...彻底阻断各种烦人的SYN/CC攻击。支持国际主流的TLS加密,所有TCP连接双向加密隧道通讯,有效防范各种数据包分析和修改。 握手后不过滤任何数据,真正做到0误杀、0漏包、丝般顺滑,免疫SYN和CC攻击。私有化协议二次封装,非链接限速、报文检测机制,0误杀、0漏过。 EXE封装、无源码接入,支持Windows、iOS、Android系统,分钟级集成。 智能多线节点分布,配合独家研发的隧道填补技术,保证每条线路都是优质网络 研发新SocKet协议,弥补WinSock链接失败会断开问题,链接失败自动无缝切换 显示用户IP 采用TOA或Proxy Protocol等开源模式显示用户真实IP。 做个授权 前端填写端口和ip和卡密或账号密码就能封装 要防破解,还有http https协议可以转tcp udp协议接入,授权服务器套cdn用域名通信 可以根据在线人数限制 分配不同套餐 按月 年付费 主要作用是 无视cc ddos攻击 隐藏ip 全网加速 显示用户IP
...如果您有必要的技能和经验,请提供您对SIEM和SOAR平台开发的建议和提案。 --- I am looking for a skilled freelancer to develop a SIEM and SOAR platform for my cyber security needs. The platform should have the following features: - Log management and analysis capabilities - Efficient threat detection and response mechanisms - Automation and orchestration functionalities While I do not have a specific platform in mind, I am open to recommendations from the freelancer. As for the budget, I am looking for a solution that falls within the range of less than $3,000. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience in developing SIEM and SOAR platforms - Proficiency in log management and analysis - Knowledge of cyber security threats and response mechanisms - develop the platform using amy progra...
我們已經準備好網站首頁的內容,需要先進行首頁的設計,內容是一個顧問咨詢服務的網站(有購物車功能,兩種語言,大約5-8頁),設計的元素想融入了cyber和NFT等新潮的元素在網站設計裡面,請務必有兩個報價: 第一就是光是設計,需要給設計稿AI和preview我們先過目的,且不能顯示有任何貴公司的名字或者資料在上面,首頁我們預算最多一頁HKD$300以內,內容頁最多預算HKD$50每頁。 第二是設計連網站一齊製作的總費用,請另外報價,其中要求如下: 1. 必須懂廣東話, 用中文溝通 2. 能用whatsapp與香港時間同步溝通 3. 工作耐心認真負責 4. 建設wordpress網站,按給予的模板仿製 5. 中英兩種語言 6. woo-commerce購物車及會員系統 7. 設計首頁的時間為最多1-2天,整個網站設計不超過4天 8. 網站必須包含電腦版與手機版 9. 支付方式是銀行轉賬(直接展示銀行號碼)及展示payme 二維碼,及paypal 10. 如客人有需要後台training ,需要教客人使用簡單後台及培訓(on line) 11. 包含整套網站遷移、服務器設置(客人自行購買服務器)、域名指向等全套服務
需要开发一款集群ddos防火墙压力测试软件。类似源码网上很多都是免费的,但是没有一款发包效率高的,无法节约测试成本! 1.长年c/c++ 开发经验,有linux背景 2.被控端linux千兆上行条件下并发syn最小包要求达到60%以上 3.有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 测试内容: 写一个简单的发包工具可发syn即可,要求可内核发包,我可以提供windows和linux发包的机器供测试, 要求1个1000m网卡的机器,发最小包40-64字节可以占用网卡60%以上即通过测试! 每秒600m这样的速率! 普通的发包工具网上有源代码免费的可以下载了参考! 此测试也是一个技术考核,剩下的基本都是功能的实现,全是应用层写代码的活,没什么技术难度! 通过测试受聘后待遇如下: 我会把需求分成10份,通过测试后我就开始给你发需求你完成交付代码我付钱这样一直下去,你后面再写东西的同时就可以拿到钱 每完成一份付你1w人民币,10份完成也就是支付你10w 在以后就是每月2w的维护费用 每月的维护费用是指软件添加一些小功能和增加一些发包模式 具体要求: 软件前台构架:1,主控制端(WINDOWS平台下运行) 2,受控端(Linux平台下运行)+(windows平台) 技术要求: 1,发包类型:为SYN、UDP、ICMP,TCP,CC DNS请求并发接攻 击等,多种。但以SYN FLOOD变种(可自定义数据包)为主,发送伪造源IP的SYN数据包但是数据包不是64字节而是上千字节这种攻击会造成一些防火墙处理错误锁死,消耗服务器CPU内存的同时还会堵塞带宽。 2,可以轮询发包:比如,输入一组ip地址,输入轮询时间30秒,选择发包方式,我们服务端30秒向第一个ip地址发包,接着30秒向第二个ip发包,轮询发包。...
