此工作項目僅適用於中國或香港居民(我們將要求提供證明文件:護照或身份證明文件),中文母語水平和中等英語水平, 因此,本描述的一半內容為英文。 我們不需要行銷、搜尋引擎優化 (SEO)、搜尋引擎行銷 (SEM) 或人工智慧 (AI) 方面的專家。 我們不投資廣告活動或社群媒體。 我們只投資真正的人,我們需要銷售人員。 只有當您可以產生預約而不僅僅是潛在客戶時,才請回覆。 We are a european business center located in Spain. We do b2b business. We offer logistics services to companies from China or Hong Kong that sell to Europe through Alibaba, Aliexpress and/or Temu, saving them an average of 33.38% in logistics costs for returning items from Europe to China or Hong Kong for items sold to europeans. Examples of savings percentage by country: • Spanish customers: 26.13% savings on logistics costs to China or Hong Kong per item <500g • French customers: 26.13% savings on logistics costs to China or Hong Kong per item <500g • German customers: 3.71...
1分钟之内,艺术潮玩产品介绍视频。 会提供产品图和文案 不用太复杂,我们都会提供产品图,可能需要设计师自己简单弄一下场景和背景
暂时没想好做哪一方面的 我纯粹看看你们有咋样的实力。目前我缺乏灵感,主要在珠宝方面的平面设计
...公司已获得美国顶级 VC 投资。 旗下产品利用大数据和人工智能技术与美国金融机构和保险公司进行数据对接与合作,从而为用户打造最快捷便利的人工智能金融和保险产品选购平台。 此职位工作以远程兼职为主。 职位描述: 工作内容: 通过各种渠道(微信,贴吧,论坛等)链接各院校以及校内各大社团组织的资源,让更多学生了解JerryAi以及校园招聘的具体内容。 协助相关各项工作。 任职要求: 全日制985,211在校生(北上广深杭州优先) 热爱校园活动、热爱企业招聘工作, 有校园推广活动相关经验优先。 专业不限,人力资源/行政管理专业优先。 薪资与福利: 工作时间自由,工作地点不限,需与总部HR通过电话微信交流相关事宜。 有机会与硅谷创始人进行一对一交流。 丰厚的薪资:100-150RMB/天,每周三天。成功帮助公司招聘一名员工奖励500-800RMB。 投递要求: 请用一段话介绍自己以及相关经验,发至hiring@ (邮件主题字段必须包含:校园大使-中国区),我们会尽快和您取得联系。
需要一个mg动画师做一个1-2分钟的企业宣传片,具体内容详谈 i need a graphic designer to make a 1-2min animated video industry: food safety testing Chinese speaking freelancer preferred
According to attachment (draft), output 2 pics fancy and 3D effect graphic design for advertisement. 根据附件中的概念稿,完成两张产品效果图,产品呈3d构造。 项目需求比较着急,希望设计师在1月11号之前完稿交付。
Hiring excellent "affiliate marketing" 我是一个来自中国的初创广告联盟老板。 我需要几位出色的流量推广者,优秀广告出版商来协助我工作。 我的任务目标是瑞士的移动端(3G+wifi) Looking for SEO experts, you don't need to know Chinese
We have completed the graphic design and graphic materials, to speed up the project that want additional resource to help us to code for HTML 5 pages. - Adaptive HTML for mobile devices - Multi- environment support(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - Expected 2.5 weeks to complete entire page development, 0.5 weeks for testing and fixing - Basic test from developer before releasing every build to us. Final acceptance test will done by us - NDA is needed before start sharing project infomation 目前我们正在开发一个餐厅订单后台处理的平台,需要另外一名freelance来加速HTML5的开发进程。 - 目前我们已经完成了页面额设计和PS素材的制作,开发人员可以直接使用。 - 自适应网页制作,尤其是针对不同的移动设备(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - 希望在两周半的时候完成页面的开发(希望每两两天提交代码,以便早点检查和反馈),大概3-5天做验收测试和问题修复 - 希望开发人员会做基本的自测,确保发给我们验收的内容有一定的质量。当然我们也很希望开发者可用提出一些专业的建议和意见 - 需要和...
