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Sue O.



Deliver with efficiency and quality

$50 USD / hora
Bandera de
China (7:26 p. m.)
Se uniĆ³ el diciembre 31, 2023
$50 USD / hora
3 years of experience as an executive assistant to a director in international school 2 years of experience as a project manager in a tech company Proved experience in managing emails and correspondence promptly and professionally, organising documents and calendars, travel arrangements in both Asia countries and Western countries, translations between English and Mandarin and Cantonese Spent 18 years in China, 12 years in Australia, sound knowledge of working with people from different cultural backgrounds Education: BA in Linguistics MA in Translations and Interpreting, Conference Interpreting MA in Early Childhood Teaching Work Experience: International school project management Translations and localisation (Education, Religion, Corporate PPT, etc,.) Project management in Data Collection - Global Project Voiceover Mindfulness Practitioner Knowledge in Buddhism, Spirituality, Astrology
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