在地教育类型微信公众号/视频号运维维护工作, 月度工作量: 设计:公众号排版模板设计,1篇,一年更换一次 视频类:脚本撰写+后期剪辑 4条 2-4分钟左右 后期剪辑 2条 1分钟左右 Chinese app:wechat Public accounts layout design Chinese short Video script writing + post editing 请携作品链接报价报名,期待合作!
...client developers on how to call the interface. Invitation System Function Description: Each user has an invitation code, formatted as a combination of 9 digits and uppercase and lowercase letters. If there is a duplicate invitation code in the database, it automatically regenerates. Both parties registering using the invitation code can receive membership duration rewards. Detailed Rules: First Installation and ID Entry: When a friend first installs the Wizard VPN and enters your ID, the recommendation is successful. Reward Mechanism: When the recommended friend purchases or receives membership from their referrer, the referrer will get a 20% reward (this value can be customized in the admin panel). Example: A recommends B, B recommends C. B purchases an annual membership, A get...
...直观显示公司团队成员的晋升、新成员、物业展示和交易,以及排名。 支付管理 实现合同签署、租金收取和费用管理的闭环管理。 租赁分析 实时监测租金率趋势、交易趋势和实时租金价格。 佣金管理 根据佣金政策自动计算合同净价和佣金金额,支持分层佣金和分阶段佣金支付,并生成账单。 费用收取和管理 根据系统设置自动提醒客户支付各种费用,并支持在线支付。 业务发展管理 包括业务发展、团队管理和代理管理模块。 代理管理 记录所有代理合作资源,并实施代理机构的数字化管理。 公用设施仪表读数 实现了水电抄表的移动数字化管理。 智能检测 移动智能检测,提高工作效率和服务质量。 投诉和维护 报告维修、投诉、建议和投票的功能,以增强服务能力。 调查和投票 在线调查和投票,以提高服务质量。 临时访客 为了安全和方便,游客可以通过临时二维码进入。 停车场管理 管理每月和临时停车计费和付款。 客户CRM 为租户实施精细化的CRM管理系统,包括各种客户信息的数字化。 租户分析 租户规模、行业、注册资本和注册年份的全面洞察分析。 客户管理 全面的租户客户管理系统,涵盖合同管理、费用提醒管理、租户标签和租户关怀。 考勤 打卡进出、外出考勤、考勤统计、指纹打卡、人脸识别打卡。 报告 日报、周报、月报、报表提醒和汇总统计。 会议室管理 会议室的管理和在线预订。 文件管理 在线文档和文件管理、共享文档管理和数字化。 车辆管理 车辆管理和预订。 批准 用于在线审批的自定义审批流程和模板。 智能提醒 丰富的合同到期、未付账单、逾期账单、物业维护和工单调度提醒。
1、建立客户派单CRM系统,通过CRM系统录入后的客户,派单后进入到公海池。(提前预埋出接口,方便用户注册,前期我们用CRM系统帮用户注册) 2、软件接到订单后,进行派单逻辑,正常派单逻辑库:录入的要灵活(有数据源回传的地方的按钮都要做出来),可以随时抽调我们软件内部的数据,最终得到一个分值会进行优先派单,其次派单,最后派单,拒绝派单。 3、工作结果反馈(图片、视频、文本),并提交推送至二级审核,二级审核确认无问题则提交给用户查看。 4、流单后,公海池随意抢单 5、客户提示前面的排队人数显示。 6、用户的评分体系。 开发原则: 1.功能模块化 2.可扩展性 3.参数化 4.用户界面友好 5.条件逻辑 开发用java或PHP,后期能长期合作者最佳,整体开发类型有对标。欢迎找我拿详细需求
因为我不是很清楚代码, 但是我有程序能提供给你方便查看了解,下手 更多详情请直接联系我,方便沟通,方便联系,内容不复杂。请DDD我
现有的CRM系统是使用HTML+PHP方式开发,前台主要框架angular.js,后台主要框架是Propel、slim等。 要做一些页面的修改和工单流程的修改。
kvs script 网站 视频格式 mp4转换m3u8. 自己报价,多了真的出不起,太多了直接换avs,avs有插件。大佬有兴趣感激不尽.
