International relations essay工作


    2,000 international relations essay 找到工作

    1. Project Overview A multilingual, international customer service platform that allows users to configure multiple chatbots with GPT API integration for AI-powered responses. The platform will offer flexible permission management, business features (e.g., chatbot-based pricing, coupon support, affiliate marketing), and support user-defined group management to meet the needs of enterprise clients. 2. System Roles and Permissions 1. Administrator (Admin) • Manage global functions and configurations, including user management, subscription management, affiliate marketing, cashback rewards, etc. 2. B-End Users (Enterprise Customers/Platform Users) • Primary Account: Responsible for creating and managing chatbots, configuring customer service permissions, grouping users...

    $469 Average bid
    $469 平均报价
    11 个竞标
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    ...will find that B has a mapping relation with (perhaps) A, E, K, W, Z… The program will also record these mapping relations, until list1 and list2 doesn’t grow anymore. Eventually, it will form a database carrying all these mapping relations. 8. When step6 and step7 are completed, the interface of the program will show me a notice “lists are prepared”. Then I can click a button on the interface to create an excel that includes list1 and list2, and to derive a file that has the database formed in step7. I can choose where I want to save these files. 9. The program has another button for visualization. When I click the button, it can generate a picture of the mapping relations in the most recent step7 file, or in a step7 file that I choose. ...

    $250 Average bid
    $250 平均报价
    1 个竞标


    $88 Average bid
    $88 平均报价
    14 个竞标

    中文:马来西亚国际声乐公开赛奖杯 英文:Trophy of Malaysia International Vocal Open Competition 设计要求 1、使用已经设计出稿的logo,奖杯以马来西亚Kris短剑(马来短剑)的形状为外形设计基础。 (图片见文件) 2、设计风格现代、时尚、国际化,整体造型易识别;;标明所用的材质及制作工艺,为将来的实物制作提供可靠充分的依据。 3、提交奖杯平面图。以下列图片为范例 (图片见文件) 产品描述: 马来西亚国际声乐公开赛是为了全世界的广大声乐艺术爱好者创造一个展示自我、相互交流、友好竞争的平台,以达到相互促进、共同提高的目的。 奖杯目的: 为了更有效地宣传马来西亚国际声乐公开赛的独特品牌,特设计此作品用于相关宣传和比赛颁奖,作为该活动的独特品牌标识使用。 要求产品的唯一性和原创性: 中标的设计作品,我方支付设计制作费后,即拥有该作品知识产权,包括著作权、所有权、使用权、发布权、修改权等,有权对设计作品进行修改、组合和应用。 设计作品一经采用,所有权、修改权和使用权均归我方所有,设计者不得在其他任何地方使用该设计作品,包括并不限于著作权、使用权、发布权以及对设计作品进行修改、组合、应用等权利。 奖杯需要设计师设计出的产品独一无二 我们需要注册商标。要求产品体现出马来短剑、声乐比赛、国际音乐这三个要素和产品特点。 知识产权说明: 1、参赛作品一经采用,其所有权、修改权和使用权均归主办方所有,设计者不得再在任何地方使用; 2、参赛者所提交的作品必须由参赛者本人创作或参与创作,参赛者应确认其作品的原创性,主办单位不承担因作品侵犯他人(或单位)的权利而产生的法律责任,其法律责任由参赛者本人承担。 交稿声明:参赛者提交的稿件必须是设计作品,广告等无效交稿一律不采用!

    $172 Average bid
    $172 平均报价
    5 个竞标
    Recruit English writers
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    我公司是一家面对境外从事英文写作服务的机构,专业涵盖广泛,任务稳定,类型主要为Essay, Report等,工资按篇结算周期短,时间弹性大。现招聘有经验的英语写手。   酬劳:200-500元/千单词,视写作水平而定。   注意事项:   1.必须有澳洲,英国,加拿大或美国等国家的学科作业或论文写作经验,拒绝翻译写作,无经验的不予考虑;   2. 我们希望长期合作,只为解决手头暂时拮据而来应聘的,不予考虑;   3.时间充足,能提供详细联系方式;   4.责任心强,不应付,一旦发现应付,解除合作关系;   5.遵循客户要求,按时交稿,不拖稿,拖稿两次以上(含两次),解除合作;   6、做到后期耐心修改和指导。   7、熟悉金融,会计,计算机,法律,护理等专业知识的优先考虑,熟悉SPSS,Eviews等计量统计软件优先考虑,。   [Removed by Admin - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions]

