我正在寻找一位可靠的买家和物流专家来帮助我从亚马逊印度购买一体机并将其运送到中国。 主要职责: - 从亚马逊印度采购并购买优质的一体机打印机。 - 处理所有物流和运输流程。 - 为运送到中国的海关文件提供全面协助。 理想的技能和经验: - 在国际采购和物流方面拥有丰富的经验。 - 熟悉亚马逊印度及其产品。 - 海关和运输文件方面的专业知识。 - 值得信赖和可靠。 如果您能提供帮助,请与我们联系。 我对打印机的偏好是 Brother DCP-L2541DW。 标准运输是可以接受的。 运输不需要保险。 请使用 FedEx 进行运输。 该项目的预算(包括购买和运输)在 300 美元到 500 美元之间。 首选的配送时间表是 standard。 交货类型应为门到门。 该项目的首选时间表是在 2 周内。 请使用标准包装材料进行运输。 请为货物投保。
嗨 Chetan T., 我想要邀请您来完成我的项目。更多细节我们可以稍后通过聊天交流。 First: Because it is a relatively new store, and there are many sales restrictions on products, I need you to find products with sales rights Second: When you select products, you need to add $1.2/piece of cost Third: I hope that the type of products should be toys, not clothes, not included batteries, not food Fourth: Roi is about 30% Fifth: Purchase from wholesalers who can provide invoices Last:the product has a good sales volume. I want to see how the product you choose is. Then decide whether to continue. Thanks,
I need to find a great writer. The abilities he/she must possess are: 1. Proficient in SEO related knowledge 2. Have many years of writing experience 3. Must speak English and Russian (or only Russian), and can write Russian articles 4. Research on topics/themes 5. Need to be familiar with every product of our company. Need to know the functions and features of each product, and under what circumstances the product will be used. You need to clearly know how each product is used, and you can write out the operating steps. What I can provide: 1. Order at least 5 articles per month 2. 20-25$ per article of 1200-1500 words 3. Provide article structure, keywords, and articles on similar topics for your reference If you meet the above conditions, please activel...
我们已经有一套完整的交易所代码,已经在测试环境搭好,留了ztpay钱包的部分币种端口,需要对接其余端口,希望能有熟手帮 忙二次开发下 所提交的PHP后端代码为Laravel框架,现在对接了的钱包功能,前端是VUE开发,需要对个人中心的提取虚拟货币接口进行修复。 提供代码为:VUE前端的反编译代码与完整的PHP代码,详情可以参考Laravel的路由模块。 此git仓库是前端VUE的部分源码,需要进行修复: 1. 登录注册无论成功还是失败状态都没有弹窗提醒。 2. 后台设置交易手数为0.1,0.01时,客户在前台操作,仍然报告不得少于1手,如图5、6 3.钱包对接,需要接入ZTpay,ZTpay提供第三方钱包地址功能,开放文档: ZTpay提供了API接口,可以调用生成钱包地址、充值、提取、读取账户信息功能。已经提供部分对接信息,需要完善功能,并在前台能渲染QR code和数字货币地址。如图X/x 可以给我留下github账号,我会授权你访问我的仓库,可以评估下是否接受。完成BTC钱包并实现充币(前台)功能可以给milestone2000HKD,在完成其余9种数字货币(重复性工作),给3000HKDmilestone。修复两个bug,分别给1000HKDmilestone。
最近在建一个外卖送餐的网站,需要接入Xunhupay的(微信和支付宝)支付模块。 网站使用的是foodomaa的整站代码: 需要的技能有: Software Version: PHP 7.x Software Framework: Laravel File Types Included: JavaScript JSJavaScript JSON HTML CSS PHP SQL Layered PNG 如果您感兴趣,可以写信给我,价格好商量。 另外网站还有其它的一些改版工作要做,我们可以具体讨论一下能不能一并做。 等您回复哦……
I'm looking for a translator for a Chinese webnovel, its chapter has around 3000 Chinese characters (words). I will pay 5$ for every 1000 characters so it will be around 15$ for every chapter. I intend to hire many peoples and my criteria aren't really high, so don't worry about whether you will be accepted or not and just apply. if interested, translate this small text and send it to me. 周掌柜在一旁看的好奇又焦灼,烛光下只见他肤色雪白,汗珠晶莹,忍不住心中一跳,拿了块干净的布递过去:“要不然你先擦擦汗,休息一下。” 那考官的招数,也不花哨,跨前一步,只是随意一拳轰出。 “男儿在世,活要活的潇灑自在,死也要死的轰轰烈烈,死的其所。你这么窝窝囊囊的死,你以为自己壮烈了,潇灑了,对得起师恩了。你可想过,这般死,你对得起自己么?对得起自己那颗向道之心么?”
