We are a company that sells headphones, our main customers are over 60 years old, the electronic product is mainly connected to the TV, we need some young people who are familiar with the various connections of the TV and can help us to find out the problems during the connection process to assist us in testing the product, so that we can have more direction on upgrading and debugging the product. Requirements: Knowledgeable about the e-shopping process; Being in the US or Canada, Germany, France, UK is fine.
...Multilingual Switching Login Security Enhancement Order Management User Management Online Status Display Data Statistics and Reports Task Center (Planning Center) Development Notes Details to Discuss Overview This development document has been updated according to the latest requirements. It aims to detail the development needs of the frontend, backend, and admin panel to ensure that developers understand the logic, effects, and tasks of each function. Please follow the requirements below during development and communicate with the project leader if you encounter any problems or have suggestions. General Requirements Testing and Production Environment: Before development, use a test domain for development. After testing is passed and completed, switch to the produ...
...to loop or redirect continuously. Sometimes, after switching to another language, it automatically reverts back to English and doesn't retain the user's chosen language. Publishing to Google Play Internal Testing: After fixing the above issues, I need assistance in publishing the app to Google Play's internal testing track for further testing and validation. I need a developer to: Identify and fix these issues, ensuring the app runs smoothly on Android 14 while maintaining compatibility with lower Android versions. Assist in publishing the fixed app to Google Play's internal testing, ensuring the upload and configuration processes are completed successfully. Specific Requirements: Familiarity with Android Development and API Level 34...
我们研发了一款休闲类的消除游戏,需要完成20人连续14天封闭性测试 We have developed a casual elimination game that requires 20 people to complete 14 consecutive days of closed testing
我们是在美国的公司,只服务在美华人。需要在一些美国的网站上推广我们的服务,并且针对性的进行我们自己网站的优化。 你必须讲中文。
我有一份公司的名单,我正在寻找紧急帮助,以在网上收集整理这些公司的电话号码和邮箱。任务非常简单,不需要特殊的技能,只需要候选人具备母语级别的汉语水平,以及快速的工作能力。 如果您是一位这样的人才,知道如何有效地查找公司信息,我将非常感激您能在这个项目上帮助我。
We are searching for a remote online customer service representative to join our esteemed boutique guesthouse located in Japan. This opportunity is ideal for a foreign individual proficient in Chinese, eager to be immersed in a multicultural work environment while providing superior service to our guests. Key Responsibilities: Address customer inquiries through email, phone, and online platforms promptly and professionally. Assist with booking and reservation queries, offering information regarding availability, rates, and amenities. Manage complaints, providing suitable solutions and alternatives within a set timeframe; ensure resolution through follow-ups. Collaborate with the on-site team to guarantee a seamless guest experience. Maintain a positive, empathetic, and prof...
Hi Jing J., 我有一个project想请你帮忙。我需要申请转写工作(transcription)的一个户口。因为GoTranscript这个公司有限制一个名字只能有一个户口,所以我需要你帮忙申请一个新的户口。这个是GoTranscript公司的网站链接。 你需要做的是开设一个新的email户口(因为这个户口之后是要给我的,所以不要用你原本的户口),然后以这个email进去GoTranscript申请Chinese Transcription Job。 当然,你需要经过考试(这个考试我可以帮忙通过)。通过考试之后,GoTranscript的职员会通过email联系你,确认你的身份。之后,你就可以开始工作了。完成后,你给我email户口,和login GoTranscript的username和password就可以了。 如果有兴趣或疑问,你可以再联络我。谢谢你。
需要一个mg动画师做一个1-2分钟的企业宣传片,具体内容详谈 i need a graphic designer to make a 1-2min animated video industry: food safety testing Chinese speaking freelancer preferred
We run an e-commerce website, and now we want to find a big cow with experience in information security to do system security work for us. Need to have experience in website penetration testing. The freelancer should be an information security practitioner 我们经营着一个电商网站,现在我们想寻找一名在信息安全方面有经验的大牛为我们做系统安全工作。需要有网站渗透测试经验。
We have completed the graphic design and graphic materials, to speed up the project that want additional resource to help us to code for HTML 5 pages. - Adaptive HTML for mobile devices - Multi- environment support(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - Expected 2.5 weeks to complete entire page development, 0.5 weeks for testing and fixing - Basic test from developer before releasing every build to us. Final acceptance test will done by us - NDA is needed before start sharing project infomation 目前我们正在开发一个餐厅订单后台处理的平台,需要另外一名freelance来加速HTML5的开发进程。 - 目前我们已经完成了页面额设计和PS素材的制作,开发人员可以直接使用。 - 自适应网页制作,尤其是针对不同的移动设备(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - 希望在两周半的时候完成页面的开发(希望每两两天提交代码,以便早点检查和反馈),大概3-5天做验收测试和问题修复 - 希望开发人员会做基本的自测,确保发给我们验收的内容有一定的质量。当然我们也很希望开发者可用提出一些专业的建议和意见 - 需要和我们签订保密协...
