... 微服务架构:将系统拆分为多个独立的服务,如用户服务、支付服务、数据分析服务等,通过API Gateway进行服务间的通信与管理。 数据库:采用MySQL/PostgreSQL等关系型数据库存储结构化数据,结合Redis、MongoDB等NoSQL数据库处理高并发访问与缓存。 消息队列:Kafka/RabbitMQ等,用于解耦系统组件间的依赖,提高系统响应速度和容错性。 大数据处理:Hadoop/Spark等用于海量数据的存储与处理,结合Elasticsearch等实现快速检索与分析。 AI与机器学习:集成TensorFlow/PyTorch等深度学习框架,实现图像识别、自然语言处理等AI功能。 2. 功能需求: AI数字名片:通过人脸识别与AI分析技术,为园区内人员生成个性化的数字名片,支持快速识别与社交互动。 智慧园区:集成物联网(IoT)技术,实时监控园区内环境(如温湿度、空气质量)、能源使用情况及设备状态,实现智能化管理。 智慧商城+跨境电商:搭建在线商城平台,支持商品展示、在线交易、物流跟踪等功能,并融入跨境电商元素,拓宽商品销售渠道。 AI媒体矩阵:利用AI算法分析用户兴趣,推送个性化内容,同时支持园区内多媒体内容的发布与管理。 智慧生活:集成智能家居控制、在线缴费、社区活动预约等功能,提升居民生活质量。 ERP系统:构建企业资源规划系统,涵盖财务、采购、库存、生产等管理模块,实现园区内企业的一站式管理。 智慧工程:通过传感器与AI算法,对园区基础设施进行预防性维护,提高运维效率与安全性。 智慧安保:利用人脸识别、视频监控等AI技术,实现园区的智能安防监控与异常事件快速响应。 智慧物业:提供物业管理、报修服务、租户管理等一站式服务,提升物...
咨询aws beanstalk 部署 django 有一个django 架构的网站, 需要部署到AWS 上去. 希望找一个有经验的工程师或者团队咨询关于CI/CD的问题. 如果合适也可能会有一些django 相关的测试的程序需要帮忙写.
功能要求: 1. 基本用户注册登陆功能 2. 用户浏览试卷功能 3. 每个试卷可以有多个部分 4. 每个部分有多个题目 5. 每个题目有多个可选答案,但是每个题目只有一个正确答案。 6. 用户可以对于某张试卷做多次。 7. 用户可以实时保存做到一半的试卷。 8. 用户可以提交做完的试卷。 9. 用户可以实时浏览做的试卷分数。 10. 用户可以在浏览试卷的结果的同时对于每道题目对chatgpt提问。 11. 用户可以问之后的问题。 12. 管理员功能,可以增删修改试卷的部分和题目。 技术要求: 1. 尽量使用React.js。 2. 尽量使用AWS。 3. 需要源码。
气象指数由一个IoT通过sim卡传到cloud,需要一位专业人士链接数据到到网站 I need a great programmer to know how to connect with cloud with my IOT, store the data sent by IOT in the cloud and visualize via a web site. I already have a website in Chinese, and I need to have the same website in English or French but IP should be located in France and the data alss stored in French cloud
Job Description: 负责软件之分析、设计以及程序撰写。 规划执行软件架构及模块之设计,并控管软件设计进度。 进行软件之测试与修改。 规划、执行与维护量产的产品。 协助研发软件新技术与新工具。 管控软件开发成本 Requirements: Professional Certificate, Diploma, Advanced/Higher/Graduate Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Post Graduate Diploma, Professional Degree *MUST be proficient in MANDARIN
- With a Performance Marketing background - SEM background would be a plus - E-Commerce experience with a minimum 7 figure budget - Very Analytical - Self motivated ans self driven _____________________________ 【品牌介绍】 Furbo狗狗摄像机是一个国际化的宠物科技品牌,结合各领域的菁英及创业家们,运用最先进的技术-IoT物联网、AI人工智慧、云端大数据等,致力于带给全世界宠物饲主源源不绝的欢乐与创新! Furbo已热销超过五十个国家并成为宠物摄像机中销量第一的品牌,我们持续开发世界级的产品并积极拓展中国市场,Furbo于2019年8月开设天猫国际海外旗舰店,因而决定扩大延揽拥有企图心广告投手,与我们一同透过创新改变宠物与主人的生活。 【工作内容】 以专案方式合作。不需要到办公室,可远端线上办公。 针对直通车、超级推荐、钻石展位、品销宝广告能独立根据账户历史数据做出有效的数据分析,并根据投放效果实时调整优化策略,包括人群策略、关键词策略、推品策略和广告素材优化策略;并达到品牌方定的目标 (包含但并不限于 CTR、ATCR、OCR、CPA、ROAS…等),需要提供周报表和报告,并随时与品牌方沟通现况与优化方式。 【招聘条件】 1. 熟练掌握阿里妈妈(直、超、钻、品)投放系统和后台优化逻辑,至少2年以上系统操作经验。会结合阿里其他后台工具分析数据 (因为站内工具与规则不断更新,所以要求近2年都还要有投放经验才可) 2. 操作过业绩1000万以上/年的品牌,且投放金额100...
