Free root vps servers工作


    2,000 free root vps servers 找到工作

    Hey , my name is Jay and I work at Moto Morini , we are a motorcycle manufacturer and we are looking to expand our market to the US, we need some staffs for the whole operation procedure which are assistants for now but you could turn to our full-time staff after the branch is all settled if you are into this business. The main office will be located around the North California ...looking to expand our market to the US, we need some staffs for the whole operation procedure which are assistants for now but you could turn to our full-time staff after the branch is all settled if you are into this business. The main office will be located around the North California area. We hope you are good at sales , marketing skills, and a bit more recruitment skills is preferred. Feel free to con...

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    关于解除SSL步骤纲要 建议:不要使用HUAWEI和iPhone的移动设备 1:进入Google搜索您手机对应型号的ROM刷机包并且下载 2:进入Google搜索“刷机包修改”能搜索到几千篇的教程 3:删除ROM(就是下载好了的刷机包)里面的SSL 代码配置文件 4:重新对修改后了的ROM进行签名打包(网上有很多如何签名打包的教程) 5:通过root工具把修改好了的ROM装进你的移动设备(俗称刷机,iPhone 叫越狱) 6:开机重启检查是否刷机成功 7:下载游戏后插入金手指开始你的游戏 8:HUAWEI 和iPhone 的安全系数很高所以不建议进行刷ROM,否则有可能出现变砖的风险 9:如果你懂Java这将是一件非常容易的事,如果是小白那么建议还是付钱找软件公司或者大约计算机系的高材生帮忙 10:由于解除SSL涉及到客户私人物品,这将不是我们产品的服务范畴,请自行解决! 11:SSL 是一种安全数据传输加密协议,由于破解器传输的是破解数据,因此解除SSL非常重要

    $22 - $182
    $22 - $182
    0 个竞标
    free 兀 project
    已经结束 left


    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    基础马甲包要求 1.是能够在苹果商店审核通过的 2.里面增加极光推送功能(我们提供账号) 3.里面加一个api开关(我们提供api),根据自己的app id 获取信息base64解析 如果接口没成功或者show_url返回0,就显示自己的app内容 show_url返回1就切换window root = 显示url的内容的控制器(用UIWebView加载确保能调起弹窗下载其他应用) [login to view URL] 增加个加载中提示用户 5.兼容第一次 网络授权,确保第一次进也能调起api开关 进行切换[login to view URL] 操作 [login to view URL]底部增加极光按钮,首页,后退,前进,刷新,退出 (退出是给个是否弹窗,是的话直接杀死app就行。) [login to view URL]名称是英文的。在商店没有的短英文 方便搜索,选择通过后手动发布。联系

    $6511 Average bid
    $6511 平均报价
    9 个竞标
    Project for Granit S.
    已经结束 left

    您好正在使用Jarvee, 需要jarvee的设置方式建议 对于instagram和facebook的限制感觉麻烦, 需有专家合作配置完整的机器人功能。 1.需要帮助设置服务器vps部屬 2.需要帮助proxy家用代理的建议, instagram和facebook专用家用代理 3. 2captcha-api 验证码串接,Instagram-自动电子邮件验证教學, Instagram-两因素验证 的设置, 以免被facebook及instagram阻挡 初學者模式---facebook初學者模式 長期合作相關設定 期待您的回覆謝謝

    $50 Average bid
    $50 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    1,需要把商店從共享服務器遷移到vps服務器 2,需要修改商店主頁和部分頁面佈局 3,需要修改部分商店bug 4,该项目需要在3天内完成