Here I have several trading ideas that need to be written into pine script and do the strategy test. Hence, I want someone can fully understand the pine script language and be able to communicate with me about my strategy by Chinese or English at least. 我目前手上有一些交易策略需要用Trading view 自带的pine script 录入进行回测。希望有熟悉Trading view 的朋友帮忙。 2 weeks
Development language is not required, the budget is 10,000 RMB, the price can be discussed Main function: The software uses the QQipad protocol to automatically exit the QQ discussion group (also called multi-person chat) Need to be green software without installation and direct operation, to minimize the background operation QQ exists in the discussion group will automatically retreat, must be seconds back Details: If the QQ of the login protocol is bound to the security device, you need to pop up the phone verification or QQ security center verification to ensure that you can log in and use normally. After the login is successful, the current status is displayed next to it, and then you can start and stop the button. After starting the run, the list of historical messages below...
网站用途:旅游行业网站,提供线路查询预订、酒店预订、伴游信息查询等服务。 开发语言:php 旅游网站+付费系统+CMS 网站所需功能: 用户注册 生成用户账号 支持社交网站(Facebook/Twitter)登录 在线支付 用户发表评论及反馈 用户可填写表格 用户论坛 多语言 全站搜索 用户博客/空间 购物车,订单管理,后台管理系统,会员中心,店铺,订单管理 ,客户管理(CRM),售后跟踪、搜索引擎优化(SEO)
1.会使用网络编程语言(Python,Java,Google script etc.)在制定的地方收集相应的数据 2.会数据库编程,并且有能力架设服务器,将收集到的数据存放 3.可以实施编程对数据库内的数据实施图形化展示 附件中是其中一个需求模型
在现有的主流微分销商城系统上做二次开发,针对客户管理、实体店铺、自媒体功能模块的开发,以及前端ui的视觉和交互的重构。 需要团队来完成,包括ui视觉、ui交互、小型进销存和商城的api对接、实体店铺佣金和调货的程序开发、自媒体功能与主流sns的api对接。
用现成的CRM 或ECOMMERCE 软件建立一个小项目市场为我所用。 详细线下交流。
食品盒存储管理 (IOS & Android) 1. 首次安装及打开APPS会要求用户注册或登入. 1.1. 用我司CRM API 2. APPS布局 2.1. APPS上面有主TOOLBAR(Home icon, Apps name, Search icon) 2.2. APPS主题Storage icon, Chart icon, Buying task icon, Setting icon 2.3. APPS左侧有滑出食物种类菜单 2.3.1. 大约2/7屏幕宽度, 颜色方块显示 2.3.2. 方块中上行大字显示该种类已存数量 2.3.3. 方块中下行小字显示该种类名称 2.3.4. 可自定颜色及增加食物种类 2.4. Storage 2.4.1. 左面食物种类菜单自动出现 2.4.2. 扫描我司食物盒上QRCODE(‘FS’+18位流水号)及扫描外购回来食物上BARCODE. 2.4.3. 用我司的API可查食物盒大小及颜色. 2.4.4. 用UPC API查出食物名称及细节. 如找不到就提示要用户输入. 2.4.5. 区块显示食物盒颜色大小及食物名称 2.4.6. 用户自己输入EXPIRE DAY. 2.4.7. 用户把该区块拖拉到左面的种类方块存入该种类. (该种类已存数量加1) 2.4.8. 单按种类方块可显示该种类存入名称, 日期及过期日等明细 2.4.9. 点明细可修改/删除, 或加入Buying Task 2.5. Chart 2.5.1. BarChart及PieChart图显示已存食物种类分布 (可选按年, 月, 全期) 2.6. Buying Task (购买任务) 2.6.1. 从2.4.9.加入 2.6.2. 显示要购买东西清单(名称及checkbo...
食品盒存储管理 (IOS & Android) 1. 首次安装及打开APPS会要求用户注册或登入. 1.1. 用我司CRM API 2. APPS布局 2.1. APPS上面有主TOOLBAR(Home icon, Apps name, Search icon) 2.2. APPS主题Storage icon, Chart icon, Buying task icon, Setting icon 2.3. APPS左侧有滑出食物种类菜单 2.3.1. 大约2/7屏幕宽度, 颜色方块显示 2.3.2. 方块中上行大字显示该种类已存数量 2.3.3. 方块中下行小字显示该种类名称 2.3.4. 可自定颜色及增加食物种类 2.4. Storage 2.4.1. 左面食物种类菜单自动出现 2.4.2. 扫描我司食物盒上QRCODE(‘FS’+18位流水号)及扫描外购回来食物上BARCODE. 2.4.3. 用我司的API可查食物盒大小及颜色. 2.4.4. 用UPC API查出食物名称及细节. 如找不到就提示要用户输入. 2.4.5. 区块显示食物盒颜色大小及食物名称 2.4.6. 用户自己输入EXPIRE DAY. 2.4.7. 用户把该区块拖拉到左面的种类方块存入该种类. (该种类已存数量加1) 2.4.8. 单按种类方块可显示该种类存入名称, 日期及过期日等明细 2.4.9. 点明细可修改/删除, 或加入Buying Task 2.5. Chart 2.5.1. BarChart及PieChart图显示已存食物种类分布 (可选按年, 月, 全期) 2.6. Buying Task (购买任务) 2.6.1. 从2.4.9.加入 2.6.2. 显示要购买东西清单(名称及checkbo...
