...setting to automatically load a preset role when users first interact with the chatbot. All role configurations should be customizable in the backend for easy adjustments of role content and policies. (This item is missing; there is no number 7 in the original document.) Chat Voice Functionality Add a voice interaction feature allowing users to engage with the chatbot through voice. The voice functionality should consume user tokens, with backend logging to prevent misuse. Image Voice Functionality Add a feature for voice descriptions of images, allowing users to hear a description of the content. This feature should also consume user tokens, with backend logging to prevent misuse. Cloudflare R2 Storage Configuration We have purchased a Clou...
...encrypted). We need to develop an management panel that is exactly the same as it. And add some new functions to make it more suitable for mobile phone display effects. Optimize AI functions: Add new functions and optimize AI functions: including: the original AI Chat function (add canvas function, search function, memory function, multimodal function, export document function, real-time voice interaction function, voice to text function, memory function), AI drawing function (add editable pictures, expand picture function, select redraw function, remove background, picture design canvas), AI music function (can generate music with one click, make partial modification to the generated music, music composer lyrics matching function, add our watermark logo), AI video funct...
...buttons may cause the app to loop or redirect continuously. Sometimes, after switching to another language, it automatically reverts back to English and doesn't retain the user's chosen language. Publishing to Google Play Internal Testing: After fixing the above issues, I need assistance in publishing the app to Google Play's internal testing track for further testing and validation. I need a developer to: Identify and fix these issues, ensuring the app runs smoothly on Android 14 while maintaining compatibility with lower Android versions. Assist in publishing the fixed app to Google Play's internal testing, ensuring the upload and configuration processes are completed successfully. Specific Requirements: Familiarity with Android Developme...
正在寻找一名Android 应用测试员,在Google Play Store上对我们的应用进行封闭测试。理想的候选人将可以使用至少20种不同的物理 Android 设备,以及 20 个可参与封闭测试的 Google 账号, 并负责测试应用2周(间歇性)并提供反馈。要求:在20 台不同的物理Android 设备上测试应用。确保每台设备都选择加入封闭测试并连续14天保持选择加入状态。在测试应用时对设备进行屏幕录制,并访问Android的“设置”页面,并每5天提交一次演示测试过程的视频(共提交3次)。就应用性能、可用性以及遇到的任何问题提供详细的反馈。(可选但有益)付款条件:总付款将分为三部分:前5天测试后释放30%。第二个5天测试后释放30%。最后4天测试并提交所有必需的反馈和视频后释放40%。项目时间表:测试期将持续14天,每5天需要提交一次视频。申请方式:简要描述您在 Android应用测试方面的经验。列出您可用于测试的Android 设备。确认您能够满足测试要求和时间表。附加信息:该应用将在Google Play商店中提供封闭测试。选择后将提供详细说明和应用访问权限。谢谢
正在寻找一名Android 应用测试员,在Google Play Store上对我们的应用进行封闭测试。理想的候选人将可以使用至少20种不同的物理 Android 设备,以及 20 个可参与封闭测试的 Google 账号, 并负责测试应用2周(间歇性)并提供反馈。要求:在20 台不同的物理Android 设备上测试应用。确保每台设备都选择加入封闭测试并连续14天保持选择加入状态。在测试应用时对设备进行屏幕录制,并访问Android的“设置”页面,并每5天提交一次演示测试过程的视频(共提交3次)。就应用性能、可用性以及遇到的任何问题提供详细的反馈。(可选但有益)付款条件:总付款将分为三部分:前5天测试后释放30%。第二个5天测试后释放30%。最后4天测试并提交所有必需的反馈和视频后释放40%。项目时间表:测试期将持续14天,每5天需要提交一次视频。申请方式:简要描述您在 Android应用测试方面的经验。列出您可用于测试的Android 设备。确认您能够满足测试要求和时间表。附加信息:该应用将在Google Play商店中提供封闭测试。选择后将提供详细说明和应用访问权限。谢谢
我们研发了一款休闲类的消除游戏,需要完成20人连续14天封闭性测试 We have developed a casual elimination game that requires 20 people to complete 14 consecutive days of closed testing