    $151 Average bid
    $151 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    ...计算机 (python,编程代码类优先)、数学,编程,历史,艺术,地理等以及能够写综合专业类的,要求英文功底强。 态度要求:热爱英文写作,具有认真负责的工作态度,有手机联系方式;良好的个人诚信,责任心强;有充足的空闲时间写作,拥有可供自已支配的电脑并且上网方便。 工作内容及职责: 1.长期从事英文写作文章,且全英文写作能力强,能独立查找文献资料,能独立完成文章写作(英语六级550以上,雅思写作单科6.5,以上,专八良好及以上) 2.主要负责国外大学的essay,paper需了解国外大学的论文格式,文献格式,以及注释;有写留学生原创Report、Essay经验。 3.学历要求硕士及以上,国内优秀的大学毕业也可,欢迎海外归来的优秀留学生。 4.有诚信,准时完成任务,保证稿件质量; 具备良好的职业道德,没有抄袭成分; 5.不是翻译,是写作工作,没有经验的或是只会翻译的我们将不给与答复。)初始酬劳优厚,长期合作人员薪酬将逐步提高。 优势: 工作时间和地点都是不限的,任务由你选择接与不接,我们会推送单子和任务给你,但是不接不影响下一次接单,工资 结算在稿件截稿日之日完成,特殊情况两日之内结清。如果你有数据分析、法律、计算机、数学,编程,历史,艺术,地理等方面的留学经历。对自己的ESSAY颇有心得,具有敏锐的直觉,有比较强的责任心,有充足的时间,欢迎投递简历给我们。 微信:tianxun1 QQ:2942613125

    $100 Average bid
    $100 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    $1 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    Project for Siyuan W.
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    $30 Average bid
    $30 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    Help me write something
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    内容写作 英文论文写作,essay 写作,毕业论文写作

    $1012 Average bid
    $1012 平均报价
    15 个竞标

    1、要求能够清晰、直观地体现“金融”、“服务”、“孵化中心”的行业特点。 2、由于公司面对的客户都是国际性的大型金融机构,设计风格要求国际化、富高科技和时代感。 3、可参考公司主要发起人的VI信息: 香港志鸿科技控股(Excel Technology International Holdings Limited)松山湖创业投资管理公司(Lake Venture Capital Management Inc) 4、设计师要对设计构思进行详细说明。 5、此静态logo适合做动态的logo片头。 6、LOGO基础应用设计应注明标准字,标准色使用规范,并能提供多种配色方案参考选择。 7、需提供AI,CDR,PSD等格式原文件,应为矢量图。 四、设计产权: 1、所设计的作品应为原创,并保证此前未以任何形式、在任何领域公开发表,未侵犯他人的著作权;如有侵犯他人著作权,由设计者承担所有法律责任。 2、设计方案或任何用于创作参选作品素材,均不得侵犯第三方的任何著作权、商标权、专有权利或其他权利,不得触犯相关法律法规。 3、作品一经采用,所有权、修改权和使用权均归征集方所有,创作者不得再在其他任何地方使用该作品;中标作品的著作权和使用权归征集方所有。征集单位享有对方案进行再修改、展示、出版及其它形式的宣传等权益。未经授权,任何单位和个人不得将本次征集的中标方案进行宣传、出版、展览等,不得向第三方转让,否则征集单位有追究法律责任的权利; 4、一旦竞标成功, 竞标人须先把中标作品的设计底稿、电子文档(提供的图片和图形必须达到实际应用的分辨率),交至我方,经我方确认后才能交割佣金;

