wish用户大多用facebook登录wish客户端,并且在可以收藏关注其他的wish用户及其他用户收藏的产品,我的要求是,采集出用facebook登录wish客户端的客户的facebook邮箱或者其他用户信息,目的是用这些facebook邮箱或者数据在facebook投放广告引流到我自己的wish店铺。(facebook投放广告到wish店铺,必须要求点击广告的用户之前已经安装有wish客户端,不然,等客户安装完wish客户端后,就是跳转到wish的主页面,导致之前投放的自己链接的广告效果为0.)因此,最好找出,登录wish客户端的facebook用户信息,他们之间的关系! 有此类开发采集数据的朋友 请联系 QQ :二一四七零二零零三 详谈! 望长期合作!
游戏介绍:基础版扫雷(Windows风格),后期会加入难度关卡 展示位置:博客、微博、Facebook等社交媒体。 详细要求: 1.简单明了,不说废话,不老套,易转载和传播。(如通过故事表达) 2.选取一个角度吸引用户。如经典重现,儿时记忆,怀旧,可玩性等。也可结合开发者角度。 3.字数不限,建议精短。
苹果和安卓系统开发,需要的功能主要是,点评,GPS定位导航,购买(支付宝和银联+PayPal ,分享=微信,QQ,facebook,中文简体,繁体,英文版。我已经完成了UE,UI及切图。 iphone 5: 设计尺寸是 640px * 1136px,Android :1920x1080。中英双语。我的联系方法是 963522395QQ.(Removed by Freelancer.com admin for breaching Terms and Conditions)
苹果和安卓应用系统开发,需要的功能主要是,点评,GPS定位导航,购买(支付宝和银联+PayPal ,分享=微信,QQ,facebook,中文简体,繁体,英文版。我已经完成了UE,UI及切图。 iphone 5: 设计尺寸是 640px * 1136px,Android :1920x1080。中英双语。我的联系方法是 963522395QQ. 电话:15214377354.
苹果和安卓系统开发,需要的功能主要是,点评,GPS定位导航,购买(支付宝和银联+PayPal ,分享=微信,QQ,facebook,中文简体,繁体,英文版。我已经完成了UE,UI及切图。 iphone 5: 设计尺寸是 640px * 1136px,Android :1920x1080。中英双语。我的联系方法是 963522395QQ. 电话:15214377354.
我们是一家食品进口公司位于香港,拥有自己的工厂在马来西亚。我们希望有人帮忙找到代理,网站销售点等等。我们的产品是属于茶类,原产马来西亚,产品名为优顿草茶。几年前在马来西亚因优顿草医好了许多末期癌症病患而暴红,时常都供不应求。目前我们的工厂已经到了成熟期,生产能力大大的提升而且已经准备好供应大陆的市场。我们刚刚设立了自己的网站: ,我们也需要增加潜在客户或市场而且需要让在寻找我们的产品的客户知道我们的产品已到达中国大陆和香港,不需要专门飞到马来西亚本地购买。我们也需要Facebook (主要为香港,中国,台湾,马来西亚等亚洲地区) 里更多的追求者或Like,不允许使用Blackhat或其他工具等引发Facebook ban等问题。如果您拥有以上的任何技能,请联络我们。感谢
我们是一家食品进口公司位于香港,拥有自己的工厂在马来西亚。我们希望有人帮忙找到代理,网站销售点等等。我们的产品是属于茶类,原产马来西亚,产品名为优顿草茶。几年前在马来西亚因优顿草医好了许多末期癌症病患而暴红,时常都供不应求。目前我们的工厂已经到了成熟期,生产能力大大的提升而且已经准备好供应大陆的市场。我们刚刚设立了自己的网站: ,我们也需要增加潜在客户或市场而且需要让在寻找我们的产品的客户知道我们的产品已到达中国大陆和香港,不需要专门飞到马来西亚本地购买。我们也需要Facebook (主要为香港,中国,台湾,马来西亚等亚洲地区) 里更多的追求者或Like,不允许使用Blackhat或其他工具等引发Facebook ban等问题。如果您拥有以上的任何技能,请联络我们。感谢