本团队长期承接外包兼职项目,诚邀洽谈合作,给你一个满意的解决方案, 业务范围: 1,App开发:Android,iOS,Flutter,Reactive Native,uni-app,移动端H5,混合开发,跨平台开发; 2,微信平台:小程序,公众号,服务号,企业微信; 3,阿里平台:钉钉开发,支付宝小程序,支付宝生活号; 4,前端开发:企业官网,Node.js,Vue.js,Html5,CSS,JavaScript; 5,其他开发:爬虫,物联网IoT(Lora,NB-IoT,蓝牙),嵌入式开发,大数据,云计算,微服务,项目集成; 6,数据库:Oracle,MySQL,MongoDB,Redis,InfluxDB; 7,UI设计:Sketch,PS,Ai,3D建模(3d Max,Maya),墨刀,Axure,Mockplus,蓝湖; 8,开发语言:Java,Kotin,Objective-C,Swift,Dart,Golang,Python,PHP,C,C++,.NET; 9,服务器运维:Linux,Windows,Docker,Jenkins,Nginx,集群,分布式;
需要AWS资深讲师一名,需要出差至大连上课,至少15年工作经验,至少3年以上的培训交付经验,中文授课,需要原厂教材。请符合条件的讲师联系我,我们每天支付给讲师的费用在5000到8000不等(不包含差旅费用)。[Removed by Freelancer.com Admin]
遇到不靠谱开发人,需要找靠谱开发者继续完成网站 这是网站开发情况:大概60%的完成度 用的是PHP Laravel, Mysql 需要完成网站和后台Admin的建设,并且deploy到Heroku和AWS 上面 第三方软件需要: Shippo: Stripe: Paypal: 有兴趣请联系我,预计是4周完成
任务: 1、集成Arduino,实现正常的初始化、连接Arduino硬件,并且支持向Arduino上传代码; 2、UI调整; 以上第1步已经完成集成Arduino部分,初始化、连接存在BUG,需修复,上传代码功能待实现。
模仿weChat, 创建chat, group chat, moment, 发布文件,照片。 需要用amazon aws. 需要源代码。
模仿weChat, 创建chat, group chat, moment, 发布文件,照片。 需要用amazon aws. 需要源代码。
我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作parsing jsonarray using Arduino mega with esp8266-12 '
我在寻找iOS开发者,开发的App为工具与社交类产品Beta版本。 我需要的条件 开发目标: 1.商定基础功能完成 2.使用parse或aws服务器服务,进行数据交换。 (需要懂后台的开发) 开发完成 。(我会提供UI素材) 4.无明显Bug。(Bug范围可提前沟通确定接受范围) 交付工作(Work deliverable):开发完成后需要可以使用,交付程序包。 开发完成时间(Deadline):3周-4周内完成 工作时间(Time):共40-50个小时的工作时间。(可再评估) 我们创造是一个令人激动尖叫的产品,如果你是父母你的孩子一定会爱上我们的产品。如果你是子女,这是一款让你的父母也可以真真正正触摸到科技对他们生活质量的提升。我们再创造真正的价值。 如果感兴趣或有任何疑问,请随时联系我,也请同时告知我你的开发费用。 在开发完成后如果你依然觉得意犹未尽,欢迎成为我们的Partner! 谢谢! Kevin Li
需要一位热衷 Arduino、电子设计的玩家创客帮忙介绍一个拇指般大小 32 位 Arduino 兼容开发板给中国的玩家. 这小小 38mmx18mm 的开发板功能含: 100MHz 32bit RISC / FPU + 1MByte Flash + 212KByte RAM + 2 UART + 2 SPI + 1 PWM + 17 GPIO + GPS 接收器. 售价 $12 (不含 GPS 有源天线). 性价比远超越在群众募资网站 Kickstart上能看到的任何 Arduino 相关开发板 (Digispark, Microduino, Tinyduino, Galago, Teensy 3.0...). 目标是 10 天内帮 NavSpark 活动增加 250 位中国区的支持赞助者, $500 做酬劳, 超过或不及都照比例计算. 例如: 增加 200 位中国区支持赞助者则以 US$400 做酬劳, 1000 位则以 US$2000 做酬劳. NavSpark 活动网址:
...with the following technologies or propose similar alternatives: Frontend: - Framework: React.js or Angular. - Styling: TailwindCSS or Material-UI. Backend: - Framework: Node.js with Express.js. - Database: MongoDB (preferred) or MySQL. Integrations: - Payment Gateway: Razorpay or Stripe. - Maps: Google Maps API. Other Tools: - Version Control: Git/GitHub. - Hosting: AWS, DigitalOcean, or Heroku for deployment. Key Deliverables 1. Fully functional MVP meeting the defined scope of work. 2. Responsive web application optimized for both desktop and mobile users. 3. Provider management dashboard with booking and availability tools. 4. Integrated payment system for secure online transactions. 5. Well-documented codebase for scalability and futu...
