...multilingual, international customer service platform that allows users to configure multiple chatbots with GPT API integration for AI-powered responses. The platform will offer flexible permission management, business features (e.g., chatbot-based pricing, coupon support, affiliate marketing), and support user-defined group management to meet the needs of enterprise clients. 2. System Roles and Permissions 1. Administrator (Admin) • Manage global functions and configurations, including user management, subscription management, affiliate marketing, cashback rewards, etc. 2. B-End Users (Enterprise Customers/Platform Users) • Primary Account: Responsible for creating and managing chatbots, configuring customer service permissions, grouping users, etc....
负责与联合国等国际组织建立链接;负责与联合国论坛及会议相关部门对接,推动项目执行落地。 In charge of getting connected with an organization of UN, making effort for the program to be done well. In detail, Help participants join the UN conference or forum 2023 as an audience.
嗨 Jadez Isobella R., 我想要邀请您来完成我的项目。更多细节我们可以稍后通过聊天交流。
...kinds of statement the “issue,” including “MostlyAgree,” “Agree,”“Undecided,” “Disagree,” and “Mostly Disagree.” The “issue” uses to display real time Ajax charts. Demo: 2. Users can comment only when they have made a statement, and the current position of the user will be displayed next to his/her comment avatar. “Undecided” users may also make a comment. 3. Users can alter their past statement record at any time. User A can invite user B to make a statement on a specific issue, and the invitation will also be recorded in user B's statement record page. 4. Each “issue” has a set of round time whe...
你好,Persona Finance Ltd.。我留意到了你的简历,想让你参与我的项目。我们可以讨论一下项目的细节。
【办证原版】美国UNC毕业证成绩单 〔Q微信770882133〕北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校毕业证成绩单学历认证使馆认证学历学位认证留信网认证 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
【招校园代理】Q/微308057815办澳洲毕业证成绩单澳洲文凭留信网认证澳洲学历证书、UNSW MQ UTS RMIT UQ ANU CQU 毕业证成绩单认证|澳洲本科硕士文凭毕业证|澳洲diploma|澳洲大学文凭|国外文凭公证|澳洲文凭认证|美国文凭|美国毕业证成绩单|美国学历|加拿大文凭|加拿大毕业证成绩单|温哥华文凭毕业证 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 一.面向世界各国的留学生提供以下服务: 1.毕业证成绩单/留信网认证/使馆认证/雅思托福成绩单/学生卡。 2.留信网认证(留学生入职、提干、定岗、加薪、升职、评定等级是使用) 3.真实使馆认证(即留学回国人员证明,不成功不收费) 4.办理各国各大学文凭,从防伪到印刷,从水印到钢印烫金,与学校100%相同。 5.一对一专业服务,可全程监控跟踪进度。 资深顾问老师:justin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二.如果您是以下情况,我们都能竭诚为您服务: 1、挂科学分不够而拿不到官方毕业证书 2、提前拿到,给父母一个交代 3、回国时间很长,忘记办理 4、回国发展,需要提供给单位 澳洲各大高校均可办理,样板齐全,价格优惠 ----------------...
咨询顾问:Daniel QQ/微信:1688 99991 degree|diploma|学位证|毕业证|成绩单|文凭|使馆认证|Graduation|Graduation ceremony|使馆证明|毕业典礼|毕业照|假毕业证|假文凭|假成绩单|高仿毕业证|高仿文凭|能办真实学历认证吗?使馆公证|留学回国人员证明|留学生认证|学历认证|文凭认证|学位认证|留学生学历认证|留学生学位认证|中国教育部留学服务中心认证|留服认证|留信网认证|英国学历认证|美国学历认证|加拿大学历认证|新西兰学历认证等 为英国、加拿大、澳洲、新西兰、美国、法国、德国、新加坡 荷兰等国留学生提供以下服务: ★真实教育部认证,教育部存档,中国教育部留学服务中心认证(即教育部留服认证)网站100%可查. ★真实使馆认证(即留学人员回国证明),使馆存档可通过大使馆查询确认. ★毕业证、成绩单等材料,从防伪到印刷,从水印到钢印烫金,高精仿度跟学校原版100%相同. 如果您是以下情况,我们都能竭诚为您解决实际问题: 1、在校期间,因各种原因未能顺利毕业,拿不到官方毕业证; 2、面对父母的压力,希望尽快拿到; 3、不清楚流程以及材料该如何准备; 4、回国时间很长,忘记办理; 5、回国马上就要找工作,办给用人单位看; 6、企事业单位必须要求办理的; ◆为什么您的学位需要到使馆进行公证? 使馆教育处开具的《留学回国人员证明》是留学人员在国内证明留学身份、联系工作、创办企业、落转户口、申请国内各类基金等必备的材料。留学人员持有此证明还可以享受购买国产汽车免税等多项优惠政策。 ◆为什么您的学位需要在国内进一步认证? 如果您计划在国内发展,那么办理国内教育部认证是必不可少的。一般企事业用人单位在您应聘时都会需要您提供这个认证。办理教育部认证所需资料众多且烦琐,所有材料您都必须提供...