需要开发一款防火墙压力测试软件。 1.c/c++ 开发经验3年以上,有linux背景 2.被控端可支持windows和linux,主控端支持windows 3.被控端linux千兆上行条件下并发syn最小包要求达到60%以上 4.有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 5.开发者必须能够流利中文语音交流,否则不考虑!不能流利中文交流的不要投标以免浪费彼此的时间! 具体需要的功能很多,有能力发开者继续详谈! 具体要求: 软件前台构架:1,主控制端(WINDOWS平台下运行) 2,受控端(Linux平台下运行)+(windows平台) 技术要求: 1,发包类型:为SYN、UDP、ICMP,TCP,CC DNS请求并发接攻 击等,多种。但以SYN FLOOD变种(可自定义数据包)为主,发送伪造源IP的SYN数据包但是数据包不是64字节而是上千字节这种攻击会造成一些防火墙处理错误锁死,消耗服务器CPU内存的同时还会堵塞带宽。 2,可以轮询发包:比如,输入一组ip地址,输入轮询时间30秒,选择发包方式,我们服务端30秒向第一个ip地址发包,接着30秒向第二个ip发包,轮询发包。比如CDN之后,实际是多IP的,就是CDN中每个IP,都打30秒。 3,软件支持多网卡绑定多IP绑定,数量在4网卡 支持内网上线 3,主控端功能:发送-攻击目标IP或者域名-端口-攻击方式-线程数量-单个封包大小-发送速度-攻击命令-停止命令等。 4,受控端功能:接受命令-并实行发包。 5,控制端与服务端通讯,正向连接,或者反向连接均可! 6,软件PPS吞吐量,详细讨论。 7,SYN包到接收服务器的数量,每100M带宽以64字节计算,攻击SYN包数量,不得小于20,4800这个数字,而且要能力要源源大于此数字。 8,需兼...
有网络驱动编写经验,有高并发网络经验,精通tcp/ip udp dns 等协议或肯钻研! 被控端可支持windows和linux,主控端支持windows 有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。
需要一名分析员分析一次发包的方式 熟悉网络环境,懂发包的主流方式,dns放大 dns反射等 提供案例能够辨别出攻击的方式和类别 良好的英文阅读理解能力!
需要开发一款防火墙压力测试软件。类似于 但不需要感染,传播等等,并非黑客软件,只需要发包功能 1.有网络驱动编写经验,有高并发网络经验,精通tcp/ip udp dns 等协议或肯钻研! 2.被控端可支持windows和linux,主控端支持windows 3.被控端linux千兆上行条件下并发syn要求达到150wpps/s 4.有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 5.全职可以提供出国就业机会,兼职的话尽量能是比较熟悉上述环境! 具体需要的功能很多,有能力发开者继续详谈! 待遇如下:自开发起每月3000$ 起步。 后续开发其他软件在另付费!当然如果你有很牛的技术,待遇可以在谈!
1.有网络驱动编写经验,有高并发网络经验,精通tcp/ip udp dns 等协议或肯钻研! 2.被控端可支持windows和linux,主控端支持windows 3.被控端linux千兆上行条件下并发syn要求达到150wbps/s 4.有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 5.全职可以提供出国就业机会,兼职的话尽量能是比较熟悉上述环境!