我们是一家食品进口公司位于香港,拥有自己的工厂在马来西亚。我们希望有人帮忙找到代理,网站销售点等等。我们的产品是属于茶类,原产马来西亚,产品名为优顿草茶。几年前在马来西亚因优顿草医好了许多末期癌症病患而暴红,时常都供不应求。目前我们的工厂已经到了成熟期,生产能力大大的提升而且已经准备好供应大陆的市场。我们刚刚设立了自己的网站: ,我们也需要增加潜在客户或市场而且需要让在寻找我们的产品的客户知道我们的产品已到达中国大陆和香港,不需要专门飞到马来西亚本地购买。我们也需要Facebook (主要为香港,中国,台湾,马来西亚等亚洲地区) 里更多的追求者或Like,不允许使用Blackhat或其他工具等引发Facebook ban等问题。如果您拥有以上的任何技能,请联络我们。感谢
我想要張傳單A6 size, 係最頂我想要我地既logo 同地址。之後內容我想要: 全日英式早餐 各款三明治和多士/吐司 意大利粉 各款蛋糕 係任何一邊我想要星星做條邊… 之後係落小小我想要 extract coffee, teapigs pipers & co, facebook, twitter 同微博既圖示… 之後就係張coupon . Coupon 上面我想打: 套餐優惠 所有三明治或吐司/多士+布朗尼+英國茶或美式咖啡 £3.95 或 消費£2以上(只限食品)即贈送咖啡一杯。 另一邊個格式係一樣…只係英文… 係中文果邊,我仲想要jaket potatoes, all day breakfast coffee 同sandwiches 既相…之後中文呢邊個logo 我想轉做一個promotion box. 入面打…現凡購買超過£15的美容產品,即可提供免費送貨服務,只需輸入FREEDELIVERY 15. 附件有個樣本可以參考,我想要類似既顏色,但係一個新風格
任务描述 基于wordpress建设企業介紹网站,需要國際性信用卡支付功能(Visa Master AE 銀聯 paypal)、blog新聞與活動發布功能 以及會員系統_登入/註冊/會員資料(郵箱註冊、Facebook登入 )功能, 要求网站瀏覽流程简单好用。 开发方向 將我方已添購的模板與呈現內容進行安裝、重組與呈現。 讓客戶對於我方服務進行線上支付、blog新聞發布、會員系統(郵箱和第三方)。 我方會提供內地金流服務商(銀聯)的架接方式。 网站所属行业 海外留學服務機構 是否已准备好网站所需要内容? 我方將提供 [文字 视频 模板] 彼此共同探討 『 图片 』 网站所需功能 用户注册,生成用户账号 支持社交网站(Facebook/Twitter)登录 在线支付(國際信用卡) 模板內Blog功能實現 中英雙语言 全站搜索 补充说明: ===== 此描述有小幅改动,请已投标的朋友再次阅读任务描述 ===== 我们已经購買好wordpress主题,可以从中选择,也可以另外建议,可以再讨论,主题已經支持woocommerce。 維護方面,我們希望在建置後的三個月內能進行網站的穩定性調適並且教導我方如何更改網站圖文及blog內容。 功能方面,最主要就是將模板內功能配合我方ppt的呈現, 業務的介紹、用戶對於業務的在線支付以及第三方平台的接入。 在线支付需要支持paypal,电子转账和國際信用卡(銀聯)支付,并且网站应该在手机上浏览顺畅(模板內已有多方頁面呈現),用户体验良好。 在您给出最好的报价的同时,我们希望你尽量给出你做过的用wordpress建站的电商网站作品,如果不是wordpress建的请务必标出,如果是wordpress也请尽量...