I am looking for Chinese translator. I have book social science book with 250,000 words. You have to pass simple test. Sample text: “在这一阶段,改革的指导思想是“科学技术要面向经济建设,经济建设要依靠科学技术”。政策走向是“堵死一头,网开一面”,即改革拨款制度,针对不同类型的科研工作,采用不同的拨款方式,以解决一切科研工作都靠国家拨款的问题。对于主要从事基础研究的机构,在保证基本事业费的同时,试行科学基金制,通过同行评议、择优支持发放基金。对以开发为主的研究院所、科研工作,逐步削减事业费,鼓励其面向经济建设的主战场。 (3)调整与渐进:1992~1998年。这一阶段以邓小平南方谈话为标志,中国经济体制开始迈入社会主义市场经济新阶段。科技体制改革的指导思想调整为“面向”“依靠”“攀高峰”,科学技术不仅要面向经济建设,而且要攀登科学技术高峰。主要政策走向也相应调整为“稳住一头、放开一片”,希望稳住基础研究工作和相应的科技人员队伍,同时放开面向社会,面向经济建设这一方面,分流人才,调整结构,推进科技经济一体化的发展。” thanks
Need translation of a Chinese Handbook into English. No. of pages 23. word count. 10000 approx Sample Text: 新录用的员工从聘用之日起,需经过劳动合同中约定的试用期。 劳动合同一年以上不满三年的,试用期为两个月。 劳动合同三年以上或无固定期限的,试用期为六个月 试用期结束前,员工的主管或经理将对其表现进行评估,并对其是否符合录用条件作出决定。 正常情况下,试用期结束后,工资将不作调整。
Here I have several trading ideas that need to be written into pine script and do the strategy test. Hence, I want someone can fully understand the pine script language and be able to communicate with me about my strategy by Chinese or English at least. 我目前手上有一些交易策略需要用Trading view 自带的pine script 录入进行回测。希望有熟悉Trading view 的朋友帮忙。 2 weeks
...Institute of Technology 麻省理工学院 Stanford University 斯坦福大学毕业证文凭 California Institute of Technology 加州理工学院 University of Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚大学毕业证文凭 Columbia University,The School of General Studies 哥伦比亚大学毕业证文凭Duke University 杜克大学毕业证文凭 The University of Chicago芝加哥大学毕业证文凭 Dartmouth College达特茅斯学院 Northwestern University西北大学毕业证文凭 Washington University in St Louis 圣路易斯华盛顿大学毕业证文凭 Cornell University康奈尔大学毕业证文凭 Johns Hopkins University约翰霍普金斯大学毕业证文凭 Brown University布朗大学毕业证文凭 Rice University莱斯大学毕业证文凭 Emory University埃默里大学毕业证文凭 University of Notre Dame圣母大学毕业证文凭 Vanderbilt University 范德堡大学毕业证文凭 University of California Berkeley加州大学毕业证文凭伯克利分校 Carnegie Mellon University卡内基梅隆大学毕业证文凭Georgetown University乔治城大学毕业证文凭 University of Virginia弗吉尼亚大学毕业证...
...、、、、、、、、、、、、、、 多伦多大学毕业证文凭 University of Toronto 多伦多大学毕业证文凭国际预科课程 University of Toronto IFPProgram多伦多大学毕业证文凭绿色通道(士嘉堡校区)Green Path Program 西安大略大University of WesternOntario 滑铁卢大学毕业证文凭 University of Waterloo 卡尔顿大学毕业证文凭 Carleton University 约克大学毕业证文凭 York University 圭尔夫大学毕业证文凭 University of Guelph 温莎大学毕业证文凭 University of Windsor皇后大学毕业证文凭 Queen’s University 麦克马斯特大学毕业证文凭 McMaster University 布鲁克大学毕业证文凭 Brock University 渥太华大学毕业证文凭 UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA 威尔弗里德?劳里埃大学毕业证文凭 Wilfrid Laurier University 阿尔格玛大学毕业证文凭 Algoma University 川特大学毕业证文凭 Trent University 瑞尔森大学毕业证文凭 Ryerson University 劳伦森大学毕业证文凭 Laurentian University 安大略理工大学毕业证文凭 University of Ontario Insititute湖首大学毕业证文凭 Lakehead University、 尼皮辛大学毕业证文凭 Nipissing University ...