开发一款CDN反查源地址ip的软件 Project Description: 1.要求可直观的观察到CDN节点的实时状况,用户数量,热点情况等等 2.要熟悉CDN程序整套流程,程序本身需要支持策略,可以防御ddos攻击 3.有这方便的经验的大牛可以联系!待遇优厚!具体细节详谈! 目前cdn大家都知道是作为加速节点并分布广,我们平时访问做过CDN加速的网站只能访问到CDN的节点 无法访问到域名的源地址,那么我们怎么才可以查到他的节点后面的真实源地址呢 可以对全球ip或者知道目标域名可能使用的ip范围进行匹配 匹配的时候很多ip会不管访问什么域名他都回包,这里就需要加入特征去验证。httpanalyze程序可查看特征 验证最好能支持解压缩。很多网站的特征都是压缩过的。这里需要注意一下! 1.网页的压缩包解压,以便搜索你指定的关键字; 2.可以指定文件扫描,文件里是ip的开始,结束;可以有多个开始和借宿地址 3.指定开始的URL
开发一款视频防御ddos的程序,类似金盾可以防视频流量攻击 懂这方面的可以联系我! 要求对这块有一定知识的并有兴趣发开防御程序的联系我!
需要开发一款防火墙压力测试软件。类似于 但不需要感染,传播等等,并非黑客软件,只需要发包功能 软件需求: 1.支持windows系统 支持linux系统 2.主控需要带有循环,并发等等功能 3.优化syn发出字节数 具体需要的功能很多,有能力发开者继续详谈! 待遇如下:自开发起每月3000$ 起步。 后续开发其他软甲在另付费! 当然如果你有很牛的技术,待遇可以在谈!
...2、对产品代码进行审视,找出安全漏洞并提出修改建议; 3、研究各种安全技术,编写和维护用于安全测试的攻击工具、防御工具和分析工具; 4、负责公司Web产品涉及到的安全性研究; 5、负责响应公司的安全事件; 6、为公司员工提供信息安全教育及培训。 岗位要求: 1、熟悉渗透测试的各类技术及方法,熟练掌握各种渗透测试工具;熟练操作各类操作系统、应用平台; 2、精通或熟练掌握php/perl/python/javascript/shell等多种脚本语言; 3、熟悉asp,php、jsp等主流的Web安全技术,包括SQL注入、XSS、CSRF等常见的安全漏洞利用; 4、熟悉国内外主流安全产品、工具,如:AppScan扫描器、wvs等; 5、对Web安全测试有自己的理解; 6、熟悉常见攻击和防御办法,熟悉web安全和渗透技术,能自行进行web渗透测试,恶意代码监测和分析; 7、熟悉ddos攻击类型和原理有一定的ddos攻防经验,能有效防御黑客挂马和恶意流量攻击,会熟练搭建负载均衡系统。
...freelancer or a team with strong expertise in network security, machine learning, and Splunk to develop a detection tool for DDoS and IP Spoofing, with a particular focus on DDoS. Key aspects of the project: - The tool should analyze both real-time and historical network traffic data. - It needs to primarily detect volumetric and protocol DDoS attacks. - The detection mechanism should be based on supervised learning methods using Splunk. - The tool should connect to our company's network via APIs. - Provides a full incident report. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in developing network security tools. - In-depth knowledge of DDoS and IP Spoofing attack patterns. - Proficiency in using Splunk for data analysis and supervised le...
We are searching for an experienced freelancer to develop a social platform similar to TikTok, with an additional feature: an autonomous shopping section. The platform must be fully functional on PC, tablets, and smartphones (both Android and iOS). Project Details 1...MongoDB, or MySQL. - Cloud and Hosting: AWS, Google Cloud Platform, or Microsoft Azure for scalability and reliability. - Integrations: Payment Systems: Integration with PayPal, Stripe, and seller-specific payment options. Content Delivery Network (CDN): For fast delivery of multimedia content (e.g., Cloudflare). - Security: SSL/TLS certification. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). Spam filters and DDoS protection. - Timeline and Budget Timeline: Please provide a detailed estimate of the time required for complete de...
...3D game development - Strong understanding of game design principles - Creative thinking and problem-solving skills - Previous experience in developing PC games - Ability to work collaboratively and incorporate feedback The assignment is to make the monster behaviour always follow targets tagged Archer or Tower constantly refreshing their pathing and targetting to the nearest target, and then attack the target, stopping movement while attacking; after target is dead stand still and animate idle if no other targets are alive; when new targets are spawned, go for new targets. This behaviour should always be observed with no bugs to the process, like current script where monster pathing is breaking on high ground. The monster movement should always be the closest path to the target...
