...Multi-Chatbot Management: • Configure prompts, AI switches, and model training for each chatbot individually. • Assign chatbot-specific permissions to customer service representatives. • Limits and Pricing: • Free version limited to N chatbots, exceeding this incurs admin-defined fees. 2. User Management • Custom Groups: Group users based on behavior, tags, location, etc. • User Tags: Assign tags manually or let AI automatically assign based on interaction. • Group Permissions: Assign permissions for customer service representatives to view specific groups or chatbots. 3. AI Features • AI Switch: Enable or disable AI response functionality. • GPT API Configuration: Customize prompts and upload conversation history for t...
...through the database to enhance memory, without repeating the problem sorting, and provide data foundation for AI Chat's memory function. Regularly organize all users' data into high-quality content automatically into the database, so that when all users call AI, they can first go through the database to enhance memory, without repeating the problem sorting; it is also convenient for us to use it in training later). New management panel function: Add an Airwallex and virtual currency payment gateway. Add a robust marketing email system. Add a robust blog system. Our front-end address: Admin panel: To ensure that the design and development are satisfied, we need to maintain continuous communication throughout the design and development stages. Each page design and d...
...经验丰富的电子电路设计背景,熟悉低频电刺激器的电路设计(TENS或类似设备经验尤佳)。 熟练掌握微控制器(如STM32、ESP32)和DAC控制信号生成。 有PCB设计经验,能独立完成从原理图设计到打样测试的全流程。 熟悉电流放大、阻抗检测及反馈回路的设计与应用。 能够使用仿真软件(如PSpice、LTSpice)进行电路仿真验证。 2. 外观设计师: 职责: 设计一款适合佩戴在脖子上的设备外观,确保舒适性和稳定性。 根据人体工程学设计电极与颈部的贴合部位,确保设备电极能够精确贴合迷走神经位置。 提供初步3D模型或草图,展示设备外观和电极位置的布局。 设计设备外壳的防水防汗功能(IPX4或更高标准)。 考虑设备的便携性、用户友好性及时尚美观性,适合日常佩戴。 技术要求: 具备可穿戴设备设计经验,了解人体工程学及佩戴舒适性设计要求。 熟练使用3D建模软件(如SolidWorks、AutoCAD、Fusion 360等)。 能够提供从概念到最终产品的完整设计方案。 有过医疗设备、电子产品设计经验者优先。 其他要求: 工程师和设计师将需要紧密协作,确保设备的内部电子元件和外观设计能相互适应。 项目需要在规定的时间内按时交付原理图、PCB打样和初步设计草图。 欢迎有相关领域经验的个人或团队投标。 项目预算: 预算面议,视经验和能力而定。 项目时间: 预计设计和打样时间为4-6周。 联系方式: 如果你有兴趣参与这个项目,请提供相关的工作经验、成功案例以及预期的工作时间和预算要求。
