...Insights Understanding platform rules: Guidelines for content creation Policies on ads and monetization Algorithm insights: How content algorithms work (e.g., TikTok's recommendation system) Tips for leveraging algorithms to increase visibility Regional differences in platform rules and strategies for adaptation Phase 3: Industry Selection and Audience Analysis Identifying lucrative industries: E-commerce, education, entertainment, travel, etc. Understanding audience segmentation: Age, gender, interests, and regional preferences Market analysis tools for selecting industries and niches Phase 4: Content Planning and Execution The content creation lifecycle: Topic research Scriptwriting and visual storyboarding Filming and editing best practices Essentials for platform-spec...
...Insights Understanding platform rules: Guidelines for content creation Policies on ads and monetization Algorithm insights: How content algorithms work (e.g., TikTok's recommendation system) Tips for leveraging algorithms to increase visibility Regional differences in platform rules and strategies for adaptation Phase 3: Industry Selection and Audience Analysis Identifying lucrative industries: E-commerce, education, entertainment, travel, etc. Understanding audience segmentation: Age, gender, interests, and regional preferences Market analysis tools for selecting industries and niches Phase 4: Content Planning and Execution The content creation lifecycle: Topic research Scriptwriting and visual storyboarding Filming and editing best practices Essentials for platform-spec...
1:软件可以同时在安卓、苹果的手机上运行。 2:软件可以同时抢4个平台的订单,这4个平台分别是:高德(这个网约车平台的防作弊系统比较高,要规避掉,抢单原则是谁快谁优先)、哈啰(这个网约车平台需要多名司机同时竞争一个单子,我希望我的用户能在PK中胜出)、滴滴(谁快谁优先)、嘀嗒(谁快谁优先) 3:司机可以设置网约车订单的条件:时间、起点、终点、人数、金额、订单的性质(拼车、舒适拼、独享) 4:每个新用户可以试用一天。一天后软件的功能需要付费使用。 5:软件按照每周收费,具体费用我可以在后台添加。 6,我可以在后台一键清除交易数据,和其他数据。 The software should support multiple platform types, including e-commerce, social media, and others.
我們已經準備好網站首頁的內容,需要先進行首頁的設計,內容是一個顧問咨詢服務的網站(有購物車功能,兩種語言,大約5-8頁),設計的元素想融入了cyber和NFT等新潮的元素在網站設計裡面,請務必有兩個報價: 第一就是光是設計,需要給設計稿AI和preview我們先過目的,且不能顯示有任何貴公司的名字或者資料在上面,首頁我們預算最多一頁HKD$300以內,內容頁最多預算HKD$50每頁。 第二是設計連網站一齊製作的總費用,請另外報價,其中要求如下: 1. 必須懂廣東話, 用中文溝通 2. 能用whatsapp與香港時間同步溝通 3. 工作耐心認真負責 4. 建設wordpress網站,按給予的模板仿製 5. 中英兩種語言 6. woo-commerce購物車及會員系統 7. 設計首頁的時間為最多1-2天,整個網站設計不超過4天 8. 網站必須包含電腦版與手機版 9. 支付方式是銀行轉賬(直接展示銀行號碼)及展示payme 二維碼,及paypal 10. 如客人有需要後台training ,需要教客人使用簡單後台及培訓(on line) 11. 包含整套網站遷移、服務器設置(客人自行購買服務器)、域名指向等全套服務
... Japanese Guesthouse Platform and E-commerce Customer Service Job Requirements: 1:Work 8 hours a day, with working hours from 14:00 to 20:00 Beijing time. 2:Chinese is required during work (can speak and write), and we will use Chinese for project communication. Fluent in English and Japanese (Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 2 or above). Project communication will be 3:Looking for individuals interested in long-term collaboration. Job Responsibilities: 1:Respond to inquiries from guests on the guesthouse platform within 5 minutes after receiving the question.: 2:Organize and report new orders on the guesthouse platform. 3:Answer phone calls from customers (we will provide a Japan IP phone).: 4:Provide customer service for the e-commerce platform. Working ...
