I need to develop an app and web version of adult content sharing.
...點。不過,全家掀起的甜點熱潮並未持續太久,兩、三年後新鮮感退去,全家甜點的業績隨即大幅下滑。「畢竟飯糰可以每天吃,但很少有人天天吃蛋糕。」黃正田分析,隨著愈來愈多零售業者加入,且日本原裝進口物料價格相對較高,一個甜點的單價和傳統蛋糕店價錢差不多。加上甜點對多數人而言並非生活必需品,因此這股嘗鮮紅利並未成功延續,最慘的時候,一年得賠掉上千萬元,「工廠的總經理、副總都一度提出收掉的建議。」談起虧損情況,黃正田苦笑。儘管當時業績連年衰退,但日本全家在甜點的成功經驗,對台灣全家而言就像定心丸。他們深信,台日文化相近,長遠看來,甜點在台灣有前景,因此仍持續鼓勵團隊維持產能。轉機,出現在2014年,超商咖啡正式走進民眾生活,消費者習慣有了改變。黃正田回憶,當時超商咖啡崛起,全家的Let's Café 咖啡業績一年成長八成,於是他們透過咖啡加購甜點優惠,降低入手購買門檻,提升消費者的購買意願。例如,2015年推出即大受好評的法式檸檬塔,為團隊注入一劑強心針,持續優化後,到2020年,每月銷量逾20萬顆。「至少主管們不會再提要把工廠收掉了⋯⋯。」 黃正田指出,儘管在那之後甜點業績還是會有波動,由於整體曲線呈正成長,也讓團隊更有動力持續開發新品。真正讓全家甜點重新攀上高峰,由虧轉盈的關鍵,則是2017年全家赴日考察後所開發出的脆皮泡芙,半年內就推出八種口味,口味多元,深受消費者歡迎,平均每天可賣出約5萬顆。</b30</b20>>黃正田解釋,脆皮泡芙雖是單一產品,但每次推出新口味,都能給客人驚喜,後來,消費者甚至還會許願、敲碗喜歡的口味。互動過程中,全家也開始透過團購限定口味的方式,增加市場討論度。全家是台灣唯一自建甜點產線的零售業者,每條 產線人力約有15人,是一般鮮食的兩倍。全家是台灣唯一自建甜點產線的零售業者,每條 ...
CN2022080001,台州西勒卫浴,ENG 1500 words x2
嗨 Truthful Translation , 我想要邀请您来完成我的项目。更多细节我们可以稍后通过聊天交流。
投标前请务必仔细阅读以下的内容, 并且附上 100 字左右的中文个人简介。 【 工作要求 】 我们已经有一套既定的文案模式, 是透过全面市场分析后所拟定的, 只要跟着我们的步骤和指示完成文案就好。 在写作上,你并不需要十分精通中文, 更不需要天花乱坠的用词, 只需要擅长写广告,文笔简单直白、富有创意, 即使是同一个产品,也懂得用上万种的题材切入,吸引客户的目光,领导他们阅读文案。 【 酬劳 】 我们的酬劳将在彼此取得一定的信任和合作默契以后提高至 35% - 50%, 目前 10,000 字是 10 美元,分为 10 个篇幅,每篇幅度只需 1,000 字左右。 每周至少需要 30 篇,多劳多得。 如果你具备这些要求,也接纳目前的酬劳数额,欢迎随时投标,谢谢。
I need to find a great writer. The abilities he/she must possess are: 1. Proficient in SEO related knowledge 2. Have many years of writing experience 3. Must speak English and Russian (or only Russian), and can write Russian articles 4. Research on topics/themes 5. Need to be familiar with every product of our company. Need to know the functions and features of each product, and under what circumstances the product will be used. You need to clearly know how each product is used, and you can write out the operating steps. What I can provide: 1. Order at least 5 articles per month 2. 20-25$ per article of 1200-1500 words 3. Provide article structure, keywords, and articles on similar topics for your reference If you meet the above conditions, please actively communicate with me, I am ...
