Task Objectives Create an extensive course on overseas social media operations, covering TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and other relevant platforms. Deliver the course in the form of documents and videos, structured systematically. Cover platform introductions, account setup, operational strategies, monetization methods, content creation, traffic acquisition, paid promotions, and advanced tools to improve efficiency. Comprehensive Course Framework (Extended Outline) Phase 1: Introduction to Social Media Platforms Overview of key platforms: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook Emerging platforms (e.g., LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter) Characteristics and demographics of platform users Pros and cons of each platform for businesses and creators Account setup and optimiza...
Task Objectives Create an extensive course on overseas social media operations, covering TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and other relevant platforms. Deliver the course in the form of documents and videos, structured systematically. Cover platform introductions, account setup, operational strategies, monetization methods, content creation, traffic acquisition, paid promotions, and advanced tools to improve efficiency. Comprehensive Course Framework (Extended Outline) Phase 1: Introduction to Social Media Platforms Overview of key platforms: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook Emerging platforms (e.g., LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter) Characteristics and demographics of platform users Pros and cons of each platform for businesses and creators Account setup and optimiza...
Due to the business needs of the company, we are now looking for part-time interpreters in Japanese, Russian, Spanish and French related to medicine Requirements: 1. At least 3 years translation experience in related industry; 2. The daily translation volume is stable at more than 3000 words; 3. Proficient in using CAT tools such as Trados/MemoQ and Xbench; 4. Take a test translation of about 300 words.
货物管理,人员管理。货物管理分库存和包装。人员管理分每天的工作时间和采摘量 Managing the employee working time, and takes they have done in one day. The inventory management, in stock number, and package number.
Create website for children amusement industry include 5 pages,email, and online chat tool
A calendar applet with multiple features, including time booking, team collaboration, shared calendars, online subscriptions, and more. Requirements: 1. Must have a deep understanding of the booking 2. Must be familiar with the common calendar application 3. Must have a deep understanding of teamwork and access control 4. Must be familiar with WeChat / applet / public number 一 个具有多种功能的日历小程序,包括时间预订,团队协作,共享日历,在线订阅等。 要求: 1. 必须对预订有深刻理解 2. 必须熟悉常见日历应用 3. 必须对团队协作,权限控制有深刻理解 4. 必须熟悉微信/小程序/公众号
随着中国国民生活水平的不断提高,人民日益增长的物质文化水平也在不断的提高,在物质文化水平不断提高的同时,人们的追求也在不断地上升,立于此,很多经济充裕的家长们对孩子的教育引起了高度重视,把孩子送到国外留学,以此让孩子以后光宗耀祖,自力更生。 特别是近些年来,送到国外的学生不断的增多,掀起了留学的浪潮,但随着国家的不断发展,对人才的需求越来越大,特别是深圳这个年轻的城市,科技要发展,技术要更新就需要进行人才的大量涌入,所以政府对人才非常的看重。 目前需要大量的留学生回国创造国有财富,我公司目前需要大量的留学生做兼职,主要是,一对一教学。 基本要求:留学生(有学历认证) 年龄:25-----45岁左右 国内硕士以上学历 性别:男女皆可(无犯罪记录) 本兼职适合深圳本地,外地的接受网上授课也可以! [removed by freelancer.com admin]
To develop OTD KPI reports on JobBOSS: Calculate OTD archive rate by daily, weekly, monthly, there are two conditions need to be fulfilled, one is quantity delivery fulfillment, the delivered qty should equal to requested qty, another condition is delivered date, the delivered date should equal or be earlier than promised day. Scope: all closed SO which closed on current day, current week and current month. Set the OTD target If SO was delivered earlier on last month , then the OTD need to be included in last Month’s OTD KPI. by SO + Project number Use Chart display the OTD by day,week and month. Data source: ERP SQL DB Tool: Crystal report
重启linode以后前端页面显示ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT, 修改过文件,但是都没有用. 里面内容模板都已经完成, 只需将页面重新上线可访问即可. 可以的话微信联系我: anbbvv.
重启linode以后前端页面显示ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT, 修改过文件,但是都没有用. 里面内容模板都已经完成, 只需将页面重新上线可访问即可. 可以的话微信联系我: anbbvv.
