以Android NDK开发如roamingfix 的APP,可以NDK来让android手机进行不同AP间的roaming(同样SSID, WPA2 Enterprise加密) Using Android NDK to develop an APP for wifi roaming, a roamingfix like APP. Using NDK to make android mobile phone roaming among APs ( the same SSID, WPA2 Enterprise encryption)
Our client has a news website based on Wordpress and it has a mobile adapted plugin already. What we need is an app to be wrote and submitted to the apple store and Android marketplace: Requirements: 1) Submitted successfully and be able to be searched by key words; 2) Be able to push messages to those who has installed the app; 3) Be able to read basic statistics for the administrators. The website address is : [dot]com (Pls replace the [doc] with "." )
如果你是海外定居、美籍华人、母语是英语看得懂中文的,请看以下内容。国内四六级、留学请绕道。谢谢。 我公司即将推出一款新的手机应用,内置1000个滤镜的色彩相机。我们对此期待很大,也拍摄了一些素材准备大力宣传。在这里请你帮忙,将产品在苹果App Store上的描述翻译成地道的英语。我们也能做简单的翻译,但太Chinglish,所以需要你的帮忙。中文大概有300字,如果熟练可在1个小时完成工作。
...transaction for the items, service (restaurant, housing, renting). The market and users are same as Craigslist. However, the design and function of the website is totally different from Craigslist. Mobile application function: During the website’s development, the mobile application should be well considered according to the website. Transaction: The transaction mechanism is similar to eBay, Amazon that the buyer will charged and the seller will get the money once the transaction is completed successfully. The design: The UI and design of the website is completed that there are over 100 web pages. There might be some issues with the design. However, you could improve the design to make it professional through communicating with me to have better user e...
微信公众平台:把网站现有内容翻译成中文做成微信公众平台,可以比较容易的推广。 手机网站中文版: 做一个中文版手机网站,把手机网站和微信里面的内容版式做一样。通过手机浏览器输入网址可以进入网站。 可与中文版手机网站切换语言。 手机网站英文版: 做一个英文版手机网站,把手机网站和微信里面的内容版式做一样。通过手机浏览器输入网址可以进入网站。可与英文版手机网站切换语言。 后台管理: 可以同步管理添加编辑微信平台和中英文手机网站里面的内容。 Only those with English speaking candidates who can understand mandarin will be considered Project specification is in mandarin.
类似于淘宝、eBay等购物网站的原理,人们可以在网站上发布工作内容,跑腿者可以领取任务,完成任务后还能获得相应的报酬。当提供任务的人发出帖子,他们会设定一个外人看不见的最高价格。跑腿者则开始竞 拍,并注明他们可以接受的最低价格。
... 2. 支付提交后,我的订单看到的支付和实际支付不相符,主要是没有把费用/优惠算进来。后台也是。 3. 结算页面有两个价格的显示需要调整。 4. 费用/优惠账户是一次性强制结清,所以支付提交以后要清0,比如本来$-5, 实际支付就加5块,提交以后费用/优惠账户为0。这个规则类似积分,订单取消要恢复回来。 现在的问题是费用/优惠的值是固定不变的,除了管理员在后台可以修改。 5. 这些问题改正后要求通过测试,不会带来新的问题,系统功能正常运行。 6. 工作包括为改正这些问题,server上的更新和配置(如果有的话),就是期望的结果要在线的网站正常运行,而不只是给我看自己配置的测试的网站有没有问题。 7. 开发人员可能需要了解为什么要这个改动,我有一个2页的说明文档,逻辑很简单。 Background: 1. Chinese online store based on the cs-cart 3.0. 2. register user has a balance account and a coupon account. 3. user can pay the bill using the balance in balance account. 4. the value in coupon account can be positive or negative. For example if administrator set value 5 to the user, next time when user purchase, the total amount will be deducted by $5. if admin set value as -5, when user purc...
