...automatically. - **Privileges**: - Higher tiers can gain benefits like priority queuing and discounts. - **Admin UI**: - Provide an interface to view and adjust membership privileges. --- ## 2. API Request Rate Limiting ### 2.1 Tier-Based Limits - **Differentiated Limits**: - T1: 5 req/sec, 100/min; T2: 10 req/sec, 200/min; T3: 15 req/sec, 300/min; T4: 20 req/sec, 500/min; T5: special/custom limit. - **Implementation**: - Use middleware in Golang (or API gateways) to enforce per-IP, account, and API key limits. ### 2.2 Circuit Breaker and Throttling - **Circuit Breaker**: - Triggered on consecutive failures or abuse patterns, with thresholds adjustable by tier. - **Throttling**: - Use token bucket or leaky bucket algorithms to smooth out traffic peak...
...Responsible for creating and managing chatbots, configuring customer service permissions, grouping users, etc. • Customer Service Representatives: Interact with C-End users, view assigned chatbots, and user groups. 3. C-End Users (End Customers) • Interact with B-End-configured chatbots or customer service representatives via embedded SDKs in apps, websites, or mini-programs. 3. Functional Module Design (1) Admin Functions 1. User Management • User Group Management: • Group B-End users by country, language, industry, etc. • Display user distribution data (e.g., region, subscription ratios). • Permission Management: • Set permission templates for B-End primary accounts and customer service representatives. 2. Business Feature Managem...
...Display total revenue and monthly revenue changes. Add total user count: Show the total number of registered users and new user growth. Add risk control count: Track and display the total number of risk control incidents handled. 2.3 Blog Function Add a Blog publishing module: Add SEO settings feature: Provide editing options for custom SEO metadata (title, keywords, description, etc.) to enhance the page's search engine visibility. Add UI design: Use Figma design style for an intuitive and user-friendly interface. 2.4 Risk Control System The risk control system will add the following functional modules: Add geo-based login risk control: Detect user logins from different geographic locations and trigger security alerts. Add keyword blocking system: Automatica...
简述:电控板通过485接口与电脑的USB口连接进行通讯。 1、通讯内容: 测试平台发送62字节编码(Send)给电控板,电控板回复220字节编码(Reply)给测试平台,编码定义保存在单独的文件中 2、编码内容: 设备: 电机(运行,关机,高风,低风,中风,异常)、压缩机(运行,关机)、感温探头(温度数值)、继电器(通电、断电),WIFI(打开+网络名称,关闭),保护器(闭合、断开)etc。 设置内容: 开关机状态(0/1),运行模式(1/2/3/4),风速(高/中/低/自动/关闭),控制方式(主控、外接),制热优先级(A/B/C),温度补偿(数值),防冷风(激活,关闭)etc。 保护(带计数功能,有时间戳): P01(1~9)-P20(1~9) 错误代码(无计数功能,有时间戳): E01-E20 3、工作方式: 测试平台根据自主设置,发送指令编码到电控板上,电控板根据指令编码,控制电控板上各继电器的工作状态(闭合,断开), 电控板发送回复编码到测试平台,电脑进行转换后显示到显示屏上,显示为数值或设备的运行工作状态 4、测试平台简介: 测试平台有4个页面 页面1为控制界面,有A/B/C三种界面显示状态,通过回复编码来确定显示哪一种。 测试平台界面由元件组成: 设备元件【设备图标以及工作状态(可设置 或 仅显示)】 设置内容元件【设置内容名称以及工作状态(可设置 或 仅显示)】 通过输入密码,可以改变元件的位置,以及新增元件(名称,图标,可否设置,等) 页面2为编码定义设置,通过选择字段起止与()的状态进行匹配 页面3为通讯日志以及保存按钮 页面4为通讯设置界面