Require translation into English. Looking for multiple people to complete the job in short time. About 12000+ words to be translated by Saturday afternoon. Sample text: 我们的责任是在执行审计工作的基础上对财务报表发表审计意见。我们按照中国注册会计师审计准则的规定执行了审计工作。中国注册会计师审计准则要求我们遵守中国注册会计师职业道德守则,计划和执行审计工作以对财务报表是否不存在重大错报获取合理保证。
A school course introduction concerning smart city, entrepreneurship and extra. Need to be done in three days. Sample: 我们所收集到的需求内容涉及范围较广且类型多样。从基本需求类型来划分,包括客户数据分析、新城与地区设计、新科技的应用、城市发展规划、政府政策分析及产业发展研究等。从研究层面来划分,包含了产业层面、城市层面及地块层面等。从涉及领域来划分,包含空间中人的数据收集、集成和分析、能源、智能交通、建造技术、物业管理及城市研究类等。
Require translation into English. Looking for multiple people to complete the job in short time. About 12000+ words to be translated by Saturday afternoon. Sample text: 我们的责任是在执行审计工作的基础上对财务报表发表审计意见。我们按照中国注册会计师审计准则的规定执行了审计工作。中国注册会计师审计准则要求我们遵守中国注册会计师职业道德守则,计划和执行审计工作以对财务报表是否不存在重大错报获取合理保证。
我现在大四,我要留学美国,需要native speaker帮助我润色申请的文书,只需润色Personal Statement就好。
Aim: promote our company’s FinTech website in China Action: Write and post posts in simplified Chinese on China forums to promote our company and its FinTech website that offers digital currency information. Requirement: 1. Knowledge of IT/FinTech/ Finance/ Bitcoin / digital currency would be great. 2. Native simplified Chinese writing and know the terms of FinTech in Chinese community. Forum suggested: 网易社区(网易财经论坛)、巴比特、区块链社区、壹比特、雪球、网易财经论坛、和讯论坛、经管之家、金融之家、投行先锋、博瑞金融、交易币论坛、彩云比特、深度科技论坛、火线互联网金融论坛、互联网金融吧(百度)、知乎、金融业(天涯)、新浪主题社区、百度論壇/百度贴吧、搜狐社区、21CN社区、中华网论坛、QQ论坛、比特范、P2P论坛、网贷社区、天涯社区、上海热线论坛 (谈股论金) Duration: Mid Aug to Oct 2016
寻一名精通葡萄牙语的中国人做韩语校对; 1. 精通韩语,英语的中国人 2.熟悉App 程序语言的翻译规则 3. 500字以内 我们做的是一款相机App, 已经找韩语翻译了,但是翻译是参照英文翻译的,我们担心有的翻译者理解有偏差,翻译内容不准确,希望你能参考中英文 来校对印尼语,保证翻译内容的地道和准确性,翻译内容参看截图,选中你后会给你密码进我们的系统做,满意的话可保持长期合作,一个月至少又一次这样的任务
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Poster design for a speech of Natural Farming'
Looking for someone to create and manage a wechat group. Scope includes coming up with attention grabbing ideas to drive "Likes", writing/refreshing content, uploading content (words, gif, videos, images) manage Q&A etc for a year
first of first , you need to know Cantonese, if you dont, pls dont click here. second, you need have wedding video editing experience. third, pls review it before you turn it in to me, white balance / color / light correction, sound adjustment, background music and montage is needed (i have sample that i did before, so you can check and follow) . pls turn in on time. this is a Chinese in America wedding, Cantonese style. 3-5 camera angel , from tea ceremony, church ceremony , wedding boutiques whole day. here is the footage sample.
Launching an online magazine in Hong Kong, want the footer message with title 'Welcome' and 2 events content ("we are launching... Collecting articles to post, we pay ... each article and award ... each month" & "we will do something for free, post your ideas ") All 3 contents MUST BE in Traditional Chinese and copyright should not be the problem. Sample attached will be a big advantage
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'modify some symbol of wordpress template'
中文聽寫一段87分鐘的以廣東話進行的會議錄音。 Transcribe a 87-min meeting in Chinese. The meeting is carried in Cantonese.