    $62 Average bid
    $62 平均报价
    4 个竞标

    基础马甲包要求 1.是能够在苹果商店审核通过的 2.里面增加极光推送功能(我们提供账号) 3.里面加一个api开关(我们提供api),根据自己的app id 获取信息base64解析 如果接口没成功或者show_url返回0,就显示自己的app内容 show_url返回1就切换window root = 显示url的内容的控制器(用UIWebView加载确保能调起弹窗下载其他应用) 增加个加载中提示用户 5.兼容第一次 网络授权,确保第一次进也能调起api开关 进行切换 操作 底部增加极光按钮,首页,后退,前进,刷新,退出 (退出是给个是否弹窗,是的话直接杀死app就行。) 名称是英文的。在商店没有的短英文 方便搜索,选择通过后手动发布。

    $4274 Average bid
    $4274 平均报价
    6 个竞标


    $498 Average bid
    $498 平均报价
    10 个竞标

    ...people to use the software for free for 3 days (this can record MAC, hard disk number, QQ number can be). During free use, the user needs to share it with 2 users to use normally. Otherwise, every 3 hours, the software will automatically stop running. Every month, every user, regardless of sharing with several users, must have 2 shared users who have logged in before (during one month) Leave 2 pictures of the ad position above the software, click to jump, leave 2 font ads below the software, click to jump The software can't connect to the server or can't open, can't log in, etc. It automatically detects whether the connected server is attacked. In a few seconds, it can't connect to the replacement server and connect to another server. I will prepare...

    $1111 Average bid
    $1111 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    我想获取支付宝到账信息,您可以使用任意方法,root权限,监听push,或基于xposed框架去抓取,在得到支付宝的每笔信息之后,需要以json格式返回出数据到一个URL, 这个URL由我来提供。

    $155 Average bid
    $155 平均报价
    1 个竞标


    $245 - $734
    $245 - $734
    0 个竞标


    $552 Average bid
    $552 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    A4大小正反面传单 关于网站托管VPS等IDC hosting服务的产品

    $28 Average bid
    $28 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    1. App download to allow user to access the internet thru our company servers.. 2. GEO Location of device for clients when they enter the office building to know where they are. 3. Building lay out, with using scan QR codes to let clients know where they are at precisely 4. USING wifi, A-GPS and GPS to access location INSIDE the building and on different floors 5. Allow downloading of pamphlets and documents helps references for services provided in the entire 10 story building along with each specific floors 7. Will need ongoing support for at least 1 year, 8. Within the app, the layout for the client changes and makes changes based on the wifi positioning. 9. Smart app controller, allowing the app to control simple internet connected items (lights, switches) will have a ...

    $1271 Average bid
    $1271 平均报价
    4 个竞标

    文章发布流程: 1.进行产品体验(free) 2.根据体验后感想进行文章撰写,会提供产品简要 3.文章可发布于FB粉丝团/个人FB /博客/ Instagram的 请先提供预计可发布平台网址供审核( FB粉丝团/个人FB /博客/ Instagram的) 符合需求才进行商品寄送与体验写文。 地區:malaysia

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 个竞标

    文章发布流程: 1.进行产品体验(free) 2.根据体验后感想进行文章撰写,会提供产品简要 3.文章可发布于FB粉丝团/个人FB /博客/ Instagram的 请先提供预计可发布平台网址供审核( FB粉丝团/个人FB /博客/ Instagram的) 符合需求才进行商品寄送与体验写文。

    $25 Average bid
    $25 平均报价
    2 个竞标
    已经结束 left

    我们有二台VPS服务器, Liunx server: ,和windows server: 请注意我们没有其它的任何信息。 如果你或你的朋友能够找到漏洞通过RDP登陆到Windows server:, 或通过ssh连接到Linux server: 他们中的一个, 如果你能够登陆, 请报价。 Thanks!