1,我这边会提供几个参考网站, 希望你能先看清楚 2.功能:消费者上传自己的照片或者自己宠物的照片, 这个插件会自动识别截取他们的头像, 然后显示设计前端 3.这个插件类似于teeinblue插件 4.带有预览效果 参考链接网站
...e-commerce business, DTC brands, Amazon, aliexpress and shopify business etc. Job will be paid by hours and the expected deliverables are bi- weekly with 1 original posts; sometimes I will need some event promotion articles and will inform you one week before the delivery. Marketing knowledge and SEO skill will be huge plus. The writing style guideline will be provided to you and here is the content hub for your reference: Looking forward to your interest! 工作内容: - 负责撰写相关企业品牌传播软文及线上线下活动稿件及媒体广告文字,涉及内容采集、优化、整理和原创撰写。 - 了解跨境电商例如亚马逊、速卖通、aliexpress等,负责撰写跨境电商行业热点、公司产品、大事记相关文章。主要内容产出方向为跨境电商行业+独立站运营。 - 了解SEO搜索引擎优化、负责协助网站搜索引擎优化推广,通过文案优化来促进网站知名度和排名度的提高. 工作要求: - 精通公文写作,富有创意、具备强大的原创能力,工作细心、细致; - 新闻、中文、文学或传播学相关专业本科及以上学历; - 热爱新媒体,具备良好的新闻敏感度,对新媒体运营有自己的理解; - 扎实的文字功底,有关注和阅读大量订阅号的习惯;若有自己...
我有路由器上下壳需要设计: 1.尺寸是250X160X50mm; 2.接口包括5个以太网口,3个USB A type,一个DC插座,一个复位按钮; 3.顶部中央有圆形LED指示,直径50mm; 4.带两个扬声器,开口朝下; 内部PCB 参考附件。 要求: 设计简洁有几何艺术感,文件格式SKP
Development language is not required, the budget is 10,000 RMB, the price can be discussed Main function: The software uses the QQipad protocol to automatically exit the QQ discussion group (also called multi-person chat) Need to be green software without installation and direct operation, to minimize the background operation QQ exists in the discussion group will automatically retreat, must be seconds back Details: If the QQ of the login protocol is bound to the security device, you need to pop up the phone verification or QQ security center verification to ensure that you can log in and use normally. After the login is successful, the current status is displayed next to it, and then you can start and stop the button. After starting the run, the list of historical messages below shows ...
WOOPEHN抗老化护肤硅胶电动洁肤仪,适合所有肤质,深度温和清洁,防水,携带方便,USB充电(粉红色) WOOPHEN硅胶电动清洁仪具有4级可调振动强度和3种大小不同的刷毛,刷毛十分柔软,,可深度清洁,适用于所有皮肤类型。 采用高频振动技术疏通毛孔,清除痘痘,最终改善肌肤。特别的舒缓按摩模式,使得面部细胞更新,去除皱纹,防止皮肤松弛,延缓衰老,恢复肌肤活力! 通过光滑的硅胶接触引入高频振动波,以帮助清除毛孔中的污垢和油脂以及化妆品残留物,清理坏死性角质,建议清洁脸部的不同区域约15秒钟。 WOOPHEN硅胶洁面仪具有超长的电池使用时间,小巧精致,携带方便,可放在化妆袋中,完全防水,可在水中清洗该洁面仪 本产品采用优质医用硅胶,完全耐用,保修期为两年,30天内无理由退款。 颜色:粉红色 充电时间:少于120分钟 使用时间:150分钟至480分钟 电源:DC 3.7V 200mA 振动频率:6000rpm 重量:50克 尺寸:9.7厘米* 6.5厘米* 3厘米 防水等级:IP88 产品优势: 防水 携带方便 电池寿命长 深沉而温和的清洁 适合所有肤质 获得健康的肤色 让你的皮肤更干净 有光泽,有弹性