I'm in need of an IT professional services sales consultant with a strong focus on lead generation, social media marketing, and sa...Media Marketing: Enhance our brand visibility and service awareness through strategic social media initiatives. - Sales Strategy: Devise and implement effective sales strategies tailored for Cloud Services. Ideal Candidate: - Extensive experience in the Cloud Services industry. - Proven track record in IT professional services sales. - Familiarity with major public cloud providers, particularly AWS, Azure, and GCP. - Exceptional skills in lead generation and social media marketing. This could evolve into a long term partnership, with a potential bonus structure based on sales performance. Please share your relevant experience and achievements in...
I'm working on a project for my BMW E60 and I need a professional with Arduino coding experience to help me with the programming. The project involves creating a remote start system that uses either the Nano 33BLE or an ESP with a CAN bus module. The system will also incorporate a fingerprint module and various other safety sensors. Key aspects of the project include: - All coding needs: This includes the coding for the remote start using the fingerprint module, the remote unlock functionality using BLE or standard Bluetooth, and the integration of the CAN bus and other safety sensors. - Focus on all elements: The coding assistance required will cover every aspect of the project, from the integration of the CAN bus module to the configuration of the BLE/standard Bluetooth for ...
...System Data Sources and Resources Resource Description Source NASA Worldview, EOSDIS Provides access to NASA’s Earth science data from satellite, aircraft, and field missions. NASA EOSDIS NASA Earth eXchange (NEX) Generates global downscaled climate projections (NEX-GDDP-CMIP6) and CONUS projections (NEX-DCP30-CMIP6), available from NASA and AWS. Produces ecosystem and carbon monitoring data from global geostationary satellites. Climate & Natural Resource Assessment - NASA NASA Global Climate Change (Vital Signs of the Planet) Provides data on global temperature, carbon dioxide levels, Arctic sea ice, sea level, and other critical climate indicators. NASA Global Climate Change NASA Go...