I need a talented artist to reimagine a famous poster from the movie 'Attack of the 50ft Woman'. Specific Requirements: - Replace the woman's face with my daughter's. - Change the clothing to a crop top and ripped jeans, with Jordan shoes. - The level of detail should be moderately detailed to match the original poster's style. - The background should remain the same as the original poster. Ideal Skills: - Experience in digital illustration and poster design. - Ability to replicate a specific artistic style. - Strong attention to detail.
I am looking for a reliable partner who can provide expert AIML services aimed at improving user experience, top-notch Cyber Security for our network and server, and innovative Mobile App Development. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven expertise in AIML with a strong portfolio focused on user-centric applications - Extensive experience in Cyber Security with a track record of securing complex networks and servers - Proficient in Mobile App Development with a knack for creating engaging and user-friendly applications - Excellent communication skills and a collaborative mindset - Previous experience working with IT & ITES services is a plus. Let's connect to explore opportunities for mutual growth.
Cyber Ballet seeks dynamic and experienced freelance trainers/consultants to deliver impactful training programs for a long-term state government contract focused on developing a skilled and productive workforce. We are seeking professionals with expertise in a range of interconnected areas, including workplace wellness, interpersonal skills, communication, customer service, leadership development, career development, safety, labor relations, technical skills, project management, and facilitation services. Travel Expectations: This is a primarily remote role with occasional on-site training throughout Delaware. Travel frequency and duration will vary based on client needs. Willingness to travel within Delaware is required. Reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed according to ...
I'm looking for a scriptwriter who can create a compelling and impactful script for a video aimed at raising awareness about cyber crime. - Target Audience: The script should be tailored for the general public, making complex concepts accessible and understandable. - Tone: The video will have an informative and serious tone, focusing on the gravity of the issue at hand. Ideal skills for this job include: - Previous experience in scriptwriting, especially for educational or awareness-raising content. - A strong understanding of cyber crime and its implications. - The ability to convey serious information in a clear and engaging way. Your proposal should demonstrate your relevant experience and include samples of previous scripts you've written.
I'm seeking a cybersecurity expert for a skills assessment challenge hosted on the Cyber Skyline platform. The purpose of this challenge is to evaluate proficiency in various areas of cybersecurity while having some fun. Key aspects of the challenge include: - Assessing your skills in network security, analytical abilities and practical skills essential for incident response and security operations. - Testing your problem-solving skills in cybersecurity contexts, particularly in theoretical scenarios. The ideal candidate should be proficient with Kali Linux and have a strong background in cybersecurity. You should also possess excellent problem-solving skills, particularly in theoretical scenarios, and be able to utilise your analytical abilities in a practical context. This...
My corporate website is currently under a volume-based DDoS attack with no pre-existing protection measures in place. I need a professional who can take immediate action to stop this attack and subsequently provide a reliable defense against future incidents. Key Requirements: - Expertise in identifying and mitigating DDoS attacks - Experience in implementing effective DDoS protection measures Your immediate response is crucial to minimizing service disruption and protecting our business reputation.
...with cryptocurrency payment APIs (e.g., Litecoin wallets or exchanges). Experience with real-time item trade systems for CS2 skins integration. Game Development & RNG Understanding of game logic and random number generation (RNG) algorithms. Experience implementing Provably Fair systems to ensure transparency. Security Deep understanding of web security principles, including SSL encryption, anti-DDoS measures, and secure coding practices. Familiarity with OWASP guidelines for protecting against vulnerabilities like SQL injection and XSS attacks. Additional Considerations Scalability: The platform should handle a large user base and high traffic. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure the site adheres to the legal requirements for gambling in target regions. Maintenance & Updates: ...
