...from a large text file and slowly write them into individual small text files in the target folder. --- ### GitHub Repository Requirements document and text to be processed are available at the GitHub repository: []() --- ### Summary of Requirements Extract the WhatsApp group chat records from a large text file `` located in the `HistoryMsg` directory and slowly release them into the target folder. Each message should become a small file where the content is the translated version of the message. For images or other attachments (images do not require translation), release them as individual files, one file per attachment. After writing each small file, wait for a random
1,只要Chrome能够下载的页面,该函数就可以下载。 2,仅限于不登录的页面。 3,输入参数是个url地址。 4,下载结果返回一个字符串,相当于在chrome里查看网页源代码时看到的文本。 5,难点是处理cookie,处理https的ssl证书验证,以及类似的特殊要求。
1 更新到和当前 chrome 相同的稳定版本。 2 移除 google 相关功能。列出所有相关的替换 3 制作用户身份与登录界面。用户要先登录才能打开全部功能。 4 崩溃上报。网页崩溃和应用崩溃都需要上报信息到相应的地址。 5 自动升级方案。类似想在 chrome 升级的效果。 6 扩展商店方案。需要帮助设计方案,具体实施之后再看。
我们是 ,主要运营“自由浏览” “自由微信“ ”自由微博“等项目。 目前需要一位精通Chromium的开发者,帮助我们进行“自由浏览”的开发,具体需求如下: 我们的目的: 开发新版架构的自由浏览 对您的要求: 1.精通C、Android开发 2.熟悉Chromium编译流程、整体架构和网络模块。 3.对网络安全的要求。 4.使用汉语。 5.有同类项目的经验。 小测试: 1. 给Chromium增加 --max-sockets-per-group 命令行参数支持(可以限制取值范围,例如6 ~ 255),需要完成Desktop以及Android平台。其中Android平台往CommandLine单例中添加参数即可,或者可以添加到文件 /data/local/tmp/chrome-command-line 。在各个平台以命令行运行 (可选)2. 使用epoll,异步库 或者Chromium本身的ThreadPool 扫描N个CIDR内可达的IP(443端口返回状态码为200/400/401/403/404),类似 ,测试时可以使用少量IP,实际项目CIDR里可能会包含万级别IP。 测试不必要提交二进制包,提交关键patch的解决思路和代码亦可。 另外特别强调,由于我们组织的特殊性(来自政府的审查风险),我们对项目的保密性要求较高,工作环境也需要保持在匿名且安全的环境下,请应聘者确保自身有能力做到这些安全要求。
Produce a English version for a chinese website, which is developed by chinese developer and provides cloud based screenshot service. 我们开发了一个截图工具网站。这个网站包括网站本身,一个APP,以及一个chrome浏览器的扩展插件。 我们面向的用户群主要是海外的互联网从业人员(如产品经理/设计师等),因此,我们急需一个熟悉了解海外互联网,经常使用海外尤其是美国互联网产品/社交媒体,同时精通中文的网站文案写作及营销人员,来为我们进行网站的文案写作(大约10个页面)。并且我们希望后续也能够把社会化媒体的营销推广,广告的投放,甚至于SEO的相关工作一并交付。 这个工作大致可分为两部分,一部分是网站初期的整体文案写作工作。这个大概需要在3~5天内完成。 这个工作完成后,我们会再探讨后续的长期的营销推广工作的合作方式。
需要寻找一位能够完全一样实现出kifi网页插件的人才。网址 注册登录后网页会自动跳出安装插件,可以先安装后使用一下。我们的要求是和它做的一模一样。 我们这边来提供API。 人民币支付
...工作。这个项目只有设计2-4 网页,2-4 个 banners 和 简单的WordPress 网站; 成功完成第一个项目的设计师将会被邀请参与我们的第二个项目(马上开始在第一个项目完成后),网站设计工作设计的要求会高和复杂。 要求如下: Web/App Graphics • ability to take design (PSD) and create web friendly optimised graphical elements • familiar with all levels of CSS (through CSS3) • understand and ability to implement responsive design • understand browser limitations of Safari, IE, Firefox, Chrome; can design cross browser solutions Programming • competent to expert in WordPress & PHP (portfolio sites required) • understand modern javascript frameworks (minimum: JQuery) • understand SEO best practices Communications • fluent in English and Chinese
- Format Chinese text - Graphic design the website - Localize to favor Chinese search engine - Other work needed to get the website up and run in power Will provide the website information later on.
