熟悉FALSH的动画制作,精通Actionscript3.0程序的编写,能单独开发FLASH游戏; 工作认真负责,好沟通。 有游戏开发经验者优先。 主要开发小游戏,女孩类的游戏,像是做饭,做蛋糕,治疗耳朵等等,可以去国外的小游戏站看一下, 很多,在百度搜索 girl games. 希望 找一些 可以长期合作的兼职开发
我的網頁是用MAGENTO編寫的, 接近完成的階段, 但有以下事項需要完成 (詳情請參考附件PDF.): 1) 改PAGE LINK 2) 小量版面修改 3) 我網頁有一個FLASH的試衣程式, 需要導入網頁和輸出XML數據同步.(我的試衣程式設計員會給你指引怎樣去完成工作.) 如有任何問題請與我聯繫.
1.要識中文,善於溝通 2. Access 基本運作 (關聯圖,報表,表單等等) -要將所有資料整理及關聯,方便我們尋找客人的資料 -要按我們需要及要求製作表單和報表 -需要各負責人交代有關運作及其用途
客户端UI设计: 1) 基于ASP.NET开发; 2) Dreamweaver/ FrontPage精通; 3) 层叠样式表CSS精通; 4) JavaScript开发熟练,对于主流脚本框架的开发项目有所涉及(ExtJS/JSon/JQuery等); 5) 理解文档对象模型(DOM); 6) 有Ajax/Sliverlight/Flash等富客户端开发经验更好。
...afari浏览器的设计概念,使得设计出来的图 标放入dock栏不显冲突,整体相贴合。 (4)图标设计必须有一定概念化,类似 “WHATS APP”这个应用的图标,自带 “音乐”和“通话 ”这种娱乐和交互感觉;“果游浏览器”的应用图标,最好看起来让用户看起来也有一定的联想空 间,除了符合浏览器的简便、快捷和冲浪等特性外,也有独特的主题性质,比如水果,游戏,娱乐 性等。 (可以参考附件附带的图标设计) (5)作品风格、形式不限,可以参考其他手机浏览器的icon设计,但必须原创。 (6)设计规格均为1024*1024分辨率(AppStore用),144*144分辨率(手机屏幕) 三、知识产权声明 1. 如中标,设计方必须提供以上要求设计作品完整的方案,包括各种矢量图形源文件和所用到的字 体及软件,以方便进行修改完善和印刷,提供jpg格式以便日常使用。 2. 中标的设计作品,我方支付设计制作费后,即拥有该作品知识产权,包括著作权、使用权和发布 权等,有权对设计作品进行修改、组合和应用。 四、提供内容 1、请详细提供所设计的释义及务必提供整体方案说明 2、中标设计师需提供AI、CDR、PSD等格式原文件,应为矢量图。 3、设计所用的字体和软件 五、征集声明 1、征集结果公布后,未采用的作品即可自行处理。 2.、参加此设计任务者被视为同意以上所有声明 六、合作说明 1、投稿人请自行保留投稿作品的底稿,我公司不予退稿。我公司对本征集活动保留最终解释权。
...afari浏览器的设计概念,使得设计出来的图 标放入dock栏不显冲突,整体相贴合。 (4)图标设计必须有一定概念化,类似 “WHATS APP”这个应用的图标,自带 “音乐”和“通话 ”这种娱乐和交互感觉;“果游浏览器”的应用图标,最好看起来让用户看起来也有一定的联想空 间,除了符合浏览器的简便、快捷和冲浪等特性外,也有独特的主题性质,比如水果,游戏,娱乐 性等。 (可以参考附件附带的图标设计) (5)作品风格、形式不限,可以参考其他手机浏览器的icon设计,但必须原创。 (6)设计规格均为1024*1024分辨率(AppStore用),144*144分辨率(手机屏幕) 三、知识产权声明 1. 如中标,设计方必须提供以上要求设计作品完整的方案,包括各种矢量图形源文件和所用到的字 体及软件,以方便进行修改完善和印刷,提供jpg格式以便日常使用。 2. 中标的设计作品,我方支付设计制作费后,即拥有该作品知识产权,包括著作权、使用权和发布 权等,有权对设计作品进行修改、组合和应用。 四、提供内容 1、请详细提供所设计的释义及务必提供整体方案说明 2、中标设计师需提供AI、CDR、PSD等格式原文件,应为矢量图。 3、设计所用的字体和软件 五、征集声明 1、征集结果公布后,未采用的作品即可自行处理。 2.、参加此设计任务者被视为同意以上所有声明 六、合作说明 1、投稿人请自行保留投稿作品的底稿,我公司不予退稿。我公司对本征集活动保留最终解释权。