... 2. 支付提交后,我的订单看到的支付和实际支付不相符,主要是没有把费用/优惠算进来。后台也是。 3. 结算页面有两个价格的显示需要调整。 4. 费用/优惠账户是一次性强制结清,所以支付提交以后要清0,比如本来$-5, 实际支付就加5块,提交以后费用/优惠账户为0。这个规则类似积分,订单取消要恢复回来。 现在的问题是费用/优惠的值是固定不变的,除了管理员在后台可以修改。 5. 这些问题改正后要求通过测试,不会带来新的问题,系统功能正常运行。 6. 工作包括为改正这些问题,server上的更新和配置(如果有的话),就是期望的结果要在线的网站正常运行,而不只是给我看自己配置的测试的网站有没有问题。 7. 开发人员可能需要了解为什么要这个改动,我有一个2页的说明文档,逻辑很简单。 Background: 1. Chinese online store based on the cs-cart 3.0. 2. register user has a balance account and a coupon account. 3. user can pay the bill using the balance in balance account. 4. the value in coupon account can be positive or negative. For example if administrator set value 5 to the user, next time when user purchase, the total amount will be deducted by $5. if admin set value as -5, when user purc...
... 2. 支付提交后,我的订单看到的支付和实际支付不相符,主要是没有把费用/优惠算进来。后台也是。 3. 结算页面有两个价格的显示需要调整。 4. 费用/优惠账户是一次性强制结清,所以支付提交以后要清0,比如本来$-5, 实际支付就加5块,提交以后费用/优惠账户为0。这个规则类似积分,订单取消要恢复回来。 现在的问题是费用/优惠的值是固定不变的,除了管理员在后台可以修改。 5. 这些问题改正后要求通过测试,不会带来新的问题,系统功能正常运行。 6. 工作包括为改正这些问题,server上的更新和配置(如果有的话),就是期望的结果要在线的网站正常运行,而不只是给我看自己配置的测试的网站有没有问题。 7. 开发人员可能需要了解为什么要这个改动,我有一个2页的说明文档,逻辑很简单。 Background: 1. Chinese online store based on the cs-cart 3.0. 2. register user has a balance account and a coupon account. 3. user can pay the bill using the balance in balance account. 4. the value in coupon account can be positive or negative. For example if administrator set value 5 to the user, next time when user purchase, the total amount will be deducted by $5. if admin set value as -5, when user purc...
面向狗狗的宠物穿戴APP,能记录小狗的运动及睡眠状态,另外配套智能蓝牙硬件可以防丢小狗(小狗离开主人几十米区域外,手机会报警)。APP需要打造一个社区,让更多爱狗的可以交流。 设计要求: 1,设计3个页面: 一个是启动页面,要温馨,可爱。 一个是添加蓝牙硬件的页面。 一个是APP主界面。 2,设计要求温馨,主要面向女性。 3,APP参考,可在APP STORE 搜素 whistle。
任务描述 仿站 - 1.多用户卖家 2.积分 支付 (支持国际信用卡和国际银行卡) 4.支付宝免签支付 5.多国语言(中英) 6.商品价格同时双显示人民币及美元 7.支付时,可选择特殊日子送货 8.支付时,可选项填写贺卡片祝福语(200字) 9.商城模板PC+手机+微信三合一 如需要请参考 " ShopNC " 及 " ECmall " 前台及后台演示 参考网站: 网站所需功能: 用户注册,生成用户账号 支持社交网站(Facebook/Twitter)登录 在线支付 用户发表评论及反馈 用户可填写表格 用户论坛 多语言 全站搜索 用户博客/空间 搜索引擎优化(SEO) 需要 需要技能: MySQL, PayPal, PHP
我们是一家加拿大的出版公司,现在计划把我们手上销量很好的的书籍做成动画图书放到apple store,需要寻找一位有儿童书动画制作经验的专业人。 感兴趣者,可与我练习。下面是我们这套书的简介。
我们是一家加拿大的出版公司,现在计划把我们手上销量很好的的书籍做成动画图书放到apple store,需要寻找一位有儿童书动画制作经验的专业人。 感兴趣者,可与我练习。下面是我们这套书的简介。
我们是一家加拿大的出版公司,现在计划把我们手上销量很好的的书籍做成动画图书放到apple store,需要寻找一位有儿童书动画制作经验的专业人。 感兴趣者,可与我练习。下面是我们这套书的简介。
我们是一家加拿大的出版公司,现在计划把我们手上销量很好的的书籍做成动画图书放到apple store,需要寻找一位有儿童书动画制作经验的专业人。 感兴趣者,可与我练习。下面是我们这套书的简介。
架构文档的要求尽可能详细,可根据这个文件搭建整套系统。 架构文档需要满足下面的一些要求: 1. 给出系统的总体架构图和数据流示意图 2. 给出每个系统所需的虚拟机的配置需求 3. 给出每个系统所采用的软件及其具体版本 4. 给出各个系统软件的关键配置 5. 给出系统各个功能实现的解决方案(如:备份、监测等) 整个系统是一个移动APP 的服务系统,分为前端online 系统和后端 offline 系统,整体的架构如下图所示: 其中Online 系统中: 1. Mobile APP 服务器提供RESTful WebService API,为移动APP 提供数据 服务,包括:用户验证、数据查询、数据更新等。 2. Web 服务器为一个简单的网站前端服务器,支持一个Mobile APP 的网页 版精简服务。 3. Operation Data Store(ODS)是一个运营数据库,所有的mobile APP 运营相关的数据,包括:用户数据、业务数据等,都存储在该数据库中。 Offline 系统主要提供后端离线的数据分析功能。他同样由三部分组成: 1. 分布式的网络爬虫系统用于爬取指定的站点内容。 2. 数据分析与挖掘系统处理爬取的网页数据,并提取、分析相关的数据, 用于更新ODS 中的业务模型。 3. NoSql 数据库用于存储数据爬取、分析、挖掘中的中间数据和最终结果。