    $463 Average bid
    $463 平均报价
    14 个竞标
    Translate Something
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    This is the same project I posted before but I would like to provide more information on the essay. it is a 7000+ words narrative essay on my Grand mother who just passed away. For any one interested to bid for this project, can you please translate the following 2 paragraphs into English for me to see your translation style/skills. 1)外婆对生命充满热忱,对新事物,充满好奇,兴趣,跃跃欲试,直到人生最后一个阶段也如此. 2)外婆强烈的感恩心,让她很容易感受到别人的好, 她的口头禅是,”我真有福气,子孙大大小小都那么孝顺,对我那么好。“ 也因为这样,儿孙们都非常爱她,愿意为她做更多,是一种良性循环。 外婆这一套为人 处事方法,与现代管理学或“身心灵”书籍里教的 吻合,不同的是,书里往往把感恩当作为达到某种目的的工具。外婆的感恩心却是与生俱来,发自内心的,本质大大不同。 Thank you.

    $143 Average bid
    $143 平均报价
    17 个竞标
    Build a Website
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    ...(9)网站的安装更新问题, 因为貌似一次网站中毒了, 基本丢失所有资料, 辛亏有一个备份 (10)网站的持续维护, 如果能够合作, 网站网站的更新,重建, 希望能够提供一个长期的合作关系, 对于一些下小的改动和维护。 (11) 目前还有一个副网站, , 希望能合并到 , 做一个类似的支持页面, 不清楚默认的主题是否支持, 支持页面的最上面 保留主网站的 导航栏 Hi We are looking to build a new website that is E-commerce. The current website can be found at Key Parts of the Website: - Easy to use - International and local card transactions - Feedback form - Contact us form - Real Time orders - Real time purchasing i.e online store - Easy to upload new products with pictures and price - Link with WeChat - Mobile friendly I would like to see designs of what the website can look like before purchasing. Please can you give me a quotation on the work from End to End on this. I look forward

    $1417 Average bid
    $1417 平均报价
    17 个竞标

    读一篇关于Camus's speech 的五页文章和一份ppt,再根据要求写2-3页的文章

    $54 Average bid
    $54 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    Awriter with strong MBAbackground is preferred

    $93 Average bid
    $93 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    美国高中作文 用词简单 句式简单 及格即可 a five paragraph essay about Anglo-saxon literature

    $37 Average bid
    $37 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    美国高中essay 使用词汇高中水平 句式简洁化 通过即可

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 个竞标
    food express to power
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    double space, 5-7page, MLA style, persuasive research paper, I already finish 2 pages and outline of this essay, please help me to rewriting this 2 page. use at least 4 sources to explain how and why food is connected to some dimension of the social or societal realm, the paper's goal is to use research findings to help the readers take a side on a particular issue. use evidence from sources to analysis and support the thesis need at least 2 requirement sources in the file. and also, need at least 2 sources from library website, I already found it and add it in the files. there totally have 4 sources in the files. 2 library source link (i also sent in the files)

    $123 Average bid
    $123 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    大家好,我叫‘马克’,我是一个英国人 I would like to gather information about 100 companies in Dong...the popular job-listing websites, locate details of an employee (company profile) 2. Complete the company profile columns B - M 3. Include any links to profiles on the job site (the source) 4. List the number of vacancies the employer is currently listing, if available 5. Make sure all links are live and clickable NOTES: 1. All phone, fax and cell-phone numbers must start with the international dialling code - Hong Kong: +852 - China: +86 2. All email and weblinks must be made a live link. The easiest way to do this is to edit the cell, then press enter and it automatically changes to a blue link that you can click 3. Column P (招聘职位) is the number of visible job vacancies for ...

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 个竞标

    我们公司为在中国的澳洲留学生提供代笔服务,如果您有意愿为我们服务可以留下您的联系方式。我们主要是代写essay,assignment,还会有research paper等,我查看你了的简历并想与您合作,更多细节可以详细聊

    $172 Average bid
    $172 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    我们公司为在中国的澳洲留学生提供代笔服务,如果您有意愿为我们服务可以留下您的联系方式。我们主要是代写essay,assignment,还会有research paper等,我查看你了的简历并想与您合作,更多细节可以详细聊