创建网站 企业门户型网站 包含尽可能完备的功能点 JSP开发三层架构, 数据库使用mysql 应用服务器与数据库需要热备。 企业功能如CRM,EMAIL都需要考虑
有完整的产品需求文档和产品交互文档,以及全部前端psd文件,需要你这边使用apicloud开发(如果有更好的也可以,中国打开速度快),同时通过JSON集成一个远程的CRM提供的会员数据。 app 部分功能和交互参考: ,有拖拽服务项目到清单功能和拖动调整预约日程管理两个技术细节。
在Wordpress The7模板基础下完成下述要求. 修改一些商城界面和功能. 需求详情: 按产品分类和目录美化产品介绍(约20件商品).(50%) 制作滑动方式拖动物品属性并且变化价格的功能与界面.(25%) 增加一个在线支持的模块.(10%) 增加一个CRM的模块.(15%) 如有兴趣请加 [Removed by Freelancer.com Admin]
修复现有的系统Bug,调整业务逻辑,开发新功能。 现有一个基于的CRM系统,存在部分Bug需要修复,个别功能调整以及新需求开发
...excerpt Navigation and Category Headers banners. Unique search design function Google font installation with fonts of my choice Decorative blog post title, date and time Revisions until I am satisfied with the design PSD layered source files as I need to also have a forum designed with the same theme. Must be installed Budget is HK$2,500 (USD300), any bids exceeding that will be ignored. I will not release any milestone payments until I see the design and am 100% happy with it. I will not create a milestone payment more then $150 that will be released when I am happy with the design and I have the PSD source files. Once I am happy I will create another milestone payment before installation. Once installed and everything is functioning properly I will releas...
I'm seeking a Python expert to develop a script for testing my Android mobile app. The script should specifically focus on evaluating the app's functionality and performance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Python with a focus on mobile app development/testing - Prior experience with Android app testing - Ability to create scripts that accurately assess app functionality and performance - Understanding of mobile app testing best practices and methodologies - Ability to deliver thorough and detailed test results
Hello I am looking for someone that is able to set up and customize suitecrm or any other CRM on a server. I am interesting in a few things when it comes to customization. 1. It needs to be able to hold data of around 1000 participants data such as (names, phone number, address, legal id number which is 13 digits), the activities they had participated in and the date they had participated in ( a participant will go over all the activities at some point but they will be in different dates), 2. A calendar that contains all the activities planned for the following month/months for each team member ( the activities and schedule can be deducted from what I mentioned previously, each expert has let's say 20 unique activities only they can do) as well as a way to track what activi...
I'm in need of a video editor who can efficiently edit minimalistic style videos for an AI-generated content channel. I'll provide the script, voiceover, and images - your task will be to edit these 10-minute videos and, ideally, animate the images using AI. Key Responsibilities: - Edit provided scripts, voiceovers, and images into 10-minutes videos - Potentially animate images using AI Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in minimalistic video editing - Experience with AI image animation - Ability to deliver quickly Please note: - A faster turnaround is preferred - Background music will be supplied by me
I'm lookin...Policies Having problems with Access Tokens and Verification Login etc. User roles and permissions in the app are limited to Admins and Users. The app also needs to interact with various third-party services via Microsoft Entra ID, including CRM Systems, Cloud Storage Services, and Email Services. An ideal candidate for this project should have a strong background in: - iOS app development - Integrating Microsoft Entra ID authentication - Implementing SSO, MFA, and Conditional Access Policies - Managing user roles and permissions - Integrating with CRM systems, Cloud Storage Services, and Email Services. Previous experience with enterprise-level application development will be a significant plus. Please provide examples of similar projects you've ...
I'm seeking a WordPress developer who can create a plugin or ...through the site. Design Elements: - While I haven't specified particular design elements from WhatClinic, the final product should closely mirror the functional and interactive aspects of the site. Integrations: - Currently, there are no specified third-party integrations. However, the site should be built with future scalability in mind, allowing for easy integration with Payment Gateways, CRM systems, or Email Marketing tools if needed. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with WordPress development and plugin creation. - Proven track record of replicating complex sites. - Strong communication skills for technical explanations. - Experience with implementing search, rating, and booking s...