    $99 Average bid
    $99 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    需要开发一个SDK插件,能够将插件绑在别的APP上面,通过插件实现包括静默在内的以下功能 1.如果机器没有root 1.1 自动提权root,如果成功,参照已经ROOT的功能 1.2 如果没有提权成功,需要通知栏push,弹屏广告功能 2.如果机器已经root权限 2.1 能定位省份,取到用户号码 2.2 根据不同的渠道设置不同的屏蔽短信 2.3 静默插件本身用户看不到图标,看不到进程,也卸载不掉 2.4 能统计帮cp成功静默安装软件的数量,激活数量 2.5 能随时推送静默软件,有PHP后台统计 2.6 能hook各广告联盟UID

    $789 Average bid
    $789 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    ...current web site this would be a bilingual site Chinese and English, a platform for native English tutor easily find Chinese students in all cities China. Tutor will pay for us, they can start an account and biuld a online class on our site, Chinese students can easily find native English tutor on our site. I have no idea about the budget, so ignore the price below, feel free to offer, thanks...

    $1045 Average bid
    $1045 平均报价
    10 个竞标

    编写一个能修改高通平台android手机串号的应用。 Qualcomm Platform Android mobile phone change imei 1.手机有root权限(phone has root) to msm8226,msm8626,msm8926 3.必须是在手机端上运行(非电脑端的软件)

    $1333 Average bid
    $1333 平均报价
    5 个竞标
    Free test
    已经结束 left

    林毅夫:中国经济今年会保持7.5%至8%增长 全国工商联副主席、北大国家发展研究院名誉院长林毅夫13日在欧美同学会100周年北京论坛上表示,中国经济不会硬着陆,并将在四季度止跌回升,今年会保持7.5%至8%的增长,与发达国家复苏缓慢相比,中国经济风景这边独好。林毅夫说,“近年来,国际上有很多唱衰中国经济的观点,认为中国经济在今年或是未来一段时间将出现硬着

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 个竞标
    Update, to Almalinux
    6 天 left

    Hi, I need a experienced coder to update to Almalinux, update the related packages to php and so on in my vps server. The project includes updating packages, implementing necessary security measures, and ensuring the server is running optimally WITHOUT affect the correct functionalities of the applications already installed in production in their respective cpanels. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience updating to Almalinux - Strong background in server maintenance - Proficient in implementing security measures - Excellent troubleshooting skills Need all this complete in up to 3 days. Our budget is not negotiable. All what I require here are pretty easy. Feel free to ask,

    $48 Average bid
    $48 平均报价
    13 个竞标

    I'm seeking a skilled advert designer to create an enticing newspaper advertisement for my electrical store. The pri...experience we offer. Key Points: - The advert should communicate the ease and convenience of shopping from home. - It should emphasize our extensive range of home appliances available in the store. - The design should be visually appealing to capture readers' attention. The design should show a 10% discount to all shoppers for the first month of store opening It should emphasize Sales and Free delivery in only and also show payment methods accepting cCredit/Debit cards, Paypal, Klarna and Buy Now Pay Later Ideal skills include graphic design, copywriting, and a good understanding of branding and advertising. Experience in designing print media ads...

    $227 Average bid
    加精 加保
    66 项参赛作品

    Tablet : Samsung Galaxy Tab A9 SM-X110 Root Checker Status: Root Access isp properly installed Bootloader is done Magisk is installed I want to tablet auto run when power cable usb plig in to use that model tab as HMI. I tired to do necessary changes ( changing charge screen with boot loader ) with help of Chatgpt. ( via Magisk module to uploade zip file of configuration or direct change ) But couldn't get success

    $15 Average bid
    $15 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    I'm seeking a skilled artist to paint modern, bold and vibrant 3D letters on a Louis Vuitton travel trunk. The trunk is to remain free of any additional designs or patterns. Key Requirements: - Experience in hand painting and 3D design - A contemporary, modern style - Ability to use bold and vibrant colors - Attention to detail to ensure high quality finish The ideal freelancer should have a portfolio showcasing similar projects. If you can transform this trunk into a unique piece of art, I would love to hear from you. must be able to travel to fort johnson ny and preform work on site or can transport trunk within 1 hours distance from your studio

    $75 Average bid
    $75 平均报价
    34 个竞标

    I'm in search of a seasoned professional with profound experience in managing CentOS Linux servers alongside the CWP Control Panel. My requirements encompass: - Regular server upkeep and updates to ensure peak performance and security. - Security enhancements: I need assistance with configuring the CWP Control Panel to bolster server security through optimal configuration of folders and file permissions. - Performance optimization: I am particularly interested in fine-tuning server performance through the efficient allocation of resources. An ideal candidate would possess: - Extensive knowledge of CentOS Linux server maintenance. - Proven experience with CWP Control Panel configuration. - Skills in system security updates and performance tuning. - Ability to optimally config...

