This is ILC Freelancer Platform Recruitment Team from Tencent. ILC (Infinite Localization Center) dedicates to content localization for Tencent Games Global and has been localizing 50+ games, including: Assassin's Creed Jade, V Rising, Call of Duty Mobile, Honor of Kings, PUBG Mobile, and Nikke, etc.. and more are upcoming. For now, we are recruiting long-term freelancers for the following language pairs with all types of localization skills, including but not limited to translation, proofreading, LQA, etc.. Chinese Simplified Source: CHS-English, CHS- Japanese, CHS-Korean, CHS-Traditional Chinese (Taiwan). English Source: EN-Japanese, EN- Korean, EN-German, EN-French, EN-Russian, EN-Turkish, EN-Arabic, EN-Latin American Spanish,, EN- Brazilian Portuguese,EN-Thai, EN-...
...causing the app to remain in a loading (spinning) state and unable to proceed to the main interface. Menu Click and Language Switching Issues: Clicking on menus and switching language buttons may cause the app to loop or redirect continuously. Sometimes, after switching to another language, it automatically reverts back to English and doesn't retain the user's chosen language. Publishing to Google Play Internal Testing: After fixing the above issues, I need assistance in publishing the app to Google Play's internal testing track for further testing and validation. I need a developer to: Identify and fix these issues, ensuring the app runs smoothly on Android 14 while maintaining compatibility with lower Android versions. Assist in publishing the fixed app to G...
...Requirements:** 1. **Feature Synchronization**: Sync all functionalities and logic from our latest Android VPN version to the iOS version. Ensure that the user experience on iOS aligns with that on Android. The iOS and Android clients primarily differ in the VPN client implementation, but they both use the same VPN protocol (V2ray). - **Android App Example**: You can check the current Android version here: [Magicter VPN on Google Play]() 2. **Issue Resolution**: Address and fix bugs in the current iOS VPN application, such as connection instability, UI misalignment, and unresponsive functionalities. Improve the app's stability and overall user experience. 3. **Backend Code Optimization**: Update and optimize backend code