...(chinese) with basic knowledge about mobile apps to help us with publishing android apps in china android app stores. List of app stores: Baidu App Store Tencent App Gem AppChina Anzhi 360 market Lenovo ToDo: - sign up to all app stores - fill in app form (we will send app description, redy to publish .apk and graphics) - send app to review - revise app info when app will be rejected 我们正在寻找母语(中国)与有关移动应用程序,以帮助我们发布的中国Android应用程序商店Android的应用程序的基本知识。 应用程序商店的清单: 百度App Store的 腾讯应用宝石 AppChina 安志 360市场 联想http://www
全能工具箱Logo设计 Logo将做为程序图标出现在桌面、标题栏、快捷方式、欢迎界面、列表刷新时进度等位置。 参考关键字:首字母、系统、齿轮、修复等 参考程序:安卓助手,360卫士等 简洁,任何人可以手绘出。 色调,主导程序的风格。 ...............................................................................
I'm looking for a seasoned developer to create a plugin for my nopcommerce store that integrates with eBay. The plugin should handle: - Inventory Synchronization: Sync my store's inventory with eBay's. - Order Management: Manage orders coming from eBay seamlessly. - Category Mapping: Map my store's categories with eBay's. - shipping management through royal mail and evri The inventory should be synchronized on a scheduled basis, specifically every day.
...me duplicate my Shopify store to a new account. The task includes copying all apps, product listings, pages, settings, and customizations. My current store is under threat of being taken down soon, so I need this completed as soon as possible to ensure minimal downtime. Requirements: • Experience with Shopify store setup and migration is a must • Ability to transfer all installed apps and settings • Accurate copying of all products, descriptions, and images • Maintaining theme design and functionality • Ensuring minimal downtime and smooth transition Additionally, I have less than 100 products on my current store. I do need customer data and order history to be migrated as well. There's a possibility of some custom cod...
I'm seeking a skilled FlutterFlow and Flutter developer to make app updates from Templates and API, Firebase. Enhance the functionality of my apps with these updates. I will make milestones and release as work is completed. Help upload to app store. Need iPhone to help Testflight app updates. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in FlutterFlow and Flutter - Expertise in debugging and problem-solving - Experience with improving app functionalities - Experience with API integration and management - Strong understanding of UI/UX design principles - Experience in working with Firebase for backend services
...(Non-Negotiable) Frontend: Flutter with Bloc Backend: Supabase Front end: Hive or similar Additional: NodeJS (if required) Required Deliverables (5/6-Week Timeline) Week 1 Technical architecture documentation Database schema implementation Basic auth and profile features Week 1-5 Chat system implementation Location services integration Community forum development Week 5-6 Testing and bug fixes App store deployment packages Documentation completion Mandatory Technical Skills Proven Flutter/Dart expertise (proven experience in App building) Bloc state management Supabase implementation Real-time communication systems Geolocation services integration (User location x KM away) iOS/Android deployment experience Application Requirements Portfolio featuring similar social networking...