需要一位热衷 Arduino、电子设计的玩家创客帮忙介绍一个拇指般大小 32 位 Arduino 兼容开发板给中国的玩家. 这小小 38mmx18mm 的开发板功能含: 100MHz 32bit RISC / FPU + 1MByte Flash + 212KByte RAM + 2 UART + 2 SPI + 1 PWM + 17 GPIO + GPS 接收器. 售价 $12 (不含 GPS 有源天线). 性价比远超越在群众募资网站 Kickstart上能看到的任何 Arduino 相关开发板 (Digispark, Microduino, Tinyduino, Galago, Teensy 3.0...). 目标是 10 天内帮 NavSpark 活动增加 250 位中国区的支持赞助者, $500 做酬劳, 超过或不及都照比例计算. 例如: 增加 200 位中国区支持赞助者则以 US$400 做酬劳, 1000 位则以 US$2000 做酬劳. NavSpark 活动网址:
配置wowza流媒体服务器:1.支持IOS实时观看视频;2.支持Android实时观看视频;3.支持Flash实时观看视频;以上要求实时性要很高,延时不能超出20S,最好是能做到3S内。 发布视频程序测试我这边提供;
天波矿泉水设计效果及元素要求 要求设计的内容包含: 1.天波纯净水瓶子造型设计(可做3D效果或者平面效果) 2.外观包装(标签,要求至少平面图一张,结合瓶子造型效果图一张) 一、设计要求: 1、作品风格、形式不限,但必须原创。 2、必须是彩色原稿,能以不同的 比例尺寸清晰显示。 3、标识应为平面形式,可用于各类广告、宣传品及办公用品的印刷。 二、投稿要求: 1、投稿人应提供设计的JPG或PSD格式电子文档,应著名标准 比例、标准色、字体和尺寸。 2、设计稿件应该附带100-200字左右的文字说明。说明设计 意图、创作理念。 知识产权说明: 1、 所设计的作品为原创,为第一次发布。未侵犯他人的著作权。 如有侵犯他人著作权,由设计者承担所有法律责任。 2、 中标的设计作品,我方支付设计制作费。即拥有该作品的知识产权,包括著作权、使用权和发布权等,并有权对设计作品进行修改、组合和应用,设计者不得再向其他任何地方使用该设计作品 效果要求: 1、 图片背景有深意,能体现水源好,突显滴滴珍藏的理念 2、 画面别具一格,赏心悦目,吸引人的眼球 3、 颜色搭配专业,考虑印刷工艺,在后期印刷可以达到最优效果。 4、 产品定位中高端,忌过于花哨,简单大气,整体可以体现水中贵族 5、 设计风格能在众多矿泉水凸显而出 辨识度强 具体内容可以参照,但不限全部包含: 瓶子:蓝色瓶子,配合蓝色瓶盖 水标尺寸:我司为套标工艺,PVC材质(较硬,手感不太好),净含量350ML 品牌名称:天波 LOGO:不限,有创意 广告语:(不限以下广告语,有更好创意更佳) 参照广告语:天波矿泉水,健康每一刻 深山矿泉,滴滴珍藏 好水不多,我喝天波 矿泉水概要:纯天然有机偏硅酸型矿泉水, 天然弱碱性水 水质主要成分(毫克/升)...
We're a small independent perfume brand in search of a seasoned freelance marketer, not an agency, with a history of working with similar brands. Our aim is to enhance our visibility and develop a robust marketing strategy. We need an audit of what we have and to improve efficiency Main Goal: Our primary goal for this marketing project is to boost our sales. Target Audience: We're focusing on reaching new customers, rather than just catering to our existing base. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in marketing for independent perfume brands or similar luxury goods. - Strong understanding of social media platforms and email marketing strategies. - Proficiency in SEO and content creation. - Track record of helping brands increase their visibility and sal...