为进一步加强企业事业单位专业技术人才的队伍建设,通过网上视频课件开发,有计划、有步骤地培训一批具有我市发展战略素质的优秀人才队伍,不断提升各类人才的战略思维素养和理论水平,拓展结合我市市情的改革发展思路,加快人才成长步伐,特进行本网络视频课件的开发采购。 特此招募网课教授,要求:副教授以上,或高级职称,讲课需中文 总共有三个可选课题,分别为: 大数据与智慧城市,大数据与智慧金融,大数据与智慧农业 (课程详情另附-仅供参考) 对于课件的要求(仅供参考) 1、课件应具有前瞻性,应保证课题相关理念理论的前沿性,课件应是近期制作,包含有近期中央及省市两级党委、政府提出的相关理念的解读和实践指导。 2、课件应包含与主题内容紧密相联的内涵和丰富的外延,能够帮助学员对主题背景,相关概念、推进措施、实施的难点等有深入的理解,形成必要的理论框架或思维框架。 3、课件应对贵阳市相关主题的发展有实际意义,有应用指导。学员在学习后,能够具备一定结合工作实际落地的思路,在工作实践中可以起到积极的作用。 4、课件的形式生动活泼,可采用动画,问题插入,访谈等形式,增加学员的学习兴趣,引发学员的主动思考,引导学员将学习所得应用于工作实践。 5、课件应传递符合当前社会发展主旋律的理念和方法,激发社会正气,提倡五大发展理念,符合五位一体的总体部署,体现打造公平共享的创新型中心城市,以实现社会主义现代化和中华民族伟大复兴为愿景。 6、每一主题附有网上考试题库,便于验收学员的学习成绩。 7、课件研发的专家队伍应由不同背景的专家组成。既有学院派的学者,又有实战派的企业家、管理人员,以及政府背景的智囊,形成多视角下的主题解读,帮助学员全方位地理解主题内容。 每个项目为12课时,每课时课筹为1000RMB 如有疑问 请联系: 刘先生 QQ:411729896
经过几轮测试,各位测试者已经帮助我们解决了不少问题。但我们仍然需要较大样本以进行对该软件可用性进一步提升。 您需要完成Duolingo English Test 的完整版(非Practice test), 测试一共大约用时30分钟。我们想要确保这个测试在中国不同地地区均进行顺利。您的任务主要是完成整个测试,确保整个过程完成顺利。(我们不需要您对于测试内容进行反馈。) 任务的具体细节在附件中, 请将您的测试结果(包括视频录像,2个问卷报告)提交给邮箱:[Removed by Freelancer.com Admin for offsiting - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions] 我们会根据问卷报告的信息,选部分投标者进行采访。 报酬:$8/h (手续费后, 时长 = 测试时间+采访时间)
寻找在中国工作生活的中德,德中翻译的translator, 经常在线,方便交流。 我们这边的项目有些是文档的翻译,有些是需要及时的回复的1-2句德文的翻译,所以希望你经常在线,然后可以做这种短时间一句话的翻译,我们可以一次支付你一定的money,可以每周结算一次。 长期有项目,不会做几次就没活了。符合条件的,请联系我。谢谢
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Need Branding name for online business'
装修淘宝代购店。 1. 设计店面风格。 2. 更新店面旗帜, 其他有关,支持页面 3. Photoshop + 上传图片,文字等将货品上架 4. 150 个产品 5. 图片来源互联网和我提供的实物图 6. 文字内容来源互联网 7. 必须在10天内完成 (农历新年) 参考店如: 小小木瓜高 芝妈代购
need to build a membership website, where the articles are "locked", partial is shown on website, and free members read only partial article, but paid members the article is open up for him to read with login and password. similar to this website (sorry it's in Chinese)
自营B2C商城, 微信和PC两个商城共用一个后台。须链接微信提醒功能,微信认证以及绑定商城账号。 后台可切换中英文版本。 后台需接入ERP系统,和EDM 系统. 如果您感兴趣,请私信了解更多细节。 谢谢