...Requirements:** 1. **Feature Synchronization**: Sync all functionalities and logic from our latest Android VPN version to the iOS version. Ensure that the user experience on iOS aligns with that on Android. The iOS and Android clients primarily differ in the VPN client implementation, but they both use the same VPN protocol (V2ray). - **Android App Example**: You can check the current Android version here: [Magicter VPN on Google Play]() - **Desired iOS Example**: We aim for a similar result as the iOS example below: [Official Quick VPN App on the App Store](%E7%8B%97%E6%80%A5%E5%8A%A0%E9%80%9F-%E5%AE%98%E6%96%B9%E6%AD%A3%E7%89%88/id1559485550?platform=iphone) 2. **Issue Resolution**: Address
正在寻找一名Android 应用测试员,在Google Play Store上对我们的应用进行封闭测试。理想的候选人将可以使用至少20种不同的物理 Android 设备,以及 20 个可参与封闭测试的 Google 账号, 并负责测试应用2周(间歇性)并提供反馈。要求:在20 台不同的物理Android 设备上测试应用。确保每台设备都选择加入封闭测试并连续14天保持选择加入状态。在测试应用时对设备进行屏幕录制,并访问Android的“设置”页面,并每5天提交一次演示测试过程的视频(共提交3次)。就应用性能、可用性以及遇到的任何问题提供详细的反馈。(可选但有益)付款条件:总付款将分为三部分:前5天测试后释放30%。第二个5天测试后释放30%。最后4天测试并提交所有必需的反馈和视频后释放40%。项目时间表:测试期将持续14天,每5天需要提交一次视频。申请方式:简要描述您在 Android应用测试方面的经验。列出您可用于测试的Android 设备。确认您能够满足测试要求和时间表。附加信息:该应用将在Google Play商店中提供封闭测试。选择后将提供详细说明和应用访问权限。谢谢
正在寻找一名Android 应用测试员,在Google Play Store上对我们的应用进行封闭测试。理想的候选人将可以使用至少20种不同的物理 Android 设备,以及 20 个可参与封闭测试的 Google 账号, 并负责测试应用2周(间歇性)并提供反馈。要求:在20 台不同的物理Android 设备上测试应用。确保每台设备都选择加入封闭测试并连续14天保持选择加入状态。在测试应用时对设备进行屏幕录制,并访问Android的“设置”页面,并每5天提交一次演示测试过程的视频(共提交3次)。就应用性能、可用性以及遇到的任何问题提供详细的反馈。(可选但有益)付款条件:总付款将分为三部分:前5天测试后释放30%。第二个5天测试后释放30%。最后4天测试并提交所有必需的反馈和视频后释放40%。项目时间表:测试期将持续14天,每5天需要提交一次视频。申请方式:简要描述您在 Android应用测试方面的经验。列出您可用于测试的Android 设备。确认您能够满足测试要求和时间表。附加信息:该应用将在Google Play商店中提供封闭测试。选择后将提供详细说明和应用访问权限。谢谢
我们研发了一款休闲类的消除游戏,需要完成20人连续14天封闭性测试 We have developed a casual elimination game that requires 20 people to complete 14 consecutive days of closed testing
因上包需要,公司向各位V 好友來兼職開發安卓包, 要求:安卓開發無經驗要求,未上架過Google play 。 兼職工作內容負責寫一個安卓殼,介面功能要是純英文的电子遊藝/ 博弈/老虎機等工具之類的遊戲工具殼,再根據打包文檔結算方式Apk 在Google play 上架滿5 天結算7000 如果願意提供Google開發者帳號另加500/或者我們提供開發者賬戶 兼職開發有馬甲包的法律風險顧慮?業務只針對巴西當地的電子遊戲博弈產品,不做國內市場,產品是合規的,我們是為了多包運營/為了方便做Facebook 廣告/Googleads 推廣,所以需要很多Google play 上架包的下載頁
我们正在寻找一位中文翻译,能够流利地说、写中文和俄文,以促进我们与俄罗斯团队之间的沟通和合作。作为中文翻译,您将扮演重要的角色,协助双方团队的成员理解彼此的工作需求、目标和文化差异。 职责: 口译和笔译:负责中文和俄文之间的口译和笔译工作,确保双方团队之间的沟通畅通无阻。 会议和谈判支持:参与会议和谈判,为双方提供翻译支持,并确保双方准确理解对方的意图和需求。 文件翻译:负责翻译中文和俄文之间的文件、合同、报告等,保证信息的准确传达。 要求: 流利的中文和俄文能力:您应该具备出色的中文和俄文口语和书面表达能力,能够准确传达专业术语和文化内涵。 文化敏感性:理解中文和俄文之间的文化差异,能够适应不同的工作风格和沟通方式。 翻译经验:有翻译相关工作经验者优先考虑。 团队合作能力:具备良好的团队合作精神,能够与不同背景和文化的团队成员协作。 专业能力:具备良好的沟通能力、逻辑思维和解决问题的能力。 如果您对中文和俄文之间的翻译工作感兴趣,并且具备上述要求,欢迎联系。我们期待您的加入,一起打造一个更加融洽和高效的工作团队!