Stiamo cercando persone italiane per un’opportunità part-time, semplice, sicura e ben retribuita. IMPORTANTE: Assicurati di guardare il video allegato che spiega chiaramente il progetto. Cosa ti chiediamo: Partecipazione a un’attività completamente legale e sicura, che richiede solo pochi minuti del tuo tempo. Ti verrà richiesto di fornire alcune informazioni personali per un progetto digitale, in più finalizzare la registrazione a un’app di portafoglio digitale. Il processo è semplice e sicuro, e sarete guidati passo dopo passo. Il compenso per questa attività è di 100 euro, pagati immediatamente dopo il completamento. Posti limitati – affrettati prima che vengano esauriti! Opportunità futura: Se il proget...
I'm looking for a Power Automate expert to create a workflow that monitors a SharePoint folder for a .csv file. The workflow should open the file, filter it based on text variables in 2 column, and create a new file for each filtered variable save back to SharePoint, attach to an email, and send to email addresses linked to each filtered variable Alternatively, it can paste the results from each filtered variable into the body of an email to and send to email addresses linked to each filtered variable . If possible, only selected columns of the original .csv file needs to be included in the output. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Power Automate - Experience with SharePoint and .csv files - Ability to create automated workflows - Understanding of filtering based on text varia...
I need a Windows software with a graphical user interface (GUI) that can create flash USDT tokens on the TRC20 network. The tokens should be transferable to different wallets, visible for at least 60 days and with at least 5 to 6 transfers. Key Requirements: - Software to run on Windows OS - Creating flash USDT tokens on TRC20 network - Tokens to be transferable to different wallets - Tokens to be visible for at least 60 days - At least 5 to 6 transfers - Single user access control Ideal Skills & Experience: - Experience in software development, particularly for Windows - Familiarity with blockchain technology and TRC20 network - Previous work creating GUIs for software - Understanding of token creation, specifically USDT
Freelance Developer Needed: API Integration and NLP for AI Dental Support Platform We are looking for an experienced and results-oriented freelance developer to take our AI-driven WordPress platform to the next level. The platform focuses on clinical dental support, with a particular emphasis on pharmacological recommendations and drug dosage optimization. Important Note: Several candidates have previously attempted to resolve this case but have not met expectations. Please only apply if you are confident in your ability to deliver the required results. We value efficiency and professionalism, so kindly refrain from applying if you’re unsure about meeting the outlined requirements. Key Responsibilities: Drug Dosage Optimization: Analyze and correct maximum dosages of...
We need a modern, minimalist logo that embodies our industrial expertise while integrating a custom abstract symbol der...Color Palette: Primary: Navy Blue or similar which looks attractive and professional 3. Typography: Clean, bold font which looks attractive and professional. Tagline “Quality Excellence” in a smaller, complementary font. 4. Aesthetic: Minimalist, scalable, and versatile (works on business cards, websites, and product packaging). Deliverables: • High-resolution vector files (AI/EPS/SVG). • PNG/JPG with transparent background. • Color variants (dark/light backgrounds). Note: You may change the symbol as per your skills to look more attractive. It should not only alphabets, it should be customized shape. Please provide samples of sim...
...log into a specific website manually to check who has contacted me, as these messages don't appear in my email inbox. I need a program that can do the following: - For a single property: - Log into the website and stay logged in. - Extract contacts at a set interval and save them to an XLSX file on the desktop. - If I have 2 to 5 properties: - The script should stay logged in on multiple Chrome browser instances (up to 5 properties). - Extract the contact information and create 5 folders on the desktop. - Save the contacts every 2 hours inside their respective folders. I would be inputting the login credentials manually each time. The contact information should be saved in an XLSX file. The script must be able to re-login automatically if the website lo...
I'm looking for a Python and Selenium expert who can create a scrip...will automate the process of logging into a real estate website, extracting contact information, and saving it to an XLSX file on my desktop. Key Features: - For a single property: - Log into the website and remain logged in. - Extract contacts at a preset interval and save them to an XLSX file on the desktop. - For multiple properties (2 to 5): - The script should manage multiple Chrome browser instances (up to 5 properties). - Extract contact information and create 5 folders on the desktop. - Save the contacts every 2 hours inside their respective folders. Contact Information to be Extracted: - Name and message - Email address I have the login credentials for all the properti...