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'mac app testing and detail report'
微信公众平台:把网站现有内容翻译成中文做成微信公众平台,可以比较容易的推广。 手机网站中文版: 做一个中文版手机网站,把手机网站和微信里面的内容版式做一样。通过手机浏览器输入网址可以进入网站。 可与中文版手机网站切换语言。 手机网站英文版: 做一个英文版手机网站,把手机网站和微信里面的内容版式做一样。通过手机浏览器输入网址可以进入网站。可与英文版手机网站切换语言。 后台管理: 可以同步管理添加编辑微信平台和中英文手机网站里面的内容。 Only those with English speaking candidates who can understand mandarin will be considered Project specification is in mandarin.
...付没有问题。 2. 支付提交后,我的订单看到的支付和实际支付不相符,主要是没有把费用/优惠算进来。后台也是。 3. 结算页面有两个价格的显示需要调整。 4. 费用/优惠账户是一次性强制结清,所以支付提交以后要清0,比如本来$-5, 实际支付就加5块,提交以后费用/优惠账户为0。这个规则类似积分,订单取消要恢复回来。 现在的问题是费用/优惠的值是固定不变的,除了管理员在后台可以修改。 5. 这些问题改正后要求通过测试,不会带来新的问题,系统功能正常运行。 6. 工作包括为改正这些问题,server上的更新和配置(如果有的话),就是期望的结果要在线的网站正常运行,而不只是给我看自己配置的测试的网站有没有问题。 7. 开发人员可能需要了解为什么要这个改动,我有一个2页的说明文档,逻辑很简单。 Background: 1. Chinese online store based on the cs-cart 3.0. 2. register user has a balance account and a coupon account. 3. user can pay the bill using the balance in balance account. 4. the value in coupon account can be positive or negative. For example if administrator set value 5 to the user, next time when user purchase, the total amount will be deducted by $5. if admin set value as -5, when us...
...付没有问题。 2. 支付提交后,我的订单看到的支付和实际支付不相符,主要是没有把费用/优惠算进来。后台也是。 3. 结算页面有两个价格的显示需要调整。 4. 费用/优惠账户是一次性强制结清,所以支付提交以后要清0,比如本来$-5, 实际支付就加5块,提交以后费用/优惠账户为0。这个规则类似积分,订单取消要恢复回来。 现在的问题是费用/优惠的值是固定不变的,除了管理员在后台可以修改。 5. 这些问题改正后要求通过测试,不会带来新的问题,系统功能正常运行。 6. 工作包括为改正这些问题,server上的更新和配置(如果有的话),就是期望的结果要在线的网站正常运行,而不只是给我看自己配置的测试的网站有没有问题。 7. 开发人员可能需要了解为什么要这个改动,我有一个2页的说明文档,逻辑很简单。 Background: 1. Chinese online store based on the cs-cart 3.0. 2. register user has a balance account and a coupon account. 3. user can pay the bill using the balance in balance account. 4. the value in coupon account can be positive or negative. For example if administrator set value 5 to the user, next time when user purchase, the total amount will be deducted by $5. if admin set value as -5, when us...