香港翻译公司招收全职SOHO中文网络小说中翻英译员 请登录网站了解本公司 (香港工商注册号:63547843-000-07-14-6)。 本公司与网站有长期合作关系,现在需招收4-6名全职网络小说译员 1. 网络小说译员是一项全职SOHO工作,在家上班。我们只招收对中文小说翻译真正感兴趣,希望以此作为稳定职业的译员。 2. 工作性质:将著名中文网络小说,包括: 历史,仙侠,修真类等,翻译成英文版本。 3. 翻译速度要求:每天至少翻译4000中字。多翻多计稿酬。 4. 翻译质量要求:可采取机器翻译+人工编译或人工直接翻译的形式。方式不限,但交付译文的质量要求一致:英语语法native或者near-native水平,行文流畅,没有重大错译漏译。 5. 原则上每天交稿。如果需要外出,当月需要及时补交工作量要求的章节。 6. 工资标准为6000人民币/月,也可外币结算。上不封顶。 7. 稿费支付方式:每月结算,直接打入译员账号。 有意者,请提供简历、自己翻译的中翻英样稿发送到: minlingua@, 我们会筛选简历以后安排测试。 因为项目内容为三百万字的网络小说,而且后续还有长期合作,所以测试字数为1000字。这是书稿翻译的行规以及客户的要求。如果测试通过,双方签订合作合同,该试译会计算稿酬。非骗译! 以下译员请勿投送简历: 没有职业转型计划或者不打算将网络小说翻译当全职工作; 英语水平一般,没有专业英语背景。 本广告绝对真实,这段时间都有效,欢迎扩散!推荐成功有referral fee!
创建一个可以上传(或连接视频地址)和下载视频的网站(create a webpage which can upload or download videos)
寻找在中国工作生活的中德,德中翻译的translator, 经常在线,方便交流。 我们这边的项目有些是文档的翻译,有些是需要及时的回复的1-2句德文的翻译,所以希望你经常在线,然后可以做这种短时间一句话的翻译,我们可以一次支付你一定的money,可以每周结算一次。 长期有项目,不会做几次就没活了。符合条件的,请联系我。谢谢
Display paintings, uploading and downloading , work evaluation , works and author information , membership registration , works sub- drawing, painting , gouache , calligraphy , through each piece can be enlarged individually show and get a few people to see several people evaluate the situation , evaluation of high automatic sorting front pages dynamic display large image rotation and other related site Notice winning information, you need responsive technology that uses HTML5 CCS3 BOOTSTRAP database technology can be applied on a PC, IPAD, mobile phones and other terminals. Currently uploaded photos are only examples and LOGO. 展示绘画作品、上传下载、作品评价、作品及作者信息、会员注册等,作品分素描、油画、水粉、书法等,通过每件作品都可以放大单独显示,并得到几人看几个人评价情况,评价高的自动排序在前,网页大图轮换动态显示网站公告等相关获奖作品信息,需要响应式技术,利用HTML5CCS3BOOTSTRAP数据库等技术,可在PC...
Plan-B MATROMONIAL FORM FILLING DIRECT SIGNUP CONTRACT AGREEMENT 11 Month WORKING DAYS – 25 WORK LOAD 2000 /- FORM RATE – 10/- FIRST PAY – 5000/-(Refundable) BILLING – AFTER 10 DAYS AFTER TASK SUBMISSION 100% Payment Guarantee PAYMENT CALCULATION PARAMETER • 95.1% - 100% = 100% Payment • 90.1% - 95% = 90% Payment • 85.1% - 90% = 80% Payment • 80.1% - 85% = 70% Payment • 75.1% - 80% = 60% Payment • 70.1% - 75% = 50% Payment • 65.1% - 70% = 40% Payment • 60.1% - 65% = 30% Payment • 55.1% - 60% = 20% Payment • 50.1% - 55% = 10% Payment • Below - 50% = NO PAYMENT, NO REWORK, N...
create website use wordpress was completed Now hire you to the web safety one year for $60
我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作create website use wordpress '
Content: around 1.5min video of introduction of tour company. Style: flat-vector graphic motion OR digital hand-draw motion
我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作I need to develop a server based on websocket.'