My company makes umbrellas. Now my website wants to be revised, and I need a front-end designer to do the revision design for my website. I hope this designer is from the United States, with at least 3 years of experience in website design, and at least 10 cases. If this cooperation is pleasant, we will have many opportunities for other projects. Our future is looking forward to creating with you, thank you.
遇到不靠谱开发人,需要找靠谱开发者继续完成网站 这是网站开发情况:大概60%的完成度 用的是PHP Laravel, Mysql 需要完成网站和后台Admin的建设,并且deploy到Heroku和AWS 上面 第三方软件需要: Shippo: Stripe: Paypal: 有兴趣请联系我,预计是4周完成
I'm looking for a translator for a chinese webnovel, its chapter has around 3000 characters. I will pay 2$ for every 1000 characters so it will be around 6$ for every chapter. I intend to hire many peoples and my criteria are quite low, so don't worry about whether you will be accepted or not and just apply. if interested, translate this small text and send it to me, [Removed by Freelancer.com Admin for offsiting - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions] 周掌柜在一旁看的好奇又焦灼,烛光下只见他肤色雪白,汗珠晶莹,忍不住心中一跳,拿了块干净的布递过去:“要不然你先擦擦汗,休息一下。” 那考官的招数,也不花哨,跨前一步,只是随意一拳轰出。 “男儿在世,活要活的潇灑自在,死也要死的轰轰烈烈,死的其所。你这么窝窝囊囊的死,你以为自己壮烈了,潇灑了,对得起师恩了。你可想过,这般死,你对得起自己么?对得起自己那颗向道之心么?”
I need a team of Chinese singers to sing an extended version of the Chinese National Anthem for me. My budget is exactly $205, no more, no less. Just let me know how many singers I can get for $205. If I like the result, we can add more. Teams of voice talents only. Individuals will be declined. Below I have included the instrumental and a vocal guide. Here are the full lyrics: 起来! 不愿做奴隶的人们! 把我们的血肉,筑成我们新的长城! 中华民族到了最危险的时候, 每个人被迫着发出最后的吼声。 起来! 起来! 起来! 我们万众一心, 冒着敌人的炮火,前进! 冒着敌人的炮火,前进! 前进! 前进! 进! 前进! 各民族英雄的人民! 伟大的共产党领导我们继续长征。 万众一心奔向共产主义明天, 建设祖国保卫祖国英勇的斗争。 前进!前进!前进! 我们千秋万代 高举毛泽东旗帜,前进! 高举毛泽东旗帜,前进! 前进! 前进! 进!
目前我们有个PHP项目(已有国外accelerator选中),主要是帮助欧洲中小企业更好地找中国大陆的产品或者供应商。 希望找一位负责任的PHP工程师,developer Laravel to mantain web application already done (90%) based on support tickets model. Requested skill: HTML, CSS e Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and jQuery, Blade, Eloquent and basic knowlege of LAMP to work in deploy mode. 目前我们考虑的是技术入股(都可以商量),有兴趣的话,其他方面都可以详聊。 (只要有心做好这个项目,在职人员、自由职业者等都可以。懂英语的优先)
找一位懂PHP的,做过PHP东西,能用PHP做修改或是加code进去修改我们的application。跟我们公司商务人员一起去斯洛文尼亚(去首都,Ljubljana )参加培训。 主要围绕我们公司一个即将进行的新平台的项目,如何更好地改善这个新平台的项目。要求熱悉laravel PHP framework,最好懂英语!最好有申根签证,没有也没关系!因为培训是4月1日开始,目前是越早能到达斯洛文尼亚越好!总培训时间2-3个月,希望大家可以帮忙转发一下!包吃包住,自己报价和发简历。多谢大家!有兴趣的赶紧发简历和报价了! 签证和机票钱公司负责,全程包吃包住,不需要提交任何费用。
我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作Amazon Copywriter - Product Title, Bullet Points & Description for one product'
We have an Arabic Musical Instruments forum. We would like to have there a professional posts regarding these musical instruments. The post's must be 100% relevant to the Arabic Musical Instruments and should help to attract many Arabic musical instruments players. We need 6 professional posts per day.
build a powerful website for B2C use. It‘s need a beautiful page and operate simple with many languages like English and Chinese in both front and backstage. Need to support paypal, VISA,Strill and membership ,can leave a message. reference website:
I'm looking for a skilled Laravel developer to customize the Shopwise script to better suit my needs. Key Areas of Customization: - User Interface: I want a new layout design for the UI. - Product Management: This area also needs some tweaking. Specific UI Changes: - A complete overhaul of the layout. This will involve implementing a new color scheme, a different page structure, and custom fonts. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Laravel and familiar with the Shopwise script. - Strong UI/UX design skills. - Experience with product management systems. - Able to implement a new color scheme, different page structure, and custom fonts effectively.