    $150 Average bid
    $150 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    我需要给我的公司与学院设计新的名片与banner 公司名字 Australian international Film and Media Pty Ltd 中文 澳大利亚国际影视传媒有限公司 学院名字 Australian Film and Media College 中文名字 澳大利亚电影传媒学院 我 有公司logo

    $20 Average bid
    $20 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    This website aims to provide comprehensive and user-friendly online services for individuals interested in studying, working, or migrating to Australia. Key functionalities include an online application portal, a visa eligibility checker, an information hub, and user support features. Target Audience: International students Skilled migrants Temporary visa holders Individuals seeking education and migration advice Website Structure: Homepage: Overview of Services: Concisely highlight key services (e.g., visa applications, education counseling, eligibility checks). Quick Links: Prominent links to key features (e.g., "Apply Now," "Check Eligibility," "Find Courses"). Latest News & Updates: Display recent news and updates on Australian immigration po...

    $324 Average bid
    $324 平均报价
    55 个竞标

    Seeking Freelance Resume and Cover Letter Writer – Finance Management Roles I am looking for a freelance professional with expertise in international resume writing to craft a compelling CV and cover letter tailored for entry-level management roles in the finance industry. Key Requirements: Proven experience in creating resumes and cover letters for management roles. Strong understanding of the finance industry and its expectations. Ability to effectively highlight skills relevant to managerial and finance positions at both entry and mid-levels. Expertise in writing for a range of professionals, from freshers to experienced candidates. Handwritten content only – no AI-generated material. If you have relevant experience, please include samples of your previous work in ...

    $17 Average bid
    $17 平均报价
    14 个竞标

    I'm seeking a seasoned bookkeeping professional with over 5 years of experience particularly with companies generating over 5 million in revenues. You will be primarily working in the Services sector. Your tasks will encompass: - Daily transaction recording: Keeping track of all transactions on a daily basis. - Vendor management: Handling relations with our vendors. - Accounts payable processing: Managing and processing our accounts payable. Skills and experience required for this role include: - Proficiency in QuickBooks. - Extensive bookkeeping experience, particularly in the Services industry. - Excellent vendor management skills. - Strong understanding and experience in handling accounts payable.

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr 平均报价
    32 个竞标
    econ essay
    9 天 left

    i have already listed

    $36 Average bid
    $36 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    I'm looking for a Receptionist/Customer Service Executive for my Booth in a Trade Show at the International Poultry Production Exhibition from January 28 to 30, 2025, at the GWCC Building in Atlanta. This important event centers around poultry and animal feed and my company will be showcasing our products. The Candidate applying for this role must be from Atlanta as this project involves physical presence of the person at the booth and interact with customers face to face. Key Responsibilities: - Warmly welcoming visitors to our booth - Collecting and managing visitors' name cards - Providing a brief, basic explanation of our company to customers in English - Guiding customers to our technical representative for in-depth discussions - Distributing brochures, flyers, or ...

    $750 Average bid
    $750 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    I'm looking to purchase a comprehensive payment stack. Please note that I'm open to various options and configurations based on your ex...purchases. - Payment Methods: I have not specified particular payment methods at this stage. The payment stack should be able to support a wide range of options including Credit/Debit cards, Digital wallets, and Bank transfers. - Currency Support: I have not yet determined the number of currencies I need support for. However, it would be advantageous if the payment stack could handle multiple international currencies. The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive knowledge and experience in payment systems and can provide me with a tailored solution to meet my needs. Please feel free to share your previous work or success s...

    $8762 Average bid
    $8762 平均报价
    37 个竞标

    ...Inquiries and Screening: Respond to tenant inquiries, schedule showings, and assist with initial tenant screening as needed. Analytics and Optimization: Track listing performance, optimize based on data insights, and adjust strategies to improve engagement and conversions. Property Management Software: Use software (e.g., Buildium, AppFolio, Yardi) to manage listings, communications, and tenant relations efficiently. Qualifications: Proven experience in property management, real estate marketing, or related fields. Knowledge of online advertising, SEO, and social media platforms. Strong communication skills for interacting with potential tenants and external service providers. Familiarity with property management software (preferred but not required). Organized, detail-oriented,...