Hi. I have a document that describes web system in chinese. I need to translate it to korean. If you can,please translate below sample and bid on this. sample. 缴费处理模块:已注册的公众用户登录到系统后,可查询某个时间段的缴费记录。针对延时停车情况,对短信延时的提醒进行设置,保存在短信延时文字提醒表中。出现缴费异常情况时,可对用户反映的无法通过系统进行缴费,或者对系统缴费存在异议的情况,在系统中进行登记。
Hi. I have a document that describes web system in chinese. I need to translate it to korean. If you can,please translate below sample and bid on this. sample. 缴费处理模块:已注册的公众用户登录到系统后,可查询某个时间段的缴费记录。针对延时停车情况,对短信延时的提醒进行设置,保存在短信延时文字提醒表中。出现缴费异常情况时,可对用户反映的无法通过系统进行缴费,或者对系统缴费存在异议的情况,在系统中进行登记。
We are very pleased to welcome all! Our team is passionate about design and visualisation. At Demvision our central purpose is to make the finest designs possible. The Demvision's advantage is achieved by merging our mastery in design with the best quality, highest expertiese and assembling them in the most innova
Payment cycle:- Monthly WORKLOAD :-6000 forms per agent per month POST DATED CHEQUE WILL PROVIDED AS SECURITY PAY OUT CYCLE: MONTHLY (13,20,000 INR FIX FOR 11 MONTHS)
Need to build a program ( can be a standalone program running on a PC, or a web based program for a youth centre. Major features required is membership system, course registration system, billing and invoicing system, month-end summary. ( Needs to be in Chinese / Traditional preferred )
现有一个翻译文件,字数在223字,需从英语翻译成捷克语,主要是用在电子商务的网站上,所以质量要求比较高,不能出现一些低级的错误,不然会取消付款,在翻译中需将英语替换成捷克语。 We have a translation project for a document (223 words) that needs to be translated from English to Czech. It will be used on an online business website, hence we need the quality to be high, and free of errors. We will not release payment if there are errors in translation.
我是阿根廷septima红酒西北区总代理,希望找到帮我做市场推广和销售的人员,详细文件后续联系后发送。 红酒三个档次,按售出的档次和箱数提成。 I am an Agent of Argentina septima win sales in the west of China, I need some guy to help me for marketing and sales. I will send you more information later. there are 3 levels of the wine, you will be get reward based on saled level and amount.
looking for male vo talent for a 2-minute tutorial video. Must speak Chinese. must sound young and energetic please use the lines below to send sample. 通过您本地银行支行的柜台用现金存款也是一种快速存款到您博狗账户的方式,因为您的转账存款直接到我们的银行账户,一旦存款成功,仅需扫描柜台存款单在现金存款页面上传即可。 您可以隔您最近的自动柜员机使用我们的银行信息存款,然后扫描存款交易单在自动柜员机存款页面中上传更快确认您的存款信息。
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'fix a conflict of theme'
Please check below assignment requirement and let us know if you can do. Please answer following question before bid for the task 1. How long you can finish the assignment? Please tell us your fastest period as possible 2. What is your skype id, email and contact no? We need it for better communication purpose 3. Briefly tell us in one sentence what is our assignment requirement? We need to know if you are genuine contractor 4. What is the main challenges/ problems in completing this assignment? 5. From scale 1 to 10, how would you rate your writing skills in chinese? please noted that contractor that bid without answering the above questions will be disqualified if not have lesser chance to get the job 论文计划书要求 请选择其中一个题目(只能选红色...
招聘融资经理(Finance Manager)和融资经营小组(Finance Partners) 我公司谋求得到投资银行投资作业方案、融资债卷发行代理、信托资本额授信、推荐银行投资者关系、私人公司债权融资、股权投资、风险投资和小额天使投资。 为此我公司聘请融资专项职业经理: 募集小投资者或来源可靠的资金投资我公司发展, 向出资者或控股财团撰写商业发展计划书,提交时要求面见和尽力加以解说。 每月一千外加千分之一融资额度 1,000 per month plus 1 per thousand financing facility
招聘融资经理(Finance Manager)和融资经营小组(Finance Partners) 我公司谋求得到投资银行投资作业方案、融资债卷发行代理、信托资本额授信、推荐银行投资者关系、私人公司债权融资、股权投资、风险投资和小额天使投资。 为此我公司聘请融资专项职业经理: 募集小投资者或来源可靠的资金投资我公司发展, 向出资者或控股财团撰写商业发展计划书,提交时要求面见和尽力加以解说。 每月一千外加千分之一融资额度 1,000 per month plus 1 per thousand financing facility
招聘融资经理(Finance Manager)和融资经营小组(Finance Partners) 我公司谋求得到投资银行投资作业方案、融资债卷发行代理、信托资本额授信、推荐银行投资者关系、私人公司债权融资、股权投资、风险投资和小额天使投资的支持和参与扶持融资。 为此我公司聘请融资专项职业经理: 募集小投资者或来源可靠的资金投资我公司发展,向出资者或控股财团提交商业发展计划书,提交时要求面见和尽力加以解说。编辑、撰写和修订必须事先通知公司讨论。 尝试收购有用的公司,分析行业金融和资金动态资料。 不限期正规渠道融资,年度融资五千万额度,年薪百分之三融资额度。不是融资越多越好,要考虑公司会否签合同,让公司超状况支付股权或债务则要被解雇!
