...frame page. Add AI fixed commands, download file function, and speech-to-text function. AI drawing function: Add image editing functions (can add text, modify image size, overlay images, remove backgrounds, etc.), image watermarks, zoom-in function (similar to the zoom-in function of Photoshop), partial redraw function (similar to the partial redraw function of ChatGPT), and other functions found in design drawings. AI UI function: Add UI editing functions (similar to Claude's function, which can directly display the effect of the code), and the functions in the design diagram. AI real-time translation function: Add real-time voice translation function, translation record saving function (set a command that supports real-time translation, and convert the recognized v...
将两个有不同栏目的CSV文件格式,分别转换为统一要求格式的JSON文件,转换程序可在线浏览,转换完后可下载文件,使用HTML语句代码,可网站在线直接运行(比如做为浏览器直接打开运行),要求的功能很简单,编程高手的话成品代码估计200到300行就搞定,快的话估计不会超过半天,UI界面不要太丑,太单调,能过的去就行,但功能一定要稳定。 需要转换的CSV文件(文件名称不固定,随意): 转换后要求的文件格式(下载得到的文件名称不固定,随意): 需要可执行的完整的HTML语句的转换程序,功能单一,就是将CSV文件的相应栏目字段数据提取出来,转换并生成对应的JSON格式的数据交换文件,具体要求如下: 一、在将CSV文件转换为JSON数据文件时,JSON数据文件内的以下字符段保留不变,这一段字符相当于固定的数据表头,不需要做任何转换,并严格保留原有JSON数据文件格式和所在的行,同时,此段字符段在JSON数据文件内只需要在最前面出现一次即可,禁止在后面的data内出现 [ { "type": "header", "version": "5.1.1", "comment": "Export to JSON plugin for PHPMyAdmin" }, { "type": "database", "name": "search" }, { "type": "table", "name": "qf_...
...from a large text file and slowly write them into individual small text files in the target folder. --- ### GitHub Repository Requirements document and text to be processed are available at the GitHub repository: []() --- ### Summary of Requirements Extract the WhatsApp group chat records from a large text file `` located in the `HistoryMsg` directory and slowly release them into the target folder. Each message should become a small file where the content is the translated version of the message. For images or other attachments (images do not require translation), release them as individual files, one file per attachment. After writing each small file, wait for a random
...referral rewards). • View affiliate marketing data (e.g., clicks, registrations, cashback details). 4. Internationalization Configuration • Multilingual support with automatic language switching based on the browser’s language. • Manual language-switching feature. 5. Data Analysis • Display platform income, chatbot usage, user growth trends, etc., in graphical reports. • Export reports in CSV/Excel format. (2) B-End Primary Account Features 1. Chatbot Management • Add Chatbot: • Configure chatbot name and trigger method (e.g., click-triggered or auto-popup). • Set chatbot language and assign customer service representatives. • Multi-Chatbot Management: • Configure prompts, AI switches, and model training for...
Convert c++ projects to Delphi projects
用DISCUZ 做一个跟微信公众号链接的网站,模板我已经找好了,需要安装,还有界面的微调整,
用java写一个xml文档到csv文档的转换软件。 需要源代码,文档,软件使用文档。 需要文档描述为什么采用这个方法来实现这个功能,并且说明还有什么其他方法。有什么可以提高的地方。
Base on a Joomlashine Venture Pro template to build a basic multilingual website.