I'm seeking a skilled freelance Python developer for a short-term project. The primary task involves fixing bugs in our system. If the individual performs well, the project duration may extend. Key Responsibilities: - Identifying and fixing database-related bugs - Troubleshooti...freelance Python developer for a short-term project. The primary task involves fixing bugs in our system. If the individual performs well, the project duration may extend. Key Responsibilities: - Identifying and fixing database-related bugs - Troubleshooting and resolving backend bugs Ideal Candidate: - Strong proficiency in Python - Experience with Python Libraries, Postgres, Django, Heroku, and AWS - Ability to deliver high-quality code within tight deadlines - Good problem-solving skills and atte...
I'm looking for a skilled PCB designer to create a design for a smart LPG meter. This device needs to have several key functionalities, including gas level monitoring, leak detection, and usage data logging. The smart LPG meter will connect via Wi-Fi and will be powered by a bat...data logging. The smart LPG meter will connect via Wi-Fi and will be powered by a battery. Key Requirements: - Design a PCB that incorporates gas level monitoring, leak detection and usage data logging. - Ensure the design is suitable for a battery-powered device. - Include a Wi-Fi connectivity component in the design. Ideal Freelancer Skills: - Extensive experience in PCB design. - Knowledge of IoT device requirements. - Understanding of gas sensing technologies. - Experience with battery-operated ...
I'm using AWS. AWS sent me the following two messages: ===== We are sending this email to provide you with an update on Ubuntu 20 blueprint availability on Amazon Lightsail. The existing Ubuntu 20 blueprint will be reaching end of standard support on April 2, 2025 [1], and it will be removed from Lightsail on April 2, 2025. As a result, you will not be able to create new instances with this blueprint on Lightsail on or after April 2, 2025. This blueprint will also be removed from the response of Lightsail "get-blueprints" command in the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and corresponding Application Programming Interface (API). A list of your affected resources can be reviewed in the "Affected Resources" tab of your AWS Health Dashboa...
I'm looking for an expert who can set up a MITM (Man-in-the-Middle) configuration on AWS for the purpose of network security testing. Key Requirements: - Implement a Man-in-the-Middle proxy server on AWS - Configure the server to intercept and analyze HTTP/HTTPS traffic Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with AWS - Proficient in network security testing - Familiar with setting up MITM proxy servers
Potrzebuję stworzyć projekt do Arduino Nano gdzie poprzez RS485 będę odbierał 2 wartości z zakresu 0-100 używając Modbus RTU w trybie Slave. Mam kupione wszystkie potrzebne część ale potrzebuję do tego programu.
tengo un arduino uno con shield W5100 y esta en ethernet con su código para mover el servomotor que tiene tengo que entrar pára controlarlo remotamente a una dirección Internet como http;// y deseo entrar por MIT APP INVENT de forma que por medio flechas para girar izquierda ,derecha remotamente el servomotor
I'm looking for a skilled data engineer/ data scientist to create a web-based link for reporting that can be used by executives. This application should generate various crucial reports including: - Financial reports - Performance reports - Reso...data visualization features in the form of charts and graphs, dashboards, and interactive elements. Experience in creating similar web-based applications will be highly advantageous. This project is aimed at enhancing decision-making processes, so an understanding of executive needs in reporting is a plus. We are considering to use Power Bi for reporting and there is potential source data hosted at AWS SERVER. I would like to have technical roadmap on how we can achieve different reporting starting with the first version to use csv f...