...工作。这个项目只有设计2-4 网页,2-4 个 banners 和 简单的WordPress 网站; 成功完成第一个项目的设计师将会被邀请参与我们的第二个项目(马上开始在第一个项目完成后),网站设计工作设计的要求会高和复杂。 要求如下: Web/App Graphics • ability to take design (PSD) and create web friendly optimised graphical elements • familiar with all levels of CSS (through CSS3) • understand and ability to implement responsive design • understand browser limitations of Safari, IE, Firefox, Chrome; can design cross browser solutions Programming • competent to expert in WordPress & PHP (portfolio sites required) • understand modern javascript frameworks (minimum: JQuery) • understand SEO best practices Communications • fluent in English and Chinese
创建网站 企业门户型网站 包含尽可能完备的功能点 JSP开发三层架构, 数据库使用mysql 应用服务器与数据库需要热备。 企业功能如CRM,EMAIL都需要考虑
我需要找一个中国的开发人员来使用adobe的AEM/CQ技术来做网站。相关技术是:css3,javascript, jquery, extjs, jsp, java, servlet. 这是一个长期项目。
... 我们做出这个系统后,由于需要修改安卓底层代码,所以无法让用户下载使用。 现在我们需要一个Chrome高手,将这个功能与安卓系统下的Chrome浏览器整合在一起,这样用户就可以下载本系统,且在使用浏览器的时候使用动感操控系统了。 我们可以提供我们原先做在操作系统中的代码模块,供参考。 基本原理,调用智能手机内部的陀罗,感知手机的转动状态,手机转动一定角度,鼠标指针就向相应的方向移动一定的距离。当手指点击屏幕上的虚拟按钮的时候,相当于点击鼠标按键。 当然,还要同时保持系统原有的触摸屏操作的操作功能,即两种操控方式是并行的。 其他附加功能,以及可选要求, 1.菜单、功能按钮的自动隐藏功能,就如同windows的任务栏可以自动隐藏,当鼠标指针移动到屏幕边缘的时候自动冒出来,鼠标指针移走后再自动隐藏。 2.有基本的节省流量的功能。 3.界面用unicode,打包的时候同时做出一个英文版、和中文版。 4.具有Chrome最新版的基本的省流量功能。 5.据说Chrome代码中有翻墙功能,如果能加入这个功能更好。具体参照【天行浏览器】中的相应的功能。 7.具有基本功能相关的【设置菜单】项,对相关功能进行设置。 8.完成后提供源代码、注释、及详细说明, 投标方可以先用Chrome的源代码打包随便做一个简单、基本的浏览器,起一个市面上没有的名字或加一个特殊标志,证明你熟悉Chrome。投标者最好是汉语普通话流利的中国人。
SQL注入/代码审计/数据库权限/渗透测试技术 接渗透单子高手,联系电子邮箱:aqcp#(#改成@)语言要求:中文 熟练掌握各种内网渗透测试工具与相关知识,精通常见安全攻防技术:sql注入、xss、文件上传、文件包含、命令执行等漏洞 熟悉linux、unix、Windows、oracle、J2EE等各种环境下WEB的安全配置与安全检查及WEB漏洞防范; 熟悉各种脚本语言(asp,php,jsp,java,net、perl、python等)具备独立挖掘web安全漏洞与入侵手段 具备一定的网络安全知识,对网络安全结构、系统漏洞、入侵检测、病毒防护等有深入理论基础和实践经验; 熟悉渗透测试黑客攻防的步骤、方法、流程、熟练掌握各种渗透测试攻防工具有实际渗透经验者优先; 求大虾接单,脱裤,要求,电话,手机,姓名,邮箱,其他的一概不要。每笔单1000美金起步,根据站的难度而定价格,具体可以详谈,寻找长期合作. 态度认真、中介勿扰,请技术实力说话。
安全测试、漏洞发掘、漏洞渗透测试、安全审核、安全风险、服务器安全漏洞渗透测试评估与分析及加固; 联系QQ:840555737 2、对产品代码进行审视,找出安全漏洞并提出修改建议; 3、研究各种安全技术,编写和维护用于安全测试的攻击工具、防御工具和分析工具; 4、负责公司Web产品涉及到的安全性研究; 5、负责响应公司的安全事件; 6、为公司员工提供信息安全教育及培训。 岗位要求: 1、熟悉渗透测试的各类技术及方法,熟练掌握各种渗透测试工具;熟练操作各类操作系统、应用平台; 2、精通或熟练掌握php/perl/python/javascript/shell等多种脚本语言; 3、熟悉asp,php、jsp等主流的Web安全技术,包括SQL注入、XSS、CSRF等常见的安全漏洞利用; 4、熟悉国内外主流安全产品、工具,如:AppScan扫描器、wvs等; 5、对Web安全测试有自己的理解; 6、熟悉常见攻击和防御办法,熟悉web安全和渗透技术,能自行进行web渗透测试,恶意代码监测和分析; 7、熟悉ddos攻击类型和原理有一定的ddos攻防经验,能有效防御黑客挂马和恶意流量攻击,会熟练搭建负载均衡系统。
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Convert excel data to APK file(run under android)'
网站地址: 目前仅实现了刷钻。 需要推翻现有设计,重新整顿平台,平台主要有3个大的系统架构:刷钻、威客、店铺转让。 兼容要求: 若能包括DIV+CSS(兼容IE7+ ,FIREFOX,GOOGLE CHROME,360) 报价系统不太会用, 请自行联络我报价。
I have a project where I need someone to convert a picture into a CNC router file. The specifics of the picture format, material type, and level of detail will be discussed. Ideal candidates for this job should have experience with CNC file creation and picture conversions.