...series of short store surveillance videos and manually count the number of unique customers and staff members entering the store. Your validation will help improve our AI model's accuracy. Key Details: Purpose: This is part of a machine learning system that tracks foot traffic in retail stores. Your counts will help refine our AI's ability to differentiate between customers and staff. Task Requirements: Watch 12 short videos (each about 2 minutes and 30 seconds) per store. Videos are available online through our validation platform (attached image). Select Store 3 and review videos from 10 AM to 9 PM. Total of 12 videos. Identify staff members by watching a few minutes of...
I require a python script ...right swipe, send email using api provided "People are swiping on your profile. Join now on the app to swipe on profiles to unlock the venue for this weeks travel bar night". 2. send emails to users who live in cities that are in close proximity to an event that has been created recently. "A group trip for Miami has been created by Jason. Join now on the website, to adventurize your weekend" 3. store emails sent to users so they dont receive the same email multiple times, they should receive a unique email at most once a week. i provide input data in mysql tables including a 1. users table with name, email, city / country 2. a table for lat/lng for each city in the world i provide api to send emails to users. deliverable: pytho...
...number, name, store name, store category interest, store tag interest, city, country and user profile. 4. Show an alert message asking the user to complete his profile after login. 5. show the first 5 top categories on the home page. 6. add remember me option on the login screen. Admin section: 1. The user and store visit history page should support pagination. 2. add a link to the store visit history page that shows the visitors of a specific store. 3. add graphical elements like a bar chart on the store visit history page to show the first 10 store visits per day. it should be related to the filter. 4. add a category statics page with a date filter and it should have charts like bar, pie and others. 5. detect user city and count...
For openwrt there is the addon travelmate which works very well. There you have the option to store auto login scripts. There are also example scripts and working ones already in the plugin for the largest hotspot providers. look like this: # login with credentials # raw_html="$("${trm_fetch}" --user-agent "${trm_useragent}" --referer "" --connect-timeout $((trm_maxwait / 6)) --silent --show-error --header "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" "http://${trm_domain}")" [ -z "${raw_html##*${success}*}" ] && exit 0 || exit 255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My case: I have a hotspot at work. The page that is accessed is very simple,...
...Authentication (MFA)**: - Every action will require a user verification code before execution. - **Human Oversight & Approval**: - The AI agent will **clearly state the intended action** before execution and request user approval. - Once the action is performed, it will provide a **detailed report of the results** for logging and auditing. - **Data Privacy**: - The system will store all data **within the company’s infrastructure** (SharePoint, internal storage, etc.) to prevent **data leakage**. - No external third-party services will have access to sensitive IT data. #### **Technology & Infrastructure** - **Cloud-Based Deployment**: The AI agent will be hosted on **Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)** for scalability and security. - **Mu...
...developer tools. Automation & Testing: Develop scripts to automate ISO builds, updates, and GApps integration. Create a Docker container for reproducible builds and QA testing. Test cross-platform compatibility (Windows, macOS, Linux). Documentation: Provide clear guides for VirtualBox setup, customization, and updates. Record video demonstrations of critical workflows (boot process, Play Store usage). Technical Requirements Must-Have Skills: Expertise in AOSP/LineageOS compilation for x86. Experience with Android-x86 or similar projects. Familiarity with OpenGApps integration in custom ROMs. Proficiency in VirtualBox configuration (networking, display, storage). Strong scripting skills (Bash, Python) for automation. Knowledge of Docker for containerized builds....
I'm looking for a comprehensive e-commerce website on Wix. This site should cater to a wide range of functionalities, not just the typical online store features. Below are the essential components and features: - Product Catalog: A well-organized, user-friendly display of our products. - Shopping Cart: An efficient, seamless shopping cart experience. - User Reviews: A section for customer feedback on products. - Raffles and Lotteries: An interactive, engaging element to our e-commerce site. - Dynamic Pricing: A feature to adjust product prices based on certain parameters. - Crypto Integration: This is a crucial aspect of the project. The site should incorporate our own crypto token into the purchasing process. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Wix - E-commerce dev...
I am looking for a professional Shopify designer to enhance my online store. The project will involve designing crucial parts of the site including the homepage, product pages, and checkout process. The ideal candidate should have a strong portfolio of e-commerce site designs, with specific experience in Shopify. Familiarity with modern design principles and e-commerce best practices is essential.
