一个用于生成小故事的网页demo,一共约8个页面。 算法、交互与UI设计由我们完成; 希望您可以帮助搭建前后端。目前前端基于Vue,后端基于Flask,已经有50%进展。
感谢你对我们这个项目敢兴趣! 我们需要拍20个开箱和评测视频【拍摄和发布】 出境模特:欧美(为主)& 非洲面孔;说英语(为主)或其他小语种 视频时长:1-3分钟 产品:Blucalm AI Mic noise-canceling adapter 视频类型:中文的视频样片 %E6%B6%88%E5%99%AA%E5%AE%9D?publish_time=0&sort_type=0&source=switch_tab&type=video 样品: 如果你在海外,我们会邮寄5-8个的样品给你,用于视频拍摄。 如果你是在中国的海外留学生,我们将邮寄给你或者在中国的其他城市的你的朋友,他们可以帮忙拍摄视频。 发布平台:Youtube, TikTok, Instagram 同步投放 粉丝量:1000-5000(15个);10000-30000(5个) 垂直度:没有要求,如果是10000-30000的希望他是数码科技领域的 如果你只能完成视频拍摄,KOL/KOC合作, 你自己只能完成一个视频的拍摄和平台投放,都可以私信我,说出你能完成哪一部分的内容。当然如果你能接整个项目,将是我们的最佳选择。
...ripro使用bootstrap框架开发的,所以仿站也需要使用bootstrap进行开发,自适应这一块做好一点 3.要求html,css,js代码可读性高,代码简介,最好可以带上注释 Professional front-end developers are required to be familiar with bootstrap. Project requirements: 1. Ripro theme is a WordPress theme. Because WordPress can not meet our use needs, we have made the back-end program with ThinkPHP. Now we need to imitate ripro theme to adapt our ThinkPHP back-end. (ripro demo station address: ) 2. Ripro is developed using the bootstrap framework, so the imitation station also needs to be developed using bootstrap. Do a good job in the adaptive part 3. The HTML, CSS and JS codes are required to be highly readable, and the code introduction can be annotated
指定框架Demo下开发游戏应用。 客户端cocos2d-lua 3.10以上。 源码交付,支持二次开发。 需要有数值算分,需求我们给。 游戏核心规则:参考相关文档中的视频录制。 1V1游戏,切水果计分,分数多的获胜。 水果数量,图片资源对标官方游戏。 其它细节需求沟通后再定。
...WoWonder Theme) from envato. Online Demo: ===================================================== ===================================================== Wowonder customization function adds “issue.” 1. There are five kinds of statement the “issue,” including “MostlyAgree,” “Agree,”“Undecided,” “Disagree,” and “Mostly Disagree.” The “issue” uses to display real time Ajax charts. Demo: 2. Users can comment only when they have made a statement, and the current position of the user will be displayed next to his/her comment avatar. “Undecided”
需高效团队,二把刀勿扰 参考附件中后台原型与客户端demo, 开发一个仿微信的app, 技术栈: vue2+vue-router+webpack+vuex+sass+svg构图+es6/7 nodejs + 最后封装安卓/苹果app,及pc端web客户端 请联系QQ沟通后竞标:318861169
您好,我们现在需要做APP和一个网站。如果您在中国和知道中国这里平时用的APP,那就好。 我们现在要开Demo。 谢谢
1、初步设想是1个到2个页面,5张图 2、第一页是介绍页,如何开启你的工程师之旅 2.1、之后是一页四个滑动图,包括安装驱动、连接硬件、学习软件、开始应用 3、与客户沟通创意 4、制作demo/草稿 for free 5、选定稿件后给内容,开始制作 6、检视交付 作品风格: 1)大底图海报风 2)Metro Icon风 3)Metro海报风 4)Apple官网风
做一个network topology的api,call之后会自动在python里生成一个表格。 我做的是展现router位置的demo,具体例子请看图片。
BT支付提醒软件,WEBAPI方式提供接口即可。 1、通过WEBAPI,创建接收地址 2、通过WEBAPI,指定地址接收到账提醒,内容:时间,金额,付款账户地址,回调WEBAPI地址,确认1次即触发。 3、不能依赖任何第三方,如BITPAY之类的。可以使用BITCOINCORE或类似全节点钱包软件做后台。 4、见到DEMO后付款。
开发一个 VPN demo; 支持android 4.x 及更高版本; pptp协议, 不需要界面,直接写死vpn服务器地址,用户名,密码,是否加密