招聘融资经理(Finance Manager)和融资经营小组(Finance Partners) 我公司谋求得到投资银行投资作业方案、融资债卷发行代理、信托资本额授信、推荐银行投资者关系、私人公司债权融资、股权投资、风险投资和小额天使投资。 为此我公司聘请融资专项职业经理: 募集小投资者或来源可靠的资金投资我公司发展, 向出资者或控股财团撰写商业发展计划书,提交时要求面见和尽力加以解说。 每月一千外加千分之一融资额度 1,000 per month plus 1 per thousand financing facility
I have an excel list of food that are use in our kitchen Translate it in english If you are not familiar with kitchen chinese and kitchen english PLEASE PASS I'm fluent in both language, I don't do it by myself because lack of time, not of skillz, No mistakes will be allowed in that translation Total : 1725 汉字 to translate this is a sample of the chinese you will have to translate please provide some example 松仁 小土豆 鲜香菇 洋鲍芯 平菇 帕玛臣芝士 火龙果 猪排 紫叶生菜 鸭肫 芦笋 草莓 鸡胸 斜切面 西瓜 白洋葱 苹果 琼脂 鱼 卡派纳去皮番茄 柚子 紫菊菊 味好美蛇蒿叶 牛肉馅 奥妙培根 奥比水瓜榴 丽歌鸡蛋面 牛柳 卡派纳橄榄油 大土豆 鱼片 老火腿 黑鱼 大米 红灯调和油 黑水榄 绿叶生菜 口蘑 金像面 贝克拉黑巧克力 马苏里拉芝士 茴香球 油 带骨肉眼肉 西红柿 韩国砂糖
I'm looking for a professional translator to convert my 6-page French school report into clear, general English. - Purpose: The translation is intended for academic use. - Adaption: I need the translation to be adapted to more general English, rather than retaining the original terminology or translating into academic English. - Certification: A certified translation is required. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in translation, particularly from French to English, with experience translating academic documents. Certification as a translator is mandatory for this job. Your ability to produce a clear, accurate, and certified translation will be crucial for the successful completion of this projec...
I have 100 educational videos, each approximately 10 minutes long, that need translation from English to Brazilian Portuguese. This project entails both subtitling and voiceover work. USING AI… Key Requirements: - Translate 1 minute of a provided video sample to demonstrate capability. - Record voiceover in Brazilian Portuguese. - Create subtitles in Brazilian Portuguese. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in English and Brazilian Portuguese. - Experience in video translation, subtitling, and voiceover work. - Familiarity with educational content. - Ability to deliver high-quality audio and video. Please note, general translation is acceptable, so specific terminology or style guidelines will not be provided.
I'm looking for a proficient Python developer who can create a script for me. The specifics of the project, such as the script's primary purpose, the type of data it will process, and the input format it should accept, have not been defined yet. Therefore, I'm open to suggestions based on what you think would be the best fit for a Python script. Read the file attached for details and say ''Halo' so i know you have read the details Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Python - Experience in creating Python scripts - Ability to work with various data types - Knowledge of different input formats, such as CSV, JSON, and Excel files - Creativity in proposing suitable script pu...
...looking for a talented UI designer who can create a modern, futuristic-styled mobile app design with a striking orange theme. The app's purpose is to digitize the Exit Slip Process for our company employees. The design should encompass screens for: - Login - Exit slip creation - Approval - Tracking - Notifications Key design elements: - Clean - Intuitive - User-friendly The deliverables should include Figma or Adobe XD files with all assets, and a clickable prototype. This project is time-sensitive, needing completion within 2–3 days, and I have a budget of $50–$70. Ideal candidates should: - Possess experience in modern app design - Be proficient in Figma or Adobe XD - Have a portfolio demonstrating relevant past ...