...,兩種語言,大約5-8頁),設計的元素想融入了cyber和NFT等新潮的元素在網站設計裡面,請務必有兩個報價: 第一就是光是設計,需要給設計稿AI和preview我們先過目的,且不能顯示有任何貴公司的名字或者資料在上面,首頁我們預算最多一頁HKD$300以內,內容頁最多預算HKD$50每頁。 第二是設計連網站一齊製作的總費用,請另外報價,其中要求如下: 1. 必須懂廣東話, 用中文溝通 2. 能用whatsapp與香港時間同步溝通 3. 工作耐心認真負責 4. 建設wordpress網站,按給予的模板仿製 5. 中英兩種語言 6. woo-commerce購物車及會員系統 7. 設計首頁的時間為最多1-2天,整個網站設計不超過4天 8. 網站必須包含電腦版與手機版 9. 支付方式是銀行轉賬(直接展示銀行號碼)及展示payme 二維碼,及paypal 10. 如客人有需要後台training ,需要教客人使用簡單後台及培訓(on line) 11. 包含整套網站遷移、服務器設置(客人自行購買服務器)、域名指向等全套服務
1. 必須懂廣東話 2. 能用whatsapp與香港時間同步溝通 3. 工作耐心認真負責 4. 建設wordpress網站,按給予的模板仿製 5. 中英兩種語言 6. woo-commerce購物車及會員系統 7. 預計工作時間為3-4日 8. 必須包含電腦版與手機版 9. 支付方式是銀行轉賬(直接展示銀行號碼)及展示payme 二維碼,及paypal 10. 如客人有需要後台training ,需要教客人使用簡單後台及培訓(on line) 11. 包含網站遷移、服務器設置(客人自行購買服務器)、域名指向等全套服務 12. 內頁會找類似樣板,請模仿並建議更漂亮的形式進行製作,而不會提供首頁設計 13. 首頁已經設計好,並會提供AI文檔 14. 提供購買服務器建議及協助版面設置等 15. 整個項目完成預算大約HKD 1800
网站关键词是;,9951026贵宾会登录,99贵宾会点击网址,,99贵宾会网站,小勐拉九九贵宾会,18469420432, 99贵宾会企业邮箱,缅甸99厅,缅甸九九厅网站 搜索引擎排名到第一,就算完成任务
CAM 350 相关版本工程专业 ***************************** panelized 专业小时 界面GPIO或 FPC链接布线 双面混六层 没有太多责任高求 快速完成~付款‘套餐’ 写个脚本 价钱另议
标题:COB LED工作灯,Wekine 2种工作模式检查灯带磁性底座, 夹子,挂钩, 非常适用于家庭,汽车维修, 野外露营,紧急应用 2种工作模式----每个灯珠均采用新的COB(chip on board)技术,主COB灯提供强大的220流明的白光泛光灯,镜头式聚光灯可缩放光束和聚焦,可调节灯的角度,您可以根据需要,将光线聚焦在确切的工作区域,可大幅提高每平方英寸的流明输出,为您提供更高的质量和更高的效率。 稳定的支架(stable stand)----180度可旋转支架,防滑的把手设计,当把LED灯置于地面时,它形成V型,这样更加稳定起固定作用。 超强吸力的磁性底座----可帮助您牢固地粘在任何金属表面,轻松的将光线安装在免提操作的地方。 360度可旋转挂钩----给您在悬空的工作情况下提供方便,可以轻松的挂到任何地方。 用途广----便携式使我们的工作灯非常适合家庭,户外露营,汽车修理,园艺工作,电子工作,紧急,野生应用等。 我们的优势: 采用符合FCC,CE证书的环保材料制成,确保安全。 产品信息: 名称:COB LED work light 品牌:wekine 灯珠: 1XPE+1COB work lights 规格尺寸:21*6.5*3.2cm 包装:彩盒 重量:202g 特点: 适合家庭,户外露营,钓鱼,汽车修理,园艺工作,电子工作,紧急,野生应用等。 我们的服务:: 我们相信我们的产品。Wekineg COB LED 工作灯享有60天退换货和365天的保修
Host mobile App on : Myapp (Tencent) 腾讯应用宝 360 Mobile Assistant 360 Mobile Assistant 360手机助手 Baidu Mobile Assistant Baidu Mobile Assistant 百度手机助手
...4、完成身份验证过程之后,可以通过该特制播放器进行自由的播放,播放器面板可以选择样式,放上我们的品牌信息。视频的播放清晰度不会受影响,可以自由的快进、快退、可以完成0.1-—5.0倍速的快速或慢速播放,能保持音轨一致。 5、视频的加密软件,可以定向指定某一期班级的学生可以解密播放该视频。而其他班级的学生,即使有加密狗并下载了该视频加密源文件之后依然无法解密该视频。 6、视频加密软件需要达到后台控制功能。可以实时在线显示都有哪期班级的学员(班级期数、名字、联系方式),在看哪一阶段的视频。并且如果有同一个加密狗在两台机器上播放视频话,我们可以直接冻结该加密狗的使用权限,使其不能播放。 7、加密狗,不可以被复制,不可以被破解,并且要具备一定的后期内部软件升级空间,根据我们的需要往其中加入新功能,如果被破解,我们是不会通过最终审核的。 We are an offline education training institution. Currently, we need to prepare the teaching MP4 video recorded every day for the students to study at home. However, the videos should not be shared randomly and sold online by our students. Therefore, we decide to encrypt the videos through hardware encryption to prevent the spread of the videos. It is necessary to develop three parts including v...