开发语言:Java 预计完成时间:1周内 Language requirement: Chinese 游戏简介: 两人对战在线游戏,传统的剪刀石头布游戏规则,用滑动方式选择出牌,五局三胜制。 详细需求: 1. 应用于安卓手机平台 2. 熟悉leancloud推送 3. 需要与我方后台工程师对接数据,最好可以互相约定时间一起工作 4. 希望能与我们进一步沟通,我们会附上详细需求文档和图片 验收标准: 1. 需要提供demo展示 2. 完成需求文档基本需求 3. 提交源代码和开发文档 4. 双方需要签订保密协议,开发成果由发包方所有 团队要求: 1. 希望有类似的游戏开发经验团队或个人承接项目
开发语言:Java 预计完成时间:1周内 游戏简介: 两人对战在线游戏,传统的剪刀石头布游戏规则,用滑动方式选择出牌,五局三胜制。 详细需求: 1. 应用于安卓手机平台 2. 熟悉leancloud推送 3. 需要与我方后台工程师对接数据,最好可以互相约定时间一起工作 4. 希望能与我们进一步沟通,我们会附上详细需求文档和图片 验收标准: 1. 需要提供demo展示 2. 完成需求文档基本需求 3. 提交源代码和开发文档 4. 双方需要签订保密协议,开发成果由发包方所有
Project Description: Looking for a experienced Coder with strong knowledge of C++/C## to Design a Cheat for the Game Counter-strike:GO. With Certain Features. and Capability to bypass two anti cheat in particular. And Also be compatible on A Specific Operating System. Needs to be done in a Reasonable Amount of time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Needs to have one or two the Following Features And Proof From Leagues Smooth-Aimbot (Human Like, I want to be able to adjust the bot also) ------------------------------------------------------------- Needs to be Proof for the Following Anti-Cheats. CEVO (Paladin/CEVO) [url removed, login to view] ESEA (ESEACLIENT) [url removed, login to view] -------------------------------...
The app is a simple money keeper app, but it allows users to login to our website as a member to activate back up function. You can see the app visual demo here: And basically the app is similar to We need both iOS and Android version
-给投资人展示的项目网站demo,以及能在手机上展示的版本。各4,5个页面。 内容包括: 网页:首页->选择服务->日期->付款->完成 手机网页版:首页->我的主页->服务报告 -工作本身可以online 完成,但是希望可以有几次在上海见面讨论。 -有设计背景从优
概述: 需要一个web页面,名称为邮件内容页, 能够读取指定邮箱的最后一封信的内容. 界面: 1.输入邮箱地址 2.输入邮箱密码 3.读取内容按钮 4.读取并最后一封信的内容 5.如果返回错误代码,需要翻译成人工能够读懂. 配置: 为节省成本,不需要录入界面,直接读取xml格式文件获取邮箱端口号等配置信息. 界面输入: 1.在界面上输入邮箱地址和密码. 2.通过post方式提交邮箱地址和邮箱密码到邮件内容页. 3.保证界面美观大方,手机要求适配. 范围: 1.必须支持pop3信箱收取. 2.必须支持 outlook/hotmail , 3.我会在需求中提出需要适配的其他pop3邮箱. 4.如果能收取以上邮箱邮件, IMAP协议不是必须支持的. 选稿: 难度应该不大,请首先制作 163读取页面并提供demo. 被选中后完善外围. 项目成果: 源文件 2.配置说明书
...hitting the target number. I've seen as high as 374 before the target number has been hit. So...if still not hit after 90 spins, then the program will halt and wait for me to make a manual decision. 10. If for any reason I want to halt the program in progress, I'll hit the F8 key. 11. Once you go through this manually, you will understand the process better. 12. The demo graphic is different than the 'real-money' graphic. Only in that the real-money graphic has a 'button' link to a 'pachinko' game. If in the future I find a rearranged 'real-money' graphic, I will need to send you a new screen shot at your required fee. 13. Upon your request, I will send screen shots of all the pages that are...