您好,Josphine Expert Writer。我留意到了你的简历,想让您参与我的项目。我们可以讨论一下项目的细节。
在《中国审计年鉴(2004-2015)》的各项指标中,“审计查出主要问题金额”、“应上缴财政额”和“应调账处理金额”是最常见的三个度量财政廉洁度的指标 ,但三个指标的绝对值都囿于各县级市的财政规模、经济体量等因素无法直接用于比较,为此我们构造出“单位报告处理金额”和“审计金额率” 两个去量纲化指标,并以前者作为控制变量。
SEO软文写作要求规范: 1、文章围绕关键词进行原创,不得抄袭,负面等 2、文章主内容500字/篇,每篇含1-3个关键词, 每个关键词出现至少一次, 要自然不勉强; 3、每篇另加meta关键词5-6个; meta 标题(30字左右) 和描述文(80字左右), 各要求出现一次关键词; 4、文章根据关键词,围绕行业经验等进行写作,不得写作没有一点用的口水文 5、文章中不得写别的公司、论坛、网站等信息 6、文章病句错字尽量减少,整体符合逻辑 7、文章可以参考网络知识,但不可抄袭,要保证文章原创度 8 、以英語溝通 (電郵或skype)
SEO软文写作要求规范: 1、文章围绕关键词进行原创,不得抄袭,负面等 2、文章主内容500字/篇,每篇含1-3个关键词, 每个关键词出现至少一次, 要自然不勉强; 3、每篇另加meta关键词5-6个; meta 标题(30字左右) 和描述文(80字左右), 各要求出现一次关键词; 4、文章根据关键词,围绕行业经验等进行写作,不得写作没有一点用的口水文 5、文章中不得写别的公司、论坛、网站等信息 6、文章病句错字尽量减少,整体符合逻辑 7、文章可以参考网络知识,但不可抄袭,要保证文章原创度 8、需與外國人以英語溝通 (電郵或skype)
translate from Chinese to english. Translate the file I attached. Send me your translation of the following text to prove your ability before I award the project to you. "针对于医疗保险参保人数,直观看图表有以下特征: 1. 新农合医疗参保人数逐年下降,从2008年至2015年,下降幅度高达17.8%,其中08至13年前六年呈微量上升后下降,自2013年起逐年大幅下跌。 2. 城镇职工及居民基本医保呈逐年递增趋势,其中居民医保增量及增速均大于职工基本医保,并于2012年超过职工基本医保,实现从1.18至3.77亿277%的增量"
Build chinese content sharing platform for users to write and share posts for certain ads revenue sharing. Examples:
中文,英文, 报告,统计,百度搜索,研究,2015/2016年中国的劳动市场有关的知识。。。
Chinese: 需要做3份小册子,每本是8-12面, 内容包含公司介绍,产品特性表示,以故事来引起读者的关心。总共3本,每本不过1000字 English: Need to do three pamphlets, each of the 8-12 surface, contains content company, product features, said in stories to arouse the reader's interest. A total of three, but each of the 1000 words
...百度糯米回应点评美团合并:随时准备继续迎战 2015-10-08 16:39:50 来源: 第一财经日报(上海) 分享到: 1421 “这个新闻(点评与美团联手)不令人吃惊,我不太方便评论,但对糯米来说,we are ready to continue our fighting journey。”10月8日,百度副总裁、百度糯米总经理曾良在接受第一财经客户端记者独家采访时这样说。 外界普遍认为,点评和美团双方联手后,面临的主要竞争对手是声称3年砸200亿的百度糯米;而对“孤军奋战”的糯米来说,美团与点评的抱团,看上去让它少了一个O2O竞争对手,但同时,它的竞争对手也变得更加强大。 事实上,就在三个月前,曾良在一次媒体采访中评价过几位竞争对手,其中就包括点评和美团。“从竞争对手来讲,如果非要说,目前我不是特别看好大众点评,他们的运营效率各方面是有问题的;美团还是一个比较强劲的竞争对手,他最大的优势是现在市场覆盖率非常高,下沉到三四线城市。另外一个潜在的竞争者,可能是58同城和赶集。腾讯目前似乎只是把微信作为一个入口存在,没有真正去深度经营。阿里有想法,口碑逐步建起来,但能不能做起来还有待观察,背后承载服务的特点跟商品还是有区别的。” 此前的美团、大众点评、百度糯米三国杀中,从排名来看,三者的顺序已经很长一段时间没有变化,但在背后,糯米与点评的差距正在缩小。 “竞争对手真没有这么强大。”曾良在今年6月底接受记者采访时说,半年前糯米还是处在比较遥远第三名,可能是百度糯米自身整合花的时间太长了,但在已经走完了从品牌整合到技术整合再到管理模式和团队整合的阶段之后,将近半年下来,美团和当时比市场份额略降了一些,点评下降很快,而糯米业绩的上涨...