1. 必須懂廣東話 2. 能用whatsapp與香港時間同步溝通 3. 工作耐心認真負責 4. 建設wordpress網站,按給予的模板仿製 5. 中英兩種語言 6. woo-commerce購物車及會員系統 7. 預計工作時間為3-4日 8. 必須包含電腦版與手機版 9. 支付方式是銀行轉賬(直接展示銀行號碼)及展示payme 二維碼,及paypal 10. 如客人有需要後台training ,需要教客人使用簡單後台及培訓(on line) 11. 包含網站遷移、服務器設置(客人自行購買服務器)、域名指向等全套服務 12. 內頁會找類似樣板,請模仿並建議更漂亮的形式進行製作,而不會提供首頁設計 13. 首頁已經設計好,並會提供AI文檔 14. 提供購買服務器建議及協助版面設置等 15. 整個項目完成預算大約HKD 1800
英国成熟品牌,利基市场领导者,今年年初进入中国市场。我们现在寻找做健身/健康群体及母婴市场营销的自由职业者。这个项目的核心目的是拓展KOC/KOL网络,找营销机会,进行推广,还有理顺并优化营销语言。我们在寻找一到两位社交媒体专家协助两个不同产品的工作(可以分开进行):1、健康饮料;2、婴儿辅食油。 Please refer to the Chinese for content.
This role requires a native Chinese. Looking for someone has experience in writing content, articles, blogs, ads copy, event promotion copy for a long-term project discussing cross-border e-commerce business, DTC brands, Amazon, aliexpress and shopify business etc. Job will be paid by hours and the expected deliverables are bi- weekly with 1 original posts; sometimes I will need some event promotion articles and will inform you one week before the delivery. Marketing knowledge and SEO skill will be huge plus. The writing style guideline will be provided to you and here is the content hub for your reference: Looking forward to your interest! 工作内容: - 负责撰写相关企业品牌传播软文及线上线下活动稿件及媒体广告文字,涉及内容采集、优化、整理和原创撰写。 - 了解跨境电商例如亚马逊、速卖通、aliexpress等,负责撰写跨境电商行业热点、公司产品、大事记相关文章。主要内容产出方向为跨境电商行业+独立站运营...
احتاج اسوي literature reviews للمشروع تبعي
- With a Performance Marketing background - SEM background would be a plus - E-Commerce experience with a minimum 7 figure budget - Very Analytical - Self motivated ans self driven _____________________________ 【品牌介绍】 Furbo狗狗摄像机是一个国际化的宠物科技品牌,结合各领域的菁英及创业家们,运用最先进的技术-IoT物联网、AI人工智慧、云端大数据等,致力于带给全世界宠物饲主源源不绝的欢乐与创新! Furbo已热销超过五十个国家并成为宠物摄像机中销量第一的品牌,我们持续开发世界级的产品并积极拓展中国市场,Furbo于2019年8月开设天猫国际海外旗舰店,因而决定扩大延揽拥有企图心广告投手,与我们一同透过创新改变宠物与主人的生活。 【工作内容】 以专案方式合作。不需要到办公室,可远端线上办公。 针对直通车、超级推荐、钻石展位、品销宝广告能独立根据账户历史数据做出有效的数据分析,并根据投放效果实时调整优化策略,包括人群策略、关键词策略、推品策略和广告素材优化策略;并达到品牌方定的目标 (包含但并不限于 CTR、ATCR、OCR、CPA、ROAS…等),需要提供周报表和报告,并随时与品牌方沟通现况与优化方式。 【招聘条件】 1. 熟练掌握阿里妈妈(直、超、钻、品)投放系统和后台优化逻辑,至少2年以上系统操作经验。会结合阿里其他后台工具分析数据 (因为站内工具与规则不断更新,所以要求近2年都还要有投放经验才可) 2. 操作过业绩1000万以上/年的品牌,且投放金额100...
你好,我在加拿大魁北克。目前我公司需要建立一个电商网站支持多供应商和多语种。目前计划利用WordPress和woo commerce搭建。由于是第一次和你们合作。我可能先请你们搭建一个简单的4页左右的公司介绍网站。请先对这个简单网站报价。谢谢。
我们是经营家具的公司,经营电商平台,想要拍摄一段几分钟的宣传视频发布到Facebook 和 youtube 等一些平台,产品为办公转椅。 _______________________________________________ We are a furniture company that operates an e-commerce platform and wants to shoot a few minutes of promotional videos to be posted on Facebook and youtube. The products are office swivel chairs.
We run an e-commerce website, and now we want to find a big cow with experience in information security to do system security work for us. Need to have experience in website penetration testing. The freelancer should be an information security practitioner 我们经营着一个电商网站,现在我们想寻找一名在信息安全方面有经验的大牛为我们做系统安全工作。需要有网站渗透测试经验。
重启linode以后前端页面显示ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT, 修改过文件,但是都没有用. 里面内容模板都已经完成, 只需将页面重新上线可访问即可. 可以的话微信联系我: anbbvv.