Resumen del Proyecto: Plataforma de Compra de Casas Segura y Personalizada Objetivo: Crear una plataforma web y/o app que permita a los clientes comprar casas de manera segura y personalizada, sin necesidad de contacto inicial con un vendedor, pero con la opción de asistencia en cu...2Checkout, TiendaBox). Confirmación automática y envío de notificaciones al usuario. Automatización y Recuperación de Clientes: Emails y notificaciones para clientes que no completan la compra. Seguimiento inteligente con opción de contacto humano. Opciones de Financiamiento: Calculadora de hipotecas. Tecnología Recomendada: Front-end: React.js, Vue.js o Flutter. Back-end: Node.js, Laravel o Python. Base de Datos: PostgreSQL o Fireb...
We are launching a new product on 26th August and need a custom Notion workspace to manage tasks across multiple teams (both tech & non-tech). The system should be simple, mobile-friendly, and easy to use, as many team members are not tech-savvy. Key Features Required: ? Task & Project Tracking ✅ Single Page View – Track all pending activities in one place (e.g., website development, vendor hiring) ✅ Task & Subtask Management – Each task can have multiple subtasks for better tracking ✅ Track by Department & Assignee – View status updates for the Marketing Team, Engineering Team, etc. ✅ Progress Tracking – Percentage-based completion tracking ? Advanced Filtering & Custom Views ✅ Pre-set filters to track by Dep...
I'm in need of a versatile professional who can help with various tasks, mainly focusing on copywriting and content creation specifically for Instagram. Key Responsibilities: - Crafting compelling copy across a variety of themes and topics - Creating engaging Instagram content that resonates with our audience - Assisting with other tasks as needed Ideal Ski...Instagram. Key Responsibilities: - Crafting compelling copy across a variety of themes and topics - Creating engaging Instagram content that resonates with our audience - Assisting with other tasks as needed Ideal Skills: - Excellent copywriting skills - Deep understanding of Instagram and its content dynamics - Versatile in handling different types of tasks Please get in touch if you're ready to help with thi...
...lenguaje para generar y registrar insights automatizados y aportar valor al análisis de datos. Interfaz y Formularios Front-end: Desarrollar formularios web dinámicos y condicionales para la captura de información de los encuestados. Considerar UX, incorporando diseños actualizados y que sean tendencia. Requisitos Técnicos y Experiencia: Experiencia comprobada a nivel semi senior en desarrollo con Laravel (versión 9 o superior) y PHP. Sólidos conocimientos en MySQL, diseño de bases de datos y optimización de consultas. Experiencia demostrable en el desarrollo e integración de dashboards. Competencia en la integración y consumo de APIs, tanto para exponer datos desde el back-end como para su uso en el da...
I'm seeking a skilled Laravel developer to assist in the development of a new web application. The project will involve: - Working closely with me to understand the vision for the application - Writing clean, maintainable, and efficient code - Implementing best practices for web development The ideal candidate for this project should: - Have extensive experience with Laravel - Be proficient in PHP and web development in general - Have a keen eye for detail and a commitment to quality Please note, the specific core features of the application are yet to be determined. Flexibility and creativity in suggesting features will be greatly appreciated.
Quiero mejorar unos formularios y otras cositas en mi app web de Laravel , por favor lea el adjunto no oferte si no ha leído. Solo idioma español.
I'm seeking a skilled Laravel developer to finalize my 80% complete custom project. It's designed for managing a Law Firm and includes features like Twilio SMS integration, a dashboard, and more. The task involves adding some features, fixing bugs, and enhancing the user interface for client login. NO PRICE TO BE OUT OF FREELANCER , NO FAKE BIDDING THEN ASKING FOR DIFFERENT AMOUNTS , YOUR BID IS WHAT YOU GET . Key responsibilities: - Manage and implement email notifications for appointment confirmations and expiry dates. - Fix bugs in update and delete operations in CRUD. - Improve the UI for client login. - Comment on existing code for better understanding. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Laravel framework. / livewire / i am using metronic larave...