We have an Arabic Musical Instruments forum. We would like to have there a professional posts regarding these musical instruments. The post's must be 100% relevant to the Arabic Musical Instruments and should help to attract many Arabic musical instruments players. We need 6 professional posts per day.
...would like to translate the following article into English 市场份额急转直下,美团“烧钱换市场”能走多远 沙水 2015年09月15日 8:46 查看原图 投资人犹豫不决的原因,主要是资本大环境遇冷,投资人开始反思O2O行业是否能够纯靠烧钱赢得最终胜利,尤其是在BAT这三位强悍的巨头面前。 美团可能从来都没有像今年这样焦虑过,不仅是融资之路的一波三折,还有市场份额的急转直下。 继今年1月完成7亿美元D轮融资之后,美团时隔半年之后又开始积极谋求新一轮融资——这说明经过半年的烧钱,账上已经所剩无几。近日有消息称,美团已完成15-20亿美元的E轮融资,不过随后又有媒体爆料这并未最终做实,看来美团融资并不顺利。屋漏偏逢连夜雨,融资遇阻的同时,美团耗费多年构建的先发优势已被巨头们弯道超车,市场份额开始被对手蚕食。 有媒体报道,今年2月-5月份,大众点评的GMV(总交易额)增速已连续四个月超过美团。也有投资人透露,百度糯米的市场份额增速极快。从6月开始,百度糯米每个月能从美团抢下2%份额、从大众点评抢下1%,三个多月时间百度糯米市场份额增长超过100%,而美团和大众点评份额在不断下降。相比之下,美团下滑得更快,预计年内将跌至50%以内。这也意味着在整个市场还在高速增长的情况下,美团的增速是最慢的。 美团会调整自己的“烧钱换市场”战略吗? 美团增长速度下滑,市场份额下降 在2014年美团启动“大跃进”之后,业务快速扩张,上马外卖、酒店诸多新品类,下沉到更多城市,而GMV这一核心KPI疯狂增长,2014年达到破纪录的460亿元,2015年更是定下了1300亿元的目标,上半年已...
将我的产品制作成视频分享到 YouTube Twitter,Facebook marketing,google plus,pinterest,同 时将我产品的的促销信息发布在slickedeals 和fatwallet 上面; 产品信息如下: 1、50% off TotaLohan MX6 Professional Grade LED Flashlight Kit – Our Best and Brightest LED Household Flashlight, Extended Run-time, Rechargeable, Ultra Bright, 5 Modes, Zoom Lens Promo Codes:C7R7MBQX(End Date 09/13/2015 ) Buy link:
Development of a celluar phone and WeChat login module+ WeChat and Weibo content sharing feature for a Chinese H5 website That's it, quite simple. Interested candidates can visit to better understand what's our application about, just a reference.