该网站用于设计人们喜欢的杯子 类似TeeSpring 1 能够实现TeeSpring上所有设计 要求设计界面基于纯HTML5 而非Flash 2 保持简洁高效的设计 注册页面参考知乎 设计页面参考TeeSpring 3 实现后端功能 能够方便的添加 管理所有的商品 4 2周内完成 并能够随时接受任何提议并改进 【5】 【最重要】在设计页面的时候 能够实现一个杯子360°旋转设计并保留图案给后台 以方便生产商生产出来 【6】必须用中文实现 7 添加支付宝、银联等支付方式 具体内容在达成协议以后会详细认可
...function: product management systems, search systems, shopping cart functionality , payment systems , order management systems ...... Background function: membership management system ; news, information , advertising systems ; Page Views Statistics ; Links ; station information retrieval system ...... 3 , website maintenance : Service providers need to provide ongoing maintenance support and training site back-office functions 4, can make a separate payment systems can also count the money alone 开发语言:php(根据自身情况而定) 参考网站: 具体要求: 1、网页设计及制作: 首页,产品详情页,商品列表页,订单提交页等,整体风格要大气上档次。 2、功能模块: 前台功能:产品管理系统, 搜索系统,购物车功能,支付系统,订单管理系统...... 后台功能:会员管理系统;新闻、信息、广告发布系统;页面访问 统计;友情链接;站内信息检索系统...... 3、网站维护: 服务商需要提供后期维护支持及网站后台功能培训 4、能单独做支付系统的也可以单独算钱
This project is for Wechat 微信 and the service provider should be able to read and write Chinese and understand the Wechat Market for marketing. 1. 搭建微信网站 2. 微信在线商城、微酒店、微订餐点菜服务、微医疗挂号预约服务 3. 开通微信会员卡服务、大转盘、360全景看房 4. 最好與我的wordpress 網站連在一起。 5. 提供其他微信的推廣方法