I'm looking for a skilled audio producer who can create a 15-second audio file for me. The audio should simulate a highly energetic and loud chanting crowd, led by a female voice. Specifics: - The leader should be a female voice a single voice leading them by shouting in a loud voice asking "What do we want?" then the crowd responding together "To conquer aging!" then the leader asking... "When do we want it?" and the crown responding... "Now". - The audio should repeat these phrases until the end of the 15 seconds. - There should be no background sounds or music, just the leader and the crowd. Ideal candidates should have experience in voice modulation and crowd simulation. A demo of similar work would be ...
I'm seeking an expert CAD designer to translate my paper sketches of geometric shapes into flat DXF files. These files will be used for a mini CNC machine, which means it's crucial to efficiently nest the shapes to minimize material waste. Key Requirements: - Convert geometric shapes from sketches into CAD files - High precision in DXF file creation - Efficient nesting of shapes for minimal material waste Material: The designs will be cut from cloth using the CNC machine. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in CAD software - Experience with CNC machine compatible designs - Skilled in precision design and material efficiency
hey Taras, can you please reverse engineer this catcher from drawing to stp file please and give me an isometric PDF. I was told the weight of the part was 14.5kg
I'm looking to have a Winform application built that can serve as a STEP file viewer. The viewer needs to be fully open-source, with the most crucial functionalities being 3D rendering and comprehensive measurement capabilities. Key Features: - 3D Rendering: The viewer should be able to present STEP files in a fully interactive 3D environment. - Full Measurement Suite: This includes tools for distance, angle, and volume measurement, as well as line, diameter, and radius measurement. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in VB.Net and experience with Winform applications. - Previous work with 3D rendering and creating measurement tools will be a big plus. - Experience in open-source software development is essential. Please note, the project re...
I have a file in Revit 2025, and I need to export it as a .skp or .dwg file. It is a very simple task to do, which takes a few minutes. You only need to use Revit 2025 If you do not have Revit 2025 PLEASE DO NOT APPLY
I'm looking for an experienced photoshop editor/ designer to edit existing .psd files and apply a .png content file (text and images) onto 6 cans. (Betsy, LAGER, PALE ALE, ALCOHOL FREE PALE ALE, IPA, SUGARCANE HONEYSUCKLE LAGER) The text and images must be placed and proportioned as closely to the original product images as possible. (Betsy's current psd file will need to be modified to the correct size and ratio) Requirements: - Ensure the .png content is accurately warped and fitted onto the cans, taking into account curves and slopes. - High attention to detail to match the original product images. - Strong proficiency in Photoshop. I will provide high-quality reference images of the original products. The go...