重启linode以后前端页面显示ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT, 修改过文件,但是都没有用. 里面内容模板都已经完成, 只需将页面重新上线可访问即可. 可以的话微信联系我: anbbvv.
我们网站 建站时间是 2013年, 现在网站的域名还是在美国那边, 目前服务器是在阿里云这边 网站是基于WORDPRESS 和 WOO-COMMERCE 网站访问速度真的一般, 中间找过两组人做过一些定制, 但是效果都不是很理想,然后速度也没有看到快很多。 现在的诉求: 在目前基础上修改, 加入新的元素: 或者购买全新的主题进行建站, 摒弃所有的旧元素 有几点要求: 1. 整个网站的编排都是英文 2. 网站必须能够自适应, 随着屏幕的大小变化 3. 对于 有独特产品属性,比方说 对屏幕大小, 还有 CPU 配置,或者硬盘, 说白了就是一个产品有多少属性选择,需要在屏幕上顾客可以多选, 样式 参见: https://www.amazon.com/Apple-iMac-MK142LL-21-5-Inch-Desktop/dp/B01M5AOYUG/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1480081131&sr=8-2&keywords=imac&th=1 4. 这个主题是我们喜欢的类型, 需要修改的地方如下: (1)图片要缩小到整个页面宽度的1/3 (2) 产品的导航栏要放到 产品的图片上面,用户可以知道自己在哪个产品归类的下面 (3)结账页面参见小米官网, 可以添加多个送货地址, 移除默认主题的BILLING ADDRESS (4)可以让客户直接微信付款, 微信的连接方式我们可以稍后讨论 (5)连接我们的国际信用卡付款插件,这个可以允许客户直接用信用卡付款:
我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作I need to develop a server based on websocket.'
Hello. We need someone to translate a Japanese description into Chinese. This is Product Description of Japanese Electronics that will be used on our E-Commerce site. Therefore, anyone who can write Marketing, Advertising, Sells Writing, and promise to keep this project secret is welcomed. 你好。 我们需要自由工作者把产品说明从日语翻译成汉语。 需要进行翻译的是我们即将在自己的网店使用的日本电子产品说明。 我们欢迎所有擅长营销写作,广告写作,宣传写作,并且保证不向第三方透露工作内容的自由职业者!
我们有二台VPS服务器, Liunx server: ,和windows server: 请注意我们没有其它的任何信息。 如果你或你的朋友能够找到漏洞通过RDP登陆到Windows server:, 或通过ssh连接到Linux server: 他们中的一个, 如果你能够登陆, 请报价。 Thanks!
我们需要对比评估电商系统帮助我们的网店、微信商城、以及未来20个门店展开业务。需要你对比ShopEX, ECShop, V5Shop,Magento,HiSjop, IBM Websphere Commerce, Oracle 等等方案的性价比。这个价格, 是长期成本TCO.
我们需要创建一个支持支付宝的服饰类电子商务网站 We need to create a apparel e-commerce site that support Alipay
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Build a server side website'
我需要将drupal commerce kickstart 2 的网站扩展,增加优惠卷功能进行促销活动。能做的朋友联系我
已经注册网址为:,因此域名前的Blue与母公司一致;ECE为三个单词的缩写:cloudy/cluster electric commerce,因此需要在ECE上做文章。 中文名称为:蓝标电商。 我们的定位:蓝标电商定位于电商综合服务商,即为品牌提供包括策略、创意、传播、营销在内的集群化服务。 蓝标电商的核心竞争力包括:协助传统产业完成互联网化改造;推进全球产品的本土化进程;架构“大电商”概念,并形成新的新定义模式、定价模型。 蓝标电商品牌形象关键词:价值提升、创新、时效 logo元素:主色调为蓝色,希望是较为明亮,如皇家蓝。可加入一些橙色,表达年轻充满活力。 形象上紧扣“电商”、“互联网”概念。 logo中需要中英文都出现,不要过于激进。
已经注册网址为:,因此域名前的Blue与母公司一致;ECE为三个单词的缩写:cloudy/cluster electric commerce,因此需要在ECE上做文章。 中文名称为:蓝标电商。 我们的定位:蓝标电商定位于电商综合服务商,即为品牌提供包括策略、创意、传播、营销在内的集群化服务。 蓝标电商的核心竞争力包括:协助传统产业完成互联网化改造;推进全球产品的本土化进程;架构“大电商”概念,并形成新的新定义模式、定价模型。 蓝标电商品牌形象关键词:价值提升、创新、时效 logo元素:主色调为蓝色,希望是较为明亮,如皇家蓝。可加入一些橙色,表达年轻充满活力。 形象上紧扣“电商”、“互联网”概念。 logo中需要中英文都出现,不要过于激进。
...Likes should not disappear automatically. However 1% to 2 % likes plus minus is acceptable. When bidding please remember the following Point: • Please provide what techniques you will use to generate LIKES • You are bidding on my payment terms As my Facebook page is regarding Online Shopping (clothing & Accessories), so I shall prefer maximum number of likes should come from Pakistan E-commerce buyers. Note: I have more work which I shall give on successful completion of this project....