...compatibility with all major browsers and devices. Interactivity: Add interactive components like sliders, carousels, or collapsible menus. Optimize JavaScript functionality for dynamic user engagement. Performance Optimization: Compress and optimize assets (e.g., images, scripts, and fonts). Ensure fast loading speeds and smooth performance. Deployment: Host the final project on a chosen platform (e.g., AWS, GitHub Pages). Set up basic SEO optimization. Additional Notes The inspiration files include assets such as banners, logos, and font files. If necessary, I can share access to the original assets or provide additional specifications. Please advise on any additional technologies or approaches that might enhance the project. Next Steps Let me know if you need clarification ...
I'm in the process of shifting my infrastructure from AWS/Docker to Azure/AKS and I require a seasoned DevOps professional to assist with this migration. Key Responsibilities: - Configuring Azure CLI - Deploying and managing AKS - Providing comprehensive support throughout the AWS to Azure migration process Primary Objective: - Achieving seamless, improved integration with Azure DevOps As part of this project, you'll be responsible for creating new Azure DevOps pipelines from scratch. Specifically, you'll need to establish: - Both build and release pipelines Your expertise will be critical in ensuring this transition is smooth and efficient, ultimately facilitating better integration with Azure DevOps. Required Skills: - Proficient in Azure CLI conf...
I want a person who is master in Arduino, Moisture/Humidity Sensor and Solenoid Valves of Pipes, In This project I want to integrate around 20 moisture sensor each connected to each plant and a reservoir containing water with a motor and solenoid valves leading to each plant using Arduino We can do like which plant needs water also this project should run on AC Current, when the level of water in reservoir is less it would send an alert to the user by beeping and close the motor for time being, just simple, This I want like for my home. Please if you make this it would be very kind of you because oftem I am not at home and my plants die due to lack of water
...full-time position based on performance. Key Responsibilities: - Architecting robust, scalable solutions. - Conducting code reviews to ensure quality and adherence to best practices. - Actively participating in code development. Ideal Candidate Should Have: - Proficiency in React JS and expertise in Next JS. - A proven track record in performance optimization and scalability. - Experience with AWS Cloud. You will be pivotal in driving our tech strategy and mentoring our junior developers. Your leadership skills will be just as important as your technical expertise. Please apply if you're ready to take on this exciting challenge. This requirement is for individuals ONLY. Candidates based in India ONLY. Full time availability needed, need to have around 8-9 years of experi...
I require a comprehensive system model based on a UAV-centered Industrial IoT environment. The model should emphasize: - Data collection and transmission: This is crucial for monitoring the efficiency and performance of the UAVs as well as the overall industrial operations. - Navigation and control: The model must provide a framework for the navigation and control of the UAVs in the industrial landscape. - Security and encryption: Given the nature of IoT, the model should incorporate robust security and encryption measures to protect data and maintain system integrity. The primary purpose of this system model is to facilitate: - Monitoring and surveillance: The model should help in tracking assets, overseeing operations, and ensuring safety within the industrial environmen...
I'm transitioning my infrastructure from AWS/Docker to Azure/AKS and require a seasoned DevOps professional to assist with this migration. Key Responsibilities: - Azure CLI configuration - AKS deployment and management - Comprehensive support throughout the migration process from AWS to Azure Primary Objective: - Achieve seamless, improved integration with various Azure services Required Skills: - Proficient in Azure CLI configuration - Experienced in AKS deployment and management - Demonstrated history of successful migration projects from AWS to Azure This migration aims to facilitate a better integration with other Azure services, specifically Azure DevOps, Azure Monitor, and Azure Active Directory. Your role will be crucial in ensuring this transition is ...
We need to setup multiple servers to balance the load of our server. We need server expert to do the setup and suggest configuration.
...team on project status and milestones. Skills Required: Proven expertise in the MERN stack (MongoDB, , React.js, Node.js). Previous experience in integrating PayHere or similar payment gateways. Strong understanding of frontend development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js). API development and integration for payment systems and other services. Familiarity with cloud platforms like AWS or Heroku for deployment. Excellent problem-solving skills and ability to work independently. Project Scope: Design and develop a fully functional e-commerce platform similar to Noon.com. Integration with PayHere for secure payment processing. Develop an admin panel for easy product and order management. Ensure mobile-first responsiveness and cross-device compatibility. Optimize the we...