I'm looking for someone to test our project: and our Chrome extension: The task involves: - Creating an account and signing up - Testing all components, particularly the cover letter generation and ease of use. - Creating a complete resume - Downloading and testing the chrome extension - Providing honest, constructive feedback - Suggesting possible improvements Your feedback will be invaluable in helping us refine the user experience, particularly for our cover letter generation. The entire task shouldn't take more than 1 hour and to ensure that you've read the project description, start your bid with ""
Website: Objective: To migrate the existing Magento e-commerce platform to WooCommerce, ensuring all current functionalities, data, and features are retained while improving security, performance, and scalability. ________________________________________ 1. Scope of Migration 1.1. Data Migration The migration should include all critical data, ensuring a seamless transition with no loss of information: • Products: All SKUs, descriptions, categories, stock levels, attributes, images, related/up-sell/cross-sell products. • Customers: Including names, email addresses, shipping/billing addresses, order history, and passwords where possible. • Orders: Full order history, invoices, shipments, and credit memos. • Tax Rules: Customer and product tax ...
Hi, I worked with you a few months back. I need a bat file that will send me an email if a file has not been modified in set number of days. I have a script that sends emails through a bat file. I use it all the time. It would look like this: if I:DataImports > 14 days old { {script to send email goes here} } I can do the email part. I don’t know how to write the surrounding if statement. I put $250 down but let me know what you think is fair.
I need an expert in 3D modeling to modify my STL file. The project involves adding text or logos to the model and tweaking its details. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software - Extensive experience with STL files - Ability to add intricate details and features - Skills in incorporating text or logos into models Please provide examples of your previous work with STL files, particularly projects where you've added text or logos.
I need a solution for my Windows PC that can effectively track and log all file uploads and downloads, irrespective of file type. Key Requirements: - Log the destination location for uploaded files - Log the source location for downloaded files The primary purpose of this project is to enhance my file management system. Ideally, the freelancer for this project should have experience in developing or implementing similar tracking and logging systems, particularly for Windows operating systems. The solution should be user-friendly, reliable and capable of tracking all file types.
I'm looking for a talented developer to create a Google Chrome extension using React, TailwindCSS, and Auth0. The extension should have the following functionalities: - Popup upon clicking the extension icon. - A "Log In with Auth0" button to authenticate users. - A side panel that opens post-authentication, displaying custom user data from Auth0 as well as the user's full profile (name, email, and profile picture). The ideal candidate for this project should be proficient in React, TailwindCSS, and experienced with Auth0 integration. I am open to discussing any additional features that may enhance the extension's functionality.
Our WebView app, built on the WoWonder social networking platform using the Chrome Custom Tabs API, requires a feature that allows users to share images/videos directly from their gallery. The app should capture the media URI, retrieve the stored access token, and upload the file to WoWonder via the /api/upload endpoint. We are providing the API documentation along with a suggested workflow. The best-skilled freelancer with expertise and a willingness to work within the budget will be awarded the project. Project docs
Project Title: Development of a Responsive 5-Page Business Website Project Overview: We are seeking an experienced web developer to create a professional and responsive website for our business. The site will consist of 5 static pages, designed to establish a strong online presence and effectively communicate our services to potential clients. Scope of Work: Design & Development: Develop a clean, modern, and responsive design compatible with desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. Ensure cross-browser compatibility (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge). Pages Required: Home: Overview of our services and mission. About Us: Company history, team introductions, and values. Services: Detailed descriptions of the services we offer. Contact: Contact form, location ...
Our WebView app, built on the WoWonder social networking platform using the Chrome Custom Tabs API, requires a feature that allows users to share images/videos directly from their gallery. The app should capture the media URI, retrieve the stored access token, and upload the file to WoWonder via the /api/upload endpoint. We are providing the API documentation along with a suggested workflow. The best-skilled freelancer with expertise and a willingness to work within the budget will be awarded the project. Project docs
I need a Spring Boot developer to create a REST API for file upload and download with JWT authentication. The API should be built using Java 17, Spring Boot, MySQL, and Spring Security with JWT for authentication. Requirements: Secure file upload & download API JWT token-based authentication Store file metadata in MySQL Proper exception handling & validation Well-structured & documented code If you have experience with similar projects, please share your portfolio or relevant work. Looking forward to your proposals!
we need a custom trade base made for our day z server this project is on strict 24 hour dead line the trader base must have a bunker door to enter and large walls around it and MUST have one of each car and one of every in game item to be able to trade them
I'm looking for a Chrome extension that can extract certain profile details from Reddit and send the data to a Google Sheet. Key Requirements: - Extract the 'Username' from Reddit profiles. - Organize the data in Google Sheets with a single row per profile. The extension should be triggered manually, via a button click. Ideally, the freelancer for this project has extensive experience in Chrome extension development, data extraction, and Google Sheets integration.