...客只要从淘宝客推广专区获取商品代码,任何买家(包括您自己)经过您的推广(链接、个人网站,博客或者社区发的帖子)进入淘宝卖家店铺完成购买后,就可得到由卖家支付的佣金。 淘宝客的推广目前主要可以分成两大类,一类是拥有独立平台的专业淘宝客,这类淘宝客精通网站技术,搭建专业的平台,独立博客、商品导购平台、用户分享网站等来吸引客户,赚取一定的佣金。另一种则是自由的淘宝客,这类淘宝客没有固定的推广方式,不管技术还是实力都不是很雄厚,主要论坛、博客、SNS平台,或者微博、邮件、Q群等作为推广方式。很适合大众新手。 另外有一点要注意的是,一些淘宝卖家怀疑360浏览器劫持卖家“淘宝客”佣金。事实上,所谓“劫持佣金”是少数淘宝卖家对《淘宝客推广业务规范》中“全店结算”、“15天规则”了解不足造成的误会;淘宝联盟《淘宝客推广业务规范》条例已经有明确说明:淘宝客无论通过何种推广方式为卖家进行推广,都会产生相应的佣金,目前包括新浪微博、蘑菇街、美丽说、金山导航、搜狗等都有相关的淘宝客推广方式。 也就是说,一个淘宝买家通过360网址导航或蘑菇街、美丽说等淘宝客推广链接,打开了某个淘宝店铺,按照淘宝客规则,这笔交易只要在15天内发生,店铺需要向360网址导航或蘑菇街、美丽说支付淘宝客佣金。目前,网址导航站已经成为了“淘宝客”的主要推广渠道。
...客只要从淘宝客推广专区获取商品代码,任何买家(包括您自己)经过您的推广(链接、个人网站,博客或者社区发的帖子)进入淘宝卖家店铺完成购买后,就可得到由卖家支付的佣金。 淘宝客的推广目前主要可以分成两大类,一类是拥有独立平台的专业淘宝客,这类淘宝客精通网站技术,搭建专业的平台,独立博客、商品导购平台、用户分享网站等来吸引客户,赚取一定的佣金。另一种则是自由的淘宝客,这类淘宝客没有固定的推广方式,不管技术还是实力都不是很雄厚,主要论坛、博客、SNS平台,或者微博、邮件、Q群等作为推广方式。很适合大众新手。 另外有一点要注意的是,一些淘宝卖家怀疑360浏览器劫持卖家“淘宝客”佣金。事实上,所谓“劫持佣金”是少数淘宝卖家对《淘宝客推广业务规范》中“全店结算”、“15天规则”了解不足造成的误会;淘宝联盟《淘宝客推广业务规范》条例已经有明确说明:淘宝客无论通过何种推广方式为卖家进行推广,都会产生相应的佣金,目前包括新浪微博、蘑菇街、美丽说、金山导航、搜狗等都有相关的淘宝客推广方式。 也就是说,一个淘宝买家通过360网址导航或蘑菇街、美丽说等淘宝客推广链接,打开了某个淘宝店铺,按照淘宝客规则,这笔交易只要在15天内发生,店铺需要向360网址导航或蘑菇街、美丽说支付淘宝客佣金。目前,网址导航站已经成为了“淘宝客”的主要推广渠道。
...following passage and send the translation to me. 1 教学目的:使业务人员熟悉建筑漫游动画和虚拟漫游的制作流程、制作周期、制作报价以及相关业务范围。 2 建筑动画简介: 建筑动画又称房地产动画,是根据建筑设计图纸在专业的计算机上制作出虚拟的建筑环境, 有地理位置、建筑物外观、建筑物内部装修、园林景观、配套设施、人物、动物、自然现象如风、雨、雷鸣、日出日落、阴晴月缺等等都是动态地存在于建筑环境中,可以以任意角度浏览。房地产动画应用最广的是房地产开发商对房产项目的广告宣传、工程投标、建设项目审批、环境介绍、古建筑保护、古建筑复原等。房地产动画片的优势是能在房产开发前进行全方位宣传。 建筑动画使用的软件: CAD、3DS MAX、MAYA、Photoshop、After Effects、Premiere、Fusion等 建筑动画服务流程: Thanks.