我公司有一个项目, cy7c68013A_128 单片机的软件开发, 细节是用GPIO模仿Jtag烧录两片Xilinx的PROM. (XCF04S, XCF01S). Xilin有比较详细的方案。 见副件。 如果你们承接这类工程, 请你给我一个报价。 我们有硬件平台, 你们需要提供, 1 windows usb 的驱动, 指定等待下载的文件。 Cy7c68013A 的程序,把指定的文件烧录到目标PROM. 启动系统, 读取FPGA内部寄存器,确定烧录成功。
Mac C或C++ 苹果系统 MAC OS APP开发 总需求:开发一个应用程序,完成与USB设备通信,调用C语言 函数完成功能,在界面上显示对应数据 要求: 1. 提供APP源代码,注解 2. 打安装包
Mac C或C++ 苹果系统 MAC OS APP开发 总需求:开发一个应用程序,完成与USB设备通信,调用C语言 函数完成功能,在界面上显示对应数据 要求: 1. 提供APP源代码,注解 2. 打安装包
...使用RMII接口的PHY,所以RMII接口管脚也要预留出来,PHY使用DP83848IVV; 6. 串行通信接口 预留出1个RS232用的UART; 预留出1个RS485用的UART,另外还要预留1个管脚用来RS485的方向控制; 7. USB接口 预留出1个USB接口用来外接USB设备; 8. 旋转编码器接口 使用2个外部中断口来接增量型旋转编码器; 9. 蜂鸣器接口 使用一个PWM输出来控制蜂鸣器; 10. GPIO接口 至少预留出32个GPIO口用于外部设备的控制,如键盘输入,指示灯输出,三态安全开关输入,三档选择开关输入等; 基本驱动需求 1. 旋转编码器输入驱动 旋钮编码器驱动要求能判断编码器旋转方向,目前这两个GPIO口不给上层读取, 直接由驱动发送按键值,就是加入LINUX的输入事件,正向旋转发送键值59,反向旋转发送键值60,从event0读取。 2. RS485驱动 RS485需要1个方向控制脚,当向对应的UART发送接收数据时,方向脚能自动实现方向控制。 3. 蜂鸣器驱动 蜂鸣器驱动要求能设置PWM输出的频率,输出的时间,输出时间到了自动关闭PWM输出。 4. 薄膜按键驱动和USB键盘驱动 预留24个GPIO作为薄膜按键的输入,目前的驱动是作为GPIO口来读取的;最好也缴入LINUX的输入事件,按不同的按键发送不同的键值,从event0读取;外接USB键盘驱动最好也从event0读取。 5. 其他GPIO驱动 每个GPIO口都可以通过驱动设置输入/输出。 6. 触摸屏驱动和外接USB鼠标驱动 7. 触摸屏驱动和外接的鼠标驱动设备文件最好固定,例如触摸屏固定使用event2,USB鼠标固定使用event3。 ENGLISH Basic Requ...
重新为我司建设网站,做Google搜索引擎优化,需要把Custom Banner, banner printing, vinyl banners, vinyl banner printing, custom signs等词语做到Google的首页。
我需要一个紫微斗数软件,可以在窗口和手机上运行。 要求如下: - 最重要先要懂中文及有紫微斗数相关知识 - 包含一个离线数据库(例如sqllite)可以让我因应不同命盘输入不同运程 - 可以给我设置不同条件来排列和显示数据。 - 有UI可以显示基本的紫微斗数命盘和时代八字转换器。 - 可以容易地备份和用USB带走 - 有一个简单的管理登录系统增加安全性 - 你可以使用任何程式语言或引擎(Unity3D)来编写
Hello, I need someone who have experiences in USB Hid device. Chinese candidates are preferred. 有一个usb hid设备,不是普通的键盘鼠标之类,没有确定的usage id,需要通过stm32f105读取并发送数据给该设备。 目标是搞清楚如何与该设备通信,并提供单片机源码和原理说明。
在SD账号1年以上,荣誉值1000以上。电子产品安卓系统的USB防水内窥镜线长1M。防水摄像头配备6个LED灯,拍摄的图片清晰明亮, 超迷你摄像头外直径7mm. 在各平台上为热销产品,销量几千。
电子产品安卓系统的USB防水内窥镜线长1M,链接手机电脑拍摄小视屏。6个LED灯的摄像头可以保证拍摄清晰的照片,摄像头外直径7MM. 希望寻找美国市场的电子产品销售网站账号合作等。
...However, the videos should not be shared randomly and sold online by our students. Therefore, we decide to encrypt the videos through hardware encryption to prevent the spread of the videos. It is necessary to develop three parts including video encryption software, USB softdog, and encrypt video player. The specific requirements are as follows: 1, We need to encrypt videos every day with the encrpytion software. The students can obtain the encrypted videos through online or offline copy. 2, The students plug the "softdog (usb)" we give them in their computers. 3, The computers should be pre-installed with our special player. After plugging in the "softdog", the player will show the student's identity information including name, gender,...