The app is a simple money keeper app, but it allows users to login to our website as a member to activate back up function. You can see the app visual demo here: And basically the app is similar to We need both iOS and Android version
课程名称: 软件架构 课程链接: 培训日期: 2015-08-11 09:30:00 到 2015-08-13 16:30:00 培训地点: 北京上地 硅谷亮城 培训时长: 21小时(每天7小时) 培训语言:中文(英语) 更多课程信息请点击: 如果你有任何问题及建议,请发邮件或致电Nobleprog中国办公室
更改照片中毕业证的几个单词 1 图片中的Bachelor 改为 Master 2 右下角的 17 September 2014 改为 17 March 2015 要求同样字体 同样大小
Hello, for my web-project I ma seraching a native Chinese speaker & writer, who can write me texts for the website 生日祝福语 (Birthday greetings). I need that you undrestand good english to be able to understand your tasks, with attachment. Then I need that all texts (35 birthday wishes second my instructions) are written in SIMPLIFIED CHINESE CHARACTERS. PLease, read really cerfully my instructions, thank you
i am looking for Chinese writer for my website in simplified word. Around 50-60 words for 1 video. 50 video to be done at the moment. Content need to be fresh. Long term job. prefer somebody who is chinese educated waiting for your bid.
Hello, for my web-project I ma seraching a native Chinese speaker & writer, who can write me texts for the website 生日祝福语 (Birthday greetings). I need that you undrestand good english to be able to undrestand your tasks, viz attechment. Than I need that all texts (all together 9 introduction texts) are written in SIMPLIFIED CHINESE CHARACTERS. I will need from you 1 text for home page, 3 texts for directory pages and 5 introduction texts. PLease, read very cerefully my instructions!!
设计网站美工,已有一名美工,需要和已有的美工一起设计网站页面。 工作开始时间:2015-4-28日起,需要2-3天,完成4-5个页面。线框图已全备。 要求:有网站美工设计经验,具有良好的美感及团队合作能力。
Need to translate below Chinese simplify language content to English: 1. 楠迪国际投资控股集团是英国亿世界国际控股集团,龙领企业集团有限公司,印度尼西亚楠迪国际地产集团,在分析国际经济发展趋势,综合国际经济发展形势和国际经济发展现状,强强联手,合力打造的超规模跨国企业王国。 集团秉承:"求同存异,公平公正,健康发展,共铸辉煌"的合作方略,"为世界经济的复苏和发展作贡献"的企业发展宗旨,将企业集团打造成为世界经济的复苏和发展作贡献的平台,服务世界,造福人类! 在全球经济一体化进程中,集团旗下产业发展迅速,主营业务领域:矿业,石油业,航空业,地产业,科技业,交通运输业,百货业,酒店业等等 今天我们奉行"进取,求实,严谨,团结"的方针,不断开拓创新,以技术为核心,视质量为生命,奉用户为上帝,竭诚为您提供性价比最高的品牌及无微不至的服务. 2. 楠迪国际集团主席兼集团首席执行员 ALLEN HARTONO是主席兼集团首席执行员 他是一位成功的企业家,业务编佈在英国,中国,印度尼西亚,马来西亚,泰国,柬埔寨等多个国家, 集团主席思想解放,观念超前,擅长利用现代科学理论和方法,对国际企业进行组织架构,体制,机制创新,在企业实际基础上建立现代企业制度,实现资产重组,提高企业的运行效率和经营效益,使企业走上可永久持续发展的良性轨道.被誉为现代企业制度的"先行官"。 他也是一位精明和经验丰富的投资家,,熟悉商业市场,,科学投资决策,,规划实体战略,整合人脉资源,在他的专业和行政精英团队的领导下,"达至目标,共享成果"将发挥至淋漓尽致. 楠迪国际集团副主席 ...