网站地址: 目前仅实现了刷钻。 需要推翻现有设计,重新整顿平台,平台主要有3个大的系统架构:刷钻、威客、店铺转让。 兼容要求: 若能包括DIV+CSS(兼容IE7+ ,FIREFOX,GOOGLE CHROME,360) 报价系统不太会用, 请自行联络我报价。
岗位职责: -日常营销活动管理,为客户提供付费搜索、竞价管理、营销策略发展、广告文案测试、关键词搜索、日常技术和持续优化等服务。 -通过开发与利用百度、搜狗、360等陈列式广告,计划和部署PPC方案,使利润得到最大化。 利润最大化通过开发和制作百度,搜狗,360显示广告,规划和部署PPC活动。 -赢得优质的、显著的PPC项目进展。 -通过PPC或付费点击追踪、更新跟踪和更新流量模式。 -负责PPC报告,包括每周和每月项目报告,分析该项目的表现,评估投资回报率对关键指标和优化支出的最大价值。 -培训营销人员,监督各项目进展,以确保团队的优质表现。 -参与或主持高级管理层及营销团队的会议。 -发掘、聘用、指导和激励线上营销人员在技术及应用层面发挥最大潜能。 技能与经验要求: -良好的教育背景。 -渴望成功。 -拥有5年以上的任职PPC经理/百度网盟专家的经历。 -有参与SEM竞标技术、自动化功能的经验。 -善写广告文案,懂得就项目进行专业层面的比较。 -能够管理、指导大批富有经验的团队成员工作。 -有从众多数据中获取信息、做出清晰判断与明智角色的经验,善用Excel与Access. -优秀的客户处理能力和书面、口头沟通技巧。 -杰出的项目管理能力,能同时管理多个项目,并确保项目按时运作。 -能够适应瞬息万变的线上营销趋势。 -能够萌生新创意、执行新想法。 -能够从头至尾地带领、管理并参与任一项目。 -富有职业道德及旺盛的精力。
...Baidu App Store Tencent App Gem AppChina Anzhi 360 market Lenovo ToDo: - sign up to all app stores - fill in app form (we will send app description, redy to publish .apk and graphics) - send app to review - revise app info when app will be rejected 我们正在寻找母语(中国)与有关移动应用程序,以帮助我们发布的中国Android应用程序商店Android的应用程序的基本知识。 应用程序商店的清单: 百度App Store的 腾讯应用宝石 AppChina 安志 360市场 联想 待办事项: - 注册于所有的应用程序商店 - 填写表单的应用程序(我们将发送给应用程序的描述,REDY发布APK和图形。) - 发送应用程序审查 - 当应用程序将会被拒绝修改应用程序的信息
全能工具箱Logo设计 Logo将做为程序图标出现在桌面、标题栏、快捷方式、欢迎界面、列表刷新时进度等位置。 参考关键字:首字母、系统、齿轮、修复等 参考程序:安卓助手,360卫士等 简洁,任何人可以手绘出。 色调,主导程序的风格。 ...............................................................................
? HIRING: WordPress WooCommerce Website Assistant (Paid 3-Hour Test - $9 Fixed Price) Hello! We are looking for a detail-oriented freelancer to help us duplicate Shopify stores into Wordpress WooCommerce. ?️ Test Task Details: Fixed Price: $9 (3-hour test at $3/hour) If successful, we will offer long-term work at $3/hour Step-by-step training provided - Easy process to follow Great for freelancers looking for stable work! ? What You'll Do: ✔️ Download and duplicate a Shopify store's pages un ✔️ Organize the site structure (folders & files) ✔️ Upload pages to Wordpress ✔️ Fix URL paths to ensure links point to the new domain ✔️ Create Woocommerce products ? Who Are We Looking For: ✅ Experience with Wordpress ✅ Basic HTML & file management skills ✅ Attention to ...
...Automate: Facilitates document collection, validation, and integration with SF. SAP SF Integration (OData API, Integration Center): Enables workflow automation. Deliverables: Configured SF onboarding and document workflows integrated with Power Automate. Testing, validation, and documentation. User training on the updated processes. Timeline & Responsibilities: Client: Provide API access and confirm workflow requirements. Vendor: Develop, test, and integrate workflows, provide training. Timeline: ~6-7 weeks (setup, testing, deployment). Acceptance Criteria: Seamless onboarding process within SF. Efficient document handling and validation via Power Automate. Integration approved by HR team. Conclusion: This integration will enhance onboarding efficiency a...
...Raspberry Pi 5 & Hailo - Customization for AI and machine learning tasks - Proficient in working with computer vision tasks, natural language processing, and data analysis - Proficiency in Docker for deployment. - Previous experience with object detection vision AI apps. - Knowledge of working with live camera feeds. - Ability to ensure seamless integration with a USB webcam, IP camera, and Raspi Cam - user and tool database interface for tool checkin/out management - copy tmux, tmuxinator, powerline etc to this device from my old one Windows on-premise integration is a must among other platforms. Additionally, I will need the following software pre-installed on the Raspberry Pi 5: - TensorFlow - PyTorch - OpenCV - CUDA Ideal
We are renovating our restaurant and looking for a talented wall artist based in Portland, Oregon to create vibrant Indian-Western fusion art designs. The artwork should reflect culinary elements from both cultures and be engaging for diners. Budget: $30 - $200 USD, Timeline: ASAP.