我公司现在用linnworks平台通过API,CSV分别对接美国亚马逊,ebay店铺,还有我们自己的购物网站,已实现通过linnworks一键发布产品到各接口,各接口库存即时同步更新,订单统一管理等交易环节的整合。我们现在需要开一个TB店铺,也同样接入这个linnworks平台。要求如下: 等级1:在TB店铺实现现有linnworks对接美国亚马逊的所有类似功能,包括产品上传,订单管理处理,库存同步更新等。 等级2:在TB店铺实现现有linnworks对接美国亚马逊的订单管理处理,库存同步更新功能。 等级3:在TB店铺实现现有linnworks对接美国亚马逊的库存同步更新功能。 等级4:不通过linnworks,利用类似一键复制APP之类的功能实现 美国亚马逊店 跟TB店双向库存同步更新。 本项目目前的可见难点: 1.语言,TB店铺所有生成的CSV或者数据都是中文,而Linnworks, 美国亚马逊店铺都是英文。 2.利用CSV表格发布产品时,美国亚马逊的产品图片可以直接使用网页照片的链接,而淘宝需要先上传到TB空间。 3.需要了解linnworks 跟美国亚马逊店铺,TB店铺的相关一些规则,知识。 对招标伙伴的要求: 有相应的TB店铺API开发经验的,并在了解linnworks平台之后再跟我们联系
对多个网站的 HTML,JSON,XML的数据进行定时抓取数据,保存数据日志保存数据库。
I need a template that can work with Taobao for my online store. the store will be selling kid's clothes. if you are familar with how Taobao template works. that will be great
Drupal 模板实现数据库的建立,基本数据已经有。将.csv格式的英文数据导入到drupal中,实现数据的查询、数据的下载以及后续数据的更新。
概述: 需要一个web页面,名称为邮件内容页, 能够读取指定邮箱的最后一封信的内容. 界面: 1.输入邮箱地址 2.输入邮箱密码 3.读取内容按钮 4.读取并最后一封信的内容 5.如果返回错误代码,需要翻译成人工能够读懂. 配置: 为节省成本,不需要录入界面,直接读取xml格式文件获取邮箱端口号等配置信息. 界面输入: 1.在界面上输入邮箱地址和密码. 2.通过post方式提交邮箱地址和邮箱密码到邮件内容页. 3.保证界面美观大方,手机要求适配. 范围: 1.必须支持pop3信箱收取. 2.必须支持 outlook/hotmail , 3.我会在需求中提出需要适配的其他pop3邮箱. 4.如果能收取以上邮箱邮件, IMAP协议不是必须支持的. 选稿: 难度应该不大,请首先制作 163读取页面并提供demo. 被选中后完善外围. 项目成果: 源文件 2.配置说明书
We have a site built using NodeJS as a demo. Now we want to convert into a Drupal template with Bootstrap 3 capacities. We need to make sure all the URL structures are exactly the same such as and category-tid.html. Need to get done very quickly. Chinese speakers are preferred because the site is in Chinese.
*見附件"功能需求簡介" 功能1 1、輸入等級、國別、功能、代碼後,進而篩選出合適數據並呈現出圖表 2、代碼可打入多種進而讓不同數據比較、並呈現出圖表 功能2 1、輸入F、G或H、I按下Button後可篩選出所有符合的數值並呈現圖表 功能3 檔案來源為json或csv
我的網頁是用MAGENTO編寫的, 接近完成的階段, 但有以下事項需要完成 (詳情請參考附件PDF.): 1) 改PAGE LINK 2) 小量版面修改 3) 我網頁有一個FLASH的試衣程式, 需要導入網頁和輸出XML數據同步.(我的試衣程式設計員會給你指引怎樣去完成工作.) 如有任何問題請與我聯繫.
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Convert excel data to APK file(run under android)'
定制PrestaShop, 基于1.6版本,UK的英文网站, 大多数功能1.6版本已可实现, 不需要在线付费, 后台基本不用改, 所需四点定制如下 1. 实时更新价格 -已有live xml feed,需要根据feed每过几分钟更新一下产品价格即可 2. 根据公司现有的主网站定制shop的模板, - 只需重用现有的css,layout和图片 3. 产品价格的基础上增加percentage based commission - 类似折扣但是增加一个百分比,比如产品价格是100圆,commission是2%,那么价格应为 100 + 2 = 102 4. 扩展用户注册 - 第一步和现有的prestshop一样 - 第二步要根据公司的用户登记pdf表格增加一些信息 价格可议, 有意者请留skype,QQ 或email
整个产品拍卖系统采用B/S结构、J2EE技术框架,采用基于J2EE技术是为了充分利用众所周知的Java所具有独特的跨平台的优势。 技术框架流程 技术标准 1.基于J2EE的技术标准 2.基于SOA的标准 3.基于XML的技术标准 4.缓存技术 5.Comet技术 逻辑层采用Spring 3.0技术,主要实现对数据层的操作、事务管理及系统调度等。 持久层采用OR-MAPPING工具Ibatis 来完成与数据库、缓存池的交互。 控制层采用Struts2.3.4 来完成与数据库、页面的交互。 系统安全控制采用目前业界优秀的安全组件Acegi Security来保护网络资源及领域对象。 数据访问接口采用符合SOA(SCA )标准的JAVA +Webservices(Xfire) + XML技术 。 客户端与服务器的数据交换采用缓存技术(Ehcache)减少数据库服务器的压力,并提高客户端和服务器端交互效率。
I'm seeking a professional who can accurately reproduce a Word document from an image I will provide. The project entails creating an editable Word document that matches the image with complete precision, including fonts and layout. Key requirements: - Expertise in Word formatting to ensure an exact match - Attention to detail to replicate the image with total fidelity - Ability to deliver a fully editable Word document Ideal candidates for this project will have a strong background in data entry, document formatting, and an excellent command of Microsoft Word.