Hi Jing J., 我有一个project想请你帮忙。我需要申请转写工作(transcription)的一个户口。因为GoTranscript这个公司有限制一个名字只能有一个户口,所以我需要你帮忙申请一个新的户口。这个是GoTranscript公司的网站链接。 你需要做的是开设一个新的email户口(因为这个户口之后是要给我的,所以不要用你原本的户口),然后以这个email进去GoTranscript申请Chinese Transcription Job。 当然,你需要经过考试(这个考试我可以帮忙通过)。通过考试之后,GoTranscript的职员会通过email联系你,确认你的身份。之后,你就可以开始工作了。完成后,你给我email户口,和login GoTranscript的username和password就可以了。 如果有兴趣或疑问,你可以再联络我。谢谢你。
احتاج معلق صوتى لتسجيل مواضيع جاهزة باللغة العربية ولكن اريد تسجيل صوتى ب اللغة الاسبانية
招兼职剪接声音的人。一个声音(短则8分钟,长则30分钟) 要求:降噪,去除杂音,音量提高,去掉口癖(如这个、那个、额、长段空白、咳嗽等),笑声可保留。 输出声音格式要求:MP3,高音质,立体声,大小控制在50MB以内 ENGLISH A person who works part-time to cut the sound. One voice (8 minutes short and 30 minutes long) Requirements: Noise reduction, noise removal, volume increase, remove the mouth (such as this, that, forehead, long blank, cough, etc.), laughter can be retained. Output sound format requirements: MP3, high sound quality, stereo, size control within 50MB
网站地址 1.提高网站整体排名 2.提供内部优化 3.大量增加外部链接 4.提高网站相应速度 5.整体SEO,关键词排名提升 I want the SEO expert for my website. Details will be shared with winning bidder. Please bid if you are expert.
我们是中国的翻译公司,长期有配音业务需要寻找个人配音人员。现在寻找以下语言的配音人员:English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Hindi,以及其他语言
我们是中国的翻译公司,长期有配音业务需要寻找个人配音人员。现在寻找以下语言的配音人员:English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Hindi,以及其他语言
你好,各位。 最近我买了一台内地的酷派Y76手机,想在其上安装google play及商店内的应用,但俱不行。 我想有相关经验及专业的人帮我解决这问题。 本人可以安装team viewer或把整个系统重新安装,以协助这个工作。 本人提供3美金给受聘者。 谢
你好,各位。 最近我买了一台内地的酷派Y76手机,想在其上安装google play及商店内的应用,但俱不行。 我想有相关经验及专业的人帮我解决这问题。 本人可以安装team viewer或把整个系统重新安装,以协助这个工作。 本人提供3美金给受聘者。 谢
已有现成APK 做好, 帮我上传到GOOGLE PLAY 给人人下载。 这APK 我自己安装没问题 但是我自己上传到google play,然後我自己试着下载,显示"签名校验失败"
重新为我司建设网站,做Google搜索引擎优化,需要把Custom Banner, banner printing, vinyl banners, vinyl banner printing, custom signs等词语做到Google的首页。
I need a team of Chinese singers to sing an extended version of the Chinese National Anthem for me. My budget is exactly $205, no more, no less. Just let me know how many singers I can get for $205. If I like the result, we can add more. Teams of voice talents only. Individuals will be declined. Below I have included the instrumental and a vocal guide. Here are the full lyrics: 起来! 不愿做奴隶的人们! 把我们的血肉,筑成我们新的长城! 中华民族到了最危险的时候, 每个人被迫着发出最后的吼声。 起来! 起来! 起来! 我们万众一心, 冒着敌人的炮火,前进! 冒着敌人的炮火,前进! 前进! 前进! 进! 前进! 各民族英雄的人民! 伟大的共产党领导我们继续长征。 万众一心奔向共产主义明天, 建设祖国保卫祖国英勇的斗争。 前进!前进!前进! 我们千秋万代 高举毛泽东旗帜,前进! 高举毛泽东旗帜,前进! 前进! 前进! 进!
1.会使用网络编程语言(Python,Java,Google script etc.)在制定的地方收集相应的数据 2.会数据库编程,并且有能力架设服务器,将收集到的数据存放 3.可以实施编程对数据库内的数据实施图形化展示 附件中是其中一个需求模型
针对给出的10余个中文关键字,制定推广计划,推广我们的网站,只需要做google推广。1个月左右,推广至 自然排名前两页,在第一页会有额外奖励。
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Google Adwords - open to bidding'
开发一个google提交软件工具, 这个软件要自己可以注册google邮箱,可以自带解决手机验证google 邮箱功能, 然后 自己的提交 网址 到google站长工具。
2º Month SEO Google Spain
...ensure the safety of the user’s information. Responsive: The message and communication between mobile and website, buyers and sellers should be real time. Communication methods: message, call, voicemail, email. Style of user interface: simple, fancy with good using experience. information: the posted information on this website include text, photos, video, voice Multiple-language version: mainly Chinese, English Advertising system: similar to the advertise on youtube that the advertise will be displayed during the playing of videos. Anti-spam and poor information system: The information posted into this website will be filtered out to get rid of poor and fraud information. Review syst...