1. 服务器软件需要实现功能 用户管理(DEMO版本暂时不需实现); 接收数据:通过HTTP-POST方法,接收来自设备端及手机的数据信息,并保存在数据库中; 响应数据:响应来自设备端或者手机端的请求,将相应的信息发送给设备端或者手机端。 2. 手机APP软件开发(先实现Android客户端APP) 用户注册及登录(DEMO版本暂时不需实现); 访问服务器,获取设备的信息并显示; 编辑信息,并通过HTTP-POST方法将信息发送到WEB服务器。
We have a site built using NodeJS as a demo. Now we want to convert into a Drupal template with Bootstrap 3 capacities. We need to make sure all the URL structures are exactly the same such as and category-tid.html. Need to get done very quickly. Chinese speakers are preferred because the site is in Chinese.
WiFi Camera作为AP,手机通过WiFi和WiFi Camera连接。 现成方案如下: WiFi Camera上需有两个按键:一个用于摄像,即按一下开始录像,拍摄一段时间(暂定一分钟)后,自动停止录像,并把录像文件放到手机上;另外一个按键,用于拍照,不管是不是在摄像中,都可以拍照,照片也存放在手机上。这些功能已经实现。 要求做一个简单APPS DEMO,功能如下: 把相机录的录像或拍照的照片,通过3G或4G网络传到云端服务器,用户可以在云端查看。
VoIP Video IM等即时通讯功能。 支持Android,IPhone,Window Phone等客户端应用。 熟识SIP Webrtc XMPP。 提供Demo。
需要开发一个微信上使用的微网站. 我们可提供UI图. 下星期一需要给客户演示. 有能力制作者请联系详谈. To develop html5 web application for mobile browser. it need to be done before 25th, Augest. Demo to customers.
上开发一款类似微博的应用。 2.有1年以上开发经验,有应用开发经验者优先 ,能提供应用demo者优先考虑,北京地区优先考虑。 3.具体功能会给详细的需求,可见面详谈。 4.工作难度中低,跑通协议后很快能够搞定。 5.如有意向,请联系QQ 【备注1:已基本开发完Android版软件,可以参考】
上开发一款类似微博的应用。 2.有1年以上开发经验,有应用开发经验者优先 ,能提供应用demo者优先考虑,北京地区优先考虑。 3.具体功能会给详细的需求,可见面详谈。 4.工作难度中低,跑通协议后很快能够搞定。 5.如有意向,请联系QQ 【备注1:已基本开发完Android版软件,可以参考】
上开发一款类似微博的应用。 2.有1年以上开发经验,有应用开发经验者优先 ,能提供应用demo者优先考虑,北京地区优先考虑。 3.具体功能会给详细的需求,可见面详谈。 4.工作难度中低,跑通协议后很快能够搞定。 5.如有意向,请联系QQ 【备注1:已基本开发完Android版软件,可以参考】
上的社交应用 2.有1年以上开发经验,有应用开发经验者优先 ,能提供应用demo者优先考虑,北京地区优先考虑。 3.具体功能会给详细的需求,可见面详谈。 4.工作难度中低,跑通协议后很快能够搞定。
上开发一款类似微博的应用。 2.有1年以上开发经验,有应用开发经验者优先 ,能提供应用demo者优先考虑,北京地区优先考虑。 3.具体功能会给详细的需求,可见面详谈。 4.工作难度中低,跑通协议后很快能够搞定。
上开发一款类似微博的应用。 2.有1年以上开发经验,有应用开发经验者优先 ,能提供应用demo者优先考虑,北京地区优先考虑。 3.具体功能会给详细的需求,可见面详谈。 4.工作难度中低,跑通协议后很快能够搞定。 5.如有意向,请联系QQ:916950387 【备注1:已基本开发完Android版软件,可以参考】
I’m looking to acquire an already developed online business or software that generates income. I need something functional and tested, where the creator can show me how it works and how it makes money. ? What I’m Looking For: ✔️ A ready-to-use software, application, or platform. ✔️ A clear explanation of how it generates revenue and its business model. ✔️ A live demo or proof of the system in action. ✔️ Information about maintenance costs and potential improvements. ? Examples of What Interests Me: Mobile applications with monetization (subscriptions, ads, in-app purchases). Affiliate or dropshipping automation systems. Trading bots or investment automation software. SaaS (Software as a Service) platform with active subscribers. Any other scalable and profitable onlin...
I'm seeking a talented illustrator or designer to create three unique elements for a branding project centered around surf, skate, snow, and fitness. The three elements include: - A small design with an emblem of the four elements within the brand - A standalone design representing the four elements of the business - A unique background design All designs should strike a balance between minimalistic and detailed. A monochrome color scheme is preferred, one that can seamlessly integrate with our brand colors. Ultimately, these designs should embody a bold and adventurous feel, in line with the spirit of the brand. These are a selection of concepts we will be looking at of which one will be selected for use. Ideal skills and experience: - Strong illustration and design backg...