...The Laravel admin will require the most modifications to suit my needs. Specific Features to Customize in Laravel Admin: - User Management: I need a robust system that can handle multiple user profiles and permissions. - Report Generation: This feature will allow users to generate reports based on their activities within the platform. Report Generation: - Users should have the capability to convert reports into PDF format for sharing. Here are some of the features i want to add...the items #are those features currently available on the platform; Objective: To develop a comprehensive, cloud-based HSE&S management platform that enables real-time data collection, reporting, analysis, and communication for improved workplace safety, compliance, and operational efficiency acr...
For my project, I'm looking for an experienced developer who is proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It involves converting an existing ASP.NET project into an API based one. Primary Tasks: - Convert ASPX pages to a pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript front end - Translate business logics currently in pages to the new setup Key Features: - Data management functionality, specifically financial calculations. An understanding of how to process and maintain these calculations in the new API based project is crucial Ideal Skills and Experience: - Portfolio showcasing prior experience in converting .net to API based projects - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - Understanding of data management systems, specifically financial calculations - Solid knowledge of APIs and how ...
I'm looking for a Python developer who can write a script to convert an XLS file into a CSV file with a specific layout. Key Requirements: - The script should keep specific columns only from the XLS file, which will be defined by me. - It should flip all rows to columns and vice versa, effectively transposing the entire dataset. - The developer should be proficient in Python and have experience working with data manipulation libraries like pandas or openpyxl. - It would also be beneficial if the developer has a good understanding of Excel and CSV file formats. Please note, the specific columns to be included in the CSV file are not the first 5 columns, nor are they all columns, but rather columns with specific names. I ...
I need assistance with converting CSV address rows into columns. What I Need: - Convert CSV address rows into columns - Output strictly in CSV format Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in data manipulation using Excel or CSV - Attention to detail to ensure the accuracy of data conversion
...close deals, and we handle everything else (development, delivery, client management). ✅ Long-Term Growth – Opportunity to become a key business partner or co-founder based on performance. ✅ Flexible Work – Work remotely and manage your own schedule. Your Responsibilities: ? Find & Connect with Clients – Generate leads for custom software, web & mobile app development. ? Negotiate & Close Deals – Convert prospects into long-term clients. ? Drive Business Growth – Build relationships with businesses in need of IT solutions. Ideal Candidate: ✔ Proven experience in IT sales / business development (freelancing or agency sales experience preferred). ✔ Strong network & lead generation skills. ✔ Excellent communication & negotiation sk...
I'm in need of a C# console application that can download files from a provided list in a text file. The application also needs to be able to solve reCAPTCHA v2 when prompted. Key Requirements: - The console application must be compatible with Windows. - It needs to be able to read a text file containing the list of files to be downloaded. - The application must be able to handle reCAPTCHA v2, which may involve implementing a service or library that can solve these challenges. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in C# with experience in developing console applications. - Familiarity with file handling in C#. - Previous experience dealing with reCAPTCHA challenges. - Understanding of Windows platform development.
We are seeking a skilled native Turkish translator to convert our English texts into Turkish, apply here native speakers only.
I'm seeking a tech pack designer based in South Africa with a knack for casual wear. The freelancer will convert my existing designs into detailed tech packs. Requirements: - Experience with tech pack creation, particularly for casual wear. - Skills in detailing measurement charts and stitching specifics. - Ability to effectively communicate and collaborate to bring designs to life. Your portfolio should showcase your experience with tech packs and casual wear. Looking forward to bringing my clothing brand to the next level with your expertise!
I'm looking for a skilled professional to convert my current Woocommerce website to Shopify. The primary aim of this project is to enhance the user experience on my site. Key Requirements: - Migrate all existing data from the Woocommerce site to Shopify. - Implement a modern and clean layout. - Improve site navigation. - Ensure the site is mobile-friendly. I am uncertain about the hosting service at the moment, so your expertise on whether to use Shopify's hosting or a third-party service will be valuable. Ideally, you should have: - Extensive experience with both Woocommerce and Shopify. - A strong portfolio of modern, clean web designs. - Skills in improving site navigation and user experience. - Knowledge of mobile-friendly design principles. - Experience with data mi...
...an interactive energy dashboard for me. The dashboard should track: - Electricity consumption - Renewable energy production - Water consumption - BTU consumption All data will be sourced from daily-updated CSV files, and the visualizations should predominantly consist of line charts. I’ve already designed a sample dashboard in Excel; we just need to replicate and enhance it in Power BI. Key skills and experience required: - Proficient in Excel and Power BI with a strong focus on data visualization - Previous experience in dashboard creation - Competent in handling and working with CSV files - Familiarity with energy data would be a plus - Ability to implement real-time data updates into the dashboard The main improvement we're aiming for over the existing Ex...