    $31 / hr Average bid
    $31 / hr 平均报价
    7 个竞标
    Social Media Graphic Designs
    6 天 left

    I need post images and story templates for social media. The designs should be professional and clean, aligning with a polished aesthetic. These graphic designs will be for a public relations & marketing agency. These graphics wil be used for Twitter, Facebook, and instagram stories.

    $30 Average bid
    $30 平均报价
    91 个竞标 Let’s secure your goods and your peace of mind today! Flyer 1: Pallets & Crates Headline: "Reliable Pallet & Crate Solutions – Delivered on Time, Every Time!" Core Focus: New, recycled, and custom pallets to fit any need. Specialty crates for secure shipping. Heat-treated pallets for international shipping. Drop trailer and wood waste removal services. Value-Add Section: Also providing: Stretch wrap, corrugated boxes, and packaging supplies. Freight solutions: LTL, FTL, intermodal, and international. Recycling services to meet sustainability goals. Call to Action: ? Call Jeremy for a quote or consultation today! Flyer 2: Stretch Wrap Headline: "Stretch Wrap That Protects – Keep Your Shipments Secure!" Core Focus: Hi...

    $100 Average bid
    $100 平均报价
    78 个竞标


    加精 加急

    ...platform targeting the following African countries: Nigeria, Ghana, Uganda, Cameroon, and Zambia. The system should enable real-time deposits and withdrawals for clients, routing funds to and from international bank accounts. Scope of Work 1. Payment Gateway Integration: • Integrate localized payment methods (cards, bank transfers, and mobile money) for each target country using PSPs • Ensure real-time processing of deposits and withdrawals. 2. Currency Conversion & Settlement: • Implement a currency conversion mechanism to support deposits in local currencies and settle funds in USD into the international bank account. • Support withdrawals initiated in USD and disbursed in local currencies. 3. Real-Time Payment Routing: • Develop a r...

    $4363 Average bid
    $4363 平均报价
    18 个竞标

    Prepare a 3D model of a Residential building from Autocad drawings of a scale 1:100 Height 37cm Base Dimensions: 65 CM x 55 CM x H...Methodology Below is a general method of work sequence we follow for such project’s models: • Drawings editing • Base with site development and table fabrication • Elevations and plans massing cutting and fabrication • Electrical & mechanical works • Painting works (after colors & finishes approvals) • General assembly & Finishing touches Quality Guarantee: All delivered models shall comply with international standards in terms of solidity, safety, and durability. Warranty: Model will endure traveling if handled with care, warrantee is given on material and workmanship for 5 years Shipping Charges...

    $1586 Average bid
    $1586 平均报价
    63 个竞标

    ...logo, colors, typography, and design elements. • Support the creation of clear, impactful brand messaging. • Ensure brand values are reflected in all content and communications. • Public Relations (PR): • Assist in writing press releases and media materials. • Monitor and manage the brand’s image through strategic communication efforts. Skills and Qualifications: • Proficient in English (speaking, reading, and writing). • Strong understanding of branding and social media marketing. • Experience with Canva for graphic design. • Knowledge of content marketing, influencer marketing, and public relations strategies. • Ability to think independently and creatively (without relying heavily on AI for every task). ...

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr 平均报价
    55 个竞标

    I'm seeking a skilled writer for public relations blog posts. The goal is to enhance PR for one of our clients through 2 inspirational blog posts. Requirements: - Demonstrated experience in public relations writing - Ability to convey an inspirational tone - Knowledge of PR industry trends and narratives - Capability to write engaging content that increases brand awareness Please submit relevant writing samples and PR experience.

    $12 Average bid
    $12 平均报价
    12 个竞标

    ...project will have a strong marketing background, with experience in real estate and sustainability. Your creativity will be key in crafting a compelling title that resonates with potential investors. PROJECT DESCRIPTION LETTER: Dear Interested Parties, My name is Anastasia Richter, I am 23 years old, and I was born in France. Due to my German, Italian, and Russian heritage, as well as my international education, I have had the privilege of growing up in various cultures and learning five languages fluently. Europe, and especially Tuscany, with its enchanting landscape and rich history, has become my home. Together with my father (responsible for construction) and my mother (responsible for management and courses), I am currently realizing a heart project: "La Maremmana...