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr 平均报价
    20 个竞标

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a Lab Information Server (LIS) in VB.Net. This server needs to facilitate bi-directional communication, primarily for the transmission of lab results. The server's ...needs to facilitate bi-directional communication, primarily for the transmission of lab results. The server's primary function is data transmission. Key Requirements: - Development of a VB.Net based LIS Server - Implementation of bi-directional communication capabilities - Focused primarily on the transmission of lab results Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in VB.Net - Experience with developing LIS Servers - Understanding of lab data transmission Please note, the LIS Server needs to support the HL7 data format. Please Keep in mind that the process should not get...

    $71 Average bid
    $71 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    ...information shared by the Employer confidential and will not disclose it to any third party without the express consent of the Employer. All work produced by the Freelancer under this agreement will be the property of the employer unless otherwise agreed upon in writing. >> All projects are bound by NDAs signed with clients. >> All work must be white label, free of any identifying information. >> Codes must be deleted from the developer's servers upon project completion. >> Project details cannot be used or referenced in any future portfolios. >> Breach of these terms will result in legal action....

    $77 Average bid
    $77 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    I'm seeking an expert in ERPNext and Frappe HR for implementing and customizing on a VPS for a small manufacturing company. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in ERPNext & Frappe - Experience in cloud deployment - Customization skills Key Responsibilities: - Implementing ERPNext and Frappe HR on a VPS - Customizing the system to fit our needs - Potential for future enhancements based on performance and needs

    $330 Average bid
    $330 平均报价
    16 个竞标

    I have a Moodle website where users who enroll do not receive a confirmation email, and as the administrator, I do not receive any notifications either. I need someone with expertise in Moodle and email servers to help me troubleshoot and fix this issue. Additionally, I would like you to test the setup with dummy enrollments to ensure everything is working properly. - I am currently using an SMTP server for my Moodle website. - I'm uncertain if the SMTP server settings are correctly configured in Moodle. - I need assistance with verifying and configuring the SMTP settings in Moodle. Ideal skills for this job include: - Expertise in Moodle - Proficiency in email server configuration - Ability to troubleshoot technical issues - Experience with testing and quality assurance

    $97 Average bid
    $97 平均报价
    47 个竞标

    I'm looking for a talented video editor skilled in Final Cut Pro X (FCPX 10.8) to craft a captivating travel video that captures the magic of my trip to Shillong and Cherrapunji with my beautiful wife, Alison. The video should bring our special moments to life, including highlights like our trek to the Living Root Bridge and the serene experience at Cherrapunji Holiday Resort. Project Details: Length: 5-10 minutes Footage Provided: Photos and videos Style: Cinematic travel vibe Key Requirements: Personal Touch: Integrate text overlays,with dates or quotes to enhance the mood. Smooth Transitions: Seamlessly blend photos and videos for a cohesive visual journey. Deliverables: Final edited video in HDR 4K or HD quality Source project files Deadline: 1st Oct 2024 If you can bri...

    $175 Average bid
    $175 平均报价
    12 个竞标

    I need immediate assistance with configuring a VPS and migrating my HTML/PHP websites onto it. - The VPS should be set up with a control panel that supports PHP 7.3. - Skills in PHP, HTML, and VPS management are crucial. - Experience with various control panels such as cPanel, Plesk, or Webmin will be beneficial. - Ideally, you would have previous experience with configuring a VPS for hosting multiple PHP-based sites. Please note, I have not specified any additional services required at this moment, but should you be proficient in areas such as database configuration, email account setup, or SSL certificate installation, that will certainly be an asset.

