Project grid puzzle n * n

  • 状态: Open
  • 奖金: $10
  • 参赛作品已收到: 8


create gird puzzle n * n so that each row and column exactly appear one unique number and The arithmetic operation of division, multiplication, addition and subtraction works on 2 column cells and the row cell is added, note shoude be using only java and python .





  • davids378
    • 1 天 之前

    Hi there,
    I have understood your need but still have a few questions to clarify:

    1. Just to confirm, you would like to generate the list of group detail , not the n x n grid right?

    2. What is the exact output format for the generator?
    Using your Test1 case, would you like the generator output:

    ([c_{1,1},c_{1,2},c_{2,1}],'-',4) for the first group in one line

    3. Do you have a constrained number of operations that must exist for each operation? From the first look, I think the difficulty increases if we uses fewer division '/' , multiplication '*' and minus '-' operation. If this is the case, shall we have one more line to input the parameters? Could your increase the prize to $30USD if this is the case?

    4. Do you have the expected timing for the generation? Like generating the groups for 2000x2000 should be under 5 seconds for example.

    5. Do you need the guarantee of one unique answer for any generated grid?


    • 1 天 之前


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