任务描述 基于wordpress建设企業介紹网站,需要國際性信用卡支付功能(Visa Master AE 銀聯 paypal)、blog新聞與活動發布功能 以及會員系統_登入/註冊/會員資料(郵箱註冊、Facebook登入 )功能, 要求网站瀏覽流程简单好用。 开发方向 將我方已添購的模板與呈現內容進行安裝、重組與呈現。 讓客戶對於我方服務進行線上支付、blog新聞發布、會員系統(郵箱和第三方)。 我方會提供內地金流服務商(銀聯)的架接方式。 网站所属行业 海外留學服務機構 是否已准备好网站所需要内容? 我方將提供 [文字 视频 模板] 彼此共同探討 『 图片 』 网站所需功能 用户注册,生成用户账号 支持社交网站(Facebook/Twitter)登录 在线支付(國際信用卡) 模板內Blog功能實現 中英雙语言 全站搜索 补充说明: ===== 此描述有小幅改动,请已投标的朋友再次阅读任务描述 ===== 我们已经購買好wordpress主题,可以从中选择,也可以另外建议,可以再讨论,主题已經支持woocommerce。 維護方面,我們希望在建置後的三個月內能進行網站的穩定性調適並且教導我方如何更改網站圖文及blog內容。 功能方面,最主要就是將模板內功能配合我方ppt的呈現, 業務的介紹、用戶對於業務的在線支付以及第三方平台的接入。 在线支付需要支持paypal,电子转账和國際信用卡(銀聯)支付,并且网站应该在手机上浏览顺畅(模板內已有多方頁面呈現),用户体验良好。 在您给出最好的报价的同时,我们希望你尽量给出你做过的用wordpress建站的电商网站作品,如果不是wordpress建的请务必标出,如果是wordpress也请尽量...
我们公司自产自销汽车改装车灯,希望找人帮我们在各类社交媒体上进行软文或者视频推广。 推荐产品如下:http://www.amazon.com/Fengdu-Light-Off-road-Combo-Ultra-bright/dp/B00NXC5ZTS/ref=sr_1_cc_2?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1413777330&sr=1-2-catcorr&keywords=fengdu+light+bar
任务描述 仿站 - 1.多用户卖家 2.积分 支付 (支持国际信用卡和国际银行卡) 4.支付宝免签支付 5.多国语言(中英) 6.商品价格同时双显示人民币及美元 7.支付时,可选择特殊日子送货 8.支付时,可选项填写贺卡片祝福语(200字) 9.商城模板PC+手机+微信三合一 如需要请参考 " ShopNC " 及 " ECmall " 前台及后台演示 参考网站: 网站所需功能: 用户注册,生成用户账号 支持社交网站(Facebook/Twitter)登录 在线支付 用户发表评论及反馈 用户可填写表格 用户论坛 多语言 全站搜索 用户博客/空间 搜索引擎优化(SEO) 需要 需要技能: MySQL, PayPal, PHP
首先需要你有1个之前注册的Facebook账户 最近有登陆过 否则不能成功的 先登陆 注册一个账户 然后去邮箱 复制 recovery code 然后有2个邮件 另外一个可能在垃圾箱里 然后点击 set up passdword recovery! 输入 recovery code 点击 continue 然后 continue with Facebook 如果成功后会得到6000 个Stellars 点击send 然后 send to 之后的地址填gNME1jThn3XfbGMwNUSWHqSTt1Co8d4N3X amount 6000 发送 然后截图自己的地址 回帖 自己的地址在Receive 下面Hide your Stellar Address
类似google环聊和facebook的在线即时聊天器, online webchating software example: Google+ Facebook webchat
我们想做一个app.大概的功能如下 1.这是一个好友间的3d交互程序.需要获取本地联系人列表/qq好友/微信好友/或是facebook好友 2.可以把不同好友的照片贴到3d人物模形的面部. 3.可以对此3d人物模拟进行一些动作(打击/摇动).从而产生一些数据. 4.可以将此数据发送给目标用户.目标用户可以查看对方对他做了什么动作 5.会有一个排行榜. 6.对3d人物模型打击的时候,可以使用道具 (需要接入道具商店) 7.道具商店接入app支付系统(ios/android) 8.可以对3d人物模型做一些简单的自定义(头发.帽子....) 服务端,好友数据.app数据,美术,后台由我们这边的程序负责
我们想做一个app.大概的功能如下 1.这是一个好友间的3d交互程序.需要获取本地联系人列表/qq好友/微信好友/或是facebook好友 2.可以把不同好友的照片贴到3d人物模形的面部. 3.可以对此3d人物模拟进行一些动作(打击/摇动).从而产生一些数据. 4.可以将此数据发送给目标用户.目标用户可以查看对方对他做了什么动作 5.会有一个排行榜. 6.对3d人物模型打击的时候,可以使用道具 (需要接入道具商店) 7.道具商店接入app支付系统(ios/android) 8.可以对3d人物模型做一些简单的自定义(头发.帽子....) 服务端,好友数据.app数据,美术,后台由我们这边的程序负责
...您可能提供的服务:1,为ECVV编写原创营销性质软文,中英文皆可。要求结合热点话题,与网站本身紧密相关,无语法错误。$5-10 2,在贸易相关性论坛留下ECVV的链接和有关内容,保证不被删除。$1-5 3, 如果你有自己的网站,特别是有数量较多的运营正常的网站,你可以在首页添加一条链接到ECVV首页。我们将评估你的网站质量,按月付最高$100 4,在facebook和twitter上加ECVV官方账号为好友并转推一条。$1 目标网站: As a successful Manufacturers marketplace, ECVV (target-) quickly open the door of the overseas to bring China's greatest products to the world's buyers. To better introduce ECVV Brand, we want talented guys to join us marketing Ecvv online marketplace through SNS (FACEBOOK, TWITTER), industry products wholesales forum and other internet marketing methods. We will give you payment according to values of what you've done.