    $147 Average bid
    $147 平均报价
    46 个竞标

    I need assistance to connect my domain to an Azure VM that's running an Apache web server. Also, I want to set up custom name servers (ns1/) for this domain. I have an Azure DNS management service that I prefer to use for this task. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Azure and DNS management - Proficient in configuring custom name servers - Familiar with Apache web server My domain and the Azure VM are in the same region. Looking forward to your bids.

    $32 Average bid
    $32 平均报价
    15 个竞标
    Trophy icon Bold Animated Website Banners
    2 天 left

    I'm seeking a designer to create three animated banners for my website. The banners, sized 125x125, 468x60, and 728x90, need to be 'Bold and eye-catching' in style, and emphasize our corporate color scheme. Key Details: - Banner Style: The, and emphasize our corporate color scheme. Key Details: - Banner Style: The animations should be bold and attention-grabbing. - Color Scheme: Utilize our corporate colors throughout the banners. - Content: The primary focus of the banners should be highlighting our VPS prices. Ideal Candidates: - Proven experience in creating animated web banners. - Strong understanding of corporate branding and color schemes. - Ability to create eye-catching, bold designs. Source files must be included No AI generated rubbi...

    $26 Average bid
    16 项参赛作品

    I am looking for an experienced professional to configure NGINX as a reverse proxy for my Shoutcast server running on a Linux environment with Plesk. The project involves the following key tasks: Set up NGINX to automatically redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS. Configure NGINX to forward traffic from two external IPs to my Shoutcast servers. SSL termination: Assist with generating and configuring self-signed SSL certificates within Plesk for secure connections. A strong understanding of NGINX, Linux, and Shoutcast server configurations is essential. Experience working with Plesk’s version of NGINX and SSL certificate management is a must. Please provide examples of similar projects you’ve completed. We are currently running Plesk on a Linux server.

    $24 / hr Average bid
    $24 / hr 平均报价
    59 个竞标

    I have a UI/UX design for my new web hosting company based on WHMCS, I need to implement this design into a fully functional w...implement this design into a fully functional website. The technology used is flexible (WordPress, WHMCS theme, custom development, etc.), but it’s essential that the implementation matches the provided UI design precisely and is optimized for SEO. The client area will use the Lagom WHMCS theme, the required work for this project will be for the frontend which will be four pages (home, web hosting, vps , domains). I specifically require a freelancer who is fluent in Arabic, as the design will be in the Arabic language. I've attached a page from the required design, the rest will be provided to the freelancer before starting the project so th...

    $136 Average bid
    $136 平均报价
    93 个竞标

    I'm looking for an expert in ice cream making with a focus on creating delicious sugar-free variants. The ice cream should be dairy-free and made using Stevia as the sweetener. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a range of sugar-free, non-dairy ice cream flavors including coconut, choco berry, banana, avocado, and dragonfruit - Ensure all ice cream is made to a high standard of quality and taste - Provide guidance on the best techniques and equipment to use Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in ice cream making, particularly with sugar-free and non-dairy recipes - Knowledge of using Stevia as a sweetener - Creative thinking for flavor development - Excellent attention to detail I am hoping to find someone who can not only make these ice creams, but also ...

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 个竞标

    ...leadership within innovation-heavy companies across these sectors, from startups to established tech corporations. Must be based in Florida, and specifically in the Greater Tampa Bay area, or in these counties: Hillsborough County (includes Tampa) Pinellas County (includes St. Petersburg and Clearwater) Pasco County Manatee County Sarasota County Hernando County Polk County Titles: CEOs, COOs, VPs of Business Development, Directors of Innovation, and Product or Strategy Leaders. Company Types: Tech startups, cybersecurity firms, fintech companies, health tech companies, biotech firms, green tech innovators, and corporations with a footprint in Florida's tech community. Event & Marketing Contacts: Marketing directors, event coordinators, and brand managers responsib...