    $146 Average bid
    $146 平均报价
    4 个竞标 products, namely translation/editing from Chinese or English to multiple target languages. Tencent Games, as a leading global game development, operation, and distribution platform and the largest online game community in China, has connected over 800 million game product users worldwide, being a long-term key business sector for Tencent. As various gaming projects continue to enter the international markets, the recruitment demand for this position will be in the long and stable term. Welcome everyone to submit resumes and follow our company's recruitment notices for a long time! ○ We are a professional translation service provider founded in 2009 in Chengdu, China, formerly known as Chengdu Language Bridge Translation Co., Ltd. (established on May 23, 2000). We curr...

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr 平均报价
    6 个竞标 products, namely translation/editing from Chinese or English to multiple target languages. Tencent Games, as a leading global game development, operation, and distribution platform and the largest online game community in China, has connected over 800 million game product users worldwide, being a long-term key business sector for Tencent. As various gaming projects continue to enter the international markets, the recruitment demand for this position will be in the long and stable term. Welcome everyone to submit resumes and follow our company's recruitment notices for a long time! ○ We are a professional translation service provider founded in 2009 in Chengdu, China, formerly known as Chengdu Language Bridge Translation Co., Ltd. (established on May 23, 2000). We curr...

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr 平均报价
    3 个竞标 products, namely translation/editing from Chinese or English to multiple target languages. Tencent Games, as a leading global game development, operation, and distribution platform and the largest online game community in China, has connected over 800 million game product users worldwide, being a long-term key business sector for Tencent. As various gaming projects continue to enter the international markets, the recruitment demand for this position will be in the long and stable term. Welcome everyone to submit resumes and follow our company's recruitment notices for a long time! ○ We are a professional translation service provider founded in 2009 in Chengdu, China, formerly known as Chengdu Language Bridge Translation Co., Ltd. (established on May 23, 2000). We curr...

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr 平均报价
    7 个竞标 products, namely translation/editing from Chinese or English to multiple target languages. Tencent Games, as a leading global game development, operation, and distribution platform and the largest online game community in China, has connected over 800 million game product users worldwide, being a long-term key business sector for Tencent. As various gaming projects continue to enter the international markets, the recruitment demand for this position will be in the long and stable term. Welcome everyone to submit resumes and follow our company's recruitment notices for a long time! ○ We are a professional translation service provider founded in 2009 in Chengdu, China, formerly known as Chengdu Language Bridge Translation Co., Ltd. (established on May 23, 2000). We curr...

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    I'm in need of a service that can provide an image, a definition, and an example sentence for a significant number of words (more than 100). This is for the American Language Course, which is a book used to teach English to international military students. These words will be provided by me in sections. I have attached an PowerPoint example for section 7.1. Key Requirements: - Ability to source or create suitable images for each word. Any type of image is acceptable (stock images, custom illustrations, etc.) just as long as it appropriately represents the word. Preferably realistic. ChatGPT works. - Strong understanding of language to craft clear, concise definitions and example sentences. - Creativity and resourcefulness in finding or creating engaging and relevant images f...

    $44 Average bid
    $44 平均报价
    28 个竞标

    I need an experienced WordPress professional to set up a WPLMS installation on my WordPress subdomain, and integrate a series of quizzes and tests into the platform. Key Tasks: - Implement WPLMS on my WordPress subdomain - Load a variety of quizzes and tests (Multiple choice, True/False, Essay/Short Answer) - Format the quizzes and tests according to a provided design template - Use a provided set of questions and answers to populate the quizzes and tests Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WordPress and WPLMS - Experience with quiz/test integration on eLearning platforms - Familiar with implementing and customizing WordPress themes - Able to adhere to provided design templates and brand styling Please note, I will provide the questions and answers, as well as the outlin...

    $80 Average bid
    $80 平均报价
    117 个竞标

    Letter 1 & 2: 1 Letter for - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Transactions (Review Board memebrship) 1 Letter for - IAEME publications (Editorial Board Membership) This letter will be signed by jounals/peer reviwed publications.