马甲包制作 基本要求:审核前后可以有后台控制app内的展示的页面,马甲包制作有丰富经验再来接任务,目的是为了通过审核上架到google play 市场。可以很好应用的第三方埋点方便 脚本代码开启加密混淆,资源图片加密(降低审核包代码相似度) 所有权限动态获取,不能使用强制权限!用户拒绝之后要能正常运行,严禁申请短信以及 通话敏感权限 内容要求: 只要制作的内容能够审核上架就可以 全职兼职皆可
前端外包java,精通IOS和安卓APP开发,需要提供小红书源代码,协助上架国外IOS和谷歌play。 最好有类似源代码,在上面进行修改即可,需要配合后端和需求一起开发和上架 主要功能、注册、首页、聊天、消息、表情包、发布种草文章(图片、文字、谷歌定位),会员、发券等 具体需求见附件 后端发布、服务器部署由我方完成
...需要具有数字营销方面的先前经验,并且必须具备成功执行品牌营销活动组合的能力。 除了要向高级经理报告,您还将与我们的技术人员紧密合作。此职位现在就可以提供。虽然此职位是基于项目的,但将来还可能会有类似的全职工作机会继续从事其他项目。 其他首选技能包括: -创造力和创新力。您将需要创建和创新策略的新想法。这款应用已经存在超过五年了,以崭新的方式展示品牌非常重要。 -业务技巧。工作的很大一部分将是如何跟踪和分析数据。最重要的是需要了解特定于中国的新兴技术,软件和应用,包括搜索引擎优化工具,社交媒体跟踪工具,其他相关资源的知识储备以及行业工具。 - 高超的交流技巧。不同的团队和高层管理人员需要在品牌战略过程中保持活力,并且还需要能够传达期望,目标和知识。 职责: -分析应用的当前营销材料。 -创建并编写此产品的所有说明,这些说明将在产品网站,社交媒体和发行渠道(例如Google Play),在线广告等中使用。 -构建和维护材料,图标,徽标,颜色,字体和设计准则的设计库。 -开发新计划,合作伙伴关系和活动以增加应用的影响力。 -在不断变化的技术,社会和文化因素中积极定位应用。 -时间和交付的管理,包括与团队成员进行积极而有力的沟通。 -确定营销需求。 -探索发现机会。 -与管理人员一起设计营销计划。 -洞察支持机构和潜在的合作机会。 -跟踪营销工作。 经验: 必备经验: -较强的组织能力和对细节的高度关注。 -母语为汉语的能力。 -3到5年的相关品牌管理或营销经验。 -能够在不断发展的环境中满足并优先处理多个截至日,并具有经过验证的远程工作能力。 -与各个专业领域的合作者一起工作取得成功。 加分经验: -精通其他语言。 -有条理和战略思维。 -移动应用营销经验。 -了解安全通信和隐私惯例。 位置 这是一个基于项目的职位,具有...
您好,Salih Can D.。我留意到了你的简历,想让您参与我的项目。我们可以讨论一下项目的细节。
我需要一名给一款游戏写说明文和名字的,西班牙本地人,需要精通中文。如果有应用策划或者游戏策划方面的经验最佳。 详细内容: 1.根据ASO关键字来写游戏说明文和取名字。 您需要了解如何在Google Play Store 和App Store-Apple中查找关键字。 不用擔心,我會告訴您的。請檢查附件。 完成工作後,您需要提供給我一份西班牙語的关键字列表,以及一份西班牙語游戏说明文。 2.用西班牙语翻译一份大约600个汉字的游戏内的文字和截图上的文字。要求下载游戏并理解每个游戏的功能。
...t5 a=人时间累,会受苦<p>,正 2016<p>年全国注会|答<p>案* a9 b2 r. w8 o; m: v 8 r/ b1 p9 i. n% v- y<p>=祈福2019年全国注会|答<p>案<p>=人/ u* c s/ n/ x9<p>}% |6 j4 @5 t3 j" |2 i j0 n6 ]9 i e<p>时间,也只有他。他5 [1 y' z4 l! {* j% d; u, ^ p( n: ux k.<p>{! h8<p>g" v; ^<p>你记得哪时他梅个月只赚180元钱专转。可是他∟正2013年) q3 k%<p>d" i)<p>g7 ?# h!<p>3 dx e<p>2019年全国注会考<p>, _. b8 m6 t) y" b) @式答 案56.21.10.70.祈福2019年冬<p>季德国PSP<p>预科湖北招生 |答 案<p>8 b) @3 [0 d6 ~5 v1 c- k3 o# w( _= ^1 q)<p>~# t: {/<p>h/ j<p>【=祈福2019年全国注会<p>答 案<p>= w' b1 s5 v3 , f)<p>]1 o# r2 p# p<p>人时却能天天请你吃; b( t/ b# }# g2 d" p; i<p>q: g( a" |2 x( m w4 e...
