How to edit fortnite videos on imovie工作


    2,000 how to edit fortnite videos on imovie 找到工作

    ...extensive course on overseas social media operations, covering TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and other relevant platforms. Deliver the course in the form of documents and videos, structured systematically. Cover platform introductions, account setup, operational strategies, monetization methods, content creation, traffic acquisition, paid promotions, and advanced tools to improve efficiency. Comprehensive Course Framework (Extended Outline) Phase 1: Introduction to Social Media Platforms Overview of key platforms: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook Emerging platforms (e.g., LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter) Characteristics and demographics of platform users Pros and cons of each platform for businesses and creators Account setup and optimization: Step...

    $750 Average bid
    $750 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    ...extensive course on overseas social media operations, covering TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and other relevant platforms. Deliver the course in the form of documents and videos, structured systematically. Cover platform introductions, account setup, operational strategies, monetization methods, content creation, traffic acquisition, paid promotions, and advanced tools to improve efficiency. Comprehensive Course Framework (Extended Outline) Phase 1: Introduction to Social Media Platforms Overview of key platforms: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook Emerging platforms (e.g., LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter) Characteristics and demographics of platform users Pros and cons of each platform for businesses and creators Account setup and optimization: Step...

    $250 Average bid
    $250 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    **Translation into English:** --- **No Restriction on Programming Language: Text Processing Task** Extract group chat records from a large text file and slowly write them into individual small text files in the target folder. --- ### GitHub Repository Requirements document and text to be processed are available at the GitHub repository: []() --- ### Summary of Requirements Extract the WhatsApp group chat records from a large text file `` located in the `HistoryMsg` directory and slowly release them into the target folder. Each message should become a small file where the content is the translated version of the message. For images or other attachments (images do not

    $155 Average bid
    $155 平均报价
    4 个竞标

    Use PHP to copy this AI management panel and add new functions. Our situation: At present, our software has a web version front-end (the front-end has source code, written in Vue3+Gin); The back-end (the management panel obtained by purchasing a license, all functions are encrypted). We need to develop an management panel that is exactly the same as it. And add some new functions to make it more suitable for mobile phone display effects. Optimize AI functions: Add new functions and optimize AI functions: including: the original AI Chat function (add canvas function, search function, memory function, multimodal function, export document function, real-time voice interaction function, voice to text function, memory function), AI drawing function (add editable p...

    $3750 Average bid
    $3750 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    Development Requirements Document 1. Project Overview This project aims to extend and optimize the functionality of the existing system, with a focus on improving user experience, security, subscription services, payment integration, and management capabilities. The goal is to develop a versatile and flexible AI API platform that ensures system stability, efficiency, and security. Website: 2. Development Features Overview 2.1 Bug Fixes Add a fix for the logo redirection bug: Correct the error where the logo does not redirect properly, ensuring normal navigation to the homepage or the specified page. Add a check for all code bugs: Conduct a thorough code review, identify and fix all potential issues, ensuring logical correctness and stable operation of the co...

    $1118 Average bid
    $1118 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    我们研发了一款休闲类的消除游戏,需要完成20人连续14天封闭性测试 We have developed a casual elimination game that requires 20 people to complete 14 consecutive days of closed testing

    $20 Average bid
    $20 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    是英文聊天视频,希望能剪得快节奏,有趣一点。 basically it's omegle chatting content, wish you can help make the video more interesting and fun

    $134 Average bid
    $134 平均报价
    19 个竞标
    文章写作 on pdf
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    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr 平均报价
    13 个竞标


    $162 Average bid
    $162 平均报价
    4 个竞标


    $139 Average bid
    $139 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    招兼职剪接声音的人。一个声音(短则8分钟,长则30分钟) 要求:降噪,去除杂音,音量提高,去掉口癖(如这个、那个、额、长段空白、咳嗽等),笑声可保留。 输出声音格式要求:MP3,高音质,立体声,大小控制在50MB以内 ENGLISH A person who works part-time to cut the sound. One voice (8 minutes short and 30 minutes long) Requirements: Noise reduction, noise removal, volume increase, remove the mouth (such as this, that, forehead, long blank, cough, etc.), laughter can be retained. Output sound format requirements: MP3, high sound quality, stereo, size control within 50MB

    $830 Average bid
    $830 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    我们是经营家具的公司,经营电商平台,想要拍摄一段几分钟的宣传视频发布到Facebook 和 youtube 等一些平台,产品为办公转椅。 _______________________________________________ We are a furniture company that operates an e-commerce platform and wants to shoot a few minutes of promotional videos to be posted on Facebook and youtube. The products are office swivel chairs.