...Demonstrated experience integrating and working with the Tuya IoT platform and API library. - Web Development Expertise: - Strong knowledge of frontend frameworks like React, Vue.js, or Angular. - Backend experience with technologies such as Node.js, Python (Django/Flask), or Ruby on Rails. - Familiarity with RESTful APIs and WebSocket protocols. - Smart Home Systems: Understanding of smart home ecosystems, particularly lighting devices, and their communication protocols. - UI/UX Design: Ability to enhance provided templates for an intuitive and visually appealing user experience. - Project Portfolio: Proven track record with examples of similar smart home or IoT projects. Preferred Qualifications: - Experience with other IoT platforms or device APIs. - Knowl...
I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) with an AI-driven Software as a Service (SaaS) dashboard. Key requirements: - The primar...Software as a Service (SaaS) dashboard. Key requirements: - The primary function of the AI will be conducting data analysis and predictive tasks. This will include interpreting operational data and utilizing Internet of Things (IoT) data. - The dashboard should be capable of real-time monitoring, analyzing historical trends, and facilitating comparative analysis. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in AI and data analysis - Extensive experience in developing SaaS platforms - Ability to create comprehensive, user-friendly dashboards - Familiarity with IoT data interpretation - Experience with real-t...
I'm in need of a service that can provide an image, a definition, and an example sentence for a significant number of words (more than 100). This is for the American Language Course, which is a book used to teach English to international military students. These words will be provided by me in sections. I have attached an PowerPoint example for section 7.1. Key Requirements: - Ability to source or create suitable images for each word. Any type of image is acceptable (stock images, custom illustrations, etc.) just as long as it appropriately represents the word. Preferably realistic. ChatGPT works. - Strong understanding of language to craft clear, concise definitions and example sentences. - Creativity and resourcefulness in finding or creating engaging and rel...
I'm looking for an engineer with experience in microcontrollers or Arduino to build a timer for an educational project. This timer should have the following functionalities: - Countdown Timer - Interval Timer The timer should use a Seven-segment display. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in electronics and programming, particularly with Arduino or similar microcontrollers. Experience with building educational tools or projects will be a plus.
I'm experiencing a deployment failure with m...experiencing a deployment failure with my Spring Boot application on AWS Lambda. The issue arises when I'm running the Lambda function, and I'm encountering a ClassNotFound exception for the handler class, despite the class file being present in the JAR. I need an expert who can: - Troubleshoot the deployment issue and find the root of the ClassNotFound exception. - Diagnose if there's a problem with the JAR or the Lambda configuration. - Provide solutions to successfully deploy and run the Spring Boot application on AWS Lambda. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with AWS Lambda and Spring Boot. - Proficiency in diagnosing and resolving deployment issues. - Familiarity with buildi...
I am seeking a professional or agency specializing in lead generation to target mid to small-sized corporations in the US for my tech company. Our offerings include GCP, GWS, Power BI, Power Platform, Office 365, AI, AWS, Azure, and Dynamics 365. Key Responsibilities: - Research Prospects and Verify Leads - Identify and generate valuable leads for companies in the US - Collect pertinent business details from each lead - Schedule the first demo call with a company Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in B2B lead generation, specifically targeting mid to small sized companies - Proficient in research and data collection - Familiarity with the tech industry is a plus We are open to working with a lead generation agency or an individual expert who can deliver qualified leads tailored to...
