail to maintain data accuracy.
...front-end frameworks (React, Angular, or Vue). Understanding of responsive design and UI/UX principles. Back-End Development: Expertise in Node.js and frameworks like or NestJS. Experience with real-time communication using or similar technologies. Familiarity with RESTful APIs and WebSockets. Database Management: Proficiency in working with NoSQL databases like MongoDB or SQL databases like PostgreSQL. Experience with database design, indexing, and query optimization. Other Key Skills: Knowledge of authentication mechanisms (OAuth2, JWT, etc.). Experience with deployment tools like Docker, AWS, or Heroku. Version control with Git and collaboration tools like GitHub/GitLab. Preferred Qualifications: Prior experience building chat or real-time applications. Familiarity
I'm seeking a tax advisor with experience in photography business structures. I operate as a Corporation and my main income source is from stock photography sales. Key areas of focus: - General tax advice tailored to my situation - Recommendations on optimal business structuring for better tax efficiency and growth potential Ideal candidate: - Extensive knowledge of tax regulations - Familiarity with the photography industry - Proven experience advising Corporations - Excellent understanding of stock photography sales - Strong strategic planning skills for business structuring
...Features: - Real-time stock data: The site should be able to provide live updates on the stock market. - Charting Tools: These should include customizable indicators and the ability for multi-timeframe analysis. - API Capable: The website should be equipped with an API that allows for social trading. - User Account Management: Users should be able to create accounts to track their portfolios and interact with other traders. - Additional Data Features: The site should also include access to historical data, integration of market news, and provision of real-time alerts. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web development, particularly in creating data-intensive sites. - Experience with charting libraries and API integration. - Knowledge of stock mark...