I'm seeking an AWS expert to develop a system capable of downloading files daily via HTTP. The system should utilize AWS Lambda for its implementation so multiple files can be downloaded at the same time. The files are HLS video streams and comprise .m3u8, .ts and .webvtt file types. The download urls are stored in an RDS database table, comprising 6m+ rows. We think a script could be written in PHP that submits URL(s) to an SNS queue, which is then connected to Lambda; but we are open to any AWS based arcitecture. The key objective is to download the 6m+ files as quickly as possible, ideally, within 24 hours. The files do not need to be stored. The purpose of this system is to pre-cache the content on a 3rd-party CDN by making an HTTP request for each file each 24 hours (or ...
... scrolling, and navigating web pages. It shall be able to execute that tasks not only on the browser but also other desktop applications. • Adapt to different starting points (e.g., desktop or specific application) using the provided image input. • Dynamically update the action plan if a step produces unexpected results (e.g., previous step led to unwanted state or dead-end). • In case that script hangs and can't find reliable next step, shall pause the exeuction, ask user for the input (e.g. go to correct page) and then resume execution. However it shouldn't be overused and treated as last resort. 3. Input Handling • Accept and interpret plain text instructions. • Analyze a starting screenshot to identify key visual elements such as browse...
I'm in need of a script that can help create a framework for plotting stock tickers. The framework should be versatile enough to plot multiple variables such as the original ticker, technical indicators, the ticker adjusted for CPI, and more. Also integration with the python library , it is a free library available, the microproject request is for a integration between the back-testing and the plotting using the previously spoken tickers data manipulation (CPI - project) Key requirements include: - The ability to create interactive charts - Incorporating a variety of technical indicators like Moving Averages, Relative Strength Index (RSI), Bollinger Bands, and customizable technical indicators - Utilizing both local and online data sources Customization options should be ava...
Scope of Engagement Design Task Overview - I need to transform this office space into a more elegant space us...project information, project name, address. Page 2 Current floor plan void of furniture with dimensions named Existing Layout Page 3 Demolition Page 4 Architectural with material schedule Page 5 Millwork (cabinetry) with material schedule Page 6 Plumbing with materials scheduled Page 7 Electrical with lighting and data cabinet schedule Page 8 Furniture Page 9 3D views Page 10 Include details or installation instructions from manufacturer this may be as many pages as necessary. I need the product in Adobe with an Auto Cad file and a 3D illustration fly through photos Deliver dates Sheet 4 with material list Jan 24th Complete package January 27 If you need more information c...
I have a web application built using Angular which is encountering a MIME type issue. The error message is: "Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript module script but the server responded with a MIME type of "text/html". Strict MIME type checking is enforced for module scripts per HTML spec."
AI Developer Needed to Create a Script-to-Song System Using TV Show Scripts and Video Clips Please take a look at this example video to get an idea of the style we’re aiming for: Description: We are seeking an experienced AI developer to build a unique system that can take full-length episodes of The Sopranos (or any TV show with available transcripts/subtitles) and create a musical song by extracting iconic lines, making them rhyme, and stitching together video clips from the show. The system should automatically perform the following steps: Key Requirements: Transcript and Subtitle Extraction: The system needs to process video episodes of The Sopranos and extract corresponding dialogue from subtitle files or generate it through speech-to-text
...with per-view revenue tracking. Set up in-app purchases for Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Build and customize a Zoho CRM system for managing user accounts and payments. Conduct full system testing, bug fixes, and performance optimization. Skills Required: Scalable Architecture: Laravel (PHP), MySQL with a focus on SEO optimization and revenue generation. Front-End Development: React, Vue.js, or Angular. Mobile App Development: Swift (iOS), Kotlin/Java (Android). Payment Integration: Stripe API, PayPal, in-app purchases for iOS and Android. Live Streaming Solutions: WebRTC, Agora, Mux integration. Map APIs: Google Maps API or Mapbox. CRM Expertise: Zoho CRM customization and setup. SEO Expertise: Advanced SEO optimization for both website and apps. Budget &a...
Project Details We are seeking a skilled and detail-oriented CRM Database Administrator to create and optimize our custom Airtable-based CRM with integrated mail management, payment processing, and file handling capabilities. This system will be designed to streamline customer communications, mail handling, and payment management. The ideal candidate will have experience with Airtable, Stripe, and mobile-first design, with a focus on usability and efficient integration. The candidate must also be able to work within an expedited timeline, with 10 days for system testing and 15 days for delivery of a fully workable version of the system. Client Information Management - The database should store essential client details including contact information, purchase history and com...