多轴运动控制卡; 支持三轴以上插补; 支持S插补; PCI与USB接口,最好两种都有; 16路开关量输入输出,可以软件设置开关量的极性,带光耦隔离; 带有+5V电源输出; 支持X轴、Y轴、Z轴的硬限位,软限位; Y轴可以设置为旋转轴; 支持伺服与步进; 支持手轮; 最好有轨迹显示控件和G代码解析控件; 使用单片机开发(C 开发); 要提供能够生产的所有资料和软件工具; 生产成本尽可能低; 提供全部源代码,并且有详细注释; 最好有成熟的开发方案,有样品可以测试;
多轴运动控制卡; 支持三轴以上插补; 支持S插补; PCI与USB接口,最好两种都有; 16路开关量输入输出,可以软件设置开关量的极性,带光耦隔离; 带有+5V电源输出; 支持X轴、Y轴、Z轴的硬限位,软限位; Y轴可以设置为旋转轴; 支持伺服与步进; 支持手轮; 最好有轨迹显示控件和G代码解析控件; 使用单片机开发(C 开发); 要提供能够生产的所有资料和软件工具; 生产成本尽可能低; 提供全部源代码,并且有详细注释; 最好有成熟的开发方案,有样品可以测试;
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Custom Wordpress Taxonomy Template'
...对违规外联的终端实时报警,支持自动阻断,隔离内网,自动关机等策略 支持违规联网总部集中、区域分级报警,联动多个扫描区域,构建广域网、城域网违规联网集中监控平台,实现区域独立报警的同时,进行总部集中报警,总部管理人员能够统一查看多个区域违规联网记录。 移动存储设备注册,支持普通U盘,移动硬盘,手机SD卡,等移动存储介质;高密级(纯内部使用),中秘级(外部凭密码打开),低密级(内外都可正常使用) 移动存储管控 限制移动存储设备的权限,(创建,读取,写入,重命名,删除)控制; 移动存储自动加密,支持拷贝到移动存储设备中的数据自动加密 数据销毁:防止数据还原造成泄密;禁止U盘病毒的传播 外设端口控制:串口并口、1394、红外、蓝牙、PCMCIA、SCSI控制器、调制解调器。 终端外设控制 存储设备:USB存储介质(U盘、活动硬盘等)、光驱、软驱、磁带。 打印设备:本地、远程、虚拟打印机。 设备属性:设备管理属性、网络适配器属性。 文档操作审计,包所有文档的创建、访问、修改、复制、移动、删除、恢复、重命名等操作;支持按部门,用户明,关键字,日期查询 内网安全审计 文档打印审计:详细记录所有打印操作的时间、终端、用户、文档名称,打印机名称,打印分数,文档大小,支持按部门,用户名,关键字,日期查询。 邮件发送审计:记录标准协议邮件、Exchange邮件收发的收件人、发件人、正文及完整附件;记录网页邮件发送的收件人、发件人、正文及完整附件。支持按部门,用户明,关键字,日期查询。 即时通讯审计:完整记录MSN、QQ、TM、RTX、Yahoo通、Sina UC、Skype、阿里巴巴贸易通,阿里旺旺...