    $1529 Average bid
    $1529 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    To develop OTD KPI reports on JobBOSS: Calculate OTD archive rate by daily, weekly, monthly, there are two conditions need to be fulfilled, one is quantity delivery fulfillment, the delivered qty should equal to requested qty, another condition is delivered date, the delivered date should equal or be earlier than promised day. Scope: all closed SO which closed on current day, current week and current month. Set the OTD target If SO was delivered earlier on last month , then the OTD need to be included in last Month’s OTD KPI. by SO + Project number Use Chart display the OTD by day,week and month. Data source: ERP SQL DB Tool: Crystal report

    $26 / hr Average bid
    $26 / hr 平均报价
    3 个竞标


    $109 Average bid
    $109 平均报价
    18 个竞标


    $175 Average bid
    $175 平均报价
    12 个竞标
    Edit Something
    已经结束 left


    $517 Average bid
    $517 平均报价
    22 个竞标

    创建一个可以上传(或连接视频地址)和下载视频的网站(create a webpage which can upload or download videos)

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr 平均报价
    22 个竞标
    design on ceramci mug
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    $97 Average bid
    $97 平均报价
    25 个竞标
    Edit Something
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    Chinese Travel Articles Editing 寻求旅游书/文章编辑 旅行数年的故事都写好了,打算编成一本书,奈何我不是最优质的写作者,因此文章需要编辑。想先分享其中一篇旅行文章,看看编辑编出来的成果如何,再决定是否有合作的机会。 基本上我最大的缺点就是不够简洁扼要。要是你这方面的能力特别强,欢迎接洽。谢谢!

    $23 Average bid
    $23 平均报价
    13 个竞标
    Edit Something
    已经结束 left

    Chinese Travel Articles Editing 寻求旅游书/文章编辑 旅行数年的故事都写好了,打算编成一本书,奈何我不是最优质的写作者,因此文章需要编辑。想先分享其中一篇旅行文章,看看编辑编出来的成果如何,再决定是否有合作的机会。 基本上我最大的缺点就是不够简洁扼要。要是你这方面的能力特别强,欢迎接洽。谢谢!

    $12 Average bid
    $12 平均报价
    13 个竞标

    我门需要一个会讲中文的programmer。我们是一个中介,我门给英语老师安排中国的工作机会。他们来中国提前必须面试,在我们的wordpress网站用视频plugin来面试。视频面试以后要把视频automatically放在baidupan 还是其它的filesharing网站 We need a wordpress plugin customisation, to link uploaded videos to a Chinese filesharing website. You need to be able to edit the API of any of the following sites: 酷盘, 金山快盘, 百度网盘,帮助文档首页/个人云存储_API 新浪微盘, 华为网盘, 妖妖舞, (似乎非官方) dropbox,

    $172 Average bid
    $172 平均报价
    11 个竞标

    A games live streaming website like twitch (handling large amount of video data? ) with user registration and account information, upload video, leave comments on real time living videos. Need experienced developer who can be able to build up the front end, back end, database and server for efficiently storing and retrieving videos data. If you think the price is below your expectation, please leave the price works for you, we can negotiate it.

    $2653 Average bid
    $2653 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Advance Research on Wordpress website development'

    $30 / hr Average bid
    $30 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    Looking for someone to create and manage a wechat group. Scope includes coming up with attention grabbing ideas to drive "Likes", writing/refreshing content, uploading content (words, gif, videos, images) manage Q&A etc for a year

    $2741 Average bid
    $2741 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'A story based on a background image'

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    ...备一定的后期内部软件升级空间,根据我们的需要往其中加入新功能,如果被破解,我们是不会通过最终审核的。 We are an offline education training institution. Currently, we need to prepare the teaching MP4 video recorded every day for the students to study at home. However, the videos should not be shared randomly and sold online by our students. Therefore, we decide to encrypt the videos through hardware encryption to prevent the spread of the videos. It is necessary to develop three parts including video encryption software, USB softdog, and encrypt video player. The specific requirements are as follows:  1, We need to encrypt videos every day with the encrpytion software. The students can obtain the encrypted videos through online or offline copy. 2, T...