I need an CAD designer or 3D modeler to create an STL file for a plastic part that connects tubing. It is basically two cylinders connected to each other. The smaller cylinder of the part has chipped, and I would like to be able to 3D print replacements of the entire part as needed. The smaller of the cylinders appears to be about 5/16" outside diameter with the cylinder wall about 1/16" thickness. The larger of the cylinders appears to be about 6/16" outside diameter with the wall also about 1/16" thick. The longer is about 1 and 7/8" long and the shorter is 1 and 3/4" the shorter one is only shorter on one end as you can tell from the photos. It is used to connect tubing so as long as its close it wil...
I'm looking for a designer to create an EPS file to be printed on glasses for my husband’s 50th birthday. The design should incorporate bold text and use a mountain graphic similar to the image supplied. The text should say: Stu’s 50th Thredbo 2025
I'm looking for a professional who can convert a SketchUp file into a STEP file suitable for manufacturing. The STEP file needs to be detailed and precise, as it will be used in the manufacturing process. Key requirements for the STEP file: - Inclusion of all geometric details - Material specifications - Emphasis on specific dimensions that are critical to the project The ideal freelancer for this project will have: - Extensive experience in CAD and file conversion - A strong attention to detail - Ability to understand and interpret specific requirements related to dimensions and tolerances.
i am looking for Expert who has experience in Meta Ads to advertise in USA or UK. I want to run 3-5 campaigns and then collect the lead from the ads Objectives: - Primarily focused on generating leads, specifically B2C. - Targeting a global audience. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Meta Ads management - Experienced in lead generation - Understanding of B2C marketing - Knowledge of global market trends - Capable of optimizing ads for maximum reach and impact. Please only apply if you have a proven track record in Meta ads.
Hire Jatin – Your Expert Front-End Web Developer for Stunning, High-Performance Websites Welcome to My Freelancer Profile! Are you looking for a skilled front-end web developer to build a modern, responsive, and visually appealing website? You’ve come to the right place! I’m Jatin, an experienced front-end developer passionate about crafting beautiful, user-friendly, and high-performing websites that enhance your business presence online. With expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, and more, I specialize in transforming ideas into interactive, functional, and aesthetically pleasing web experiences. Whether you’re a startup, business owner, blogger, or e-commerce entrepreneur, I can create a website that perfectly aligns w...
I'm looking for detail-oriented website testers who can join my team right away. The job entails a comprehensive evaluation of our websites for usability, functionality, and performance across various...browsers. Key Responsibilities: - Carry out functional, usability, and performance testing - Detect bugs, glitches, and other issues - Document issues clearly and concisely with reproduction steps - Collaborate with developers to resolve issues - Provide detailed feedback on the overall user experience Ideal Skills and Experience: - Testing across Desktop, Mobile, and Tablet - Familiarity with Windows, iOS, and Android - Proficient with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari - Strong attention to detail and excellent documentation skills - Prior experience ...
I'm in need of a Debian 12 Bookworm .img file compiled with Allstarlink3 software for my Orange Pi 3B and 4B. The image should enable these devices to operate as Allstarlink3 nodes. The setup should be compatible with both a Simple USB radio interface (URI) device and a simple USB radio device. There's no need for pre-configured Allstarlink3 software; a fully functional image is what i'm looking for. The software must function on the Orange Pi hardware (I'm using the emmc drive not the SD card). Key Requirements: - The .img file should allow the Orange Pi to function as an Allstarlink3 node. - The setup should work with both a simple USB audio device and a simple USB radio device. - No pre-configuration of the Allstarlink3 software i...
I need a JavaScript barcode scanning library that works in the browser and meets the following requirements: • Works offline – The library must function without an internet connection. • Supports all barcode types – It should be compatible with all standard barcodes and QR codes. • Superior performance – It should be better than existing free libraries like ZXing, QuaggaJS, Quagga2, or newer alternatives, with improvements in: • Speed – Faster scanning with minimal delay. • Accuracy – Higher detection accuracy with fewer false readings. • Resilience – Ability to scan even damaged, partially obscured, or poorly lit barcodes. • Cross-platform compatibility – Must work on both iPhone (Safa...