...sending out a DDoS attack or experiencing a traffic flood. I have already taken the step of updating passwords, but this issue requires an expert's attention. Key Responsibilities: - Investigate and mitigate the current DDoS traffic - Secure the server against future attacks - Provide a detailed report of the incident and steps taken My ideas to resolve this issue: 1) list all the tasks with open socket/ network connectivity and identify the issue 2) list all the users (with password and SSH connectivity) and remove the access 3) access via root to be disabled/ and default 22 port to be changed 4) Digital Ocean firewall policies Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Ubuntu server security - Familiarity with Kannel SMPP - Proven track rec...
My domain is on GoDaddy and my hosting is on Hostinger. I've been experiencing a serious issue: my nameservers inside GoDaddy are automatically changing and redirecting my website to a spam page. Despite manually changing my nameservers back, the problem persists. I've implemented advanced security measures on my website previously, but suspect this could be a phishing attack or something other. Fortunately, I haven't noticed any unusual activities or unauthorized logins in my hosting or domain accounts. I'm in urgent need of a freelancer with expertise in website security to help diagnose and resolve this issue. The ideal candidate would have: - Extensive experience with GoDaddy and Hostinger - Advanced knowledge of phishing threats - Proven track record in...
I'm looking for an expert in machine learning to help me identify phishing attacks on my network. The focus of this project is to develop a system that can effectively detect these types of network threats. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a semi-supervised learning model for detecting malware, using both labeled and unlabelled data - Develop a machine learnin...Utilize available data sources, primarily email communication records, to train the model Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in machine learning, particularly semi-supervised learning - Extensive experience in network security, specifically in detecting phishing attacks - Familiarity with data analysis and interpretation of email communication records - Ability to design and implement effective network attack det...
I'm looking for a scriptwriter who can create a compelling and impactful script for a video aimed at raising awareness about cyber crime. - Target Audience: The script should be tailored for the general public, making complex concepts accessible and understandable. - Tone: The video will have an informative and serious tone, focusing on the gravity of the issue at hand. Ideal skills for this job include: - Previous experience in scriptwriting, especially for educational or awareness-raising content. - A strong understanding of cyber crime and its implications. - The ability to convey serious information in a clear and engaging way. Your proposal should demonstrate your relevant experience and include samples of previous scripts you've written.
..."", "proxy_target": "http://localhost:10001" 4. Scalability Requirements: - The server must support 100 subdomains with individual local web servers during the initial test phase. - The design should allow easy scaling to 1000 or more subdomains without significant performance degradation. 5. Security Measures: - Implement robust DDoS protection for the server. - Harden the Linux server with industry best practices (e.g., firewall rules, secure configurations). - Secure all REST API endpoints with proper authentication (e.g., API keys or OAuth). 6. Testing: - Verify that a local web server running on a client machine (e.g., `localhost:8080`) can be accessed via a subdomain (e.g., `
I'm in urgent need of a cyber security specialist who can perform thorough penetration testing on my React web application. The primary goal is to identify any potential security vulnerabilities, particularly: - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) - SQL Injection - Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Your expertise in assessing these specific types of vulnerabilities will be crucial. The ideal candidate would also have experience in Quality Assurance, particularly with automated testing tools such as Selenium and Cypress. Your role will not only involve identifying security vulnerabilities, but also ensuring the overall code quality through automated testing. Please include in your proposal your relevant experience and any examples of previous work that may be applicable. Thank you.
I'm looking for a designer to create a minimalistic business visiting card and a 2-fold brochure for my cyber security company. The brochure will have extra pages in between. Business Card Requirements: - Purpose: Primarily to share contact information - Style: Minimalistic - Key Information to Include: My name and title, Contact details, and our company tagline The logo is already created. The ideal freelancer should have experience in design for corporate identity and be able to deliver high-quality, professional designs that align with our brand.
...pet friendly room to a suite strictly because of my Psychiatric service dog, which is a violation of ADA Law. I offered to call the sheriff to explain the law to hotel staff and I was threatened with filing a FALSE police report and going to jail by making the statement saying "then I will press charges on you for trespassing if you want to go that route". This caused me to have a PTSD Panic Attack, which I requested an ambulance assistance for with the hotels customer service line. The effects of this pricipitating event on 9/15/22 caused me to go into a state of psychosis that lasted several months. Having them refuse to acknowledge the violation of my ADA Rights and take responsibility for the actions taken against me have caused me a lot of emotional distress. ...