    $9790 Average bid
    $9790 平均报价
    9 个竞标


    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 个竞标
    graphic designer
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    Web design graphic design and picture design for videos

    $17 Average bid
    $17 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    做一个安卓的婚恋应用,前端界面快设计好了,产品也做了全面的规划,流程图,数据库,业务逻辑都有详细的规划。本应用开发要用到node.js,建立在leancloud云平台上。这个婚恋应用的功能包括:注册、权重计算、匹配、单身分享、活动发起、预约、聊天等。聊天有可以利用的SDK,权重计算、自动匹配、自动邀约等本后台逻辑的才是本应用的最大工作量。 大概就是这样的一个业务流程:

    $1034 Average bid
    $1034 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    /painting on the 5 meter long wall,in chinese restaurant

    $334 Average bid
    $334 平均报价
    4 个竞标

    大家好, 我在找一个团队能帮忙设计与开发一个基于微信的体彩项目。附件是这个项目的需求文档,请查看。请申请者提供相关的作品,最好是关于彩票类,或是基于微信的二次开发相关工作。具体要求如下: >> 项目需求描述 1)功能:请见附件文档 2)周期:约2个月内完成文档内的功能(除游戏部分以外) >> 希望找到这样的团队 1)团队用中文对接需求,因为项目需求比较复杂,敬请谅解 2)有过微信开发,或者彩票类相关项目的开发经验 3)有产品设计师可以出设计稿(UI)与交互图(UE) 请根据附件文档,大致核算时间与费用,给我一份按模块的报价单。谢谢大家的时间! Ping

    $10526 Average bid
    $10526 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    食品盒存储管理 (IOS & Android) ...区块显示食物盒颜色大小及食物名称 2.4.6. 用户自己输入EXPIRE DAY. 2.4.7. 用户把该区块拖拉到左面的种类方块存入该种类. (该种类已存数量加1) 2.4.8. 单按种类方块可显示该种类存入名称, 日期及过期日等明细 2.4.9. 点明细可修改/删除, 或加入Buying Task 2.5. Chart 2.5.1. BarChart及PieChart图显示已存食物种类分布 (可选按年, 月, 全期) 2.6. Buying Task (购买任务) 2.6.1. 从2.4.9.加入 2.6.2. 显示要购买东西清单(名称及checkbox), 例如在超市可按清单购买, 按该行checkbox, 像checklist. 2.7. Setting 2.7.1. EDIT MY DATA (用我司CRM API) 2.7.2. ABOUT US (打开我司网页) 2.7.3. VOTE (FB/Twitter) 2.7.4. SYNC TO CLOUD (用我司MySql API)

    $1668 Average bid
    $1668 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    食品盒存储管理 (IOS & Android) ...区块显示食物盒颜色大小及食物名称 2.4.6. 用户自己输入EXPIRE DAY. 2.4.7. 用户把该区块拖拉到左面的种类方块存入该种类. (该种类已存数量加1) 2.4.8. 单按种类方块可显示该种类存入名称, 日期及过期日等明细 2.4.9. 点明细可修改/删除, 或加入Buying Task 2.5. Chart 2.5.1. BarChart及PieChart图显示已存食物种类分布 (可选按年, 月, 全期) 2.6. Buying Task (购买任务) 2.6.1. 从2.4.9.加入 2.6.2. 显示要购买东西清单(名称及checkbox), 例如在超市可按清单购买, 按该行checkbox, 像checklist. 2.7. Setting 2.7.1. EDIT MY DATA (用我司CRM API) 2.7.2. ABOUT US (打开我司网页) 2.7.3. VOTE (FB/Twitter) 2.7.4. SYNC TO CLOUD (用我司MySql API)

