I am looking for a student or junior UI/UX designer to create an engaging user interface for a SaaS website, greeting a seamless experience for our users. Key Responsibilities: * Use UI design kit out in the market to speed up the design. Design Preferences: * Incorporate a modern and minimalist design approach to make the website ...proficiency in website UI/UX design * Previous experience with SaaS platform design * Familiarity with modern, minimalist, and professional design approaches * Good understanding of color theories and user interface trends The applicant should demonstrate the willingness to learn and also to provide feedback and ask questions. If you're interested in this job, please submit your quote with first word saying: "15:35", otherwise your pr...
按照附件的筆記表, 以及本人將提供的馬名, 相應輸入"出閘失位", "望空", "首彎", "尾彎", "擠阻失位"共5個欄位, 約600個賽事場次.
1. 必須懂廣東話 2. 能用whatsapp與香港時間同步溝通 3. 工作耐心認真負責 4. 建設wordpress網站,按給予的模板仿製 5. 中英兩種語言 6. woo-commerce購物車及會員系統 7. 預計工作時間為3-4日 8. 必須包含電腦版與手機版 9. 支付方式是銀行轉賬(直接展示銀行號碼)及展示payme 二維碼,及paypal 10. 如客人有需要後台training ,需要教客人使用簡單後台及培訓(on line) 11. 包含網站遷移、服務器設置(客人自行購買服務器)、域名指向等全套服務 12. 內頁會找類似樣板,請模仿並建議更漂亮的形式進行製作,而不會提供首頁設計 13. 首頁已經設計好,並會提供AI文檔 14. 提供購買服務器建議及協助版面設置等 15. 整個項目完成預算大約HKD 1800
需求概述: 将get到的长链接转换成短链接后,用二维码api生产二维码显示到前端。 具体需求: 1.用YOURLS搭建 短链接服务。 并用shortcode方式写入function.php. 方便前端用shortcode调用。实例:下图是一个获取当前网址的shortcode,可以用来获取当前的长链接。 在前端,通过使用[geturl] 就可以显示输出当前网址。 (当然,输出当前网址方式有很多,这里只是实例说明 SHORTCODE的使用方法。) 短链接转换后,代码结构类似于: 这样, 我可以通过使用[shorturl]短代码在前端显示 转换后的短链接。 2.最后,使用google 二维码API(如果有国内类似的二维码api也可以。)短链接转换为二维码。 代码如下: <img src=";cht=qr&chl=[shorturl]&choe=UTF-8;chld=H;" title="Link to "> 上面标红的,就是用短代码将转换后的短链接传递给google api。 这段前端代码,可以直接在页面使用,也可以在我打印PDF模板使用。 如果国内有类似的前端调用的二维码生成api,能这样使用,也是可以的。
我需要一名给一款游戏写说明文和名字的,西班牙本地人,需要精通中文。如果有应用策划或者游戏策划方面的经验最佳。 详细内容: 1.根据ASO关键字来写游戏说明文和取名字。 您需要了解如何在Google Play Store 和App Store-Apple中查找关键字。 不用擔心,我會告訴您的。請檢查附件。 完成工作後,您需要提供給我一份西班牙語的关键字列表,以及一份西班牙語游戏说明文。 2.用西班牙语翻译一份大约600个汉字的游戏内的文字和截图上的文字。要求下载游戏并理解每个游戏的功能。
我想找一个虚拟助理 1.平时整理文档(word,excel ect) 2.每天在网上搜索行业内的热搜词并整理成文 3.制定每天的工作计划,整理产品图片并上传至公司网站
...独立承担责任 有位哲人这样说过:“一个人的幸福程度取决与他能够在多大程度上独立于这个世界”。这句话包含着深刻的智慧。很多的时候,独立意味着完整地承担必要的责任;能够运用自己的能力承担必要责任的人必然相对更加自信。别人能帮你一时,不会帮你一世的,谁都不喜欢和没有独立承担能力的人相处。别人有的能力是别人的,自己要有,让自己有价值,才会让自己有自信。 6.坚持微笑 微笑是对生活的一种态度,对自己的一种肯定鼓励。有时候不是说谁有多坚强,而是因为懂得,唯有微笑着坚持,如同一盏明灯,能驱散人心中的黑暗,微笑,是粒神奇的种子,撒在哪里,就在哪里生根发芽。当你微笑的时候,整个世界都在微笑。,云南玉龙雪山疑似山体崩塌 震撼视频画面曝光,芯桌试骄侵,才不要给Hebe移篮板 这样的田馥甄我只想嫁!,艺桶阶蛋辜,二手房每平5.4万新房销量大增4成 深圳楼市又火,诒葡渡膊固,世界最糟糕工作:印度清污工10年死亡近600人,涌少锰谧蛋,365体育美貌与实力并存,圆你跑车梦,持哦用殉倭,深圳住房改革3大配套文件:未来60%都是保障住房,富站八雍融https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-design/project-19493849/ https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-design/project-19493853/ https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-design/project-19493859/ https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-design/project-19493855/ https://www.freelancer.com/pro...