I am a CPC-certified medical coder with 4.2 years of experience specializing in Evaluation and management (EM OP, IP), OB-Gynecology, and General Surgery coding. I offer accurate ICD-10, CPT, and HCPCS coding, ensuring compliance, optimized reimbursements, and reduced claim denials. I am looking for freelance medical coding projects, such as: ✅ Medical Chart Review & Auditing ✅ Outpatient/Inpatient Coding ✅ Claim Submission ✅ Insurance Verification & Pre-Authorization What I Need from You: Specialty/Practice Type ((EM OP, IP), OB-Gynecology, and General Surgery) Volume of charts per day/week Required coding system (ICD-10, CPT, HCPCS) Any specific payer guidelines (Medicare, Medicaid, Private Insurance) Preferred documentation format (EHR/EMR system) Why Choose Me? ✔ Cer...
Looking for an experienced editor for a 500-1000-word literary flash fiction piece exploring trauma, relationships, and healing. The story follows a character dealing with the physical and emotional scars of past trauma while navigating a new relationship. Requirements: Experience editing literary flash fiction Understanding of how to handle sensitive topics (trauma, abuse) with care Ability to provide detailed feedback on: Pacing and scene transitions Character development Dialogue and narrative voice Technical aspects (sentence structure, word choice) Clear, actionable suggestions for improvement 1-2 rounds of developmental editing with follow-up discussion Deliverables: Line-by-line editorial comments Overall story assessment Specific recommendations for strengthenin...
...evoke recognition and nostalgia. - Theme & Elements: The logo should incorporate visual elements such as a Pokéball, trading cards, and Pokémon characters in a classic 2D style. - Colors: The primary color scheme is red and white, but I’m open to creative suggestions that embody a bold, fun, and energetic vibe. The final design should be delivered in high-resolution vector files (AI, SVG, PNG, JPG, etc.) for versatility in branding. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Profound understanding of the Pokémon aesthetic. - Expertise in graphic design, particularly logo design. - Ability to deliver high-quality vector files. - Creative and able to propose additional suitable designs. - Experience working with nostalgic and recognizable brand visu...
I'm looking for a skilled animator to create a sophisticated and elegant animated 'save the date' quick reel video for me. Key Requirements: - The animation should be entirely animated in a refined and classy style. - It should include text overlays at appropriate moments to convey the necessary information. - The background music should enhance the overall elegant tone of the video. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in animation and video editing software - Experience with creating engaging animated content - Strong understanding of pacing and rhythm to sync with the background music Please provide samples of your previous animated work, particularly any that fits within an elegant aesthetic.
I have a domain, a WordPress subscription, and a theme that needs to be configured to copy the existing website webforest.in. The project will involve: - Full replication of : This includes the design, layout, functionality, and content of the site. - Product Upload: The freelance will be responsible for adding all the digital products to the site. Ideal skills for this job include: WordPress expertise, web design, product management, and familiarity with digital product listings. Experience with replicating websites is a plus.
Parts of my website are malfunctioning due to a recent server update by my hosting provider. Specifically, the issues page and inspection sheet are not operating as they should. Issues to Address: - The issues page does not update states properly. This is particularly affecting form submissions. - The inspection sheet is failing to save data. Ideal candidates for this project should have strong skills in web development and troubleshooting, with experience dealing with server-related issues. Prompt and effective resolution is desired to restore site functionality.
Freelance Job Posting: 3D Jewelry Animation for Necklace with Custom Logo We are looking for a skilled 3D jewelry designer and animator to create a high-quality 3D product video showcasing our necklace with a custom logo. The video should be visually stunning, with realistic materials, lighting, and smooth animation to highlight the details of the piece. Requirements: • Experience in 3D modeling, rendering, and animation (Blender, Maya, 3ds Max, Rhino, or similar) • Expertise in jewelry design (understanding of materials like gold, silver, gemstones) • Ability to incorporate a custom logo into the necklace design • High-quality realistic textures and lighting • Smooth and engaging animation for a short product showcase video • Ability to deliver...