...4、较强的独立工作能力及良好的团队协作精神。 5、逻辑分析能力强,条理性强,有一定的讲解能力; 6、有相关工作经验优先。 岗位职责: 1. 进行嵌入式系统(Embedded Linux)驱动程序开发。 2. 负责系统底层的BSP相关工作,如Linux Kernel移植优化,设备驱动开发、移植和优化。 3. 参与项目需求分析,进行驱动软件的详细设计。 4. 根据公司技术文档规范编写相应的开发文档。 驱动工程师 Software Driver Engineer 任职资格: 1.精通C/C++语言、ARM汇编,熟练使用GCC。 2. 至少两年以上嵌入式系统(Embedded Linux)软件开发经验,精通嵌入式系统软件开发。 3.深刻理解处理器架构,热爱处理器相关技术。深刻理解内存、DMA、中断等概念。熟悉ARM 处理器。 4.精通Linux 下驱动程序开发。有USB、video、audio、UART、IIC、SPI、SD/MMC等开发经验佳。 5.深入理解Linux文件系统、进程管理机制和内存管理机制。 6.熟悉威盛平台驱动开发者优先 必须:至少两年以手机或平板驱动开发经验。 岗位需求: 1、精通 C/C++/Java 编程语言,并且有相关项目开发经验。 2、熟悉Linux下C/C++/Java开发环境。 3、熟悉Linux下 Shell脚本使用。 4、熟悉Android应用编程开发,包括环境建立以及常用调试方法。 5、了解Android Frameworks层和HAL层相关知识,有过相关项目经验者优先考虑。 Android高级软件工程师 Software Engineer for Android Devices 工作职责: 1、熟悉 Android SDK,了解Android fr...
We are looking for a Chinese proofreader to collaborate with. We need to proofread 30 pages of text in Chinese Simplified and 30 pages of text in Chinese Traditional. They are the descriptions of mobile applications. Here you can see the example of a description in Chinese and English languages:
使用USB CDC类实现USB转串口windows驱动 ,实现的windows 驱动可以和我们硬件设备正常连接工作稳定。 使用USB CDC类实现USB转串口windows驱动 ,实现的windows 驱动可以和我们硬件设备正常连接工作稳定。
使用USB CDC类实现USB转串口windows驱动 ,实现的windows 驱动可以和我们硬件设备正常连接工作稳定。 使用USB CDC类实现USB转串口windows驱动 ,实现的windows 驱动可以和我们硬件设备正常连接工作稳定。
Windows Socket开发,C/S程序,多线程,界面开发(GPSTracker,IPcamera,USB电话机)。MySQL,SQLSever,多年工作经验,积累大量源代码,可以复用到其他的新的项目中!!希望合作愉快!!
I'm seeking an experienced HTML designer to create a landing page to promote our product. This is a custom WordPress education theme. Current Website: If you have checked all the pages of our website, then say Green before your proposal. Thanks.
I'm in need of a subcontracted development team specializing in custom software development, primarily for Windows platforms. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in software development, multiple languages in OOP and RPA - Proficient in custom software development. - Prior work with Windows compatible software. - Ability to handle individual work assignments. - Capacity for high-quality deliverables. Your role would be to complete individual software development tasks as assigned. The team should be able to provide members for obtaining sub contracted assignment roles, attending meetings, responding to emails and manage the full cycle of software development from conception to deployment.
I'm in urgent need of a website update. The site is custom-built and currently live but I am running short on time. I have all the necessary material and analysis ready to go. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in working with custom-built websites - Experience with Wix platform - Strong understanding of web content, design and functionality updates - Ability to deliver within tight deadlines I need the updates to be completed within 2 days. Time is of the essence.