...桃花旺盛,單身的容易遇上理想對象,已婚的則容易出現婚外情,需審慎處理社交應酬。 健康 多加注意關節、腸胃及心臟健康問題。若遇上健康問題,只要盡早求醫即可藥到病除。 JULY 事業 事業上有望出現新轉機,如能把握機會及建立良好人際網絡,即可取得新突破。 牛 財運 會有入不敷支的情況出現,容易因錢財惹禍上身,必須謹慎理財。 愛情 需冷靜面對情侶間的爭執,提防第三者乘虛而入。 健康 健康上需注意脾胃問題,須留意飲食衛生,要少喝酒和進食煎炸食物。 AUG 事業 事業運一般,雖未能扶搖直上,但只要腳踏實地,可穩步發展。 虎 財運 財運一般,下半年的偏財運較佳,有利投資。 愛情 感情方面有不俗的收獲,單身的朋友在適當的時機主動出擊,可望覓得良緣。 健康 病痛不多,但注意工作帶來的疲累。閒暇時多鍛鍊身體,放鬆身心。 SEP 事業 充滿事業上的機遇,若配合良好的人際關係,定能順勢而上。 兔 財運 偏財運較旺,加上有貴人相助,可望在投資或副業上獲得不錯的回報。 愛情 感情生活多姿多彩,單身者易與異性擦出火花,已婚者則夫妻和睦。 健康 健康運一般,切忌暴飲暴食,宜多運動,調整身體機能,防患未然。 OCT 事業 工作上容易覺得急躁,宜注意情緒,多做事少說話。 龍 財運 夏天及冬天財運較旺,但要注意做好扎實的基礎,方能獲得機會。 愛情 愛情運一般,會出現眾多追求者,但多欠缺默契,屬霧水情緣。 健康 需保持良好的飲食習慣,少吃辛辣的食物,注意腸胃健康。 NOV 事業 事業方面,宜守不宜攻,需靜觀其變,將可取得不錯的成績。 蛇 財運 財運一般,易失小財,需腳踏實地,避免投資及賭...
Following is the format and structure of the requirement 论文计划书要求 开题报告 第一章 绪论(20%) -前言Pendahuluan -研究背景Latar belakang kajian -问题提出Pernyataan masalah -研究思路Kerangka Konseptual -研究目的(最多3项)Objektif kajian – (maksimum 3 objektif) -研究问题(3至5项)Soalan kajian – (antara 3 – 5 persoalan) -研究的重要性Kepentingan kajian -研究范围Batasan kajian -变量的表述Definisi pembolehubah -小结Rumusan 第二章 文献回顾(10%) -前言Pendahuluan -理论与相关概念Teori dan konsep berkaitan -过往研究Kajian-kajian lepas -小结Rumusan 第三章 研究方法(10%) -前言Pendahuluan -研究设计Rekabentuk kajian -采样(研究对象)Persampelan -研究工具Instrument kajian -数据分析(描述性)Anali...
I'm looking for an experienced press release writer with a background in journalism, specifically in the maritime sector. The press release will focus on an event, referring to the Miami Vice boat from the iconic TV series. The primary goal of the press release is to generate media coverage for this event. Key Responsibilities: - Crafting compelling and newsworthy press releases - Highlighting the significance of the Miami Vice boat - Attracting media attention and coverage for the event Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience as a press release writer - Background in maritime journalism is highly preferred - Exceptional storytelling and writing skills - Strong understanding of media and how to generate coverage
I'm looking for a talented content writer specialized in crafting engaging social media posts aimed at driving traffic to my website. The content should be tailored for Google (specifically Google My Business, as my focus is on gaining visibility on this platform). Key Requirements: - Proven experience in writing social media content. - Familiarity with Google as a content platform. - Ability to create posts that effectively drive website traffic. Skills & Experience: - Content writing & SEO expertise - Knowledge of social media trends - Experience with driving traffic through social media
I need a creative and experienced copywriter who can create engaging content for my company's Facebook and Instagram pages. The primary objective of this content will be to promote our products and services. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven track record in creating compelling social media content - Deep understanding of Facebook and Instagram dynamics - Ability to align content with brand voice and objectives - Experience in writing persuasive promotional content
I am in need of an experienced research paper writer who specializes in the Science & Technology sector, specifically in Environmental Science. The paper should be a comprehensive case study focused on the topic “Decarbonizing Urban Transportation: A Case Study of Montreal.” Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive knowledge and experience in writing about Environmental Science and Urban Transportation. - Proficiency in research paper writing - Ability to present complex information in a digestible format - Experience in writing case studies - Strong understanding of academic writing standards and requirements Find the attached abstract of the article.
I'm in search of a video editor who can work with a pre-existing template to create three videos daily for an entertainment account. The goal is to make the account go viral. Requirements: - Edit videos in a fast-paced, dynamic style - Each video should be 1-3 minutes long - Experience with creating and editing content for social media platforms is a must - A good understanding of what makes content shareable and engaging Once the account goes viral, payment will be based on the revenue generated in Spain. I am open to hearing offers.