My PhD project focuses on integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS), specifically by developing AI-powered trainer simulators to assist medical professionals in improving their diagnostic skills. PACS systems are used to store and share medical images, such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans, which are crucial for accurate diagnoses. However, interpreting these images can be complex, and medical professionals need continuous training to enhance their expertise. my project aims to design AI-driven simulators that offer realistic, interactive training scenarios for radiology technologists, doctors and administrators. These simulators will use real patient data, while ensuring privacy, to simulate clinical cases. AI will assist users by...
I'm looking for a talented Wix website designer with e-commerce expertise to help me set up an online store to sell physical goods. The site needs to be user-friendly, responsive and engaging, reflecting the quality and value of the products on sale. The ideal candidate will have: - Proven experience designing e-commerce websites on Wix - A portfolio showcasing previous work with online stores and physical goods - A strong understanding of UX/UI principles - Great attention to detail and a knack for aesthetics While I haven't yet determined specific features, an understanding of potential e-commerce necessities such as SEO, integration with social media, and mobile compatibility will be crucial. I look forward to your proposals and to seeing how you can help bring my vi...
I am looking for a skilled freelancer to create a YouTube channel in the Tech category and set it up for monetization within three days. I already have pre-recorded videos that need to be uploaded. The tasks are as follows: Create a Professional YouTube Channel Set up a new YouTube channel with a custom name related to the tech niche. Design and upload a professional profile picture and channel banner. Set up channel description and optimize for tech-related keywords. Upload Pre-Recorded Videos Upload 2-3 videos (or more if needed) that I provide. Ensure the videos are optimized for search with relevant tags, titles, and descriptions. Monetization Setup Enable monetization once the channel meets the eligibility requirements for the YouTube Partner Program. Link my own AdSense ac...
...Flatsome's customization options within WooCommerce/WordPress for the redesign. Documentation of all customizations made to the Flatsome theme, including any custom code or modifications to theme files for the redesign. Source files for any custom assets created. Key Design Considerations (Based on Competitive Analysis): Niche Focus (Optional): If you have expertise in designing for specific product categories, please highlight this in your proposal. We are open to exploring niche-focused design elements within the scope of Flatsome customization for the redesign. Content Marketing Integration: The design should seamlessly integrate with our content marketing strategy (blog, articles, buying guides) using Flatsome's blog and layout options within WordPress for t...
I'm looking for a professional with extensive experience in brand promotion and sales on social media. I specifically need someone who can link my Shopify store with my social media accounts, including Facebook, Instagram and TikTok, allowing for direct purchase options on these platforms. Key Requirements: - Proven experience with META business and marketing. - Expertise in integrating Shopify with social media. - Ability to set up the store for optimal brand visibility and sales conversion. Note: The ideal freelancer should have a strong background in using META Business Suite for brand promotion, particularly with ads management. Required language: Spanish
I'm seeking a skilled writer to produce informative and professional blog posts within the Health & Wellness niche. Your ability to articulate complex concepts clearly and engagingly will be key. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong writing skills, with a portfolio of blog posts, preferably in the Health & Wellness sector. - Ability to convey information in a professional, yet accessible manner. - Understanding of SEO and content marketing strategies.
Integrated Optical Store and Eye Clinic Management System Project Overview: This project involves establishing a luxurious optical store on the ground floor (focused on premium eyewear sales) and an eye clinic on the second floor (offering medical eye exams for adults and children). To streamline operations and enhance the customer experience, we require a fully integrated IT solution connecting the clinic and store. The system should enable seamless data sharing between the two entities, automate key processes, and provide tools for inventory management, appointment scheduling, patient record management, and online sales. Additionally, it will include integration with insurance providers to verify coverage and streamline claims. Key System Features and Functionali...
*** Only a freelancer who can provide me 1 design for free can apply this project**** If you agree to offer a free design, please write "I will provide you 1 page of free design for free" in application form -Creating android app using exist web(Similar as freelancer.com) -New design -Adding push alert feature -Push on/off feature by set time -Upload app on google play store
Estoy buscando un freelancer con experiencia en Flutter para ayudarme a subir mi aplicación a la tienda App Store. Requisitos: Experiencia previa en la publicación de apps en plataformas. Conocimiento en la configuración de App Store Connect. Manejo de claves, certificados y procesos de firma de aplicaciones. Capacidad para solucionar posibles errores de compatibilidad o revisión. Tareas a realizar: Generar y configurar los archivos necesarios para la firma de la app (keystore y certificados). Subir la app a Apple App Store, asegurando que cumpla con las políticas de la plataforma. Configurar permisos, descripciones, capturas de pantalla y cualquier otro requisito solicitado por la tienda. Implementar enlaces de política de...