I’m dealing with a few issues on my VPS email server managed via WHM/cPanel. The primary problem seems to be DNS misconfigurations, but I also need assistance with frozen emails and ensuring the server's security against unauthorized login attempts. Tasks: - Troubleshoot and fix DNS records (A, MX, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, etc.) - Resolve frozen emails and restore normal mail flow - Secure the server from potential threats - Test and verify functionality of email sending/receiving Requirements: - Proven experience with WHM/cPanel and Exim/Dovecot - Deep understanding of DNS configurations - Strong troubleshooting and server security skills I made recent changes to my DNS settings on OVH, which might have contributed to these issues.
I'm seeking a skilled writer to create engaging and insightful product review articles in the technology sector. Your responsibilities will include: - Writing comprehensive product reviews based on provided guidelines. - Conducting necessary research to ensure accuracy and depth. - Meeting deadlines consistently. Ideal candidates will have: - A strong background in technology. - Proven experience in writing product reviews. - Excellent research skills. Let's create compelling tech product reviews together!
I need to move my website from Wix to WordPress. I opened a real estate school. The primary reason for this migration ...real estate school. The primary reason for this migration is to add more functionalities to my site. Specifically, I want to implement course and payment functions, as well as integrate Stripe as the preferred payment gateway. Thousands of plugins to integrate LMS (like LearnDash or Tutor LMS), payment systems, and marketing tools. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in WordPress and e-commerce integration - Experience with course-related plugins and payment gateways, particularly Stripe - Strong understanding of web design and functionality enhancement - Good knowledge of Wix platform for an efficient migration - SEO expertise would be appreciated but not...
I'm looking for an experienced web developer to create an e-commerce website for my product line, Drink Bombs. The website should primarily serve the purpose of selling these unique drink accessories. Key Requirements: - The website should feature the sale of individual drink bombs as well as bundles. - I want the product display to be in a grid layout. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in e-commerce website development. - Proficiency in creating user-friendly, visually appealing grid layouts. - Experience in developing websites for selling physical products, preferably accessories. Your expertise will help introduce and sell Drink Bombs to a wider audience.
I'm looking for a professional and corporate style website to sell an automated trading bot. The primary goal of the site is to driv...interface that reflects a professional and corporate style - Implement SEO best practices to boost visibility - Include secure payment options and a seamless checkout process The website should consist of the following pages: - Home - About Us - Contact Us - Free Trial - FAQ - Testimonials Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in designing corporate websites - Strong understanding of e-commerce site requirements - Excellent content creation and SEO skills - Familiarity with secure payment gateway implementation - Prior experience with tech product websites is a plus. Please provide examples of similar projects you've complet...
...focused on facilitating online bookings for tour packages. The site needs to be user-friendly, secure, and highly responsive. Key Features: - Showcase of various tour packages with detailed itinerary information, pricing, customer reviews, destination information, and activity details. - An inquiry form for potential customers to ask questions about specific tours. - A system for variable/tiered pricing based on different factors or customer segments. - Integration of discounts and coupons to incentivize bookings. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in e-commerce website development, particularly in the travel industry. - Strong ability in creating user-friendly interfaces and secure payment systems. - Skills in integrating customer review systems and inquiry forms into th...
I need a dedicated professional to manage my Amazon store. The tasks will include: - Listing new products: I have a steady stream of products from suppliers, including images, pricing, and specifications. - Ads Cam...products: I have a steady stream of products from suppliers, including images, pricing, and specifications. - Ads Campaign management: Your primary goal will be to increase sales through effective ad campaigns. - Account health management: Keeping the account in good standing is crucial. All aspects of the management are equally important and need your utmost attention. Skills and experience in e-commerce, particularly Amazon store management, are essential. Proficiency in digital marketing and understanding of Amazon's account health parameters will be a signifi...