我公司是一家面对境外从事英文写作服务的机构,专业涵盖广泛,任务稳定,类型主要为Essay, Report等,工资按篇结算周期短,时间弹性大。现招聘有经验的英语写手。 酬劳:200-500元/千单词,视写作水平而定。 注意事项: 1.必须有澳洲,英国,加拿大或美国等国家的学科作业或论文写作经验,拒绝翻译写作,无经验的不予考虑; 2. 我们希望长期合作,只为解决手头暂时拮据而来应聘的,不予考虑; 3.时间充足,能提供详细联系方式; 4.责任心强,不应付,一旦发现应付,解除合作关系; 5.遵循客户要求,按时交稿,不拖稿,拖稿两次以上(含两次),解除合作; 6、做到后期耐心修改和指导。 7、熟悉金融,会计,计算机,法律,护理等专业知识的优先考虑,熟悉SPSS,Eviews等计量统计软件优先考虑,。 [Removed by Freelancer.com Admin - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions]
...计算机 (python,编程代码类优先)、数学,编程,历史,艺术,地理等以及能够写综合专业类的,要求英文功底强。 态度要求:热爱英文写作,具有认真负责的工作态度,有手机联系方式;良好的个人诚信,责任心强;有充足的空闲时间写作,拥有可供自已支配的电脑并且上网方便。 工作内容及职责: 1.长期从事英文写作文章,且全英文写作能力强,能独立查找文献资料,能独立完成文章写作(英语六级550以上,雅思写作单科6.5,以上,专八良好及以上) 2.主要负责国外大学的essay,paper需了解国外大学的论文格式,文献格式,以及注释;有写留学生原创Report、Essay经验。 3.学历要求硕士及以上,国内优秀的大学毕业也可,欢迎海外归来的优秀留学生。 4.有诚信,准时完成任务,保证稿件质量; 具备良好的职业道德,没有抄袭成分; 5.不是翻译,是写作工作,没有经验的或是只会翻译的我们将不给与答复。)初始酬劳优厚,长期合作人员薪酬将逐步提高。 优势: 工作时间和地点都是不限的,任务由你选择接与不接,我们会推送单子和任务给你,但是不接不影响下一次接单,工资 结算在稿件截稿日之日完成,特殊情况两日之内结清。如果你有数据分析、法律、计算机、数学,编程,历史,艺术,地理等方面的留学经历。对自己的ESSAY颇有心得,具有敏锐的直觉,有比较强的责任心,有充足的时间,欢迎投递简历给我们。 微信:tianxun1 QQ:2942613125
我们是一家在线培训公司。目前招聘自由职业IT人员,目标是在9月前为公司已有的官网搭建一个后台,需要有OA和HRM功能。 1. 用户登录,下单,支付,上传文件(通常是word文档) 2. 公司经理将客户下的任务人工分配给员工 3. 员工登录,下载文件,处理完文件后再次上传 4. 用户再次登录,下载文件,并在系统里面给这个单子打分,写反馈 5. 用户的反馈将直接存档到每位员工的电子档案里,以便经理定期管理员工表现和业绩 因此,平台需要能够处理公司的内部员工管理,包括绩效考核;同时要能为用户提供方便快捷的体验。除了要有以上功能,用户界面(UI)也希望能设计得人性化和美观。 要求: 1. 熟练掌握Java等语言 2. 有相关工作经验者优先 3. 沟通能力强者优先 说明: 1. 身份学历不限,能长期合作者优先 2. 薪酬从优,按任务完成质量发奖金,表现优秀者长期合作(下方投标价格仅供参考) 3. 自由职业,无须坐班,也没有固定的工作时间,能按截止日期完成任务即可 4. 需能在后期不定期帮助公司升级系统,公司将发放相应薪水 投递: 可通过本平台,也可以直接投递简历。简历投递邮箱:kevinyzl# (请将#替换成邮箱标志。可附上相关的作品) 如感兴趣,请尽快投递,谢谢!