We are seeking a wall artist to create a fusion art design that blends Indian and Western styles for our restaurant renovation. The artwork should visually represent various culinary elements in a vibrant manner. Ideal artists will have experience in restaurant decor. Timeline: ASAP. Budget: $30 - $200 USD.
We are looking for a talented wall artist based in Portland, Oregon, to create Indian-Western fusion art designs for our restaurant renovation. The artwork should be vibrant and reflect elements of both cultures, similar to the provided reference images. Budget is $30 - $200, and we need the project completed as soon as possible.
We're renovating a restaurant and need a talented wall artist based in Portland, Oregon to create Indian-Western fusion art designs. The artwork should visually represent culinary elements from both cultures and should be vibrant and engaging. Budget: $30 - $200 USD.
We are seeking a wall artist to create a fusion art design that blends Indian and Western styles for our restaurant renovation. The artwork should visually represent various culinary elements in a vibrant manner. We aim for an engaging atmosphere that reflects both cultures. Ideal artists will have experience in restaurant decor. Timeline: ASAP. Budget: $30 - $200 USD.
I need a talented wall artist based in Portland, Oregon to create Indian-Western fusion artwork for my restaurant. The art should reflect elements of both cultures in a visually appealing manner. I’m looking for something playful and vibrant, similar to the attached images showing fusion styles with food themes. **Skills Required:** - Artistic skills in wall painting - Experience with restaurant/branding projects - Ability to work within provided budget **Timeline:** ASAP **Budget:** CAD $30 - $200
We are renovating a restaurant and looking for a wall artist based in Portland, Oregon, to create Indian-Western fusion art designs. The budget is between $30 to $200, and we need the project completed as soon as possible.
I'm renovating my restaurant and looking for an artist to create Indian-Western fusion wall art. The artwork should blend traditional Indian motifs with Western styles and highlight popular Indian dishes and street food. I'm seeking a vibrant, engaging design that invites customers in!
I'm looking for a developer to create an app named ExpertCare. This app caters to professionals and enthusiasts of electronic circuit design and repair, providing them access to electronic PCB circuits data, chat-based technical support, and a library of pre-recorded training videos. Key Features: - Primary focus on Community Forum-style chat support: The app should incorporate a community forum-style chat feature where users can discuss, troubleshoot, and learn together. This is a critical aspect of the app. - User profiles and messaging: The chat function should allow for user identities through profiles and facilitate one-on-one communication via messaging. - Threaded discussions: The chat should be able to support threaded discussions, allowing users to follow conversatio...
We are looking for someone to perform an in-person audit at a testing center in Tokyo, Japan. This audit is being conducted to assess if the staff on site is following the rules and regulations and are monitoring test takers to ensure there is no cheating going on. This is a great opportunity to help improve standardized test administration. We provide full training and this assignment. ***PLEASE NOTE: Once you are booked the audit cannot be postponed or assigned to a different freelancer.***
We are looking for someone to perform an in-person audit at a testing center in Algiers, Alger, Algeria This audit is being conducted to assess if the staff on site is following the rules and regulations and are monitoring test takers to ensure there is no cheating going on. This is a great opportunity to help improve standardized test administration. We provide full training and this assignment. ***PLEASE NOTE: Once you are booked the audit cannot be postponed or assigned to someone else.***
...good I’ll award it. Green and yellow gold are the theme Key Details to Include: It’s a summer “Fast Break Basketball Clinic” “Sharpen Your Skills. Speed Up Your Game. Play With Confidence!” FLYER CONTENT (Eye-Catching & Action-Driven) ? FAST BREAK BASKETBALL CLINIC ? Improve your shooting, ball handling, speed, and court vision in just one day! ? Date: Friday, May 31 ⏰ Time: 3-Hour Intensive Training ? Cost: $35 ? Location: [Your Gym Name] ? Ages: 8 - 14 WHAT TO EXPECT: ✅ Shooting Fundamentals & Game-Ready Accuracy ? ✅ Elite Ball Handling & Control ? ✅ Fast Break Execution & Game Speed Drills ⚡ 5005 e Los Angeles ave Simi valley ca 93063 - Date and time of the clinic - Location of the clinic - Contact information for ...