Hi Shan Bin S., 你好 我想要 bet365 in play odds 数据 能行的话 请给我 中文回复 谢谢
Hi Guangzhu C., 你好 我想要 bet365 in play odds 数据 能行的话 请给我 中文回复 谢谢
1、Format:PNG 2、Size:432*291(mm) 3、Resolution:300DPI 4、Show Txt:IG帝国游戏(Imperial Games)- 业内知名B2B企业.与众多欧美、东南亚游戏厂商深度的业务合作,是目前东南亚最大的博彩游戏接口服务经销商之一; IG秉承着"多元化产品、超一流团队、一站式服务、贵宾式体验"的服务宗旨,伴随着十多年博彩行业运营经验为客户提供最专业的产品导向与技术支持,为诸位商界精英打造属于自己的事业; IG帝国游戏-行业最佳合作伙伴 ! 5、Show Contact:Telegram:ig_sales& “微信扫码”+QR code、Phone Number:+639171755651 6、Show IG Logo: 7、Show Little Gold Colour &More Cool color Style。
要求如下: 1、搜集网上资料,用英语写一篇对小米新品“米家投影仪”的评测文章。 米家投影仪: 可参考该篇文章: 2、800-1000字; 3、5张以上图片; 4、内容原创,有自己独特的对该款米家投影仪的观点,杜绝抄袭!
项目是用于博物馆、展览馆的微信及APP,使用群体为儿童家长为主,因此风格上要求科技、时尚和有趣,能够吸引儿童关注。 要求设计之后,能够与前台配合切图。
Hi Eva C., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.么是里程碑付款? 我们持有您的资金,这样自由职业者才能访问它们,直到您选择发布它们。您只有在100%满意的情况下才能发布里程碑。 创建 安全 发布 里程碑是: 安全又可靠。我们坚持您的里程碑,直到您决定发布它们。 如果您不满意并且里程碑尚未发布,可退款。 受你控制。只有在您100%满意的情况下才会发布。 27718038 注册用户 13616338 总工作发布 Apple App Store徽章 Google Play商店徽章 网络 浏览分类 浏览项目 浏览比赛 浏览自由职业者 企业 项目管理 自由职业者本地 橱窗 面向开发人员的API 第三方托管 战士论坛 关于 关于我们 怎么运行的 球队 移动应用 桌面应用 安全 费用和收费 投资者 网站地图 行情 按 在新闻中 新闻稿 奖项 褒奖 时间线 保持联系 得到支持 招聘 社区 联盟计划 商品 帮助翻译 联系我们 自由职业者 隐私政策 条款和条件 版权侵权政策 行为守则 Freelancer®是Freelancer Technology Pty Limited(ACN 142 189 759)的注册商标, 版权所有©2018 Freelancer Technology Pty Limited(ACN 142 189 759) 美国(国际)/英语 澳大利亚英国西班牙日本印度德国巴西法国加拿大中国香港印度尼西亚菲律宾巴基斯坦墨西哥 哈利约翰逊 Harley Johnson项目 创造里程碑 2018年3月27日·4:46 A...