    $45 Average bid
    $45 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    I'm looking to create a comprehensive self-improvement platform - The primary goal is to provide valuable resources and services aimed at helping individuals find their life purpose and enhance their overall quality of life. As the name suggests, we have an international domain, whoever wants to work together and make a profit together, please come. We can use the website in many directions: -Psychological blog and paid support service, -appropriate information and advertising services, etc. Whoever is interested, please come let me clarify it will be our project together, you will get payment from monetization or some regular percentage, if someone interested message to me

    $131533 Average bid
    $131533 平均报价
    73 个竞标

    I'm seeking an expert with experience in the clothing manufacturing industry to assist me with setting up production in Bangalore, India. The individual will need to facilitate introductions to fabric mills and cut and sew factories. Key Responsibilities: - Advise on manufacturing a clothing product - Assist in setting up production in Bangalore - Introduce to f...relationships with local Indian companies for US parts manufacturing, assembly, packaging and shipping Ideal Candidate: - Extensive experience in clothing and apparel manufacturing - Proven track record in full-scale production - Strong network of fabric mills and cut and sew factories in Bangalore - Excellent understanding of packaging and shipping processes - Skilled in fostering international busines...

    $2335 Average bid
    $2335 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    I'm in need of a compelling scholarship essay focused on my career goals and incorporating a personal story that inspired my career choice. Key points: - The essay needs to be focused on my career goals. - It should include a specific personal experience that inspired my career choice. - The overall tone should be suitable for an academic scholarship. Ideal skills would include excellent writing and storytelling abilities, understanding of scholarship essay expectations, and a knack for crafting persuasive narratives. Prior experience with academic writing or scholarship essay crafting would be a significant advantage.

    $95 Average bid
    $95 平均报价
    79 个竞标

    ...Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Edward M. Kennedy. OR any of from the attached list of common essay subjects. OR any from these two links of past recipients and senators Use these guidelines for Bibliographies and Citations: Requirements: Must be no more than 1,000 words but must be minimum of 700 words. Citations and bibliography are not included in the word count. Must have 5 sources at minium. Essay should NOT include identifying information about the author. 1. Demonstrated understanding

    $19 / hr Average bid
    加急 保密协议
    $19 / hr 平均报价
    41 个竞标

    I'm seeking an experienced software salesman to sell our Web Lending Management Software with Code Source Licence on an international scale. This software is ideal for Fintech Companies. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in software sales and a proven track record of reaching and exceeding targets in this field. Key Requirements: - Prior experience in software sales is a must. - Ability to cover the international market. - Proficiency in cold calling, email marketing, and networking. - Excellent communication and negotiation skills. Your goal will be to help our software reach its full potential in the global market. If you're driven, self-motivated, and passionate about software sales, we would love to hear from you. IMPORTANT: Post an offer O...

    $6937 Average bid
    $6937 平均报价
    4 个竞标

    ...with your application will be treated in accordance with the Outlier Privacy Policy and our internal policies and programs designed to protect personal data. This is a 1099 contract opportunity on the platform. Because this is a freelance opportunity, we do not offer internships, sponsorship, or employment. You must be authorized to work in your country of residence. If you are an international student, you may be able to sign up for Outlier if you are on a visa. You should contact your tax and/or immigration advisor with specific questions regarding your circumstances....

    $96 Average bid
    $96 平均报价
    21 个竞标

    Lead Generation Specialist for U.S. Student Recruitment (South Asia, Southeast Asia, U.S., and Canada) Description: We are an official marketing and recruitment partner of multiple U.S. universities, specializing in helping international students pursue higher education opportunities in the United States. We are seeking skilled Lead Generation Specialists to help identify and generate quality leads of students interested in studying in the U.S. Key Responsibilities: Generate high-quality leads of students from South Asia, Southeast Asia, the U.S., and Canada who are interested in pursuing undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs in the U.S. Develop and implement lead generation strategies through digital marketing, social media outreach, email marketing, and o...

    $393 Average bid
    $393 平均报价
    8 个竞标