I'm looking for a skilled graphic designer to create a glitter design for a product related to the phrase "Mom of the Birthday Princess". This design is meant to celebrate a special birthday and should be eye-catching and festive. I am seeking a vibrant and glamorous design for a t-shirt or party decor featuring the phrase "Mom of the Birthday Princess". The design should exude elegance and sparkle, incorporating elements like a golden tiara, glittery text, and decorative accents like stars or arrows. Key Elements: Typography: "MOM" in bold glittery gold font. "of the Birthday Princess" in elegant, complementary fonts with pink and gold tones. Decorative Iconography: A royal golden tiara placed above the word "...
I'm in need of a professional who can develop a Minecraft PVP client for my unique server. The client should be compatible with both Windows and Mac platforms. Key features include: - A custom HUD: This should incorporate a kill/death counter, a health indicator, and a custom crosshair. - An icon in the tab when players use the same launcher. - Specific PVP features tailored for version 1.21. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience with Minecraft modding and client development, and should be able to deliver a high-quality, unique product.
I need a professional to convert my Figma design to a fully functional WordPress website. Figma file : Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Figma and WordPress - Experience with custom theme development - Understanding of responsive design principles - Ability to implement SEO best practices - Knowledge of website speed optimization techniques Please note, I have not yet decided on the type of WordPress site (Blog, E-commerce, Portfolio) or specific page builder to use. I would appreciate your expert guidance in these areas. Your portfolio should showcase previous similar projects.
I'm seeking a Pinescript expert to create custom indicators for me. Specifically, I need indicators that can monitor pending orders in the Tradovate queue. - Main Task: Create custom PineScript indicators that can track pending orders in the Tradovate queue. - Additional Task: Assist me in setting up these pending orders. Ideal candidates will have: - Proven experience with PineScript and TradingView. - Deep understanding of how to create and implement custom indicators. - Familiarity with Tradovate and its pending order system. - Ability to explain complex concepts in a simple way.
We are looking for a skilled developer to create a custom app for Microsoft Teams that enhances task management with robust time-tracking capabilities. The app must be built using the Microsoft Teams Developer Platform and operate entirely within Teams for seamless integration and user experience. Ideally, the app will work alongside the existing Planner app in Teams. If integration is not feasible, the app must replicate Planner’s features while adding time-tracking functionality and other enhancements.
I fix system issues using custom Python tools with an id called the power of Python to identify, troubleshoot, and resolve system issues efficiently. developing custom scripts and tools, I streamline the process of diagnosing problems in operating systems, applications, and networks, ensuring minimal downtime and optimal I Offer: Automated Diagnostics: Build Python scripts to analyze system logs, monitor performance metrics, and detect anomalies. Identify root causes of errors or crashes using data parsing and analysis tools like Pandas. Custom Troubleshooting Tools: Create interactive Python applications to test and debug specific system components (e.g., hardware checks, API response testers). Develop tools to manage system resources, monitor disk usage
I need an expert in Microsoft Power Automate and C# to help me automate my weekly email process. Currently, I manually p...accounts, sending 2000 emails from each account to my customers, with the content being a price list with images. I want a system that automates this process. The emails should be sent from the 25 accounts to the customers from the Excel file automatically, with each account sending out 2000 emails. Skills and experience required: - Proficiency in Microsoft Power Automate - Experience with C# for custom scripting - Familiarity with mail merge in MS-Word, MS-Excel, and MS-Outlook - Knowledge in creating both HTML and plain text versions of emails I appreciate your bids and look forward to working with a professional who can help streamline my email process. ...
Job Title: Workflow Automation and Website Development Specialist for Custom Business Solution Description: We are looking for a skilled Workflow Automation and Website Development Specialist to help design and implement a tailored solution for our business. This project includes creating an efficient, automated system for streamlining operations and developing a professional website to showcase our services. The system will integrate various tools to manage client interactions, creative processes, and secure delivery seamlessly. Project Scope: Data Collection Automation: Build systems to gather and organize client data effectively. Client Communication Workflow: Automate email outreach and client interactions using predefined templates and workflows. Creative Process Aut...