...awards, evaluating my eligibility for each, and crafting strong, tailored nominations. I'm willing to provide insights and necessary details to enhance the submissions. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and source a wide range of relevant awards - Assess my eligibility for each award - Craft tailored nominations highlighting my achievements Areas of Focus: - Tech - Women in Tech - Cybersecurity - Cyber and Tech Magazines Content of Nominations: - My professional achievements - My community involvement - My contributions to innovation Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in award nominations - Strong understanding of the tech and cybersecurity sectors - Exceptional writing and communication skills - Ability to highlight and articulate my achievements effectiv...
I'm in need of a seasoned cyber security expert focusing on network security. The primary objective is to bolster the protection of personal data. Key Responsibilities: - Evaluate and enhance current firewall protection measures to safeguard personal data. - Implement effective strategies to counter potential network threats. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in network security. - Proficient in firewall management and configuration. - Knowledgeable in intrusion detection systems. - Able to provide comprehensive data protection strategies.
I have a corrupted Excel file that I'm unable to recover myself. The file contains complex formulas, and I'm unsure how it was corrupted - it could have been from a software crash, a virus attack, or an unexpected shutdown. - Any experience with data recovery from Excel files would be a plus
Disk space issue on Acronis Cyber Protect, as discussed via chat. Thanks!
I'm seeking a skilled animators to create a 3D cartoon animation video aimed at educating adults about cyber security. Key requirements: - The animation should be engaging and suitable for an adult audience. - It needs to effectively convey key financial concepts in a clear and understandable manner. - The overall tone should be educational yet entertaining, striking the right balance to keep the viewer engaged. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in creating 3D cartoon animations. - A strong understanding of financial concepts and how to communicate them visually. - Prior work targeting an adult audience is preferred. Output: 12, one minute animated videos of a family of four
Description du Projet : Nous recherchons un développeur web pour créer une plateforme d'annonces dédiée au football. Le site sera une référence pour les clubs, joueurs, coachs, agents, et autres métiers du football, avec des fonctionnalités avancées et des ...Promotion : Option de mise en avant de vidéos avec défilement de plusieurs vidéos sur la page principale. Sécurité : Protocoles de sécurité avancés pour protéger les données des utilisateurs et des clubs. Technologies Requises : Frontend : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js Backend : Node.js, Base de données : MongoDB Sécurité : SSL, chiffrement des données, protect...
I'm looking for an SEO expert to boost our search engine ranking on Google. Our focus is primari...Initial Off-Page SEO Focus: On-Page & Content Changes, Off-Page Activities (Campaigns). KPIs: Publish 4 new, high-quality content pieces to increase organic traffic by 15%. Achieve a 10% increase in domain authority (SEMrush or Moz). Secure 5 high-quality backlinks from industry-relevant websites. Month 3: Advanced Off-Page SEO and Review Focus: External Cloud Attack Surface Management, Third-party Risk Management, External Attack Surface Management, Brand Risk Management. KPIs: Secure 10 additional high-quality backlinks. A comprehensive review of off-page SEO activities, aiming for a 20% increase in organic traffic. A 25% increase in ranked keywords, especially for ...
...Comprehensive management of subscriptions and related reports. 4. Flexible settings: • Customize the commission percentage for each store and payment method. 5. Transaction status: • Multiple statuses (successful, pending, declined). Security and protection: 1. Security certificates: • PCI-DSS. • TLS 1.3. 2. Protection tools: • HSM to protect secret keys. • Advanced firewalls (Next-Gen Firewall). • Anti-DDoS attacks. • Two-step verification (2FA). • Face ID login. 3. Operation monitoring: • Smart monitoring systems using artificial intelligence. • Detecting suspicious activities. • Immediate freezing of suspicious transactions with notifications for manual review. 4. Dispute management: • Managing disputes between ...