...a multivendor script called 6amMart - Multivendor Food (Laravel framework) which has a payment gateway from a local Thawani Pay PSP company. To receive international payments (USD and EUR) I am planning to set up a Visanet gateway (Payment by QR code - Payment link). I am looking for a strong freelancer who can create a payment gateway and VisaNet account for my website and fix any issues until actual payments are made. Our goal is to create a payment link that will be shared with the customer after purchasing from the website and he will be able to make the payment via VisaNet. The user should be able to scan that code or click on that link and be redirected to the payment page and after the user pays the money will be transferred to...
I'm seeking a skilled Blender professional to help me enhance my rendering skills and create product models. I am currently at an intermediate level, looking for a minimum of 10 one-hour sessions. Each session will be conducted over remotePC, with the aim of improving my abilities and understanding of Blender. Key Focus Areas: - Rendering: I want to dive deeper into the intricacies of Blender's rendering capabilities. - Product Modeling: I need guidance on how to effectively create product models. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Blender. - Proven teaching experience, preferably with remote one-on-one sessions. - Strong understanding of product modeling and rendering. - Patience and ability to...
More details: What kind of reports are you looking to make on the Discord account? Scam Are you looking for a detailed report format or a simple one? Simple Do you already have evidence for the scam activities? Yes, I have evidence links here
Básicamente necesito tres cosas en mi app médica de Laravel 9 Vue 2 . - Consulta en línea ( videoconferencia entre paciente y doctor(webRTC) sin API de pago como twilio) - Que los pacientes puedan puntuar con estrellas a los médicos y dar su opinión de cada cita. - Despliegue en servidor de cPanel.
...skilled development team to build a comprehensive, integrated management system for our therapeutic riding program. The system, known as Wesal Alkhair Connect, will automate and consolidate data streams from multiple sources—including rider registration, assessments, medical histories, horse profiles, employee records, incident reporting, and volunteer tracking—into one unified, secure, and scalable platform. Below is a detailed description of every technical requirement and specification for the project. Project Overview Purpose: Automate data collection and management by integrating diverse forms and processes (rider registration, assessments, medical history, horse profiles, employee and volunteer management, incident reporting, and scheduling). The syste...
I need a proficient web developer with experience in integrating payment gateways, specifically Stripe, into a builder web...developer with experience in integrating payment gateways, specifically Stripe, into a builder website. The website will primarily handle one-time payments. Key Requirements: - Implement Stripe payment gateway for one-time transactions. - Set up payment confirmation emails to be sent post-purchase. - Ensure the system can handle discount or promo codes during transactions. Please note, this project does not require support for multiple currencies, so a solid understanding and experience with Stripe's one-time payment features is crucial. If you have a knack for detail and a proactive approach towards potential issues, I look forwa...
-Deleting a couple of unnecessary sentences that are inaccurate - Delete the whole section which is understated - Remove one false section from Wikipedia account - understanding of Wikipedia's guidelines and policies
I'm looking for a proficient developer to assist with my drinks website. Tasks will include fixing blog formatting issues, adding product descriptions, and improving the SEO. The site is NODE JS / Laravel - not sure what else.. Specific Tasks: - Resolving blog formatting issues: Images not displaying correctly, links not working, and tags on images/captions not showing. - Adding basic text: Product descriptions to be included. - SEO enhancement: Help improve the overall SEO of the site. Ideal Skills: - Web Development - SEO Knowledge - Problem-Solving - Experience with WordPress or similar platforms - Attention to detail
Is there no one that knows about and understands Merch On Demand by Amazon? *If you are not an expert in tshirt ranking for Merch on Demand don't reply *If you use ads, link building or talk about products or storefront don't reply This is Results based I'm in urgent need of a professional who can ORGANICALLY Rank my T-shirts on the first page of MERCH IN DEMAND BY AMAZON. This role specifically focuses on Amazon Merch on Demand for T-shirts and does not involve ads or link building or products. Must be organic and be an expert with Amazon A10 Algorithm and can guarantee to rank on first page Key Responsibilities: - Optimizing listings for T-shirt designs, including title, brand, bullet 1, bullet 2, and description. -This is Results based. Rank first page g...