...付没有问题。 2. 支付提交后,我的订单看到的支付和实际支付不相符,主要是没有把费用/优惠算进来。后台也是。 3. 结算页面有两个价格的显示需要调整。 4. 费用/优惠账户是一次性强制结清,所以支付提交以后要清0,比如本来$-5, 实际支付就加5块,提交以后费用/优惠账户为0。这个规则类似积分,订单取消要恢复回来。 现在的问题是费用/优惠的值是固定不变的,除了管理员在后台可以修改。 5. 这些问题改正后要求通过测试,不会带来新的问题,系统功能正常运行。 6. 工作包括为改正这些问题,server上的更新和配置(如果有的话),就是期望的结果要在线的网站正常运行,而不只是给我看自己配置的测试的网站有没有问题。 7. 开发人员可能需要了解为什么要这个改动,我有一个2页的说明文档,逻辑很简单。 Background: 1. Chinese online store based on the cs-cart 3.0. 2. register user has a balance account and a coupon account. 3. user can pay the bill using the balance in balance account. 4. the value in coupon account can be positive or negative. For example if administrator set value 5 to the user, next time when user purchase, the total amount will be deducted by $5. if admin set value as -5, when us...
聘请Online Marketing 网络销售人员 Promote & Sell Löwe QMS-5500RF Queue Management System 排队按号码系统 Salary: Direct Commission( USD 30.00 ~ USD 50.00 per sale ) & Target Bonus Contact: Charles Lai 016 711 5203 WhatsApp: 016 711 5203 Product:
SQL注入/代码审计/数据库权限/渗透测试技术 接渗透单子高手,联系电子邮箱:aqcp#(#改成@)语言要求:中文 熟练掌握各种内网渗透测试工具与相关知识,精通常见安全攻防技术:sql注入、xss、文件上传、文件包含、命令执行等漏洞 熟悉linux、unix、Windows、oracle、J2EE等各种环境下WEB的安全配置与安全检查及WEB漏洞防范; 熟悉各种脚本语言(asp,php,jsp,java,net、perl、python等)具备独立挖掘web安全漏洞与入侵手段 具备一定的网络安全知识,对网络安全结构、系统漏洞、入侵检测、病毒防护等有深入理论基础和实践经验; 熟悉渗透测试黑客攻防的步骤、方法、流程、熟练掌握各种渗透测试攻防工具有实际渗透经验者优先; 求大虾接单,脱裤,要求,电话,手机,姓名,邮箱,其他的一概不要。每笔单1000美金起步,根据站的难度而定价格,具体可以详谈,寻找长期合作. 态度认真、中介勿扰,请技术实力说话。
dev app bbb rrrr eel kggn jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
网站的导航条有5个栏目:首页、产品、解决方案、成功案例、关于我们 每个栏目下的分类规划如下: 首页:布局精简 产品:Microsoft、Citrix、Symantec、Sophos、Vmware、HP、Dell(可以自主添加条目) 解决方案:虚拟化、云计算、IT安全(可以自主添加条目) 成功案例:待定(可以自主添加条目) 关于我们:公司背景、宗旨方向、招贤纳士、团队风采、联系我们 附加说明: 1.当鼠标停留在某个栏目上面时,会自动列出该栏目下的分类信息 2.对于每个栏目下的页面,希望参考以下布局格式,在左侧框架点击某个条目后,右侧框架显示出相应的条目详细内容。 3.在网站的首页边侧放置一个固定悬浮框,用来放置公司的二维码图与联系信息
要一个online shopping的网站! 可以分类我得产品-衣服-裤带-钱包-电话accessories-首饰-等等 可以自己upload我的产品照片和更改照片 可以查看快递的情况 可以注册成为我们的会员 这个网页参考!
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create an online store for selling physical goods, specifically vinyl wraps. The key feature of this e-commerce site will be a product customization tool, allowing customers to personalize their purchases. Ideal Skills: - E-commerce website development - Experience with product customization tools - Knowledge of vinyl wraps market (preferred) - UX/UI design skills for intuitive interface Please provide examples of your previous work in your bid.
