1. Project Overview A multilingual, international customer service platform that allows users to configure multiple chatbots with GPT API integration for AI-powered responses. The platform will offer flexible permission management, business features (e.g., chatbot-based pricing, coupon support, affiliate marketing), and support user-defined group management to meet the needs of enterprise clients. 2. System Roles and Permissions 1. Administrator (Admin) • Manage global functions and configurations, including user management, subscription management, affiliate marketing, cashback rewards, etc. 2. B-End Users (Enterprise Customers/Platform Users) • Primary Account: Responsible for creating and managing chatbots, configuring customer service permissions, groupin...
Project Overview Budget: 400 USD Deadline: To be completed within one month Progress Reporting: Daily updates on weekdays Prerequisites Software Requirements: PHP 8.2 or higher MySQL 8.0 or higher Node.js 18.x or higher npm 9.x or higher Knowledge Requirements: Basic knowledge of PHP, JavaScript, and web development Familiarity with Composer and npm package managers Development Requirements Payment Gateway Integration Payment Gateway 1: Airspay Integrate the Airspay payment system, supporting one-time payments via Alipay and WeChat Pay. Use the API to generate a payment QR code directly on the platform, allowing users to scan and pay without redirection. Documentation: Payment Gateway 2: Cryptomus Support USDT payments through the Cryptomus platform ...
Development Document: Frontend, Backend, and Admin Panel Table of Contents Overview General Requirements Frontend Development Requirements Menu Click Limitation Copy and Debugging Protection Multilingual Support Membership Plan Selection Interface Agent Page Backend Development Requirements Software Update System Invitation System Membership Pricing and Plan Modification Agent Membership Functionality Enterprise Functionality (Management Center) Card Code Redemption System Exclusive Membership Line Settings Email Configuration FAQs and Banners Management Copywriting Management Admin Panel Requirements Multilingual Switching Login Security Enhancement Order Management User Management Online Status Display Data Statistics and Reports Task Center (Planning Center) Deve...
...designer to create an engaging user interface for a SaaS website, greeting a seamless experience for our users. Key Responsibilities: * Use UI design kit out in the market to speed up the design. Design Preferences: * Incorporate a modern and minimalist design approach to make the website look contemporary without creating clutter. * Use vibrant colors thoughtfully to enhance the user experience while keeping a professional and corporate feel throughout. Ideal Skills (Optional): * Strong proficiency in website UI/UX design * Previous experience with SaaS platform design * Familiarity with modern, minimalist, and professional design approaches * Good understanding of color theories and user interface trends The applicant should demonstrate the willingness...
I am looking for a professional developer to design an auto-reply tool for new buy leads and inquiry on at every day. Your role is to build a system that sends both an automated message and email reply to potential clients. Take this tool/sofware just like the robit. My requirement below : 1. Auto reply my every inqury from buyer with my own information/message. 2. Find our item buying lead everyday and reply to all relative buying lead automatically by using my own information. 3. Send the same reply message to buying lead customer email address as well.
负责与联合国等国际组织建立链接;负责与联合国论坛及会议相关部门对接,推动项目执行落地。 In charge of getting connected with an organization of UN, making effort for the program to be done well. In detail, Help participants join the UN conference or forum 2023 as an audience.
嗨 Full Stackology, 我想要邀请您来完成我的项目。更多细节我们可以稍后通过聊天交流。
我们需要一位全栈开发者(full stack developer)帮助我们开发一个在微信(WeChat)上运行的小程序(mini program),它的核心功能有:注册登录,用户信息展示和真实身份认证,有趣的活动发布及报名,创新创意idea发布,加好友即时聊天,推荐转发。 It includes 4 main pages: list: all the registered entrepreneurs listed here, according to their credit, latest log-in time,and etc. when clicked, other users can browse this entrepreneur’s detail info, and follow him/her, and chat with each other(registered users only). list:display the startup ideas and projects clicked,other users can see what's about,and know what this user needs, for example, a CTO, CMO...also,any user can give feedback to this idea or project. page:display some interesting activities, user stories and etc.. page:personal information, including id, contact, education and job
您好,Daniel B.。我留意到了你的简历,想让您参与我的项目。我们可以讨论一下项目的细节。
Job Description: 负责软件之分析、设计以及程序撰写。 规划执行软件架构及模块之设计,并控管软件设计进度。 进行软件之测试与修改。 规划、执行与维护量产的产品。 协助研发软件新技术与新工具。 管控软件开发成本 Requirements: Professional Certificate, Diploma, Advanced/Higher/Graduate Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Post Graduate Diploma, Professional Degree *MUST be proficient in MANDARIN
你好,我是一个新手, 想要积累一些开发经验,想问以下可以不可以免费给你打工, , 主要技术:MERN stack,在学blockchain development的东西。可以的话通过brianzzl@ 联系我,微信:brian_zzl
...do an app shell for review and approval, and the content of the review is not limited, as long as it can pass! After the success, we will dock our API to read the homepage content display! We require LOGO, product name, introduction map, developer account, and Aurora account to use our. We have our own main website platform. In order to promote our main website platform, we need to make a lot of vest apps for a long time, and then guide users to our main website game. Therefore, the function of the app you make is only for the reviewers. Just to deal with the review, after the app is put on the shelf, directly open the given url address to the user through the webview....