Help me in building a store of legos theme Contact ASAP for work there should be minimum 3 years experience
I'm looking for an experienced professional to seamlessly integrate my Salesforce CRM with my WooCommerce store. Key Requirements: - Deep understanding and experience with Salesforce CRM - Proficiency in WooCommerce - Strong skills in API integrations - Ability to ensure smooth data transfer and synchronization between the two platforms - Familiarity with troubleshooting and resolving potential integration issues The ideal candidate will help automate processes and improve efficiency in managing customer data, sales, and inventory. Please share relevant past projects that showcase your expertise in CRM and e-commerce platform integrations.
...create a cutting-edge Proxy Shopping / Package Forwarding / Personal Shopping Concierge platform. This platform should embody a modern design aesthetic and integrate a multitude of essential features. Key Features: - Integrate multiple USA marketplaces (e.g., Amazon, Walmart, eBay etc..) - User Registration & Authentication: Safe and secure sign-in process for all users. - Product Search & API Integration: Seamless product search capabilities linked with various APIs from Multi Marketplace like Amazon, Walmart, eBay, Others - Proxy purchasing and bidding systems - Develop a consolidation warehouse system - International shipping calculators. - Multi-language (English, Japanese, etc.) and multi-currency support. - Order Processing & Payment Integration: Incorp...
...collects the required candidate documents (certificates, passport details, etc.) from the candidate, usually via email, external file uploads, or a form. 2. After the documents are collected, Power Automate attempts to upload them to SuccessFactors. o Scenario 1: If SuccessFactors has an area to store documents Power Automate uploads the documents directly to the correct SuccessFactors object (e.g., Candidate or Onboarding Record). o Scenario 2: If SuccessFactors does not have a dedicated area to store documents: Power Automate sends a trigger notification to HR or the relevant team in SuccessFactors indicating that the documents have been collected. ________________________________________ Detailed Flow with Power Automate Integration: 1. Trigger Event in SuccessFact...
I need a professional to set up my Meta Pixel for a new ad account integrated with my WooCommerce store. The events I want to track are page views, purchases, and add-to-cart actions. Requirements: - Experience with WooCommerce and Meta Pixel - Proven track record with API integration - Knowledge of Facebook Business Manager Skills: - WooCommerce - Meta Pixel - API integration - Facebook Business Manager - E-commerce tracking
I'm seeking a Shopify expert to assist with setting up my store and configuring inventory management system. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive Shopify store setup - Configuration of inventory management system - Guidance on best practices for physical product sales
I'm looking for a flow expert to help me pull in orders from 6 Shopify stores into a Google Sheet. Requirements: - The Google Sheet should have separate sheets for each store. - Each data field should be organized in separate columns. - The data fields to be pulled include: order details (number, date), product details (SKU, name, vendor), and image links. The data needs to be updated in real-time. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in - Experience with Shopify and Google Sheets - Ability to create efficient, real-time data flows
Develop a sleek, professional, and SEO-optimized pet accessories website on OpenCart 4, tailored to showcase 30 products effectively. Developer Responsibilities: 1. Website Design: o Install and customize a visually appealing, pet-themed OpenCart 4 template. o Integrate provided logo and ensure the design aligns with the pet accessories niche. 2. Product Integration: o Add 30 provided product links with accurate details (titles, descriptions, images, etc.). o Optimize each product with relevant keywords, Meta titles, and descriptions for SEO. 3. SEO & Settings: o Configure website-wide SEO settings (keywords, Meta tags, etc.). o Ensure proper categorization and organization of products for user-friendly navigation. 4. No Additional Features: o No payment gateway integration or c...
I'm looking for someone to install a personal iPad app onto my device. The app is no longer available in the App Store, but I have the source code. Requirements: - Knowledge of how to install an app from source code onto an iPad - Ability to guide me through the process as I have some technical knowledge but not enough to do it independently - No need for creating an Apple Developer account, as I do not want to do that Skills and Experience: - Previous experience with iPad app installations - Good communication skills to explain the process to me - Technical expertise to handle potential issues during the installation