I want 100% real facebook 50,000 users to like my Facebook Fan Page. I want people to be from PAKISTAN ONLY no World Wide. No Time Waters Please ! Project Description: 50,000 Facebook Likes from ONLY Pakistani Facebook users. (NO world wide Likes) • All LIKES must be real people with active account Facebook accounts (no fake accounts or accounts at risk of being suspended.) • NO bots, NO Blackhat techniques, NO Farmville or any other game. • Must be achieved by NO means of Illegal activity • No fake fans that will risk my page deleted. • Fans and Followers must be active. • No spammers or distasteful, illegal or plain sick profile pictures • You must use good practices when gathering LIKE...
我有和我们之前项目相关的持续性工作 'Real Facebook, Twitter, and Goolge Plus Likes '
我有和我们之前项目相关的持续性工作 'facebook/twitter/linkedin'
为我的Facebook文案提供文案的审核, 使得我们的社区文案符合欧美本土化表达的要求。为我的Facebook文案提供文案的审核, 使得我们的社区文案符合欧美本土化表达的要求。为我的Facebook文案提供文案的审核, 使得我们的社区文案符合欧美本土化表达的要求。
I'm looking for a freelancer to assist with data entry tasks that will help promote my YouTube channel. - Watch these two videos on repeat for at least 12hours on your computer: - - Subscribe, like, comment and share 6 videos to several Facebook book and your WhatsApp contacts.
### **Online Learning Platform Project ** #### **Project Description:** This project aims to develop an online learning platform where instructors can offer courses and learners can follow them at their own pace. Inspired by Udemy, the platform will provide advanced features for course management, user interactions, and performance tracking. #### **Key Features:** - **User Management:** Registration, authentication (JWT, OAuth), roles (learner, instructor, admin). - **Course Creation & Management:** Video uploads, document sharing, interactive quizzes, structured chapters. - **Monetization System:** Pay-per-course model, subscriptions, secure payments via Stripe or PayPal. - **Interactive Interface:** Video playback, progress tracking, course ratings & review...
i have a ready supabase database with flutter app now by nextjs and supabase i want to make a control panel dashboard for a app which it contains crypto and forex and other local money so i have in it brokers they have profile they can post photo-vedio and i have trainers which they can also upload there courses and i have admin which they can control the app like adding carousel , quiz questions ,see dashboard statistics and more I'm seeking a developer to create an elaborate platform with diverse user roles and comprehensive management tools. The system must support different types of users with unique permissions - Admins, Brokers, Trainers, and regular Users. Key Features: 1️⃣ Authentication & Role Management - The system should handle different permis...
