Weh we deh ? we deh yh Pon Di Lookout

  • 状态: Open
  • 奖金: $10
  • 参赛作品已收到: 5


Talk Show Segment Visuals Design

In this visual creation "Weh we deh ? we deh yh pon Di Lookout" is a Jamaican talk or conversation dialogue from a talk show segment. It translates to a situation where a speaker asks the question - Where are we? and the response is - We are here looking out. We want to paint a scene where the main objectives is to be a better version of ones self. We want to create a hub to share ideology.

Thoughts, Diet, Activity, Education, Music.

Create graphic visual add Mitilant theme

~add achievable rankings (Eva Militant, On Guard, Bad 24/7)
~add a Scene of gathering to exchange ideas

~add Jamaican Musicians(Alkaline,Protoje,Chronixx)
~add Rankings Tier/Level
~add Basketball
~add Brain lifting weights

Only English accepted.






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