I need a professional translator to convert a legal document from German to English. The document is approximately 6-20 pages long. Ideal Skills: - Fluent in both German and English - Extensive experience in legal translation - Attention to detail - Able to adhere to legal terminology and phrasing - Respectful of confidentiality and sensitive content
I need an experienced CAD professional to modify an AutoCAD (.dwg) file. The task involves altering existing structures, adding new components, and adjusting dimensions. Additionally, I require round gutters to be inserted into the design. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in AutoCAD - Previous experience modifying CAD files - Capable of adding new components and adjusting dimensions - Familiarity with incorporating gutter designs into CAD projects
... I want to convert this website to Shopify with the same or better designing. And that must be mobile responsive design as 99% customers comes to your website using mobile so for me, the mobile designing part is more important than the laptop designing part. Shopify customisation isn't an easy task, most people want to use paid plugin for every small thing and I don't want to use paid plugins for every small thing so if you are new to this industry having 2-3 years of experience, you aren't the correct person for this task. I want someone who is having more than 6 years of experience in Shopify website and have made more than 100 websites minimum. You should also watch this video to understand my requirement in more details:
I need a freelancer to help me with transforming my algorithmic trading model into AFL code. The code should interface with my Interactive Brokers account and incorporate several specific functionalities. Key Requirements: - Convert an algorithmic trading model into AFL code - Connect the code to Interactive Brokers - Implement custom alerts into the AFL code - Ensure the code supports automated order execution - Include risk management controls within the code - Provide functionality for backtesting Ideal Candidate Should: - Have a strong background in algorithmic trading and AFL code development - Be familiar with Interactive Brokers - Have experience in implementing custom alerts, order execution and risk management controls in AFL code - Have good understanding of backtesting ...
...Salesforce, and other CRM platforms. - Market Expansion: Leverage your knowledge of the Cybersecurity SaaS landscape to penetrate new markets and drive growth. - Relationship Building: Establish and nurture relationships with potential clients, understanding their needs and presenting tailored solutions. Requirements: - Experience: Proven track record in cold outbound sales with the ability to convert leads effectively. - Tools: Must bring and be proficient with your own lead generation and research tools. - Technical Skills: Familiarity with sales and CRM tools like Apollo, Salesforce, etc. - Industry Knowledge: Experience in SaaS sales, ideally within the Cybersecurity or Information Security fields. - MUS THAVE: Regional Expertise - Demonstrated success in outbound sales tar...
LOGO DESIGN in vectorized file (LAYERED)
I'm looking for a skilled telemarketer to help with lead generation. The primary goal of this campaign is to generate leads for both B2B and B2C. Your tasks will include: - Contacting warm leads (those who have shown some interest) and cold leads (new prospects). - Aiming to convert these leads into potential business opportunities. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in telemarketing, particularly in lead generation. - Excellent communication and persuasion skills. - Experience with both B2B and B2C target audiences.
I need a skilled CorelDRAW professional to line my existing logos. The logos are currently in JPEG/PNG format, so you'll need to convert them to vector format first. Ideal skills: - Proficient in CorelDRAW - Experience with logo design and enhancement - Able to convert raster images to vector format
I'm seeking a professional who can create a Google Ads campaign focused on lead generation for my local business. The primary goals are to attract potential customers and convert them into sales through relevant advertisements. Key Responsibilities: - Set clear objectives for the campaign - Create pertinent search ads that drive conversions - Identify and incorporate negative keywords - Optimize the campaign's performance and budget Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Google Ads - Experience with lead generation campaigns - Ability to create compelling search ads - Competence in campaign optimization - Familiarity with identifying negative keywords Please bid only if you can help me capture prospects and increase my sales locally through search ads.
...hurricane-resistant materials and construction techniques. Key points. 1. House Condition: The house sustained damage from a hurricane. 2. Current Layout: - It's a 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom house. - The master bedroom is on the right side. - There is a great room with a fireplace. - The current kitchen layout is awkward, resembling a horseshoe in the middle of the house. 3. Desired Changes: - Convert the layout to a 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom house. - The second bedroom should have an ensuite bathroom. - Create a dynamic kitchen with an island that seats six. - Include a pantry and a laundry room. - An office is desired but not essential. 4. Structural Considerations: - The house is elevated, providing access underneath. - The great room has east-w...
I've got a little project with 25 php files and sql. The purpose is user can post form, when a form is submitted, it go to a temp database and from a validate page, admin can validate and data goes to final database. Some other page show dat...want them to enter little code (ex: BA321) (this code will be unique, created when an admin is created ) and when an admin view the form result , data will be add in their database - assure all imput and form are utf8 format (seems not work well for now) - help configuring phpmail ( maybe don't work well , can't test for now) maybe little works more according to price and delay : - import xls or csv in data base by css upload - help configuring 3 files in fpdf It's a small projet with really low budget but don't h...