你好,各位。 最近我买了一台内地的酷派Y76手机,想在其上安装google play及商店内的应用,但俱不行。 我想有相关经验及专业的人帮我解决这问题。 本人可以安装team viewer或把整个系统重新安装,以协助这个工作。 本人提供3美金给受聘者。 谢
你好,各位。 最近我买了一台内地的酷派Y76手机,想在其上安装google play及商店内的应用,但俱不行。 我想有相关经验及专业的人帮我解决这问题。 本人可以安装team viewer或把整个系统重新安装,以协助这个工作。 本人提供3美金给受聘者。 谢
已有现成APK 做好, 帮我上传到GOOGLE PLAY 给人人下载。 这APK 我自己安装没问题 但是我自己上传到google play,然後我自己试着下载,显示"签名校验失败"
A games live streaming website like twitch (handling large amount of video data? ) with user registration and account information, upload video, leave comments on real time living videos. Need experienced developer who can be able to build up the front end, back end, database and server for efficiently storing and retrieving videos data. If you think the price is below your expectation, please leave the price works for you, we can negotiate it. The students can obtain the encrypted videos through online or offline copy. 2, The students plug the "softdog (usb)" we give them in their computers. 3, The computers should be pre-installed with our special player. After plugging in the "softdog", the player will show the student's identity information including name, gender, phone number, class and term. 4, After completing the authentication process, the videos can be freely played in the special player. The students can select the styles of the player in the interface of the player and we also can show our brand in the player. The definition of the videos will not be affected. The videos can be freely sped or rewound. Besides, 0.1 to 5.0 times of speeding and ...
...存储池功能,然后两个硬盘损坏了,我们替换了两个新的上去,不过就是无法删除残留着的硬盘信息。 ============== Disk1 PhysicalDisk-1 Disk2 PhysicalDisk-1 =============== 备注: 我们已经试过这3种指令,还是无法删除已经拆除掉的硬盘残留信息。 ================================================================ $PDToRemove = Get-PhysicalDisk -Friendlyname "PhysicalDisk-1" Remove-PhysicalDisk -FriendlyName "PhysicalDisk-1" Remove-PhysicalDisk -StoragePoolFriendlyName "play" -PhysicalDisks-1 $rem_phy_dis ================================================================ 现在问题是就是无法删除残留的硬盘信息,导致虚拟磁盘无法启动, 所以现在需找这方面(windows server 2012 storage pools) 的专业人士来解决此问题。 你只能在线教我们如何解决,我们无法提供你权限进入服务器。 不过我们可以边做边截图给你,然后你必须步骤告诉我们如何做。 看你们有更好的解决方法不。 qq 1241672155
...these steps. 1. Go to and click 'table games then 'more table games' and click the european roulette graphic. 2. Play for Fun. 3. Click the '100-spin' button three times; each after the button clears and allows for the next click. 4. Click the 'statistics' button and view the page. 5. Look either at the top row of 5 numbers or the bar graph and look for a 'zero' above any red, black or the green zero. The top five numbers will read 'Never Hit' and show the number(s) if any that have not been hit in the last 300 spins. 6. If no numbers show, then move cursor up to 'Game Options' and a drop down line will show 'table games' the...
熟悉FALSH的动画制作,精通Actionscript3.0程序的编写,能单独开发FLASH游戏; 工作认真负责,好沟通。 有游戏开发经验者优先。 主要开发小游戏,女孩类的游戏,像是做饭,做蛋糕,治疗耳朵等等,可以去国外的小游戏站看一下, 很多,在百度搜索 girl games. 希望 找一些 可以长期合作的兼职开发
I'm looking to develop website similar to csgo roll/csgo empire/csgodouble featuring skin deposit( cs2 skins / mybe dota 2 and rust but that we will discuss. ) Game modes : roulette games, and crash games, jackpot etc. The design should be vibrant and engaging, embodying a fun and colorful aesthetic. Key Requirements: - Core Functionality: The site must facilitate skin player2player deposit ( later on Crypto, credit card etc. ) and include interactive games such as roulette and crash. - Design Style: The overall look and feel of the site should be fun and colorful. - User Account Features: The website should support user profiles and incorporate a reward points system, and affiliates. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web development with a portfolio of interactive...