Buscamos un Social Media Manager freelance especializado en la gestión estratégica de marcas personales en LinkedIn e Instagram. El candidato ideal será responsable de diseñar, planificar y ejecutar la estrategia de contenidos para dos marcas personales, con el objetivo de aumentar la visibilidad, generar engagement y atraer potenciales clientes. Responsabilidades: ✅ Estrategia y planificación: Definir la estrategia de contenido alineada con los valores, objetivos y tono de cada marca personal. ✅ Creación y gestión de contenido: Redacción y edición de publicaciones optimizadas para LinkedIn e Instagram, con enfoque en contenido orgánico de valor. La mayoría de contenido son vídeos contratados a un e...
...and licensing high-quality songs and film concepts to production houses and distributors worldwide. We aim to revolutionize how music and film collaborations are structured, ensuring fair and transparent agreements that benefit all stakeholders. As we formalize our partnerships, we need a freelance lawyer to refine and enhance our drafted agreements, ensuring they are legally sound, industry-standard, and protect our intellectual property and business interests. Who We’re Looking For: We seek a freelance entertainment lawyer or a media & IP law specialist who can review and improve our existing agreements, making them airtight and negotiation-ready. A fresher with strong academic credentials, relevant internships, or a passion for media law is welcome, provided...
I'm seeking a mentor who can teach me how to digitize files into the .dst extension. I need to learn how to create new design files and transform a jpg into a .dst. Key Requirements: - Teach me how to use the software, as I have yet to decide on the best one for my needs - Guide me in creating new design files - Show me how to convert jpg files into .dst -Familiar with software similar to Embird, Wilcom, or Hatch Embroidery - Patience and ability to explain complex processes in a simple, understandable way - History of working with personal projects, as this is my primary goal
We are launching a new store/brand specializing in women’s traditional wear and are looking for a talented freelance fashion designer to collaborate with us. Key Responsibilities: Design elegant and contemporary traditional wear, including sarees, lehengas, suits, and fusion styles. Develop unique embroidery, prints, and fabric combinations that align with our brand vision. Create sketches, tech packs, and digital illustrations for production. Work closely with artisans, tailors, and manufacturers to ensure design feasibility. Stay updated on market trends and customer preferences. Requirements: Prior experience in designing traditional or ethnic wear for women. Strong portfolio showcasing design expertise in this category. Knowledge of textiles, embroidery, and garment con...
I'm looking to kickstart my freelance graphic design career, focusing on logo design. I need a professional to help me with this venture. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional graphic design skills - Expertise in logo design - Strong understanding of brand identity Experience: - Prior freelance graphic design experience - Proven track record in logo design - Experience working with diverse brands
Looking for an English-to-Hindi Dubbing Artist (Freelance, Part-Time, Long-Term) We are seeking a skilled English-to-Hindi dubbing artist for our entertainment-focused YouTube videos targeted at teenagers. The content is lively, energetic, and engaging, so we need a dubbing artist who can match this tone perfectly. Requirements: ✔️ Proficiency in both English and Hindi with excellent comprehension. ✔️ Ability to convey the intended tone, energy, and emotions of the original audio. ✔️ Excited and energetic voice style to engage teenage audiences. ✔️ Experience in voice acting or dubbing is preferred. ✔️ Capability to deliver high-quality studio-like audio recordings with clear pronunciation and no background noise. Additional Details: Freelance & Part-Time: This is a l...
save chat in spreadsheet on onedrive I provide Configure current chat bot so it stays in the conversation with the user and does not forget previous conversation
You will get a high-end and robust calendar based entirely on Excel! I have over ten years of experience in automating tasks in Excel using formulas and VBA code, and I know that a few automations at the right spots can simplify your daily routine, save you dozens of hours, and boost your performance while focusing on what matters! In the delivered calendar, you will have the option to customize the categories/personnel that will be assigned the tasks or appointments. Based on the selected version, more features are available, like customizing colors, attaching documents, exporting to PDF, and more.