This is the same project I posted before but I would like to provide more information on the essay. it is a 7000+ words narrative essay on my Grand mother who just passed away. For any one interested to bid for this project, can you please translate the following 2 paragraphs into English for me to see your translation style/skills. 1)外婆对生命充满热忱,对新事物,充满好奇,兴趣,跃跃欲试,直到人生最后一个阶段也如此. 2)外婆强烈的感恩心,让她很容易感受到别人的好, 她的口头禅是,”我真有福气,子孙大大小小都那么孝顺,对我那么好。“ 也因为这样,儿孙们都非常爱她,愿意为她做更多,是一种良性循环。 外婆这一套为人 处事方法,与现代管理学或“身心灵”书籍里教的 吻合,不同的是,书里往往把感恩当作为达到某种目的的工具。外婆的感恩心却是与生俱来,发自内心的,本质大大不同。 Thank you.
自动化完成购物流程,多线程工作,注册账号,搜索关键字,找到产品,添加心愿单 1开放登录网站批量注册账号密码 2在网站搜索关键词 3找到指定的产品 4点击此产品进入店铺详细信息页面 5本产品的收藏 6的IP地址可以通过VPN或ADSL拨号或代理IP方式改变计算机的IP地址 7清除浏览器缓存 8重新启动上述步骤 预算600元
读一篇关于Camus's speech 的五页文章和一份ppt,再根据要求写2-3页的文章
Awriter with strong MBAbackground is preferred
美国高中作文 用词简单 句式简单 及格即可 a five paragraph essay about Anglo-saxon literature
double space, 5-7page, MLA style, persuasive research paper, I already finish 2 pages and outline of this essay, please help me to rewriting this 2 page. use at least 4 sources to explain how and why food is connected to some dimension of the social or societal realm, the paper's goal is to use research findings to help the readers take a side on a particular issue. use evidence from sources to analysis and support the thesis need at least 2 requirement sources in the file. and also, need at least 2 sources from library website, I already found it and add it in the files. there totally have 4 sources in the files. 2 library source link (i also sent in the files)
我们公司为在中国的澳洲留学生提供代笔服务,如果您有意愿为我们服务可以留下您的联系方式。我们主要是代写essay,assignment,还会有research paper等,我查看你了的简历并想与您合作,更多细节可以详细聊
我们公司为在中国的澳洲留学生提供代笔服务,如果您有意愿为我们服务可以留下您的联系方式。我们主要是代写essay,assignment,还会有research paper等,我查看你了的简历并想与您合作,更多细节可以详细聊
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Spanish word recording'
Check out: You see the following phrases: 缘分是前世感情的延续, 缘分是今世的擦肩而过。 缘分是前世不变的誓言, 缘分是今生痛苦的约定。 缘分是一次机遇的把握, 缘分是一种爱慕的流逝。 缘分是相遇时美好梦想, 缘分是别离后苦涩回忆 I need 500 10-12 word phrases on 缘分.
...who are studying and need flexible work hours. Application Process: Ensure you meet all the equipment and availability requirements. Watch the mandatory 17-minute briefing video here: Submit your proposal starting with the final word from the video as the reason for your booking. Your proposal must include your CV as an attachment in either a readable PDF or Word Doc. If you do not use the word in the video nor attach your CV I will delete your bid - sorry but I get so many time wasters on here "autobidding" on things they don't really understand and have not read. This freelance role is perfect for those looking for flexible, interesting work with top-tier clients, providing a unique addition to your professional
I'm looking for a formal and professional writer to pen down articles focusing on demographic data and interviews with influencers and celebrities. The ideal candidate should have a keen interest in the world of celebrity and influencer culture, and be able to write engagingly about it. Key Responsibilities: - Writing articles (1500-2000 words) on a daily basis, focusing on demographi...and professional tone throughout. Budget: Rs 1200 Ideal Candidate: - A college student or fresher looking for an opportunity to gain experience in writing about influencers and celebrities. - Able to provide links to previous work or a sample file. - Commits to NO use of AI, as all articles will be checked for plagiarism. Please note, to avoid your bid being ignored, you must start it with the ...