Smart Contract Development Brief – Emerald Acre Fund Overview: We are seeking an experienced blockchain developer to create an ERC-20 token smart contract for our land acquisition and restoration project. The token will play a critical role in our investment model, providing investors with exclusive benefits tied to land appreciation, luxury estate stays, and farm produce. The smart contract must include a deflationary mechanism through token burns upon estate acquisitions. Project Goals: • Develop a secure and efficient ERC-20 token. • Integrate a deflationary burn mechanism to reduce token supply with each land acquisition. • Ensure founder token lock-up for a specified period. • Implement vesting schedules for team and advisor tokens. • Prov...
I'm looking for a modern-styled logo for my company, BuyBack Direct. The logo should incorporate the company name, as text elements play a crucial role in the design. Key Requirements: - The logo must be predominantly in white and green. - A minimalist yet modern approach to the design is preferred. - Strong typographical skills to creatively incorporate the text into the logo. - Ability to deliver a high-quality, scalable design suitable for various platforms. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Branding - Typography - Adobe Illustrator or similar software BuyBack should be the main title and the word direct can go under it. Please do not use logo generators and waste my time with that.
Looking for an experienced web developer to complete a few key tasks on our casino website. These include building a rewards system (detailed instructions and live examples from other casinos will be provided), making design updates, enabling specific games, tweaking the main menu (fonts/layout), and incorporating new designs from Figma into the site. The timeline is tight—everything needs to be done, tested, and ready to go by December 30th. Previous experience working on casino or gaming websites is preferred. An NDA must be signed before starting the project. We have a detailed document ready to share with the right candidate.
...tasks on our casino website. These include building a rewards system (detailed instructions and live examples from other casinos will be provided), making design updates, enabling specific games, tweaking the main menu (fonts/layout), and incorporating new designs from Figma into the site. The timeline is tight—everything needs to be done, tested, and ready to go by December 30th. Previous experience working on casino or gaming websites is preferred. An NDA must be signed before starting the project. We have a detailed document ready to share with the right candidate. If you’re skilled in web development, can work quickly under pressure, and have experience with similar projects, we’d love to hear from you. Please send your portfolio, examples of previo...
Full-Stack Developer with React and Expertise We are seeking a talented Full-Stack Developer to join our team full-time on a monthly basis. The ideal candidate will have strong proficiency in web development technologies, particularly React and , with a solid understanding of both front-end and back-end deve...web development trends and best practices. Requirements: - Proficiency in React and for web application development. - Solid experience in full-stack development, including back-end technologies. - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail. - Ability to work independently and meet project deadlines. This is a full-time, remote position with an immediate start. Join us and play a key role in transforming the construction industry through technology!
Job Description: We are looking for a committed, energetic, and proactive Domestic and Personal Assistant to join our family in Canada. This role is ideal for someone who enjoys working in a family-oriented and dynamic environment, with skills in household management and childcare. Responsibilities: - Clean and organize the house. - Cook healthy and balanced meals. - Play and engage in activities with the children. - Optional: Provide massages (a plus). - Assist with other personal and household tasks as needed. Requirements: - This opening is only for women. - Must be willing to live in Canada (Support will be provided). - Spanish or English speaker. - Be athletic and in good physical shape. - Willingness to travel anywhere as needed. Benefits: - Hous...
I need a freelancer who can install and publish a CodeCanyon sourced E-commerce application. Key Project Details: - The app is sourced from CodeCanyon - It is an E-commerce application - No significant customization is required prior to installation, just standard setup and installation Ideal skills for this project include: - Prior experience with CodeCanyon applications - Proficiency in E-commerce application environment - Expertise in Android Play Store and Apple App Store publishing Please ensure you are familiar with these requirements before bidding. Thank you.
I'm seeking a Windows program for the game "Madfut 25". The program should create the optimal team weekly for the game mode "fatal", considering all game cards, weekly boosts, and various formations. Key requirements: - Team optimization: The program must account for ...league players"), and formations, including exact positions. - User-friendly database: I need to manually input new cards via a form as they are released. - Tiebreaker recommendations: The program should suggest the best cards for defense, attack, and control, and who to use in a tiebreak situation. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in Windows programming. - Understanding of FIFA-style games, particularly Madfut 25. - Experience in creating user-friendly databases. - Knowled...