...regulatory issues surrounding non-compliant CPR courses in the USA, with a specific emphasis on compliance with the American Heart Association (AHA) standards. Key points: - The paper should critically analyze the regulatory landscape of CPR training courses. - It should assess the implications of non-compliance on course effectiveness and public safety. - Ideally, the freelancer has a background in regulatory analysis, CPR training, or public health. I expect a high-quality, well-structured paper that can contribute to the ongoing discourse on CPR training regulation in the USA. I want to focus on 15 major cities in the USA. I will provide the guidelines and the research would include phone calls, text messages, and sending some secret shoppers to locations to ...
Aside from my engineering training, I have a strong penchant for web development. With experience in creating web pages and applications, I have managed to design and develop custom digital solutions, adapted to both aesthetics and functionality. I work with various technologies and programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like React, allowing me to create interactive and efficient platforms. My focus is on continuous improvement and the implementation of innovative solutions that optimize both industrial processes and digital experiences. In my career, I have worked in multidisciplinary teams, applying a strategic and collaborative approach to achieve successful results. I am a creative person, with great
...optimized images and code. Basic security best practices (HTTPS, plugin security updates, etc.). Future Scalability Site structure should allow for adding new service lines, case studies, or blog posts over time. Potential for advanced features (client portals, membership areas) in later phases. Deliverables Fully functioning website with the above pages and features. Hand-off documentation or brief training on how to edit/add content. (Optional) Ongoing maintenance or support, if you offer it. What We’re Looking For Relevant Experience: A developer or team with a portfolio showcasing modern web design, especially for tech or consulting firms. Strong Communication: Ability to collaborate on design ideas and provide regular progress updates. Creativity: We’re open to ...
I'm in search of a talented Dholki drummer for my upcoming fusion wedding. The primary role will be to lead the ceremony processions, setting the celebratory tone of the event. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in playing Dholki - Experience performing at weddings or similar events - Ability to engage with the crowd and create a festive atmosphere Please note: This is not a traditional wedding, so flexibility and creativity to blend with various music styles will be appreciated.
...professionals need continuous training to enhance their expertise. my project aims to design AI-driven simulators that offer realistic, interactive training scenarios for radiology technologists, doctors and administrators. These simulators will use real patient data, while ensuring privacy, to simulate clinical cases. AI will assist users by providing feedback, highlighting patterns, and identifying potential abnormalities. I will utilize existing platforms for example Dicoogle, which is an open-source medical imaging software, to integrate AI tools into the simulators. By interviewing radiology technologists, doctors and administrators I will gather valuable insights to ensure the simulators meet their needs and address real-world challenges in medical imaging and tra...
...business. Key Responsibilities: - Reach out to small business prospects in the insurance sector by calling provided leads. - Effectively communicate our script and value proposition. - Dial every Monday starting at 8 am Arizona time, working up to 6 hours. Expectations: - Set 8 to 10 appointments for Tuesday and Wednesday weekly. - Work with provided script and phone numbers. - Participate in training sessions to understand our business and services. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in cold calling and lead generation. - Exceptional English speaking skills. - Ability to quickly grasp and communicate script. - Phone number that includes Az area code (not required) Your goal will be to help us expand our client base by setting up potential meetings with interested businesses. ...