...industry. This will include: 1. Logo Design – I'm looking for a unique and eye-catching logo that reflects a modern and minimalistic style. 2. Packaging Design – Custom designs for my food and beverage products. This will primarily be focused on boxes and cups, but may potentially extend to other packaging. Scope of Work: ✔ Logo Design: - Multiple logo concepts - Final files in AI, EPS, PNG, JPG, SVG - Both black & white and color versions - Favicon & social media versions ✔ Packaging Design: - Design for boxes and cups - Print-ready files with dielines - Source files in AI, PSD, or PDF Preferred Skills: - Proven experience in food & beverage branding - Strong portfolio in packaging design - Deep understanding of printing requirements and mater...
Freelance Logo Design Request – Professional & Modern Update I’m looking for a new, professional logo that reflects my company's identity while maintaining a connection to our current design. Our company specializes in SOS / ASAP IT maintenance and computer helpdesk services, offering 24/7 support both remotely and on-site. We provide fast and reliable assistance for computer and IT device issues. I’m open to creative suggestions but would like the new logo to maintain a clean, modern, and professional look that aligns with our brand. If you have experience designing IT-related logos and can deliver high-quality, vector-based designs, I’d love to hear from you! THE LOGO SHOULD READ SOSIT Looking forward to working with you!
...and licensing high-quality songs and film concepts to production houses and distributors worldwide. We aim to revolutionize how music and film collaborations are structured, ensuring fair and transparent agreements that benefit all stakeholders. As we formalize our partnerships, we need a freelance lawyer to refine and enhance our drafted agreements, ensuring they are legally sound, industry-standard, and protect our intellectual property and business interests. Who We’re Looking For: We seek a freelance entertainment lawyer or a media & IP law specialist who can review and improve our existing agreements, making them airtight and negotiation-ready. A fresher with strong academic credentials, relevant internships, or a passion for media law is welcome, provided...
...500 flash btc per day)) that stays in the wallet for 60-90 days in the wallet. Features : - flash and send those flashing btc (support send btc only) - those flashing btc stay 60-90 days in the wallet. - software needs to support all kinds of wallets like : binance, blockchain, trust wallet, paxful and so on(P2PKH P2SH P2WPKH P2WSH and all Exchange). - btc transaction with 2/2 confirmations. - those flashing btc needs to be transferable, tradable, spendable, convertible between the wallets(we can send it from one wallet to another). - the software sends the btc instantly with a message to send it or errors when it refuses the wallet address format or there is an issue. - we will need to lock the software and work only with a license key. You can suggest the best way to do...
I'm looking for a skilled video editor who can help me elevate my social media content. The style should be entertaining and comedic, akin to popular YouTube content, and I need someone who can seamlessly incorporate special effects, text overlays, and background music. Requirements: • Proven experience editing social media v...incorporate special effects, text overlays, and background music. Requirements: • Proven experience editing social media videos • Strong portfolio of past work, especially in the entertainment/comedy genre • Proficiency in Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, or DaVinci Resolve • Ability to meet deadlines without compromising quality • Creativity and attention to detail This is a remote freelance opportunity. Please a...
...✅ Digital & Social Media Branding --- ? Additional Notes for the Freelancer: ? The logo should be simple yet powerful, easily recognizable, and scalable. ? Avoid excessive details that make it hard to print in smaller sizes. ? Ensure the design aligns with the education industry and reflects growth, knowledge, and trust. --- ✅ Deliverables Expected from Freelancer: High-Resolution PNG & JPG Files Vector File (AI, EPS, or SVG) for Scalability Editable PSD (if applicable) Transparent Background Version...
I need an immediate revision to my event logo. Please note the following: - The text and font of the current logo need to be updated to reflect a change in the event name. - The updated logo will require delivery in .png, .jpg and .ai format. I have attached the original IX Summit Melbourne 2025 logo. Also a mockup of the new text logo, IX Summit ESG Reporting & Disclosure. The mockup shows how the text should be positioned but it needs to be rebuilt and kept closer to the original and using the brand logo style guidelines also attached. IMPORTANTLY I need this in reverse white, negative mono So it can be laid over an image. The ideal freelancer for this project should be capable of working under pressure and delivering high-quality work within a very tight timeframe. If yo...
Elevate Your Business with Freelance Contract Development Services! In the realm of business, contracts serve as the cornerstone for establishing reliable working relationships, clarifying rights and responsibilities, and minimizing potential disputes. To simplify this crucial process for you and provide professional support, I am here to offer freelance contract development services. Areas of Expertise: Understanding your business and industry is my priority. I provide tailored solutions for contract development in online platforms, Word or Excel documents, in both English and Turkish. Whether it's a general template or a customized contract, I can address all sorts of contract requirements. Diverse Industry Experience: From capital corporations to real estate sector...