    $399 Average bid
    $399 平均报价
    48 个竞标

    I need a professional data scraper to extract information from an official government site. The task involves matching DOT (Department of Transportation) numbers and MCP-65 (Motor Carrier Permit) numbers. Provided: An excel sheet will be provided with the MCP-65 numbers. URL of official government site. Data is free to all users. Key Requirements: - Scraping data from an official government website. - Extracting specific details: matching DOT number with MCP-65 number. - Delivering the data in an Excel spreadsheet. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web scraping tools and techniques. - Experience with data extraction. - Strong attention to detail to ensure accurate data collection. I will check for accuracy before releasing payment

    $394 Average bid
    $394 平均报价
    22 个竞标

    Spanish speaker required I am seeking a professional to conduct a comprehensive audit of my Microsoft Dynamics NAV database. The primary objective is to identify performance issues that may be causing slow queries and high resource usage. Key areas of focus: - Database performance: Identify the root cause of slow queries and high resource usage. - Maintenance plans: Evaluate current plans and suggest optimizations. - Metrics: Provide a detailed report of performance metrics. - Backups: Assess the current backup strategy and propose improvements if necessary. I haven't pinpointed specific areas within Microsoft Dynamics NAV that may be causing these issues, so your expertise in this area will be critical. Ideal candidates will have extensive experience with Microsoft Dynamics...

    $580 Average bid
    $580 平均报价
    15 个竞标

    I'm experiencing a CORS error on my REST API hosted on a Plesk VPS. Specific requirements: - Diagnose and troubleshoot the CORS error. - Suggest and implement solutions to prevent future occurrences. Ideal skills and experience include: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Plesk VPS. - Strong background in working with REST APIs. - Proven troubleshooting skills, particularly in relation to CORS errors. - Ability to implement preventative measures to ensure server reliability and uptime.

    $160 Average bid
    $160 平均报价
    44 个竞标

    I'm in need of a seasoned developer to enhance my revenue-generating mobile and web platform, specifically focusing in Mumbai or willing to relocate, and we will provide an apartment for relocation. Key Responsibilities: - Optimize the cloud server for better efficiency and reliability. - Potentially implementing new user interface elements and additional backend functionalities, if necessary. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Node.js + MongoDB for backend development. - Experienced in managing cloud servers. - Skilled in React.js + for frontend development. - Previous experience working on mobile and web apps. Please note that while there are no current specific issues with the platform, proactive enhancements and optimizations are crucial for future growth and st...

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr 平均报价
    43 个竞标
    Mail Server Setup
    5 天 left

    Here’s a more detailed technical task for setting up an email server on a VPS (DigitalOcean or AWS): --- **Technical Task: Setting Up Email Server on VPS with Sendmail** ### Objective: To configure a VPS (Virtual Private Server) on either DigitalOcean or AWS for sending emails via Sendmail using a custom domain. The task also includes setting up SPF and DKIM for email authentication and inbox configuration on the same server. ### Requirements: 1. **VPS Setup**: - Create a VPS instance on DigitalOcean or AWS. - Choose an appropriate OS (Ubuntu, Debian, or CentOS). - Allocate sufficient resources (e.g., 1GB RAM, 1 CPU, 25GB SSD) for the email server. 2. **Domain Setup**: - You must own a domain or purchase one. - Update DNS settin...