I need help converting exam papers in both PDF and DOC formats into a structured CSV file. The exam papers consist of multiple subjects and contain different types of questions, including multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and fill-in-the-blank questions. D...CSV. - Storage: - All cropped images need to be stored in an S3 bucket. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in using Tesseract OCR for text extraction. - Experienced in handling both PDF and DOC exam papers. - Skilled in using Python libraries such as OpenCV, Pillow for image processing. - Familiar with document parsing tools like PyPDF2, PDFMiner, python-docx. - Knowledgeable in using AWS SDKs for S3 storage. Goal: - A structured CSV file with all the question data. - All processed images successfully stored in an ...
I need a skilled Unity developer who can help me set up a Codecanyon app. The setup involves integration with Cashfree and PhonePe payment gateways, configuring a combin...can help me set up a Codecanyon app. The setup involves integration with Cashfree and PhonePe payment gateways, configuring a combination logo, linking to my website, and setting the server on AWS. Requirements: - Proficiency in Unity, with a portfolio of similar projects. - Experience with Codecanyon apps. - Knowledge in configuring payment gateways, specifically Cashfree and PhonePe. - Ability to design a combination logo, as per my specifications. - Familiarity with AWS for server setup. Ideal Skills: - Unity Development - Codecanyon Apps Configuration - Payment Gateway Integration - Logo Design - A...
Job Description: I’m purchasing a ready-to-use social media platform called Sngine (if you’re not familiar with it, you can search for it online). I need a developer who can: Customize the appearance and functionalities of Sngine. Deploy it on a VPS server. Integrate user storage with AWS or another cloud platform. Required Modifications: Repost Button: Add a "Repost" button on ak posts, allowing users to repost content to their profiles. Thread Feature: Implement a "Thread" option, similar to X (formerly Twitter), so users can connect their posts into threads. Home Page Tabs: Add "For You" and "Following" tabs: For You: Displays trending posts. Following: Shows posts from users they follow. Add two primary tabs in the top naviga...
Job Description: I’m purchasing a ready-to-use social media platform called Sngine (if you’re not familiar with it, you can search for it online). I need a developer who can: Customize the appearance and functionalities of Sngine. Deploy it on a VPS server. Integrate user storage with AWS or another cloud platform. Required Modifications: Repost Button: Add a "Repost" button on ak posts, allowing users to repost content to their profiles. Thread Feature: Implement a "Thread" option, similar to X (formerly Twitter), so users can connect their posts into threads. Home Page Tabs: Add "For You" and "Following" tabs: For You: Displays trending posts. Following: Shows posts from users they follow. Add two primary tabs in the top naviga...
...experienced professional to set up redirection for my domain oilandgasclub.com. The redirection should ensure that all traffic is rerouted to https and www, using a permanent 301 redirect. Key Requirements: - Implement a 301 (Permanent) redirect for all traffic to https and www. - Configure the Application Load Balancer (ALB) for this setup. - Knowledge of AWS Route 53 and Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) is crucial. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency with AWS services, particularly Route 53 and Application Load Balancer. - Strong understanding of domain redirection and load balancing. - Experience in setting up permanent redirect rules. This setup is critical for ensuring secure and consistent access to my website. Please only apply if you have the relevant experience and can demo...
I'm looking for a mobile app developer to create an application for monitoring data from a moisture sensor connected to an Arduino device. The app should be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. Key Features: - Monitor data from a moisture sensor in real time - Cross-platform compatibility (iOS and Android) Ideal Skills: - Proficient in mobile app development, particularly for iOS and Android - Prior experience working with Arduino and sensor data - Strong understanding of UI/UX for sensor monitoring applications
Job Summary We are seeking a talented and creative UX/UI Developer to design and build a modern, sleek website with voice-enabled chat functionality. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in user experience and interface design, a passion for crafting intuitive digital experiences, and a focus on responsiveness and accessibility. You will collaborate closely with me ...(WCAG) and best practices. Excellent problem-solving and communication skills. Preferred Skills Experience with conversational UI and voice interface design. Familiarity with backend technologies for seamless collaboration (e.g., Node.js, Python). Knowledge of modern animation libraries for interactive UI elements. Experience in deploying and managing web applications on cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, GCP, o...