汽车及企业品牌logo design,在已有过提案的基础上修改,以及设计新的logo
为进一步加强企业事业单位专业技术人才的队伍建设,通过网上视频课件开发,有计划、有步骤地培训一批具有我市发展战略素质的优秀人才队伍,不断提升各类人才的战略思维素养和理论水平,拓展结合我市市情的改革发展思路,加快人才成长步伐,特进行本网络视频课件的开发采购。 特此招募网课教授,要求:副教授以上,或高级职称,讲课需中文 总共有三个可选课题,分别为: 大数据与智慧城市,大数据与智慧金融,大数据与智慧农业 (课程详情另附-仅供参考) 对于课件的要求(仅供参考) 1、课件应具有前瞻性,应保证课题相关理念理论的前沿性,课件应是近期制作,包含有近期中央及省市两级党委、政府提出的相关理念的解读和实践指导。 2、课件应包含与主题内容紧密相联的内涵和丰富的外延,能够帮助学员对主题背景,相关概念、推进措施、实施的难点等有深入的理解,形成必要的理论框架或思维框架。 3、课件应对贵阳市相关主题的发展有实际意义,有应用指导。学员在学习后,能够具备一定结合工作实际落地的思路,在工作实践中可以起到积极的作用。 4、课件的形式生动活泼,可采用动画,问题插入,访谈等形式,增加学员的学习兴趣,引发学员的主动思考,引导学员将学习所得应用于工作实践。 5、课件应传递符合当前社会发展主旋律的理念和方法,激发社会正气,提倡五大发展理念,符合五位一体的总体部署,体现打造公平共享的创新型中心城市,以实现社会主义现代化和中华民族伟大复兴为愿景。 6、每一主题附有网上考试题库,便于验收学员的学习成绩。 7、课件研发的专家队伍应由不同背景的专家组成。既有学院派的学者,又有实战派的企业家、管理人员,以及政府背景的智囊,形成多视角下的主题解读,帮助学员全方位地理解主题内容。 每个项目为12课时,每课时课筹为1000RMB 如有疑问 请联系: 刘先生 QQ:411729896
I'm looking for chinese graphic designers that i can explaining more easier for social media marketing
...MATROMONIAL FORM FILLING DIRECT SIGNUP CONTRACT AGREEMENT 11 Month WORKING DAYS – 25 WORK LOAD 2000 /- FORM RATE – 10/- FIRST PAY – 5000/-(Refundable) BILLING – AFTER 10 DAYS AFTER TASK SUBMISSION 100% Payment Guarantee PAYMENT CALCULATION PARAMETER • 95.1% - 100% = 100% Payment • 90.1% - 95% = 90% Payment • 85.1% - 90% = 80% Payment • 80.1% - 85% = 70% Payment • 75.1% - 80% = 60% Payment • 70.1% - 75% = 50% Payment • 65.1% - 70% = 40% Payment • 60.1% - 65% = 30% Payment • 55.1% - 60% = 20% Payment • 50.1% - 55% = 10% Payment • Below - 50% = NO PAYMENT, NO REWORK...
我的专长是设计与制作手工作品 设计如: logo,t-shirt,banner,bunting,flyer,magazine's layout,website layout等等 手工艺品如: make by clay,paper craft,paper toys,木制等等
為一間旅館設計一系列的圖像(大約15幅),最後由畫家畫在牆上。 主題︰香港旅遊景點、機械(自動化)、香港特色 (例如電車)
Content: around 1.5min video of introduction of tour company. Style: flat-vector graphic motion OR digital hand-draw motion
0 自由职业者 正在查看 0 全部 观看 项目描述: I need 100 short poster job texts. 3-5 words one text,like these: "DREAM JOB AHEAD, IT’S TIME FOR A NEW JOB, WE ARE HIRING, GLOBE JOB SEARCH, YOUR ARE THE ONE, I LOVE MY JOB, FIND GOOD JOB, NEW JOB NEW LIFE,"
开发一款WEB在线编辑MG(Motion Graphic )动画的工具(是显示中文字幕) 普通用户将自己的照片或用摄像机、手机拍摄的视频通过在线或下载软件(下载自动把我们网站生成在桌面上)导入,然后可以自己加字幕、音乐、片头片尾,选择现有MG视频作为模版(模版是开源代码) 管理者可上传已经制作好的模版 生成MP4格式的视频文件,并保存 网页后端语言是PHP,服务器是NGINX 注:视频编码为H264, 720P,需要源代码归我司,同时需要有保密及不能对其他公司同类型软件。 可参考如下网站 视频效果如这条链接
擅長運用 illustrator or corel draw ,Photoshop and sai ...來設計。
我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作long-term graphic designing job'
新創品牌其首席設計師尋找有設計針織服裝經驗之人才。歡迎對繪圖設計有興趣和清楚如何測量尺寸大小及規格的服裝設計師假如我們。你必須能夠與工廠溝通,實現高品質的設計。 Upcoming brand. Head designer requires someone with experience in designing knitted garments. Must have ability to draw designs and understand sizing, measurements and specs for the clothing line and must be able to communicate with factories to achieve top quality designs. Preferable: speaks mandarin
... 1. Go to and click 'table games then 'more table games' and click the european roulette graphic. 2. Play for Fun. 3. Click the '100-spin' button three times; each after the button clears and allows for the next click. 4. Click the 'statistics' button and view the page. 5. Look either at the top row of 5 numbers or the bar graph and look for a 'zero' above any red, black or the green zero. The top five numbers will read 'Never Hit' and show the number(s) if any that have not been hit in the last 300 spins. 6. If no numbers show, then move cursor up to 'Game Options' and a drop down line will show 'table games' then follow back to the e...