职位信息 该职位是兼职/自由职业者,可以远程完成。 岗位职责: -协助建立当地分支机构 -市场调查 -积极探索相关的合作机会 -协调和管理与投资合作伙伴的关系 -在香港和中国积极探索新的业务机会 -负责建立与新客户的关系并跟进 -与高层管理人员密切合作,筹集当地分支机构 -重视团队合作及交流, 并提出建议 -不定时需要出差 任职资格: -大专及以上学历要求 -良好英语者 -有相关在中国市场拓展的工作经验,精通商业或投资或项目管理可优先考虑 -交流沟通能力强,能够和客户保持良好的关系 -有团队管理的能力 -有一定的抗压能力, 能够高效率完成工作 -积极向上,有自发性 -有在外资公司工作者优先 -曾经或者现在有自己经营生意者可优先考虑 福利待遇: 丰厚的薪金和福利 公司信息 Invictus Investments Limited创立超过10年,公司总部在欧洲,是一家享誉全球的国际投资管理公司。我们的卓越与注于技术初创公司和电子元件公司有关。我们也是涉及电子元件公司的资本投资专家。我们有丰富处理电子公司的资本管理的经验。我们的客户来自全球各地, 我们致力于为我们的投资者和客户服务,并尽力为他们提供最好的服务。 了解更多: 欢迎有识之士加盟我们的团队,公司将提供适时的发展机遇以及具有竞争力的工资福利待遇!
职位信息 该职位是兼职/自由职业者,可以远程完成。 岗位职责: -协助建立当地分支机构 -市场调查 -积极探索相关的合作机会 -协调和管理与投资合作伙伴的关系 -在香港和中国积极探索新的业务机会 -负责建立与新客户的关系并跟进 -与高层管理人员密切合作,筹集当地分支机构 -重视团队合作及交流, 并提出建议 -不定时需要出差 任职资格: -大专及以上学历要求 -良好英语者 -有相关在中国市场拓展的工作经验,精通商业或投资或项目管理可优先考虑 -交流沟通能力强,能够和客户保持良好的关系 -有团队管理的能力 -有一定的抗压能力, 能够高效率完成工作 -积极向上,有自发性 -有在外资公司工作者优先 -曾经或者现在有自己经营生意者可优先考虑 福利待遇: 丰厚的薪金和福利 公司信息 Invictus Investments Limited创立超过10年,公司总部在欧洲,是一家享誉全球的国际投资管理公司。我们的卓越与注于技术初创公司和电子元件公司有关。我们也是涉及电子元件公司的资本投资专家。我们有丰富处理电子公司的资本管理的经验。我们的客户来自全球各地, 我们致力于为我们的投资者和客户服务,并尽力为他们提供最好的服务。 了解更多: 欢迎有识之士加盟我们的团队,公司将提供适时的发展机遇以及具有竞争力的工资福利待遇!
我需要重建一个已有的网站 设计并搭建 小型企业网站 请联系邮箱[Removed by Freelancer.com Admin]
We have completed the graphic design and graphic materials, to speed up the project that want additional resource to help us to code for HTML 5 pages. - Adaptive HTML for mobile devices - Multi- environment support(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - Expected 2.5 weeks to complete entire page development, 0.5 weeks for testing and fixing - Basic test from developer before releasing every build to us. Final acceptance test will done by us - NDA is needed before start sharing project infomation 目前我们正在开发一个餐厅订单后台处理的平台,需要另外一名freelance来加速HTML5的开发进程。 - 目前我们已经完成了页面额设计和PS素材的制作,开发人员可以直接使用。 - 自适应网页制作,尤其是针对不同的移动设备(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - 希望在两周半的时候完成页面的开发(希望每两两天提交代码,以便早点检查和反馈),大概3-5天做验收测试和问题修复 - 希望开发人员会做基本的自测,确保发给我们验收的内容有一定的质量。当然我...
I need a new website. I need you to design my personal website. '在互联网可是一笔商业买卖,如果你知道如何把国货输出。那昱一种无形的资產。
请将 改造成中文版的房车租赁网页。 样本可以参考 1. 简洁美观大方。手机,平板,电脑上都可展示。作者拥有网站设计及图片完全知识产权,并将转让给发标者。效果图见附件。 2. 用javascipt, bootstrap
iPhone/iPad应用 iPhone和iPad 我需要对其进行设计和搭建 做一个手机APP.像airbnb
我需要一个新网站 设计并搭建 网上商店 woman clothing online shopping website
香港翻译公司招收全职SOHO中文网络小说中翻英译员 请登录网站了解本公司 (香港工商注册号:63547843-000-07-14-6)。 本公司与网站有长期合作关系,现在需招收4-6名全职网络小说译员 1. 网络小说译员是一项全职SOHO工作,在家上班。我们只招收对中文小说翻译真正感兴趣,希望以此作为稳定职业的译员。 2. 工作性质:将著名中文网络小说,包括: 历史,仙侠,修真类等,翻译成英文版本。 3. 翻译速度要求:每天至少翻译4000中字。多翻多计稿酬。 4. 翻译质量要求:可采取机器翻译+人工编译或人工直接翻译的形式。方式不限,但交付译文的质量要求一致:英语语法native或者near-native水平,行文流畅,没有重大错译漏译。 5. 原则上每天交稿。如果需要外出,当月需要及时补交工作量要求的章节。 6. 工资标准为6000人民币/月,也可外币结算。上不封顶。 7. 稿费支付方式:每月结算,直接打入译员账号。 有意者,请提供简历、自己翻译的中翻英样稿发送到: minlingua@, 我们会筛选简历以后安排测试。 因为项目内容为三百万字的网络小说,而且后续还有长期合作,所以测试字数为1000字。这是书稿翻译的行规以及客户的要求。如果测试通过,双方签订合作合同,该试译会计算稿酬。非骗译! 以下译员请勿投送简历: 没有职业转型计划或者不打算将网络小说翻译当全职工作; 英语水平一般,没有专业英语背景。 本广告绝对真实,这段时间都有效,欢迎扩散!推荐成功有referral fee!