    $168 Average bid
    $168 平均报价
    48 个竞标
    AWS EC2 Website Hosting
    5 天 left

    ...a Specific Website on AWS EC2 Mumbai Instance Description: I need help troubleshooting and resolving an issue where the website is not accessible from my AWS EC2 instance located in the Mumbai region. The website opens without any problems on local networks but is not working on the EC2 instance. The project requires identifying the root cause of the issue (such as network, firewall, or security group settings) and implementing a solution to ensure the website opens successfully on the AWS EC2 instance. Requirements: Experience with AWS EC2, particularly in the Mumbai region. Networking and firewall troubleshooting expertise. Familiarity with routing, DNS, and SSL/TLS protocols. Ability to test and ensure the website is accessible

    $246 Average bid
    $246 平均报价
    26 个竞标

    I am looking for an experienced Odoo developer to set up the latest version of Odoo Community on our own cloud server. The setup should include the following modules: - Accounting - Invoicing - Purchase - Inventory - HR - Time ...primarily in the Inventory and HR modules. For the Inventory module, I want to automate order management. Ideal candidates for this project would have: - Proven experience with Odoo, particularly with the Community version - Strong skills in Odoo module setup and customization - Experience with workflow automation in Odoo - Familiarity with the mentioned modules - Ability to work with cloud servers Please note, the specific enhancements will be mostly around workflow automation, so a depth understanding of creating automated workflows within Odoo is ...

    $532 Average bid
    $532 平均报价
    103 个竞标

    Cubes 1440mm x 1440mm x 1440mm with a 30x30mm profile (). The picture must also be dimensioned corners (). Preparation of a 3D model of a cube in the sketchup free program Tt is necessary to draw a cube with dimensions of 1440 mm for the Sketchup web free version of the program. A profile is defined (see link: ()) from which the cube is composed, on each side there are two vertical and two horizontal crossbars of the same profile so that each side of the cube is divided into 9 equal fields. The connecting element between the profiles is shown on the link: The cube must have the dimensions of all the necessary elements to understand the dimensions. please find attached

    $102 Average bid
    $102 平均报价
    50 个竞标

    I'm in need of a freelancer who can help me find YouTube channels that frequently post copyright-free Russian dance music, specifically the genres of Hard Bass, Techno, and Eurodance. This is for the purpose of using the music on my own videos. Criteria for the YouTube channels: - They must post frequently. - They must have content within the specific genres I've mentioned. - The videos must be between 3 to 5 minutes in length. - The music must be copyright-free. Ideal skills for this job would include familiarity with YouTube's platform and its copyright policies, as well as a good understanding of the specified music genres. Experience in music scouting or digital content sourcing would be a significant advantage.

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr 平均报价
    15 个竞标

    I require professional help to configure DNS settings on my dedicated PLESK server hosted by Hetzner. Key Tasks: - Setup of necessary DNS records in Hetzner panel and PLESK. - Ensuring Email deliverability and website operational status. Requirements: - Prior experience with PLESK and Hetzner servers. - Proven track record of DNS configuration. - Understanding of A records, MX records and CNAME records. - Able to work efficiently to resolve issues promptly. I already have a registered domain and need to ensure it's correctly configured for optimal performance. I'm looking for a freelancer who can handle this task swiftly and effectively.

    $29 Average bid
    $29 平均报价
    32 个竞标

    We need someoneo to setup a Smart DNS Proxy server on a DigitalOcean Droplet. it should redirect all traffic via google DNS servers except for domains that are in a list, these domains will be provided. An example of this can be found: @dalemajid/how-to-create-your-own-us-netflix-smart-dns-5ea36bdddea6

    $130 Average bid
    $130 平均报价
    19 个竞标

    Update- Ive removed several countries from the Wordfence block list, sorry for not remembering that :) AI description: My Wordpress/Woocommerce site is experiencing significant speed issues, primarily in the admin dashboard when updating products. My site is equipped with multiple plugins. I need an experienced professional who can: - Identify the root causes of the speed issues - Implement effective solutions to improve the speed of the admin dashboard and overall site performance. Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Wordpress/Woocommerce - Proven track record in website speed optimization - Familiarity with common Wordpress/Woocommerce plugins My Description: Site is very slow, Ive worked through this over recent weeks, mainly noticeable when working in admin...

    $147 Average bid
    $147 平均报价
    93 个竞标