Payment cycle:- Monthly WORKLOAD :-6000 forms per agent per month POST DATED CHEQUE WILL PROVIDED AS SECURITY PAY OUT CYCLE: MONTHLY (13,20,000 INR FIX FOR 11 MONTHS)
- Format Chinese text - Graphic design the website - Localize to favor Chinese search engine - Other work needed to get the website up and run in power Will provide the website information later on.
CCIC Inspection(Shenzhen) is a leading inspection & Identification services provider registered in Shenzhen, China since 1988, with CNAS 17020 accreditation and CNAS 17025 ,we are hiring freelancer: Responsibility: -Identify,contact and prospect potential clients and turn them into customers; -Follow up your clients,develop the revence brought by your clients,pushing them to use our services more frequently,Maintain clients’satisfaction. Requirements: -Direct knowledge/experience of the inspection industry or of the trade/manufacturing; -Have Local buyers resources、Local retailers Resources or Local traders Resources. Our philosophy is Achieve Win-Win by Integration of Resources. If you are interested in our cooperation relationship, or have any idea ab...
...MATROMONIAL FORM FILLING DIRECT SIGNUP CONTRACT AGREEMENT 11 Month WORKING DAYS – 25 WORK LOAD 2000 /- FORM RATE – 10/- FIRST PAY – 5000/-(Refundable) BILLING – AFTER 10 DAYS AFTER TASK SUBMISSION 100% Payment Guarantee PAYMENT CALCULATION PARAMETER • 95.1% - 100% = 100% Payment • 90.1% - 95% = 90% Payment • 85.1% - 90% = 80% Payment • 80.1% - 85% = 70% Payment • 75.1% - 80% = 60% Payment • 70.1% - 75% = 50% Payment • 65.1% - 70% = 40% Payment • 60.1% - 65% = 30% Payment • 55.1% - 60% = 20% Payment • 50.1% - 55% = 10% Payment • Below - 50% = NO PAYMENT, NO REWORK...
I'm looking for a talented graphic designer with a strong portfolio in brochure design, particularly in the classic style. Key Responsibilities: - Design a classic-styled brochure - Incorporate my brand elements into the design Tracysandra772 at g mail dot cumm Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in graphic design, specifically brochure design - Strong understanding and capability of creating classic style design - Excellent communication skills to understand and incorporate brand elements
Design a compact integrated microphone preamplifier and phantom power circuit board for continuous 24/7 outdoor nature sound recording. The complete system will connect a PUI Audio AOM5024 electret microphone capsule to standard audio equipment using an on-board XLR connector and phantom power. Technical Requirements Microphone Specifications Microphone Capsule: PUI Audio AOM5024 electret capsule (2-pin configuration) Frequency Response: Flat response from 20Hz to at least 15kHz Signal Quality: Good signal-to-noise ratio for nature sound recording Power Requirements Input Power: Standard 48V phantom power (P48) Voltage Regulation: Stable voltage supply to the capsule Power Filtering: Clean power with minimal noise Audio Performance Output: Low impedance output suitable f...