TRIOX Security is a comprehensive cybersecurity solutions provider that protects small and large businesses' digital assets. We offer security services to safeguard websites, applications, networks, and digital infrastructure against evolving cyber threats. Responsibilities: Identify and generate leads for cybersecurity services, including vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, security audits, incident response, and managed security services Build and maintain a database of potential clients across industries, with a focus on sectors handling sensitive data such as finance, healthcare, technology, and e-commerce Conduct targeted outreach campaigns via email, LinkedIn, and other professional platforms to promote TRIOX Security's services Connect with IT decisio...
...practices for usability and user experience. - Optimize navigation flows and user interaction. Documentation and Maintenance: - Provide detailed documentation of the changes made. - Responsive and all working in all resolutions - Ensure the code follows national conventions and naming standards (e.g., Brazilian Portuguese for variables, functions, comments, etc.). - Conduct rigorous testing to ensure the quality and functionality of the system. Freelancer Requirements: Technical Experience: - Proven experience in development with Laravel and Blade. - Familiarity with Bootstrap or other modern CSS frameworks. - Knowledge of MySQL and query optimization. - Experience with JavaScript and relevant libraries/frameworks. Portfolio and References...
I'm a sales professional in a large company, seeking a consultant to enhance my online presence, particularly on LinkedIn, and devise a strategy for reaching out to federal government clients. Key Areas: - Social Media: Primarily focusing on LinkedIn, I need expert guidance in content creation that can showcase my professional skills and company offerings in a compelling manner. - Outreach Strategy: A well-thought-out plan to connect with potential federal government customers would be invaluable. Ideal skills for this role include: - Expertise in LinkedIn and its content creation tools. - Proven experience in developing successful outreach strategies for government clients. - Excellent understanding of corporate sales dynamics.
I'm in need of a skilled online salesperson to help promote and sell our services at Techlink. The position offers a very attractive commission structure based on client acquisition. Key Responsibilities: - Targeting both B2B and B2C markets - Utilizing Social Media, Email Marketing, and E-commerce websites for sales Ideal Candidates: - Proven experience in online sales - Proficiency in using various digital platforms for sales - Ability to target and sell to both businesses and individual consumers.
...for a skilled freelancer to develop the backend for our existing WPF tool. Your work will exclusively involve VB.NET and integration with the WPF framework. What You’ll Be Doing: - You’ll start with a ready-to-use WPF tool that we will provide. - Develop and implement backend functionality for specific sections of the application using VB.NET. - Deliver each section to our team for review and testing after completion. - Address any issues found during the review process and follow team instructions for revisions or improvements. Requirements: - Expertise in VB.NET and strong familiarity with the WPF framework. - Experience in developing backends for WPF applications. - Strong attention to detail and ability to work on section-wise deliveries. - Good communication s...
I'm seeking a skilled team for creating an event management app. The project involves: 1. Business Analyst: To document everything from a development perspective. 2. MVP Launch: We're looking to first launch a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), followed by phased, incremental development. 3. Securi...original, custom code - not anything copied or merely customized from platforms like Code Canyon. The process will begin with the creation of a Figma design. Once we approve it, we can proceed. Each module will require our sign-off before development continues. Key Responsibilities: - Keeping us updated and involved in the design and development processes. - Conducting their own Quality Assurance testing, particularly regression tests. We're targeting both iOS and Androi...
I’m looking for a skilled affiliate marketer to help drive user registrations and engagement for multiple crypto-based online entertainment platforms. Due to restrictions on mainstream advertising channels, I need someone experienced in alternative strategies, particularly within niche and adult-friendly markets. Requirements: Experience in Niche/Crypto Affiliation Familiarity with promoting crypto-related services or other restricted offers. Awareness of local and international regulations for marketing adult or age-restricted platforms. Proficiency in Alternative Traffic Sources Ability to set up campaigns on networks such as PropellerAds, Adsterra, native ads, push notifications, etc. Knowledge of community-driven marketing (e.g., Reddit, Discord, Telegram) to reach a c...