Only those understand/can speak Mandarin or Chinese need to bid. 嗨, 需要聘请一位有能力的人帮忙每天制作简单2D小动画。不一定要每一天,但至少一个星期制造4个小动画。如果有能力每一天都制造也行。或者你可以选择周末一次过制造7个小动画然后一起发给我也行。希望能找到长期合作的伙伴。 大概需要这样的简单小动画 例子: 以下是我所提供: 1)四位主角的画像-如果故事情节需要其他人物,你可能需要帮我大概画画然后加进动画中。 2) 每天的故事情节-你需要依照我提供的故事情节制造成动画 你需要帮我做的: 1)将我提供的文字故事情节制造成动画 2)提供字幕 3)提供配音 4)寻找适合的背景音乐并加入动画中如果有需要 5)除了我提供的四位主角,简单描绘出其他故事情节的人物如果有需要。 动画详情: 1) 您所制造的首1-50个动画-价钱是$8每个, 接下来的第51-100个动画-价钱是$10每个,再接下来的101-150个动画-价钱是$12每个,第151个开始价钱是$15每个动画。以美元计算。 2)每个动画大概30秒 3)黑白背景,只有四位我所提供的主角是彩色的 价钱例子: 您在一个月内制作了30篇小动画, 30x$8=$240 当你已经制作了超过150 篇动画过后,每一个动画的价钱是$15。 这时, 每个月$15x30=$450 你需要明白和能够说中文,因为需要中文字幕和配音。 如果您有经验,请发给我看看你以前的作品。 谢谢。 备注:您必须同意本人将拥有作品的版权
美国旅游项目中,parttime的伴行,时常约2-3小时,着重在军事知识和舰艇介绍方面,最好有从军背景。工作时间7-8月,工作地点在美国圣地亚哥。In this travel case, the requirement for part-time tour guide is about 2-3 hours, focusing on the military and aircraft carriers knowlede (former army background is preferred)
我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作Create Easy Arena Simulation'
我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作Create Basic Arena Simulation '
Payment cycle:- Monthly WORKLOAD :-6000 forms per agent per month POST DATED CHEQUE WILL PROVIDED AS SECURITY PAY OUT CYCLE: MONTHLY (13,20,000 INR FIX FOR 11 MONTHS)
我们有二台VPS服务器, Liunx server: ,和windows server: 请注意我们没有其它的任何信息。 如果你或你的朋友能够找到漏洞通过RDP登陆到Windows server:, 或通过ssh连接到Linux server: 他们中的一个, 如果你能够登陆, 请报价。 Thanks!
We have a site built using NodeJS as a demo. Now we want to convert into a Drupal template with Bootstrap 3 capacities. We need to make sure all the URL structures are exactly the same such as and category-tid.html. Need to get done very quickly. Chinese speakers are preferred because the site is in Chinese.
I have 10 years working experience in design. Familiar with the product development process and the process of mechanical product structure, and the selection of materials processing technology, and the surface treatment...development process and the process of mechanical product structure, and the selection of materials processing technology, and the surface treatment can master. Know very well about cars, milling, grinding, CNC, machining center, EDM, wire cutting machine and other processing procedures and processing technology. I did the work is the main transmission design, structure design, mechanical design, sheet metal design, product design. Familiar with the national drawing standard projection rules, three view and tagging, view and way of expression, tolerance and fi...
我们需要创建一个支持支付宝的服饰类电子商务网站 We need to create a apparel e-commerce site that support Alipay
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Build a server side website'
A media company based in Shenzhen China, need a creative designer for a small project. Project Details: Create a 1 second continuous animation for android system, see attached files for samples. 在中国深圳的一间公司,找寻有才能的设计师帮忙设计一秒的连续性动画。 这是将会用到安卓系统上的动画,详情请参考附件的图档跟影片,若有兴趣请联系。
This project is for Wechat 微信 and the service provider should be able to read and write Chinese and understand the Wechat Market for marketing. 1. 搭建微信网站 2. 微信在线商城、微酒店、微订餐点菜服务、微医疗挂号预约服务 3. 开通微信会员卡服务、大转盘、360全景看房 4. 最好與我的wordpress 網站連在一起。 5. 提供其他微信的推廣方法
Looking for translator to work full time as a translator in Nanjing. Your language to translate between will be korean and chinese. Please see job description below: 本土4A广告公司 企业介绍: 公司成立于2005年5月,隶属于现代汽车集团,是韩国最大的广告公司之一。作为一家全 球化的广告公司至今已在海外设立了9家分支机构并于2008年进军中国,分别于北京和上 海成立分公司,公司主要服务于现代汽车和起亚汽车。 职责内容: 负责媒介中心各类翻译工作,其中包括各类书面文档、报告等中韩互译工作、各类会议的 同声翻译工作,并能够控制翻译质量和进度。 职位要求: 1.具有丰富的现场口译经验,针对口译事先做充分准备,能从容应对现场出现的各类状 况,具有一定的商务职业素质,礼仪规范。 2.有出色的语言功底,笔译能力强,能够准确理解文档,将理解的含义规范、流畅、凝练 地用目标语言表达出来,能够适应不同的语言风格要求。 3.工作认真细致,思维敏捷,责任心强,具团队精神。 4.广告公司翻译工作,韩资企业翻译工作经历者优先。 5.2年以上工作经验,倾向有韩语翻译经验的朝鲜族。