More details: What kind of project are you working on? Graphic design What type of graphic design work do you need? Social media graphics Which social media platforms do you need graphics for? Facebook, Instagram, Twitter Tracysandra772 at g mail dot cumm
I'm looking for a professional designer to refresh my current logo, preserving the existing icon or symbol but with minor adjustments to give it a more modern feel. This project will require the designer to provide the final logo in all necessary vector formats for apparel printing and marketing purposes. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design and brand development. - Proficiency in vector graphic software. - Ability to deliver a modern and sleek design. - Excellent communication skills for understanding and implementing minor adjustments to the existing logo.
Hey there! I need help with researching and collecting data for two tasks related to hiring a Chief Technology Officer (CTO). The job is simple but needs to be done properly. Task 1: Find Recruiting Agencies Look for recruiting agencies that specialize in hiring CTOs. These agencies should NOT be from India or Egypt. They should have experience finding CTOs in Ukraine, Poland, Jordan, Syria, Romania, or Russia. You’ll need to collect company name, website, contact details, and what services they offer. Task 2: Find a Consulting Firm Look for consulting firms that help companies with CTO hiring. These firms should guide companies on how to hire a CTO, what the process involves, and what qualifications are needed. Again, collect company name...
...Thunkable Free Plan to provide essential digital services to residents of a remote Colony Community. The app includes features such as real-time bus tracking, bus schedules, important contacts, and a subscription-based model. However, it currently has bugs and usability issues that require expert intervention. I am looking for an experienced Thunkable freelancer to refine and enhance the app, ensuring it is stable, efficient, and user-friendly. ________________________________________ Current Setup & Integrations: • Thunkable Free Plan (Android-only app) • Google Sheets (Database for bus schedules, contacts, and other app data) • Firebase (Free Plan) (Mail-based user authentication & data storage) • GitHub (Hosting a web-based dashboard f...
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to elevate my brand's presence across Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. The ideal candidate should have a modern and sleek design approach, capable of creating visually stunning posts and reels that showcase my products and highlight customer testimonials. Key Responsibilities: - Design and create engaging social media posts and reels - Focus content on product showcases and customer testimonials - Maintain a consistent modern and sleek aesthetic Skills and Experience Needed: - Graphic design experience, particularly for social media - Strong understanding of the modern and sleek design style - Ability to create compelling product showcase and customer testimonial content - Familiarity with Insta...
I'm looking for a professional to create a compelling presentation aimed at securing seed funding for my startup. Key Components of the Presentation: - Highlighting the investment opportunity - Detailing the company's location - Presenting the projected Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in creating investor presentations - Strong understanding of seed funding - Ability to translate complex financial projections into easily comprehensible content - Excellent graphic design skills to create visually appealing slides The objective of the presentation is clear: to secure funding. Therefore, the chosen freelancer will need to be persuasive and able to create a sense of urgency and potential. The goal is to c...
I need a freelancer to create a PDF that describes my service in detail. The document should be informative and well-structured, targeting potential clients. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Excellent writing and communication skills - Experience in creating promotional PDF documents - Understanding of service detailing - Graphic design skills for visual appeal
I'm looking for a designer to create a line of casual and trendy hoodies for my brand. The hoodies should be suitable for merchandise. Key Design Elements: - Incorporation of our brand logo - Unique graphic patterns - Slogans or text The ideal candidate should have experience in designing casual, trendy clothing and a strong portfolio of hoodie designs. Knowledge of streetwear trends would be a plus. Understanding of brand identity and ability to translate this into appealing clothing designs is crucial.
I'm looking for a professional graphic designer who can recreate my logo and business card into a high-quality file and also a vector image. also an a5 leaflet to go with this (please note both business card and leaflet will be in english and norwegian langauge ) so as final submission i expect 2 files for business card (one in english and one in norwegian) same for leaflet one file in englisn one norwegian. Logo should be made available on both black and white background. Key Requirements: - Exact replication of the logo - final logo and quality must be better than what i have uploaded - it it better to recreate it from scratch, I WILL NOT ACCEPT POOR TRACING JOBS. The design does NOT have to be copy if you can design something different i will be...