We're seeking a motivated freelancer to help us generate sales for our physical products. In return for your efforts, you'll receive a commission on each successful project. Key Responsibilities: - Implement effective sales strategies primarily through Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) - Utilize Email marketing to reach potential customers Ideal Candidate Should: - Be seasoned in physical product sales - Have proven experience in social media marketing and email marketing - Be able to work independently and driven by commission-based incentives.
I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to create a vintage-style music album cover for me. Key Requirements: - Design should prominently feature: - The artist's photo - The album title - Background art - Incorporate relevant clauses such as song titles and distributor information Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in album artwork design - Strong understanding of vintage aesthetics - Excellent graphic design skills Please note, I do have the relevant photo, what I need is the artwork and layout. The color scheme is not fixed, I'm open to suggestions, but it should fit within the style.
I need a professional with substantial experience in verifying Instagram accounts, particularly for government entities. The main purpose for this verification is to facilitate official communications. The account in question currently has a moderate number of followers. Key Responsibilities: - Work on verifying a government Instagram account - Ensure the account meets the necessary criteria for verification Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in Instagram account verification - Familiarity with the criteria for verifying government accounts - Ability to facilitate the verification process for official communications Experience with both government and private entities is a key requirement.
As a Site Verifier, you will verify a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) Taman Perindustrian UEP,47620 Subang Jaya, Selangor, 47620, Malaysia • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality...
I'm seeking a passionate female hair care enthusiast with expertise in organic social media growth for a medical hair loss treatment page. Project is an online medical consulting business to reverse hair loss holistically and strategically Key Responsibilities: - Creative content marketing strategies tailored for hair and healthcare consulting. - Producing passionately researched content to engage our audience. - Writing engaging content and editing/posting videos according to the latest SEO standards. - Building a community and generating leads on platforms including Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Technical guidance will be provided by a doctor as this is a medical niche. Ideal Skills: - Strong content marketing background. - Passionate ...
I'm in need of a skilled freelancer who can enhance my images to make them visually appealing for my personal social media posts. The images will be used on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. - The ideal candidate should have a keen eye for detail and creativity, with the ability to make any image 'eye catchy'. - Proficiency in photo editing software is essential, as is experience with social media image requirements. - The freelancer should be capable of adding or removing elements from the image, while recreating it perfectly. - An understanding of color and contrast, sharpness and clarity, and background transformation will be beneficial.
...accumulate points to redeem for future services. o Professional: Can convert accumulated points into cash (1 point = 1 euro). ________________________________________ 2. Referral Process • QR Code Sharing: The QR code can be shared via social media or scanned by another device to register a new referred customer. • Customer Linking: o When someone scans or uses a QR code to register, they are hierarchically linked to the customer who referred them. o This creates a structured hierarchy where customers are organized by levels. ________________________________________ 3. Points and Percentage System • Percentage Calculation: For every service performed by a customer, the total cost of the points program must not exceed a predefined maximum percen...
We are looking to implement a KYC (Know Your Customer) process for users registering on our software platform. Since our requirements are not as stringent as those in the banking or finance sectors, we need a basic verification system with the following three components: Facial Recognition: Comparison of the user's selfie with the photo on their ID document. (Mandatory) Document Authenticity Check: Verification that the ID document is an official and valid government-issued document. (Mandatory) MRZ Verification: Validation of the Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) information on the back of the ID document. (Optional) We are seeking individuals or companies with prior experience in developing or integrating similar KYC verification systems. If y...