...'); } catch (error) { ('Error processing MP3:', error); // Display an appropriate error message to the user } } Deliverables: - A standalone JavaScript function (e.g., downloadYouTubeMP3(url: string): Promise<Stream | Blob | Uint8Array>) that performs the required operations. - Complete source code with inline comments and comprehensive external documentation. - A simple demo or sample React Native app demonstrating integration and usage. - Detailed setup and integration instructions. Additional Notes: If you foresee any technical challenges—especially regarding accessing an audio stream directly from YouTube or converting the stream entirely in pure JavaScript—please address these in your proposal and include any alternative soluti...
I'm in search of a white-label online casino platform. The solution should be highly customizable, allowing me to tweak various elements as needed. The ideal platform will come with comprehensive documentation and full ownership. Key Features Required: - Complete and well-documented source co...both desktop and mobile - Optionally, support for licensing Preferences: - An open-source or fully customizable solution without provider restrictions - The ability to self-host or use dedicated servers - Advanced security features and regular updates If you have a customizable white-label online casino platform or can provide a full turnkey solution, please reach out with technical specifics, demo access, and pricing. Your platform must allow me to fully control and customize the u...
I'm looking for a skilled presentation designer to help me create a compelling product demo presentation for a sensor product and connected to an online platform. The presentation should effectively showcase the product's functionality and highlight its unique selling points. Key Requirements: - Experience in designing presentations - Excellent understanding of showcasing product functionality - Ability to creatively highlight unique selling points - Previous work with physical product presentations is a plus - Strong design skills to enhance the presentation's aesthetics
I'm looking for a skilled presentation designer to help me create a compelling product demo presentation for a sensor product and connected to an online platform. The presentation should effectively showcase the product's functionality and highlight its unique selling points. Key Requirements: - Experience in designing presentations - Excellent understanding of showcasing product functionality - Ability to creatively highlight unique selling points - Previous work with physical product presentations is a plus - Strong design skills to enhance the presentation's aesthetics
...neutrals (whites, light greys) to create the calm, inviting atmosphere ### **Specific Design Elements:** - The cafe has a road-facing facade with two openings. One side includes the main entrance door leading directly to the counter. - The interior will feature matte-finish walls and sleek wooden (Action Tesa) furniture. - Lighting will consist of track lights on the ceiling and pendant lights above tables and the bakery counter. - A variety of seating options, from individual to communal tables, should be designed for the seating area. - A custom-designed bakery counter with a glass display is required. - Incorporate racks for storage of bakery items. Ideal candidates should have significant experience in interior design, particularly for commercial spaces. A...
...Areas: - **Seating Area & Bakery Counter:** The bulk of the design will focus on making these spaces comfortable and visually appealing. Color & Finish Preferences: - **Neutral Tones:** All walls and furniture should be in soft, neutral shades that contribute to a cozy atmosphere, finished in a matte style. Decorative Elements: - **Wall Art:** I envision a selection of tasteful wall art pieces to enhance the warm, inviting ambiance. Additional Design Features: - **Facade:** The cafe features a road-facing exterior with two openings. One side has the main entrance door leading directly to the counter, both adorned with a window facade with a frame. - **Lighting:** A mix of track lights on the ceiling and pendant lights above tables and the bakery counter...
Objective: Develop a high-end, visually stunning Shopify store for electric fireplaces and outdoor equipment, implementing a custom theme inspired by: Our current store: Project Scope – Implementation Only A Figma design will be provided, and the selected freelancer will ...Freelancer Requirements: ✅ Expert Shopify developer with custom theme experience ✅ Mastery in Liquid, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript () ✅ Experience in high-converting UI/UX & Shopify performance optimization ✅ Portfolio demonstrating Shopify stores of similar quality ✅ Proven track record of meeting tight deadlines Budget & Payment Terms: Fixed project price 50% milestone upon functional demo 50% upon final delivery & approval
I cant figure out the correct formula for this hence asking our incredible ...I have a spreadsheet with two pages. -To-do page -Done Page The To-do page contains a table with data The Done page has that same table with no Data (it has the same headings) I want to be able to move a row of data from table in the To-do page to the table in the Done page. After I've moved that row of data, the row should be completely deleted from the To-do page. Also would like a Total counter on the To-do page that increments by 1 every time a row is moved. Attached is a test sheet containing small sample size of data. If someone can implement the correct formulas so it works on the test sheet, I'm happy to share the correct dataset with them for them to action. Dataset is around 220 ...