Published usin It is a multi-user app (one requires an administrator and other users) that acts as an exam preparation site for multiple courses. Frameworks to be used These are the mandatory frameworks on which the project has to be built. Flask for application back-end Jinja2 templating, HTML, CSS and Bootstraps for application front-end SQLite for database (No other database is permitted) Note: All demos should be possible on your local machine. Roles The platform will have two roles: Admin - root access - It is the superuser of the app and requires no registration Admin is also known as the quiz master There is only one admin to this application The administrator login redirects to the quiz master/admin dashboard The administrator will m...
This is for a beer label and will lead to many more. We’d like this label done in the same style as our attached labels. I attached our logo to be used in the center. We’d like all the content that you see on all of the attached labels included on this one. This is an OG American IPA that dates back to pre-West Coast IPA. I'm thinking a west coast meets Third Nature Brewing vibe for the label. Maybe Big Sur (pictured) and the redwood tree with the tent next to it on one side and and the rogue river with our forest and hop trellis on the other. Something along these lines with the more adventurer/outdoors theme for the label. West Nature IPA American IPA 6.7% 60IBU Citrus, pine and bitter yet balanced. The flavors that b...
Hi Ria! This is Kopari Beauty - We’ll be paying $1 per your tickets replied so expect an invoice on a monthly basis outlining how many tickets you replied to. We will pay in US dollars. You are responsible for all taxes. Either party can terminate our agreement with 30 days written notice. The tickets will primarily consist of customer support queries.
I need a qualified solar engineer who is registered in South Africa or who is able to assist with the registration of residential solar installations for SSEG. The ideal freelancer will help with: - Signing off papers: Confirming that all necessary paperwork is completed and signed. - Verification of compliance: Ensuring that all installations meet required standards and regulations. - Drafting drawings for municipality approval: Creating and submitting necessary plans for municipal consent. The engineer will need to verify that the installation is compliant and draft a drawing for approval for the municipality. We will have many of these SSEGs maybe 20 a month
...Features & Modules 1. User Roles & Access Control • Admin (Owner): Full control over system functions. • Staff (Employees): Can add expenses, view their reimbursements, and check vehicle file status. 2. Vehicle File Management • Ability to create a new file for each vehicle clearance using: o Chassis Number / File Number (Unique Identifier) o Client Name o Vehicle Details o Status: Pending, In Progress, Cleared o Total Expenses Incurred • Staff members can only add expenses if the file is active. • Admin has access to re-open a file in case a staff member forgot to add an expense. 3. Expense Tracking & Reimbursement • Staff members can log daily expenses for each file by selecting: o Chassis/File Number o Expense Type (Cus...
...application? You've come to the right place! I specialize in developing modern web applications using Laravel (PHP) and React (JavaScript) to deliver fast, secure, and user-friendly solutions tailored to your business needs. What I Offer: Full-Stack Development Backend with Laravel & Frontend with React Custom Web Applications Tailored to your unique requirements API Development & Integration Secure and well-documented APIs Authentication & Role-Based Access Secure login and user management Database Design & Optimization MySQL/PostgreSQL with efficient queries Admin Panels & Dashboards Manage your data with ease Bug Fixes & Performance Optimization Improve speed and reliability Third-Party Integrations Pa...
I am looking for an experienced Laravel and React developer to integrate Shiprocket API into my multi-vendor e-commerce platform (6ammart-based). The integration will allow vendors to manage shipping directly from our platform without needing to log into Shiprocket. Project Scope: 1. Admin Dashboard Enhancements: • Add an option “Enable 3rd Party Shipping” in store settings. • Manage API details and settings for a centralized Shiprocket account. • Allow vendors to configure pickup addresses. 2. Vendor Dashboard Features: • Fetch and display real-time shipping options with pricing from Shiprocket. • Allow vendors to select a shipping option, generate and print shipping labels. • Let vendors manage t...
I'm seeking a professional to rework my estimating spreadsheet. This is primarily for estimating material and labor costs. The spreadsheet should provide a detailed breakdown of costs, not just a high-level summary. Spreadsheet calculates the amount of concrete, tile, coping and plaster based off of pool dimensions. Inputs are Perimeter, water surface area, interior Surface area, distance of the equipment from the furthest edge of the pool Spreadsheet allows you to pick from a list of material that included the material cost along with a "kit" of other items that are required to complete that Piece of the project.. for example: a pool skimmer kit may include, Skimmer, PVC Pipe, PVC Fittings, Glue, and Labor hours.. All of the items in the Kit ...