...creative and compelling copy in both languages that resonates with the local culture. • Create multimedia content (videos, infographics, GIFs) for enhanced engagement. • Plan and manage a monthly content calendar. 3. Advertising Campaigns: • Develop and execute paid ad campaigns on platforms like Meta Ads (Facebook/Instagram), LinkedIn Ads, and Google Ads. • Optimize ad performance through A/B testing and audience segmentation. • Manage budgets effectively to maximize ROI. 4. Community Management: • Monitor and respond to comments, messages, and mentions promptly. • Engage with followers to build a loyal community. • Handle customer inquiries and complaints professionally. 5. Analytics and Reporting: • Track and analyze per...
I need assistance downloading a 6-minute MP4 video from a public online application. There are no options to download the video directly. The video should be downloaded as is, without any edits. Please note that the video is publicly accessible and does not require any login credentials to access. It may require Coding skills & App development Skills.
I require a Mill Test Certificate for aluminum. The certificate should detail the chemical composition analysis and mechanical properties of the material. Key Requirements: - The certificate must comply with ISO 9001 and EN standards. - It should provide a comprehensive breakdown of the aluminum's chemical composition and its mechanical properties. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Fam...standards. - It should provide a comprehensive breakdown of the aluminum's chemical composition and its mechanical properties. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Familiarity with aluminum and its properties. - Experience in procuring or certifying Mill Test Certificates. - Knowledge of ISO 9001 and EN standards. - Ability to conduct or oversee chemical composition analysis and mechanical properties ...
I need a food shop website with a primary focus on facilitating online ordering. I want the site to have an integrated online ordering system that includes customer reviews. Key Requirements: - Develop a user-friendly online food ordering platform - Implement a customer review system for products - Ensure the website is visually appealing and showcases our food products well Skills and Experience Needed: - Proven experience in ecommerce website development, preferably for food industry - Strong skills in integrating interactive features like customer review systems - Ability to create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces.
I require a freelancer to create a PDF mill test certificate for Aluminium A7. The certificate needs to include: - Chemical composition - Mechanical properties - Heat treatment details - Specification for material testing - Origin of material You will need to suggest a design for the certificate based on industry standards, as I do not have a specific template or design in mind. Experience in materials engineering, certificate design, and a comprehensive understanding of industry standards for mill test certificates will be highly beneficial for this project.
Hi, We have a website www.teachersjobs.in. It’s Job Portal for website is built in Php, with Sql database and smarty framework. Work-1) Mobile App Work:- Need to develop a Mobile App for our website -Mobile App should be developed for Android only -The whole work starting from screens till the complete development has to be executed -We need your suggestions like what can you add in design part of the mobile App?—Point Wise changes which you will make? Work-2) Website Work to match the look & feel of Mobile App:- As we need the same look & feel for website & Mobile App .So we Need to change the existing look and graphics of our website to that of Mobile App. Responsive website design (RWD) is a web develo...
...Management: - Real-time lead display - Lead status tracking - Contact information - Communication history - Action tracking - Follow-up management B. Account Management: - Profile settings - Service area configuration - Usage statistics SECTION 3: COMMUNICATION SYSTEM 1. Email Integration: - Template management - Personalization system - Scheduling system - Response tracking - A/B testing - Performance analytics 2. SMS Integration: - Automated messaging - Response handling - Template management - Schedule control - Opt-out management - Compliance tracking SECTION 4: TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Infrastructure: - Cloud hosting setup - Database implementation - API integrations - Security protocols - Backup systems - Monitoring tools 2. ...
I'm looking for an expert to conduct thorough usability testing of a website across Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile devices. The testing should primarily focus on: - Navigation: Is the user able to move through the product effortlessly? - Readability: Is the content easy to read and understand? Are the font sizes readable on all devices? - Form usability: Are the interactive elements functioning as intended and easy to use? The testing should cover the following operating systems: Windows, iOS, and Android. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proven track record in UX/UI testing - Ability to identify design imperfections - Experience testing on a range of devices and operating systems - Strong understanding of navigation, reada...