Voice Assistant for BYD DiLink Cars 1) Voice system: 1- Support Arabic and English languages mainly and (Spanish and Russian later after the code is finalised to save the time of the final product) To execute commands 2- Changing the voice command from the programme settings, for example, instead of closing all windows, the windows are completely closed according to the user's desire 3- Interactive responses (that the response is different and varied and not a fixed response) and that it is according to the command (e.g. with the command to open the windows you speak: the windows were opened) 4- Start working when saying a specific word that can be changed in the settings, for example, instead of Hi BYD, it will be Hi Car according to the customer's desire 5- To support th...
I cant figure out the correct formula for this hence asking our incredible freelance community online. I have a spreadsheet with two pages. -To-do page -Done Page The To-do page contains a table with data The Done page has that same table with no Data (it has the same headings) I want to be able to move a row of data from table in the To-do page to the table in the Done page. After I've moved that row of data, the row should be completely deleted from the To-do page. Also would like a Total counter on the To-do page that increments by 1 every time a row is moved. Attached is a test sheet containing small sample size of data. If someone can implement the correct formulas so it works on the test sheet, I'm happy to share the correct dataset with them for them to actio...
I'm looking for a freelance audio specialist to create a 15-second, energetic podcast intro for me. Key Requirements: - The intro should have a high-energy tone, setting an upbeat and enthusiastic atmosphere for the podcast. - The intro should incorporate music, and potentially video. - Experience with sound design and audio editing is essential. - Consider adding a voiceover that introduces the podcast and its host. Please include samples of your previous work in your application.
I cant figure out the correct formula for this hence asking our incredible freelance community online. I have a spreadsheet with two pages. -To-do page -Done Page The To-do page contains a table with data The Done page has that same table with no Data (it has the same headings) I want to be able to move a row of data from table in the To-do page to the table in the Done page. After I've moved that row of data, the row should be completely deleted from the To-do page. Also would like a Total counter on the To-do page that increments by 1 every time a row is moved. Attached is a test sheet containing small sample size of data. If someone can implement the correct formulas so it works on the test sheet, I'm happy to share the correct dataset with them for them to actio...
Now Hiring: Expert Real Estate Media Buyer (Freelance Role) We are looking for experienced Facebook media buyers who have a proven track record in real estate lead generation. If you've successfully run Facebook ad campaigns for realtors or real estate agencies and know how to generate high-quality buyer & seller leads, we want to work with you! ? This is a freelance role, and all work will be managed through Freelancer’s platform with milestone-based payments. ? Job Responsibilities: ✅ Manage and optimize Facebook ad campaigns specifically for real estate lead generation. ✅ Create and test ad creatives that drive high engagement and conversion. ✅ Monitor key metrics (CPL, conversion rates, etc.) and adjust strategies accordingly. ✅ Report campaign results tr...
I cant figure out the correct formula for this hence asking our incredible freelance community online. I have a spreadsheet with two pages. -To-do page -Done Page The To-do page contains a table with data The Done page has that same table with no Data (it has the same headings) I want to be able to move a row of data from table in the To-do page to the table in the Done page. After I've moved that row of data, the row should be completely deleted from the To-do page. Also would like a Total counter on the To-do page that increments by 1 every time a row is moved. Attached is a test sheet containing small sample size of data. If someone can implement the correct formulas so it works on the test sheet, I'm happy to share the correct dataset with them for them to actio...
...different business segments and countries. Your task is to create a comprehensive dashboard that provides insights into product performance, profit analysis, and financial projections. The final dashboard should not only be well-organized and visually appealing but should also provide valuable insights into product performance, profit distribution, and future financial projections. Once completed, save the Excel workbook as "Report Backlog Last Name First Name" and submit the workbook to the file submission folder. Complete the following steps: Part I 1. Enter your name in cell range C3:D3 on the Dashboard tab. 2. Utilizing the Get Data Function, import the Report Backlog Text File into a new worksheet. 3. Ensure that the worksheet is named Report Backlog an...