I'm looking for a skilled video content creator. You will not need to assist with scripting, as I already have my draft. Ideal candidates should have experience in creating engaging video content, understanding of pacing, visual storytelling, and sound design. Skills in editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro or similar are essential.
We are looking for an experienced WordPress developer to address and resolve a specific issue on our WordPress blog pages: The visual editor of the wordpress Editor (Guttenberg) only shows at the beginng the entries, but after Layouting it with Elementor not anymore. Our website uses Wordpress and Elementor Pro, so familiarity with this tool is essential. We rate this tasks around 80 Euro. Tasks • Diagnose and fix the issue with the Wordpress visual editor (Gutenberg) for the posts (not the pages!), like mentioned before. o Resolving potential conflicts or performance bottlenecks. o Ensuring Elementor Pro features are optimized and functioning correctly. • Test all changes to ensure the site functions seamlessly across devices and browsers and report after that. Required Skil...
I'm in search of a dedicated Social Media and Marketing Specialist to join my team long-term. Your primary focus will be to create engaging text and video content and manage our social media and online presence. Key Responsibilities: - Content Creation: Primarily video-focused, but also including photos, reels, and other engaging content. - Social Media Management: Post and schedule content, engage with our audience, and monitor progress on Facebook and Instagram. - Blog Management: Write and post engaging and relevant blog content on our website. - Email Campaigns: Develop strategies, create templates, and manage campaigns using both MailChimp and HootSuite. - SEO Collaboration: Work with our SEO team to manage keywords and track progress. Ideal ...
I'm looking for a skilled writer to craft a casual-toned lifestyle magazine article aimed at professionals. Key Requirements: - Expertise in lifestyle topics - Ability to write in a casual, yet engaging tone - Understanding of professional audience interests and needs - Experience in magazine writing preferred
...and experienced freelancer to manage weekly content creation for our brand's Instagram account. The content should align with our brand aesthetics and engage our target audience effectively. Deliverables (per week): 3 Instagram Posts: High-quality, visually appealing static posts or carousels. 3 Instagram Reels: Short, engaging videos showcasing our services, offers, or behind-the-scenes content. 1 Video: A slightly longer-form video for deeper storytelling (up to 60 seconds). 3 Instagram Stories: Interactive and visually captivating stories with stickers, polls, or other Instagram features. Key Requirements: Proven experience in social media content creation, particularly for Instagram. Ability to create visually cohesive and brand-aligned content...
...Team as a Greek Content Editor About the Project: • This project involves crafting high-quality Greek content for a leading client in the hospitality sector. • It also includes editing and refining Greek translations of existing English materials to ensure top-notch quality. What We’re Looking For: • Native Greek Speaker: Must be a native of Greece with an exceptional grasp of the language. • Independent Content Creator: This position is for individuals, not translation agencies. • Proven Track Record: Must have a history of positive reviews and demonstrable success in content creation. • Portfolio Submission: Writing samples and evidence of previous work are required to assess your expertise. • Original Content...
We are looking for a content writer with a basic understanding of content creation, eager to grow and develop their skills. Since the content type, industries/topics, and article length are not yet defined, flexibility and a willingness to learn are essential for this role. Compensation: ₹10,000 per month Ideal Skills: - Basic adaptability in writing styles for different audiences - General awareness of a variety of topics - Willingness to learn and improve task management - Familiarity with grammar basics to produce error-free content - Eagerness to develop technical and social media writing skills - Basic editing skills with attention to clarity and coherence - Enthusiasm to learn time management and audience analysis - Openness to multitask and handle...
I'm in need of a skilled content writer to help with crafting a top-notch informative article. The document is relatively short, spanning only 1-5 pages. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in content writing, particularly for informative articles - Strong command of grammar, punctuation, and style - Ability to write clear, engaging, and well-structured content - Experience in proofreading and editing - Capacity to deliver high-quality work within a set timeframe