I cant figure out the correct formula for this hence asking our incredible ...I have a spreadsheet with two pages. -To-do page -Done Page The To-do page contains a table with data The Done page has that same table with no Data (it has the same headings) I want to be able to move a row of data from table in the To-do page to the table in the Done page. After I've moved that row of data, the row should be completely deleted from the To-do page. Also would like a Total counter on the To-do page that increments by 1 every time a row is moved. Attached is a test sheet containing small sample size of data. If someone can implement the correct formulas so it works on the test sheet, I'm happy to share the correct dataset with them for them to action. Dataset is around 220 ...
I'm in need of a web page designed in a modern and minimalist style. The primary purpose of the page is to promote an analog synthesizer. Ideal Skills: - Web Design - UX/UI design - SEO knowledge - Simple video presentation & audio (audio will be provided) Key Sections: - About product - Promotion of product features - Contact Information - Audio demo - Buy online
I cant figure out the correct formula for this hence asking our incredible ...I have a spreadsheet with two pages. -To-do page -Done Page The To-do page contains a table with data The Done page has that same table with no Data (it has the same headings) I want to be able to move a row of data from table in the To-do page to the table in the Done page. After I've moved that row of data, the row should be completely deleted from the To-do page. Also would like a Total counter on the To-do page that increments by 1 every time a row is moved. Attached is a test sheet containing small sample size of data. If someone can implement the correct formulas so it works on the test sheet, I'm happy to share the correct dataset with them for them to action. Dataset is around 220 ...
I'm seeking a talented video creator to produce a product demonstration video for me. The primary aim of this video is to showcase my products to my friends. Ideal Skills: - Video production - Product demonstration - Creative scripting - Understanding of visual storytelling Experience with similar projects is a plus, as is a knack for making videos engaging and easy to understand. The video should focus on demonstrating the features and benefits of my products in a clear, concise manner.
I'm in need of a simple, yet effective design to the main page of my website. The primary task will involve following a reference design I will provide, with a few additional elements i will provide. (Symbol,Price Tag,Order button) Ideal Skills: - Web Design - E-commerce D...Experience - Attention to Detail Specific Tasks: - Modifying a reference design - Adding a symbol from another website - Including a price info bubble - Adding an order button The work is straightforward and does not require any creative input, just the implementation of specified modifications. I need this completed today. Please note: As I have received a high volume of automated bids, I request a demo before awarding the project. To confirm you have read the details, please include the word "RE...
...prior money added or withdrawn. C. Request Trades: • The administrator should be able to request X winning trades and X losing trades. • The total results of the trades should be displayed in the client's trade section with a final result that will automatically appear in the client's account. D. Initial Balance: • The client should be able to enter their initial demo account balance. E. Demo Accounts: • All accounts on the site are demo accounts, but this information is not explicitly stated anywhere. F. Critical Reviews: • Add 6 positive critical reviews with 1 or 2 slightly negative reviews. • to add in footer legal information address and mail General Conditions of sales and reimbousement • A footer with a click...
I'm looking for a fully functional, user-friendly Primary School Management System. It should cater to detailed student profiling, exam management, and class stream organization, it should be able to generate intuitive Termly report cards ...back-end for easy modifications Access Control: - Admin and Teachers only with dashboards class based Teacher shoud only login into their respective class account E.g Teacher Stella , Class 1A ( access and can only edit or add her classroom records unless they are assigned to more than one class) Administrators can access all classes records, Please Note: - Only contact me if you can provide demo links of previous school management systems/portals you've developed - Communication should remain on this platform, please do not rea...
I'm in the market for an out-of-the-box Learning Management System (LMS) with complete source code for both web and mobile platforms. Key Features: - User & Course Management - Progress Tracking & Certification - Video, PDF, and Quiz Support - Payment Integration (specifically with Paypal) - Full Mobile Compatibility (both iOS and Android) The ...(LMS) with complete source code for both web and mobile platforms. Key Features: - User & Course Management - Progress Tracking & Certification - Video, PDF, and Quiz Support - Payment Integration (specifically with Paypal) - Full Mobile Compatibility (both iOS and Android) The system must be ready for immediate deployment and come with comprehensive source code and documentation. Please include demo links or scre...