Plan-B MATROMONIAL FORM FILLING DIRECT SIGNUP CONTRACT AGREEMENT 11 Month WORKING DAYS – 25 WORK LOAD 2000 /- FORM RATE – 10/- FIRST PAY – 5000/-(Refundable) BILLING – AFTER 10 DAYS AFTER TASK SUBMISSION 100% Payment Guarantee PAYMENT CALCULATION PARAMETER • 95.1% - 100% = 100% Payment • 90.1% - 95% = 90% Payment • 85.1% - 90% = 80% Payment • 80.1% - 85% = 70% Payment • 75.1% - 80% = 60% Payment • 70.1% - 75% = 50% Payment • 65.1% - 70% = 40% Payment • 60.1% - 65% = 30% Payment • 55.1% - 60% = 20% Payment • 50.1% - 55% = 10% Payment • Below - 50% = NO PAYMENT, NO REWORK, N...
网站的导航条有5个栏目:首页、产品、解决方案、成功案例、关于我们 每个栏目下的分类规划如下: 首页:布局精简 产品:Microsoft、Citrix、Symantec、Sophos、Vmware、HP、Dell(可以自主添加条目) 解决方案:虚拟化、云计算、IT安全(可以自主添加条目) 成功案例:待定(可以自主添加条目) 关于我们:公司背景、宗旨方向、招贤纳士、团队风采、联系我们 附加说明: 1.当鼠标停留在某个栏目上面时,会自动列出该栏目下的分类信息 2.对于每个栏目下的页面,希望参考以下布局格式,在左侧框架点击某个条目后,右侧框架显示出相应的条目详细内容。 3.在网站的首页边侧放置一个固定悬浮框,用来放置公司的二维码图与联系信息
lukeyan, 我看了你的portfolio, 这些网站对你来说应该是小菜,我base在美国,加拿大,做website consultant, 手头有很多项目, 资源不够,我们正在扩大公司规模,外包一部分项目,如果你感兴趣的话,希望能和你长期合作。
I'm looking for a professional who can create a contact form for my website. - It should collect users' Name and Email - It should be user-friendly and responsive - It should collect users' Phone Number Ideal skills for the job include: - Web Form Development - User Experience Design - Basic Knowledge of HTML/CSS
I'm in need of a Google Sheets Expert to create a user-friendly Employee Attendance Tracker for me. This system will track punch-in/punch-out times for a small team of 1-10 employees. Key Features: - A Google Sheet where employees can log their daily work hours. - Automatic calculations of total hours worked per day. - A summary section that updates daily to track monthly totals for each employee. - User-friendly design to facilitate ease of use. - Protection mechanisms to prevent accidental changes. - Basic error checks to prevent incorrect data entry (e.g., preventing a punch-out before a punch-in). Deliverables: - A fully functional Google Sheet template. - Clear, written instructions on how to use the sheet. - (Optional) A 30-minute walkthrough sessio...
Create a match making app on the website. Here is the brief and design https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1osgV6cEaoVQpdC_4EopNopuxmqb0pMbzpOuXl64j7no/edit#slide=id.p
I'm seeking an expert in email marketing for a full-time position. This role involves creating and managing email marketing campaigns for multiple clients with the primary goal of increasing sales. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement email marketing strategies that focus on boosting sales. - Create engaging and relevant content for promotional offers, newsletters, and updates. - Design eye-catching graphics for the emails. - Handle all necessary integrations, including connecting to Zapier. - Monitor and analyze conversion rates to assess campaign effectiveness. Preferred Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Constant Contact, as this is the primary platform we use. - Excellent content creation skills with a knack for crafting compelling promotiona...
Need help with a one page sell sheet to sell a new product to companies. PDF format Professional graphic design. I can provide a basic structure and some images. The Freelancer should be able to provide format and graphic suggestions. Please provide samples of your prior work. NDA & IP Agreement Required Specifics of job will be provided after selected for project