I need an expert in PHP Laravel for integrating an SMS gateway (by - renflair. in) into my existing project. All files and code are ready for the integration. Key Details: - Budget: INR 600 - API Keys: Yes, I have them. - SMS Gateway Service: The specific service has not been decided yet. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PHP and Laravel - Experience with SMS gateway integration. - Ability to work with provided code and files.
I'm looking for a freelancer who can write a 2500-word essay, Deadline is 12 hours.
READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION! NO SCAM AND FAKE PRICE! I need help with an 8,000-word paper. My top priority is ensuring that all citations and references are uniform and flawless. The paper is currently formatted in Chicago 17th edition, which should be thoroughly reviewed and double-checked for accuracy. I would also like a copy of the paper reformatted in APA style. In addition to these adjustments, I would appreciate a thorough proofreading and humanizing of the entire paper. Send me a bid if you have already experience in this kinda a project
I'm looking for a university student, preferably from India, to assist me with writing tasks. The project involves completing 7 narrative essays focused on personal storytelling. This task will require 3 hours of your time, during which you'll need to screenshare and complete the tasks with me. Key Project Details: - Tasks involve writing essays (200-300 words each) - Focus on narrative essays with a personal storytelling aspect - 3 hours of screensharing and task completion Ideal Skills and Experience: - No need for exceptional writing or language skills, but basic competence is necessary - University student preferred - Familiarity with narrative essays and personal storytelling an advantage The essays will be written on predefined topics provided to the freelancer.
...Meet deadlines - Proactive & willing to go the extra mile - Freshers can also apply Job Responsibility: - Data Entry & basic admin tasks - Do some research jobs related to products and purchase - Online search for suppliers/ whole sellers/ manufacturer who can give quality products at a very competitive price If you are interested, then Please carefully review the provided information and add the word "Rainbow" at the beginning of your cover letter. Also, share your response to the below questions. 1) What commitments do you have right now? Are you employed? Student? Freelancer? 2) If shortlisted, how many hours per day can you contribute during the weekdays? 3) If shortlisted, what would be the lowest hourly rate that you can work for? 4) Your current age &am...
Procuro fornecedores de serviços de TI experientes. Tenho um fluxo de 20 reuniões com leads por semana em espanhol, inglês e português, procuro fechar vendas. Somos uma empresa com 21 anos de experiência e clientes na Índia, EUA, Espanha, Brasil e América Latina. Os projetos g...Experiência em vendas de plataformas web e Apps. - Facilidade de interação com clientes em diferentes países e fusos horários. - Excelentes habilidades de resolução de problemas e capacidade de solucionar problemas técnicos. - Capacidade de comunicação em espanhol, inglês e/ou português. Estimamos que com nossos leads eles possam ter em média 20 entrevistas por mês (US$ 200) e...
I have a Microsoft Word file that requires professional formatting. Some titles are incorrectly positioned at the bottom of pages and need to be moved to the next page for better layout. The current editing is loose and requires improvement. Additionally, I have a PowerPoint presentation, and I need its content integrated into the same Word file. Please insert the Notes view from each slide after the corresponding session in the document. Ensure the Table of Contents is updated accordingly. This task is urgent, and I need it completed within the next 2 hours. The work is straightforward and should take an expert about an hour to complete.
I'm looking to build a semantic search engine for Word and pdf documents. Users will upload their documents, which will then undergo text extraction for processing. The core functionality of this engine will be to convert the text into embeddings and perform a keyword-based semantic search using Qdrant. Key Features: - Uploading and processing Word and pdf documents - Text extraction from the documents - Conversion of text into embeddings - Keyword-based semantic search - Develop a ranking algorithm to prioritize search results based on relevance. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in working with Qdrant - Experience with semantic search engines - Document processing expertise, specifically with Word documents - Ability to implement text extraction functionalities - Un...