VoIP Video IM等即时通讯功能。 支持Android,IPhone,Window Phone等客户端应用。 熟识SIP Webrtc XMPP。 提供Demo。
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Google Adwords - open to bidding'
我需要一些十分专业的中文发音的男声来帮我录制有声小说读物。I need some male voice to record the audiobooks
GOOGLE ADWORD ,GOOGLE shopping. 关键字推广,主要针对美国市场。
第一次见到并使用这个网站,还不熟悉,我把昨天发布的IOS上的WEBRTC开发项目删掉重新发布一次: 中国平安集团公司拟自主研发基于Google 开源项目WEBRTC 的音视频软件,用于电话中心及视频中心坐席(通过PC机浏览器业务系统)和客户端(PAD平板电脑或平安银行的自助设备)之间的音视频沟通、以及某重点项目的客户手机之间的音视频聊天,该音视频功能和微信的音视频功能一样。 平安拟招聘研发人员开发基于Google WEBRTC (IOS、Andriod、Windows )三个版本的SDK,在此SDK之上,平安的内部开发人员再开发音视频应用。 该项目要求6月末上线。 要求项目投标人员熟悉Google WEBRTC、熟悉IOS或Andriod或Windows上的C++或java开发 。 平安长期招聘熟悉音视频编解码或者IOS、Andriod的开发及设计人员,我们很希望合格你的你成为平安大家庭的一员。 有意者电话联系: david 13823243949/ 0755 22623808
制作shopping feed,可以具体联系邮箱,大概有20个产品,报酬另算。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
each day make 2 reel for our products and get paid $2 per reel. I'm seeking a creative professional to produce a YouTube Reel aimed at promoting my brand to the general public. The primary purpose of this project is to enhance brand visibility and recognition. Key Requirements: - Experience in video production and editing, preferably with a focus on YouTube content. - Strong understanding of brand promotion and audience engagement strategies. - Creativity in conveying brand messages in an entertaining and engaging way. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous work with promotional content on YouTube or similar platforms. - Ability to deliver high-quality, visually appealing content. - Understanding of YouTube's algorithm and content trends to maximize reach.
...a skilled SEO expert to improve my website's search engine ranking according to the latest Google guidelines. There are some issues flagged in Google Console that need addressing. Key Responsibilities: - Off-page SEO: Implement strategies to enhance the website's authority and visibility. - Technical SEO: Identify and rectify any technical issues affecting the website's performance. I have a specific list of keywords I'd like to target, so I won't need assistance with keyword research. However, I'm open to suggestions for optimizing their usage. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in white hat SEO - Deep understanding of Google's guidelines and updates - Proficient in using Google Console for SEO analysis - Expe...
I am in need of a talented voice-over actor for an animated series aimed at children. The series is styled after a children's book reader, so the delivery needs to suit that type of animation. Key Requirements: - Voice acting for five different characters, three of which are children's voices (two female, one male). - Ability to deliver a friendly and cheerful tone suitable for a children's audience. - Experience and understanding of 2D animation, 3D animation or stop motion. - Able to convey a calm and soothing tone for certain parts and an energetic and exciting tone for others. Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in voice acting for children's content is highly preferred. - Ability to understand and deliver based on script and character ...
...change my voice into a different, unique, normal, generic, male voice that does not sound like AI and does not have any special effects. (Not a robotic voice, a multiplied voice, an unrealistically high or low-pitched voice, etc) I would like to sound like a regular human speaking where if someone else were to hear the voice they would not know it’s fake unless they were told and where they wouldn’t even consider the voice to be AI. This would include any voice that just sounds like AI because of a lower quality voice or a realistic AI voice type that would be easily recognized, such as ElevenLabs’ Brian. I would want an entirely new custom voice created from a software to use as my own inste...
I'm seeking a Python expert to develop a script that automates sending documents from Google Docs to an email. The script should utilize the 'requests' library and employ 'OAuth2' for secure access. The ideal candidate should have experience with: - Python scripting - Google Docs API - Requests library - OAuth2 implementation The project will involve: - Automating the process of sending documents from Google Docs to an email - Ensuring the use of secure OAuth2 consent screen for authentication Please note, the specifics regarding the email service have not yet been determined. Your flexibility and expertise in navigating this will be crucial.