...**transform entry-level sales reps into top performers** **faster** through AI-powered coaching, real-time guidance, and workflow automation. We provide sales professionals with the tools, feedback, and training needed to develop confidence, refine their skills, and consistently close more deals. What is is an **AI-driven sales enablement platform** designed to accelerate the learning curve for sales reps. It integrates real-time coaching, automation, and analytics to help professionals build confidence and master their sales process **without relying on traditional training programs**. eliminates the guesswork, providing **instant insights and skill development** while reps engage with prospects. How Works - **G**uide: AI-powered modules help reps master
I need a flyer designed for a promotional event for my basketball training organization. The primary audience for this flyer is coaches, so the design should appeal to them. Key elements to include: - Event date and time - Contact information - Training benefits 5 total designs Ideal candidates should have a strong background in graphic design, specifically in creating sports-related materials. Experience working with similar organizations or audiences would be a plus. The design should be visually engaging and clearly communicate all necessary information.
I'm in search of commission-only cold call appointment setters for XTRACT and Majestic Wellness Academy student enrollments. This role is perfect for individuals who thrive in sales-driven environments and are motivated by performance-based income. Key Responsibilities: - Engaging in...students - Setting appointments with interested candidates - Closing deals and driving sales Ideal Candidates: - Have experience in **appointment setting, telemarketing, or sales**, particularly in the **health & wellness** sector - Are comfortable working **commission-only** - Are **self-motivated and persistent** in their efforts - Have experience in **high-ticket sales** or enrolling students in training programs - Prefer **remote work** and possess their own equipment This is an immed...
I'm looking for a professional who can deliver a trained convolutional neural network (CNN) model for polyp detection and segmentation. Key Deliverables: - Trained model with weights - Training and evaluation code - Comprehensive documentation on model usage The model should be developed using TensorFlow and optimized for accuracy. Please note, U-NET code will not be accepted. The project is expected to be completed within 2 to 3 days and the budget is between 2000 to 3000 INR. Ideal candidates should have: - Expertise in TensorFlow - Proven experience in developing CNN models - Prior work with the Kvasir dataset is a plus - Strong skills in model documentation and code clarity.
Company: Kabalto Location: Remote (with local and possible out of state traveling require...track record of meeting or exceeding sales targets. • Self-motivated, with strong prospecting and negotiation skills. • Excellent communication and relationship-building abilities. • Comfortable working on a 100% commission-based structure. • Willingness to travel locally to meet prospects and attend industry events. What We Offer: ✅ High earning potential with 10% commission per sale ✅ Access to training and sales materials ✅ Exclusive territories (based on performance) ✅ Support from Kabalto’s team to process financing and project execution Ready to Join Kabalto? If you're a motivated salesperson looking for a lucrative opportunity, apply now and start buildi...
We are seeking an expert MicroStation trainer for a one-month training program. The ideal candidate should have: - Specialization in MicroStation CAD Draftsman skills. - Strong English communication skills. - Prior experience in conducting professional training. **Deliverables:** - Comprehensive training sessions over the course of one month. - Training materials and resources. - Assessment and evaluation of trainees. **Ideal Candidate:** - Extensive experience with MicroStation software. - Excellent command of English. - Proven track record in training. **Budget:** Flexible, based on competitive pricing. Please provide your rates.
I'm looking for an expert to provide a one-hour lesson focusing on advanced scripting and workflows. The lesson will primarily be about automating tasks in Google Chrome. Key Focus Areas: - Advanced Scripting: I want to dive dee...automate filling out forms. - Data Extraction: I want to understand how to set up to pull data from websites. - Navigation and Clicking Actions: I need to be able to teach to navigate websites and perform clicking actions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with , particularly in advanced scripting and workflows. - Prior experience conducting lessons or training sessions. - Deep understanding of web automation, specifically with Google Chrome. - Excellent communication skills to explain complex concepts succinctly.