I need to automate a series of employment documents in Word. These include contracts, offer letters, a confidentiality deed, and a flexibility agreement. Key requirements: - Use of merge fields from a fill screen - Adjusting paragraphs based on a questionnaire I'm looking for someone with experience in document automation and a good understanding of Word's capabilities. Attention to detail and an understanding of employment documents would be a plus.
A Board Member asked to see a version with "Conservancy" under the "Creek Keepers." I said that if we add the word “Conservancy” we’ll need to shrink the font for "Menantic" or other graphic elements and the logo will loose some symmetry, simplicity, and visual appeal. But they want to see some ideas? I want to keep the font for “Conservancy” the same size as for "Creek Keepers" so maybe shrink "Menantic" and recenter around the space between "Creek Keepers" and “Conservancy”?
I would like to make huge ChatGPT lists by typing in a request for a list then keep pasting “more” to make it hundreds of pages long, copy it to a TXT document, copy it to a Word document, save the Word document as a PDF and deliver the 3 documents: TXT Word and PDF. How many pages of the TXT/word/PDF document (a total of 3 times that) will you supply per $1? Your bid doesn’t matter. I will milestone the cost and what to enter each time. When I hire you I will immediately milestone and release your $5 FL fee so it won’t cost you anything to start the project. But before we talk tell me the English word for the next prime number after seven. Charlie
Format a Word Document to improve readability. Looking for native English speaker 13 page which was extended by spaces between speakers so not much I will pay 100 rupees, if you are interested mention 100 rupees at top of bid. Budget too low? I will do this myself. Thanks!
...your information experience in English, to format and write this text: --- My experience in the volume of information I have spent the past ten years in the field of information supply, where I have acquired advanced skills in writing texts on various Microsoft units. During this period, I have learned: - Using Microsoft programs: I have become proficient in using programs such as Microsoft Word to formulate documents, Excel to innovate data and accounts, and Outlook to innovate email and appointments. - Accuracy and speed: The ability to transfer information with high accuracy and amazing speed, including the number and reason. - Dealing with data: I learned how to analyze data in ways that make it easier for users to access basic information. - Effective communication: D...
I have a simple project that involves converting a PDF document to a Word format. The document contains text only, and it's 1-10 pages long. Requirements: - Convert the PDF to a Word document while keeping the original formatting of the PDF as much as possible. - The document does not contain any images or tables, which simplifies the task. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Microsoft Word and PDF editing software. - Attention to detail to ensure the original formatting is preserved. - Experience in document conversion tasks.
I'm in need of an architect and engineer to design a floor plan for a modern, single-story residence. This should include center line, plinth beam details and footing details for RCC and construction. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in modern architectural design - Experienced in single-story residence planning - Knowledgeable in RCC construction specifications Please note, specific rooms or ...beam details and footing details for RCC and construction. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in modern architectural design - Experienced in single-story residence planning - Knowledgeable in RCC construction specifications Please note, specific rooms or areas have not been defined yet. Your expertise in optimizing space for a modern design is appreciated. The total area of the residence should be ...
I'm looking for an AWS expert to optimize my setup for a woocommerce website that needs to handle 500-600 concurrent users. The ideal candidate will have experience with: The goal is to ensure high availability, low latency, and seamless scalability. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in the past.
...proposal for composing two ghazals and one song for your 25th wedding anniversary celebration. With my expertise in Urdu poetry and songwriting, I'm confident in delivering high-quality compositions that capture the essence of your love story. Service I m offering: Composition of two original ghazals in Urdu. Composition of one original song in Urdu. - Delivery of final compositions in MS Word or Google Doc format. *Timeline:* - Project duration: 3 days - Milestones: - Day 1: First draft - Day 3: Final delivery of completed ghazals and song *Payment Terms:* - Total payment: 75$ - Payment schedule: - 33% payment before Complete delivery of first draft (Day 1) - 33% payment after delivery of second ghazal (day 2) - 33% after finalsubmission (d...