I'm looking for an experienced web designer to create a classic and elegant E-commerce site for me. The primary purpose of this site is to showcase my products in a sophisticated manner to potential buyers. Key Requirements: - Design a user-friendly, visually appealing classic and elegant E-commerce site - Showcase the products in a sophisticated manner - Prior experience in designing E-commerce sites is a must - Expertise in classic and elegant design styles Ideal Skills: - E-commerce website design - Classic and elegant design - User experience (UX) design - Visual design - Web development knowledge
We need a custom solution to import/export customer group prices. Develop a script, and implement it into our Big Commerce Store (in Python, PHP, or another language) that: Exports the price lists from the various customer groups so we can modify the prices, then import it again. (Modifies customer group prices.) Re-uploads the updated pricing.I need to be able to export my customer groups so we can change the prices easily, and then re-import them. We are on a Big Commerce PLUS plan, I do not want to upgrade to get this feature.
My main website has crashed today, consuming 100% of both disk and CPU resources. It's hosted on a VPS using WHM. I'm in need of a server expert familiar with WHM, cPanel, PHP, and WordPress to diagnose and resolve these issues urgently. No recent changes were made on the server and fortunately, I have access to both WHM and cPanel. There are currently no specific error messages or logs indicating issues, making this task a bit more challenging. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in server management, particularly WHM and cPanel - Strong background in PHP and WordPress - Excellent troubleshooting and optimization skills - Ability to work under pressure and provide a swift resolution.
I'm seeking an experienced digital marketer to run ads on TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram, specifically targeting the 35-44 age group in Germany and the UK. The main objective is to generate leads and sales for my physical products. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proven track record in e-commerce advertising, particularly for physical products. - Proficiency in creating engaging content tailored for the 35-44 demographic. - Extensive experience with ad platforms on TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram. - Strong analytical skills to track, measure, and optimize ad performance. Please provide examples of previous campaigns you've successfully managed.
...accounts. 3. Ecommerce Platform: Online Store: Users can purchase items from categories like trending, best sellers, and on-sale products. Each product includes detailed descriptions, pricing, ratings, and user feedback. Shopping Cart and Checkout: A cart system with a streamlined checkout process. Users can redeem coins for purchases. Feedback System: Only buyers can leave product ratings and reviews. 4. Streaming Integration: Integration with platforms like Twitch, YouTube Gaming, and Facebook Gaming. Streamers can showcase live streams directly on their profiles, and promotional features will allow streams to appear on the platform’s homepage. 5. Gaming Experience Platform: User Interests: Users can specify gaming preferences, link game accounts, and showcase stats. M...
I'm in need of a professional web developer to help me build a website. The specifics of the project, including the main purpose of the site, design style and required pages, are yet to be determined, as I have skipped these questions. Ideal skills for this job: - Proficiency in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Experience with e-commerce platforms (if that becomes a need) - Strong understanding of SEO principles - Ability to create modern, clean, classic or colorful designs based on client's needs - Excellent communication skills for discussing project specifics and updates.
...join my team for the development of a modern, fully-responsive e-commerce website. The project will involve building a feature-rich platform that offers seamless user experiences, dynamic product displays, secure payment integration, and high performance. Key Features: - Comprehensive user account management - Advanced product search and filtering - Efficient order tracking system - Interactive Cart & Wishlist - Comprehensive Refund Process - Secure Payment Gateways Integrations This is a unique opportunity to contribute to an innovative e-commerce platform that will serve customers across multiple regions. The ideal candidate should have strong technical expertise in Angular, as well as substantial experience working on e-commerce websites or similar projects...
I'm looking for someone to prepare moderately detailed reviews for a business school, with the primary purpose being to provide feedback to the faculty. The reviews should cover the following aspects: teaching quality, facilities and resources, and career support. Ideal Skills: - Strong analytical skills - Excellent written communication - Experience in educational assessments - Knowledge of business school standards
I'm looking for a freelancer who can conduct comprehensive keyword research for my third e-commerce website. While I haven't specified the exact products or services we're selling, the focus will primarily be on physical products. Therefore, your keyword research should encompass a wide range of relevant physical product keywords. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in keyword research, specifically for e-commerce websites. - Familiarity with SEO tools and techniques. - Ability to understand and anticipate consumer search behavior. - Excellent analytical skills. - Strong communication skills. Please note, the target audience for this website is general consumers. Your keyword research should be able to identify keywords that would attract and...