I need a photo editor to help with color correction and retouching on a small batch of images. Specifically, I'll need help with: - Color correction: Ensuring that each image has a consistent and appealing color palette. - Photo retouching: Enhancing the images and removing any imperfections. Ideal candidates should have a good eye for detail, extensive experience with photo editing software, and a portfolio demonstrating their skills in color correction and retouching.
...American or European identity-reflecting accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Your job will be to post a provided YouTube video of our product with a provided caption. Key Responsibilities: - Share the provided video on your platforms - Use the provided caption for the post - Ensure the video is shared on accounts related to health and wellness Ideal Skills: - Active and engaging social media presence - Health and wellness content creator - Familiarity with video sharing and social media promotion This task requires minimal interaction other than logging into the platforms and posting the provided content. The goal is to increase engagement on social media and attract an audience to our channel. Let me know if you’re ready to...
I'm looking for a creative and skilled content creator to conceptualize, design, and produce a series of short, engaging animations for our ec-commerce startup that specialize in selling attractions tickets online. The primary goal of these animations is to gain new followers on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube through engaging and interesting content with a comedy/ parody/ satirical approach. Key requirements: - Phase 1: Creation of a total of 30 assets, including a mix of animations and static visuals - Phase 2: Following feedback and analytics from Phase 1, create another 30 assets - Maintain consistency with brand guidelines, including our 2D mascots, color schemes, and brand characters The ideal freelancer for this project should have...
...user/influencer with active accounts on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to help share a YouTube video of our product. **Requirements:** - Active accounts on all major social media platforms, particularly Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook - Username should reflect an American or European identity - Health and wellness themed accounts are a plus **Responsibilities:** - Post a provided video with a caption we will provide - Share it on accounts related to health and wellness This task requires minimal interaction other than logging into the platforms and posting the provided content. The goal is to increase engagement on social media and attract an audience to our channel. **Task Details:** You will receive a youtube video of our product which ...
...commercial and industrial metal and asbestos roofing. - Lead Generation Focus: The primary target will be commercial and industrial leads. Your ability to identify and connect with decision-makers in these sectors will be crucial. - Multi-Channel Approach: I want to employ a range of methods to generate leads. This includes: - Social Media Marketing: Utilizing all major platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram) to reach potential clients. - SEO and PPC Advertising: Implementing effective online strategies to enhance our visibility and attract quality leads. - Face-to-Face Interactions: Engaging with potential clients in person to establish direct connections and build relationships. Ideal candidates for this project...
I'm in need of a virtual assistant who can help drive sales for a web hosting service through social media outreach, specifically on Facebook and LinkedIn. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and Attract potential leads on Facebook and LinkedIn who wants to get a web host or buy a domain. - Engage with these leads to generate interest in our services, one-to-one. - Proficiency in one-one marketing, social media marketing, and Content marketing Pay- 2 USD per acquired and paying customer you bring Target- 5 customers a day Duration: 1 month - Your unique affiliate link will be shared to you - Pay will be released on reaching daily targets/ milestones - No upfront or no campaigns fee or other charges will be provided, - No ads allowed, only or...
I'm seeking a professional with extensive experience in Facebook Ads, specifically for the service industry. My primary goal is to generate leads through this platform, targeting exclusively local customers. Key requirements: - Proven track record in Facebook Ads consultancy - Experience in the service-based sector - Skills in targeting and engaging local customers - Able to provide strategic and actionable insights in a one-hour consultation. Please provide examples of previous successful campaigns you have managed.
I need an experienced photo editor to improve my Airbnb photos and some personal profile pictures. - Types of Edits: The edits will include color correction and enhancement, removing backgrounds or adding effects, and cropping and resizing. - Purpose of Edits: The primary goal is to make these photos more appealing to potential guests and give them a professional touch. - Number of Photos: There are more than 10 photos that need editing. Ideal skills and experience for the job include photo editing, experience with Airbnb photo standards, and a keen eye for detail.