I'm looking for an ODOO CRM expert to conduct live online training sessions for a group of beginners. The training should cover: - Basic navigation and features of ODOO CRM - Customer management workflows - Setting up and customizing pipelines The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience with ODOO CRM, particularly in teaching beginners. Excellent communication skills and previous experience conducting live online sessions are also key.
I need assistance with importing our sales leads from an Excel file into our CRM system, Recman. Key Requirements: - The Excel file is stored on Drive and needs to be accessed, processed and imported. - The specific data fields to be imported include: Contact information, Lead source, and Sales history. - No specific data transformation or mapping is required, the data can be imported as is. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in handling Excel files, particularly in a Drive environment. - Familiarity with Recman CRM is a plus. - Good attention to detail to ensure all relevant data fields are correctly imported.
Project Description The goal is to transform an existing script that uses Google Documents AI to extract invoice data into a complete system that manages the data in a relational database and provides an interactive web interface for managing and viewing this data. Additionally, the system should allow user management with specific functionalities for assigning and managing invoices. Project Requirements 1. Data Migration Modify the current Python script to insert data directly into a relational database (e.g., PostgreSQL or MySQL) instead of exporting it to a CSV file. 2. Database Design a database to store: Invoice Data: Invoice number, date, amount, client, supplier, details, etc. Users: Name, email, password (encrypted), roles (admin/user), and assigned root folder. Me...
I'm seeking an expert in AI automation capable of enhancing our business processes. The primary focus will be tec...automation capable of enhancing our business processes. The primary focus will be tech stack integration to streamline our operations. Key Responsibilities: - Automate processes primarily centered around our CRM system and Marketing software. - Utilize tools like Ai, ChatGPT, Make, Latenode, TypeForm, and to create seamless integrations and automations. - Enhance efficiency by reducing manual tasks and improving overall workflow. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in AI automation and process optimization. - Proficiency in using mentioned tools and platforms. - Excellent understanding of CRM and Marketing software. - Strong problem-solving skills and atte...
I'm seeking a talented content creator with a knack for writing engaging video scripts. These scripts will be tailored for my social media platforms - Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in crafting compelling video scripts - Understanding of different social media platforms - Ability to create content that resonates with a diverse audience Experience: - Prior experience with content creation for social media is highly desirable. - A portfolio of video scripts or social media content is a plus. I look forward to reviewing your proposals.
python automation to generate data from website using API
I'm looking for a Pine Script developer to help me create an indicator for the Nifty 50 that checks for both bullish and bearish divergences between stock prices and option prices. I have the algorithm and formulas ready; I just need a coder to implement it. The task isn't complex, but it does require a solid understanding of Pine Script and experience with the Indian stock market. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a Pine Script based on provided algorithms/formulas - Create an indicator to detect both bullish and bearish divergences - Ensure the indicator checks divergence in the stock prices and option prices Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Pine Script - Knowledgeable in the Indian Stock Market, specifically Nifty 50 - Experience in creating stock mar...
We need a small project done, to help our dev team as they're busy. Task is to make a Java EE tool that processes a CSV file with "Name" and "phone number" columns. For each record, it will: 1. Make an API call to Elevenlabs' text-to-MP3 service to synthesize a one-minute voice file with a script including the "Name". 2. Send the generated MP3 file to the corresponding phone number via Slybroadcast's API. You need to have previous experience with Java Spring Boot and API integrations, particularly with audio synthesis and telephony APIs. Key Tasks: - Read and process a provided sample CSV file. - Make API calls to Elevenlabs and Slybroadcast. - Handle phone numbers in local format without country code. I've got accounts for bot...
I am seeking a professional with a strong background in API integration to help synchronize data across multiple platforms. The main goal of this project is to ensure seamless data synchronization across our CRM system, E-commerce platform, and Accounting software using existing APIs only. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with API integration - Proven track record of data synchronization projects - Familiarity with CRM systems, E-commerce platforms, and Accounting software - Ability to troubleshoot and ensure smooth integration
I'm seeking a seasoned Python programmer to enhance my current Python automation script. The automation is currently running on my local machine. Key Requirements: - Performance optimization: The script needs to run more efficiently. - New features: I have a few ideas for new features to add, but I would appreciate your input as a Python expert. - Bug fixes: There are a few bugs that need to be addressed. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Python programming - Strong problem-solving skills for debugging - Ability to optimize performance - Creative thinking for suggesting and implementing new features