    $1699 Average bid
    $1699 平均报价
    9 个竞标

    大家好,我叫‘马克’,我是一个英国人 I would like to gather information about 100 companies in Dongguan, Guangdong, China, including: 1. 公司名 2. 地址 3. 城市 4. 省 5. 国家 6. 电子邮件 7. 电话1 8. 电话2 9. 手机1 10. 手机2 11. 传真 12. 网站 13. 来源 14. 公司简介 15. 招聘职位 I include the spreadsheet to complete here. **** NOTE: The successful Freelancer will state the top 10 job recruitment sites that they will use to gather information in their bid please. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. On any of the popular job-listing websites, locate details of an employee (company profile) 2. Complete the company profile columns B - M 3. Include any links to profiles on the job site (the source) 4. List the nu...

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 个竞标
    music and videos
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    my projuct is the bast jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

    $150 Average bid
    $150 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Add watermark on PDF'

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    Build a Website
    已经结束 left within >10Million PV/day, every high efficient website (like airbnb,com, Craigslist). The website should be very easy to maintain or expand, for development in the next steps. Type: The website is classified website similar to Craigslist, however, it could mediate the transaction for the items, service (restaurant, housing, renting). The market and users are same as Craigslist. However, the design and function of the website is totally different from Craigslist. Mobile application function: During the website’s development, the mobile application should be well considered according to the website. Transaction: The transaction mechanism is similar to eBay, Amazon that the buyer will charged and the seller will get the money o...

    $5707 Average bid
    $5707 平均报价
    12 个竞标

    1. User Management‏ 2. login & signup‏ ‎12‎:‎32 3. user profile edit page‏ 4. Post Page‏ 5. Feed Page‏ 6. Following & Follower function‏

    $35 / hr Average bid
    $35 / hr 平均报价
    4 个竞标

    1. User Management‏ 2. login & signup‏ ‎12‎:‎32 3. user profile edit page‏ 4. Post Page‏ 5. Feed Page‏ 6. Following & Follower function‏

    $35 / hr Average bid
    $35 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    经过前面的讨论我们团队认为需要把网站进行一些调整,我们还是以Teespring的模式为主,!/xr/1,具体的细节如下, 我们网站的名字是Crowddesigner: 1、 基本的构架还是以Teepsring为主,但是我们希望可以在制作的结构和布局方面有点改变,还有网站的色调和感觉我们还是希望能够更加精致和高端。 2、 这个网站基本框架: (1)首页(we may need you to help devise a wonderful and concise home page, be cool) (2)发起项目,按照Teespring来; (3)邀请朋友(); (4)设计师工厂(),这个板块我们希望展示的是我们自己注册通过的设计师,这个网站的链接是一个风险投资的,但是他的结构布局我们很喜欢,这个部分希望能按这种风格来,然后每个独立设计人能够像这个网站里面圆形的来展示,然后点击进去是他们发布的创意和个人的介绍;而且我们要求的功能是经过注册审核的设计师能够自己发布项目,而且项目下面有一个“点赞”功能;整个板块希望做的高端美观! (5)原创商城();这种感觉展示出来 上面的就是我们的主要板块,希望网站能够像外国风格那样精致、美观、高端而舒适。

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Translate From English to Chinese using PO EDIT..'

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    script JQUERY textarea
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    $23 Average bid
    $23 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    Check out: You see the following phrases: 缘分是前世感情的延续, 缘分是今世的擦肩而过。 缘分是前世不变的誓言, 缘分是今生痛苦的约定。 缘分是一次机遇的把握, 缘分是一种爱慕的流逝。 缘分是相遇时美好梦想, 缘分是别离后苦涩回忆 I need 500 10-15 word phrases on 缘分, nothing shorter and nothing longer. The meanings and words from the 500 phrases must all be different from one other.

    $88 Average bid
    $88 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    Check out: You see the following phrases: 缘分是前世感情的延续, 缘分是今世的擦肩而过。 缘分是前世不变的誓言, 缘分是今生痛苦的约定。 缘分是一次机遇的把握, 缘分是一种爱慕的流逝。 缘分是相遇时美好梦想, 缘分是别离后苦涩回忆 I need 500 10-12 word phrases on 缘分.

    $144 Average bid
    $144 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Edit the report which has 7000 words'

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    simple edit
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    custom prject

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标