...of each client. The goal is to create a system where, before generating content, users can select a client, and the tool will adjust its writing approach based on predefined client-specific parameters stored in a database. In addition, the tool should be able to learn and adapt its writing style over time by analyzing submitted content, allowing it to better understand and mimic each client’s voice. Since this is my first time using AI technologies for content generation, I would appreciate guidance and suggestions from an experienced developer on how best to build this tool. Scope of Work: Client-Specific Model Customization: Develop a system where users can select a client (e.g., Client A, Client B, etc.), and the tool will adjust its writing style, tone, and vocabula...
Hi, I am a successful writer of erotic fiction who wants to experiment with animation. I have tried AI voice generators, and the result has been amazing. I think that a skilled animator could complete the simulated experience. I have written a series concerning a South Asian woman who narrates her experiences as a prudish young married woman who gradually gets involved in a variety of, um, explicit activities. My animator might choose to portray the entire narrative, with all speaking parts included, or just roll punchy edits, or even stills, of what the protagonist is describing. Maybe the whole thing should be a succession of stills. The tone is not pornographic. It is lighthearted, funny, upbeat and ironic, although the action is very sexually explicit (but no children, an...
I'm seeking an experienced editor for my self-help book. The editing tasks will primarily focus on copy editing, with an emphasis on improving the structure and organization of the manuscript. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven experience in copy editing and developmental editing, particular...primarily focus on copy editing, with an emphasis on improving the structure and organization of the manuscript. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven experience in copy editing and developmental editing, particularly with non-fiction and self-help books. - Strong understanding of structure and organization in writing. - Excellent attention to detail and ability to maintain the author's voice and tone. - Prior experience with self-help or educational bo...
Estoy buscando un experto en Google Ads que me ayude a generar clientes potenciales. El objetivo principal debe ser llegar a una audiencia nacional para Ecuador y Perú, por lo que es fundamental tener experiencia en la segmentación y optimización de campañas para geografías específicas. Requisitos clave: - Conocimiento de Google Ads con el objetivo de aumentar clientes potenciales - Experiencia en la segmentación de campañas para una audiencia nacional en Ecuador y Perú - Habilidad para identificar y utilizar palabras clave de cola larga. Su tarea principal será crear una campaña eficaz de Google Ads que priorice las palabras clave de cola larga. Estas palabras clave deben elegirse en funci...
I'm looking for a seasoned Google Cloud consultant to assist with the deployment of machine learning models on the platform. A major focus will be optimizing costs related to compute resources. Key Responsibilities: - Deploy machine learning models on Google Cloud - Optimize costs specifically in compute resources - Provide expert consultation on Google Cloud infrastructure Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Google Cloud - Proficient in machine learning model deployment - Strong cost optimization skills - Excellent communication and consultation abilities
...children, students, and seniors. The innovation of this project is applied in the idea of developing a mobile application called Silent Help, in which users can send an SOS emergency alert along with their live location to their contacts and local authorities through simple voice commands. The app will be activated when an individual feels unsafe and is unable to access their phone; at this point, the app is triggered by either a pre-set or customizable trigger word. The Silent Help application uses high-end voice recognition along with GPS functionality in order to share the location in real-time. Once the SOS command is activated, the application automatically starts sending the live location of the user with the help message to all the configured cont...
I'm seeking a translator to convert a variety of content from English to Gulf Arabic for educational purposes. The content includes PDFs, Word documents, voice recordings, and videos. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in English to Gulf Arabic translation - Experience with translating PDFs and Word documents - Skilled in voice translation - Capable of translating video content - Understanding of educational content translation Please note, the primary audience for these translations will be in an educational setting. Therefore, a keen understanding of how to effectively translate and adapt content for this purpose is essential.
I'm a beginner in Google Ads seeking a coach to help me manage my own account. The main focus will be on performance tracking. I prefer to conduct the coaching sessions via video calls. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Extensive experience with Google Ads - Proven track record in performance tracking - Excellent communication skills for coaching - Comfortable conducting sessions via video calls - Patience and understanding towards beginners
I'm seeking a developer to create an interactive mobile ad extension for my articles. This extension will display a large ad box filled with various static images on a Share of Voice basis. The ad will be positioned in a way that mobile readers must scroll through it to continue reading. Key Requirements: - The extension must be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms, as these are the primary systems my readers use. - The ad box will contain only static images, so experience with image handling and optimization is necessary. Ideal Skills: - Skilled in image handling and optimization - Understanding of user interface design principles for mobile I look forward to receiving your bids. Please include examples of the same or similar projects you've completed.