I'm looking for a skilled Unity and Vuforia developer to create an engaging Augmented Reality game. The primary aim of the application is to entertain users with a captivating, interactive AR experience. Key Responsibilities: - Develop an AR game using Un... Key Responsibilities: - Develop an AR game using Unity and Vuforia - Ensure the game is entertaining and user-friendly - Incorporate interactive elements into the gameplay Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Unity and Vuforia - Experience in developing AR applications - Strong understanding of game design principles - Creativity in creating engaging content Experience in creating interactive AR games will be a significant advantage. Please include relevant portfolio pieces in your application. I'm looking forward to se...
I'm in need of a skilled WordPress developer and designer to build a 'Coming Soon' page for me. The primary function of this page is to capture leads, specifically their names and email addresses. Key Requirements: - Design: The landing page should be col...Functionality: The page should efficiently collect and manage leads, ensuring that the process is seamless for users. - WordPress Expertise: As the page will be hosted on WordPress, deep knowledge and experience with this platform is essential. Ideal Skills: - WordPress Development - Landing Page Design - Lead Capture Integration - User Experience Design Your creativity and technical skills will play a crucial role in generating excitement for the upcoming launch and capturing as many leads as possible. I look f...
I need a basic cross-platform application like the one available on Google Play but with simplified features and a minimalist design. It should support the Dji controller RC-N1 and be compatible with both Android and iOS. Key Requirements: - A single, simple scene design - Three flying modes: cine, normal, sport - Option to toggle random wind simulation on/off - Option to toggle grid line on/off - Basic controls: Arm / Take Off / Flying
Project Description: We are in need of a skilled translator to assist with the translation of our online casino website content from English to Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia). The website primarily consists of product descriptions, profile pages, promotional material, and general website copy related to online gambling and casino games. Requirements: Fluent in both English and Indonesian. Previous experience in website translation, particularly for online casino or gambling-related content, preferred. Ability to maintain the tone and style of the original content, while ensuring accuracy and compliance with industry-specific terminology. Reliable and able to meet deadlines. Deliverables: Translated website content in Indonesian. Ensuring accuracy and consistency throu...
...Entertainment, Bills, etc.). Include support for adding notes and photos for each expense entry. Budget Management: Users can create monthly budgets for specific categories. Provide visual indicators when nearing or exceeding budget limits. Option to carry over unused budgets to the next month. Reports and Insights: Generate weekly, monthly, and yearly reports with graphical representations. Display spending trends, category-wise breakdowns, and percentage comparisons. Expense Prediction (AI-Powered): Use AI to analyze past spending patterns and predict future expenses. Suggest areas where users can save money. Provide alerts for high spending trends. Savings Goals: Users can set and track financial goals (e.g., saving for a trip, a gadget, etc.). Vis...
I'm seeking a skilled 3D animator to create captivating object animations for a live streaming app. The primary theme of these animations should be 'Fantasy and Magic'. Key requirements: - Proficiency in 3D Animation, specifically object animation. - Prior experience in creating fantasy and magic themed animations is a plus...Proficiency in 3D Animation, specifically object animation. - Prior experience in creating fantasy and magic themed animations is a plus. - Ability to deliver engaging and high-quality animations suitable for a live streaming platform. The ideal candidate should have a portfolio showcasing their 3D object animations, preferably with a fantasy and magic theme. Your creativity and technical skills will play a crucial role in enhancing the viewer...
I'm preparing to launch a game on the Android platform and I need an experienced app developer to assist with the tasks related to the Play Console. Key Responsibilities: - Help with the app's launch process on the Play Console. - Ensure the game is optimally set for a free-to-play model. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Android app development. - Familiarity with game development and launch processes. - Understanding of free-to-play model implementation. - Experience with the Play Console.