I have many pdfs and I need them separated. each pdf will take 10 mins to 1 hour to be separated depending on your skills. The pay is fixed at $1 per pdf. Task: Splitting a PDF Based on Specific Keywords Overview You will be provided with a PDF file containing multiple pages. Each page contains different keywords at the top. Your task is to separate the original PDF into multiple smaller PDFs based on three specific keywords: GB022-24 GB022-24(BE) B022-24K(BE) Each new PDF should contain only the pages where the respective keyword appears. Example Explanation Let’s say the original PDF file is: ? SP_GB022-24(K)_7747101981_2010-04 (all) If the keyword GB022-24(BE) appears on Page 2, Page 4, Page 6, and Page 10, then: You need to create a ne...
I need a responsive and user-friendly website similar to The Abu Dhabi Pass to help customers buy and explore travel experiences. The platform should allow users to: ✅ Create an account (with email and social login options). ✅ Browse available passes (detailed descriptions, pricing, and benefits). ✅ Choose a pass based on their preferences. ✅ Purchase the pass securely (integrated payment gateway). ✅ Receive digital access to their pass (via email or user dashboard). Key Features: User Dashboard: Track purchases, view active passes. Admin Panel: Manage passes, track sales, and user activity. Mobile-Friendly & Fast: Optimized for all devices. Multi-language Support (Optional). Secure Payments (Stripe, PayPal, etc.). SEO-Friendly for better visibility. ? Tec...
We are a local plastering and drylining company in Cannock, Staffs WS11 7LG, currently in need of a qualified freelance Quantity Surveyor (QS). The ideal candidate will be responsible for c...Surveyor (QS). The ideal candidate will be responsible for conducting take-offs for both dry lining and plastering. Key Responsibilities: - Regularly attending our office once or twice a week (local to Cannock is a must) - Conducting accurate take-offs for both dry lining and plastering - Delivering take-offs in digital format (Excel files) Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Excel - Prior experience as a QS in the plastering and drylining industry - Able to conduct both dry lining and plastering take-offs - Local to Cannock and able to attend our office r...
...looking for a designer to create a logo based on the example I will provide. The logo will consist of the text and a towel. Specific Requirements: - For the 1000x600 image: The towel should be placed before the name “LENE,” with no “towel store” text underneath. The towel’s colors should remain the same as in example. The background should be transparent. I would like two versions: one with black text and one with white text. Please start your proposal with the word 'towelz' so I know you actually read the task, thanks. - For the 500x500 image: The towel should be placed above the text. The background should be transparent, and I would like two versions: one with black text and one with white text...
Opportunity for experienced Laravel developers to work on our projects. Also, should be able to complete the tasks in a quicker time. All bugs are to be fixed free of charge. will be on task documents at a fixed price only. Please send your answers to the below questions; 1. What type of Software you have done in Laravel+Vue? 2. How many years of Industry experience you have in Laravel software development? 3. How many years of Industry experience you have in Vue software development? 4. How many years of Industry experience you have in Laravel + Vue software development? 5. What are your other skills and capabilities? 6. Are you employed anywhere now and if as in which capacity and responsibilities? 7. What i...
I'm looking to develop a Laravel-based application that generates both 2D and 3D floor plans. The application should be AI-driven and include the following features: a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, real-time rendering capabilities, and compatibility with Virtual Reality (VR). Key Components: - The application must allow users to import existing floor plans, in addition to creating new ones. - The AI should assist in floor plan generation, making the process more intuitive and efficient. Ideal Candidate: - Proficiency in Laravel and AI application development is crucial. - Experience in creating 2D and 3D model design applications is highly desired. - A solid background in implementing drag-and-drop interfaces and real-time rendering featur...
New Junior level freelancer from Pakistan or india of laravel. I need at low budget. I am looking for a junior level Laravel developer to help me with a new project. The tasks will involve bug fixing and potentially database management. The ideal candidate should have a good understanding of backend development and be able to work with existing code. Experience with web application and API development would be beneficial. Please note this is a junior level position, suitable for someone looking to gain more experience in Laravel development.
...month to month subscription basis . Can be able to see the status of Extension user like active , idle or waiting for calls . Facility to download the call reports to check like how many calls have landed . Options to change the Main TFN/DID Number whenever required . Must ensure seamless and smooth working on day to day basis. Month basis guarantee and warranty for the TFN / DIDs service . Monthly budget is not more than $150 with 5 Extensions. Second requirement is getting a single DID for incoming and outgoing facility. With an easy option to login from Windows or Android or Ios device .( $15 budget max ) Thirdly , need a forwarding panel to forward the incoming calls to other USA TFN/DIDs with an optio...