Poszukujemy doświadczonego specjalisty DevOps/SecOps, który wesprze nas w kompleksowej konfiguracji infrastruktury serwerowej oraz zabezpieczeń dla sklepu internet...Weryfikacja dotychczasowych ustawień pod kątem zgodności z najlepszymi praktykami zabezpieczeń. 3. Zabezpieczenie serwera na poziomie aplikacyjnym: - Instalacja i konfiguracja ModSecurity oraz Fail2Ban w panelu Plesk jako dodatkowa warstwa ochrony. 4. Monitoring i audyt po wdrożeniu: - Monitoring ruchu i skuteczności wdrożonych rozwiązań zabezpieczających. - Weryfikacja, czy problem ataków DDoS i innych prób nadużyć został skutecznie wyeliminowany. Oczekujemy, że specjalista przeprowadzi pełną analizę obecnych założeń i przedstawi rekomendacje dotyczące ich optymalizacji przed wdro...
As the owner of a business in the UK, I am currently dealing with an online fraud issue. I am in need of a lawyer who specializes in cybercrime. The scope of this project involves both legal representation as well as guidance on preventive measures to safeguard my business from future incidents. Ideal candidates for this project should: - Have a strong background in cybercrime law, particularly in cases of online fraud - Proven track record of representing small businesses - Experience in advising on preventive measures against cybercrime - Located in California - Able to communicate complex legal concepts in an understandable way - Able to sign a Contingency Fee, Costs, and Expenses Agreement
I need a dedicated Lucknow-based lawyer proficient in cyber crime cases to help me secure a NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the Cyber Crime Department.
Are you a resourceful, tech-savvy self-starter who loves finding creative solutions to challenging problems? We’re a small family-run eCommerce business based in the US looking for someone who can figure out anything with minimal supervision. We develop and sell product on Amazon under two brands. We need a technical generalist who can attack and solve any kind of problem that comes their way. Someone who likes to build and solve problems quickly. You’ll tackle diverse tasks—from setting up Facebook/Google pixels, tweaking Shopify themes, and creating workflows in Zapier, to managing inventory databases and supervising others on routine tasks. The Types of Things You Will Do: Implement & Optimize: Configure tracking pixels, handle theme updates, troubleshoot...
I'm in need of a trading card game (TCG) card template for a modern battle-themed card game. The template should include the following: - 3 Main Type of Cards, Base Character Card, Special Attack Cards, and Special Effects Card. - 5 Type of resources cards. - Back Cover of Cards + Logo for the back cover. I want the design to be practical, modern, minimal and nice. Refer to newer TCGs similar to One Piece Card Game, Union Arena and the new Gundam Card Game. I have an existing design to share as a reference. Your task will be to adapt and enhance the provided design into a fully functional card template. Note: the logo in the guide is sample only, and not the actual logo that I'll use. If you can design the logo will be appreciated too. Note2: You can suggest other...
I'm looking for a C++ programmer to discreetly help me create a unique gift for my father, a devoted chess enthusiast. The project is a custom chess puzzle generator that operates via a command line interface. Key Features: - The program should generate puzzles that involve filling in the minimum amount of bishops and queens to attack every square on the chessboard. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in C++ with a deep understanding of chess. - Experience in developing command line interface programs. - Ability to maintain confidentiality as this is a surprise gift. This is a passion project intended to surprise my father, who believes I will be doing the coding myself. Your role will be crucial in making this gift a reality.
...reflection on how cyber psychology has advanced, what are the key developments. A discussion of the potential ethical, legal and cultural issues raised by this research study. It should be accessible and engaging for the general public, making it easy for them to understand the key findings of the study and their implications. Part 2: Research Proposal Following the article, the freelancer will need to draft a proposal for further research in two areas: - Cyber psychology, as suggested by the study in the last five years - research methodology and analysis - ethical consideration - research question & hypothesis - expected results and how it contributes to the research area Ideal candidates will have a strong background in criminology and psychology, health, t...
I'm looking for a cybersecurity exp...against unauthorized access and threats. - Intrusion Detection Systems: We require an expert who can assess our current systems and implement more effective intrusion detection mechanisms to identify and respond to potential breaches promptly. - Endpoint Security: With multiple devices connected to our network, we need assistance in securing all endpoints to prevent them from being an easy target for cyber attacks. Ideal candidates for this project should have significant experience in cybersecurity, specifically with small business networks. They should be well-versed with firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and endpoint security measures. A proactive approach and good problem-solving skills are essential to ensure our network is robu...